作者简介:田 蓉(1987-),女,湖北恩施人,博士生,主要从事湿地生态系统健康遥感评价模型研究。E-mail:tianrong@radi.ac.cn
收稿日期: 2013-07-15
要求修回日期: 2013-08-30
网络出版日期: 2014-07-10
Analysis of the Difference and Genetic in Drought Degree of Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake in 2011
Received date: 2013-07-15
Request revised date: 2013-08-30
Online published: 2014-07-10
湿地是水陆交错的生态系统,往往受旱灾影响大,故此,对不同湖泊湿地受旱程度差异及其原因分析,可为减灾和湿地保护提供科学依据。本文利用2010年5月和2011年5月2个时相的HJ-1卫星CCD影像,提取洪湖和梁子湖2个时相的湿地水面积,结合统计资料和问卷调查数据,从湿地水面积及空间分布变化、湿地生态系统功能退化、湿地生态系统,对人类福祉影响3方面,分析了两湖湿地受旱程度的差异。并综合气象数据、统计资料和问卷调查数据,从气象因子、区域自然地理环境、湿地类型及特点、区域水文条件和湿地受保护程度5方面探讨两湖受旱程度差异的原因。结果表明:(1)2011年春旱期间,洪湖比梁子湖受旱程度更严重。旱灾时,洪湖水面积减少83.93 km2,减小比例为26%,梁子湖水面积减少13.02 km2,减小比例为4%;两湖的涵养水源、保护生物多样性、物质生产和水质净化功能均受到损害,洪湖较梁子湖更严重;受旱灾影响,洪湖湿地对人类福祉的消极影响大于梁子湖。(2)降雨量、气温和风速等气象因素、湖泊湿地成因类型、区域自然地理环境和水文条件是影响两湖受旱程度差异的主要因素,另外,湿地保护措施的差异及效果也会造成两湖受旱程度不同。
田蓉 , 曹春香 , 马广仁 , 鲍达明 , 陆诗雷 , 徐敏 , Peera YOMWAN . 2011年洪湖和梁子湖受旱程度差异和成因分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2014 , 16(4) : 653 -663 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00653
Wetlands are ecosystems interlaced between water and land that are highly affected by drought. Analysis of the differing degree of drought from different wetlands can provide scientific bases for disaster mitigation and wetland conservation. Based on HJ-CCD images in two periods (May 2010 and May 2011), we extracted the wetland water areas of Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake, and then combining with statistical and questionnaire data we analyzed the differences of drought degree between the two lakes from three aspects: (1) the wetland water area change and its spatial distribution; (2) wetland ecosystem functional degeneration and (3) the influences of wetland ecosystem to human well-being. Subsequently, the differences of drought degree between the two lakes were analyzed from meteorological factors, wetland forming reasons and wetland types, regional geographical environment, regional hydrological condition and the wetland conservation degree. The three main meteorological factors, i.e. monthly average precipitation, temperature and wind speed, were selected because precipitation mainly affects the inflow of the lakes, while temperature and wind speed are the main factors in outflow of the lakes. Moreover, we also used the questionnaire data to analyze the differences of the wetland conservation measures and the understanding of local people to wetland protection. The results show that, the drought degree of Honghu Lake is more serious than Liangzi Lake. During the drought, water area of Honghu Lake has reduced 83.93 km2, with the proportion of 26%, while the water area reduction of Liangzi Lake is 13.02 km2 with the proportion of only 4%. Many functions of the two lakes are damaged such as water conservation, biological diversity conservation, material production and water purification function. Since the damage degree of these functions of Honghu Lake is more serious than Liangzi Lake, Honghu Lake brings more negative impacts on human well-being than Liangzi Lake. The results also indicate that the lake forming reason and the regional geographical environment are the main factors in the differences of drought degree between the two lakes, as well as some meteorological factors such as wind speed. In addition, the differences and effects of wetland conservation measures also influence the drought degree between the two lakes.
Key words: Honghu Lake; Liangzi Lake; differences in drought degree; HJ-1; questionnaire
Fig.1 Location of Honghu Lake (left) and Liangzi Lake (right)图1 洪湖(左)、梁子湖(右)所在地理位置 |
Fig.2 Wetland water area of Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake in two periods图2 洪湖、梁子湖2个时相湿地水面积 |
Fig.3 Spatial distribution of wetland water area of Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake in two periods图3 洪湖和梁子湖2个时相湿地水面积空间分布 |
Tab.1 The LSI and their variation of Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake in two periods表1 洪湖、梁子湖2个时相LSI值及其变化 |
湿地 | LSI-2010 | LSI-2011 | LSI变化比例 |
洪湖 | 1.80 | 2.40 | 0.33 |
梁子湖 | 7.20 | 9.04 | 0.26 |
Fig.4 Influence comparison of drought to residents’ life in Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake图4 干旱对洪湖和梁子湖居民生活影响调查结果 |
Fig.5 Monthly average precipitation from April 2010 to May 2011 in Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake图5 洪湖、梁子湖2010年4月-2011年5月月平均降雨量 |
Fig.6 Monthly average temperature from April 2010 to May 2011 in Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake图6 洪湖、梁子湖2010年4月-2011年5月月平均气温 |
Fig.7 Monthly average wind speed from April 2010 to May 2011 in Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake图7 洪湖、梁子湖2010年4月-2011年5月月平均风速 |
Tab.2 Aquatic products, per capita net income of farmers, the number of tourists and tourist income in Honghu and Ezhou cities表2 洪湖市、鄂州市水产品、农民人均纯收入、旅游人数及旅游收入 |
地区 | 2011年水产品总量(万t) | 水产品总量比2010增长(%) | 2011年农民人均纯收入(元) | 农民人均纯收入比2010年增长(%) | 旅游人数 (万人) | 旅游收入 (亿元) |
洪湖市 | 36.54 | 3.60 | 7458 | 16.00 | 135.8.0 | 8.20 |
鄂州市 | 36.09 | 8.40 | 7909 | 19.03 | 377.18 | 24.73 |
Fig.8 Grading result of the questionnaire survey on wetland knowledge and protection awareness in Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake图8 洪湖和梁子湖公民湿地认识及保护意识问卷调查评分结果 |
Tab.3 Basic situation of the questionnaire survey on wetland knowledge and protection awareness表3 公众湿地认识及保护意识问卷调查基本情况 |
调查项目 | 洪湖 | 梁子湖 |
男女比例 | 6:4 | 4:6 |
年龄结构 | 5-55岁之间,15-30岁人群占60% | 8-47岁之间,15-30岁人群占75% |
职业分布 | 涵盖学生、农民、公务员、教师、服务人员、工人和自由职业者,其中学生占45% | 涵盖学生、农民、工人、服务人员、技术人员、工人和自由职业者,其中学生占35% |
调查问题 | (1) 您是否听说过湿地,途径是什么?(2) 您每年关注湿地吗?(3) 湿地被称为?(4) 世界湿地日是每年哪天?(5) 您认为湿地包括以下哪些?(6) 您知道的湿地功能有哪些?(7) 您认为是否应该牺牲湿地促进经济发展?(8) 您认为湿地保护生物多样性作用怎么样?(9) 您认为危害湿地的行为有哪些?(10) 您认为本地的湿地保护工作如何?(11)您对本地的湿地保护工作有什么建议 |
Tab.4 Result of investigation about wetland protection measures表4 湿地保护措施实行效果调查结果 |
湿地保护措施 | 洪湖 | 梁子湖 |
保护上游水源 | 中 | 好 |
普及公众的湿地保护意识 | 中 | 中 |
保护湿地的动植物 | 好 | 好 |
创造有利于湿地资源保护的法制法规 | 中 | 中 |
积极引导湿地周边群众参与湿地管理 | 中 | 中 |
摸清家底,建立湿地资源信息库 | 中 | 好 |
Tab.5 Investigate questions and answers about wetland management of Honghu Lake and Liangzi Lake表5 洪湖、梁子湖湿地管理调查问题及答案 |
问题 | 洪湖 | 梁子湖 |
目前该地区湿地管理中存在的最大问题是什么? | 上游水源的管理权在其他的行政区;野生动植物的人为捕杀很难控制;气象灾害 | 气象灾害 |
保护该地区湿地最重要的方面是什么? | 法制法规的建立 | 公众湿地保护意识 |
贵部门对合理利用和保护该地区湿地有什么规划? | 湿地利用:生态旅游,水产养殖 湿地保护:综合管理,逐渐恢复 | 湿地利用:种植水生观赏植物 湿地保护:开展湿地水生植被修复工作 |
有无必要构建一个湿地健康评价指标体系来方便快速评价湿地整体状况?这样的指标体系对湿地的合理利用和保护有促进作用吗? | 十分必要,能够促进 | 有必要,有促进作用 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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