收稿日期: 2015-05-25
要求修回日期: 2015-07-07
网络出版日期: 2016-01-10
Study and Thinking of the Development of Chinese Modern City Maps
Received date: 2015-05-25
Request revised date: 2015-07-07
Online published: 2016-01-10
夏小琳 , 叶妍君 , 皮龙风 . 中国近代城市地图发展历程的分析与思考[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(1) : 77 -87 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00077
China is a country with centuries’old historical civilization. City culture is one of the most important parts in the long history of the Chinese splendid national culture.Following the prosperity of human civilization, a large amount of cities with various sizes appeared and kept growing continuously. Some cities have developed into world-famous with abundant historical culture and significant historic value, which are originated from the achievements of Chinese ancient civilization. In the present day, when cities are developing rapidly, it isparticularly important to study the evolution of cities since ancient times. One efficient way to achieve this is to study city maps which reflect the spatial pattern of cities in a relatively accurate sense. Therefore, city maps can provide great reference values for exploring the changesin city patterns from a historical view. This paper aims to study the modern city maps produced during the period from the Ming Dynasty to the Republican period. In terms of the inheritance of traditional ancient city maps and the developments encouraged by the western cartography, this paper intends to explore the characteristics, developing trends and values of Chinese modern city maps. On one hand, modern city maps had not completely got rid of the features of Chinese traditional city maps from the aspects of method and content; on the other hand, modern city maps had also been influenced and motivated by western knowledge. Therefore, Chinese modern city maps were gradually developing towards diversification, thematization and modernization during the process of inheritance and development, reflecting the trait of city development and regional features at that time. This paper also applied the case study method to explore the Chinese modern city maps with typical examples from various time and cities, and to further discuss and make comments on the representations, contents, techniques as well as significant values of these maps.
Fig. 1 Representative ancient city maps图1 典型的的古代城市地图 |
Fig. 2 City maps in early Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty图2 明清早期城市地图 |
Fig. 3 Map of Beijing图3 京城全图 |
Fig. 4 Variety of the expression methods applied in early modern city maps图4 早期近代城市地图表现方法的多样化 |
Fig. 5 Different expressions of landscape, city walls and constructions in modern city maps图5 近代城市图中对山水、城墙、房屋建筑的不同表现手法 |
Fig. 6 New urban elements in modern city maps (railways, concession, hospital and church)图6 近代城市地图中几种新兴的城市元素 |
Fig. 7 Examples ofregional features in modern city maps图7 近代城市地图中地域特色的体现举例 |
Fig. 8 Typical Beijing city map in the Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and the Republican period图8 明、清、民国时期的典型北京城市图 |
Tab. 1 Comparison of Beijing city maps in the Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty and the Republican period表1 明、清、民国时期北京城市地图的比较 |
图型特征 | 地图内容 | 数学基础 | |
明代 | 写实法,局部夸张、平立面结合, | 宫殿、衙署为主,融入绘图者主观思想 | 保持相对位置,无比例控制 |
清代 | 写实法、使用色彩,平面图与平立面结合手法综合使用,实地勘测,尊重客观事实 | 不再以宫殿为主,内容客观丰富包括有水系、街道和建筑布局,并标出外国公使馆、海关、洋税司、学堂、美国医院等 | 保持相对位置,无比例控制 |
民国 | 平面图,使用色彩,图例 | 内容更加详细丰富,在原有基础上增加了铁路,胡同建筑名称,英文标注等 | 标明比例尺,实地勘测,反映客观现实,重视准确性 |
Fig. 9 Map of capital city图9 国朝都城图 |
Fig. 10 City gates map of Shengjing图10 盛京城阙图 |
Fig. 11 Examples for early survey maps and modern-improved city maps图11 早期实测城市地图与近代改良型城市地图的典型事例 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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