收稿日期: 2012-09-13
修回日期: 2012-12-17
网络出版日期: 2013-02-25
Research on Multi-machine Parallel DP Algorithm Based on MapReduce
Received date: 2012-09-13
Revised date: 2012-12-17
Online published: 2013-02-25
关键词: MapReduce; Douglas-Peucker算法; 曲线化简; 多机并行DP算法
张栋海, 黄丽娜, 刘晖, 唐健 . 基于MapReduce的多机并行DP算法与实验分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2013 , 15(1) : 55 -60 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2013.00055
Real time and rapid simplification of large-scale data, required by personalized WebGIS service which is based on vector data, becomes more and more important. The study was based on Douglas-Peucker, one of classical curve simplification algorithms, but in the view of its low performance, it can hardly simplify large-scale data in real time and rapidly. At the same time, the development of cloud-computing offers new storage technologies and computational methods for real time and rapid simplification of large-scale data. So this study made use of hadoop, one of the open source cloud computing platforms, to design and realize multi-machine parallel Douglas-Peucker algorithm. In the algorithm, we deigned the logic slices of data, and assigned the slices to the clusters by MapReduce computing model, achieved parallel simplification. In order to verify the efficiency of the algorithm, we designed the experiments and compared the efficiency of traditional DP algorithm and multi-machine parallel DP algorithm in tow aspects: 1) the same threshold and different amount of data; and 2) the fixed amount of data and different thresholds. The result of the experiments showed: the multi-machine parallel DP algorithm was more efficient than tradition DP algorithm for large-scale data and high-complexity computing. In this case, the data processing time was much longer than the data allocated in the inter-cluster and the transmission time, and every node was involved in a certain operation, improved the efficiency of operations. But for small scale data and low-complexity computing, the advantage of multi-machine parallel DP algorithm was non-obvious. Mainly due to a part of the nodes didn't participate in the operation, the computing potential of the cluster was not full play, while the data processing required time was very short, so the data allocation and transmission time impacted obviously. And, in order to meet the real time and rapid simplification of large-scale data, the multi-machine parallel DP algorithm should choose the appropriate simplification method for different amount of data and complexity computing in future.
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