地球信息科学学报  2018 , 20 (5): 564-570 https://doi.org/10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180187



邵哲平, 周田瑞, 潘家财, 张智铭

集美大学航海学院,厦门 361021

Research on Dynamic Ship Domain in Restricted Water Based on AIS Data

SHAO Zheping*, ZHOU Tianrui, PAN Jiacai, ZHANG Zhiming

Navigation College, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China

通讯作者:  *Corresponding author: SHAO Zheping, E-mail: zpshao@jmu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-04-1

修回日期:  2018-04-28

网络出版日期:  2018-05-20

版权声明:  2018 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有

基金资助:  福建省自然科学基金项目(2015J01214)


作者简介:邵哲平(1964-),男,博士,教授,主要从事海上交通工程研究。E-mail: zpshao@jmu.edu.cn



考虑到受限水域船舶类型、船舶长度以及速度对船舶领域的影响,本文基于船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification Systen, AIS)数据,建立受限水域内船舶动态领域模型。通过求取每一时刻目标船到本船的距离和相对方位,获得单船船位分布图,然后对本船和目标船按船舶类型、船舶长度和船速进行分类,对同一类型单船船位分布图进行叠加,获得特定类型的船位分布图,采用数理统计方法确定船舶领域的边界,最终建立受限水域船舶动态领域模型。选用舟山港螺头水道AIS数据对该方法进行验证,共挖掘出19种不同类型的船舶动态领域模型。分析结果表明:货船对货船的船舶领域最小,油船对油船的船舶领域最大;船舶领域的长度随着船长,船速的增加而增加,且在长轴方向上增加的幅度要大于短轴方向;船舶领域长度与船舶长度的比值并非为定值,而是随着船长,船速的增加而递减,船速越大,递减的幅度越大。

关键词: AIS数据 ; 受限水域 ; 船舶领域 ; 船舶类型 ; 船舶长度 ; 船舶速度


Considering the influence of ship type, ship length and speed on ship domain, this paper established a dynamic domain model in restricted waters based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data. Firstly, the distance and relative orientation between the target ship and own ship at each moment were calculated to obtain the single ship position’s distribution diagram, then the target ship and own ship were classified based on the ship type, ship length and speed, thus to obtain the position distribution diagram of specific type of ships by combining position distribution diagram of the same type of ships. Then the boundary of ship's domain could be determined by mathematical statistics. finally, the dynamic domain model of restricted waters can be established. Taking the zhoushan luotou water area as an example, 19 different types of ship dynamic domain models are excavated. The results show that when both the type of own ship and target ship are cargo ship, the length of domain is the smallest, and when both the own ship and target ship are oil ship, the length of domain is the largest. The size of ship domain increases with the increases of ship length and speed, and the magnitude of the increase in the long axis is greater than those in the short axis. The ratio of ship domain length to ship length is not fixed, but decreases with the increase of ship length and speed, the greater the speed of the ship, the greater the decline of the ratio.

Keywords: AIS data ; restricted water ; dynamic ship domain ; ship type ; ship length ; ship speed


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邵哲平, 周田瑞, 潘家财, 张智铭. 基于AIS数据挖掘的受限水域船舶动态领域研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018, 20(5): 564-570 https://doi.org/10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180187

SHAO Zheping, ZHOU Tianrui, PAN Jiacai, ZHANG Zhiming. Research on Dynamic Ship Domain in Restricted Water Based on AIS Data[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2018, 20(5): 564-570 https://doi.org/10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.180187

1 引言

船舶领域一直被认为是研究船舶交通和船舶行为的最有效理论之一,是中外学者研究的热点。自从船舶领域在20世纪60年代提出以来一直被用于海上交通安全危险评判[1]。Goodwin[2]考虑了国际海上避碰规则构建了开阔水域的船舶领域,其模型由船舶右舷部分、左舷部分以及后方部分的3个扇形组成,同时提出了目标船位于船舶领域模型中心的左下方;Pietrzykowski等[3]通过统计数据方式,建立了开阔水域的船舶领域。齐乐[4]通过获取琼州海峡的船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS)数据,利用传统的DCPA,TCPA并结合模糊理论,建立了琼州海峡的船舶领域模型。丁法[5]通过选取成山头水域的AIS信息,考虑了船舶类型和船舶尺度对船舶领域的影响,建立了不同类型的船舶领域。

上述船舶领域的研究水域都是在开阔水域,对受限水域的船舶领域研究较少,向哲等[6]考虑到船舶长度对船舶领域的影响,建立了受限水域的船舶领域模型,席朝阳等[7]通过借助可视化技术和网格技术,获得能见度不良的情况下受限水域内船长80~100 m的船舶领域模型,但向哲和席朝阳等[8,9,10]都未考虑到在受限水域内船舶速度对船舶领域的影响,而在受限水域内由于航道宽度,船舶性能等的影响,船舶长度和船速对船舶领域的尺度和形状影响很大。因此为了准确建立受限水域的船舶领域,应考虑到船舶类型、船舶长度以及船速对船舶领域的影响。通过求取每一时刻目标船到本船的距离和相对方位,获得单船船位分布图,然后按照船舶的类型、船舶长度、船速进行分类,对同一类型的单船船位分布图进行叠加得到特定类型的船位分布图,将船位分布图划分为若干个区域,求取每个区域的船舶点数,采用文献[11]“将某一比率船舶距离排除在外”的方法来确定船舶领域边界,从而建立不同类型的船舶领域边界。

2 船位分布图算法设计

2.1 算法定义


AIS 数据:接受船舶自动识别系统,包含连续时间内船舶的位置,航行状态和船舶尺寸等信息。


目标船:以本船为中心,半径3 n mile以内的圆形区域航行超过一段时间的船舶,需要分析其与本船相对位置分布关系的船舶。




2.2 算法原理


图1   船位分布图算法流程

Fig. 1   Flowchart of the algorithm of ship position distribution

3 船舶相对位置计算方法


3.1 本船与目标船同步换算

在求取本船与目标船之间的相对位置时,由于AIS数据包含的船舶动态信息在时间上是离散的,每艘船舶播发的AIS数据时间可能不一致,为了减少时间间隔引起的船位误差,因此在计算船间运动关系时需要将目标船时刻的位置换算到与本船同一时刻的位置。设船A和船B在研究区域内航行,其AIS数据如图2所示,在时刻0002、0012、0022 接收到船A动态信息,在时刻0008、0016接收到船B动态信息。根据船A和船B的动态信息可以解算2个船在时刻0008、0012、0016的运动关系。解算原理如下:

图2   基于AIS数据的船间运动关系

Fig. 2   The dynamic relationship between ships based on AIS data

t1=0002、t2=0008、t3=0012、t4=0016。t2时刻船B的动态信息是确定的:坐标B2(xB2, yB2)、船速VB2、航向DB2。船A在t2时刻前后最近的2个时刻为t1t3t1时刻船A动态信息为:坐标A1(xA1, yA1)、船速VA1、航向CA1,t3时刻船A动态信息为:坐标A3(xA3, yA3),船速VA3、航向CA3。设船A在t2时刻动态信息为:坐标A2(xA2, yA2)、船速VA2、航向CA2。其中,坐标Ax, y)代表船A的经度和纬度,坐标Bx, y)代表船B的经度和纬度。






3.2 船舶间相对距离求取





式中:S为目标船到本船的距离/ n mile;r为船舶A,B两点的距离/ n mile;Dλ为A、B两点的经度差。

3.3 求取相对方位






4 基于AIS数据的船舶动态领域模型

4.1 研究区域

舟山港南部海域的螺头水道是舟山南部水域船舶航道的重要组成部分,航道宽1.2 n mile,航道全长8 n mile[12],本文选取舟山螺头水道作为研究区域,其螺头水道区域为图3中标识的黑色多边形区域。考虑到AIS信息发送间隔问题,为尽量不遗漏船舶AIS信息且保证AIS数据量足够多,选取的研究区域范围为:29°55′ ~29°57′ N,121°59′ ~122°7′ E,选取的数据时间段为该海区范围2016年1月、3月、5月、7月、9月、11月,共6个月的AIS数据。

图3   螺头水道分布

Fig. 3   The distribution of luotou water way

4.2 交通流分析




图4   船舶种类分布

Fig. 4   The distribution of ship types


图5表示螺头水域的船长分布,船舶长度在一定程度上直接反映了船舶吨位的大小,而海船的设备标准与船舶吨位的大小有关,一般来说大型船舶的配置设备更为齐全,相应船员素质要求也会更高。由图5可知,大部分船舶长度分布在50~200 m之间,50 m以下的小型船舶和200 m以上的大型船舶相对较少。在对船舶长度进行分类时,主要考虑到船舶操纵性和船舶的助航设备配置情况,因此本文将船舶长度划分为3个等级,分别为0~100 m、100~200 m和200 m以上的船舶。

图5   船舶长度分布

Fig. 5   The distribution of ship lengths



图6   船舶速度分布

Fig. 6   The distribution of ship speeds

4.3 船舶领域边界的确定

本研究采用Erwin等基于统计的思想,“将某一比率船舶距离排除在外”的方法确定船舶领域边界。具体步骤为:首先,以本船为中心获取3 n mile为半径圆形区域内目标船舶的分布情况,以5度为间隔将本船的坐标系均分为72个扇形;然后,对每个扇形区域的船舶点数按照距离本船的距离大小进行排序;接着,根据距离的大小,找出每个扇形区域的第5%的点作为临界点(如第1个扇区有200个船舶点数,对船舶点数按照离本船的距离大小进行排序,距离本船最近的那个点为第1个点,依次类推,则第10个点就是临界点,不足为整的取整(如有101个船舶点数,则选第5个点为临界点),其示意图为图7;最后,利用Matlab软件将这72个临界点采用最小二乘法拟合成椭圆,其拟合公式如式(8)所示[43]

图7   船舶领域边界确定示意图

Fig. 7   Schematic diagram of boundary determination of ship domain


4.4 船舶领域计算

4.4.1 不同类型船舶间的船舶领域模型




表2   油船对货船、油船对油船的船舶领域长度

Tab. 2   The length of ship domain between oil and cargo ships, and between oil ships

本船目标船长轴长/n mile短轴长/n mile长轴与L的比值短轴与L的比值


表1图8可知,当本船的船舶类型为货船时,其目标船的船舶种类对本船的船舶领域有影响,货船对油船的船舶领域要比货船对货船的船舶领域大,长轴大0.2557 n mile,短轴大0.0536 n mile。

图8   货船对货船、货船对油船的船舶领域

Fig. 8   The length of ship domain between cargo ships, and between cargo and oil ships



表1   货船对货船、货船对油船的船舶领域长度

Tab. 1   The length of ship domain between cargo ships and between cargo and oil ships

本船目标船长轴长/n mile短轴长/n mile长轴与L的比值短轴与L的比值


表2图9可知,本船的船舶类型为油船时,其目标船的船舶种类对本船的船舶领域有影响,油船对油船的船舶领域要比油船对货船的船舶领域大,长轴大0.0687 n mile,短轴大0.0276 n mile。

图9   油船对货船、油船对油船的船舶领域

Fig. 9   The length of ship domain between oil and cargo ships, and between oil ships

图10   不同船速船长L≥200 m的船舶领域

Fig. 10   The length of ship domain when ship's length is more than 200 meters

图11   不同船速船长L≥200 m的船舶领域长短轴数值变化

Fig. 11   The variation of domain in long and short axes at different speeds and ship length more than 200 meters


4.4.2 不同船速不同尺度船舶的船舶领域模型

为了研究方便,本文选择船长L≥200 m,船速分别为6 kn≤V<8 kn、8 kn≤V<10 kn、10 kn≤V<12、12 kn≤V<14 kn、14 kn≤V<16 kn共5档作为案例进行分析,对于其他类型的船舶领域本文在此不再进行陈述。表3为不同船速的船舶领域长度,图10为不同船速的船舶领域边界,图11为不同船速的船舶领域长短轴数值变化。

表3   不同船速船长L≥200 的船舶领域长短轴数值(n mile)

Tab. 3   The length of long and short axes at different speeds for ships with length longer than 200 meters

船速范围[6, 8)[8, 10)[10, 12)[12, 14)[14,16)


表3图10图11可以得出:随着船速的增加,本船船舶领域长度也随之增加,船速每增加2 kn,船舶领域长轴长增大约0.0221~0.1529 n mile,短轴长增大约0.0143~0.0254 n mile,船舶领域在长轴方向随船速的增大幅度大于短轴的增大幅度。

4.5 船舶领域长度与船舶长度比值的变化规律

藤井认为船舶领域的形状为椭圆,其长轴长为7 L(L代表船舶长度),追越时为8 L;Goodwin将船舶领域按船舶的号灯范围分成3个扇形区域,船舶左右弦部分的扇形区域半径分别为0.70 n mile、0.85 n mile,船尾部分的扇区半径为0.45 n mile;Hansen等[13]认为船舶领域的长度为8.3 L,船首方向为 4.68 L,船尾方向为3.62 L:陈厚忠等[14]在研究内河水域时将船舶种类分为进江船舶,顶推船队以及喷水推进高速双体船,其船舶领域的长轴长分别为3~4 L、2~3 L、1.5~2 L,短轴长分别为0.5~0.8 L、0.4 L、1 L。以上这些传统的计算方法得出的船舶领域长度与船舶长度的比值为一个定值,即船舶领域的长度可以表示成nL(n为定值)。


图12   船舶领域长度与船舶长度比值的变化规律

Fig. 12   The variation of ratio of domain length to ship length

5 结语



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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One of the basic tasks in shipping is to ensure safe navigation of vessels. The concept of the ship domain is of major importance in the assessment of a navigational situation and the avoidance of ship collisions. It is difficult to determine a ship domain as its shape and size depend on a number of factors. One question to be answered before the determination of the ship domain is which method to use: statistical, analytic, or expert method using artificial intelligence tools; other questions are connected with domain interpretation. The authors have analyzed the ship domain as a criterion for the assessment of ship navigational safety in an encounter situation in the open sea. The research results are used to answer some of the questions.Part 2 includes definitions of the ship domain and ship fuzzy domain. Part 3, in turn, presents methods of their determination as well as relevant questions. The results of the authors' research, described in Part 4, make up a basis for the determination of the domain and ship fuzzy domain. These have been determined with the so-called dynamic domains as a point of departure. The criteria of ship domain and closest point of approach are compared and discussed. Encounters of various size ships are considered in Part 5. The research and its results are described. Both ship domains and ship fuzzy domains of encountering ships are analyzed. Then, conclusions have been formulated in relation to the effect of the sizes of encountering ships on the shapes and sizes of their domains. Final conclusions are given in Part 6.
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为研究在能见度不良情况下受限水域内的常见船型的船舶领域,对船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS)数据进行分析建立船舶领域.该方法借助可视化技术和网格技术,结合研究水域能见度信息,分析南槽水道内符合要求的2 000万个左右AIS数据,还原航迹分布图约50 000张,获得在受限水域内能见度不良情况下船长80~100 m的船舶领域模型.客观精确的船舶领域模型能够提升能见度不良天气下交通流的预测精确度,同时丰富基于智能技术研究的船舶领域模型库.

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为研究在能见度不良情况下受限水域内的常见船型的船舶领域,对船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System,AIS)数据进行分析建立船舶领域.该方法借助可视化技术和网格技术,结合研究水域能见度信息,分析南槽水道内符合要求的2 000万个左右AIS数据,还原航迹分布图约50 000张,获得在受限水域内能见度不良情况下船长80~100 m的船舶领域模型.客观精确的船舶领域模型能够提升能见度不良天气下交通流的预测精确度,同时丰富基于智能技术研究的船舶领域模型库.
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[J]. Journal of Navigation, 1983,28(3):238-251.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0373463300039783      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper, which was presented at an Ordinary Meeting of the Institute held in London on 26 January 1983, outlines the development and analysis of the ship domain in restricted waters and illustrates some of its uses in a buoyed channel. The analysis of marine casualties raises the question of how casualties occur, and may indicate the circumstances most likely to lead to a casualty. In addition, information may be gained as a basis for estimating the risk of a casualty and for assessing the effectiveness of proposals for improving the safety and efficiency of navigation in the area. The use of casualty statistics as a measure of marine risk has distinct limitations. In most areas a casualty is a reasonably rare occurrence, so that any systematic analysis of casualties will normally have to take place over a period of a few years; and, if improvements are made, a further period of time is necessary to measure their effectiveness.
[10] Wang, Y H.

An empirically-calibrated ship domain as a safety criterion for navigation in confined waters

[J]. Journal of Navigation, 2016,69(4):257-276.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0373463315000533      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

There are limited studies on the use of ship domain as the safety criterion for ship navigation within confined waters. In this paper, a free-form ship domain has been developed empirically for navigation in confined waters. Two individual domains of an asymmetrical polygonal shape have been assumed around the own ship and target ship, and the size of the ship domains is assumed to be dynamically enlarged with increased ship speeds. The required safe distance modelled using the proposed ship domain takes into account dynamic changes in relative bearing and heading. The model is calibrated using the data of vessel movements in Singapore Strait and Singapore Port. An innovative process has been adopted that iteratively adjusts the parameters in the basic ship domain of a stationary ship; a speed function as well as a weight function to maximise the usage of the dataset. The resulting ship domain model compares well with existing ship domains for typical encounters, such as those of Fujii and Coldwell but represents non-typical encounters more effectively than existing models.
[11] Erwin van IPEREN.

Detection of Hazardous Encounters at the North Sea from AIS Data

[C]//Proceeding of the International Workshop on Next Generation of Nautical Traffic Model, 2012:32-44.

[本文引用: 1]     

[12] 蒋轩.



[本文引用: 1]     

[ Jiang X.

Study on risk assessment of navigation safety in Zhoushan Port[D]

. Dalian: Dalian Maritime University, 2015. ]

[本文引用: 1]     

[13] Hansen M G, Jensen T K.

Empirical ship domain based on AIS data

[J]. Journal of Navigation, 2006,59(3):477-490.

https://doi.org/10.1017/S0373463313000489      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper the minimum ship domain in which a navigator feels comfortable is estimated. That is, we estimate the free space surrounding a ship into which no other ship or object should enter. This is very useful when estimating the maximum flow through a channel or a bridge span. The paper benefits from the introduction of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data as it is now much easier to conduct studies involving a large number of observations. Our observations are based on ships sailing in southern Danish waters during a four year period, and from the observations we estimate how closely ships pass each other and fixed objects in open sea navigation. The main result is the establishment of an empirical minimum ship domain related to a comfortable navigational distance.
[14] 陈厚忠,郭国平.


[J].船海工程 , 2008,37(5):113-116. ]

https://doi.org/10.3963/j.issn.1671-7953.2008.05.032      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[ Chen H Z, Zhou G P.

Study on ship domain model and passing capacity in parallel bridge area of inland river

[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2008,37(5):113-116. ]

https://doi.org/10.3963/j.issn.1671-7953.2008.05.032      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

