
  • 李奥勇 , 1, 2 ,
  • 许珺 , 1*, *
  • 1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101
  • 2. 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049
*通讯作者:许 珺(1972-),女,博士,副研究员,研究方向为地理信息系统、地理空间认知和知识表达。E-mail:


收稿日期: 2015-04-10

  要求修回日期: 2015-07-20

  网络出版日期: 2016-02-04




Spatial Cascaded Model for Personalized Recommender System

  • LI Aoyong , 1, 2 ,
  • XU Jun , 1, *
  • 1. State Key laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
*Corresponding author: XU Jun, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-04-10

  Request revised date: 2015-07-20

  Online published: 2016-02-04


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




李奥勇 , 许珺 . 空间级联模式下的个性推荐模拟[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(2) : 160 -166 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047. 2016.00160


Recommendation system has become mature and been successfully applied in many fields since its emergence. Due to the popularization of different types of mobile terminals, spatial information is brought into the recommendation systems. However, the existing researches mainly focus on spatial locations and rarely consider spatial relations. Meanwhile, the existing recommendation algorithms usually consider only the user’s history behaviors but not the influence of future behaviors on current recommendations. According to the activity chain theory, future activities have an impact on the current behavior as well as the past activities did. If a user has two steps of information retrieval, and the second step is based on the result of the first step, he would choose an item from the result which is convenient for him to make the second choice, and thus he can get the best choices at both steps of retrieval. That is to say, the current selection would be affected by the next retrieval of information. In this paper, we model the spatial distribution of the travel targets by considering one’s future intentions as well as the past data, and propose a spatial cascaded model for personalized recommender system. The model is built for situations with a series of continuous choices in the spatial space based on the traditional recommendation algorithm and the influence of future activities. The influence of spatial relation is introduced into the traditional recommendation algorithm as a distance decay function. In order to prove the feasibility of spatial cascaded recommender system, a restaurant recommender system is developed based on the proposed model. Taking into account of user’s preference and distance, a cost-benefit index was proposed to evaluate the result. The result shows that when considering further activities and spatial relations in recommendation, the system can produce a more reasonable result.

1 引言


2 空间级联模式下的个性推荐模型


2.1 传统个性推荐系统


2.2 级联和空间级联

Fig. 1 The framework of spatial cascaded recommender system

图1 空间级联模式下的个性推荐模型框架

Fig. 2 The schematic of spatial cascade

图2 空间级联示意图


2.3 空间级联模式下的个性推荐系统

Fig. 3 The schematic of spatial cascade model

图3 空间级联模型示意图

Fig. 4 Spatial cascaded recommender system

图4 空间级联模式下的个性推荐模型

(1) 传统方法计算
(2) 空间级联
(3) 评分预测计算
空间级联模型中,对当前级别点所代表的POI的推荐包括3个影响因素:① 用户对待推荐POI本身的偏好程度;② 待推荐POI与用户之间的空间关系;③ 待推荐POI的级联点对当前推荐的影响。用户u对POI点p的预测由传统推荐函数、空间关系函数和级联函数3部分组成(式(1))。
pre ( u , p ) = f ( tr aPr e , spa , cas ) (1)
(4) 推荐

3 空间级联个性推荐模型基于协同 过滤算法的实现与案例


3.1 数据及预处理分析

数据集是从大众点评网上海站抓取的餐厅、KTV、用户数据和用户-商品评分数据。餐厅共有25 911个点,其属性包括餐厅URL、位置信息;KTV共有215个点,其属性主要包括KTV的URL、位置信息;用户共有132位,属性包括用户ID、用户访问餐厅信息及评分信息;用户-商品评分数据包括用户对餐厅和KTV分别的评分,大众点评网评分共分1-5个评分等级,评分越高,表示用户越满意。餐厅、KTV空间分布如图5所示。
Fig. 5 The spatial distribution of restaurants and KTVs

图5 餐厅、KTV空间分布图

3.2 案例算法

3.2.1 基于项目的协同过滤推荐
sim ( a , b ) = ( r a , s - r a ¯ ) ( r b , s - r b ¯ ) ( r a , s - r a ¯ ) 2 ( r b , s - r b ¯ ) 2 (2)
式中:ra,s, rb,s分别为用户ab对共同评价过的商品的评分; r a ¯ r b ¯ 分别为用户ab对这些商品评分的平均值;Sab为用户ab共同评价过的商品集。用户u对商品s的预测评分ru,s如式(3)所示。
r u , s = r u ¯ + sim ( u , u' ) × ( r u' , s - r u' ¯ ) | sim ( u , u' ) | (3)
式中:Uun是与用户 u 相似性从大到小排序靠前并且评价过s的用户集传统集合。评分预测结束后,向用户推荐排名靠前的N个商品。
3.2.2 空间级联下的个性推荐
pre ( u , PO I k ) = trePr e k × sp a k × ca s k (4)
式中: PO I k ( k N + ) 为第k级级联点,k=1时,为一级级联点,即推荐对象。算法的伪代码如图6所示。其中,traPre通过式(3)计算。空间关系函数spa的计算主要考虑出行距离对出行意愿的影响,根据Yang等的研究[17],出行的意愿随距离的增加而减小,即距离衰减函数,如式(5)所示。
sp a k = 1 e Dis ( Lo c k - 1 , Lo c k ) / maxdi s k - 1 , k ( Dis ( Lo c k - 1 , Lo c k ) < = maxdi s k - 1 , k ) 0 ( Dis ( Lo c k - 1 , re s k ) > maxdi s k - 1 , k ) (5)
式中:Dis(Lock-1,k)表示 k - 1 级点和k级点空间距离。作为对照实验,选取最大位置maxdisk-1,k筛选的距离,作为k-1筛选k级点的最大距离值,以控制相同的实验区域。级联函数cask计算如式(6)所示,由于是嵌套运算,为避免预测值不断增大,对传统评分进行归一化,其中,max_score为评分系统的最大值。级联函数的伪代码如图7所示。
ca s k = max { traPr e k + 1 max_score × sp a k + 1 × ca s k + 1 } (6)
Fig. 6 Pseudo code of spatial recommender algorithm

图6 空间级联模式下的推荐模型代码

Fig. 7 Pseudo code of spatial cascade function

图7 空间级联函数代码

3.3 实验内容及结果分析

3.3.1 实验设计
3.3.2 实验结果评价及分析
p = k = 1 N ( r tra , k - r cas , k ) / r tra , k ) k = 1 N ( Di s tra , k - Di s cas , k ) / Di s tra , k ) × 1 N (7)
式中: N 表示共有N层级联; r tra , k r cas , k 分别表示用传统推荐算法和空间级联推荐所得结果中第k级点的用户偏好,其中用户偏好均用传统方法的预测评分来表示。 Di s tra , k Di s cas , k 分别表示对所有传统方法推荐结果和空间级联推荐结果中第k级点与对应k-1级点的空间距离,视用户位置为0级点。实验仅级联至KTV层级,故N取2。
其中, p < 1 表示用较少的偏好损失,可得到较大的距离收益,即空间推荐起到了很好的效果。 p > 1 表示大的偏好损失难以得到较大的距离收益,即周边没有合适的级联点,空间级联推荐结果不能起到效果。
Tab. 1 The evaluation of spatial cascaded recommender algorithm

表1 空间级联推荐评价表

编号 X坐标 Y坐标 p
1 637 870.9959 3 452 923.334 0.215
2 641 123.6277 3 457 946.251 0.649
3 640 512.8528 3 455 670.962 0.361
4 644 801.1710 3 465 454.573 0.085
5 641 963.7390 3 459 558.950 0.079
为了更直观地比较,基于百度地图API、Javascript,以VS为编程平台,SQLserver 2008为数据库,实现餐厅推荐的可视化,并随机选取其中一组,其结果如图8所示。图8(a)是利用传统方法对用户得到的推荐列表,图8(b)是利用空间级联模型对用户的推荐列表。在结果显示中,推荐结果列表与推荐点位依次对应,可方便用户查看。通过图8(a)和8(b)的对比,可很直观地看到空间级联个性推荐模型的结果具有很大的集聚性,说明在考虑距离和下一步选择时,空间级联推荐可得到较好的结果。
Fig. 8 The comparison of spatial cascaded recommender system and traditional recommender system

图8 空间级联推荐模型与传统推荐方法结果的比较

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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