

  • 余靖毅 ,
  • 邬伦 ,
  • 高勇 *
  • 北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京 100871
*通讯作者:高勇(1974 -),男,辽宁抚顺人,副教授,研究方向为地理信息检索、空间数据挖掘。E-mail: gaoyong@pku.edu.cn

作者简介:余靖毅(1990 -),男,湖北武汉人,硕士生,研究方向为地理大数据计算与挖掘。E-mail: harryyu1018@pku.edu.cn


收稿日期: 2015-04-15

  要求修回日期: 2015-05-29

  网络出版日期: 2015-12-20



A Geocoding Engine Based on Storm

  • YU Jingyi ,
  • WU Lun ,
  • GAO Yong *
  • Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
*Corresponding author: GAO Yong, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-04-15

  Request revised date: 2015-05-29

  Online published: 2015-12-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


近年来,随着Web 2.0和具有位置感知能力的移动计算设备的普及应用,带来了大量含有时空语义的地理大数据。在这个背景下,以地图厂商人工方式和半自动方式更新地名地址库为基础的传统地理编码服务,已难以满足新的应用需求。本文提出一种地理大数据驱动的自适应地理编码引擎的构建思路和方法,通过引入实时计算和流式计算平台Storm,实现对网络中的多源地理大数据的爬取与实时处理,加速地名地址库及相关资源的生成与更新过程,并给出了相适应的地理编码匹配方法。在实时流式计算框架基础上,通过JTS Topology Suite实现流式并行的空间操作,设计并实现了基于Storm的地理编码引擎原型系统,满足多源地理大数据的高效处理和地理编码要求。实验结果表明,该引擎通过实时流式处理可加速地址库的扩充与更新过程,并且利用地址库持续更新的方法,提升了地理编码的匹配率和定位准确度。


余靖毅 , 邬伦 , 高勇 . 基于Storm的地理编码引擎[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2015 , 17(12) : 1431 -1441 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2015.01431


The explosion in geographical data with spatio-temporal characteristics has led a surge in the demand of adaptive geocoding engine construction driven by Big Geo-Data, when Web 2.0 techniques popularize and mobile devices that are capable of location-awareness become prevalent. The traditional geocoding service, which maintains gazetteers manually or semi-automatically by authoritative mapping agencies, cannot satisfy the needs of the latest researches. In order to solve the problems related to efficient storage and manipulation of massive Geo-Data in GIScience and related fields, our research proposes a method to build the adaptive geocoding engine in a geo-data-driven approach using Storm, a real-time and stream computing platform, thus to process multi-source network spatio-temporal data in real-time and accelerate the progression of building and maintaining gazetteers. Based on these data, an adaptive matching method of geocoding is built on the next stage. A prototype system of geocoding engine based on Storm is designed and implemented, which can process and geocode the multiple-source Geo-Data effectively. Experiments that were conducted on the POI datasets from Baidu reveals a high matching rate, which is more than 98%, and a accuracy rate of above 95%, while the average corresponding time per geocoding is about 75ms, which is practically applicable. The cases certify that real-time Storm-based streaming spatial operations not only consume an order of magnitude less time than traditional desktop stand-alone operations, but also enhance the matching rate and improve the positioning precision, which implies that the proposed solution is both feasible and practically effective. Our work offers new insights on collecting and processing POI datasets, enriching and building gazetteers, improving geocoding results in real-time with the use of Storm clusters. It makes contributions to apply real-time streaming computation methods to GIS for the state-of-the-art of Geo-Data computing, analytics and mining.

1 引言

目前,常见的地址编码方法主要有3种:点模型(Point Geocoding)、街道模型(Street Geocoding)和面模型(Parcel Geocoding)[5]。街道模型利用每段街道中存储的门牌开始编号和终止编号,通过插值算法估算出某个门牌号的地理坐标[6]。街道模型的地址匹配精度受街道门牌号排列规则性影响较大,当城市门牌编号混乱时,该模型的插值匹配效率较差。但由于街道地址编码获取成本较低,数据质量较高,因此,在欧美等国家至今仍然有广泛的应用。
近年来,Web 2.0和具有位置感知能力的移动计算设备的普及应用,带来大量具有个体标记和时空语义信息的地理大数据[13]。Facebook、Twitter、Foursquare、新浪微博、大众点评等主流应用也产生了大量地名、地点描述,以及根据发布者经历的带有空间语义的评论,为地名地址的采集提供了丰富的素材和背景知识[14-15]。在地理大数据背景下,以地图厂商人工方式更新地名库为基础的传统地理编码服务,已很难满足新的需求,迫切需要一种更加实时的、自适应的新型地理编码服务。然而,利用大数据驱动的方式获取来自互联网中的自发性地理信息(Volunteered Geographic Information,VGI),并用于构建地名地址库已成为一种新的方向和选择[16]

2 Storm计算平台简介


2.1 Storm的工作机制

Storm集群中有2种节点:主控节点(Master Node)和工作节点(Worker Node)。主控节点通过Nimbus后台程序,负责在集群里面分配计算任务和监控集群状态。工作节点通过Supervisor的后台程序,负责监听分配给它所属机器的执行任务,根据需要启动/关闭工作进程[18]。Nimbus和Supervisor之间所有的协调工作和状态管理都通过Zookeeper(http://zookeeper.apache.org)集群完成,保证了Storm极高的可靠性和稳定性。

2.2 Storm的关键概念

(1) 计算拓扑(Topologies):在Storm中运行的一个实时应用程序,由各个组件间的消息流动所形成逻辑上的运算拓扑。
(2) 消息元组(Tuple):一个消息传递的基本单元。
(3) 消息流(Streams):是Storm中最关键的抽象。一个消息流是一个没有边界的Tuple(元组)序列,而这些Tuples会被以一种分布式的方式并行地创建和处理。
(4) 消息源(Spouts):是Topology中的消息和流数据的生产者。
(5) 消息处理者(Bolts):是处理所有消息和流数据的逻辑业务组件,可完成过滤、聚合、查询数据库等工作。
(6) 消息分发策略(Streaming Groupings):定义了一个Topology中每个Bolt将会接受什么样的流作为输入。Storm提供了7种分发策略:随机分组(Shuffle Grouping)、按字段分组(Fields Grouping)、广播分组(All Grouping)、全局分组(Global Grouping)、不分组(Non Grouping)、直接分组(Direct Grouping)、本地或随机分组(Local or Shuffle Grouping)。
Fig. 1 The relationship between components in Storm

图1 Strom平台中各种组件之间关系

3 基于Storm的地理编码引擎设计

3.1 系统架构

Fig. 2 System architecture

图2 系统架构

3.2 数据获取


3.3 实时流处理

3.3.1 地理数据的预处理
3.3.2 Storm集群上实现基本空间处理
Storm是一个通用计算平台,默认不支持空间数据格式和相关操作。需先解决读入多种常用空间数据格式的数据源。WKT(Well-Known Text)和WKB(Well-Know Binary)是OGC制定的空间数据组织规范,使用WKT和WKB能很好地实现与其他空间数据格式和系统进行数据交换。
为了使Storm上的业务处理Bolt可完成基本的空间操作,引入JTS Topology Suite(http://www.vividsolutions.com/jts/JTSHome.htm)。它是一套开放源码的Java API,提供了整套完整的空间数据操作的核心算法。Storm优秀的架构设计,使得实现具体业务时基本不需考虑任务的分发和可靠性处理。因此,基于JTS Topology Suite可方便快捷地开发出分布式空间数据操作的API和相关具体 业务。
Fig. 3 The processing stream for spatial classification in Storm

图3 Storm平台中空间分类的流处理过程

算法1 根据空间分布对点进行划分
输出:对应<PolygonID, ContainerPointIDs>列表,以及每个多边形中包含的点的数量
PolygonIDs getFeatures(PolygonSet)
< pointID, longitude, latitude>ϵPointSet
/* 分组检测所属多边形过程 */
Contain(pointID, longitude, latitude, PolygonIDs)
point new Point(pointID, longitude, latitude)
for iϵPolygonIDs do
/* 判断是否在多边形内 */
if PolygonSet[i]contains point then
tuple createTuple(i, point)
emit(tuple) /* 发送消息单元tuple */
/* 空间划分过程 */
Classify(polygonID, pointID)
if polygonIDϵPolygonIDs then
count, pointIDs polygonKeyMap.get(polygonID)
countcount + 1
polygonKeyMap.store(count, pointIDs)
emit(polygonIDs, count, pointIDs)
/* 合并统计过程 */
polygonMap是一个由polygonID作为键值,<包含点数, 点ID集合>为键的结构
Merge(polygonID, count, pointIDs)
if polygonID ϵPolygonIDs then
polygonKeyMap polygonMap .get(polygonID)
polygonKeyMap.store(count, pointIDs)
polygonMap.set(polygonID, polygonKeyMap)
return PolygonIDs, ContainerPointIDs, counts

3.4 地理编码中间件

Fig. 4 Addresses matching process

图4 地址匹配的流程

3.4.1 精确匹配
3.4.2 模糊匹配
由于用于地理编码的地址数据存在多样性、复杂性和地址要素弱有序性,很难仅仅通过精确匹配的方法完成高质量的地理编码工作。因此,在地理匹配环节引入全文检索的文本匹配方法,以提升匹配率和准确度。模糊匹配部分使用TF-IDF模型和编辑距离(Levenshtein distance)[23]2种方法综合评判地址之间的相似度。

3.5 数据存储

这个模块主要是持久化引擎运行所需的各种数据资源,包括实现地理编码所依赖的地名地址库和特征词库、作为背景知识进行地址关联学习的 知识库,以及用于词频统计和训练的语料库等。为了实现普通属性和空间特征的共同管理,本引擎采用PostgreSQL(http://www.postgresql.org)完成数据存储。

4 地理编码匹配实验与结果

4.1 数据集和Storm集群

本文使用网络爬虫收集百度的POI数据并存储在PostgreSQL数据库中。本次实验共爬取中国范围内4 065 884个POI记录。其中,POI的元数据包括ID、name、address、type、telephone、zipcode、longitude和latitude(表1)。通过对数据的分布进行基本分析可看出,POI数据覆盖范围较为全面,基本涵盖了中国所有省(区)(图5)。其中,广东、江苏、浙江和四川所包含的数据较多,而海南、宁夏和澳门的POI数据较少,不同省(区)之间POI数据量差距较大。这种数据量的差异也一定程度上造成不同省(区)地理编码结果匹配率的差异。
Fig. 5 The spatial distribution of POI based on Chinese provinces

图5 POI数据按省区市(地区)分布情况

Tab. 1 The metadata structure of Baidu POI data

表1 从百度爬取的原始POI元数据结构

字段 含义 举例
ID 唯一标识码 05324af8fb50b53e210220b1
Name 名称 北京大学
Address 地址 北京市海淀区颐和园路5
Type 类型/标签 高等教育,教育
Telephone 电话 (010)62752114
Zipcode 邮编 100871
Longitude 经度 116.298518
Latitude 纬度 39.993301
基于前面介绍的系统架构,在服务端安装部署Storm集群(Storm 0.9.3;Zookeeper 3.4.6;Kafka 2.10),在服务器集群上虚拟化出相应的节点(默认5个)并对其分配不同的角色:Nimbus、Supervisor、Zookeeper、Kafka(表2)。这种方法使整个系统的部署和扩展得到很大的提升,同时根据实际计算需求动态扩容服务节点,提供弹性计算资源。另外,这种方法使整个引擎可较为轻松方便地从本地迁移到Amazon EC2、Windows Azure和阿里云等主流云服务平台上。
Tab. 2 The roles and configurations of 5 servers

表2 Storm集群中服务器的角色和配置

服务器IP 角色 操作系统 配置信息 Nimbus;Kafka;Zookeeper Ubuntu 14.04 1G内存;2.4GHz处理器;40G存储, Supervisor Ubuntu 14.04 1G内存;2.4GHz处理器;40G存储, Supervisor;Zookeeper Ubuntu 14.04 1G内存;2.4GHz处理器;80G存储

4.2 实时流处理的空间划分

Fig. 6 The spatial distributions of POI with different types

图6 各类型POI数据的空间分布

Tab. 3 Extracting and classifying POI

表3 抽取分类POI数据

POI类型 标识 关键字 数量
住宅 Residence 住宅,小区 99 722
餐饮 Catering 餐饮,休闲餐饮,西式快餐 294 106
公园 Park 公园 6118
景点 Scenic 风景区,旅游区,文物古迹,旅游景点 42 935
自然山 Mountain 自然山 262 859
高速公路 Highway 国道,高速道路 8795
Fig. 7 Comparison of time efficiency for single desktop PC and Storm clusters

图7 数据处理速度对比图

4.3 地理编码原型

Fig. 8 The results of geocoding engine

图8 地理编码引擎效果图

为了衡量本引擎在地理编码方面的有效性,使用匹配率和准确率2个指标来衡量算法的优劣。地理编码实验中以爬取的4 065 884个全国范围POI为基础的地址数据,根据上述的方法对数据进行预处理,生成符合地理编码的标准地址模型。另外,选用全国省级、市级、县级、乡级和村级5级行政区划单元制作成地名库。这使地名库能覆盖大部分地址中出现的行政地名要素,提升准确匹配的概率。
Tab. 4 Geocoding matching results

表4 地理编码匹配实验结果

地址来源 条数 匹配率(%) 准确率(%) 耗时(s/条)
随机抽取地址 10 000 100 97.3 0.075
人工构造地址 500 98.6 95.6 0.075
实验表明,本引擎地理编码的匹配率和准确率均超过95%。通过分析发现,导致地址匹配失败的主要原因是背景知识不能很好地处理同一地点多种地址描述的匹配要求。而分词不正确也是地址数据在计算全文检索的相似度和排序时出现匹配错误的另一个重要因素。宋子辉[22]做过类似的中文地址匹配实验,其结果为匹配率98%,准确率93%,速度0.2 s/条。本引擎由于采用网络中的地理大数据作为地址库来源,使得地址库可以拥有数据来源丰富、质量高、覆盖范围广的数据。并且通过引入Storm实时流处理框架加速了由地理大数据到地址库的持续扩充过程,保证地址库数据的丰富性和时效性。由于地址匹配算法对地址库的质量由较强的依赖性,随着本引擎地址库持续丰富可有效地提升匹配的精度。

5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Goldberg D W.Advances in geocoding research and practice[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2011,15(6):727-733.The approval of the so-called federal Statute of the City (SC) generated great expectations regarding the role of Brazilian urban policy in generating more equitable and sustainable cities. The Statute set a framework that allowed local government to elaborate master plans with more leverage over real estate markets. Moreover, it represented a break with technocratic management by explicitly mentioning participatory planning as a key methodology. A decade of experience has raised a critical debate on the transforrnative impact of the Statute. On the basis of a review of the literature, and the process that occurred in Santo Andre (Metropolitan Silo Paulo), we will argue that the collaborative-participatory planning effort was unable to change the disparate development trajectory of the city. Nevertheless, the process may develop into a privileged arena of contestation and disputes around alternative spaces of representation aimed at the social production of more inclusive cities.




Grubesic T H.Sex offender clusters[J]. Applied Geography, 2010,30(1):2-18.In the United States, sex offender management strategies continue to receive significant public attention and scrutiny. In addition to federal and state mandated community notification laws, many locales are also implementing a variety of supplemental residence restrictions to protect sensitive facilities (e.g. schools) and combat the emergence of sex offender &ldquo;clusters&rdquo;. Interestingly, while there are no generally accepted guidelines or municipal benchmarks for defining exactly what constitutes an offender cluster &ndash; subjective observation, and more generally, public perception appear to be the major inputs for cluster identification and related legislation. The purpose of this paper was to explore the utility of spatial statistical methods for objectively identifying sex offender clusters. Using offender registry data from the state of Illinois, a number of spatial applications are investigated which highlight the differences in clusters produced by each approach.</p>


Uhlmann S, Galanis E, Takaro T, et al.Where’s the pump? Associating sporadic enteric disease with drinking water using a geographic information system, in British Columbia, Canada, 1996-200[J]. Journal Water Health, 2009,7(4):692-698.

Zandbergen P A.A comparison of address point, parcel and street geocoding techniques[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2008,32(3):214-232.ABSTRACT The widespread availability of powerful geocoding tools in commercial GIS software and the interest in spatial analysis at the individual level have made address geocoding a widely employed technique in many different fields. The most commonly used approach to geocoding employs a street network data model, in which addresses are placed along a street segment based on a linear interpolation of the location of the street number within an address range. Several alternatives have emerged, including the use of address points and parcels, but these have not received widespread attention in the literature. This paper reviews the foundation of geocoding and presents a framework for evaluating geocoding quality based on completeness, positional accuracy and repeatability. Geocoding quality was compared using three address data models: address points, parcels and street networks. The empirical evaluation employed a variety of different address databases for three different Counties in Florida. Results indicate that address point geocoding produces geocoding match rates similar to those observed for street network geocoding. Parcel geocoding generally produces much lower match rates, in particular for commercial and multi-family residential addresses. Variability in geocoding match rates between address databases and between geographic areas is substantial, reinforcing the need to strengthen the development of standards for address reference data and improved address data entry validation procedures.


Goldberg D W.Improving geocoding match rates with spatially-varying block metrics[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2011,15(6):829-850.Abstract Address ranges used in linear interpolation geocoding often have errors and omissions that result in input address numbers falling outside of known address ranges. Geocoding systems may match these input addresses to the closest available nearby address range and assign low confidence values (match scores) to increase match rates, but little is published describing the matching or scoring techniques used in these systems. This article sheds light on these practices by investigating the need for, technical approaches to, and utility of nearby matching methods used to increase match rates in geocode data. The scope of the problem is motivated by an analysis of a commonly used health dataset. The technical approach of a geocoding system that includes a nearby matching approach is described along with a method for scoring candidates based on spatially鈥恦arying neighborhoods. This method, termed dynamic nearby reference feature scoring , identifies, scores, ranks, and returns the most probable candidate to which the input address feature belongs or is spatially near. This approach is evaluated against commercial systems to assess its effectiveness and resulting spatial accuracy. Results indicate this approach is viable for improving match rates while maintaining acceptable levels of spatial accuracy.


于焕菊,李云岭,齐清文.顾及实体空间关系的地址编码方法研究[J].地理与地理信息科学,2013,29(5):49-77.地址编码是基于空间定位技术的 一种编码方法,它提供了一种把描述性地址信息转换成地理坐标的方式。院落作为城市最基本的地理实体之一,其地址编码的科学性、合理性对地址匹配有着重要意 义。该文通过对院落空间特征分析,总结了院落与内部建筑、周围兴趣点及相邻街道间存在的包含、邻近及关联3种空间关系,在此基础上研究了院落相关地理实体 的地址编码方法;最后验证了顾及实体空间关系的地址编码方法对地址匹配的精度和效率都有所提升。



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于焕菊,齐清文,李云岭.街道的城市地址编码模型与实验[J].地球信息科学学报,2013,15(2):175-179.地址编码是指将地址映射成地理坐标的过程, 它提供了一种把描述性地理位置信息转换成GIS 地理坐标的方式。本文分析了当前标准规范中的地址编码规则, 认为街道与小区等院落实体作为同级别的区域限定物弱化了街道的空间特征, 并且在现有地址编码规则基础上提出了将街道前置作为区域限定物的地址编码改进方案;进一步, 为了体现街道作为各类地理实体的空间参考基础, 本文按照街道的前进方向, 定义了在街道线性空间中的地理实体链表组织模型, 实现了将相互独立的地址编码实体在街道中的串联组织, 从而为今后地址查询中的参考定位提供了模型支持;最后, 给出了街道两侧不同类型地理实体纳入街道地址编码实体链表的实例说明。



Lu Y, Liu Y.Pervasive location acquisition technologies: opportunities and challenges for geospatial studies[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2012,36(2):105-108.The rapid development and increasing availability of various location acquisition technologies provide geospatial studies with both opportunities and challenges. These opportunities and challenges are discussed in this paper focusing on the following three aspects: the massive acquisition of location data and data quality, the analysis of massive location data and pattern discovery, and privacy protection for massive location data. This paper examines the current status of and the potential opportunities for geospatial research in these three areas and notes the major challenges. Finally, the development of this special issue is described, and the four articles included in this special issue are presented.


Li L, Goodchild M, Xu B.Spatial, temporal, and socioeconomic patterns in the use of Twitter and Flickr[J]. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2013,40(2):61-77.Online social networking and information sharing services have generated large volumes of spatio-temporal footprints, which are potentially a valuable source of knowledge about the physical environment and social phenomena. However, it is critical to take into consideration the uneven distribution of the data generated in social media in order to understand the nature of such data and to use them appropriately. The distribution of footprints and the characteristics of contributors indicate the quantity, quality, and type of the data. Using georeferenced tweets and photos collected from Twitter and Flickr, this research presents the spatial and temporal patterns of such crowd-sourced geographic data in the contiguous United States and explores the socioeconomic characteristics of geographic data creators by investigating the relationships between tweet and photo densities and the characteristics of local people using California as a case study. Correlations between dependent and independent variables in partial least squares regression suggest that well-educated people in the occupations of management, business, science, and arts are more likely to be involved in the generation of georeferenced tweets and photos. Further research is required to explain why some people tend to produce and spread information over the Internet using social media from the perspectives of psychology and sociology. This study would be informative to sociologists who study the behaviors of social media users, geographers who are interested in the spatial and temporal distribution of social media users, marketing agencies who intend to understand the influence of social media, and other scientists who use social media data in their research.


Goldberg D W, Wilson J P, Knoblock C A.Extracting geographic features from the internet to automatically build detailed regional gazetteers[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2009,23(1):93-128.The utility of every imaginable application which incorporates a gazetteer hinges on the simple fact that the resulting system will only be as useful, complete, or accurate as the underlying gazetteer itself. A major issue confronting gazetteers utilized in systems today is that they are not complete and measures of their accuracy are largely unknown. In this paper we describe a methodology which addresses this problem by automatically generating highly complete and detailed regional gazetteers from Internet sources. We utilize information extraction and integration techniques to automatically obtain geographic features and associated footprints and feature types from freely and widely available online data which could be applied to create a gazetteer for nearly any area. We discuss the distinguishing characteristics of the generated gazetteer and extend previous work to define measures which can be used to assess the completeness and accuracy of gazetteers. Using these measures, the generated gazetteer is evaluated against the Alexandria Digital Library Gazetteer and the Los Angeles Comprehensive Bibliographic Database. Our results indicate that a gazetteer created by our methods will be at least as complete as any gazetteer currently available for certain feature classes, while falling short in others. We conclude by offering suggestions to address these shortcomings.


Gao S, Li L, Li W, et al. Constructing gazetteers from volunteered Big Geo-Data based on Hadoop[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2014.02.004, in press.Traditional gazetteers are built and maintained by authoritative mapping agencies. In the age of Big Data, it is possible to construct gazetteers in a data-driven approach by mining rich volunteered geographic information (VGI) from the Web. In this research, we build a scalable distributed platform and a high-performance geoprocessing workflow based on the Hadoop ecosystem to harvest crowd-sourced gazetteer entries. Using experiments based on geotagged datasets in Flickr, we find that the MapReduce-based workflow running on the spatially enabled Hadoop cluster can reduce the processing time compared with traditional desktop-based operations by an order of magnitude. We demonstrate how to use such a novel spatial-computing infrastructure to facilitate gazetteer research. In addition, we introduce a provenance-based trust model for quality assurance. This work offers new insights on enriching future gazetteers with the use of Hadoop clusters, and makes contributions in connecting GIS to the cloud computing environment for the next frontier of Big Geo-Data analytics.


Leibiusky J, Eisbruch G, Simonassi D.Getting started with Storm[M]. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly, 2012.

Yang W, Liu X, Zhang L, et al.Big Data Real-Time Processing Based on Storm[C]. 2013 12th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2013:1784-1787.

Dean J, Ghemawat S.MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters[J]. Communications of the ACM, 2008,51(1):107-113.MapReduce is a programming model and an associated implementation for processing and generating large datasets that is amenable to a broad variety of real-world tasks. Users specify the computation in terms of a map and a reduce function, and the underlying runtime system automatically parallelizes the computation across large-scale clusters of machines, handles machine failures, and schedules inter-machine communication to make efficient use of the network and disks. Programmers find the system easy to use: more than ten thousand distinct MapReduce programs have been implemented internally at Google over the past four years, and an average of one hundred thousand MapReduce jobs are executed on Google's clusters every day, processing a total of more than twenty petabytes of data per day. 1


White T.Hadoop: The definitive guide (third ed.)[M]. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2012.

Zaharia M, Chowdhury M, Franklin M J, et al.Spark: cluster computing with working sets[C]. Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX conference on Hot topics in cloud computing, 2010.

宋子辉. 自然语言理解的中文地址匹配算法[J].遥感学报,2013,17(4):788-801.在分析现有3类主要的中文地址匹配算法:要素层级匹配法、全文检索法、正则表达式法的基础上,提出了基于自然语言理解的中文地址匹配算法。新算法中建立了空间关系地址模型以解决中文地址抽象问题、地址库逻辑模型以解决地址信息的空间知识表达问题。新算法的完整流程包括预处理、地址解析、地址要素标准化、推理匹配和匹配登记等5个环节,本文重点阐述了地址解析和推理匹配这两个重要环节,分别依据"自然语言理解"中的中文分词和语义推理原理,对用非结构化的中文自然语言描述的中文地址进行处理,实现自然语言理解方法与地址匹配之间的结合,从而建立完整的基于自然语言理解的中文地址匹配算法。为验证该算法,开发了中文地址智能匹配实验系统,对河南省濮阳市人口库1000条居民地址数据进行匹配,匹配率达到了95%,准确率高于93%。


Levenshtein V I.Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals[J]. Soviet Physics, 1966,10(8):707-710.For users without a MathSciNet license , Relay Station allows linking from MR numbers in online mathematical literature directly to electronic journals and original articles. Subscribers receive the added value of full MathSciNet reviews.

