A Review of Urban Environmental Assessment based on Street View Images

  • ZHANG Liying , 1, 2 ,
  • PEI Tao , 3, 4, * ,
  • CHEN Yijin 1 ,
  • SONG Ci 3 ,
  • LIU Xiaoqian 5
  • 1. College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining& Technology, Beijing 100083, China;
  • 2. College of Information Science and Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Beijing 102249, China
  • 3. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 4. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 5. College of Arts and Science of Beijing Union University, Beijing 100191, China
*Corresponding author: PEI Tao, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-07-04

  Request revised date: 2018-10-22

  Online published: 2019-01-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41590845, 41525004, 41421001,41877523

Supported by a grant from State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


Urban environmental assessment research has traditionally adopted a method based on field survey, which is difficult to evaluate on a large scale and refined scale. Street view image has a wide coverage, can provide street-level landscape and intuitively reflect the city facade information, and have the advantage of lower cost than on-site data collection, so it provides a large sample data source and new research ideas for urban environmental assessment. Different from the sky view of remote sensing image and the user interaction data of geo-tagged social media, street view image is more focused on recording stereoscopic sectional view of the city street level from the perspective of people, which can represent scenes seen or felt from the ground on a fine scale, so it is more suitable to replace on-site observation of urban environmental assessment. The continuous breakthrough of artificial intelligence technology and its application in various fields make it possible to conduct urban environmental assessment research based on street view image on a wide range of spatial scales. In this paper, we first described and compared three categories of data sources commonly used in urban environmental assessment including street view image, remote sensing image and geo-tagged social media data, and summarized the advantages of street view image in urban environmental assessment. Then we classified the methods used in urban environment assessment based on street view image into the following four categories : methods based on image analysis, statistical analysis, artificial intelligence and spatial analysis. Next, from the urban physical, social, economic and aesthetic environment, we summarized the research and application of street view image in urban environmental assessment. Finally, we pointed out the innovations, limitations and future research directions of the urban environmental assessment based on street view image. On one hand, the application of artificial intelligence represented by deep learning promotes the research progress of urban environmental assessment on large-scale and fine-scale. On the other hand, in the era of big data, the integration of data source represented by street view image, remote sensing image, and geo-tagged social media data will help promote urban environmental assessment research from multiple perspectives and multi-level.

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ZHANG Liying , PEI Tao , CHEN Yijin , SONG Ci , LIU Xiaoqian . A Review of Urban Environmental Assessment based on Street View Images[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2019 , 21(1) : 46 -58 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2019.180311

1 引言


2 街景图像的特点

街景图像、遥感影像和地理标记社交媒体数据是目前城市环境评价中常用的3种数据源。街景全景已经在全球范围内广泛应用,研究中常用的街景图像数据源有:谷歌街景(Google Street View,GSV)[8]、百度街景(Baidu Street View,BSV)[9]和腾讯街景(Tencent Street View,TSV)[10]。GSV拥有全球网络,但不包括中国和其他一些国家,BSV和TSV把重点放在中国境内的全景拍摄上,已经覆盖了中国相当大的城市。通过从GSV,BSV和TSV 各自的公共API请求,可以免费获取静态街景图像。3种街景图像API的描述和对比见表1
Tab. 1 Street view image APIs

表1 街景图像API

街景API 覆盖范围 图像最大分辨率(宽度×高度) 使用样例
谷歌 114个国家及地区 2048×2048 https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=400×400&location=40.720032,73.988354&fov=90&heading=235&pitch=10&key=YOUR_API_ KEY
百度 中国372座城市 1024×512 http://api.map.baidu.com/panorama/v2?width=512&height=256&location=116.313393,40.04778&fov=180&ak=YOUR_API_KEY
腾讯 中国296座城市 960×640 http://apis.map.qq.com/ws/streetview/v1/image?size=600×480&pano=10011 022120723095812200&pitch=0&heading=0&key= YOUR_API_KEY
Tab. 2 Comparison of street view image, remote sensing image and geo-tagged social media data

表2 街景图像、遥感影像和地理标记社交媒体数据对比

数据类别 采样方式 优缺点 代表性研究
街景图像 地面拍摄 优点:从微观和人的视角精细化记录城市街道层级的立体剖面景象;覆盖范围广、数据量大、成本低
遥感影像 空中拍摄 优点:从宏观和高空鸟瞰的视角记录城市,覆盖范围广、数据在空间分布均匀
网络用户发布 优点:用户交互的内容不仅有文本信息,还包含地理位置、时间、图像、视频、情感等信息;具有动态性、时效性和交互性;

3 街景图像在城市环境评价中使用的方法


3.1 基于图像分析的方法


3.2 基于统计分析的方法


3.3 基于人工智能的方法


3.4 基于空间分析的方法

(2)基于数据的分析以空间统计学为理论基础。Salesses等[43]基于谷歌街景,使用Moran's I统计测量城市环境感知的空间分离;使用Getis空间滤波回归(GSFR)研究城市不平等和杀人之间的相互关系。Li等[44]基于谷歌街景,使用具有空间过滤的泊松回归模型来研究暴力犯罪与城市居住环境的物理特征之间的关系。

4 街景图像在城市环境评价中的应用

Tab. 3 Urban environment evaluation based on street view image

表3 基于街景图像的城市环境评价工作

类别 评价要素 数据集 方法 代表性研究
物理环境 绿色植物、行人安全、行人道设施、机动交通、建筑、交通标志等 谷歌街景 相关性分析
1.街景图像审计社区环境的可行性:Rundle[11],Badland[30],Clarke[45]; 2.城市安全性:Kronkvist[46],Li等[44],Mooney[47] 3.土地利用类型:Li[29]
社会环境 汽车、人行道、行人、建筑、天空等 谷歌街景 机器学习
经济环境 绿色植被、地面,建筑物、树、天空 谷歌街景 基于像元的图像分析机器学习 1.收入预测:Glaeser[22];2. 收入与物理环境的关系:Li[26],Arietta[49]
美学环境 行道树、绿色植被、建筑物 谷歌街景百度街景
1.街道绿化:郝新华等[3],Berland[50],Li等[24]; 2. 城市风貌:Liu等[36],Cheng等[51] ,唐婧娴等[52]; 3. 建筑特色:Doersch等[53],Lee等[23]

4.1 城市物理环境评价

城市物理环境包括地形、地质、土壤、水文、气候、植物、动物等自然环境和房屋、道路、管线、基础设施、不同类型的土地利用、废气、废水等人工环境[1]。城市自然环境是构成城市环境的基础,而城市人工环境是实现城市各种功能所必需的物质基础设施。鉴于街景图像捕获到的城市要素更侧重于人工环境,如房屋、道路、基础设施、行道树等,因此,目前基于街景图像的城市物理环境评价研究主要是对人工环境的评价,主要包括:① 街景图像审计社区环境的可行性;② 城市安全性;③ 土地利用。
4.1.1 街景图像审计社区环境的可行性
4.1.2 城市安全性
4.1.3 土地利用类型

4.2 城市社会环境评价

城市社会环境包括人口分布及动态、服务设施、娱乐设施、社会生活等,体现了城市区别于乡村及其它聚居形式的人类聚居区域,在满足人类在城市中各类活动方面所提供的条件[1]。通过识别街景图像中的城市要素,结合要素所映射的社会环境属性和意义,实现城市社会环境的评价研究。主要包括:① 人口分布与政治倾向;② 城市可步行性;③ 城市安全感。
4.2.1 人口分布与政治倾向
4.2.2 城市可步行性
4.2.3 城市安全感

4.3 城市经济环境评价

城市经济环境包括资源、市场条件、就业、收入水平、经济基础、技术条件等,反映了城市经济发展的条件和潜能[1]。街景图像记录的是城市的物理环境,物理环境特征可以预测城市非视觉属性,进而结合城市空间物质属性的数据,如家庭收入数据,房价数据等,实现对预测的验证和经济环境的评价。主要包括:① 收入预测;② 收入与物理环境的关系。
4.3.1 收入预测
4.3.2 收入与物理环境的关系

4.4 城市美学环境评价

城市美学环境包括风景、风貌、建筑特色、文物古迹等,是城市形象、城市气质和韵味的外在表现和反映[1]。街景图像在大范围、精细化的尺度上记录了城市街道级别的立体剖面视图,可以细粒度地对城市美学环境进行评价。主要包括:① 街道绿化;② 城市风貌;③ 建筑特色。
4.4.1 街道绿化
行道树是城市绿化的重要组成部分,它提供了宝贵的生态环境、社会和经济效益[66]。Berland等[50]使用谷歌街景对3个城市的行道树进行虚拟调查,并将结果与同一地点的现有实地数据进行比较。虚拟调查分析人员记录了街道树的位置,确定了树种到物种水平,并估计了胸径的直径。实地调查记录的597棵树中超过93%在虚拟调查中观察到。虚拟调查中的树识别在树种水平90%和物种水平66%上和实地数据一致。研究结果表明,街景视图中的虚拟调查可能适合生成某些类型的街道树数据,比现场调查能更有效地更新现有数据集。 Seiferling等[67]使用纽约和波士顿共计456 175个带有地理位置标记的谷歌街景图像,提出通过计算机视觉的方法来量化街道上的城市树木覆盖。该方法不仅从市民体验城市的角度展现了观察的城市景观,还在于从街景图像中获取的树高等垂直维度的信息,而这一信息恰恰是通过遥感影像(俯视角度)等传统手段不容易获得的。
4.4.2 城市风貌
4.4.3 建筑特色
建筑是城市景观的核心要素,建筑的历史地位、历史背景,以及它的地理位置和出色的艺术造型等,使其成为一个城市的象征。Doersch等[53]使用最近邻居技术,从谷歌街景提供的大型数据集中自动查找城市特征(窗户、灯等),提出一种区分聚类方法来处理本地建筑身份的识别问题。Lee等[23]使用庞大的街道级图像集合来查找与特定时间段不同的语义级架构元素对应的视觉模式。使用这种分析方法来对建筑物进行日期分析,挖掘随着时间的推移功能相似的建筑元素(如窗户、门、阳台等)的风格如何发生变化。通过将来自巴黎的近 150 000幅Google街景图像的大型数据集与地籍图结合起来,验证巴黎建筑立面的大致施工日期,发现从1800年以前的非常平坦的结构开始演变到1851-1914年的多个装饰结构的越来越华丽的窗饰,19世纪50年代至40年代的长窗阳台演变到短阳台,1940年以后大型建筑物的栏杆,在1982-1989年转变为玻璃,在90年代转变为金属。

5 结论与讨论

街景图像为城市环境评价研究带来新的数据支撑和研究思路的同时,也存在一些局限性。首先是时间变异性,由于街景环境的一些特征会随着时间发生变化,这些包括行人的数量、特征和活动, 以及停放或移动的车辆和许多诸如垃圾等物理紊乱的标志物。这些要素的情况和特征可能同时表现出随机变化和常规的日、季或天气有关的波动,测量误差可能会更高。此外,实地观察和街景拍摄的时间、季节、天气存在的不一致也可能导致偏差。例如,清晨收集街景视频可能会导致观察到的社会和行人活动水平降低,可能会(取决于垃圾清理的时间)影响测量街景的物理紊乱程度[11]。第二个局限性是时间一致性。街景图像并非都是在同一时期拍摄的,其中一些图像在冬季拍摄,其他图像在夏季或春季或秋季拍摄。在评估城市绿色空间的研究,需要同一时期拍摄的图像,为了保持时间一致性,需要检查图像,排除不是同一时期的数据。其次是隐私权的问题,为了保护街景图像中拍摄到的人的隐私权,街景图像中需要删除或模糊描绘人的属性的图像。这可能导致低估与邻里环境物理紊乱以及城市安全性研究有关的要素,带来研究结果的偏差。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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侯浩然,丁凤,黎勤生.近20年来福州城市热环境变化遥感分析[J].地球信息科学学报, 2018,20(3):385-395.城市热环境是城市微气候的重要组成部分,已成为近年来的研究热点。受制于卫星传感器较低的热红外波段空间分辨率,此类数据反演得到的地表温度难以反映城市热环境的实际情况。为解决这一困境,本文利用空间降尺度HUTS算法反演得到30 m空间分辨率的福州市中心城区1994年5月12日、2003年5月29日和2016年7月27日3个时相的地表温度影像。在此基础上,结合土地利用等数据对热环境的时空变化做定量分析,并进一步引入景观指数,分析近20年间福州市中心城区高温度等级斑块的形态变化。结果表明:(1)近20年间随着城市拓展,福州市建成区的高温区域面积从35.75 km2增加到184.11 km2,高温度等级斑块不断从市中心向四周扩散;(2)市中心的特高温斑块和高温斑块趋向破裂、分散,聚集程度下降,次高温斑块的面积与占比均大幅提升,成为建成区内高温区域的主要组成部分;(3)城市热岛比例指数URI由0.39上升到0.52,热岛效应明显加强。总体上,近20 a间福州市建成区的热环境变化较大,其中鼓楼区南部、台江区和晋安区南部的高温区域聚集现象有所改善,而仓山区、马尾区和闽侯县的大部分区域在经历快速城市化过程后温度等级明显升高。

[ Hou H R, Ding F, Li Q S. Remote sensing analysis of changes of urban thermal environment of Fuzhou City in China in the past 20 years[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018,20(3):385-395. ]

Wang S, Paul M J, Dredze M.Social media as a sensor of air quality and public response in China[J]. Journal of medical Internet research, 2015,17(3):e22.Recent studies have demonstrated the utility of social media data sources for a wide range of public health goals, including disease surveillance, mental health trends, and health perceptions and sentiment. Most such research has focused on English-language social media for the task of disease surveillance. We investigated the value of Chinese social media for monitoring air quality trends and related public perceptions and response. The goal was to determine if this data is suitable for learning actionable information about pollution levels and public response. We mined a collection of 93 million messages from Sina Weibo, China largest microblogging service. We experimented with different filters to identify messages relevant to air quality, based on keyword matching and topic modeling. We evaluated the reliability of the data filters by comparing message volume per city to air particle pollution rates obtained from the Chinese government for 74 cities. Additionally, we performed a qualitative study of the content of pollution-related messages by coding a sample of 170 messages for relevance to air quality, and whether the message included details such as a reactive behavior or a health concern. The volume of pollution-related messages is highly correlated with particle pollution levels, with Pearson correlation values up to .718 (n=74, P<.001). Our qualitative results found that 67.1% (114/170) of messages were relevant to air quality and of those, 78.9% (90/114) were a firsthand report. Of firsthand reports, 28% (32/90) indicated a reactive behavior and 19% (17/90) expressed a health concern. Additionally, 3 messages of 170 requested that action be taken to improve quality. We have found quantitatively that message volume in Sina Weibo is indicative of true particle pollution levels, and we have found qualitatively that messages contain rich details including perceptions, behaviors, and self-reported health effects. Social media data can augment existing air pollution surveillance data, especially perception and health-related data that traditionally requires expensive surveys or interviews.


梁春阳,林广发,张明锋,等.社交媒体数据对反映台风灾害时空分布的有效性研究[J].地球信息科学学报,2018,20(6):807-816.当灾害事件发生时,与之相关的社交媒体数据不断产生,其中包含了丰富的灾情信息和签到地理位置信息,这为灾情态势的及时感知提供了一种新的数据源,但是因社交媒体用户量的地区差异及网络空间中信息传播模式的特点,给社交媒体签到数据所代表的空间点过程的模式分析带来了一些新的问题,如签到点密度与实际灾害点事件密度之间的对应关系、签到点之间的空间关系、点格局的空间异质性及其影响因素等。本文以2016年14号台风“莫兰蒂”为例,以“台风”和“莫兰蒂”为关键词,在新浪微博平台上采集了2016年9月14-17日的微博数据,使用文档主题生成模型(Latent Dirichlet Allocation, LDA)和支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)对微博文本进行分类,构建了含有签到位置信息的灾情点事件数据库。在此基础上,针对社交媒体用户分布的空间异质性提出了一种基于签到点用户活跃度的加权模型。以全局自相关统计量Moran′s 为指标,对加权前后的签到微博数据进行对比,发现这些在社交网络中产生的签到微博数据在现实地理空间中存在明显的空间自相关性;基于“雨”、“停电”等关键词,利用上述加权处理后的微博数据库进行灾害制图,结合真实灾情资料进行时空对比分析,结果表明系列图谱能够反映台风灾害的时空过程趋势。

[ Liang C Y, Lin G F, Zhang M F, et al.Assessing the effectiveness of social media data in mapping the distribution of Typhoon disasters[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018,20(6):807-816. ]

刘逸,保继刚,朱毅玲.基于大数据的旅游目的地情感评价方法探究[J].地理研究,2017,36(6):1091-1105.基于情绪分类取向,通过界定三个旅游文本情感分析的过滤参数:旅游专属词库、语义逻辑规则和情感乘数,构建基于网络大数据的旅游目的地情感评价模型.基于该模型,抓取了120731条游客评论对8个旅游目的地进行评价,并以联合国世界旅游组织旅游可持续发展监测数据作为标准数据进行校验.研究证实三个过滤参数具有一定的科学性,能够较为准确地捕捉到游客对目的地评价的总体情感意象;经过单年度和多年度校验,六类规则的准确度依次为:C2>C1 >C3>B>评分法>A,即规则C2下的评价结果与监测结果最为吻合.结论证实了旅游大数据的可用性,为后续的理论推进和实践应用提供了科学依据.


[ Liu Y, Bao J G, Zhu Y L.Exploring emotion methods of tourism destination evaluation: A big-data approach[J]. Geographical Research, 2017,36(6):1091-1105. ]



[ Yi Z, Li J Z, Leng B R, et al.Perception and evaluation of cityscape characteristics using semantic analysis on microblog in the main urban area of Chongqing municipality[J]. Progress In Geography, 2017,36(9):1058-1066. ]

Porzi L, Rota Bulò S, Lepri B, et al.Predicting and understanding urban perception with convolutional neural networks[C]. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia, ACM, 2015:139-148.

Glaeser E L, Kominers S D, Luca M, et al.Big data and big cities: The promises and limitations of improved measures of urban life[J]. Economic Inquiry, 2018,56(1):114-137.New, “big data” sources allow measurement of city characteristics and outcome variables at higher collection frequencies and more granular geographic scales than ever before. However, big data will not solve large urban social science questions on its own. Big urban data has the most value for the study of cities when it allows measurement of the previously opaque, or when it can be coupled with exogenous shocks to people or place. We describe a number of new urban data sources and illustrate how they can be used to improve the study and function of cities. We first show how Google Street View images can be used to predict income in New York City, suggesting that similar imagery data can be used to map wealth and poverty in previously unmeasured areas of the developing world. We then discuss how survey techniques can be improved to better measure willingness to pay for urban amenities. Finally, we explain how Internet data is being used to improve the quality of city services. ( JEL R1, C8, C18)


Lee S, Maisonneuve N, Crandall D, et al.Linking past to present: Discovering style in two centuries of architecture[C]. IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography, IEEE, 2015:1-10.

Li X, Zhang C, Li W, et al.Assessing street-level urban greenery using Google Street View and a modified green view index[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(3):675-685.Highlights 61 Google Street View was used for assessment of street-level urban greenery. 61 Modified green view index was proposed and compared with vegetation coverage to assess the spatial distribution street-level urban greenery. 61 Google Street View proved to have great potential for future urban environmental planning. Abstract We explored Google Street View (GSV) as a street-level, urban greenery assessment tool. Street-level greenery has long played a critical role in the visual quality of urban landscapes. This living landscape element can and should be assessed for the quality of visual impact with the GSV information, and the assessed street-level greenery information could be incorporated into urban landscape planning and management. Information on street-level views of urban greenery assessment, however, is rare or nonexistent. Planners and managers’ ability to plan and manage urban landscapes effectively and efficiently is, therefore, limited. GSV is one tool that might provide street-level, profile views of urban landscape and greenery, yet no research on GSV for urban planning seems available in literature. We modified an existing Green View Index (GVI) formula and conducted a case study assessment of street greenery using GSV images in the area of East Village, Manhattan District, New York City. We found that GSV to be well suited for assessing street-level greenery. We suggest further that the modified GVI may be a relatively objective measurement of street-level greenery, and that GSV in combination with GVI may be well suited in guiding urban landscape planning and management. Graphical abstract The calculation of modified green view index and the discrepancy of spatial distribution of modified green view index and vegetation cover map. The sizes of the solid dots represent the magnitudes of green view index values. Figure options Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slide


Li X, Meng Q, Gu X, et al.A hybrid method combining pixel-based and object-oriented methods and its application in Hungary using Chinese HJ-1 satellite images[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013,34(13):4655-4668.Pixel-based and object-oriented processing of Chinese HJ-1-A satellite imagery (resolution 30 m) acquired on 23 July 2009 were utilized for classification of a study area in Budapest, Hungary. The pixel-based method (maximum likelihood classifier for pixel-level method (MLCPL)) and two object-oriented methods (maximum likelihood classifier for object-level method (MLCOL) and a hybrid method combining image segmentation with the use of a maximum likelihood classifier at the pixel level (MLCPL)) were compared. An extension of the watershed segmentation method was used in this article. After experimenting, we chose an optimum segmentation scale. Classification results showed that the hybrid method outperformed MLCOL, with an overall accuracy of 90.53%, compared with the overall accuracy of 77.53% for MLCOL. Jeffries atusita distance analysis revealed that the hybrid method could maintain spectral separability between different classes, which explained the high classification accuracy in mixed-cover types compared with MLCOL. The classification result of the hybrid model is preferred over MLCPL in geographical or landscape ecological research for its accordance with patches in landscape ecology, and for continuity of results. The hybrid of image segmentation and pixel-based classification provides a new way to classify land-cover types, especially mixed land-cover types, using medium-resolution images on a regional, national, or global basis.


Li X, Zhang C, Li W, et al.Who lives in greener neighborhoods? The distribution of street greenery and its association with residents' socioeconomic conditions in Hartford, Connecticut, USA[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(4):751-759.Street greenery plays an important role in enhancing the environmental quality of a city. Current urban environmental studies mainly focus on the distribution of desirable land uses (e.g., open spaces and parks). Few studies have been conducted on street greenery in residential areas, although it may provide a series of benefits to urban residents, such as energy saving, provision of shade, and aesthetic values. Google Street View (GSV) provides profile views of urban landscapes, and thus may be used for residential street greenery assessment. In this project, GSV was used in a case study to examine the relationships between the spatial distributions of residential street greenery and some socioeconomic variables in different block groups of Hartford, Connecticut, USA. The green view index was calculated based on the GSV images captured at different horizontal and vertical view angles to quantitatively represent how much greenery a pedestrian can see from ground level. Results showed that people with various social conditions have different amounts of street greenery in their living environments in Hartford. People with higher incomes tend to live in places with more street greenery. In summary, this study makes contribution to literature by providing insights into the living environments of urban residents in terms of street greenery, and it also generates valuable reference data for future urban greening programs.


Li X, Zhang C, Li W.Does the visibility of greenery increase perceived safety in urban areas? Evidence from the place pulse 1.0 dataset[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-information, 2015,4(3):1166-1183.Land-use maps are important references for urban planning and urban studies. Given the heterogeneity of urban land-use types, it is difficult to differentiate different land-use types based on overhead remotely sensed data. Google Street View (GSV) images, which capture the fa ades of building blocks along streets, could be better used to judge the land-use types of different building blocks... [Show full abstract]


Li X, Ratti C, Seiferling I.Quantifying the shade provision of street trees in urban landscape: A case study in Boston, USA, using Google Street View[J]. Landscape & Planning, 2018,169:81-91.

Li X, Zhang C, Li W.Building block level urban land-use information retrieval based on Google street view images[J]. Giscience & Remote Sensing, 2017,54(6):819-835.Abstract Land-use maps are important references for urban planning and urban studies. Given the heterogeneity of urban land-use types, it is difficult to differentiate different land-use types based on overhead remotely sensed data. Google Street View (GSV) images, which capture the fa ades of building blocks along streets, could be better used to judge the land-use types of different building blocks based on their fa ade appearances. Recently developed scene classification algorithms in computer vision community make it possible to categorize different photos semantically based on various image feature descriptors and machine-learning algorithms. Therefore, in this study, we proposed a method to derive detailed land-use information at building block level based on scene classification algorithms and GSV images. Three image feature descriptors (i.e., scale-invariant feature transform-Fisher, histogram of oriented gradients, GIST) were used to represent GSV images of different buildings. Existing land-use maps were used to create training datasets to train support vector machine (SVM) classifiers for categorizing GSV images. The trained SVM classifiers were then applied to case study areas in New York City, Boston, and Houston, to predict the land-use information at building block level. Accuracy assessment results show that the proposed method is suitable for differentiating residential buildings and nonresidential buildings with an accuracy of 85% or so. Since the GSV images are publicly accessible, this proposed method would provide a new way for building block level land-use mapping in future.


Badland H M, Opit S, Witten K, et al.Can virtual streetscape audits reliably replace physical streetscape audits?[J]. Journal of Urban Health, 2010,87(6):1007-1016.


谢家平. 绿色设计评价与优化[M].北京:中国地质大学出版社,2004.

[ Xie J P.Green design evaluation and optimization[M]. Beijing: China University of Geosciences Press, 2004. ]



[ Miao D Q, Zhang Q H,Qian Y H,et al.From human intelligence to machine implementation model: Theories and applications based on granular computing[J].CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems,2016,11(6):743-757. ]

Hazelhoff L, Creusen I M.Exploiting street-level panoramic images for large-scale automated surveying of traffic signs[J]. Machine vision and applications, 2014,25(7):1893-1911.Accurate and up-to-date inventories of traffic signs contribute to efficient road maintenance and a high road safety. This paper describes a system for the automated surveying of road signs from street-level images. This is an extremely challenging task, as the involved capturings are non-densely sampled, captured under a wide range of weather conditions and signs may be distorted. The described system is designed in a generic and learning-based fashion, which enables the recognition of different sign appearance classes with the same algorithms, based on class-specific training data. The system starts with detection of the signs visible within each image, using a detection cascade. Next, the 3D position of the signs that are detected consequently within consecutive capturings is calculated. Afterwards, each positioned road sign is classified to retrieve its sign type, thereby exploiting all detections used during positioning of the respective sign. The presented system is intended for large-scale application and currently supports 11 sign appearance classes, containing 176 different sign types. Performance evaluations conducted on a large, real-world dataset (68,010 images) show that our approach accurately positions 95.5 % of the 3,385 present signs, where 96.3 % of them are also correctly classified. Furthermore, our system localized 98.5 % of the signs in at least a single image. Our system design allows for appending a limited manual correction stage to attain a very high performance, so that sign inventories can be created cost effectively.


Yin L, Cheng Q, Wang Z, et al."Big data" for pedestrian volume: Exploring the use of Google Street View images for pedestrian counts[J]. Applied Geography, 2015,63:337-345.61Google Street View provides street images in seven different resolution levels.61Level 3 images should be used for automatic pedestrian detection, if the default ACF training set and parameters are used.61A re-training is needed if level 4 or higher images are to be used to match the parameters of ACF and the Google images.61The image detection method proposed is capable of determining the presence of pedestrian with a reasonable accuracy level.61This method can help to get an objective and large scale reliable estimate of pedestrian volume.


Goodfellow I, Bengio Y, Courville A, et al.Deep learning[M]. Cambridge: MIT press Cambridge, 2016.

Liu L, Silva E A, Wu C, et al.A machine learning-based method for the large-scale evaluation of the qualities of the urban environment[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2017,65:113-125.Given the present size of modern cities, it is beyond the perceptual capacity of most people to develop a good knowledge about the qualities of the urban space at every street corner. Correspondingly, for planners, it is also difficult to accurately answer questions such as ‘where the quality of the physical environment is the most dilapidated in the city that regeneration should be given first consideration’ and ‘in fast urbanising cities, how is the city appearance changing’. To address this issue, in the present study, we present a computer vision method that contains three machine learning models for the large-scale and automatic evaluation on the qualities of the urban environment by leveraging state-of-the-art machine learning techniques and wide-coverage street view images. From various physical qualities that have been identified by previous research to be important for the urban visual experience, we choose two key qualities, the construction and maintenance quality of building facade and the continuity of street wall, to be measured in this research. To test the validity of the proposed method, we compare the machine scores with public rating scores collected on-site from 752 passers-by at 56 locations in the city. We show that the machine learning models can produce a medium-to-good estimation of people's real experience, and the modelling results can be applied in many ways by researchers, planners and local residents.


Lowe D G.Object recognition from local scale-invariant features[C]. The proceedings of the seventh IEEE international conference on, IEEE, 1999:1150-1157.

Krizhevsky A, Sutskever I, Hinton G E.Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks[C]. Advances in neural information processing systems, ACM,2012:1097-1105.

Szegedy C, Liu W, Jia Y, et al.Going deeper with convolutions[C]. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, IEEE, 2015:1-9.

Liu X, Chen Q, Zhu L, et al.Place-centric Visual Urban Perception with Deep Multi-instance Regression[C]. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on multimedia conference, ACM, 2017:19-27.

郭仁忠. 空间分析[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2001.

[ Guo R Z. Spacial analysis[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2001. ]

杨志恒. GIS空间分析研究进展综述[J].安徽农业科学,2012,40(3):1918-1919.主要分析GIS空间分析的内容、技术方法、应用模型和实现方式,并对未来发展进行了展望。


[ Yang Z H.Review on research progress of GIS spatial analysis[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2012,40(3):1918-1919. ]

Salesses P, Schechtner K, Hidalgo C A.The collaborative image of the city: Mapping the inequality of urban perception[J]. PloS one, 2013,8(7):e68400.A traveler visiting Rio, Manila or Caracas does not need a report to learn that these cities are unequal; she can see it directly from the taxicab window. This is because in most cities inequality is conspicuous, but also, because cities express different forms of inequality that are evident to casual observers. Cities are highly heterogeneous and often unequal with respect to the income of their residents, but also with respect to the cleanliness of their neighborhoods, the beauty of their architecture, and the liveliness of their streets, among many other evaluative dimensions. Until now, however, our ability to understand the effect of a city's built environment on social and economic outcomes has been limited by the lack of quantitative data on urban perception. Here, we build on the intuition that inequality is partly conspicuous to create quantitative measure of a city's contrasts. Using thousands of geo-tagged images, we measure the perception of safety, class and uniqueness; in the cities of Boston and New York in the United States, and Linz and Salzburg in Austria, finding that the range of perceptions elicited by the images of New York and Boston is larger than the range of perceptions elicited by images from Linz and Salzburg. We interpret this as evidence that the cityscapes of Boston and New York are more contrasting, or unequal, than those of Linz and Salzburg. Finally, we validate our measures by exploring the connection between them and homicides, finding a significant correlation between the perceptions of safety and class and the number of homicides in a NYC zip code, after controlling for the effects of income, population, area and age. Our results show that online images can be used to create reproducible quantitative measures of urban perception and characterize the inequality of different cities.


Li H, Páez A, Liu D.Built environment and violent crime: An environmental audit approach using Google Street View[J]. Computers Environment & Urban Systems, 2017,66:83-95.漏 2017 Elsevier Ltd Recent studies empirically support the role of the built environment in inducing or hindering violent crime. Particularly, studies of the broken window theory have provided evidence that physical disorder is an environmental correlate of crime. This includes broken windows, vacant/abandoned housings, abandoned cars on street, graffiti, and decayed street lighting, among other things. Current studies are limited by the difficulty involved in collecting fine-scale quantitative environmental data. The conventional environmental audit approach, which aims to assess environmental features, is costly, time-consuming, and burdensome. In this study, we use Google Street View to study the relationship between violent crime and physical features of urban residential environment. More concretely, a Poisson regression model with spatial filtering is used to identify socio-economic correlates of violent crime. Parting from the hypothesis that omission of built environmental factors results in systematic residual pattern, we proceed to analyze the spatial filter to select sites for virtual environmental audits. A series of physical environmental factors are identified using contingency table analysis. The results provide both theoretical and practical implications for several theories of crime and crime prevention efforts.


Clarke P, Ailshire J, Melendez R, et al.Using Google Earth to conduct a neighborhood audit: Reliability of a virtual audit instrument[J]. Health & Place, 2010,16(6):1224-1229.Over the last two decades, the impact of community characteristics on the physical and mental health of residents has emerged as an important frontier of research in population health and health disparities. However, the development and evaluation of measures to capture community characteristics is still at a relatively early stage. The purpose of this work was to assess the reliability of a neighborhood audit instrument administered in the city of Chicago using Google Street View by comparing these “virtual” data to those obtained from an identical instrument administered “in-person”. We find that a virtual audit instrument can provide reliable indicators of recreational facilities, the local food environment, and general land use. However, caution should be exercised when trying to gather more finely detailed observations. Using the internet to conduct a neighborhood audit has the potential to significantly reduce the costs of collecting data objectively and unobtrusively.


Kronkvist K.Virtual observations of urban neighborhood physical disorder using Google street view[C]. The Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2014: Program and Abstracts, The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevenion, 2014.

Mooney S J, Dimaggio C J, Lovasi G S, et al.Use of google street view to assess environmental contributions to Pedestrian injury[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 2016,106(3):462-469.Abstract OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate an information technology-based approach to assess characteristics of streets and intersections associated with injuries that is less costly and time-consuming than location-based studies of pedestrian injury. METHODS: We used imagery captured by Google Street View from 2007 to 2011 to assess 9 characteristics of 532 intersections within New York City. We controlled for estimated pedestrian count and estimated the relation between intersections' characteristics and frequency of injurious collisions. RESULTS: The count of pedestrian injuries at intersections was associated with the presence of marked crosswalks (80% increase; 95% confidence interval [CI]65=652%, 218%), pedestrian signals (156% increase; 95% CI65=6569%, 259%), nearby billboards (42% increase; 95% CI65=657%, 90%), and bus stops (120% increase; 95% CI65=6551%, 220%). Injury incidence per pedestrian was lower at intersections with higher estimated pedestrian volumes. CONCLUSIONS: Consistent with in-person study observations, the information-technology approach found traffic islands, visual advertising, bus stops, and crosswalk infrastructures to be associated with elevated counts of pedestrian injury in New York City. Virtual site visits for pedestrian injury control studies are a viable and informative methodology. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print January 21, 2016: e1-e8. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.302978).


Gebru T, Krause J, Wang Y, et al.Using deep learning and google street view to estimate the demographic makeup of neighborhoods across the United States[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017,114(50):13108-13113.We show that socioeconomic attributes such as income, race, education, and voting patterns can be inferred from cars detected in Google Street View images using deep learning. Our model works by discovering associations between cars and people. For example, if the number of sedans in a city is higher than the number of pickup trucks, that city is likely to vote for a Democrat in the next presidential election (88% chance); if not, then the city is likely to vote for a Republican (82% chance). The United States spends more than $250 million each year on the American Community Survey (ACS), a labor-intensive door-to-door study that measures statistics relating to race, gender, education, occupation, unemployment, and other demographic factors. Although a comprehensive source of data, the lag between demographic changes and their appearance in the ACS can exceed several years. As digital imagery becomes ubiquitous and machine vision techniques improve, automated data analysis may become an increasingly practical supplement to the ACS. Here, we present a method that estimates socioeconomic characteristics of regions spanning 200 US cities by using 50 million images of street scenes gathered with Google Street View cars. Using deep learning-based computer vision techniques, we determined the make, model, and year of all motor vehicles encountered in particular neighborhoods. Data from this census of motor vehicles, which enumerated 22 million automobiles in total (8% of all automobiles in the United States), were used to accurately estimate income, race, education, and voting patterns at the zip code and precinct level. (The average US precinct contains 1,000 people.) The resulting associations are surprisingly simple and powerful. For instance, if the number of sedans encountered during a drive through a city is higher than the number of pickup trucks, the city is likely to vote for a Democrat during the next presidential election (88% chance); otherwise, it is likely to vote Republican (82%). Our results suggest that automated systems for monitoring demographics may effectively complement labor-intensive approaches, with the potential to measure demographics with fine spatial resolution, in close to real time.


Arietta S M, Efros A A, Ramamoorthi R, et al.City forensics: Using visual elements to predict non-visual city attributes[J]. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, 2014,20(12):2624-2633.We present a method for automatically identifying and validating predictive relationships between the visual appearance of a city and its non-visual attributes (e.g. crime statistics, housing prices, population density etc.). Given a set of street-level images and (location, city-attribute-value) pairs of measurements, we first identify visual elements in the images that are discriminative of the attribute. We then train a predictor by learning a set of weights over these elements using non-linear Support Vector Regression. To perform these operations efficiently, we implement a scalable distributed processing framework that speeds up the main computational bottleneck (extracting visual elements) by an order of magnitude. This speedup allows us to investigate a variety of city attributes across 6 different American cities. We find that indeed there is a predictive relationship between visual elements and a number of city attributes including violent crime rates, theft rates, housing prices, population density, tree presence, graffiti presence, and the perception of danger. We also test human performance for predicting theft based on street-level images and show that our predictor outperforms this baseline with 33% higher accuracy on average. Finally, we present three prototype applications that use our system to (1) define the visual boundary of city neighborhoods, (2) generate walking directions that avoid or seek out exposure to city attributes, and (3) validate user-specified visual elements for prediction.


Berland A, Lange D A.Google Street View shows promise for virtual street tree surveys[J]. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2017,21:11-15.Google Street View64 was used to conduct a virtual survey of street trees. The virtual survey performed well for identifying trees to the genus level. Species identification and diameter estimates were less accurate. This approach can generate some street tree data more efficiently than field work.


Cheng L, Chu S, Zong W, et al.Use of tencent street view imagery for visual perception of streets[J]. International Journal of Geo-information, 2017,6(9):265.


唐婧娴,龙瀛,翟炜,等.街道空间品质的测度变化评价与影响因素识别——基于大规模多时相街景图片的分析[J]. 新建筑,2016(5):110-115.街道空间品质对城市形象和公共生活具有重要影响。试图构建"街道空间品质评估—品质变化特征识别—影响因素分析"的研究框架,利用北京市2005—2013年已有建设用地上的居住类土地出让信息,获取其周边多年份的街景图片,用于评价街道品质和空间变化判读。研究发现,样本街道的总体品质偏低,改善比例在10%左右,且多为表面化的整治。微观环境的优化措施尚未体现精细化设计理念。


[ Tang J X, Long Y, Zhuo W, et al.Measuring quality of street space, its temporal variation and impact factors: An analysis based on massive street view pictures[J]. New Architecture, 2016,(5):110-115. ]

Doersch C, Singh S, Gupta A, et al.What makes paris look like paris?[J]. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2012,31(4):1-9.Given a large repository of geotagged imagery, we seek to automatically find visual elements, e. g. windows, balconies, and street signs, that are most distinctive for a certain geo-spatial area, for example the city of Paris. This is a tremendously difficult task as the visual features distinguishing architectural elements of different places can be very subtle. In addition, we face a hard search problem: given all possible patches in all images, which of them are both frequently occurring and geographically informative? To address these issues, we propose to use a discriminative clustering approach able to take into account the weak geographic supervision. We show that geographically representative image elements can be discovered automatically from Google Street View imagery in a discriminative manner. We demonstrate that these elements are visually interpretable and perceptually geo-informative. The discovered visual elements can also support a variety of computational geography tasks, such as mapping architectural correspondences and influences within and across cities, finding representative elements at different geo-spatial scales, and geographically-informed image retrieval.


Cheadle A, Samuels S E, Rauzon S, et al.Approaches to measuring the extent and impact of environmental change in three California community-level obesity prevention initiatives[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 2010,100(11):2129-2136.Abstract Despite growing support among public health researchers and practitioners for environmental approaches to obesity prevention, there is a lack of empirical evidence from intervention studies showing a favorable impact of either increased healthy food availability on healthy eating or changes in the built environment on physical activity. It is therefore critical that we carefully evaluate initiatives targeting the community environment to expand the evidence base for environmental interventions. We describe the approaches used to measure the extent and impact of environmental change in 3 community-level obesity-prevention initiatives in California. We focus on measuring changes in the community environment and assessing the impact of those changes on residents most directly exposed to the interventions.


Wilson J S, Kelly C M, Schootman M, et al.Assessing the built environment using omnidirectional imagery[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2012,42(2):193-199.Observational audits commonly are used in public health research to collect data on built environment characteristics that affect health-related behaviors and outcomes, including physical activity and weight status. However, implementing in-person field audits can be expensive if observations are needed over large or geographically dispersed areas or at multiple points in time. A reliable and more efficient method for observational audits could facilitate extendibility (i.e., expanded geographic and temporal scope) and lead to more standardized assessment that strengthens the ability to compare results across different regions and studies. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the degree of agreement between field audits and audits derived from interpretation of three types of omnidirectional imagery. Street segments from St. Louis MO and Indianapolis IN were stratified geographically to ensure representation of neighborhoods with different socioeconomic characteristics in both cities. Audits were conducted in 2008 and 2009 using four methods: field audits, and interpretation of archived imagery, new imagery, and Google Street View鈩 imagery. Agreement between field audits and image-based audits was assessed using observed agreement and the prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa statistic (PABAK). Data analysis was conducted in 2010. When measuring the agreement between field audits and audits from the different sources of imagery, the mean PABAK statistic for all items on the instrument was 0.78 (archived); 0.80 (new); and 0.81 (Street View imagery), indicating substantial to nearly perfect agreement among methods. It was determined that image-based audits represent a reliable method that can be used in place of field audits to measure several key characteristics of the built environment important to public health research.


Naik N, Kominers S D, Raskar R, et al.Computer vision uncovers predictors of physical urban change[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017,114(29):7571-7576.


Anderson J M, Macdonald J M, Bluthenthal R, et al.Reducing crime by shaping the built environment with zoning: An empirical study of Los Angeles[J]. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 2013,161(3):699-756.The authors find that neighborhoods in which there was a zoning change experienced a significant decline in crime.


Greenberg S W, Rohe W M, Williams J R.Safety in urban neighborhoods: A comparison of physical characteristics and informal territorial control in high and low crime neighborhoods[J]. Population and Environment, 1982,5(3):141-165.This study addressed the issue of how some urban neighborhoods maintain a relatively low level of crime despite their physical proximity and social similarity to high crime areas. The study explored differences in physical characteristics and various dimensions of the concept of territoriality in three pairs of neighborhoods in Atlanta, Georgia. Neighborhoods within pairs were adjacent and were matched on racial composition and economic status but had distinctly different crime levels. The results indicated that differences in physical characteristics distinguished between matched high and low crime neighborhoods to a far greater extent than did differences in the measures of territoriality. The flow of outsiders into and out of low crime neighborhoods was inhibited because land use was more homogeneously residential, there were fewer major arteries, and boundary streets were less traveled than was the case in high crime neighborhoods. There were relatively few differences in informal territorial control between high and low crime neighborhoods. Where differences existed, informal territorial control was more characteristic of high crime than of low crime neighborhoods.


Dimaggio C, Li G.Roadway characteristics and pediatric pedestrian injury[J]. Epidemiologic reviews, 2011,34(1):46-56// Retting R A, Ferguson S A, Mccartt A T. A review of evidence-based traffic engineering measures designed to reduce pedestrian: Motor vehicle crashes[J]. American Journal of Public Health, 2003,93(9):46-56.Abstract Changing the built environment is a sound, but often underutilized approach to injury control. The authors reviewed the literature and conducted a meta-analysis to synthesize the evidence on the association of roadway characteristics with risk of pediatric pedestrian injury. To synthesize the data, they converted results to odds ratios based on direct results or abstracted outcomes and used Bayesian meta-analytic approaches by modeling outcomes as the logit of a normally distributed set of outcomes with vague prior distributions for the central measure of effect and its variance. On the basis of 10 studies of roadway features restricted exclusively to pediatric populations, the synthesized effect estimate for the association of roadway characteristics with pedestrian injury risk was 2.5 (95% credible interval: 1.8, 3.2). The probability of a new study showing an association between the built roadway and pediatric pedestrian injury was nearly 100%. The authors concluded that the built environment is directly related to the risk of pedestrian injury. This review and meta-analysis suggests that even modest interventions to the built roadway environment may result in meaningful reductions in the risk of pediatric pedestrian injury.


Forsyth A.What is a walkable place? The walkability debate in urban design[J]. Urban Design International, 2015,20(4):274-292.What exactly is meant by the term ‘walkability’? In professional, research and public debates the term is used to refer to several quite different kinds of phenomena. Some discussions focus on environmental features or means of making walkable environments, including areas being traversable, compact, physically enticing and safe. Others deal with outcomes potentially fostered by such environments, such as making places lively, enhancing sustainable transportation options and inducing exercise. Finally some use the term walkability as a proxy for better design whether composed of multiple, measurable dimensions or providing a holistic solution to urban problems. This review both problematizes the idea of walkability and proposes a conceptual framework distinguishing these definitions. This matters for urban design, because what is considered a walkable place varies substantially between definitions leading to substantially different designs. By mapping the range of definitions, this review highlights potential conflicts been forms of walkability.


Frank L D, Schmid T L, Sallis J F, et al.Linking objectively measured physical activity with objectively measured urban form[J]. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2005,28(2):117-125.


Ewing R, Handy S.Measuring the unmeasurable: Urban design qualities related to walkability[J]. Journal of Urban design, 2009,14(1):65-84.This study attempts to comprehensively and objectively measure subjective qualities of the urban street environment. Using ratings from an expert panel, it was possible to measure five urban design qualities in terms of physical characteristics of streets and their edges: imageability, enclosure, human scale, transparency and complexity. The operational definitions do not always comport with the qualitative definitions, and provide new insights into the nature of these urban design qualities. The immediate purpose of this study is to arm researchers with operational definitions they can use to measure the street environment and test for significant associations with walking behaviour. A validation study is currently underway in New York City. Depending on the outcome of this and other follow-up research, the ultimate purpose would be to inform urban design practice.


White J T.Measuring urban design: Metrics for livable places[J]. Journal of Urban Design, 2013,20(2):1-2.No abstract is available for this item.



[ Deng X J, Wang H G.Green ratio, green space ratio, green looking ratio[J]. New Architecture, 2002,(6):75-76. ]



[ Zhao Q, Tang H H, Wei D, et al.Spatial visibility of green areas of urban greenway using the green appearance percentage[J]. Journal of Zhejiang A&F University, 2016,33(2):288-294. ]

Mullaney J, Lucke T, Trueman S J.A review of benefits and challenges in growing street trees in paved urban environments[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2015,134:157-166.Street trees are an integral element of urban life. They provide a vast range of benefits in residential and commercial precincts, and they support healthy communities by providing environmental, economic and social benefits. However, increasing areas of impermeable surface can increase the stresses placed upon urban ecosystems and urban forests. These stresses often lead tree roots to proliferate in sites that provide more-favourable conditions for growth, but where they cause infrastructure damage and pavement uplift. This damage is costly and a variety of preventative measures has been tested to sustain tree health and reduce pavement damage. This review explores a wide range of literature spanning 30 years that demonstrates the benefits provided by street trees, the perceptions of street trees conveyed by urban residents, the costs of pavement damage by tree roots, and some tried and tested measures for preventing pavement damage and improving tree growth.


Seiferling I, Naik N, Ratti C, et al.Green streets-Quantifying and mapping urban trees with street-level imagery and computer vision[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2017,165:93-101.Traditional tools to map the distribution of urban green space have been hindered by either high cost and labour inputs or poor spatial resolution given the complex spatial structure of urban landscapes. What more, those tools do not observe the urban landscape from a perspective in which citizens experience a city. We test a novel application of computer vision to quantify urban tree cover at the street-level. We do so by utilizing the open-source image data of city streetscapes that is now abundant (Google Street View). We show that a multi-step computer vision algorithm segments and quantifies the percent of tree cover in streetscape images to a high degree of precision. By then modelling the relationship between neighbouring images along city street segments, we are able to extend this image representation and estimate the amount of perceived tree cover in city streetscapes to a relatively high level of accuracy for an entire city. Though not a replacement for high resolution remote sensing (e.g., aerial LiDAR) or intensive field surveys, the method provides a new multi-feature metric of urban tree cover that quantifies tree presence and distribution from the same viewpoint in which citizens experience and see the urban landscape.


Ye Q X, Gao W, Wang W Q, et al.A color image segmentation algorithm by using color and spatial information[J]. Journal of Software, 2004,15(4):522-530.An algorithm for color image segmentation, based on color and spatial information is proposed in this paper. First, color quantization is performed on an image based on the proposed color coarseness metric, and then an incremental region growing method is exploited to find the spatial connectivity of pixels with similar colors to form the initial segmented regions. Second, the initial regions are hierarchically merged based on the region distance defined by the color and spatial information. A criteria is proposed to decide the termination of the merging process. Finally, the erosion and dilation operators are used to smooth the edges of the segmented regions. The experimental results demonstrate that the color image segmentation results of the proposed approach hold favorable consistency in terms of human perception.


Zhang L, Gu Z, Li H.SDSP: A novel saliency detection method by combining simple priors[C]. Processing (ICIP), 2013 20th IEEE International Conference, IEEE,2013: 171-175.

