地球信息科学学报  2017 , 19 (12): 1634-1642 https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01634



翟晓燕12, 刘荣华12, 杨益长3, 毕青云4, 刘启12

1. 中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038
2. 水利部防洪抗旱减灾工程技术研究中心,北京 100038
3. 顺昌县水利局,南平 353200
4.福建省防汛抗旱指挥部办公室,福州 350001

Flash Flood Warning-oriented Hydrometric Network Optimal Design

ZHAI Xiaoyan12*, LIU Ronghua12, YANG Yichang3, BI Qingyun4, LIU Qi12

1. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China
2. Research Center on Flood and Drought Disaster Reduction of the Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing 100038, China
3. Bureau of Water Conservancy in Shunchang, Nanping 353200, China
4. Office of Fujian Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, Fuzhou 350001, China

通讯作者:  *Corresponding author: ZHAI Xiaoyan, E-mail: zhaixy@iwhr.com

收稿日期: 2017-07-14

修回日期:  2017-08-24

网络出版日期:  2017-12-25

版权声明:  2017 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51409143)中国水科院科研专项(JZ0145B042016)


作者简介:翟晓燕(1989-),女,工程师,研究方向为水文学及水资源。E-mail: zhaixy@iwhr.com



山洪灾害是中国高频发、高死亡率的自然灾害之一。水雨情站网的合理布设及优化,有利于捕获区域暴雨、洪水情势变化的时空异质性,可显著提高中小流域山洪预警的精度,增强山洪灾害防御能力。本文以山洪灾害高发的福建省顺昌县为例,提出了面向山洪预警的水雨情站网布设方法。县内现状雨量和水位站网监测密度分别为37 km2/站和76 km2/站,主要分布在平原主干河流地区,山洪灾害重点防治区内站网布设不足,小流域暴雨山洪监测和预警能力较弱。针对上述问题,综合分析流域降雨时空特征、历史山洪灾害与山洪灾害预警预报需求,对研究区水雨情站网进行了合理性分析和布设研究,建议增设雨量站3座、水位站3座,其中一座水位站同时监测降雨过程,调整后县内雨量站和水位站的监测密度达到34 km2/站和68 km2/站。本文研究对山洪灾害高发区的水雨情站网布设具有参考和指导意义。

关键词: 水雨情站网 ; 站网布设 ; 锥体法 ; 山洪预警 ; 顺昌县


Flash flood disaster ranks top among the natural hazards in China due to its frequent occurrence and high mortality. It has posed a severe threat to national public safety and water security. The optimal design of hydrometric network helps to capture the spatial and temporal variability of regional storm events and flash flood regimes, which can significantly improve the accuracy of flash flood warning and strengthen the flood defense capacity in small and medium catchments. However, the quantitative research on the optimal design of hydrometric network is relatively rare with consideration of flash flood disaster prevention and control. In this study, a flash flood warning-oriented method for the optimal design of hydrometric network is proposed, and Shunchang County in Fujian Province which is frequently subject to flash flood disasters is selected as a case study. Specifically, the optimal design method for rainfall station includes the Cone method and the correlation analysis method, and should further consider the characteristics of historical storm events and flash flood disasters, and local social and economic situations. The optimal design of water stage station should comprehensively consider the occurrence frequency and impact extent of historical flash flood disasters, flash flood warning requirements, and local social and economic situations. The current densities are 37 km2 per station and 76 km2 per station for rainfall stations and water stage stations, respectively, while most of the stations are distributed along the main streams in the plain, and the monitoring stations are insufficient especially in the key prevention districts for flash flood disasters. Thus, the current monitoring capacity and early warning capacity are rather weak in Shunchang County, which significantly weakens the warning and forecasting capacities of local flash flood disasters. For addressing those above-mentioned problems, the current designs of rainfall station and water stage station are quantitatively analyzed and optimized according to the spatial and temporal characteristics of storm events, the historical flash flood disasters and the forecasting requirements of flash floods. The results show that three new rainfall stations and three new water stage stations are suggested to be established in Shunchang County, in which one water stage station monitors rainfall process meanwhile. The three new rainfall stations are evenly distributed along the densely populated mountainous tributaries with rare rainfall monitoring stations and relatively weak flood defense capacity. Their establishments can improve the forecasting accuracy of local flash floods. The three new water stage stations are evenly distributed along the densely populated mountainous tributaries with relatively weak flood defense capacity, and their establishments can guarantee the forecasting requirements of flash flood disasters, and the safety of downstream villages and water infrastructures. After the optimal design of the hydrometric network in Shunchang County, the density of rainfall station and water stage station arrive at 34 km2 per station (31 rainfall stations) and 68 km2 per station (29 water stage stations), respectively. This study is expected to provide scientific references and technical guidance for the robust and quantitative design of hydrometric network in regions frequently hit by flash floods.

Keywords: hydrometric network ; network optimal design ; Cone method ; flash flood warning ; Shunchang County


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翟晓燕, 刘荣华, 杨益长, 毕青云, 刘启. 面向山洪预警的水雨情监测站网布设方法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017, 19(12): 1634-1642 https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01634

ZHAI Xiaoyan, LIU Ronghua, YANG Yichang, BI Qingyun, LIU Qi. Flash Flood Warning-oriented Hydrometric Network Optimal Design[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017, 19(12): 1634-1642 https://doi.org/10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01634

1 引言

山洪灾害已成为中国高频发和高死亡率的自然灾害之一,严重威胁了国民生命财产安全和水安全,是中国防汛减灾工作的重点和难点问题[1-3]。短历时强降雨是诱发山洪灾害的直接因素和激发条件[4],溪沟、河川水情变化是山洪过程的直观反映,及时准确地监测降雨和径流情势变化是预测山洪暴发的基础和前提[5-6]。地面监测站网是获取区域尤其是地形复杂的中小流域暴雨、水文特性的重要途径之一,水雨情站网的合理布设及优化有利于捕获降雨量及强度变化、洪水情势变化的时空异质性[7],减少流域水文模拟的不确定性,显著提高中小流域洪水预报、山洪灾害预警的精度[8]。中国自1956年开展了第一次全国站网规划,并逐年进行了优化调整。截止到2009年,中国雨量站和水位站平均密度约为500 km2/站和5600 km2/站,基本达到世界气象组织推荐的容许最稀站网密度[9],但对于山洪灾害频繁发生的山丘区中小流域的站网密度要求仍难以满足,严重制约了山洪灾害预警预报能力[10]。2006年国务院正式批复了《全国山洪灾害防治规划》,要求加强水雨情监测等非工程措施建设,提升山洪灾害监测预警和防御能力。自2010年起,中国已初步建立了覆盖山洪灾害防治区的监测预警网络[6,11],但仍需结合区域山洪特点和规律、山洪灾害预警需求等,进一步完善优化水雨情监测站网,提升县级、省级和国家级防灾减灾能力,为山丘区人民生命财产提供安全保障。

近年来,国内外许多学者对水雨情站网布设方法开展了广泛的研究[12-13]。国外常用的方法包括统计分析法、空间插值技术、熵理论、用户调查法以及综合法等[14]。统计分析法包括方差缩减技术[15-16]、主成分分析法[17-18]、回归分析法[19-20]、广义最小二乘法[21]等,常用于水文气象条件均质的流域;空间插值技术依赖已建测站的长序列历史资料进行站网优化或布设[22-23];熵理论认为雨量站应布设在信息传递值较小的地区[24-26]。上述方法多用于已设站网稠密地区的优化问题。中国学者于20世纪50、60年代提出了积差法、暴雨中心控制面积法、锥体法等基本雨量站网布设方法[13,27],但前2种方法由于存在理论缺陷和布站间距要求较小等问题,已较少应用[28];锥体法由于方法简便、资料要求低,目前已被广泛用于中国站网稀疏的中小流域站网布设及规划[29-31]。20世纪80年代以来提出的抽站法和流域水文模型法等对站网密度和监测序列长度要求较高,常用于检验其他方法的合理性[5,32-34]。1981年原水利电力部水文局采用江西省雨量站网试验区高密度的雨量站点构建了经验公式,用于梅雨型中小河流配套雨量站网布设[35-37]。王美荣等[38]基于流域数字水文模型探究了水阳江流域29个雨量站布设的合理性。李春红等[39]采用相关分析、雨量等值线、抽站法、站网与预报模型匹配法论证了新丰江流域的雨量站网布设。虽然近年来水雨情站网布设方法已较为成熟并得到了广泛的应用,但考虑 山洪灾害防治的站网布设定量化方法研究相对较少[5,40-41]。因此,本文以山洪灾害高发的福建省顺昌县为例,提出了面向山洪预警的水雨情站网布设方法,综合分析流域降雨时空特征、历史山洪灾害与山洪灾害预警预报需求,对水雨情站网进行了合理性分析,并给出优化布设方案。

2 研究区概况

顺昌县位于福建省西北部(117°30′~118°14′ E,26°39′~27°12′ N),全县总面积为1985 km2,其中山区面积为1618 km2,占总面积的81.5%。县域属亚热带湿润性季风气候,多年平均降雨量和径流深分别为1756 mm和870 mm,其中汛期(4-10月)降雨量约占全年总量的78%。县内洪水主要由锋面雨和台风雨形成。富屯溪和金溪为县内主干流,属于闽江水系,境内山区性小溪流众多,短历时、强暴雨极易导致洪水峰高流急,极易暴发山洪灾害。顺昌县已建雨量站28座、水位站26座,其中水库水位站14座,水位站同时监测降雨过程。已建雨量站网监测密度约为37 km2/站,水位站网监测密度约为76 km2/站。流域内下垫面空间分布较为均匀,主要的土地利用类型为有林地(79%)和耕地(13%),主要的土壤类型为红壤(80%)和水稻土(16%)。顺昌县地形及水雨情监测站网布设情况如图1所示。

图1   研究区概况图

Fig. 1   Map of the study area


3 研究方法

3.1 雨量站网布设方法

雨量站网布设涉及雨量站总数及其空间分布分析和优化。采用锥体法分析满足流域山洪灾害预警分析要求的雨量站总数;采用相关系数法和考虑山洪预警的站网布设方法对雨量站的空间分布进行优化,前者侧重降雨过程的时空分布特征,后者侧重历史山洪灾害情况及山洪灾害预警预报 需求。

3.1.1 锥体法














3.1.2 相关系数法



式中:ij分别表示第ij个雨量站(i=1, 2, …, n;j=1, 2, …, n; ij);n为流域内雨量站个数;Rij为第ij个雨量站的降雨量相关系数;XikXjk分别为第ij个雨量站的第k个降雨量值(k=1, 2, …, m);m为降雨量序列长; X̅iX̅j分别为第ij个雨量站的降雨量平均值。

3.1.3 考虑山洪预警的站网布设




(3)山洪易发区内的主暴雨区及地质灾害多发区的雨量站网布设密度应达到20~30 km2/站,次 暴雨区及地质灾害区雨量站网布设密度应达到 50~100 km2/站,一般暴雨区雨量站网布设密度应达到100~200 km2/站;



3.2 水位站网布设方法


(1)山洪灾害重点防治区范围内人口分布较为稠密或分布有重要工况的村庄、流域,应在其上游布设水位监测站,并预留至少30 min的洪水预警 时间;

(2)对于无水位监测设施的水库(尤其是重要的小I型水库)、山塘等水利设施,其下游人口分布较为密集时,应在坝前布设水位监测站,并预留至少30 min的洪水预警时间;



4 结果与分析

4.1 雨量站网布设及评价



表1   顺昌县主要流域水雨情站点情况

Tab. 1   Hydrometric network of four main catchments in Shunchang County



顺昌县暴雨历时短、强度大、洪水暴涨暴落,取1 h作为雨量统计的时段长。顺昌县山洪灾害调查分析评价结果显示,富屯溪(干流)、仁寿溪、路兹溪和高阳河流域的下渗率分别为2.4、2.4、2.2和 2.3 mm/h,选取次降雨量能产生径流的雨量进行统计分析。雨量站网布设应满足各流域山洪灾害预警分析要求,即80%以上测次的1 h面雨量相对误差小于±10%[32]

富屯溪(干流)流域分别以郑坊站(P0=7.47 mm)和光地站(P0=7.74 mm)为暴雨中心进行计算和验证,流域内需均匀设立22~23个雨量站;仁寿溪流域分别以河墩站(P0=8.32 mm)和仁寿站 (P0=7.82 mm)为暴雨中心进行计算和验证,流域内需均匀设立10-11个雨量站;路兹溪流域分别以大历站(P0=8.40 mm)和建西站(P0=6.78 mm)为暴雨中心进行计算和验证,流域内需均匀设立11个雨量站;高阳河流域分别以高阳站(P0=4.73 mm)和安浆站(P0=2.28 mm)为暴雨中心进行计算和验证,流域内需均匀设立4个雨量站。上述计算结果表明,目前顺昌县内各主要流域所建雨量站数基本满足各流域山洪灾害预警分析的精度要求。


山洪预警通常采用泰森多边形法获得流域面雨量,为此,本文首先采用泰森多边形分析各站点的控制面积,然后对控制面积较大的站点进行邻近站点降雨量相关性分析。顺昌县内各雨量站对应的泰森多边形如图2所示,各雨量站控制面积为5.15~176.75 km2。其中,雨量站对应的泰森多边形面积较大,且疏于县平均站网密度的站点为:安浆站(176.75 km2)、东坑站(129.09 km2)、武坊站(117.48 km2)、慈悲站(95.02 km2)、余塘站(87.84 km2)、南湖站(84.00 km2)、光地站(83.70 km2)和苦竹际站 (82.65 km2)。其中,安浆站和东坑站对应的泰森多边形多位于县外,此处不做进一步分析。

图2   顺昌县雨量站及对应的泰森多边形分布图

Fig. 2   Spatial distribution of rainfall stations and corresponding Thiessen polygons in Shunchang County


表2   邻近雨量站降雨特性相关分析结果

Tab. 2   Correlation analysis of rainfall properties among adjacent rainfall stations




图3   顺昌县基于雨量、水位预警的拟设站区域及防护对象防洪能力分布图

Fig. 3   Regions of new stations based on rainfall/water stage warnings and flood control capacity of villages in Shunchang County



对于山洪灾害重点防治区内防洪能力较弱,且分布有大量村庄、人口较为密集的区域,需增设测站提高预警能力。拟增设测站的区域如图3所示。其中,区域1(Ad2站)位于山洪灾害重点防治区;区域内有1个村庄(谢厝)的防洪能力小于5年一遇, 2个村庄(路马头、土丰)的防洪能力为5-10年一遇;危险区人数超过400人。区域2(Ad3站)处于山洪灾害重点防治区范围;区域内有2个村庄(埂头、江南处)的防洪能力小于5年一遇,1个村庄(溪兰边)的防洪能力为5-6年一遇;相邻 2个小流域内危险区总人口达100人;沿河村落分布密集(2 km2/村)。区域3(Ad4站)内无雨量站,且沿河村落分布密集(3.3 km2/村)。

4.2 水位站网布设及评价

水位站的布设应考虑山洪灾害影响程度、影响范围、保护范围重要程度等实际情况。对于山洪灾害重点防治区内防洪能力较弱,且分布有大量村庄、人口较为密集的区域,考虑到下游防护对象的防洪和预警需求,需在防护对象上游增设水位站。拟增设测站的区域如图3所示。其中,仁寿溪流域出口附近下河墩村防洪能力为10-20年一遇,危险区人口超过100人,沿河村落分布较为密集(2 km2/村)。根据顺昌县山洪灾害调查分析评价结果可知,该村成灾流量对应的断面平均流速为6 m/s,为保证下游防护对象水位预警时间不少于半小时,建议在距离下游防洪对象约11 km处增设水位站点(Az1站)。麻溪流域出口附近麻溪村防洪能力为5-10年一遇,沿河村落分布较为密集(2.56 km2/村)。该村成灾流量对应的断面平均流速为2 m/s,为保证下游防护对象水位预警时间不少于半小时,建议在距离下游防洪对象约 4 km处增设水位站点(Az2站)。

除坊上水库外,流域内小I型水库和中型水库基本配套建设了水库水位站。坊上水库为小I型水库(库容为855.8万m³),且处于山洪灾害重点防治区内,其下游沿河村落分布较为密集(3.85 km2/村),为保障下游防护对象防洪安全,建议配套建设坊上水库水位站(Az3站)。

4.3 水雨情站网综合布设


表3   顺昌县水雨情站网布设建议

Tab. 3   Recommendations of new hydrometric stations in Shunchang County




座,由于增设雨量站Ad2与增设水位站Az1距离较近(约2 km),可将两站合并为一个水位监测站,可同时监测降雨和水位过程。因此,建议顺昌县增设雨量站3座,水位站3座,且保证一座水位站同时监测降雨过程。进行站网优化布设后,顺昌县共布设有31座雨量站,29座水位站,雨量站和水位站的布设密度分别为34 km2/站和68 km2/站,站网密度分别增加了8%和10%。



图4   顺昌县增设测站分布图

Fig. 4   Spatial distribution of new stations in Shunchang County

5 结论



(2)对水雨情站网进行综合优化布设后,县内共布设有31座雨量站,29座水位站,雨量站和水位站密度分别为34 km2/站和68 km2/站,站网密度分别增加了8%和10%。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 马建华,胡维忠.



https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-4179.2005.06.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

近年灾害损失统计表明,山洪灾害造成的危害愈来愈重,损失愈来愈 大.因山洪灾害造成的死亡人数占洪灾死亡人数的一半以上,山洪灾害已经成为当前防洪减灾中的突出问题.深入分析了我国山洪灾害的特点,在总结山洪灾害防治 建设成就,分析现状和存在的问题的基础上,结合经济社会的发展要求,阐述了我国防治山洪灾害面临的形势.贯彻以人为本、全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观, 论述了防治山洪灾害的总体思路,提出了以非工程措施为主,非工程措施与工程措施相结合的山洪灾害防治综合对策措施.

[ Ma J H, Hu W Z.

China’s flash flood disaster and its control measures

[J]. Yangtze River, 2005,36(6):3-5. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-4179.2005.06.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

近年灾害损失统计表明,山洪灾害造成的危害愈来愈重,损失愈来愈 大.因山洪灾害造成的死亡人数占洪灾死亡人数的一半以上,山洪灾害已经成为当前防洪减灾中的突出问题.深入分析了我国山洪灾害的特点,在总结山洪灾害防治 建设成就,分析现状和存在的问题的基础上,结合经济社会的发展要求,阐述了我国防治山洪灾害面临的形势.贯彻以人为本、全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观, 论述了防治山洪灾害的总体思路,提出了以非工程措施为主,非工程措施与工程措施相结合的山洪灾害防治综合对策措施.
[2] 赵刚,庞博,徐宗学,.



[ Zhang G, Pang B, Xu Z X, et al.

Assessment on the hazard of flash flood disasters in China

[J]. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 2016,47(9):1133-1142,1152. ]

[3] Miao Q H, Yang D W, Yang H B, et al.

Establishing a rainfall threshold for flash flood warnings in China’s mountainous areas based on a distributed hydrological model

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016,541(Part A):371-386.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.04.054      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Flash flooding is one of the most common natural hazards in China, particularly in mountainous areas, and usually causes heavy damage and casualties. However, the forecasting of flash flooding in mountainous regions remains challenging because of the short response time and limited monitoring capacity. This paper aims to establish a strategy for flash flood warnings in mountainous ungauged catchments across humid, semi-humid and semi-arid regions of China. First, we implement a geomorphology-based hydrological model (GBHM) in four mountainous catchments with drainage areas that ranges from 493 to 1601km2. The results show that the GBHM can simulate flash floods appropriately in these four study catchments. We propose a method to determine the rainfall threshold for flood warning by using frequency analysis and binary classification based on long-term GBHM simulations that are forced by historical rainfall data to create a practically easy and straightforward approach for flash flood forecasting in ungauged mountainous catchments with drainage areas from tens to hundreds of square kilometers. The results show that the rainfall threshold value decreases significantly with increasing antecedent soil moisture in humid regions, while this value decreases slightly with increasing soil moisture in semi-humid and semi-arid regions. We also find that accumulative rainfall over a certain time span (or rainfall over a long time span) is an appropriate threshold for flash flood warnings in humid regions because the runoff is dominated by excess saturation. However, the rainfall intensity (or rainfall over a short time span) is more suitable in semi-humid and semi-arid regions because excess infiltration dominates the runoff in these regions. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the rainfall threshold and find that the proposed method produces reasonably accurate flash flood warnings in the study catchments. An evaluation of the performance at uncalibrated interior points in the four gauged catchments provides results that are indicative of the expected performance at ungauged locations. We also find that insufficient historical data lengths (13years with a 5-year flood return period in this study) may introduce uncertainty in the estimation of the flood/rainfall threshold because of the small number of flood events that are used in binary classification. A data sample that contains enough flood events (10 events suggested in the present study) that exceed the threshold value is necessary to obtain acceptable results from binary classification.
[4] 张志彤.



https://doi.org/10.13928/j.cnki.wrahe.2016.01.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[ Zhang Z T.

Mountain torrent disaster prevention and control measures and their effects

[J]. Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, 2016,47(1):1-5. ]

https://doi.org/10.13928/j.cnki.wrahe.2016.01.001      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[5] 舒大兴,韩金山.



https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0852.2011.05.012      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


[ Shu D X, Han J S.

Discussion on rainfall station network density of torrential disaster monitoring

[J]. Journal of China Hydrology, 2011,31(5):64-67. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0852.2011.05.012      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[6] 何秉顺,严建华.



[本文引用: 2]     

[ He B S, Yan J H.

Recognition of water stage warning for flash flood

[J]. China Flood & Drought Management, 2016,26(5):61-63. ]

[本文引用: 2]     

[7] Marra F, Zoccatelli D.

Design of rain gauge networks for flash flood prediction: Assessment based on spatial moments of catchment rainfall

[J]. EGU General Assembly, 2012,14:14480.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Despite the availability of weather radar data at high spatial (1 km2) and temporal (5-15 min) resolution, ground-based rain gauges continue to be necessary for accurate estimation of storm rainfall input to catchments during flash flood events, especially in terrain characterized by complex orography. A long-standing problem in catchment hydrology is to establish optimal placement and density of a rain gauge network to acquire data on both rainfall depth and spatiotemporal variability of intensity during extreme storm events. Using weather radar observations and a dense network of rain gauges, this study examines whether it is possible to determine a reliable "best" set of rain gauge locations for a number of catchments subject to flash floods observed in Europe. High-quality rainfall data are used to evaluate several configurations of a raingauge network with variable spatial densities. A methodology is used for the selection of raingauge sites, given a certain spatial density, which is based on the use of the spatial moments of catchment rainfall. This set of statistics quantifies the dependence existing between spatial rainfall organisation, basin morphology and runoff response. These statistics describe the spatial rainfall organisation in terms of position and dispersion as a function of the distance measured along the flow routing coordinate. Rainfall estimates obtained from the 'optimised' raingauge network are used as input for a distributed hydrological model. Results from these simulations are compared with those obtained by using the measured rainfall and with those obtained by estimating rainfall from randomly designed network ensembles. Our results show that indications from the optimization of the spatial moments of catchment rainfall may help to provide a robust design for rain gauge network design.
[8] Johnson D, Smith M, Korean V, et al.

Comparing mean areal precipitation estimates from NEXARD and rain gauge networks

[J]. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 1999,4(2):117-124.

[本文引用: 1]     

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The guide to hydrological practices, Volume I hydrology-from measurement to hydrological information

[R]. WMO Publication No. 168, Sixth eds, 2008.

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[10] 何惠.



Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[ He H.

Chinese gauging station net work

[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2010,21(4):460-465. ]

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] 国家防汛抗旱总指挥部办公室.全国山洪灾害防治县级非工程措施建设管理总结报告[R]. 2013,7.

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[ Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters. Report on the implementation and management of non-engineering measures at county level for flash flood disaster prevention and control[R]. 2013,7. ]

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[12] 胡凤彬.



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[ Hu F B.

Hydrologic network design

[M]. Nanjing: Hohai University Press, 1993. ]

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[13] 陆桂华,蔡建元,胡凤彬.



[本文引用: 2]     

[ Lu G H, Cai J Y, Hu F B.

Hydrologic network design and optimization

[M]. Zhengzhou: The Yellow River Water Conservancy Press, 2001. ]

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[14] Mishra A K, Coulibaly P.

Developments in hydrometric network design: A review

[J]. Reviews of Geophysics, 2009,47,RG2001, doi:10.1029/2007RG000243.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[1] Hydrometric network design for surface water monitoring is employed to address a wide range of environmental and water resources problems. Historical overview of hydrometric network design is provided along with a discussion on new developments and challenges in the design of optimal hydrometric networks. This review starts with precise examples of decline in hydrometric network density, then highlights the increasing requirement of optimal network design in a context of climate and land use changes. An extensive survey of methodological development in hydrometric network design is provided along with discussion on the issue of uncertainty in hydrometric network design and the evolution in data collection techniques and technology. Finally, some conclusions are drawn on the future of hydrometric network design.
[15] Eagleson R.

Optimum design of rainfall networks

[J]. Water Resources Research, 1967,3(4):1021-1033.

https://doi.org/10.1029/WR003i004p01021      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Techniques of harmonic analysis and the concepts of distributed linear systems are used to study the sensitivity of peak catchment discharge to the characteristic spatial variability of convective and cyclonic storm rainfall. Application of the sampling theorem leads to quantitative general relations for optimum rainfall network density for flood forecasting purposes. Specification of network density for the study of long-term, catchment-average rainfall is accomplished by considering the long-term point rainfall as a homogeneous random variable to be sampled spatially. Incorporation of catchment dynamics into the design of flood forecasting networks reduces the number of gages needed when compared with that obtained solely through consideration of precipitation variability. In many studies little advantage is gained by utilizing more than two properly located stations for the determination of long-term areal mean rainfall.
[16] Dymond J.

Raingauge network reduction

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 1982,57:81-91.

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[17] Morin G, Fortin J P, Sochanska W, et al.

Use of principal component analysis to identify homogenous precipitation stations for optimal interpolation

[J]. Water Resources Research, 1979,15(6):1841-1850.

https://doi.org/10.1029/WR015i006p01841      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Eaton River precipitation network was set up as one of the Quebec International Hydrologic Decade projects in 1965. At the end of the decade, in 1975, 30 stations had been in operation for most of the period in this 248-mi(643 km) basin. After a principal components analysis of the data from 14 of the 30 stations on 10-day precipitation totals, it was found that the stations could be divided into three groups, the composition and geographic distribution of which change from season to season. It was also possible to identify which stations were redundant and could be closed should it become necessary. Application of optimal interpolation, season by season, to a 30- and a 5-station network showed that the precision of point interpolation varies more from season to season for the same network than from the 30- to the 5-station network for the same season. In fact, errors of interpolation caused by microclimatic irregularities and by observational errors in the initial data are greater than those resulting from the reduction of the network from 30 to 5 stations.
[18] Basalirwa C P K, Ogallo L J, Mutua F M.

The design of a regional minimum raingauge network

[J]. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1993,9(4):411-424.

https://doi.org/10.1080/07900629308722598      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study attempts to design a minimum raingauge network for Uganda. Monthly rainfall totals from 102 stations within the period 1940–75 are used. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used first to delineate Uganda into homogeneous rainfall subdivisions. The station with the highest PCA‐derived communality from each group of stations within each subdivision was then chosen to form the minimum network design. A minimum network of 14 stations was derived. Although less than 50% of the areal rainfall variance was explained in some subdivisions during some rainfall seasons, a minimum network design provides the best climatological data samples that are representative of all the unique rainfall characteristics over the region.
[19] Basist A, Bell G D, Meentemeyer V.

Statistical relationships between topography and precipitation patterns

[J]. Journal of Climate, 1994,7(9):1305-1315.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[20] Skok G.

Analytical and practical examples of estimating the average nearest-neighbor distance in a rain gauge network

[J]. Meteorologische Zeitschritt, 2006,15(5):565-573.

https://doi.org/10.1127/0941-2948/2006/0159      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper deals with estimating the average n-th neighbor distance in a rain gauge network using analytical expressions. Research was carried out to find the relationship between the total number of rain gauges, the area size, and the shape of a domain on one side and the average distance to the n-th neighbor on the other side. Authors such as Hertz (1909) and Chandrasekhar (1943) have shown that when a random distribution of rain gauges and an infinite domain are assumed, a simple analytical formula can be obtained. For a circular domain, one gets a first neighbor formula, given by an integral which has to be integrated numerically. For neighbors located further away and other domain shapes, meaning not infinite and not circular, the best way to estimate the average n-th neighbor distance seems to be a computer program which uses a random number generator to distribute the rain gauges in a domain. After the process of random distribution is complete, then the distance to the n-th neighbor is found for each rain gauge. These distances are then averaged. We performed tests using seven domain shapes and the results show that the average distance to the nearest neighbor is always larger in a limited domain rather than in an infinite domain with the same rain gauge density. The difference between the average distance in an infinite and in a particular domain depends on the shape of the domain and the total number of rain gauges within it. The length of a boundary does not inherently influence the magnitude of the difference. However, the difference is small if the total number of rain gauges is large and a simple infinite domain equation can usually be used. For any tested domain the difference is less than 10 % if the number of rain gauges is larger than 100. The assumption of randomly distributed rain gauges limits the usefulness of the method. There are cases, such as smaller countries or country sub-regions, where the rain gauges might be more or less evenly scattered in the domain. In these cases the method is still useful and the distance to the n-th neighbor could be estimated using a simple analytical expression.
[21] Moss M E, Tasker G D.

An intercomparison of hydrological network-design technologies

[J]. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 1991,36:209-221.

https://doi.org/10.1080/02626669109492504      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Two network-design technologies are compared by random sub-sampling of actual streamflow data. The technologies, Network Analysis for Regional Information (NARI) and Network Analysis Using Generalized Least Squares (NAUGLS), have a common objective, viz. to maximize regional information within a limited budget and time horizon. The data used for intercomparison are from a network of 146 streamgauges in the central part of the United States. In general, the results for the illustrative example indicate that the NAUGLS method conveys more information than the NARI method to the network designer interested in maximizing regional information about mean annual flows with a limited budget.
[22] Bastin G, Lorent C D, Gevers M.

Optimal estimation of the average areal rainfall and optimal selection of rain gauge locations

[J]. Water Resources Research, 1984,20:463-470.

https://doi.org/10.1029/WR020i004p00463      URL      PMID: 6368295      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Using a linear minimum variance unbiased estimation procedure for the estimation of spatially distributed random variables (called "kriging" by geostatisticians) we solve the following problems : 1) estimate the average areal rainfall over a catchment area from measurements in a few rain-gauges, and 2) find the measurement locations that will give the most accurate estimate of this areal rainfall. Furthermore we show that the estimated areal rainfall depends only on the location of the rain-gauges, and that one can find the measurement locations leading to the smallest estimation error variance.
[23] Wei C, Chiang J L, Wey T H, et al.

Rain gauges network design using discrete entropy and Kriging approach

[J]. EGU General Assembly, 2010,12:10421.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A well designed rainfall network can accurately provide and reflect the information of rainfall in a catchment. However, the adequate number and optimal location of rain gauge stations have yet to obtain a satisfactory result. At alpine area, in particular, due to the high variation of relief, a more accurate design of raingauge network is required. Hence, a proposed model composed of kriging and discrete entropy is introduced in this study to relocate the rainfall network and to obtain the optimal design with the minimum number of rain gauges. The ordinary kriging is used to generate rainfall data of potential locations where rain gauge stations may be installed. The information entropy based on probability is used to measure the uncertainty of rainfall distribution. By calculating the joint entropy and the transferable information, the relocated rain gauges are prioritized and the minimum number and location of the rain gauges in the catchment can be obtained to construct the optimal rainfall network to replace the existing rainfall network. The alpine area located at Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University in central Taiwan is selected as the target area. Comprising 50 existed rain gauges, 346 blocks covering 1 脳 1 kmsize are delineated from the target area as the candidate rain gauges to test the proposed algorithm using rainfall records between 1992 and 2009. The result shows that only 2 and 5 candidate rain gauges can represent 62.93% and 85.21% of variance of rainfall distribution respectively.
[24] Husain T.

Hydrologic network design formulation

[J]. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 1987,12(1):44-59.

[本文引用: 1]     

[25] Yang Y, Burn D H.

An entropy approach to data collection network design

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 1994,157:307-324.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-1694(94)90111-2      URL      摘要

A new methodology is developed for data collection network design. The approach employs a measure of the information flow between gauging stations in the network which is referred to as the directional information transfer. The information flow measure is based on the entropy of gauging stations and pairs of gauging stations. Non-parametric estimation is used to approximate the multivariate probability density functions required in the entropy calculations. The potential application of the approach is illustrated using extreme flow data from a collection of gauging stations located in southern Manitoba, Canada.
[26] 李禾澍,王栋,王远坤.



https://doi.org/10.13232/j.cnki.jnju.2017.02.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[ Li H S, Wang D, Wang Y K.

Entropy-based multi-objective optimization for hydrologic networks

[J]. Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences), 2017,53(2):326-332. ]

https://doi.org/10.13232/j.cnki.jnju.2017.02.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[27] 黄河水利委员会水文处研究室.



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选取新丰江流域典型降雨过程,采用相关分析、雨量等值线分析、抽 站分析和站网与预报模型匹配分析等方法对其雨量站网布设的合理性进行分析论证,提出了现有站网的调整意见.在站网与预报模型的匹配分析中,通过对雨量站网 调整前后预报拟合结果的对比分析,表明雨量站网的调整对控制流域的暴雨分布、提高洪水预报精度有很大的帮助.

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选取新丰江流域典型降雨过程,采用相关分析、雨量等值线分析、抽 站分析和站网与预报模型匹配分析等方法对其雨量站网布设的合理性进行分析论证,提出了现有站网的调整意见.在站网与预报模型的匹配分析中,通过对雨量站网 调整前后预报拟合结果的对比分析,表明雨量站网的调整对控制流域的暴雨分布、提高洪水预报精度有很大的帮助.
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https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-4179.2008.06.013      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

通过对吉安市历史暴雨山洪及地质灾害有关资料的综合分析,初步探 讨了暴雨山洪地质灾害的成因及在时间和空间上的发生发展演变规律,以及对当地社会经济发展和人民生命财产所构成的严重威协.为了满足防治山洪灾害时雨水情 信息的需求,根据暴雨山洪灾害的区域分布特点,将全市暴雨山洪进行了区域划分,并根据科学、经济、合理、实用的原则,对不同区域的雨水情站网提出了调整及 规划意见.

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通过对吉安市历史暴雨山洪及地质灾害有关资料的综合分析,初步探 讨了暴雨山洪地质灾害的成因及在时间和空间上的发生发展演变规律,以及对当地社会经济发展和人民生命财产所构成的严重威协.为了满足防治山洪灾害时雨水情 信息的需求,根据暴雨山洪灾害的区域分布特点,将全市暴雨山洪进行了区域划分,并根据科学、经济、合理、实用的原则,对不同区域的雨水情站网提出了调整及 规划意见.
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Precipitation trend-Elevation relationship in arid regions of the China

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.05.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Based on monthly precipitation data at 128 meteorological stations in the arid regions of the China (ARC), we investigated that the regional characteristics of precipitation trend and the precipitation trend–elevation relationship during the period of 1961–2012. There is growing evidence that the elevation-dependent wetting (EDWE), which is the precipitation wetting trend is amplified with elevation. The precipitation trend increases significantly with elevation except for the altitude from 500 to 150002m, the highest correlation appears above 150002m, increases by 1302mm/decade with each 100002m. With the elevation increasing every 100002m, precipitation tendency rate increases by 702mm/decade from 1000 to 200002m and increases by 1002mm/decade from 2000 to 400002m. EDWE has an impact on the change of the cryospheric systems, ecosystems and water resources, especially in arid regions of China. We discuss mechanisms that contribute towards EDWE: water vapor changes and warming-driven water circulation speeds up. We suggest future needs to increase evidence of understand the EDWE in other mountainous regions, and its controlling mechanisms through integrated the observational network of surface in-situ climate observations, satellite data and high-resolution climatic modeling.
[46] Ding B H, Yang K, Qin J, et al.

The dependence of precipitation types on surface elevation and meteorological conditions and its parameterization

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2014,513:154-163.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.03.038      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Precipitation types (rain, snow, and sleet) have great impacts on the surface runoff and energy balance. However, many weather stations only record precipitation amount without discriminating its type. Based on CMA (China Meteorological Administration) station data over 30 years, this study investigates the relationship of precipitation types with surface elevation and meteorological variables. Major findings are (1) wet-bulb temperature is a better indicator than air temperature for discriminating precipitation types; (2) precipitation types are highly dependent on surface elevation, and a higher threshold temperature is needed for differentiating snow and rain over a higher-elevation region; and (3) precipitation types are also dependent on relative humidity, and the probability of sleet event rises greatly with the increase of relative humidity. Based on these findings, a new parameterization scheme is developed to determine the precipitation type, with input of daily mean wet-bulb temperature, relative humidity, and surface elevation. Evaluations for China territory show that the new scheme gives better accuracy than 11 other schemes that are used in hydrological and land surface models.
