
  • 刘玮 ,
  • 李发源 , * ,
  • 熊礼阳 ,
  • 刘双琳 ,
  • 王轲
  • 1. 南京师范大学 虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室,南京 210023
  • 2. 江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,南京 210023

作者简介:刘 玮(1991-),女,山东潍坊人,硕士生,研究方向为数字地形分析和图像处理。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2013-11-15

  要求修回日期: 2014-03-26

  网络出版日期: 2016-02-04



Shoulder Line Extraction in the Loess Plateau Based on Region Growing Algorithm

  • LIU Wei ,
  • LI Fayuan , * ,
  • XIONG Liyang ,
  • LIU Shuanglin ,
  • WANG Ke
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Ministry of Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 2. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China
*Corresponding author: LI fayuan, E-mail:

Received date: 2013-11-15

  Request revised date: 2014-03-26

  Online published: 2016-02-04


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




刘玮 , 李发源 , 熊礼阳 , 刘双琳 , 王轲 . 基于区域生长的黄土地貌沟沿线提取方法与实验[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(2) : 220 -226 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016. 00220


Shoulder line is one of the most effective terrain structure line used to describe the loess landform. It plays an important role in the study of the spatial distribution and landform evolution of the loess landform. Shoulder line lies on the boundary of the positive and negative terrain, where the elevation and slope of the loess surface reveal obvious changes. Many efforts have been done for the extraction of shoulder line, but these methods have disadvantages, of which the experimental process requires human intervention or the shoulder line is discontinuous. P-N terrain method can effectively extract the shoulder line, but while using this method to segment the positive and negative terrains, it tends to produce large amounts of broken polygons and classification errors, which affect the accuracy of shoulder line. This paper investigates a region growing algorithm to improve the P-N terrain method. Using the highest elevation of the local area as a growing point for positive terrain and the outlet as a growing point for negative terrain, four-neighborhood growth were carried out until they reached the boundary of the positive and negative terrains or a slope threshold. Then the edge detection method was used to extract the critical boundary. Finally, the morphological image processing method was used to eliminate burrs to get the final shoulder line. In order to verify the result, this paper used the 0.6 m resolution remote sensing image to get the relatively accurate shoulder line by visual interpretation. And then different results were compared using overlay analysis. It is revealed that the shoulder line extracted using the improved method is closer to the visual interpretation results. This method is an automatic way to extract shoulder line, which solves the inaccurate location problem of P-N terrain method. Meanwhile, this method keeps the integrity and continuity of shoulder line and avoids the emergence of broken shoulder line and closure shoulder line. The use of morphological image processing method in burrs removal also ensures the accuracy.

1 引言


2 沟沿线提取的方法

2.1 区域生长算法

Fig. 1 Illusions of region growing

图1 区域生长示意图

2.2 正负地形的识别

Fig. 2 Influence of slope to the positive and negative terrain classification result

图2 坡度对正负地形分类结果的影响

Fig. 3 Flow chart of the study

图3 流程图

2.3 沟沿线的提取

Fig. 4 The contrast between shoulder line and other features

图4 沟沿线和非沟沿线边界对比图

Fig. 5 Edge detection operators

图5 边缘检测算子

2.4 沟沿线上寄生分量的去除

X 1 = A { B } (1)
式中: X 1 为细化结果;A表示原始沟沿线;B为结构元; 表示细化操作。
X 2 = k = 1 8 ( X 1 B k ) (2)
式中: X 2 为端点集合; B k (k=1,2,3,4)为结构元; 为击中击不中变换。
X 3 = ( X 2 H ) A (3)
式中: X 3 为沟沿线结果;H为4邻域结构元;A为原始沟沿线; 为膨胀操作。
Fig. 6 Structure element

图6 结构元

Fig. 7 The contrast of data before and after burr removal

图7 去“毛刺”前后对比图

3 黄土地貌沟沿线提取实例分析

3.1 实验数据

本文实验样区位于陕西省宜君县城东北部洛河中下游地区(图8),地貌类型属于黄土长墚残塬沟壑区,该地区沟谷溯源侵蚀强烈,重力侵蚀活跃,相对切割深度70~200 m,海拔777~1112 m。实验数据为国家测绘局生产的1:1万比例尺5 m分辨率DEM和与DEM配准的0.6 m分辨率全色波段遥感影像。DEM数据及其派生的坡度数据用于沟沿线的提取。影像数据用于沟沿线的目视解译,对比分析本文提取方法的精度。在进行黄土地貌分析时,通常以流域为研究单元,通过计算沟沿线相关指标来探究黄土高原的沟蚀程度,故此,本文以流域为单位对沟沿线提取方法进行探讨。
Fig. 8 Test area and data

图8 实验样区及数据

3.2 参数设置


3.3 结果分析

Fig. 9 Positive and negative terrains and shoulder line

图9 正负地形及沟沿线

3.4 精度评价

为了验证实验结果,本文使用0.6 m分辨率遥感影像进行人工解译,获得相对精确的沟沿线(图9(d))。将区域生长法提取的沟沿线与人工解译结果相比较,二者形状和位置都非常相近。由于人工解译结果是在0.6 m分辨率的影像上进行的,而自动提取沟沿线的DEM分辨率为5 m,所以与DEM自动提取的沟沿线相比,人工解译结果更加精细。为了进一步对比沟沿线提取精度,本文统计了在人工解译沟沿线的不同偏移栅格内,坡面畸变邻域法和区域生长法提取的沟沿线栅格落在其中的数目和比例,得到如下结果(表1):使用坡面畸变邻域法提取的沟沿线栅格总数为51 655,沟沿线栅格落在3个偏移栅格以内的概率为64.02%,5个偏移栅格以内的概率为74.61%,7个偏移栅格以内的概率为78.17%;使用区域生长方法得到的沟沿线栅格总数为30 093,沟沿线栅格落在3个偏移栅格以内的概率为78.07%,5个偏移栅格以内的概率为90.49%,7个偏移栅格以内的概率为94.60%。结果表明,本文改进的沟沿线提取方法大大地提高了沟沿线定位的准确率和识别的正确性。
Tab. 1 The percentage of grid numbers of shoulder line to the total grid numbers within a certain displacement

表1 位移栅格内沟沿线栅格数目占总栅格数目的百分比

人工解译沟沿线的位移栅格数目/个 位移栅格内,坡面畸变法提取沟沿线栅格数目/个 占坡面畸变法提取沟沿线总栅格数的百分比/(%) 位移栅格内,区域生长法提取沟沿线栅格数目/个 占区域生长法提取沟沿线总栅格数的百分比/(%)
3 33 072 64.02 23 494 78.07
5 38 539 74.61 27 231 90.49
7 40 381 78.17 28 469 94.60

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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刘鹏举,朱清科,吴东亮,等.基于栅格DEM与水流路径的黄土区沟缘线自动提取技术研究[J].北京林业大学学报,2006,28(4):72-76.基于数字高程模型(DEM)进 行沟缘线的自动提取是黄土丘陵沟壑区进行分布式水文计算与土壤侵蚀建模的关键技术.该文以基于栅格数字高程模型进行河网提取与流域划分技术为基础,基于栅 格单元间八流向算法构建水流路径,提出一种基于汇流路径坡度变化特征确定沟坡段,进一步形成封闭沟缘线的新方法,并编程实现了该方法.通过对蔡家川流域 1∶10000等高线生成2m数字高程模型,依据35°作为判断沟坡单元的标准,自动生成沟缘线分布图,并与原始坡度分布图比较,取得满意的结果.


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Zhou Y, Tang G A, Yang X, et al.Positive and negative terrains on northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2010,20(1):64-76.lt;a name="Abs1"></a>The Loess positive and negative terrains (P-N terrains), which are widely distributed on the Loess Plateau, are discussed for the first time by introducing its characteristic, demarcation as well as extraction method from high-resolution Digital Elevation Models. Using 5 m-resolution DEMs as original test data, P-N terrains of 48 geomorphological units in different parts of Shaanxi Loess Plateau are extracted accurately. Then six indicators for depicting the geomorphologic landscape and spatial configuration characteristic of P-N terrains are proposed. The spatial distribution rules of these indicators and the relationship between the P-N terrains and Loess relief are discussed for further understanding of Loess landforms. Finally, with the integration of P-N terrains and traditional terrain indices, a series of un-supervised classification methods are applied to make a proper landform classification in northern Shaanxi. Results show that P-N terrains are an effect clue to reveal energy and substance distribution rules on the Loess Plateau. A continuous change of P-N terrains from south to north in Shaanxi Loess Plateau shows an obvious spatial difference of Loess landforms and the positive terrain area only accounted for 60.5% in this region. The P-N terrains participant landform classification method increases validity of the result, especially in the Loess tableland, Loess tableland-ridge and the Loess low-hill area. This research is significant on the study of Loess landforms with the Digital Terrains Analysis methods.


晏实江,汤国安,李发源,等.利用DEM边缘检测进行黄土地貌沟沿线自动提取[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版),2011,36(3):363-366.在分析黄土地貌沟沿线形态特征 的基础上,提出了基于规则格网DEM,通过引入边缘检测算子提取并连接沟沿线候选点,并借助形态学方法滤除细碎线段,最终生成沟沿线的方法。黄土丘陵沟壑 区的实验结果显示,Sobel、Roberts、Prewitt梯度算子检测得到的沟沿线封闭性较差,线段较零碎,与实际沟沿线不符,不适用于沟沿线的自 动提取;而LOG算子提取的线段连续、精度高,是理想的沟沿线检测算子,能够实现黄土地貌沟沿线较准确、有效的自动提取。

[ Yan S J, Tang G A, Li F Y, et al.An edge detection based method for extraction of loess shoulder-line from grid DEM[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2011,36(3):363-366. ]

陈永刚,汤国安,周毅,等.基于多方位DEM地形晕渲的黄土地貌正负地形提取[J].地理科学,2012,32(1):105-109.以陕北绥德县韭园沟流域5 m分辨率DEM数据为基础,在数字地形分析、多元统计和数据挖掘方法的基础上,提出利用多方位DEM地形晕渲、坡度等多元指标,以主成分分析消除多重共线 性和约减维数,并以Logis-tic回归模型提取黄土高原正、负地形的方法。研究结果表明:模型提取精度为82.1%,Kappa统计量为0.629; 模型在6个不同流域测试样本上正、负地形的平均精度分别为77.6%,84.9%,加权平均精度为81.3%,模型具有较好的一致性和泛化能力,正、负地 形提取效果良好。

[ Chen Y G, Tang G A, Zhou Y, et al.The positive and negative terrain of Loess Plateau extraction based on the Multi-azimuth DEM shade relief[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012,32(1):105-109. ]

Yan S, Tang G, Li F, et al.Snake model for the extraction of loess shoulder-line from DEMs[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2014,11(6):1552-1559.Shoulder lines are the most important landform demarcations for geographical analysis, soil erosion modeling and land use planning in the Loess Plateau area of China. This paper proposes an automatic, effective and accurate method of determining loess shoulder line from DEMs by integrating a hydrological D8 algorithm and a snake model. The watershed boundary line is adopted as the initial contour which evolves to identify the exact position of loess shoulder-line by the guidance of an external force of snake model from DEMs . Experiments show that the method overcomes the difficulties in both threshold selection for edge detection and the disconnecting issues in former extraction approaches. The accuracy evaluation of shoulder-line maps from the two test sites of the loess plateau area show obvious improvements in the extraction. The average contour matching distance of the new method is 12.0 m on 5 m resolution DEM, and shows improvement in the accuracy and continuity. The comparisons of accuracy evaluations of the two test sites show that the snake model method performs better in the loess plain area than in the area with high gully density.


王珂,王铮,张青峰,等.地形开度和差值图像阈值分割原理相结合的黄土高原沟沿线提取法[J].测绘学报,2015,44(1):67-75.鉴于地形正负开度对地貌的良好表达且具有分析尺度灵活性这一重要 特性,本文提出一种借助地形正负开度及其差值图像阈值分割的黄土地貌沟沿线提取方法。首先,计算DEM的地形正负开度,对正负开度进行差值运算以得到开度 差值图;然后,对开度差值图进行阈值处理以得到研究区正负地形空间分布特征;最后,借助数学形态学原理完成对二值化开度差值图正负地形边界———沟沿线的 自动提取。试验采用高分辨率DEM数据对陕西洛川塬部分地区进行沟沿线信息提取。结果表明,与其他提取技术方法相比,该方法不仅增强了地貌基本形态特征在 沟沿线提取过程中的作用与影响,同时也在一定程度上实现了沟沿线提取的精确化和自动化。


[ Wang K, Wang Z, Zhang Q F, et al.Loess shoulder line extraction based on openness and threshold segmentation[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartgraphica Ainica, 2015,44(1):67-75. ]

周毅. 基于DEM的黄土正负地形特征研究[D].南京:南京师范大学,2008.

[ Zhou Y.Investigation of loess positive and negative terrain based on DEMs[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University, 2008. ]

周毅,汤国安,王春,等.基于高分辨率DEM的黄土地貌正负地形自动分割技术研究[J].地理科学,2010,30(2):261-266.黄土地貌正负地形自动分割是构 建地表空间分布式机理-过程模型的基础。在分析黄土高原地区典型地貌坡面形态及汇流过程特征的基础上,提出了基于5m分辨率栅格DEM自动分割黄土正、负 地形的技术方案。该方案首先利用坡面上下游栅格点的坡度对比识别沟沿线点,然后利用汇水模型提取沟沿线点约束的上游汇水区域,从而实现正、负地形的自动分 割。在黄土塬区及丘陵沟壑区的实验结果表明,该方法的优点是提取精度高,人工干预少,在不同地貌类型区域内有很好的应用适宜性。

[ Zhou Y, Tang G A, Wang C, et al.Automatic segmentation of loess positive and negative terrain based on high resolution grid DEMs[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2010,30(2):261-266. ]

周旻曦,刘永学,李满春,等.多目标珊瑚岛礁地貌遥感信息提取方法——以西沙永乐环礁为例[J].地理研究,2015,34(4):677-690.南海珊瑚岛礁资源极为丰富,实时、快速、高效、准确地获取大范围 珊瑚岛礁地貌遥感信息具有现实意义.研究提出了一种双尺度转化下的模型与数据混合驱动的岛礁地貌信息提取框架,并设计了珊瑚岛礁地貌分类体系及相应技术流 程:首先采用自上而下模型驱动的GVF Snake模型进行宏观地理分带的粗分割,然后采用自下而上数据驱动的云影极值抑制下多阈值OTSU分类算法进行微观地貌类型的精细分类,最终利用区域生 长算法提取离散分布的暗沙、暗滩等浅水地貌单元.针对西沙永乐环礁利用CBERS-02B数据进行实验,精度验证表明:珊瑚岛礁地貌遥感信息提取方法总体 精度优于经典数据驱动的监督分类算法,且具有抗噪能力强、顾及空间拓扑关系、自动灵活等特点.


[ Zhou M X, Liu Y X, Li M C, et al.Geomorphologic information extraction for multi-objective coral islands from remotely sensed imagery: a case study for Yongle Atoll, South China Sea[J]. Geographical Research, 2015,34(4):677-690. ]

邓富亮,杨崇俊,曹春香,等.高分辨率影像分割的分形网络演化改进方法[J].地球信息科学学报,2014,16(1):95-101.分形网络演化是针对高分辨遥感 影像的高精度分割方法。它是以像元自下而上进行地物域合并,直至满足区域对象间异质性值大于预设阈值,停止区域合并得到最终分割结果。当对大数据量遥感影 像进行分割时,形成初始区域对象的速度较慢,并且数量较多,导致分割时间长,有待在整体分割效率上进一步提高。一种有效的改进措施是采用某种分割方法,快 速生成初始区域对象,然后再以初始分割结果区域对象进行区域合并。本文提出一种自动种子点的并行区域生长分割方法,用于快速生成初始区域对象;提出均匀数 据划分的并行区域生长策略及消除数据划分线两侧的区域对象方法;采用OpenMP并行技术实现并行区域生长过程。分割效果对比和效率分析结果表明,本文提 出的初始分割方法效率较高,并且分割结果可重现,从可信度、通用性角度来看,具有较高的实用价值。


[ Deng F L, Yang C J, Cao C X, et al.An improved method of high resolution remote sensing image segmentation[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014,16(1):95-101. ]

牟涛,陈文斌,沈一帆.一种融合区域生长与图论的图像分割方法[J].计算机工程与应用, 2005,19:32-34,104.该文提出一种融合区域生长与图论的图像分割方法,一般的基于区域 的分割方法在区域生长完成之后需要进行区域的合并,以消除过分割现象.该文的方法在区域生长完成之后,用Normalized Cut方法在区域之间进行分割,产生最终所分割的图像.在方法上区域生长方法考虑的是图像的局部信息,Normalized Cut方法考虑的是图像的全局信息,该文的方法融合了两者的优点.该文的算法主要以灰度图像为研究对象,实验结果表明可以取得很好的分割效果.


[ Mou T, Chen W B, Shen Y F. An image segmentation approach by combining region growing and graph theory[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2005,19:32-34,104. ]

Mirghasemi S, Rayudu R, Mengjie Zhang.A new image segmentation algorithm based on modified seeded region growing and particle swarm[J]. Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 2013,28:382-387.

Tuduki Y, Murase K, Izumida M, et al.Automated seeded region growing algorithm for extraction of cerebral blood vessels from magnetic resonance angiographic data[C]. Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2000,3:1756-1759.

张铮,王艳萍,薛桂香.数字图像处理与计算机视觉——Visual C++与Matlab实现[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2010:368.

[ Zhang Z, Wang Y P, Xue G X, et al.Digital image processing and computer vision—Visual C++ and Matlab implementation[M]. Beijing:People's Posts and Telecommunications Press, 2010:368. ]

熊礼阳,汤国安,晏实江.基于DEM的山地鞍部点分级提取方法[J].测绘科学,2013,38(2):181-183.本文以地形起伏变化较大的陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区为例,通过流域边界 线上高程相对低点的自动识别,实现基于DEM数据的地面鞍部点自动获取.实验结果显示,采用该方法所提取的地面鞍部点具有层次结构显著、提取精度高、操作 简便、便于确定重要性等级及与山顶点空间关系等优点,对于DEM地形特征点簇的构建与分析具有重要意义.

[ Xiong L Y, Tang G A, Yan S J, et al.Application of regression analysis in monitoring structure settlement[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2013,38(2):181-183. ]

Xiong L Y, Tang G A, Yan S J, et al.Landform-oriented flow-routing algorithm for the dual-structure loess terrain based on digital elevation models[J]. Hydrological Processes, 2014,28:1756-1766.ABSTRACT The loess landform in the Loess Plateau of China is with typical dual structure, namely, the upper smooth positive terrain and the lower cliffy negative terrain (P&ndash;N terrain for short). Obvious differences in their morphological feature, geomorphological mechanism, and hydrological process could be found in the both areas. Based on the differences, a flow-routing algorithm that separately addresses the dual-structure terrain would be necessary to encompass this spatial variation in their hydrological behaviour. This paper proposes a mixed flow-routing algorithm to address aforementioned problems. First, the loess landform surface is divided into P&ndash;N terrains based on digital elevation models. Then, specific catchment area is calculated with the new algorithm to simulate the water flows in both positive and negative terrain areas. The mixed algorithm consists of the multiple flow-routing algorithm (multiple-flow direction) for positive areas and the D8 algorithm for negative areas, respectively. The approach is validated in two typical geomorphologic areas with low hills and dense gullies in the northern Shaanxi Loess Plateau. Four indices are used to examine the results, which show that the new algorithm is more suitable for loess terrain in simulating the spatial distribution of water accumulation, as well as in modeling the flow characteristics of the true surface by considering the morphological structures of the terrain. Copyright 漏 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


