收稿日期: 2011-02-16
修回日期: 2012-02-10
网络出版日期: 2012-06-25
地震行业科研专项经费项目(201208018);国家科技支撑课题"中国重大自然灾害孕险环境分析技术"(2008BAK50B01);南水北调水资源综合配置技术研究 (2006BAB04A16)。
Design and Implementation of a Spatio-temporal Data Model on Account of Shapefile and Base State with Amendments Model
Received date: 2011-02-16
Revised date: 2012-02-10
Online published: 2012-06-25
Supported by
胡辉, 王昌佐, 梁万杰, 江东, 鞠斌 . 基于Shapefile的基态修正模型设计与实现[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2012 , 14(3) : 313 -319 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2012.00313
The research of spatio-temporal data model is the core of temporal GIS. Though the concept of temporal GIS has been proposed for years, there isnt any practical system till now. In order to simulate and save the temporal and spatial variation as well as apply the tranditional GIS functions, in this paper we chose to extend the existing ArcGIS vector data model to support temporal and spatial analysis functions. Firstly, we analysed the type of temporal and spatial variation and divided the common temporal and spatial variation into 8 different kinds. Then based on the analysis of variation types, we constructed a kind of spatio-temporal data model that support to save, analyse and simulate spatio-temporal changes in view of the vector data model of ArcGIS by using the base state with amendments model. Because that most multi-period spatial data are saved into multi-snapshots format, in other words, they are saved separately, its unrealistic to convert them into base state with amendments format manually. So in this paper, we also design and implement an algorithm which can extract and save temporal and spatial changes into base state with amendments format automatically from multi-period data. In order to verify the feasibility and efficiency of the data model, we designed and implemented a demo system to support the query, analysis, management and dynamic visualization of spatio-temporal data. The verify result showed that this data model could be used to support spatio-tempoal change recording, analysis and management.
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