作者简介:张建立(1987-), 女, 河北邢台人, 硕士生, 研究方向为社会文化地理信息系统。E-mail:Zhangjianli129@163.com
收稿日期: 2013-12-25
要求修回日期: 2014-03-30
网络出版日期: 2014-11-01
Spatial Information Analysis and Visualization Analysis of the Ancient Poetry
Received date: 2013-12-25
Request revised date: 2014-03-30
Online published: 2014-11-01
张建立 , 李仁杰 , 傅学庆 , 张军海 . 古诗词文本的空间信息解析与可视化分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2014 , 16(6) : 890 -897 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2014.00890
The analysis of the spatial information in literary works and spatial visualization analysis provide a new perspective for the study of literature, which has important reference value for understanding literary works. This article attempts to analyze the spatial information from ancient poetry texts by using two methods: the specific positioning method based on the relationship between the names of ancient and modern places; and the approximate positioning methods, including the method of inference based on the orientation, the method of replacement based on the approximate location and the method of speculation based on the spatio-temporal data. We have designed a database, which can express the authors of ancient poetry, poetry texts, names of places and geographical spatial information that appears in the poems. Taking the poems of Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty as an example, we have collected 967 pieces of his poems and detected the spatial locations where Li Bai composed his poems, and we collected the geographic names appeared in the poems among 563 pieces. Meanwhile, we have initially set up the geographic database for ancient poetry. Based on GIS technology, we have produced a map using the positional information presented in the poems of Li Bai, including the poetry creation places, the described places and the associated places. We have then carried out an analysis of the characteristics of spatial distribution of the positional information, which clearly shows the distribution pattern of the poetry creation space of Li Bai and the representation space of his poems. The study shows that it is feasible for the analysis of the spatial characteristics to be applied on the literatures by using GIS technology, and it has great reference values in the study of ancient poetry and other literary works from the geographical spatial perspective.
Fig.1 The dynamic linking conceptual map of the data analysis and visualization expression of the places where Li Bai composed his poems图1 词创作地点的数据分析及可视化表达动态连接概念示意图 |
Tab.1 Table of the analytical results of the spatial information from Li Bai’s poems表1 诗词文本的空间信息解析表 |
地名 | 所属诗词名 | 信息来源 | 地名类型 | 描述文本 | 定位方法 |
窦圌山 | 题窦圌山 | 标题 | 创作地 | 同标题 | 明确定位 |
涩滩 | 下泾县陵阳溪至涩滩 | 标题 | 创作地 | 同标题 | 方位定位 |
成都 | 春感 | 引证 | 创作地 | 《彰明逸事》:太白游成都,赋《春感》诗云云 | 明确定位 |
金陵 | 登瓦官阁 | 正文 | 描述地 | 晨登瓦官阁,极眺金陵城 | 明确定位 |
终南山 | 玉真公主别馆苦雨赠卫尉张卿二首 | 引证 | 创作地 | 本年秋寓居玉真公主别馆时作,别管在终南山楼觀 | 近似替代定位 |
龙门 | 秋夜宿龙门香山寺奉寄王方城十七丈奉国莹上人从弟幼成令问 | 标题 | 创作地 | 秋夜宿龙门香山寺奉寄王方城十七丈奉国莹上人从弟幼成令问 | 明确定位 |
白笴陂 | 游秋浦白苛陂二首 | 标题 | 创作地 | 同标题 | 方位定位 |
尧祠 | 鲁郡尧祠送张十四游河北 | 标题 | 创作地 | 同标题 | 近似替代定位 |
长安 | 送白利从金吾董将军西征 | 引证 | 创作地 | 同标题 | 时空推断 |
长安 | 送祝八之江东赋得浣纱石 | 引证 | 创作地 | 同标题 | 时空推断 |
洞庭湖 | 送贺监归四明应制 | 正文 | 描述地 | 真诀自从茅氏得,恩波宁阻洞庭归 | 近似替代定位 |
东鲁 | 送范山人归太山 | 引证 | 创作地 | 鲁客抱白鸡一作鹤,别余往泰山 | 明确定位 |
天姥山 | 梦游天姥吟留别 | 标题 | 联想地 | 同标题 | 近似替代定位 |
上党郡 | 酬张司马赠墨 | 正文 | 描述地 | 上党碧松烟,夷陵丹砂朱 | 明确定位 |
鲁东门 | 鲁东门观刈薄 | 标题 | 创作地 | 同标题 | 近似替代定位 |
金华殿 | 送杨燕之东鲁 | 正文 | 联想地 | 一辞金华殿,蹭蹬长江边 | 近似替代定位 |
丹阳 | 杂言用投丹阳知己兼奉宣慰判官 | 标题 | 创作地 | 同标题 | 明确定位 |
金陵 | 送萧三十一之鲁中兼问稚子伯禽 | 正文 | 联想地 | 夫子如何涉江路?云帆袅袅金陵去 | 明确定位 |
赤诚山 | 金陵送张十一再游东吴 | 正文 | 描述地 | 春光白门柳,霞色赤城天 | 近似替代定位 |
注:表中地名来源分为标题、正文、引证3类。其中,引证主要指通过其他文献获得诗词创作地信息的方式 |
Fig.2 The distribution and quantity characteristics map of the places where Li Bai composed his poems图2 李白诗词创作地点分布及其数量特征图 |
Fig.3 The distribution map of the geographic names that appeared that in the poetry creation places of Li Bai’s poetry图3 李白诗词中描述创作地范围内的地名分布特征 |
Fig.4 The distribution map of the geographic names related to and outside of the creation places of Li Bai’s poetry图4 李白诗词中描述创作地之外的联想地名分布特征 |
Fig.5 The distribution map of geographic names in the titles of poems图5 李白诗词题目中描述的地名分布图 |
Fig.6 The distribution map of geographic names in the main text of poems图6 李白诗词正文中描述的地名分布图 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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