针对现有旅游流研究所面临的数据来源多样复杂、理论及模型分布分散、过程特征解析及重建复杂,以及表达困难等问题,以ArcGIS Engine为开发平台,从时空特征分析入手,构建适用于旅游流表达与分析的多源时空数据组织与存储体系,实现多源研究数据的整合与集成。同时设计了旅游流时空分析的模型集成框架,集成典型分析模型,实现了旅游流时空特征、过程,以及相互作用分析与可视化表达。另构建可反映旅游流研究思路与流程的旅游流时空特征解析与表达系统,并以江苏省13个地级市的旅游流为例进行实证分析。结果显示:本文所构建的系统可揭示旅游流及其相关要素的时空演化特征与相互作用关系,并能实现旅游流时空特征与过程解析结果的可视化表达。
Space-time distribution, evolution regularity and interaction between tourist flow and related factors are basic and prerequisite to make good tourism decision. There are many difficult problems in current tourist flow research, the variety and complexity of data sources, the dispersion of theories and models, the difficulty and complexity in analysis, rebuilding and express of process characteristics and so on. In this paper, model integration framework for space-time characteristics analysis is constructed in terms of the sorting results on kinds of existing spatio-temporal characteristics, process, and interaction models. With ArcGIS Engine as a basis platform, we build the GIS prototype system supporting space-time characteristics analysis and representation. Based on the unified storage and management of multiple data, the system built a unified data structure, many data interfaces and one kind of data analysis process, which support spatio-temporal characteristics analysis and visual display; based on the model integration framework in the paper, integrated these representative analysis models, realize the analysis of spatio-temporal characteristics, process, and interactions between; in the end, gave a deep analysis and good express for spatio-temporal characteristics and processes. Case studies suggest our system can: ①reveal the different phases and cyclical patterns of flow evolution and indicate the temporal and spatial pattern, variation, concentration and proliferation; ② show the spatial patterns and process of tourist flow and its relevant elements, the time and space clustering characteristics of tourist flow evolution; ③ display the space-time configuration and spatial interaction between tourist flows and the related elements and comprehensive evaluation on structure and process of spatial interactions; and ④ provide visualization of spatial-temporal characteristics and process. Our work can provide efficient tools and methods for tourist flow researches.
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