收稿日期: 2012-07-18
修回日期: 2012-12-07
网络出版日期: 2013-02-25
Construction and Application of 3D Cadastre Management Model Based on LADM
Received date: 2012-07-18
Revised date: 2012-12-07
Online published: 2013-02-25
随着我国土地利用呈现立体化趋势,二维地籍管理模式已经难以反映垂直空间上土地的利用及权属状况,需要引入三维地籍管理模式。目前,我国学者提出的三维地籍模型没有考虑到权利人、权利和土地管理单元之间的联系。ISO/TC211提出的LADM 从人地关系的基本点出发,由地籍主体、客体、土地权利构成核心的登记框架,该框架引入了LA_SpatialUnit这一核心类,该核心类覆盖了建筑物单元,网状设施等三维地籍形态,并分别建立了行政管理单元与空间单元。本文通过借鉴LADM的核心框架,提出了适合我国国情的三维地籍概念模型,并选取面元模型的构模方式,结合面向对象的思想构建空间单元的数据模型。在此基础上,设计了LADM的三维地籍管理模型,并开发原型系统验证其可行性,通过对房屋产权单元和地下宗地的管理实例,验证了该模型在我国三维地籍管理中是可行的。
丁远, 孙在宏, 吴长彬, 乔伟峰 . 基于LADM的三维地籍管理模型构建及应用[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2013 , 15(1) : 106 -114 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00106
Under the three-dimensional (3D) tendency in land-use, the two-dimension (2D) cadastre management model can not reflect the land-use of the vertical space and the property. It is essential to introduce the 3D cadastre management model. The previous scholars didn't put the relation between people, right and land administrative unit into consideration. This article analyzed the core classes of LADM in ISO/TC211, including LA_Party, LA_RRR, LA_BAUnit and LA_SpatialUnit, and their relationship. LADM get a thought of constructing administration units and space units separately. This allows for a separate introduction in LADM of the "legal/administrative part" (the registers) and of the "spatial part" (the cadastral map), e.g. first the registers, then the map. Considering the framework of LADM's core classes and the design concept of it, choosing a hybrid solution of combined 3D cadastre and 2D cadastre, the 3D cadastre concept model which is suitable for the current situation in China was proposed. In this model, the basic administrative unit consists of 2D and 3D entity of right, and the spatial unit consists of 2D space object and 3D space object, so there is a relationship of one-to-one between them. In order to meet the management need of land's spatial right, the model introduced the core class LA_SpatialUnit which covers building units, networks and other 3D cadastre forms. And based on facial model theory and the object-oriented thought, the data model of spatial unit was constructed. According to the concept model and spatial data model of the 3D cadastre, the 3D cadastre management model was designed and its prototype system was developed to verify the model's feasibility. Through the instance of the management of house property right units in Shenghe garden district and underground land parcel which locates in a commercial district, the model is confirmed to be viable in the 3D cadastre management in our country.
Key words: management of 3D cadastre; LADM; model constructing; space rights
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