作者简介:王修贵(1991-),女,硕士生,研究方向为空间分析、时序关联规则挖掘。E-mail: xgw@cau.edu.cn
收稿日期: 2015-02-06
要求修回日期: 2015-02-16
网络出版日期: 2015-06-10
Quality Evaluation and Error Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of Land Change Survey Database: A Case Study of Hebei Province
Received date: 2015-02-06
Request revised date: 2015-02-16
Online published: 2015-06-10
评价土地变更调查数据库质量,研究数据库错误产生的原因是变更调查工作中的关键问题。本文采用对比分析法定量分析3年间数据库质量变化,并运用全局Moran's I系数、局部Moran's I系数,从县域尺度分析数据库错误的空间自相关格局,揭示数据库错误空间分布变化和局部异常特征。研究结果表明:(1)从错误数量、缺陷等级、错误分布图层和空间分布方面进行评估,河北省2012年数据库质量相较于2010年和2011年得到明显改善;(2)河北省各区县错误分布保持高度自相关,聚集程度波动变化,而局部显著性异常区域的出现主要源于人为误操作。通过研究数据库质量3年间变化情况及空间分布格局,能客观地评价数据库质量状况,有效地分析错误产生的原因,为新一轮土地变更调查工作提供建设性意见。
王修贵 , 杨建宇 , 朱德海 , 岳彦利 , 白晓飞 , 张嘉 . 土地变更调查数据库质量评价及其错误空间自相关分析——以河北省为例[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2015 , 17(6) : 705 -612 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.00705
Land change survey is an important survey for investigating national conditions and national strength. The purpose of land change survey are: identify the nationwide land use status and changes in the year of concern; maintain the accuracy and timeliness of national land survey data and the basic information of the comprehensive land and resource supervision platform; and meet the requirements of land and resource management as well as economic and social development. Officially released land change survey results are the basis for the implementation of planning, management, protection and reasonable utilization of land and resources, the strategic planning of national economic and social development, and other relevant special-purpose plans. There still are problems that need to be solved, such as how to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of land change survey results, how to improve the work efficiency of land change survey with new technology, and how to shorten the error modification time. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the quality of land change survey database and analyze the causes of database errors. For a quantitative analysis of the changes of database quality in 2010, 2011 and 2012, comparative methods were employed. Methods known as Moran's I and local Moran's I were adopted to analyze the spatial dependence in observations of database errors among administrative units, and to reveal the change of spatial distribution and the anomaly characteristics of database errors in local areas. To be specific, five steps are required for quality evaluation and pattern analysis. Firstly, the descriptive chart of original errors at the county level is processed in batch transaction by software, and then is aggregated into database tables. Secondly, since the quality inspection rules were found inconsistent among 2010, 2011 and 2012, it is impossible to use a comparison analysis method, thus we preprocessed the data and acquired the common quality inspection rules for the three-year period. The third step is to use the comparison analysis method to assess the database quality from different aspects, including the defect levels, the main check items of errors and the spatial distribution. The fourth step is to define the database errors by observing through the global autocorrelation method in analyzing the land change survey of Hebei province, and obtaining the spatial distribution characteristics and the influential factors of database errors. Finally, the spatial pattern of the phenomenon was reflected and the causes of database errors were explained. The results showed that the quality of the database of Hebei province in 2012 have been improved significantly according to the number of errors, the defect levels and the spatial distributions in assessment. In addition, the distribution of Hebei’s database errors were high autocorrelated with the fluctuation of aggregation level, while the generation of local anomaly was usually derived from artificial error. It is concluded that throughout the quality analysis of the research database and its space distribution pattern in three years, we can evaluate the changes of database quality objectively and identify the causes of database errors effectively, therefore provide a forecasting and monitoring approach to new land change surveys.
Fig. 1 The technology roadmap图1 技术路线图 |
Fig. 2 Comparison chart showing the defect levels of errors during 2010-2012图2 2010-2012年间错误缺陷等级对比图 |
Fig. 3 Comparison chart showing the spatial distribution of errors during 2010-2012图3 2010-2012年间错误分布图层对比图 |
Tab. 1 The names of level Ⅰ and Ⅱ inspection items表1 一、二级检查项名称 |
一级检查项 | 二级检查项 | 一级检查项 | 二级检查项 |
成果完整性检查 | 数据完整性 | 逻辑一致性检查 | 图层内属性一致性 |
矢量数据基本检查 | 图层完整性 | 图层间属性一致性 | |
数学基础 | 更新过程与更新图层数据一致性 | ||
矢量数据属性检查 | 结构符合性 | 土地变更一览表检查 | 一览表与矢量数据之间的一致性 |
值符合性 | 土地变更一览表内逻辑一致性检查 | ||
矢量数据图形检查 | 拓扑关系 | 统计报表检查 | 表内逻辑一致性检查 |
碎片多边形 | 表间逻辑一致性检查 | ||
碎线 | 统计报表与一览表之间的一致性 |
Fig. 4 Comparison charts showing the main check items of errors for level Ⅰ and Ⅱ inspection during 2010-2012图4 2010-2012年间主要一级、二级检查项错误对比图 |
Fig. 5 Comparison maps showing the spatial distribution of errors during 2010-2012图5 2010-2012年间错误空间分布对比图 |
Tab. 2 Analyses of global spatial autocorrelation表2 全局空间自相关分析表 |
年份 | Moran's I | Z值 | P值 | 聚集程度 |
2010 | 0.0368 | 0.8883 | 0.3744 | 随机 |
2011 | 0.2751 | 5.7446 | <0.0010 | 聚集 |
2012 | 0.1082 | 2.6584 | 0.0078 | 聚集 |
Fig. 6 LISA cluster map of database error at county level for Hebei province during 2010-2012图6 2010-2012年间河北省区县尺度数据库错误LISA集聚图 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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