The heterogeneity of regional economic development is one of the hottest research fields among regional sustainable development topics. In this paper, the study was focused on the issue whether the gap of economic development level between regions was expanded (divergence) or narrowed (convergence) since China's reform and opening up. The spatial autocorrelation analysis of nominal GDP per capita data of provinces and municipalities in China during 1980-2008 were made and the provincial differences of economic development level were analyzed. Research results showed that there were significant positive spatial correlations in the overall situation after 1984 between provinces in China in the economic development, and the positive spatial correlation between provinces became more and more significant and strong as time went on. One of the most intuitionistic inferences of this research result was that the gap of economic development level between provinces in China was narrowed during 1980-2008 and the gap converging speed of economic development level between provinces in China was rising. In other words, the differences of regional economic development in China were converged in the overall. In addition, we introduced the traditional methods of σ-convergence model of economic studies to test and verify the conclusions of spatial correlation analysis. The σ values in each year were calculated by using the 1980-2008 real GDP per capita, which proved the correctness of the inference: the difference of economic development level between provinces in China was convergent during the 1980s, temporarily divergent in the early and middle 1990's and convergent again from the late 1990s to 2008, and the overall trend of the gap change of economic development level between provinces in China was converged. These results demonstrated the reliability and importance of using the spatial analysis method to analysis the convergence and divergence of economic development. This research could be used as a scientific reference for regional development in China.
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