基于GPS/GIS的车辆监控调度系统可以实时了解车辆的位置、速度、方向等状态信息,为人们提供了一种全新的车辆管理手段。客户端车辆监控GIS系统是车辆监控系统中重要的组成部分,对其进行研究开发具有较强的现实意义与应用价值。针对实际的车辆监控项目的应用需求,本文采用ArcGIS Engine、Oracle数据库和 Visual Basic 6.0等开发工具,利用MapControl、TocControl、ToolbarControl控件、ICommand、ITool、IToolBarDef等接口开发了监控中心客户端软件——车辆监控GIS系统。在开发车辆监控GIS软件的过程中,我们设计了车辆监控GIS系统的技术框架,实现了原型系统和关键功能,建立了数据库。其关键功能包括:长度或面积量算时坐标的动态转换、IFeatureCache接口缓存技术的捕捉、自定义车辆符号的动态显示(符号方向随着车辆运行方向动态变化)、历史轨迹的查询与绘制和车辆最新位置信息提取与定位等。研究结果表明:系统实现方法简单实用,有助于优化系统结构及提高开发效率;系统功能使用方便、快捷,能够满足实际应用的需求,对相关GIS系统的建设具有参考价值。
Vehicle monitoring and dispatching system based on GPS/GIS can real-timely know of the vehicle’s status messages such as position, speed and direction. This technology provides a brand-new vehicle management method for people. GIS system for vehicle monitoring in client-side is an important component part of vehicle monitoring system, and researching and developing this system has strong practical significance and application value. In order to meet the actual demand of vehicle monitoring project, by using ArcGIS Engine, Oracle database and Visual Basic6.0, this paper developed client-side software in monitoring center, i.e. GIS system for vehicle monitoring. This paper discussed development process and function integration method of vehicle monitoring GIS system by utilizing some controls such as MapControl, TocControl, ToolbarControl and some component interfaces, including ICommand, ITool, and IToolBarDef, designed system’s technology frame, functions and database for vehicle monitoring GIS system, implemented prototype system, and provided implementation methods of system’s feature and key functions. These functions include the following aspects: (1) Measurement function: coordinate dynamic transforming when measuring arbitrary length or area, implemented snap function by using the cache technology of IFeatureCache interface, achieved better effect. (2) Dynamic display of vehicle’s moving: using self-defined symbol to symbolize the vehicle on digital map, symbol’s direction will change along with vehicle’s moving direction after starting monitoring. (3) Querying and drawing of historical track: provides querying and displaying of historical track in a certain period for one vehicle. (4) Getting the latest position: provides querying of the latest position information and spatial positioning for vehicle on digital map. The results show that the proposed development method is simple and practical, helping to optimize the system structure and improve development efficiency. The system’s functions are easy to use, meeting the needs of practical application. So, it has great reference value for related GIS system construction.
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