作者简介:杨 帆(1990-),男,江苏常州人,硕士生,研究方向为GIS应用。E-mail:yfnkbh@foxmail.com
收稿日期: 2014-06-10
要求修回日期: 2014-07-01
网络出版日期: 2015-03-10
Forest Carbon Storage and Its Sequestration Potential in the Southeast of Guizhou Province During 1990-2050
Received date: 2014-06-10
Request revised date: 2014-07-01
Online published: 2015-03-10
本文以贵州省东南部三州为研究区,运用连续生物量转换因子法和平均生物量法,通过2010年森林清查小班数据,建立了24类优势树种的森林植被碳密度与林龄之间的关系。同时,估算了1990-2010年间贵州省东南部森林植被生物量及其碳蓄积量,分析了碳蓄积量的时空变化特征,并预测出2050年该区域森林植被的固碳潜力。结果显示:(1)2010年贵州省东南部森林植被碳蓄积量为106.22 TgC,占贵州省森林植被碳蓄积量的63.01%,占全国森林植被碳蓄积量的1.36%;平均碳密度32.44 MgC/hm2,是贵州省森林植被平均碳密度的93%,全国森林植被平均碳密度的76%,碳密度空间分布呈现由西部向东部增加趋势且东部高于平均水平。(2)1990-2000年间森林植被碳蓄积量增加了30.67 TgC;2000-2010年间森林植被碳蓄积量增加了49.55 TgC,其中,退耕还林导致森林植被碳蓄积量增加了31.09 TgC。(3)以2010年为基准年,假设40 a后贵州省东南部森林面积保持稳定,且不考虑轮伐期的未来情景下,至2050年该区域森林植被碳蓄积量将达到153.38 TgC,其增量可达47.16 TgC,表明贵州省东南部森林具有较大的碳增汇潜力。
杨帆 , 黄麟 , 邵全琴 , 包玉海 . 1990-2050年间贵州省东南部森林植被碳蓄积及固碳潜力分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2015 , 17(3) : 309 -316 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00309
In this paper, three prefectures in the southeast of Guizhou Province were selected as the study area. Using the method of biomass expansion factor and mean biomass, the relationships between carbon density and forest age for the 24 forest types was established. Then, the total amounts and change trends of the biomass and carbon storage of forest vegetation in the southeast of Guizhou Province from 1990 to 2010 was estimated based on forest investigation data in 2010. Furthermore, the carbon sequestration potential during the period of 2010-2050 was estimated by setting 2010 as the baseline and assuming that the area of forest vegetation remained stable and without consideration of forest rotation. The following conclusions were made in this study: (1) in 2010, the forest vegetation carbon storage in the southeast of Guizhou Province was 106.22 TgC, accounting for 63.01% carbon storage in Guizhou Province and 1.36% carbon storage in China; the average carbon density was 32.44 MgC/hm2,which was 0.93 times of the average value of Guizhou Province and 0.76 times of the average value of China. Meanwhile, the carbon density gradually increased from the west to the east. The carbon density in the east was higher than the average. (2) During the period of 1990-2000, the forest vegetation carbon storage had increased by 30.67 TgC. During the period of 2000-2010, the forest vegetation carbon storage had increased by 49.55 TgC, in which 31.09 TgC of the storage were contributed by conversion from farmland to forest. (3) Till 2050, the forest vegetation carbon storage in that area would be 153.38 TgC, which is increased by 47.16 TgC. This showed that the forest in the southeast of Guizhou Province had great carbon sequestration potential.
Fig. 1 Main dominant tree species in the southeast of Guizhou Province (2010)图1 2010年贵州省东南部主要优势树种类型图 |
Tab. 1 Parameters of transfer equation for forest biomass and volumes of different tree types in the southeast of Guizhou Province[8]表1 贵州省东南部不同树种生物量和活立木蓄积量转换方程参数[8] |
森林类型 | 优势树种 | 地上生物量/地下生物量 | ||
针叶林 | 杉木 | 0.40 | 22.54 | 4.70 |
马尾松 | 0.51 | 1.05 | 6.23 | |
柏木 | 0.61 | 1.05 | 3.50 | |
云南松 | 0.51 | 1.05 | 6.23 | |
柳杉 | 0.42 | 41.33 | 4.03 | |
华山松 | 0.59 | 18.74 | 5.09 | |
水杉 | 0.42 | 41.33 | 4.03 | |
秃杉 | 0.42 | 41.33 | 4.03 | |
铁杉 | 0.42 | 41.33 | 4.03 | |
阔叶林 | 软阔类 | 0.48 | 30.60 | 6.25 |
硬阔类 | 0.76 | 8.31 | 5.04 | |
栎类 | 1.15 | 30.60 | 2.87 | |
杂木 | 0.76 | 26.15 | 5.04 | |
枫香 | 0.48 | 18.47 | 4.49 | |
桉树 | 0.79 | 6.93 | 7.45 | |
桦类 | 0.96 | 0.85 | 2.89 | |
杨树 | 0.48 | 30.60 | 6.25 | |
泡桐 | 0.48 | 30.60 | 4.26 | |
樟类 | 1.04 | 8.06 | 4.28 | |
椴类 | 1.04 | 8.06 | 4.49 | |
檫木 | 0.63 | 91.00 | 4.95 | |
混交林 | 阔叶混 | 0.63 | 91.00 | 5.04 |
针阔混 | 0.81 | 18.47 | 3.85 | |
针叶混 | 0.59 | 24.52 | 5.02 |
Fig. 2 Logistic curves between carbon density and forest age for the four major dominant tree species图 2 贵州省东南部4类优势树种森林植被碳密度随林龄变化的Logistic曲线 |
Tab. 2 Parameters of logistic equations fitting the relationships between carbon density and forest age for different dominant tree species in the southeast of Guizhou Province表2 贵州省东南部不同优势树种森林植被碳密度与林龄的Logistic方程拟合参数 |
优势树种 | a | b | c | R2 |
杉木 | -0.137 | 0.923 | 42.958 | 0.961 |
马尾松 | -0.125 | 1.190 | 28.438 | 0.868 |
软阔类 | -0.176 | 0.176 | 44.273 | 0.986 |
阔叶混 | -0.039 | -0.291 | 101.719 | 0.893 |
硬阔类 | -0.099 | 1.633 | 41.704 | 0.826 |
栎类 | -0.065 | 1.276 | 85.424 | 0.691 |
杂木 | -0.264 | 1.283 | 37.696 | 0.799 |
枫香 | -0.032 | -0.235 | 42.464 | 0.786 |
柏木 | -0.087 | 2.951 | 28.093 | 0.848 |
针阔混 | -0.054 | 1.193 | 62.458 | 0.849 |
云南松 | -0.124 | 1.843 | 31.730 | 0.638 |
桉树 | -0.084 | 1.321 | 72.937 | 0.999 |
桦类 | -0.034 | 0.756 | 66.436 | 0.956 |
针叶混 | -0.059 | 1.695 | 64.537 | 0.931 |
柳杉 | -0.285 | 1.278 | 59.646 | 0.934 |
华山松 | -0.095 | 1.489 | 54.553 | 0.863 |
杨树 | -0.377 | -0.600 | 32.191 | 0.793 |
泡桐 | -4.680 | 13.523 | 46.462 | 0.760 |
樟类 | -0.050 | 3.072 | 83.056 | 0.918 |
水杉 | -2.122 | 9.239 | 40.571 | 0.723 |
椴类 | -0.210 | 5.043 | 55.349 | 0.876 |
檫木 | -0.260 | -0.388 | 80.656 | 0.996 |
秃杉 | -0.063 | 1.038 | 96.632 | 0.847 |
铁杉 | -0.041 | 1.467 | 79.404 | 0.855 |
Tab. 3 Biomass and carbon storage for different dominant tree species in the southeast of Guizhou Province (2010)表3 2010年贵州省东南部不同优势树种生物量和碳蓄积量 |
优势树种 | 面积(hm2) | 生物量(t) | 碳蓄积量(MgC) | 碳密度(MgC/hm2) |
杉木 | 886 767 | 58 795 535 | 29 397 768 | 33.15 |
马尾松 | 858 422 | 33 863 531 | 16 931 766 | 19.72 |
软阔类 | 322 141 | 18 932 592 | 9 466 296 | 29.39 |
阔叶混 | 305 956 | 43 954 300 | 21 977 150 | 71.83 |
硬阔类 | 298 628 | 16 581 981 | 8 290 990 | 27.76 |
栎类 | 287 813 | 24 780 225 | 12 390 112 | 43.05 |
杂木 | 92 812 | 5 333 452 | 2 666 726 | 28.73 |
枫香 | 54 734 | 3 209 736 | 1 604 868 | 29.32 |
柏木 | 50 739 | 633 281 | 316 641 | 6.24 |
针阔混 | 33 021 | 2 339 672 | 1 169 836 | 35.43 |
云南松 | 31 293 | 1 066 353 | 533 176 | 17.04 |
桉树 | 19 233 | 810 011 | 405 005 | 21.06 |
桦类 | 9562 | 561 076 | 280 538 | 29.34 |
针叶混 | 8475 | 563 158 | 281 579 | 33.22 |
柳杉 | 5100 | 336 823 | 168 411 | 33.02 |
华山松 | 4706 | 341 779 | 170 889 | 36.31 |
杨树 | 2738 | 158 218 | 79 109 | 28.89 |
泡桐 | 1223 | 107 441 | 53 720 | 43.91 |
樟类 | 638 | 22 642 | 11 321 | 17.73 |
水杉 | 227 | 15 126 | 7563 | 33.37 |
椴类 | 137 | 5460 | 2730 | 19.88 |
檫木 | 80 | 11 917 | 5959 | 74.40 |
秃杉 | 65 | 8170 | 4085 | 62.66 |
铁杉 | 42 | 3970 | 1985 | 46.95 |
经济林 | 256 729 | 6 084 474 | 3 042 237 | 11.85 |
灌木林 | 751 541 | 15 640 843 | 7 820 421 | 9.88 |
竹林 | 30 469 | 9 190 754 | 4 595 377 | 150.82 |
Fig. 3 Forest carbon densities in the southeast of Guizhou Province in 2010图3 2010年贵州省东南部森林植被碳密度空间分布(MgC/hm2) |
Fig. 4 Carbon density for different groups of forest age in the southeast of Guizhou Province (2010)图4 2010年贵州省东南部不同林分龄组植被碳密度 |
Fig. 5 Carbon storage of the main nature forest and artificial forest in the southeast of Guizhou Province (2010)图5 2010年贵州省东南部主要天然林和人工林植被碳蓄积量 |
Fig. 6 Changes of forest carbon storage in the southeast of Guizhou Province from 1990 to 2010图6 1990-2010年贵州省东南部森林植被碳蓄积量变化 |
Fig. 7 Forest carbon density change in the southeast of Guizhou Province during the period of 1990-2000 and 2000-2010图7 1990-2000、2000-2010年贵州省东南部森林植被碳密度变化空间分布(MgC/hm2) |
Fig. 8 Forest carbon density in the southeast of Guizhou Province in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050图8 2020、2030、2040、2050年贵州省东南部森林植被碳密度空间分布图(MgC/hm2) |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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