收稿日期: 2015-07-15
要求修回日期: 2015-12-16
网络出版日期: 2016-03-10
Analysis on the Evolution of Ecological Security Pattern in Wuling Mountain
Received date: 2015-07-15
Request revised date: 2015-12-16
Online published: 2016-03-10
本文依据武陵山区遥感调查数据及社会经济统计数据,运用灰色关联度模型计算2000年和2010年生态安全综合指数,并对研究区生态安全综合指数的时空演变特征进行分析.结果表明:(1)2000年研究区生态安全综合指数处于Ⅲ级临界安全和Ⅱ级较差安全水平,2010年生态安全综合指数整体处于Ⅲ级临界安全水平之上;(2)2期Moran's I指数分别为0.3828及0.4411,P值均小于0.01,生态安全综合指数在空间上表现出较强正相关,存在空间聚集性,且2010年聚集性更强;(3)武陵山区2期生态安全综合指数空间分布出现较大变化,且都呈现高值,低值聚集;(4)生态安全综合指数与扶贫人口比例及森林覆盖率呈正相关,与农民人均纯收入没有必然的联系.
张家其 , 葛咏 , 吴宜进 , 陈跃红 , 田亚平 , 韩青 , 何磊杨 . 武陵山区生态安全格局演变分析[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(3) : 315 -324 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00315
With the rapid growth of global economy and population, the ecological environment was severely influenced by the human activity, and the excessive human exploitation of resources has brought continuously increasing pressure to resources and environment. As a result, a series of global ecological problems were caused, such as resource wars, environmental pollution, ecological refugees and environmental health problems. The ecological environmental problem has been a serious threat to our country's economic development and human life security. Meanwhile, the ecological security has gradually become a hot issue which drew increasing attentions of the international communities. Based on the physical, social and economic characteristics of the research area, an evaluation system of ecological security was built up, and the grey relational analysis method was used to calculate the ecological security index of the mountainous area of Wuling. This research analyzed the study area's ecological security pattern, and the results are showed as follow: (1) there was a huge increase in the ecological security index between 2000 to 2010, and the Qiandong area presented the fastest increasing trend; (2) a significant positive correlation was presented between the ecological security index and the space in 2000 and 2010, and the spatial aggregation effect of 2010 was stronger; (3) a high accumulation and a low accumulation pattern was revealed in the spatial distribution of ecological security index within the mountainous area of Wuling, and the spatial distribution pattern of ecological security changed greatly between 2000 and 2010. Because of the rich natural resources of Wuling area, the scientific and reasonable evaluation of the regional ecological environment is necessary to provide specific and feasible suggestions to the relevant functional departments for environmental protection.
Fig. 1 Location and administrative divisions of the study area图1 研究区地理位置与行政区划 |
Tab.1 The mark-value of regional ecological security assessment表1 武陵山区生态安全评价指标体系 |
评价指标 | 指标代码 | 基准值来源 | 基准值 | 数据来源 | ||
研究区生态安全评价指数A | 压力B1 | 人口密度/(人/km2) | X1 | 本底值参考 | 200 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 |
人口自然增长率/(‰) | X2 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 8 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
化肥使用强度/(kg/hm2) | X3 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 250 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
人均GDP/(万元/人) | X4 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 2.5 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
农药使用强度/(kg/hm2) | X5 | 本底值参考 | 30 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
经济密度/(万元/km2) | X6 | 本底值参考 | 850 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
第三产业比重/(%) | X7 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 45 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
路网密度/(km/km2) | X8 | 本底值参考 | 1.11 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
城市化水平/(%) | X9 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 50 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
状态B2 | 人均粮食产量/(kg/人) | X10 | 国际标准 | 400 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | |
水土流失面积比重/(%) | X11 | 本底值参考 | 32.7 | 湖北省水土保持监测中心站 | ||
有效灌溉面积比重/(%) | X12 | 本底值参考 | 65.8 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
森林覆盖率/(%) | X13 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 75 | 中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心遥感数据,分辨率30 m | ||
人均水资源量/(m3/人) | X14 | 本底值参考 | 2052 | 2000,2010年各省水资源公报 | ||
人均耕地面积/(hm2/人) | X15 | 国际标准 | 0.08 | 中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心遥感数据,分辨率30 m | ||
万元GDP能耗/(t/万元) | X16 | "十二五"能源规划目标 | 0.81 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
万人拥有卫生技术人员 | X17 | "十二五"规划目标 | 45 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
万人拥有教师数 | X18 | "十二五"规划目标 | 100 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
万人拥有床位数 | X19 | "十二五"规划目标 | 35 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
空气质量优良指数/(%) | X20 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 90 | 各省环境公报 | ||
水质达标率/(%) | X21 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 100 | 各省环境公报 | ||
恩格尔系数/(%) | X22 | 小康社会标准[30] | 40 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
响应B3 | 固废无害化处理率/(%) | X23 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 100 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | |
废水处理率/(%) | X24 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 100 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
烟尘排放达标率/(%) | X25 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 100 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
科教支出占GDP比/(%) | X26 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 6 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
环保投资占GDP比/(%) | X27 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 3.5 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
用水普及率/(%) | X28 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 100 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
建成区绿地率/(%) | X29 | 国家园林城市标准 | 30 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
人均绿地面积/(m2/人) | X30 | 国家园林城市标准 | 5 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
退耕还林完成率/(%) | X31 | "十二五"规划目标 | 18.57 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
生活垃圾处理率/(%) | X32 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 100 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 | ||
生活污水处理率/(%) | X33 | 生态县建设指标[28] | 60 | 2000,2010年统计年鉴 |
Tab. 2 Classification criterion of ecological security表2 生态安全等级划分 |
描述等级 | 取值范围 | 生态安全特征 | 评语 |
Ⅴ | >0.75 | 适合人类生存发展,生态环境优越 | 优 |
Ⅳ | 0.65-0.75 | 较适合人类生存发展,生态环境较好 | 良 |
Ⅲ | 0.55-0.65 | 基本满足人类生存发展需求,生态环境一般 | 中 |
Ⅱ | 0.45-0.55 | 勉强满足人类生存发展需求,生态环境较差 | 较差 |
Ⅰ | <0.45 | 不适合人类生存发展,生态环境差 | 差 |
Fig. 2 Comparison between two classes of ecological security图2 2期生态安全综合指数对比 |
Fig.3 Value changes of ecological security evaluation index图3 生态安全评价指标值变化情况 |
Tab. 3 Result of general autocorrelation analysis on ecological security表3 生态安全综合指数自相关分析结果 |
年份 | Moran's I 指数 | 预期指数 | 方差 | Z值 | P值 | 结果 |
2000 | 0.3828 | -0.0167 | 0.0095 | 4.1065 | 0.0000 | 正相关 |
2010 | 0.4411 | -0.0167 | 0.0114 | 4.2947 | 0.0000 | 正相关 |
Fig. 4 Spatial distribution pattern of ecological security图4 生态安全综合指数空间分布格局 |
Tab. 4 Correlation analysis between the comprehensive index of ecological security and poverty factor表4 生态安全综合指数与各因子相关分析 |
因子 | 各因子与生态安全指数的相关系数 |
扶贫人口比例 农民人均纯收入 森林覆盖率 | 0.615* 0.492* 0.565* |
注:*表示通过0.05的显著性检验 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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