

  • 林珲 , 1, 3, 4 ,
  • 游兰 , 1, 2, 4, *
  • 1. 香港中文大学太空与地球信息科学研究所,香港 999077
  • 2. 湖北大学计算机与信息工程学院,武汉 430062
  • 3. 香港中文大学地理与资源管理学系,香港 999077
  • 4. 香港中文大学深圳研究院,深圳 518057


收稿日期: 2015-11-01

  要求修回日期: 2015-11-24

  网络出版日期: 2015-12-20




A Tentative Study on Knowledge Engineering for Virtual Geographic Environments

  • LIN Hui , 1, 3, 4 ,
  • YOU Lan , 1, 2, 4, *
  • 1. Institute of Space and Earth Information Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, CHina
  • 2. Faculty of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
  • 3. Department of Geography and Resource Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China
  • 4. Shenzhen Research Institute, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 518057, China
*Corresponding author: YOU Lan, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-11-01

  Request revised date: 2015-11-24

  Online published: 2015-12-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


地理知识在虚拟地理环境(Virtual Geographic Environments,VGE)的科研与应用中发挥着极为重要的作用。现有地理知识工程研究整体处于初步探索阶段,且尚未在虚拟地理环境中展开。作为新一代GIS研究的科学方法和技术,虚拟地理环境具有典型的多领域、多协同、多交互、多模型及多感知的特点,但还亟需系统深入地了解VGE地理知识工程的特点、机理及关键技术。本文首先综述了国内外现有知识工程及地理知识工程研究现状,进而提出了VGE地理知识及VGE知识工程的概念和定义。在此基础上,本文分析了VGE地理知识有别于通用知识的特点,并提出了VGE地理知识的分类。最后,针对VGE地理知识工程的构建阐述了需解决的关键问题。本文基于VGE知识工程的初步探索,尝试为智能虚拟地理环境系统的构建提供理论基础,以促进虚拟地理环境中地理知识的快速转换和融合,为解决地理科学“数据丰富但知识贫乏”的问题提供一个可行的研究方向。


林珲 , 游兰 . 虚拟地理环境知识工程初探[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2015 , 17(12) : 1423 -1430 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01423


Geographic knowledge plays an important role in the researches and applications of Virtual Geographic Environments (VGE). Most researches about geographic knowledge engineering are still in the exploring stage. Geographic knowledge engineering for VGE is now a novel subject that has so far not been completely studied. As one component of the new generation of geographic information analysis, VGE has the typical features of multi-discipline, multi-collaboration, multi-interaction, multi-models and multi-sensing. It is urgent to systematically understand the features, mechanisms and key technologies in VGE knowledge engineering. This paper firstly reviewed the research status in knowledge engineering and geographic knowledge engineering from the domestic and abroad perspectives. Then, concepts are proposed regarding the geographic knowledge for VGE and VGE knowledge engineering. Furthermore, the typical features of geographic knowledge in VGE that differ from the common knowledge are discussed in depth. Focusing on the research direction and construction of VGE knowledge engineering in the near future, the key problems within four dimensions that must be resolved have been proposed and discussed. The tentative study of VGE knowledge engineering in this paper may provide a theoretical basis and reference for building the intelligent VGE system, which helps to promote the rapid transformation from the geodata to the geographic knowledge in VGE.

1 引言

知识是一种存在复杂相互关系的结构化的、相互链接的、不断增长的信息及其存在的复杂的相互关系,其增长来源于这些信息与人的交互,以及其他辅助技术对其所蕴含关系的分析或所蕴含规律的应用[7]。地理知识是知识的概念和内涵在地理学科领域的扩展与延伸。ESRI总裁Jack Dangermond提出一种泛在地理知识概念,认为地理知识是描述地球系统中自然和人文环境的信息,包括数据、模型、制图表达、地理工作流及元数据等[8]。文献[9]将地理知识进一步解释为通过对地理科学领域独特的背景、过程和结果进行解释而得到的增值信息和知识。文献[10]则认为地理知识是解决包括考古学、生态学等不同科研应用领域存在地理问题的有用地理信息。文献[11]-[12]分别从空间认知、知识共享等角度围绕地理知识展开理论和相关技术研究。总体而言,现有地理知识相关研究仍处于初步认识阶段,理论和实践还不够系统和清晰,且绝大多数重点关注传统GIS处理和分析领域。然而,作为新一代GIS框架方法,虚拟地理环境与传统GIS有显著的区别,更强调地理过程机理模型的支撑和多感知多交互的虚拟环境表达,使VGE的地理知识有着自身的特点。目前尚无针对虚拟地理环境中地理知识展开相关的研究。

2 国内外研究综述

2.1 知识工程

伴随知识系统和管理的迅速发展,知识表示的研究不仅只是单纯地解决如何存储,而同时着重关注如何建模以支持高效的知识应用。文献[27]将知识工程方法用于复杂的医疗需求表达,设计了一种支持推理的概念图模型表达医疗专业知识。文献[28]针对地图综合中的知识提出了分类体系及知识表达规则。针对知识管理系统的全局视图和建模工具,典型代表研究有CommonKADS方法[29]。还有部分研究基于本体和语义技术对领域知识进行建模,主要有DAML+OIL、OWL、UML 等建模语言,以及 Protégé知识建模环境等建模工具[30]
KIM(Knowledge and Information Management Platform)是一个以语义网为模型的知识基础设施,包含数十万个概念和关系的信息,实现了自动化的文档语义标注、索引和检索[42]。文献[43]以知识为核心设计实现了应急救援的决策支持系统。GeneOntology基因本体库是以语义模型为基础的生物基因知识库,能提供RDF、OWL及数据库表等多种形式的知识[44]。文献[45]将智能对象模型、语义网与中医学概念相结合研究,提出了基于智能对象网络模型的三维可视化中医知识库。文献[46]提出了一种知识工程管理平台,支持知识的编码和个性化。文献[47]综述了大量知识工程研究,尤其针对传统知识工程和计算机辅助设计知识工程的相似性和区别。

2.2 地理知识工程

地理知识工程可理解为知识工程与地理信息科学结合的交叉学科,它可为解决复杂地理科学问题提供知识支持,并为构建智能GIS系统提供技术支撑。Robert Laurini指出传统知识工程不能表达地理知识中的数学内涵,并提出了一个地理知识工程概念框架,通过制定一系列约束规则来统一管理地理知识[1],该研究重点关注地理几何对象知识的管理。文献[11]从空间认知角度提出了地理知识的分类。文献[9]、[12]从知识共享角度探讨了地理空间知识服务的概念、特征和实现过程。部分研究[49-50]从卫星传感和卫星影像角度研究地理知识及其属性的获取。文献[51]-[53]从空间数据挖掘的角度研究地理知识的发现和提取方法。文献[54]-[55]采用本体论研究地理知识的表达。文献[56]利用XML定义了地理知识的表达规范。文献[57]从地理知识的思维、推理及使用探讨了地理知识的本质。文献[58]构建了一套系统的地理知识概念集合。文献[59]以欧洲的全球卫星导航系统为实例研究基于社交网的经济地理知识。文献[60]探讨了GIS科学中地理知识的不确定性。文献[61]提出将数字地球重新定义为地理知识引擎,将语义互操作认定为核心技术。为了能方便空间信息模型知识的构建,文献[62]设计实现了空间信息服务链模型知识工具GeoChaining。文献[63]实现了一个地理模型知识的共享平台GeoSquare。文献[64]简化和扩展了原有知识体(Body of Knowledge,BoK)的层次结构,清晰描述了概念之间的关系,并提出了一个地理信息科学技术知识体(GIS&T BoK)工程的计算框架。个别学者针对支持多智能体的地理过程模拟提出了一个IVGE(Informed Virtual Geographic Environments)模型的扩展方法[65]

3 VGE地理知识及VGE知识工程

3.1 概念和定义

VGE知识工程指实现基于知识的智能虚拟地理环境系统所必须的一套支撑理论、方法和技术 体系。

3.2 VGE地理知识的特点

虚拟地理环境可利用定量分析、数值模拟及交互协同等方法实现多专家用户的地理问题协作建模,模拟时空分布的自然地理过程,以及对地理环境变化进行再现和预测[5, 66-68]。其中,在整个虚拟地理环境的过程和场景中,地理知识以不同形式呈现和介入,以特定任务为导向,逐步融合演化并最终解释或回答科学问题。
时间相关性指VGE地理知识往往与时间范围尺度紧密相关。例如,研究政策活动对区域土地、人文、经济等的影响,需通过连续时间区间的相关数据参与演化过程模型知识的推导,该数据时间跨度的长短直接影响演化过程模型知识的精确性。同时,不同时间跨度区间的演化过程知识也会不 一样。

3.3 VGE地理知识的分类


4 VGE地理知识工程的关键问题


5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Laurini R.A conceptual framework for geographic knowledge engineering[J]. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing, 2014,25(1):2-19.In many applications, the management of geographic knowledge is very important especially not only for urban and environmental planning, but also for any application in territorial intelligence. However there are several practical problems hindering the efficiency, some of them being technical and other being more conceptual. The goal of this paper is to present a tentative conceptual framework for managing practical geographic knowledge taking account of accuracy, rotundity of earth, the mobility of objects, multiple-representation, multi-scale, existence of sliver polygons, differences in classifying real features (ontologies), the many-to-many relationship of place names (gazetteers) and the necessity of interoperability. In other words, this framework must be robust against scaling, generalization and small measurement errors. Therefore, geographic objects must be distinguished into several classes of objects with different properties, namely geodetic objects, administrative objects, manmade objects and natural objects. Regarding spatial relations, in addition to conventional topological and projective relations, other relations including tessellations and ribbon topology relations are presented in order to help model geographic objects by integrating more practical semantics. Any conceptual framework is based on principles which are overall guidelines and rules; moreover, principles allow at making predictions and drawing implications and are finally the basic building blocks of theoretical models. But before identifying the principles, one needs some preliminary considerations named prolegomena. In our case, principles will be essentially rules for transforming geographic knowledge whereas prolegomena will be assertions regarding more the foundations of geographic science. Based on those considerations, 12 principles are given, preceded by 12 prolegomena. For instance, some principles deal with the transformation of spatial relationships based on visual acuity and granularity of interest, with the influence of neighboring information and cross-boundary interoperability. New categories of geographic knowledge types are presented, spatial facts, cluster of areas, flows of persons, goods, etc., topological constraints and co-location rules. To represent knowledge chunks, three styles are presented, based respectively on descriptive logics, XML and visual languages. To conclude this paper, after having defined contexts of interpretation, an example of visual language to manage geographic knowledge is proposed.



Data Mining and Image Processing Toolkits (ADaM)

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Lin H, Chen M, Lu G, et al.Virtual Geographic Environments (VGE): A new generation of geographic analysis tool[J]. Earth-Science Reviews, 2013,126:74-84.Virtual Geographic Environments (VGEs) are proposed as a new generation of geographic analysis tool to contribute to human understanding of the geographic world and assist in solving geographic problems at a deeper level. The development of VGEs is focused on meeting the three scientific requirements of Geographic Information Science (GIScience) multi-dimensional visualization, dynamic phenomenon simulation, and public participation. To provide a clearer image that improves user understanding of VGEs and to contribute to future scientific development, this article reviews several aspects of VGEs. First, the evolutionary process from maps to previous GISystems and then to VGEs is illustrated, with a particular focus on the reasons VGEs were created. Then, extended from the conceptual framework and the components of a complete VGE, three use cases are identified that together encompass the current state of VGEs at different application levels: 1) a tool for geo-object-based multi-dimensional spatial analysis and multi-channel interaction, 2) a platform for geo-process-based simulation of dynamic geographic phenomena, and 3) a workspace for multi-participant-based collaborative geographic experiments. Based on the above analysis, the differences between VGEs and other similar platforms are discussed to draw their clear boundaries. Finally, a short summary of the limitations of current VGEs is given, and future directions are proposed to facilitate ongoing progress toward forming a comprehensive version of VGEs. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.




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Wang Z, Wang N.Knowledge sharing, innovation and firm performance[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2012,39(10):8899-8908.This study investigates the quantitative relationship between knowledge sharing, innovation and performance. Based on the literature review, we develop a research model positing that knowledge sharing not only have positive relationship with performance directly but also influence innovation which in turn contributes to firm performance. This model is empirically tested using data collected from 89 high technology firms in Jiangsu Province of China. It is found that both explicit and tacit knowledge sharing practices facilitate innovation and performance. Explicit knowledge sharing has more significant effects on innovation speed and financial performance while tacit knowledge sharing has more significant effects on innovation quality and operational performance.


刘佳. 高校图书馆学科知识服务模式研究[D].长春:吉林大学,2007.

王富强,王光霞,林蓉,等.空间知识服务概念辨析[J].测绘科学,2013,28(6):10-12.本文利用图情领域最新研究成果,提出了空间知识服务的基本概念, 并从服务内容、服务对象和服务提供者、服务方式等3个方面对地理信息服务和空间知识服务进行了辨析.为了实现空间知识服务,今后需要在用户知识需求建模、 地理空间知识网络构建、知识检索、知识组合和知识可视化等方面做更深入的研究.

司莉. 基于知识构建的知识服务的实现[J].图书馆论坛,2009,29(6):216-220.在分析当前知识服务系统的基础上,提出知识元标引与链接技术、主动推送的知识导航与服务技 术、支持语义的知识检索技术、知识重组与整合技术是知识服务中知识构建的核心技术。实现知识服务的关键要素在于知识服务用户的迫切需求、知识服务人员成为 内容主题专家、建设基于本体的知识库与交互功能较强的知识服务平台,还必须有行之有效的战略学习机制。知识服务系统成功运作给我们的启示主要有:功能强大 的服务平台是知识服务生命力的保证、开发融入知识创新过程的系列产品才能实现可持续发展、知识服务必须与营销战略相结合、吸收与支持用户参与的资源建设能 够使服务增值。

代印唐. 基于语义网络的知识协作关键技术的研究[D].上海:复旦大学,2009.

Nissen M E.An extended model of knowledge-flow dynamics[J]. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2002,16(8):251-266.ABSTRACT The modern enterprise depends upon timely and effective flows of knowledge through its organizations for success. But knowledge is not evenly distributed through the enterprise, and a dearth of information systems is available to enable such timely and effective flows. Further, the few theoretical knowledge-flow models available have not yet been developed to a point where they can effectively inform the design of information systems and business processes to support knowledge flow in the enterprise. A survey of current practice shows that such system and process design is accomplished principally by trial and error, one of the least effective approaches known. The research described in this article builds upon and extends current theory about knowledge flow. It focuses in particular on investigating flow dynamics to inform the design of information systems and business processes to enhance the flow of knowledge through the enterprise. Leveraging the good understanding of flows in other domains, we strive to extend theory that can lead to "devices" of considerable utility in the enterprise knowledge domain. The result is a four-dimensional, dynamic model that can be used to classify and visualize a diversity of knowledge-flow patterns through the enterprise. These patterns can, in turn, be analyzed to inform the design of useful information systems and business processes. The implications of this dynamic model are explored and a number of hypotheses are generated to motivate and guide future research into the phenomenology of knowledge flow.

窦万春,苏丰,蔡士杰,等.面向知识应用和交互的工作流系统建模与控制[J].计算机研究与发展,2003,40(2):342-350.针对基于知识应用和交互的复杂工作流系统,对知识应用特性进行了 分析,并构造了对应知识聚合与信息再生的过程单元.利用过程单元之间的关联分析,对面向知识应用和交互的工作流系统建模进行了深入的研究.在对一个基于知 识应用的具体实例进行分析的基础上,探讨了基于知识应用和交互的工作流系统中的控制问题,提出了一种基于区域控制和交互的控制策略,并给出了控制分解所遵 循的基本原则.最后,讨论了工作流技术的发展方向和热点技术.

Holsapple C W, Singh M.The knowledge chain model: activities for competitiveness[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2001,20(1):77-98.Today, there is a growing recognition by researchers and practitioners about the importance of managing knowledge as a critical source for competitive advantage. Various assertions about competitiveness through knowledge management (KM) are consistent with results of empirical studies and lessons learned on the knowledge highways and byways. In spite of these macro-level contentions and success stories, there has been little investigation of a systematic means for studying connections between KM activity and competitiveness. This paper advances a knowledge chain model that identifies and characterizes KM activities an organization can focus on to achieve competitiveness. The model is analogous to Porter's value chain and is grounded in a descriptive KM framework developed via a Delphi-study involving international KM experts. It is comprised of five primary activities that an organization's knowledge processors perform in manipulating knowledge resources, plus four secondary activities that support and guide their performance. Each activity is discussed in detail, including examples. Evidence is provided from the literature illustrating each activity's role in adding value to an organization to increase its competitiveness through improved productivity, agility, reputation, and innovation. In conclusion, we present some observations about avenues for future research to extend, test, and apply the model in business practices.


Koh J, Kim Y G.Knowledge sharing in virtual communities: An e-business perspective[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2004,26(2):155-166.Thanks to availability of the Internet, virtual communities are proliferating at an unprecedented rate. In-depth understanding of virtual community dynamics can help us to address critical organizational and information systems issues such as communities-of-practice, virtual collaboration, and knowledge management. In this article, we develop a virtual community activity framework, integrating community knowledge sharing activity into business activities in the form of an e-business model. We examine how the level of community knowledge sharing activity leads to virtual community outcomes and whether such community outcomes are related to loyalty toward the virtual community service provider. Based on a field survey of 77 virtual communities currently operating in <span class="interref" data-locatorType="url"><a href="/science?_ob=RedirectURL&_method=externObjLink&_locator=url&_issn=09574174&_origin=article&_zone=art_page&_plusSign=%2B&_targetURL=http%253A%252F%252Ffreechal.com" target="externObjLink" onClick="var parms = 'status=yes,location=yes,' + 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,directories=yes,' + 'toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,' + 'width=400,height=600' + ',screenX=10,screenY=10';var externalWin; externalWin=window.open('','externObjLink',parms); externalWin.focus()">Freechal.com</a></span> one of Korea's largest Internet community service providers, we found that the level of community knowledge sharing activity is related to virtual community outcomes and such outcomes are significantly associated with loyalty to the virtual community service provider. These results imply that the level of community knowledge sharing activity may be a proper proxy for the state of health of a virtual community. Implications of the findings and future virtual community research directions are discussed.</p>


维明. 智能协作信息技术[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2002.

缑锦. 知识融合中若干关键技术研究[D].杭州:浙江大学,2005.

Popov B, Kiryakov A, Kirilov A, et al.KIM-semantic annotation platform[A]. In: The Semantic Web-ISWC 2003[C]. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2003:834-849.

Fogli D, Guida G.Knowledge-centered design of decision support systems for emergency management[J]. Decision Support Systems, 2013,55(1):336-347.This paper focuses on the design of decision support systems for emergency managers in charge of planning, coordinating and controlling the actions carried out to respond to a critical situation. A novel knowledge-centered design methodology is proposed and demonstrated through the application in a concrete case study in the field of pandemic flu emergency management. Knowledge-centered design is based on a rational and structured approach to the elicitation and modeling of the knowledge concerning the target environment, the application domain, the intended users, their tasks, and the specific activities that the decision support system is expected to provide. Our proposal aims at overcoming some of the limitations of user-centered and activity-centered design in the specific context of decision support systems. Knowledge-centered design is based on an iterative process that goes through four main phases, namely: target environment identification, domain understanding, user characterization, and functional analysis. The paper illustrates each phase in detail and discusses the application in the proposed case study. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Ashburner M, Ball C A, Blake J A, et al.Gene Ontology: tool for the unification of biology[J]. Nature genetics, 2000,25(1):25-29.Genomic sequencing has made it clear that a large fraction of the genes specifying the core biological functions are shared by all eukaryotes. Knowledge of the biological role of such shared proteins in one organism can often be transferred to other organisms. The goal of the Gene Ontology Consortium is to produce a dynamic, controlled vocabulary that can be applied to all eukaryotes even as knowledge of gene and protein roles in cells is accumulating and changing. To this end, three independent ontologies accessible on the World-Wide Web (http://www.geneontology.org) are being constructed: biological process, molecular function and cellular component.


赵静,庄天戈,刘红菊,等.基于语义网络方法的三维可视人中医知识库[J].上海交通大学学报,2005,39(4):517-521.一个内涵丰富的解剖图谱应该同 时包括清晰的图像模型与对应的知识库模型.针对三维可视人中医知识库的设计,从智能对象模型、语义网络结构的知识表示体系、中医学概念的显示方式和针灸临 床知识的扩充多个方面进行了研究,探讨了腧穴和相关人体解剖结构间关系的组织形式.借助智能对象网络模型的中医知识库,实现了能表现多重医学知识的三维可 视人体图谱.


Bermell-Garcia P, Verhagen W J C, Astwood S, et al. A framework for management of Knowledge-Based Engineering applications as software services: Enabling personalization and codification[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2012,26(2):219-230.Literature on Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) has identified challenges concerning the personalization and codification of knowledge for new product development, such as maintaining the quality, accessibility and traceability of knowledge for inspection, review and re-use, as well as managing the life-cycle of KBE applications and the knowledge contained within these applications. This paper reports on the development of a framework that realizes the management of Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE) applications as software services, and in doing so supports the codification and personalization of knowledge that is used in performing knowledge-intensive product development tasks. The developed framework supports the elicitation and structuring of design and manufacturing knowledge, provides the capacity to run KBE applications as remote software services, and facilitates the distribution and lifecycle management of KBE applications and the underlying knowledge. A &lsquo;learning by doing&rsquo; approach is supported where knowledge can both be personalized and codified as design progresses and new insights are gained. The framework has been successfully applied in an industrial use case that considers the conceptual design of composite aircraft wing covers.


La Rocca G.Knowledge based engineering: Between AI and CAD. Review of a language based technology to support engineering design[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2012,26(2):159-179.Knowledge based engineering (KBE) is a relatively young technology with an enormous potential for engineering design applications. Unfortunately the amount of dedicated literature available to date is quite low and dispersed. This has not promoted the diffusion of KBE in the world of industry and academia, neither has it contributed to enhancing the level of understanding of its technological fundamentals. The scope of this paper is to offer a broad technological review of KBE in the attempt to fill the current information gap. The artificial intelligence roots of KBE are briefly discussed and the main differences and similarities with respect to classical knowledge based systems and modern general purpose CAD systems highlighted. The programming approach, which is a distinctive aspect of state-of-the-art KBE systems, is discussed in detail, to illustrate its effectiveness in capturing and re-using engineering knowledge to automate large portions of the design process. The evolution and trends of KBE systems are investigated and, to conclude, a list of recommendations and expectations for the KBE systems of the future is provided.


Armstrong M P.Knowledge classification and organization[A]. In: Map Generalization: Making Rules for Knowledge Representation[M]. UK: Longman Group, 1991:86-102.

Aldridge C.Geographic knowledge: Bringing geographers to their sensors[C]. Proceedings of Thirteenth Annual Colloquium of the Spatial Information Research Centre, F, 2001.

Crowther P.A visual geographic knowledge classification and its relationship to the KADS model[A]. In: Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence[C]. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. 1999:478-479.

Ester M, Kriegel H-P, Sander J.Spatial data mining: A database approach[C]. Proceedings of the Advances in spatial databases, F, 1997.

Mennis J, Peuquet D J.The role of knowledge representation in geographic knowledge discovery: A case study[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2003,7(3):371-391.ABSTRACT With the advent of massive, heterogeneous geographic datasets, data mining and knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) have become important tools in deriving meaningful information from these data. In this paper, we discuss how knowledge representation can be employed to significantly enhance the power of the know- ledge discovery process to uncover patterns and relationships. We suggest that geographic data models that support knowledge discovery must represent both observational data and derived knowledge. In addition, knowledge representation in the context of KDD must support the iterative and interactive nature of the knowledge discovery process to enable the analyst to iteratively apply, and revise the parameters of, specific analytical techniques. Our approach to knowledge rep- resentation and discovery is demonstrated through a case study that focuses on the identification and analysis of storms and other related climate phenomena embedded within a spatio-temporal data set of meteorological observations.


Miller H J, Han J.Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery[M]. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2009.

Karalopoulos A, Kokla M, Kavouras M.Comparing representations of geographic knowledge expressed as conceptual graphs[A]. In: GeoSpatial Semantics[M]. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2005:1-14.

Teller J, Lee J R, Roussey C.Ontologies for Urban Development[M]. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2007.

Mani I, Doran C, Harris D, et al.SpatialML: Annotation scheme, resources, and evaluation[J]. Language Resources and Evaluation, 2010,44(3):263-280.SpatialML is an annotation scheme for marking up references to places in natural language. It covers both named and nominal references to places, grounding them where possible with geo-coordinates, and characterizes relationships among places in terms of a region calculus. A freely available annotation editor has been developed for SpatialML, along with several annotated corpora. Inter-annotator agreement on SpatialML extents is 91.3 <i>F</i>-measure on a corpus of SpatialML-annotated ACE documents released by the Linguistic Data Consortium. Disambiguation agreement on geo-coordinates on ACE is 87.93 <i>F</i>-measure. An automatic tagger for SpatialML extents scores 86.9 F on ACE, while a disambiguator scores 93.0 F on it. Results are also presented for two other corpora. In adapting the extent tagger to new domains, merging the training data from the ACE corpus with annotated data in the new domain provides the best performance.


Golledge R G.The nature of geographic knowledge[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2002,92(1):1-14.The nature of geographic knowledge today is very different from what it was fifty years ago. It has evolved from phenomenal (declarative) to intellectual (primed by cognitive demands). Surges of interest in systematic specialties and technical innovations in representation and analysis have changed the nature of geographic knowledge, advanced geographic vocabulary, defined and examined geographic concepts, and developed spatially explicit theories relating to human and physical environments. Explorations of interactions between these domains has generated a new interest in integrated science. This interest has produced a unique way of examining human-environment relations, and has provided the basis for a vastly different underlying knowledge structure in the discipline. But the future still challenges and significant problems face geography if it is to remain a viable academic discipline in the new information technology society.


Goodchild M F, Yuan M, Cova T J.Towards a general theory of geographic representation in GIS[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2007,21(3):239-260.Geographic representation has become more complex through time as researchers have added new concepts, leading to apparently endless proliferation and creating a need for simplification. We show that many of these concepts can be derived from a single foundation that we term the atomic form of geographic information. The familiar concepts of continuous fields and discrete objects can be derived under suitable rules applied to the properties and values of the atomic form. Fields and objects are further integrated through the concept of phase space, and in the form of field objects. A second atomic concept is introduced, termed the geo‐dipole, and shown to provide a foundation for object fields, metamaps, and the association classes of object‐oriented data modelling. Geographic dynamics are synthesized in a three‐dimensional space defined by static or dynamic object shape, the possibility of movement, and the possibility of dynamic internal structure. The atomic form also provides a tentative argument that discrete objects and continuous fields are the only possible bases for geographic representation.


Balland P A, Suire R, Vicente J.Structural and geographical patterns of knowledge networks in emerging technological standards: evidence from the European GNSS industry[J]. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2013,22(1):47-72.The concentration and dispersion of innovative activities in space have been largely explained and evidenced by the nature of knowledge and the geographical extent of knowledge spillovers. One of the empirical challenges is to go beyond this by understanding how the geography of innovation is shaped by particular structural properties of knowledge networks. This paper contributes to this challenge, focusing on the particular case of global navigation satellite systems at the European level. We exploit a database of R&D collaborative projects based on the fifth and sixth European Union Framework Programs, and apply social network analysis in economic geography. We study the properties both of the network of organizations and the network of collaborative projects. We show that the nature of the knowledge involved in relationships influences the geographical and structural organizations of the technological field. The observed coexistence of a relational core/periphery structure with a geographical cluster/pipeline one is discussed in the light of the industrial and geographical dynamics of technological standards.


Couclelis H.The certainty of uncertainty: GIS and the limits of geographic knowledge[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2003,7(2):165-175.Considerable effort has been devoted over the years to fighting uncertainty in geographic information in its different manifestations. Thus far, research on handling inaccuracy, fuzziness, error and related issues has focused for the most part on problems with spatial data and their direct products, typically representations of spatial objects or fields. This paper seeks to broaden the discussion of uncertainty in the geospatial domain by shifting the focus from information to knowledge. It turns out that there is a surprising number of things that we cannot know (or questions we cannot answer) that are not the result of imperfect information. Forms of not knowing are pervasive in domains as diverse as mathematics, logic, physics, and linguistics, and are apparently irreducible. This being the case it may help to explore how these realms of ignorance may affect our efforts. The paper distinguishes three different modes or forms of geospatial knowledge production, and argues that each of them has built鈥搃n imperfections, for reasons of logical principle and not just empirical fact. While much can and needs to be done to manage and resolve uncertainties where possible, I argue for accepting that uncertainty is an intrinsic property of complex knowledge and not just a flaw that needs to be excised.


Janowicz K, Hitzler P.The Digital Earth as knowledge engine[J]. Semantic Web, 2012,3(3):213-221.The Digital Earth [13] aims at developing a digital representation of the planet. It is motivated by the need for integrating and interlinking vast geo-referenced, multi-thematic, and multi-perspective knowledge archives that cut through domain boundaries. Complex scientific questions cannot be answered from within one domain alone but span over multiple scientific disciplines. For instance, studying disease dynamics for prediction and policy making requires data and models from a diverse body of science ranging from medical science and epidemiology over geography and economics to mining the social Web. The na"ive assumption that such problems can simply be addressed by more data with a higher spatial, temporal, and thematic resolution fails as long as this more on data is not supported by more knowledge on how to combine and interpret the data. This makes semantic interoperability a core research topic of data-intensive science. While the Digital Earth vision includes processing services, it is, at its very core, a data archive and infrastructure. We propose to redefine the Digital Earth as a knowledge engine and discuss what the Semantic Web has to offer in this context and to Big Data in general.


Wu H, You L, Gui Z.Diy geospatial web service chains: Geochaining make it easy[C]. Proceedings of the ISPRS Workshop, Guilin, F 2011.

Wu H, You L, Gui Z, et al.GeoSquare: Collaborative geoprocessing models' building, execution and sharing on azure cloud[J]. Annals of GIS, 2015,21(4):287-300.Collaborative geoprocessing models have become one of the major solutions to significantly enhance the capacity to derive knowledge over a network, which are critical for the support of comprehensive analyses in a virtual geographic environment (VGE). With the emergence and growing maturity of the cloud computing infrastructure, a cloud-based platform for collaborative geoprocessing models promises to provide a pattern for the next generation of geoprocessing collaboration in the GIS realm. However, the problems with the existing collaborative geoprocessing models remain numerous, including the following: heterogeneity in description specifications hinders different geoprocessing services in collaborative work; the heterogeneity in messages mechanisms makes the cooperation among the geoprocessing services difficult and an integrated geoprocessing model framework centring on the collaborative model's lifecycle is absent. To address these problems, this article proposes a cloud-based framework for building, executing and sharing collaborative models called GeoSquare: (1) a lifecycle model was designed for convenient and flexible collaborative geoprocessing; (2) a collaboration mechanism was implemented to solve specification heterogeneity; (3) a collaboration method and its proxy were used to resolve the heterogeneity in message communication and (4) to acquire better scalability, some elastic cloud features were utilized in the framework. A GeoSquare prototype was implemented on the Microsoft Azure Cloud to demonstrate the applicability and availability. Results show that users can build, execute, publish and share collaborative geoprocessing models with high efficiency in GeoSquare. GeoSquare provides a novel collaborative geoprocessing pattern enabling further geographic research in a cloud infrastructure.


Ahearn S C, Icke I, Datta R, et al.Re-engineering the GIS&T Body of knowledge[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2013,27(11):2227-2245.

Mekni M, Environnement E T, Moulin B.Informed virtual geographic environments for knowledge representation and reasoning in multiagent geosimulations[C]. Cognitive, 2011.

Lin H, Batty M, J Rgensen S E, et al. Virtual environments begin to embrace process-based geographic analysis[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2015,19(4):493-498.Virtual environments are computer-based digital spaces that we can observe, participate in, and experience in person. Virtual environments were initially viewed as “mirror worlds” (Gerlenter 2004), although they are being extended as this virtuality broadens to include scenarios that cannot be found in real life.


Lin H, Chen M, Lu G.Virtual geographic environment: A workspace for computer-aided geographic experiments[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2013,103(3):465-482.A virtual geographic environment (VGE) is a type of workspace for computer-aided geographic experiments (CAGEs) and geographic analyses. By supporting geo-visualization, geo-simulation, geo-collaboration, and human participation, it provides open virtual environments that correspond to the real world to assist computer-aided geographic experiments involving both the physical and human dimensions. Based on a discussion of how VGEs can contribute to CAGEs and geographic analyses, this article proposes a clear, systematic framework for VGEs. Four subenvironments are discussed according to their different functions, pertinent issues, and corresponding solutions: (1) the data environment, (2) the modeling and simulation environment, (3) the interactive environment, and (4) the collaborative environment. Furthermore, a case on the simulation of air pollution and its analysis at different geographic scales is used to demonstrate VGEs' ability to facilitate computer-aided geographic experiments.


Chen M, Chen C, Lin H.Developing dynamic Virtual Geographic Environments (VGE) for geographic research[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015,74:6975-6980.


