

  • 熊伟成 , * ,
  • 杨必胜 ,
  • 董震
  • 武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,武汉 430079


收稿日期: 2015-05-18

  要求修回日期: 2015-09-16

  网络出版日期: 2016-03-10



Refining and Robust Extraction of Roads from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds

  • XIONG Weicheng , * ,
  • YANG Bisheng ,
  • DONG Zhen
  • State Key Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
*Corresponding author: XIONG Weicheng, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-05-18

  Request revised date: 2015-09-16

  Online published: 2016-03-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




熊伟成 , 杨必胜 , 董震 . 面向车载激光扫描数据的道路目标精细化鲁棒提取[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(3) : 376 -385 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00376


Accurate three-dimensional road information has important significance in the fields of transportation, urban planning, road network construction, 3D road modeling and intelligent vehicle. For instance, in the field of intelligent vehicle, accurate three-dimensional road information can provide lane level road information for autonomous navigation. As a high-tech tool of surveying and mapping, mobile laser scanning can obtain 3D laser point cloud quickly and accurately and is suitable for road extraction and modeling in large-scale scenes. A robust method for extracting the refined three-dimensional road and its boundary from mobile laser scanning point clouds is proposed. First, the point cloud is self-adaptively partitioned according to the spatial feature of mobile laser point cloud. Then, the candidate road and its boundary are extracted based on the prior knowledge and rules. And the extracted road boundary is tracked and vectorized according to the linear feature of the road boundary. Finally, the road model parameters are computed by the extracted road and its boundary. Experiments were undertaken to evaluate the validities of the proposed method with three different scene datasets, including the highway, urban area and campus. The highway dataset contains a steep ramp and its point density is low, the urban dataset contains flower beds in the middle of the road, the campus dataset contains a great many of objects such as trees, pedestrians, cars et al and its point density is very high. The completeness, correctness, and quality of the extracted roads are over 91.29%, 93.15%, and 90.08%, respectively, which proves the proposed method is capable in various complex scenes with different point density, which is fast and robust to extract road and its boundary in large-scale scenes.

1 引言

车载移动测量系统作为一项迅猛发展的高新测绘技术,以汽车作为观测平台,集成GNSS,IMU,激光扫描仪,CCD相机等多种传感器,能快速地获取目标对象的高精度几何信息和纹理信息,为道路信息的提取提供了新的途径[7-9].车载移动测量系统获取的数据量大,如RIEGL VVMX-450每秒能获取1 100 000点,每小时大约获取60 G的点云数据,而且获得的激光点云场景复杂,目标多样,不同目标相互交错,重叠,数据还存在缺失等现象,这些问题对从车载激光点云中快速,正确,完整地提取道路信息提出了挑战.

2 三维道路精细提取

Fig. 1 Flowchart of road information extraction from mobile LiDAR points

图1 道路信息提取流程

2.1 车载激光数据的自适应分段

Fig. 2 Diagram of data partition

图2 点云分段示意图

图2(b)所示,扫描线 S k - S k + 3 相互紧邻,扫描线内的点在空间上连续排列.在对激光数据进行分段时,设每个剖面的点数为 N 1 ,则点数为N的数据共有剖面的个数 N s 值为:
N s = N N 1 + 1 (1)
Sectio n i Sectio n i + 1 为空间相邻的2个剖面,且2个剖面的点数都为 N 1 .由于扫描线的点数未知,剖面中扫描线的个数也未知.由于点密度的影响, N 1 的取值将直接影响剖面中扫描线的个数及分布.
图2(b)所示,首先在数据中任意取2段连续相连的剖面 Sectio n i , Sectio n i + 1 ,将剖面的点数设为一个比较大的值 N l ,以保证剖面能包含多条扫描线.然后,通过点云密度分析得到 Sectio n i Sectio n i + 1 的道路格网,取格网中高程最小的点作为道路点,分别设为 P i , P i + 1 .接着,将 P i P i + 1 连成直线 Lin e i , i + 1 ,为直线 Lin e i , i + 1 设置一个缓冲区Buffer,缓冲区宽度为一个小值如0.15,同时求 Sectio n i 中处在Buffer里的点,设为点集合B.设定一个初始点集合P,将 P i 加入点集合P中,搜索B中所有的点,当B中存在点 P j ,使得 P j 到点集P中所有的点的距离都大于缓冲区宽度,则将 P j 加入点集合P,重复搜索操作直至B集合中没有点满足要求为止.这时点集P中的点即为直线 Lin e i , i + 1 Sectio n i 中扫描线的交点.最后,求点集合P中任意2点距离的最大值与最小值,设分别为 d s d i .则该数据分段参数 N 1 值为:
N 1 = K 1 × N l ( d s d i + 1 ) (2)
式中: K 1 的值为3-4.式(2)表示保证任意密度的数据在分段时,每个剖面的扫描线个数大约为 K 1 个.该数据密度聚类参数 R d 的值为:
R d = K 2 × d s (3)
式中: K 2 的值为2.5 - 3.0 .设 Mi n d 为2.3节中聚类图的最少点数,其值为3,表示密度聚类搜索半径为 K 2 倍的剖面距离,每个聚类段的最少点数为 Mi n d .

2.2 道路边界精细提取

2.2.1 点云密度分析
密度分析时以剖面为单位进行分析,设任意一个剖面为 Sectio n i ,将 Sectio n i 进行纵向格网化,剖面 Sectio n i 是由若干个扫描线组成,在空间上呈现为条带型,可通过PCA(Principal Components Analysis)计算 Sectio n i 的纵向方向 n v ;然后,以 d 为步长,以 n v 为方向,对 Sectio n i 进行格网化;最后,对每个格网内的点进行密度分析.设 Sectio n i 中某格网的点高程最大最小值分别为 Z max , Z min ,以 Z 为高程间隔(一般取一个小值如0.1)将该格网内的点进行剖分,其段数为:
S n = Z max - Z min Z + 1 (4)
则第 j 段中点的高程应满足的条件为:
Z j [ Z min + ( j - 1 ) × Z , Z min + j × Z ] (5)
2.2.2 基于规则的道路边界候选点提取
激光扫描数据中道路边界的高程变化比道路中的点大,且边界点的高程差在一定范围内.设任意一个剖面为 Sectio n i ,由密度分析得剖面 Sectio n i 中密度最大的格网为 B k (即为处在道路上的格网),如图3所示.
Fig. 3 Road border judgment

图3 道路边界判断

道路边界点提取首先以道路格网 B k 为起始格网,分别沿着剖面 Sectio n i 左右2个方向对格网进行搜索;然后,通过判断法向量夹角,高程差值以及高程残差等对边界格网进行提取;最后,对提取得到的多个边界点组成的边界点集进行判断,得到道路的左右边界点.由于道路上的车辆及行人不符合道路边界特征,而搜索是由道路处的格网向两边进行,所以提取过程中首次获得的点为道路的边界点,如图3(b), B m B p 都为搜索到的道路边界格网,而 B m 为道路格网 B k 首次搜索得到,为真实的道路边界.道路边界点提取的伪代码如算法1所示.
算法1中,B={ B 1 , B 2 , , B n }为一系列的格网, r th , θ th 分别为高程标准差阈值和角度阈值, Z 1 Z 2 为高差阈值, P l , P r 分别为左右边界点, n B i , r B i , h B i , P i 分别为格网 B i 的法向量,高程标准差,高程最大值,高程最小的点; C P l 为左边界点集, θ B i B k 法向量的夹角;SIZEOF( C P l )为 C P l 中点的个数.

2.3 基于线状特征的道路边界跟踪及矢量化

Fig. 4 Road border tracing and vectorization

图4 边界跟踪及矢量化

道路边界点密度聚类边界点分割后,分别对道路两侧的道路边界点进行密度聚类.采用DBSCAN聚类方法[17],通过设定聚类搜索半径 R d ,以及形成聚类簇的最少点数 Mi n d 对整个道路边界点进行聚类.通过密度聚类得到的每个聚类簇为一段道路的连续边界点集,如图4(c)所示.
道路边界线状特征聚类提取的边界点有些为伪边界点,且扫描时车辆等的遮挡会造成同一边界点集出现断裂.图5(a)所示(图5图4(c)中的红框)聚类簇 C k 为伪边界段,呈现为非线性特征,而道路边界 C i , C i + 1 为线性特征,通过PCA计算每个聚类簇中点的特征值,当聚类簇中存在点的特征值不满足式(6)时,即聚类簇不符合线状特征,该聚类簇为非道路边界.图5(b)所示, C i C i + 1 应为同一段道路边界,但由于遮挡等原因造成两聚类簇之间点缺失.首先通过PCA计算每个聚类簇中端点的主方向,以 C i 为初始聚类簇,搜索其他聚类簇的端点,当聚类簇端点的主方向与 C i 端点的主方向小于阈值 θ pca ,且端点的空间距离满足一定的阈值 dis t c 时,则该两聚类簇为同一个道路边界,重复上述过程直至所有聚类簇完成搜索为止(式(6)).
Fig.5 Road feature analysis

图5 道路特征分析

式中:f1 ,f2 ,f3 分别为聚类簇点的特征值,其值依次从大到小;T1 和T2 为线性特征阈值.

2.4 道路模型参数计算

道路特征描述的参数一般包括道路宽度,坡度,曲率等,其对道路建模,交通事故分析,交通控制等具有重要意义.由于道路在空间上是连续的整体,在对道路进行描述时,需将道路剖分为一系列连续的道路段.由上述可知,剖面在空间上是相互连续的,通过设定一个参数N2 ,将N2 个空间连续的剖面作为一个道路段,图6(a)为剖分得到的一系列连续道路段.点数为N 的数据共有道路段的个数Nr 值为:
Fig. 6 Diagram of road partition

图6 道路剖分示意图

(1)道路宽度.通过PCA计算道路段Roadi 的特征方向分别为ux ,uy ,uz,如图6(b)所示.ux大致与扫描线方向一致,uyux垂直且2 个向量处于道路段所形成的面上,uzux ,uy 垂直.计算Roadiux方向上的长度dx,拟合得到的道路中心线在该道路段的边界点,分别为pk ,pk +1 .由于扫描线方向与道路边界不垂直,所以,uy 也不与道路边界平行(图6(b)).则Roadi处的道路宽度dr为:
(2)坡度.道路坡度即道路段所处的面与XOY面的夹角,设XOY的单位法向量为e ,则Roadi 处的坡度gr为:
g r = tan arccos u z × e u z × 100 % (9)
(3)曲率.设道路段 Roa d i 处的道路点,通过 k 多项式拟合得到的曲线为 y k = f ( x ) ,则取该段曲线中心点作为道路的曲率,设中心点为 p mid ,则曲率 l r 为:
c r = | y k | | 1 + y k 2 | 3 2 (10)
式中: y k y k 分别为 y k = f ( x ) 在点 p mid 处的一阶导数和二阶导数.

3 鲁棒提取实验与分析

3.1 实验数据

Fig. 7 Datasets of the raw data

图7 原始数据

Tab. 1 Description of the experimental data

表1 实验数据描述

数据 数据大小/GB 点数/个 数据范围/m2 数据描述
校园数据 56.6 2 129 923 634 1726×1882 数据点密度大,特征复杂,含有大量的树及建筑物,校园内因车辆与行人密集,激光数据点中的道路存在大量的车辆,行人等,使得数据存在大量的遮挡现象,而且整个数据的地形起伏大
城区数据 0.84 32 123 587 393×2113 数据点密度比较大,为典型的城区数据,含有大量的建筑物,树木,杆状物,篱笆等等,道路中央还存在非规则化的花坛,整个区域地形起伏不大
高速公路数据 0.22 6 734 500 2973×1578 数据点密度相对比较小,为高速公路数据,其区域高程起伏比较大,特别是匝道部分

3.2 实验结果

从这3组数据可知,不同扫描仪在不同场景下获取数据的点密度存在很大的差异.对3组不同道路环境的数据进行处理时,采用表2中的同一组参数.参数中的 K 1 K 2 保证了处理不同点密度的3组数据的自适应性;格网步长 d 为一个小值,对不同数据而言格网的大小是一样的;路坎高差阈值 Z 1 Z 2 ,法向量夹角 θ th ,以及道高程标准差 r th 等参数由道路几何结构确定,实际中道路设计是按照标准进行设计的,道路边界的特征大体一样,故这几个参数的取值,在不同数据中具有适应性;道路段参数 N 2 表示截取道路的宽度,主方向夹角 θ pca 以及聚类簇距离 dis t c ,分别表示2聚类簇聚合的参数,由于道路上主要是车辆的遮挡,故 dis t c 的取值为车辆的长度.图7为3组数据的原始点云,图8(a)-(c)分别为校园数据,城区数据以及高速公路数据的道路及其边界提取结果,试验中采用2.0 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM)i7-4750HQ CPU四核处理器进行并行处理,数据处理时间如表3所示.
Tab. 2 Setting of the data processing parameters

表2 数据处理参数设定

Tab. 3 Time of data processing

表3 数据处理时间

数据 数据分段 边界点提取 矢量化及道路参数计算 总计
校园数据 7.46 60.16 8.53 76.15
城区数据 0.22 1.72 0.32 2.26
高速公路数据 0.006 0.467 0.098 0.571
Fig. 8 Results of road and it's boundary extraction

图8 道路及其边界提取结果



3.3 试验结果分析

Fig. 9 The actual and extracted road boundary grids

图9 真实与提取到的道路边界格网

p = TP / ( TP + FP ) (11)
r = NT / ( NE + NN - NF ) (12)
q = TP / ( TP + FP + FN ) (13)
c = NT / ( NE + NN - NF ) (14)
Tab. 4 The accuracy of road and it's boundary extraction result

表4 不同数据的道路及边界提取精度值(%)

数据 p r q c
校园数据 93.15 91.29 90.08 89.03
城区数据 97.86 95.54 92.21 91.24
高速公路数据 98.28 96.73 95.98 80.00

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Elberink S J O, Vosselman G. 3D information extraction from laser point clouds covering complex road junctions[J]. The Photogrammetric Record, 2009,24(125):23-36.Abstract An automated method for 3D modelling of complex highway interchanges is presented. Laser data and 2D topographic map data have been combined in an innovative 3D reconstruction procedure. Complex situations as shown in this paper demand knowledge to guide the automatic reconstruction. This knowledge has been used in the fusion procedure to constrain the topological and geometrical properties of the reconstructed 3D model. These additions are needed to take care of the lack of data in occluded areas. Laser data has been segmented and filtered before it is fused with map data. In the surface-growing algorithm combining map and laser points, the laser data is assigned to the corresponding road element. Although results are shown using two specific data sources, the algorithm is designed to be capable of dealing with any polygon-based topographic map and any aerial laser scanner data-set. Résumé Une méthode automatisée pour la modélisation 3D d’échangeurs autoroutiers complexes est présentée. Des données laser et une carte topographique 2D sont combinées à travers une procédure innovante de reconstruction 3D. Cet article montre que dans des situations complexes la reconstruction automatique doit être guidée par de la connaissance. Cette connaissance a été utilisée dans la procédure de fusion pour contraindre les propriétés topologiques et géométriques du modèle 3D reconstruit. Ces ajouts sont nécessaires en raison du manque de données dans les zones cachées. Les données laser ont été segmentées et filtrées avant d’être fusionnées avec la carte. Dans l’algorithme de croissance de surface qui combine la carte et les points laser, les données laser sont attribuées au tronçon de route correspondant. Bien que les résultats proviennent de deux sources spécifiques de données, l’algorithme est conçu pour être capable de traiter n’importe quelle carte topographique à base de polygones, et n’importe quel jeu de données de laser aéroportéà balayage. Zusammenfassung Dieser Beitrag präsentiert eine Methode zur 3D-Modellierung von komplexen Autobahnkreuzungen. Für die 3D-Rekonstruktion wurden flugzeuggestützte Laserdaten und zweidimensionale Kartendaten kombiniert. Derart komplexe Objekte benötigen Vorwissen, um die automatische Rekonstruktion zu steuern. Damit lassen sich bei der Fusionierung Bedingungen für die topologischen und geometrischen Eigenschaften des rekonstruierten 3D-Modells formulieren. Dies ist erforderlich, um das Fehlen von Daten in verdeckten Gebieten zu kompensieren. Die Laserdaten wurden zunächst segmentiert und gefiltert bevor sie mit den Kartendaten fusioniert wurden. In dem Oberflächenwachstumsverfahren werden Karten- und Laserpunkte kombiniert und die Laserdaten dem korrespondierenden Straßenelement zugewiesen. Die gezeigten Ergebnisse beziehen sich auf zwei spezifische Datenquellen, allerdings ist der Algorithmus so ausgelegt, dass jede vektorbasierte Karte und jeder flugzeuggestützte Laserdatensatz genutzt werden können. Resumen Se presenta un método automático para modelado tridimensional de intersecciones complejas de autopistas en el que datos láser y cartografía topogràfica bidimensional se combinan mediante un innovador procedimiento de reconstrucción tridimensional. Las situaciones complejas como las que se presentan en este artículo requieren de la aportación de conocimiento para guiar el proceso de reconstrucción automática. Este conocimiento se usa en el procedimiento de fusión para limitar las propiedades topológicas y geométricas del modelo tridimensional reconstruido, y resulta indispensable para suplir la falta de datos en partes ocluidas. Los datos láser se segmentan y filtran antes de la fusión con la cartografía. Los puntos láser y la cartografía se combinan con un algoritmo de crecimiento de superficies, en el que los puntos láser se asignan al elemento de la carretera correspondiente. Aunque los resultados corresponden a dos conjuntos de datos concretos, el algoritmo está diseñado para manejar cualquier mapa topográfico con polígonos y cualquier conjunto de datos de un barredor láser aéreo.


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Han J, Kim D, Lee M, et al.Road boundary detection and tracking for structured and unstructured roads using a 2d lidar sensor[J]. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2014,15(4):611-623.Road boundaries can give useful information for evaluating safe vehicle paths in intelligent vehicles. Much previous research has studied road boundary detection, using different types of sensors such as vision, radar, and lidar. Lidar sensors, in particular, show advantages for road boundary extraction including high resolution and wide field of view. However, none of the previous studies examined the problem of detecting road boundaries when roads could be either structured or unstructured. In this study, we developed a road boundary detection and tracking algorithm using lidar sensing for both structured and unstructured roads. The algorithm extracts road features as line segments in polar coordinates relative to the lidar sensor. The extracted road features are then tracked with respect to a vehicle's local coordinates using a nearest neighbor filter. The proposed algorithm accurately detected the road boundaries regardless of the road type.


Kumar P, McElhinney C P, Lewis P, et al. An automated algorithm for extracting road edges from terrestrial mobile LiDAR data[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013,85:44-55.Terrestrial mobile laser scanning systems provide rapid and cost effective 3D point cloud data which can be used for extracting features such as the road edge along a route corridor. This information can assist road authorities in carrying out safety risk assessment studies along road networks. The knowledge of the road edge is also a prerequisite for the automatic estimation of most other road features. In this paper, we present an algorithm which has been developed for extracting left and right road edges from terrestrial mobile LiDAR data. The algorithm is based on a novel combination of two modified versions of the parametric active contour or snake model. The parameters involved in the algorithm are selected empirically and are fixed for all the road sections. We have developed a novel way of initialising the snake model based on the navigation information obtained from the mobile mapping vehicle. We tested our algorithm on different types of road sections representing rural, urban and national primary road sections. The successful extraction of road edges from these multiple road section environments validates our algorithm. These findings and knowledge provide valuable insights as well as a prototype road edge extraction tool-set, for both national road authorities and survey companies. (C) 2013 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS) Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Boyko A, Funkhouser T.Extracting roads from dense point clouds in large scale urban environment[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2011,66(6):2-12.This paper describes a method for extracting roads from a large scale unstructured 3D point cloud of an urban environment consisting of many superimposed scans taken at different times. Given a road map and a point cloud, our system automatically separates road surfaces from the rest of the point cloud. Starting with an approximate map of the road network given in the form of 2D intersection locations connected by polylines, we first produce a 3D representation of the map by optimizing Cardinal splines to minimize the distances to points of the cloud under continuity constraints. We then divide the road network into independent patches, making it feasible to process a large point cloud with a small in-memory working set. For each patch, we fit a 2D active contour to an attractor function with peaks at small vertical discontinuities to predict the locations of curbs. Finally, we output a set of labeled points, where points lying within the active contour are tagged as 鈥渞oad鈥 and the others are not. During experiments with a LIDAR point set containing almost a billion points spread over six square kilometers of a city center, our method provides 86% correctness and 94% completeness.


Yang B, Fang L, Li J.Semi-automated extraction and delineation of 3D roads of street scene from mobile laser scanning point clouds[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013,79:80-93.Accurate 3D road information is important for applications such as road maintenance and virtual 3D modeling. Mobile laser scanning (MLS) is an efficient technique for capturing dense point clouds that can be used to construct detailed road models for large areas. This paper presents a method for extracting and delineating roads from large-scale MLS point clouds. The proposed method partitions MLS point clouds into a set of consecutive "scanning lines", which each consists of a road cross section. A moving window operator is used to filter out non-ground points line by line, and curb points are detected based on curb patterns. The detected curb points are tracked and refined so that they are both globally consistent and locally similar. To evaluate the validity of the proposed method, experiments were conducted using two types of street-scene point clouds captured by Optech's Lynx Mobile Mapper System. The completeness, correctness, and quality of the extracted roads are over 94.42%, 91.13%, and 913%, respectively, which proves the proposed method is a promising solution for extracting 3D roads from MLS point clouds. (C) 2013 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS) Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Yuan X, Zhao C X, Cai Y F, et al.Road-surface Abstraction using Ladar Sensing[C]. ICARCV, 2008:1097-1102.

Goulette F, Nashashibi F, Abuhadrous I, et al.An integrated on-board laser range sensing system for on-the-way city and road modelling[J]. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2006,36(1):1-6.ABSTRACT Precise realistic models of outdoor environments such as cities and roads are useful for various applications. However, for a high level of detail, and a large size of environment to be digitized, one has to face the issues of quantity of information to be acquired, processed and stored, and of overall processing time. We present in this paper an integrated on-board laser range sensing system addressing this need: it is designed to perform city and road geometric modelling as it moves. It is based on a laser range sensor mounted on a vehicle whose position is known trough GPS-INS localization; it produces raw 3D range data and performs specific modelling for cities and features extraction for roads.

方莉娜,杨必胜.车载激光扫描数据的结构化道路自动提取方法[J].测绘学报,2013,42(2):261-267.车载激光扫描系统获取的结构化 道路环境(城市道路/高速公路)点云数据量大、目标复杂,难以有效提取出道路的点云。本文通过分析扫描线上激光点云的空间分布和统计特征,提出一种适用于 结构化道路环境的道路点云自动提取方法。在Optech公司提供的两份车载激光扫描点云数据中,道路提取结果的完整率、准确率、提取质量相应地超过 94.92%、95.80%和91.13%。通过定量和定性的试验分析,该方法不仅适应于有固定道路宽度的规则道路提取,同样适用于无固定宽度的非规则道 路提取。

[ Fang L N, Yang B S. Automated extracting structual roads from mobile laser scanning point clouds[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2013,42(2):261-267. ]

Ester M, Kriegel H P, Sander J, et al. A density-based algorithm for discovering clusters in large spatial databases with noise[C]. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 1996:226-231.

