

  • 1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101;
    2. 中国林业科学研究院资源信息研究所,北京 100091
江 东(1973-),男,博士,安徽寿县人,主要研究方向为遥感应用。E-mail:jiangd@igsnrr.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2010-10-10

  修回日期: 2011-05-18

  网络出版日期: 2011-06-15



Assessment of Wetland Resource in East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve,Hunan Province

  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;
    2. Research Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques,CAF,Beijing 100091,China

Received date: 2010-10-10

  Revised date: 2011-05-18

  Online published: 2011-06-15


湿地是介于陆地与水体之间的过渡地带,是陆地上最大的碳储库和陆地生态系统循环的重要组成部分。但是,由于对湿地资源的严重破坏和不合理利用,湿地面积急剧减少。近年来,湿地资源评价已经倍受关注,湿地资源评价为实现湿地资源可持续利用,保持湿地功能持久性提供科学依据。本文通过对湿地生态系统的研究,从生态效益、社会效益、经济效益角度出发,构建东洞庭湖自然保护区湿地资源生态健康和合理利用评价体系,并使用德尔菲法(Delphi method)和层次分析法(AHP)结合PSR模型对东洞庭湖湿地资源的生态健康、合理利用进行评价。东洞庭湖湿地资源生态健康评价得分为1.09分,健康状态为较健康,东洞庭湖湿地资源合理利用评价得分为0.64分,合理利用状态为基本合理。最后,通过对评价结果进行分析,提出了保护利用的建议。


王亚欣, 鞠洪波, 张怀清, 江东, 庄大方 . 东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区湿地资源评价[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2011 , 13(3) : 323 -331 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2011.00323


Wetlands are the transition zone between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir and an important part of the terrestrial ecosystems cycle.Wetlands perform functions that support the generation of ecologically,socially and economically important values.However,as the unreasonable utilization and destruction of wetlands,the total area of natural wetlands decreased rapidly,and wetland resources in China are no exception.In recent years,assessment of wetland resource has been paid close attention.Assessment of wetland resource can further protect wetland resources and provide scientific foundation for decision-makers.Through the study of wetland ecosystems,from the ecological,social,economic benefits,we build the ecological health assessment and legitimate utilization assessment for the East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve.In this study,Delphi method,analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and PSR model are adopted to appraise ecological health and legitimate utilization.First,an index system of integrated assessment of wetland resource was constructed,and the indexes involve the following three aspects,i.e.pressure,state and response.An index system of ecological health for wetland resource established was composed of 3 subsystems,with 17 indicators involved.And the index system of reasonable utilization of wetland resource established was composed of 3 subsystems,with 9 indicators involved.By conducting field investigation in East Dongting Lake and by performing remote sensing data processing,the score of ecological health of wetland in East Dongting Lake National Nature Reserve is 1.09,which means its health is generally reasonable,while the score of legitimate utilization is 0.64, that is a moderate score.


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