作者简介:陈 旻(1981-),江苏泰州人,副研究员,研究方向为虚拟地理环境、空间综合人文学与社会科学。E-mail:chenmin0902@cuhk.edu.hk
收稿日期: 2013-10-15
要求修回日期: 2014-01-23
网络出版日期: 2014-07-10
A Discussion about Some Key Points of Outdoor Blind Guidance Based on Geographic Information System
Received date: 2013-10-15
Request revised date: 2014-01-23
Online published: 2014-07-10
陈旻 , 刘德儿 , 林珲 . 从地理信息系统角度探究盲人户外导航的几个关键问题[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2014 , 16(4) : 553 -559 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00553
:Geographic information technologies are playing increasingly significant roles in supplementing the blind with spatial cognition, enhancing their mobility of outdoor activities and their quality of life in urban area. Increasing researches have appeared in the fields of electronics and computer science. Technologies related to RFID, infrared, Bluetooth, WiFi, ultrasonic and image recognition have been employed to develop tools for urban barriers detection. Barricade detection with electronic tools; however, cannot well satisfy the needs of the blind’s outdoor activities. As a matter of fact, researchers become increasingly aware of the importance of geographic information (including semantic information), with which the more familiar and convenient paths can be chosen, and the risks of outdoor activities can be reduced. With the development of geographic information technology, the abroad correlated researches have focused on the exploration of the requirements of spatial perception for the blind, and these researchers set geographic information to be the foundation of assisting outdoor blind guidance. Accordingly, geographic information technologies are integrated with other technologies to serve the blind guidance. However, this kind of research is quite rare in China. From the perspective of geographic information, this article gives a summary of relevant researchillustrates current issues, and point out the development tendency. It also aims at providing essential theoretical support for the development of related hardware and software, and further promoting the application of geographic information technologies in the field of blind service.
Tab.1 Summary of geographic information requirements for blind navigation in outdoor space表1 盲人户外出行地理信息需求相关研究归纳 |
研究方法 | 研究团队 | 需关注的出行要素 (除了Lynch提出的5大城市要素:道路、边界线、区域、节点与地标) |
盲人心像 表征分析 | Bentzen等 | 强调盲人更关注道路之间的连接点 |
Gaunet | 行走过程中5~10 m的路径信息 距离路口30 m之内的环境信息 | |
Yaagoubi和Edwards | 盲人在不同情况下对于空间信息需求存在层次性 强调对象之间关系 | |
盲人出行 行为分析 | Chandler和Worsflod | 出行主要依靠乘坐相关交通工具及步行2种方式 |
Pey等 | 公交汽车的行走方向、目的地、站点信息等 | |
Polzerova和Fraser | 地铁和出租车的位置信息、站台信息等 | |
情景的问卷 调查分析 | Marston | 对所在地地物的描述信息、一定距离之内的空间布局、方位信息、盲人自身的位置信息,以及整体的空间概念 |
Golledge等 | 所面对的道路、所处的街道角落、转弯时机与方向,商店、办公室、公交站点的位置,以及路过的地点位置 | |
Liao | 路口信息、街道、目的地、地标、路线,以及建筑物信息 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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