收稿日期: 2014-12-26
修回日期: 2015-02-02
网络出版日期: 2015-05-10
Parallel Computing of Watershed Process Simulation Guided by Geographical Laws
Received date: 2014-12-26
Revised date: 2015-02-02
Online published: 2015-05-10
流域过程模拟是地理学研究和流域科学管理的有效工具。在应用需求的推动下,长时段、高空间分辨率的多过程综合模拟逐渐兴起,流域过程模拟所需的计算量越来越大,亟需借助并行计算技术来提高效率。流域过程模拟并行计算的现有研究,大多为针对特定模型的个例研究,缺乏对指导各类流域过程模型并行计算的共性思路和原则进行讨论和梳理。首先,对可指导流域过程模拟并行计算的地理规律进行了分析,从空间、子过程和时间3 个角度,探讨了空间等级层次结构、空间相互作用、子过程间依赖关系、时空动态变化等地理规律,对流域过程模拟并行计算的指导作用;然后,根据地理规律在并行计算中所发挥作用和适用范围的不同对其分类;最后,结合2 个实例,对地理规律的流域过程模拟并行计算进行了分析和验证,旨在对流域过程模拟并行计算理论和方法的发展与应用提供借鉴。
刘军志, 朱阿兴, 秦承志, 江净超, 朱良君, 沈琳 . 论地理规律对流域过程模拟并行计算的指导作用[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2015 , 17(5) : 506 -514 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00506
Watershed process simulation has become an important tool for geographical researches and decision making of watershed management. For watershed process simulation with long period, high spatial resolution and multi-process integrated modeling, the amount of required computation is so huge that the parallel computing is urgently needed to handle these simulations. Currently, the rapid development of hardware and software in parallel computing provides a good opportunity for solving the computation bottleneck of multi- process and high-resolution watershed process simulation over large regions. In order to take full advantage of the capabilities of new parallel-computing hardware, it is necessary to use geographical laws, which illustrate the characteristics of watershed processes, to guide the design and implementation of parallel computing algorithms. This paper presents that geographical laws can be used to guide the design and implementation of parallel computing algorithms for watershed process simulation from different aspects (i.e. spatial, sub-process, and temporal aspects). The laws that can be used include the spatial hierarchy structure, the interactions among spatial units, the dependences among geographical process, and the spatial-temporal dynamic of geographical processes, etc. At the end of this paper, two parallel computing cases of watershed process simulations guided by geographical laws are illustrated to show how these geographical laws can be used in real-world applications. This paper intends to provide a theoretical and methodology guidance for parallel computing of watershed process simulation and other similar types of geo-computation.
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