

  • 杜欣 , 1 ,
  • 黄晓霞 , 1, * ,
  • 李红旮 1 ,
  • 沈利强 2
  • 1. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京 100101
  • 2. 深圳规划国土发展研究中心,深圳 518040


收稿日期: 2015-01-16

  要求修回日期: 2015-03-06

  网络出版日期: 2016-01-10




Research on Classification of Plant Community Using Projection Pursuit Learning Network Algorithm on High Resolution Remote Sensing Images

  • DU Xin , 1 ,
  • HUANG Xiaoxia , 1, * ,
  • LI Hongga 1 ,
  • SHEN Liqiang 2
  • 1. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. Planning and Land Development Research Center of Shenzhen Shenzhen 518040, China
*Corresponding author: HUANG Xiaoxia, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-01-16

  Request revised date: 2015-03-06

  Online published: 2016-01-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




杜欣 , 黄晓霞 , 李红旮 , 沈利强 . 基于投影寻踪学习网络算法的植物群落高分遥感分类研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(1) : 124 -132 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00124


Plant community is a significant content in the ecosystem. Traditional investigation method for plant community is mainly based on statistical sampling, which is limited by the data acquisition from complex terrain areas. In contrast, high-resolution remote sensing technique provides a convenient way to quickly access data in a large area. To overcome the shortcomings derived from the high dimensional features, which is caused by related data increasing, we choose the algorithm of projection pursuit learning network (PPLN) along with field samples of typical plant communities to realize a fast classification on the vegetation in the east of Shenzhen. Then,in the experiment, the spectral and texture information extracted from Pléiades images, and the terrain interpolated from topographic map are selected and used to build high dimensional features, which is crucial to the vegetation classification using remote sensing images. The learning network for projection pursuit is applied to discriminating the typical communities in both plantation and natural secondary forest in the study area. Compared with Maximum-likelihood classification (MLC) and Support Vector Machine (SVM), PPLN can achieve more accurate results for plant community classification. As a conclusion, the plant community classification with PPLN meets the requirements of the investigation project, achieves the quick updating of some basic information related to forest resources, and looks forward to involve in some other ecological research as well.

1 引言

植物群落(Plant Community)在特定空间和时间范围内,有一定的植物种类组成、外貌及结构与环境形成的相互关系,并具有特定功能的植物集合体。传统的植物群落调查方法是对野外样地和抽样统计,进行大规模树种分类和量测,这种以个体来推断总体的传统方式已很难满足野外全面调查精度要求。高空间分辨率遥感影像地物几何结构和纹理信息明显,便于认知地物目标的属性特征[1],在提取地面信息、植被信息等方面,具有较强的识别能力,可提供更多有效的空间数据信息[2],实现高空间分辨率遥感影像植物群落的识别研究。

2 研究区与数据

(1) 数据来源
采用法国Astrium GEO-Information Services经营的2个星座型双子星Pléiades 1A/1B遥感数据作为主要信息源,包含全色和多光谱(B、G、R、NIR)模式,波段信息如表1所示,其中,数据的全色影像 分辨率为0.5 m,多光谱影像分辨率为2 m,幅宽为20 km,卫星重访周期1-3 d。实验中影像获取时间为2012年11月7日,覆盖深圳全境(图1)。
Tab. 1 Bands information of Pléiades data

表1 Pléiades数据波段信息

光谱类型 波段范围(nm) 分辨率(m)
全色(Pan) 480 ~ 830 0.5
蓝(B) 430 ~ 550 2
绿(G) 490 ~ 610 2
红(R) 600 ~ 720 2
近红外(NIR) 750 ~ 950 2
Fig. 1 Distribution of collected sample points in the field

图1 野外采集样本点分布图

(2) 数据预处理
对原始影像做辐射定标、几何纠正、影像融合等处理,转换为深圳市独立坐标系,便于样本特征的选取及判读。其中,辐射定标处理是依据卫星数据参数做了辐射值的增益及偏移计算,几何纠正则采用深圳二等平面控制点完成处理,精纠正和影像匹配精度均优于0.2 m。
(3) 群落野外样方调查
野外样地调查数据信息见表2。实测样方共98个,参考“生态环境状况评价技术规范(试行)”(HJ/T 192-2006)要求,植被生态信息调查的基本单元为小班林地,小班林地在亚热带区域样方面积在800~1000 m2,本实验采用800 m2样方,分布如图1所示。
Tab. 2 Example list of the sample species information

表2 样方物种信息示例表

序号 群落名称 生态系统类型 种名 多度 频度 相对多度(%) 相对频度(%) 显著度(%) 重要值
64 台湾相思 人工林 台湾相思 481 9 83.8 25 91.6 200.4
野牡丹 55 7 9.58 19.44 3.9 32.92
鸭脚木 7 5 1.22 13.89 2.32 17.42
桃金娘 6 4 1.05 11.11 0.21 12.37
银柴 12 3 2.09 8.33 1.19 11.62
梅叶冬青 3 3 0.52 8.33 0.2 9.05
栀子 4 2 0.7 5.56 0.11 6.36
变叶榕 3 2 0.52 5.56 0.14 6.22

3 投影寻踪学习网络算法的植物群落分类

Fig. 2 Sketch map of the project pursuit learning network

图2 投影寻踪学习网络示意图

y ^ i = k = 1 m β ik f k j = 1 p α kj x j = k = 1 m β ik f k α k T X (1)
式中: β ik 为投影权重; f k 为一个特定形式的未知光滑激活函数(如Hermit多项式); α kj 为投影方向。这3组参数通过训练网络使均方误差损耗函数达到最小来确定。
L 2 = i = 1 q ω i E y i - y ^ i 2 (2)
式中: ω i 表示每个输出均方误差对总损耗的相应贡献。
(1)对 α k f k β ik 赋初值;
(2)用高斯牛顿优化算法来估计 α ^ k = α k + ,其中, 通过式(3)计算;
i = 1 q ω i E 2 u i α k 2 T u i + u i α k T u i α k = - i = 1 q ω i E u i α k T u i (3)
其中, u i α k = - β ik f k α k T X X 2 u i α k 2 = - β ik X T f k α k T X X
R i k = y i - β ik g l ( α l T X ) 则, u i = R i k - β ik g k ( α k T X )
(3)已知 α k ,依据平滑曲线最佳匹配散点图 z kl , f ^ k z kl 估计 f k ,其中 z kl = α k T X l ;
f ^ k α k T X l = i = 1 q ω i β ik R li ( k ) i = 1 q ω i β ik 2 (4)
本文用标准正交化Hermit多项式逼近隐层激活函数 f k ,使其能更快更准确地求导计算,并在计算回归函数值时获得更平滑的插值。
(5)利用最新的 f k α k 估计 β ik ;
β ^ ik = E R i ( k ) f k ( α k T X ) E f k ( α k T X ) 2 i = 1,2 , , q (5)
(6)考虑到 β ik , α k f k 结合第k神经元,重复(2)-(5)步直到误差 L 2 ( ne w - L 2 ( ol d L 2 ( ol d 小于给定阈值。
本文采用线性最小二乘法(Linear LS)估计输出权重,一维数据平滑函数估计中间层非线性激活函数,高斯牛顿(Gauss-Newton)非线性最小二乘法估计输入层权重,步骤如下:
(1)训练样本各维度的归一化处理。设定各维度的样本集为 x ij i = 1,2 , , N ; j = 1,2 , , p ,其中, x ij 为第 i 个样本的第 j 维对应的特征值,N p 分别代表了训练样本个数和特征值数目。为了较好地统一各特征值的变化范围,采用(6)式进行归一化处理:
x ij * = Var x j * × x ij (6)
x j * = i = 1 N x ij - x j ¯ 2 N (7)
式中: x j ¯ 为所有样本每一类特征值的平均值;
(2)构造投影指标函数。利用生长函数训练每一层隐层神经元的多个节点进行计算,寻找到每一层的 β i ,本文经过多次试验,得到节点数为8,分类效果较好,设置最小节点数为6,最大节点数为12;
(3)优化投影指标函数。采用递归迭代方法寻求最佳投影,将初始方向设定为 x j * ,然后利用Hermit七次多项式进行计算,获得残差最小的方向,即认为是最佳投影方向;
(4)由步骤(3)求得的最佳投影方向 α 代入投影指标函数中,计算各样本的投影值。
R i = B K B L K < L K L = 1,2 , 3,4 (8)
式中: B K , B L 代表遥感影像对应的波段; R i 代表不同的波段比值参数。
归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)是目前在植被相关研究中被广泛应用的植被指数,计算简单且可反映出植物冠层的背景影响,因此,本文用公式 ( NDVI = B NIR - B R B NIR + B R ) 获得NDVI影像图,其中, B R B NIR 分别代表高分辨率影像辐射定标后的红波段和近红外波段辐射值。将NDVI(维度号11)作为输入特征,反映出不同植被覆被之间的差异性。
利用PPLN算法,分别利用不同维度的输入变量,在深圳市不同位置选取样区进行实验,结果表明,仅利用原始影像多光谱4个波段,植物群落分类总体精度低于60.0%;加入波段比值变量后,总体分类精度可达60.0%,但有部分植物群落(如浙江润楠)分类精度,仍仅有40.0%,加入NDVI及地形信息变量,总体分类精度达65.5%~70.0%,增加纹理信息变量后,总体精度优于70.0%,因此,本文将包含光谱、地形及纹理等18维信息(表3),作为算法中投影的不同特征,即输入变量、输出变量为类别值。其中,多光谱波段变量利用深圳二等平面控制点进行坐标精校正、辐射校正等预处理后,生成分辨率为2.0 m的蓝、绿、红和近红外4个波段反射率数据;波段比值、NDVI及纹理信息均由此数据 派生;以深圳市规划发展中心提供的1:10 000地形数据为基础,插值生成2.0 m分辨率的高程及坡度数据。
Tab. 3 List of input variables

表3 输入变量列表

维度序号 输入变量 表达信息 维度序号 输入变量 表达信息
1 B1 蓝波段 10 R6 B3/B4
2 B2 绿波段 11 NDVI 植被指数
3 B3 红波段 12 Elevation 高程
4 B4 近红外波段 13 Slope 坡度
5 R1 B1/B2 14 Mean(B3) 红波段均值
6 R2 B1/B3 15 Correlation(B3) 红波段相关性
7 R3 B1/B4 16 Mean(B4) 近红外波段均值
8 R4 B2/B3 17 Correlation(B4) 近红外波段相关性
9 R5 B2/B4 18 Entropy(B4) 近红外波段熵

4 植物群落高分遥感分类结果及分析

分类结果表明,在试验区内人工林、自然林各占一半,面积分别为268 km2和258 km2。人工林以相思类群落和桉树类群落,以及二者混合类群落为主,比例分别为36%、18%及44%。自然林以浙江润楠类群落(比例为47%)为主,其次是鸭脚木类群落(比例为25%)、藜蒴类群落、降真香类等。
为了验证算法的精度,本文选择有代表性的浙江润楠-鸭脚木群落(Comm.Machiluschekiangensis-Scheffleraoctophylla)和相思林群落(Comm. Acacia)样本点各100个作为算法的验证样本,分别采用最大似然法、支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)算法及PPLN算法对样本点进行分类,对比几种算法的分类精度。
Tab. 4 Comparison of classification accuracies amongseveral methods

表4 各方法分类结果精度对比表

分类方法 类别
相思群落 分类精度(%) 浙江润楠-鸭脚木群落 分类精度(%)
最大似然法 91 91 70 70
SVM算法 90 90 70 70
PPLN算法 93 93 73 73
在深圳市东部地区的东南部大鹏湾地区(A测试区,图3(a))和北部清林泾地区(B测试区,图3(b))分别选取2块包含有不同群落类型的区域进行算法验证。以实测数据点的信息为检验样本,A区域包含人工林—相思林群落(Comm. Acacia)、天然林—浙江润楠群落(Comm. Machiluschekiangensis)和鸭脚木群落(Comm. Scheffleraoctophylla),B区域包含桉树林群落(Comm. Eucalyptus)、相思林群落(Comm. Acacia)及荔枝林,A、B区域实地调查分类结果如图4(a)、图5(a)所示,A、B区域运用3种方法进行分类,结果分别如图4(b)-(d)、图5(b)-(d)所示,精度评价如表5、6所示。
Fig. 3 Remote sensing images of two test regions

图3 2个测试区遥感影像图

Fig. 4 Investigation classification map and classification result with three methods for region A

图4 A区域实地调查分类图及3种方法分类结果

Fig. 5 Investigation classification map and classification result with three methods for region B

图5 B区域实地调查分类图及3种方法分类结果

Tab. 5 Assessment list of region A′s classification accuracy

表5 A区域分类精度评价表

分类方法 类别 生产者精度(%) 用户精度(%) 总体精度(%) Kappa系数
最大似然法 相思林群落 76.01 89.30 70.0 0.64
浙江润楠群落 63.89 59.83
鸭脚木群落 80.66 76.40
SVM算法 相思林群落 80.04 84.37 78.0 0.68
浙江润楠群落 67.15 73.22
鸭脚木群落 83.01 75.42
PPLN算法 相思林群落 80.01 87.49 80.6 0.70
浙江润楠群落 75.24 68.15
鸭脚木群落 82.83 82.06
Tab. 6 Assessment list of region B′s classification accuracy

表6 B区域分类精度评价表

分类方法 类别 生产者精度(%) 用户精度(%) 总体精度(%) Kappa系数
最大似然法 桉树林群落 78.87 65.62 72.0 0.61
相思林群落 76.98 75.24
荔枝林 67.12 82.30
SVM算法 桉树林群落 62.41 91.03 73.7 0.60
相思林群落 83.41 62.72
荔枝林 77.43 67.92
PPLN算法 桉树林群落 80.05 80.64 80.7 0.71
相思林群落 83.31 74.95
荔枝林 79.16 86.14

5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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Cheng Q, Lin B, Ma T.The application of very high resolution satellite image in urban vegetation cover investigation: A case study of Xiamen City[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003,13(3):265-270.<a name="Abs1"></a>With the technological improvements of satellite sensors, we will acquire more information about the earth so that we have reached a new application epoch of observation on earth environmental change and cartography. But with the enhancement of spatial resolution, some questions have arisen in the application of using traditional image processing and classification methods. Aiming for such questions, we studied the application of IKONOS very high resolution image (1 m) in Xiamen City on Urban Vegetation Cover Investigation and discussed the difference between the very high resolution image and traditional low spatial resolution image at classification, information abstraction etc. It is an advantageous test for the large-scale application of very high resolution data in the future.




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程晋昕,余凌翔,鲁韦坤.基于高分辨率遥感影像的滇池湖滨湿地植被类型监测[J].云南地理环境研究,2013,25(6):1-7.利用多源高分辨率遥感影像,结合图像分割与人机交互判实技术,分 建设前(2007~2008年)、建设中(2011年)、建设后(2013年)3个时期对滇池湖滨湿地进行植被分布信息提取与面积统计,进而对其演变规律 进行分析.结果表明:随着“滇池湖滨生态带工程”的推进,环湖带乔木与灌木、沉浮水植物、草本植物3类湿地群落面积的总和从建设前的120.39 hm2提高至建设中的1747.54 hm2,再到建设后的1868.91 hm2,占总面积的比例分别为5.49%、79.61%和85.14%,湖滨湿地面积显著提升;建设前主要植被类型为作物植被,占总面积的51.98%, 建设后缩减至3.87%,逐步演化为自然植被,主要种类为中山杉(Ascendens mucronatum)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)等,群落多样性与景观格局也有了较大改观.


[ Cheng J X, Yu L X, Lu W K.Vegetation Types Monitoring of Dianchi Lakeside Wetland Based on High-spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery[J]. Yunnan Geographic Environment Reasearch, 2013,25(6):1-7. ]

邹扬庆. 基于3S技术的中梁山植被演替识别与演替规律研究[D].重庆:西南大学,2014.

[ Zou Y Q.The research of vegetation succession recognition and succession law based on 3S technology in Zhongliang Mount[D]. Chongqing: Southwest University, 2014. ]

康峻,侯学会,牛铮,等.基于拟合物候参数的植被遥感决策树分类[J].农业工程学报,2014,30(9):148-156.针对目前遥感分类较少利用植被物候特征参数的现状,该研究以内蒙古自治区额尔古纳、根河两市作为试验区,基于2012年根河土地覆盖数据,采用双Logistic 函数拟合的方法对跨度范围为2011年7月下旬至2013年7月下旬的时间序列MODIS EVI 数据进行植被物候参数的分析与提取,并依据物候参数特征构建决策树对试验区土地覆盖进行分类。研究表明,不同植被的物候有较明显的特征,森林、草原与作物的生长季开始时间依次滞后,作物的生长季最短,森林与草原生长季基本持平;利用植被物候特征参数进行决策树分类,作物和森林2种植被类型取得较好分类效果,分类的总体精度达到73.67%,优于该区域MODIS土地覆盖产品的总体精度(66.08%)。该研究可为呼伦贝尔地区生态环境评价和农、牧、林业生产活动提供一定的参考。

[ Kang J, Hou X H, Niu Z, et al.Decision tree classification based on fitted phenology parameters from remotely sensed vegetation data[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2014,30(9):148-156. ]

李俊祥,达良俊,王玉洁,等.基于NOAA-AVHRR数据的中国东部地区植被遥感分类研究[J].植物生态学报,2005(3):336-343.该文采用19幅(时间跨8个 月)时间序列的NOAA_AVHRR的归一化植被指数(NDVI)最大值合成影像遥感数据,经过主分量分析 (Principlecomponentanalysis,PCA)处理后,用非监督分类方法的ISODATA算法,对中国东部地区的(五省一市)植被进 行分类,结果可以分出2 8种土地覆盖类型,除了两种类型为水体和城市或裸地外,其余2 6种类型均为植被类型,根据中国植被分类系统,这2 6类可以归并为6大植被类型:1)常绿阔叶林;2 )针叶林;3)竹林;4 )灌草丛;5 )水生植被;6 )农业植被。用1∶10 0 0 0 0 0数字化《中国植被图集》的植被类型检验遥感分类结果表明,针叶林、灌草丛、常绿阔叶林和农业植被的分类具有较高的位置精度和面积精度,位置精度分别为 79.2 %、91.3%、6 8.2 %和95 .9% ,面积精度分别达到92 .1%、95 .9%、6 3.8%和90 .5 %。这6大植被类型在地理空间上的分布规律与中国东部常绿阔叶林区植被的地带性分布基本一致。

[ Li J X, Da L J, Wang Y J, et al. Vegetation Classification of East China Using Multi—temporal NOAA—AVHRR Data[J]. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 2005(3):336-343. ]


[ Li Z X, Li H G.Digital Information Technology of Tropical Rain Forest Protection[M]. Kunming: Yunnan University Publishing, 2003. ]

郭航,张晓丽.基于遥感技术的植被分类研究现状与发展趋势[J].世界林业研究,2007,20(3):14-19.综述了国内外基于遥感技术进行 植被分类的研究现状,并提出植被分类的发展趋势:(1)从单时相、单源遥感分类向多时相、多源信息融合发展;(2)从单一分类方法向复合分类方法发展; (3)从“硬”分类向“软”分类方向发展;(4)从基于像元分类向混合像元分解分类和面向对象分类方向发展;(5)从传统分类向智能分类方向发展。


[ Guo H, Zhang X L.Current status and developing trend in vegetation Classification Based on RS Technology[J]. World Forestry Research, 2007,20(3):14-19. ]


[ Fu Q, Zhao X Y.Principles and applications of projection pursuit model[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2006. ]



[ Fu Q, Fu H, Wang L K.Study on the PPE model based on RAGA to evaluating the water quality[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2003,23(2):236-239. ]

倪长健,王顺久,崔鹏.投影寻踪动态聚类模型及其在天然草地分类中的应用[J].安全与环境学报,2006(5):68-71.投影寻踪聚类模型在多因素聚类 分析中被广泛应用并取得了满意的效果,然而,该模型还存在如密度窗宽参数取值由经验确定等不足,有待改进提高。本文针对投影寻踪聚类模型的不足,首次把投 影寻踪的思想和动态聚类方法结合起来,构造投影指标,提出了投影寻踪动态聚类新模型。新模型在整个运算过程中不需人为给定参数,聚类结果客观、明确,而且 它还具有稳定性好、操作简便等特点。天然草地分类的实际应用表明,投影寻踪动态聚类模型切实可行,取得了很好的效果,在多因素聚类分析领域具有广阔的应用 前景。


[ Ni C J, Wang S J, Cui P. New model for projection pursuit dynamic cluster and its application to classifying natural grasslands[J]. Journal of Safety and Environment, 2006(5):68-71. ]

秦伟伟,王卓琳,任文隆.投影寻踪法在生态城市评价中的应用[J].安徽农业科学,2008,36(24):10317-10318.将一种在在水质评价中得到广泛 应用的评价方法——投影寻踪评价法引入生态城市评价领域中。采用基于实数遗传算法的投影寻踪评价法,以生态城市课题组建立的指标体系(指标涉及资源,经 济,社会,环境,体制等各方面因素)为基础,利用MATLAB软件对石家庄市2000~2007年的生态城市建设进行了评价。


[ Qin W W, Wang Z L, Ren W L.Application of the Projection Pursuit Method in the Evaluation of Ecological City[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Science 2008,36(24):10317-10318. ]



[ Liang Y F, Fu J.Application of Projection Pursuit and Genetic Algorithm in Flood Forecasting[J]. Water Resources & Hydropower of Northeast China, 2010,28(4):37-40. ]

刘海娟. 遗传投影寻踪模型在生态评价中的应用[D].兰州:兰州大学,2013.

[Liu H J.An application of genetic projection pursuit method on ecological evaluation[D]. Lanzhou: Lanzhou University, 2013.]

Jimenez, L O, Landgrebe D A. Hyperspectral data analysis and supervised feature reduction via projection pursuit[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1999,37(6):2653-2667.As the number of spectral bands of high-spectral resolution data increases, the ability to detect more detailed classes should also increase, and the classification accuracy should increase as well. Often the number of labelled samples used for supervised classification techniques is limited, thus limiting the precision with which class characteristics can be estimated. As the number of spectral bands becomes large, the limitation on performance imposed by the limited number of training samples can become severe. A number of techniques for case-specific feature extraction have been developed to reduce dimensionality without loss of class separability. Most of these techniques require the estimation of statistics at full dimensionality in order to extract relevant features for classification. If the number of training samples is not adequately large, the estimation of parameters in high-dimensional data will not be accurate enough. As a result, the estimated features may not be as effective as they could be. This suggests the need for reducing the dimensionality via a preprocessing method that takes into consideration high-dimensional feature-space properties. Such reduction should enable the estimation of feature-extraction parameters to be more accurate. Using a technique referred to as projection pursuit (PP), such an algorithm has been developed. This technique is able to bypass many of the problems of the limitation of small numbers of training samples by making the computations in a lower-dimensional space, and optimizing a function called the projection index. A current limitation of this method is that, as the number of dimensions increases, it is likely that a local maximum of the projection index will be found that does not enable one to fully exploit hyperspectral-data capabilities



[ Tian Z, Lin W.Methods and Applications of Projection Pursuit[M]. Xi'an: Northwestern Polytechnical University Press, 2007. ]

严勇,李清泉,孙久运.投影寻踪学习网络的遥感影像分类[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2007,32(10):876-879.采用投影寻踪(projection pursuit,PP)学习网络方法建立了一种新的遥感影像分类模型。该方法结合了统计学中投影寻踪算法节点函数灵活的非参数估计特点和人工神经网络的自学习功能,具有简捷的网络结构和良好的鲁棒性能。利用苏州市TM影像进行了分类实验,将分类结果与BP神经网络和最大似然法的分类结果相比较,投影寻踪学习网络的分类精度较高,具有一定的实用性。

[ Yan Y, Li Q Q, Sun J Y.Classification of RS image using projection pursuit learning network[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2007,32(10):876-879. ]

Lin W, Tian Z, Wen X B, et al.Unsupervised segmentation of the POL-SAR image using similarity parameters in sequential projection pursuit model[C]. 2004 7th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, Vols 1-3, 2004:769-772.


[ Zhang L P, Liu Q H, Liu G L, et al.The Multi—directional projection pursuit and the feature extraction of hyperspectral remote sensing image[J]. Journal of China Coal Society, 2007,32(2):155-158. ]


[ Xun L N, Fang Y H.Target Detection in Hyperspectral Images Using Projection Pursuit[J]. Acta Photonica Sinica,2006,35(10):1584-1588. ]

高杨,黄华梅,吴志峰.基于投影寻踪的珠江三角洲景观生态安全评价[J].生态学报,2010,30(21):5894-5903.区域景观生态安全是生态安全的重要组成部分,对于国家安全和社会可持续发展具有重要影响。以1990年和2005年珠江三角洲Landsat 5 TM和Landsat 7 ETM+遥感数据为基本数据源,选取聚集度、景观破碎度、景观形状指数、Shannon多样性指数,并构建了景观脆弱度指数和景观安全邻接指数,对研究区景观空间格局变化进行对比分析。在此基础上,利用基于遗传算法的投影寻踪方法,计算景观生态安全指数,评价研究区的景观生态安全状况。结果表明:(1)从1990年到2005年,珠江三角洲9市的聚集度、破碎度、景观形状指数和Shannon多样性指数变化不大,而景观脆弱度和景观安全邻接指数变化显著,9市的景观脆弱度都呈现减少趋势,而9市景观安全邻接指数都呈增加趋势。(2)从1990年到2005年,珠海和惠州两市景观生态安全状况一直保持良好,而东莞和中山两市的景观生态安全值一直较低;除佛山和广州两市景观生态安全状况略有提高外,其它7市景观生态安全值都有一定程度的减小,其中以肇庆市降低最多。珠江三角洲地区经济高速发展,人为活动剧烈,利用投影寻踪方法构建景观生态安全指数,评价高强度发展区域的景观生态安全状况是有效、可行的。

[ Gao Y, Huang H M, Wu Z F.Landscape Ecological Security Assessment Based on Projection Pursuit: A case study of nine cities in the Pearl River Delta[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2010,30(21):5894-5903. ]

Gao Y, Wu Z F, Lou Q S, et al.Landscape ecological security assessment based on projection pursuit in Pearl River Delta[J]. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012,184(4):2307-2319.Abstract<br/>Regional landscape ecological security is an important issue for ecological security, and has a great influence on national security and social sustainable development. The Pearl River Delta (PRD) in southern China has experienced rapid economic development and intensive human activities in recent years. This study, based on landscape analysis, provides a method to discover the alteration of character among different landscape types and to understand the landscape ecological security status. Based on remotely sensed products of the Landsat 5 TM images in 1990 and the Landsat 7 ETM+ images in 2005, landscape classification maps of nine cities in the PRD were compiled by implementing Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System technology. Several indices, including aggregation, crush index, landscape shape index, Shannon’s diversity index, landscape fragile index, and landscape security adjacent index, were applied to analyze spatial–temporal characteristics of landscape patterns in the PRD. A landscape ecological security index based on these outcomes was calculated by projection pursuit using genetic algorithm. The landscape ecological security of nine cities in the PRD was thus evaluated. The main results of this research are listed as follows: (1) from 1990 to 2005, the aggregation index, crush index, landscape shape index, and Shannon’s diversity index of nine cities changed little in the PRD, while the landscape fragile index and landscape security adjacent index changed obviously. The landscape fragile index of nine cities showed a decreasing trend; however, the landscape security adjacent index has been increasing; (2) from 1990 to 2005, landscape ecology of the cities of Zhuhai and Huizhou maintained a good security situation. However, there was a relatively low value of ecological security in the cities of Dongguan and Foshan. Except for Foshan and Guangzhou, whose landscape ecological security situation were slightly improved, the cities had reduced values in landscape ecological security, with the most decreased number 0.52 in Zhaoqing. Results of this study offer important information for regional eco-construction and natural resource exploitation.<br/>


Jones L K.A Simple lemma on greedy approximation in Hilbert space and convergence rates for projection pursuit regression and neural network training[J]. The Annals of Statistics, 1992,20(1):608-613.ABSTRACT A general convergence criterion for certain iterative sequences in Hilbert space is presented. For an important subclass of these sequences, estimates of the rate of convergence are given. Under very mild assumptions these results establish an $O(1/ \sqrt n)$ nonsampling convergence rate for projection pursuit regression and neural network training; where $n$ represents the number of ridge functions, neurons or coefficients in a greedy basis expansion.


Hwang J N, Lay S R, Maechler M, et al. Regression modeling in back-propagation and projection pursuit learning[J]. IEEE Transacrionr on Netiral Networh, 1994(5):342-353.We study and compare two types of connectionist learning methods for model-free regression problems: 1) the backpropagation learning (BPL); and 2) the projection pursuit learning (PPL) emerged in recent years in the statistical estimation literature. Both the BPL and the PPL are based on projections of the data in directions determined from interconnection weights. However, unlike the use of fixed nonlinear activations (usually sigmoidal) for the hidden neurons in BPL, the PPL systematically approximates the unknown nonlinear activations. Moreover, the BPL estimates all the weights simultaneously at each iteration, while the PPL estimates the weights cyclically (neuron-by-neuron and layer-by-layer) at each iteration. Although the BPL and the PPL have comparable training speed when based on a Gauss-Newton optimization algorithm, the PPL proves more parsimonious in that the PPL requires a fewer hidden neurons to approximate the true function. To further improve the statistical performance of the PPL, an orthogonal polynomial approximation is used in place of the supersmoother method originally proposed for nonlinear activation approximation in the PPL


