收稿日期: 2013-05-30
修回日期: 2013-07-24
网络出版日期: 2014-03-10
The Design and Implementation of Spatial Database Map Dividing
Received date: 2013-05-30
Revised date: 2013-07-24
Online published: 2014-03-10
严哲, 余瑞, 何津, 邓文胜, 李志慧 . 空间数据库电子接图表的设计与实现[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2014 , 16(2) : 282 -289 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00282
At present, all kinds of large-scale spatial databases have been developed in China, which adopt the international standard of map dividing method and coding scheme. Compared with the common database, the volume of spatial database are massive in terms of spatial location, which heavily hinder the efficiency and effectiveness of data processing. Thus, how to manage massive spatial data effectively and efficiently has been the problem urgently to be solved. In recent years, with the rapid development of geographic information system (GIS) technology, spatial database management efficiency is greatly improved, which has become an important tool for spatial database management, analysis, acquisition, processing, storage, updating and maintenance. In order to satisfy the need of production and management of spatial data, this paper discuss a method of map dividing of spatial database, functions of common spatial database management and processing operation are integrated in the spatial database map dividing tools. The main functions of the spatial database map dividing tool are to visualize the storage status of spatial data, representing topological relationships, projection, spatial reference, various map scale, feature type and geometry type, as well as automatically drawing the border of standard map according to different scale. In addition, the extra information of the spatial data could be retrieved and displayed by feature type, geometric type of spatial data, which traditional method of map dividing could not achieving. Furthermore, based on the design of the logical structure of data storage, and to realize the optimization strategy of spatial data storage and retrieval, this method provided massive date retrieval technique and parameterized scheme for spatial database management, the application of map dividing in Management System for spatial database of Shanxi province shows that it provides an effective and efficient method of the manipulation and management of spatial database.
Key words: map dividing; meta data; GIS; spatial database management
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