Rural economy has developed greatly and rapidly in China since several years ago. The suburban countryside around metropolis is greatly affected by big cities, whose economic development has characteristics that different from the general laws of the countryside. In this paper we took rural per capita net/labor income in year 2004 to 2009 as variables to extract economic development relative index. Based on the methods of economic classification and spatial autocorrelation analysis in GIS, taking village as the basic analysis unit, we analyzed and mapped the spatial distribution of 453 villages' economic development in Fangshan District. Through analyzing the economic development zoning maps, Moran scatter plots, LISA maps and related geographic auxiliary data, the spatial pattern and differences of regional economic development were revealed. Taking year 2006 as an example, geographic data was used to analyze the correlation between rural economic development and the geographical elements. The results show that the spatial distribution of rural economic development in Fangshan District is shaped as "U", which means that the development level of the east and west regions is higher and the middle region is lowest. The development level of rural economy is significantly influenced by topographic factor, the "radiation effect" of town center and the development level of road net. And there is a strong positive spatial correlation among the economic development relative indices, and the characteristic of spatial aggregation is obvious. Through analyzing the economic development zoning maps and the LISA maps, it implies that local spatial correlation corresponds with regional economic development level, and the spatial heterogeneity problems also exist in local rural economy. And relaying on economic development relative index other than inconsistent statistical data to study rural economy reduces the barriers in measuring economic development for a certain region.
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