

  • 潘文斌 , 1, 2, 3, * ,
  • 刘坡 1, 4 ,
  • 周洁萍 2 ,
  • 龚建华 2
  • 1. 城市空间信息工程北京市重点实验室,北京 100038
  • 2. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所 遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京 100101
  • 3. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
  • 4. 中国测绘科学研究院,北京100830


收稿日期: 2015-05-08

  要求修回日期: 2015-06-24

  网络出版日期: 2016-03-10




3D Building Model Hierarchical Generalization Based on Building Contour and Texture

  • PAN Wenbin , 1, 2, 3, * ,
  • LIU Po 1, 4 ,
  • ZHOU Jieping 2 ,
  • GONG Jianhua 2
  • 1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Spatial Information Engineering, Bejing 100038, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (CAS), Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejing 100049, China
  • 4. Chinese Academy of Surveying & Mapping, Beijing 100039, China;
*Corresponding author: PAN Wenbin, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-05-08

  Request revised date: 2015-06-24

  Online published: 2016-03-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


目前三维建筑模型已广泛应用于城市规划,导航和虚拟地理环境等领域.不同细节的模型是LOD( Level of detail )技术的基础,由于三维模型的生产成本高昂,模型自动化简逐渐引起了学者的关注.三维模型化简包括单模型化简和多模型综合2方面,目前单个模型的化简研究比较多,而模型群组综合的研究仍然处于起步阶段.本文主要研究模型群组的聚类综合,提出一种基于房屋轮廓与纹理的分层次聚类算法:首先,基于房屋的底面轮廓构建约束Delaunay三角网,以道路为基准对三角网进行划分,通过可视分析构建初始的邻接图,使建筑群组分类符合城市形态学;其次,将房屋纹理引入三维模型群聚类的过程,使用SOM( Self-organizing Map )智能分类算法对纹理进行分析,然后分割邻接图;最后,以最邻近距离对邻接图构造最小生成树,并进行线性检测,将离散的建筑合并到已聚类的群组中,最终完成模型的合并.本文利用纹理辅助轮廓特征,实现三维建筑模型的聚类,符合人类的视觉习惯,实验结果证明了本文方法的有效性.


潘文斌 , 刘坡 , 周洁萍 , 龚建华 . 基于房屋轮廓与纹理的三维建筑模型分层次聚类研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(3) : 406 -415 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00406


As a major factor of smart city, 3D building model has been widely applied in many fields such as city planning, navigation and virtual geographic environments. Level of detail (LOD) technology is often used to visualize these models in complex urban environment. In order to reduce the high production cost, 3D building model generalization is gradually attracting attention. 3D building model generalization includes single model simplification, which has been studied widely and deeply, and multiple models synthesis, which is still at its early stages. In this paper, a self-organizing map (SOM) based classification algorithm is used to analyze the texture, and then the texture is combined with geometry feature to generalize 3D building models. In addition, a cognition-based hierarchical clustering algorithm is proposed. Firstly, a constrained Delaunay triangulation (CDT) is constructed from the 2D footprints of building models, and a connected network is established by visibility analysis based on the CDT, which is divided based on the road network to make it conform to the urban morphology theory. An initial proximity graph is constructed from the CDT. Secondly, the proximity graph is segmented according to the texture feature. Finally, a minimum spanning tree (MST) is created from the proximity graphic based on the minimum distance, and after linear detection and discrete model conflation, the model groups are conflated and visualized. The texture feature is used to synthesize 3D model that is adaptive to people's cognitive habits. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of this method.

1 引言

三维建筑模型在城市规划,导航和虚拟地理环境等领域得到广泛应用[1].近年来,硬件发展非常迅速,大规模城市三维模型渲染不再是难点,然而多细节层级(Level of Detail,LOD)技术,仍被广泛应用于三维模型可视化,特别是移动导航和旅游领域[2].当视点较远时,使用简单模型代替复杂模型,能减少数据量并提高渲染速度[3].目前,三维模型化简逐渐引起学者的关注,其主要包括单个模型 化简和多个模型综合[4]2个方面.单个模型的化简研究比较多[3,5-6],而模型群组聚类综合的研究还处于起步状态,故本文主要研究模型群组的聚类综合问题.

2 基于房屋轮廓与纹理的三维建筑 模型聚类方法

三维建筑模型聚类综合主要有数据预处理,模型聚类,模型综合与可视化3部分内容.以房屋轮廓与纹理进行聚类时,需准备道路网,房屋轮廓,房屋纹理等数据(图1).首先,基于建筑模型的二维底面轮廓构造约束Delaunay三角网(Constrained Delaunay Triangulation,CDT),并使用道路网初步分割CDT,使之符合城市形态学特征;然后,通过可视分析构造初步的邻接图,并采用SOM(Self-Organizing Map)聚类方法对纹理进行分类,对初始的邻接图进一步分割;最后,基于邻接图构造最小生成树(Minimum Spanning Tree,MST),依次进行线性检测和离散面合并,以Delaunay三角网对模型合并和可视化,最终完成三维模型聚类.
Fig. 1 The framework of the algorithm

图1 算法的主要框架

2.1 基于房屋轮廓的邻接图构建

2.1.1 约束Delaunay三角网
Fig. 2 Delaunay triangulation

图2 Delaunay三角网

本文将建筑的底面轮廓作为约束边嵌入Delaunay三角网得到CDT.若一个建筑轮廓的底面顶点序列为<Vi1,Vi2,, et al.,Vij>,则所有建筑轮廓顶点构成的顶点集合V={V11,V12,, et al.,V1m,V21,V22,, et al.,V2n,, et al.,Vk1,Vk2,, et al.,Vks},所有建筑轮廓边构成的约束边集合C={<V11V12,V12V13,, et al.,V1m-1V1m,V1mV11>,<V21V22,V22V23,, et al.,V2n-1V2n,V2nV21>,, et al.,<Vk1Vk2,Vk2Vk3,, et al.,Vks-1Vks,VksVk1>}.基于顶点集合V构建Delaunay三角网,而后插入约束边集合C调整三角网.由此构成的初始CDT1中的三角形分3部分:(1)三角形完全位于建筑轮廓构成的封闭多边形内部;(2)三角形处于建筑轮廓外部且3个顶点位于不同的建筑轮廓上;(3)有极少的三角形位于建筑轮廓外部,但3个顶点位于同一个建筑轮廓,这是由于该建筑轮廓为凹多边形.遍历CDT1中的三角形,剔除第(1)部分和第(3)部分三角形,保留第(2)部分三角形,生成新的CDT2,如图2(b)所示.连接不同建筑的三角形可表示不同建筑间潜在的邻近关系.
2.1.2 构建邻接图
图3(a)中虚线表示图2(b)中被保留的约束三角网,图中三角形分为1类和2类.在聚类的过程中,应剔除第2类三角形,图3(b)表示剔除之后的三角网.基于CDT3构造的初始邻接图G1图3(c)所示.其中,链接点代表对应的建筑,连接边表示面之间可能直接合并,后续的分类都基于G1.此外,本算法中假设最邻近距离小于2 m的模型本身是合并在一起的,不参与后续分类,如图3(c)左上角的面56,57和58.
Fig. 3 Proximity graph

图3 邻接图

2.2 基于SOM的房屋纹理聚类

首先计算每个建筑顶部纹理的灰度平均值,如果一个屋顶纹理包含 n 个像元,每个像元的颜色值为 R i G i B i ,则颜色平均值 ( R ̅ , G ̅ , B ̅ ) 如式(1)所示.
R ̅ = i = 1 n R i n G ̅ = i = 1 n G i n B ̅ = i = 1 n B i n (1)
为了提高分类精度,标准差指标也经常被用于分类,纹理标准差指标 σ 如式(2)所示.
σ = ( R i - R ̅ ) 2 + ( G i - G ̅ ) 2 + ( B i - B ̅ ) 2 n (2)
Fig. 4 Texture analysis

图4 纹理分析

i 号建筑的纹理平均值和标准差构成的向量 X i = [ R ̅ i , G ̅ i , B ̅ i , σ i ] ,其中各分量的量纲相同.将 X 1 X 2 X m 等多个向量作为SOM神经网络的输入值,因此,SOM输入层的神经元个数是4,根据区域内颜色数目设定SOM输出层结构为2×2,即2行2列,训练迭代次数为200次.纹理是一个相对特征,还需要选择合适的分类区域,利用路网对三维模型初步分类之后,在子区域进行纹理分析,可提高聚类的精度.
图5(a)为对全部三维模型屋顶纹理进行分类的结果,图5(b)为通过路网将模型分为不同的区域,再对小区域的纹理进行分类的结果.图中用M-N表示建筑,M表示建筑的编号,N表示分类之后的纹理类别.通过观察可明显看出,建筑46和47 的纹理属于一个类别,而使用全局分类则出现了错误.
Fig. 5 Texture classification

图5 纹理分类

2.3 邻接图分割

Fig. 6 The proximity graph G2 after texture classification

图6 纹理分类之后的邻接图G2


2.4 三维建筑模型聚类

2.4.1 最小生成树
Fig. 7 MST (Minimum Spanning Tree)

图7 最小生成树

2.4.2 线性检测
Fig. 8 Linear detection

图8 线性检测

2.4.3 离散面链接
Fig. 9 Discrete model group

图9 离散模型聚类

2.5 模型合并

Fig. 10 Polygon conflation

图10 底面合并

三维模型合并只考虑了平面方向,还需计算模型的垂直方向,即合并后三维模型的高度.假设合并 n 个模型,则合并后模型的高度 h 为式(3):
h = i = 1 n a i h i i = 1 n a i (3)
式中:ai代表模型 i 的底面面积,也为对应的权重;hi表示 i 模型的高度,由于三维模型的几何结构发生变化,需合并三维模型的纹理,并计算新的顶点纹理坐标.

3 分层次聚类算法实验与分析

本文选择北京市的一个典型小区作为实验区,图11(a)是通过房屋的轮廓和高度信息构造的2.5D三维模型;图11(b)是建筑对应的底面轮廓,其中曲线为道路;图11(c)是建筑顶面纹理.房屋轮廓和道路从矢量数据中获取,高度信息通过实地调绘获得,屋顶纹理从卫星影像中获取.在三维模型综合的过程中,一般可看见模型的屋顶纹理,侧面纹理会被其他模型遮挡,因此本文主要研究屋顶纹理.为了验证本文的方法,实验以Microsoft Windows 7系统为平台,用MATLAB 7.0实现主要的聚类和合并算法,采用OpenGL开发包实现三维模型群组的可视化.
Fig. 11 Experimental data

图11 研究区数据

Fig. 12 Experimental result

图12 实验结果

Fig. 13 Model conflation

图13 模型合并

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Regnauld N.Contextual building typification in automated map generalization[J]. Algorithmica, 2001,30(2):312-333. Cartographic generalization aims to represent geographical information on a map whose specifications are different from those of the original database. Generalization often implies scale reduction, which generates legibility problems. To be readable at smaller scale, geographical objects often need to be enlarged, which generates problems of overlapping features or map congestion. To manage this problem with respect to buildings, we present a method of selection based on the typification principle that creates a result with fewer objects, but preserves the initial pattern of distribution. For this we use a graph of proximity on the building set, which is analysed and segmented with respect to various criteria, taken from gestalt theory. This analysis provides geographical information that is attached to each group of buildings such as the mean size of buildings, shape of the group, and density. This information is independent of scale. The information from the analysis stage is used to define methods to represent them at the target scale. The aim is to preserve the pattern as far as possible, preserve similarities and differences between the groups with regard to density, size and orientation of buildings. We present some results that have been obtained using the platform <i>Stratège</i> developed in the COGIT laboratory at the Institut Géographique National, Paris.


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Glander T, Döllner J.Automated cell based generalization of virtual 3D city models with dynamic landmark highlighting[C]. Proceedings of the 11th ICA Workshop on Generalization and Multiple Representation, Monpellier, France, F, 2008.

Zhang M, Zhang L, Mathiopoulos P T, et al.A geometry and texture coupled flexible generalization of urban building models[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2012,70(6):1-14.In the past, numerous research efforts have focused on generalization of city building models. However, a generic procedure for creating flexible generalization results supporting the fast and efficient update of original building models with various complexities is still an open problem. Moreover, building clusters created in previously published generalization methods are not flexible enough to meet the various requirements for both legible and realistic visualization. Motivated by these observations, this paper proposes a new method for generating a flexible generalization outcome which enables convenient updating of original building models. It also proposes a flexible preprocessing of this generalized information to render a legible and realistic urban scene. This is accomplished by introducing a novel component structure, termed as FEdge, particularly designed for efficiently managing the geometry and texture information in building cluster instances (both original building models and building clusters) during the generalization, visualization and updating processes. Furthermore, a multiple representation structure, referred to as Evolved Buffer-Tree (EBT), is also introduced. The purpose of the EBT is to organize building cluster instances and to employ more flexible LODs for both legible and realistic visualization of urban scenes. FEdge has an intuitive planar shape which can be effectively used in representing rough 3D facade composed by detailed continuous meshes. Each FEdge is given a unique identifier, referred to as FEdge Index. In the proposed generalization scheme, firstly each original building model treated as a building cluster instance is abstracted and presented as FEdge Indices. These FEdge Indices are then used for producing generalized building cluster instances in the EBT portably, and to support convenient model updating and flexible preprocessing of the generalization results for renderable building cluster instances. Secondly, to achieve a legible and realistic visualization of urban scene, the EBT is flexibly assigned diverse LODs maintaining more important legible information than LODs defined in CityGML for 3D building models. To make the generalization more accurate by considering the city roads and districts, an algorithm for automatic road analysis is applied in our clustering and combination. Numerous experiments considering the geometrical and textural complexity of common urban building models, as well as a typical case study of complex city scene with a large number of building models, verify the effectiveness of our generalization method and the dynamic visualization of the generalized urban models.


Yan H, Weibel R, Yang B.A multi-parameter approach to automated building grouping and generalization[J]. GeoInformatica, 2008,12(1):73-89.<a name="Abs1"></a>This paper presents an approach to automated building grouping and generalization. Three principles of Gestalt theories, i.e. proximity, similarity, and common directions, are employed as guidelines, and six parameters, i.e. minimum distance, area of visible scope, area ratio, edge number ratio, smallest minimum bounding rectangle (SMBR), directional Voronoi diagram (DVD), are selected to describe spatial patterns, distributions and relations of buildings. Based on these principles and parameters, an approach to building grouping and generalization is developed. First, buildings are triangulated based on Delaunay triangulation rules, by which topological adjacency relations between buildings are obtained and the six parameters are calculated and recorded. Every two topologically adjacent buildings form a potential group. Three criteria from previous experience and Gestalt principles are employed to tell whether a 2-building group is &#8216;strong,&#8217; &#8216;average&#8217; or &#8216;weak.&#8217; The &#8216;weak&#8217; groups are deleted from the group array. Secondly, the retained groups with common buildings are organized to form intermediate groups according to their relations. After this step, the intermediate groups with common buildings are aggregated or separated and the final groups are formed. Finally, appropriate operators/algorithms are selected for each group and the generalized buildings are achieved. This approach is fully automatic. As our experiments show, it can be used primarily in the generalization of buildings arranged in blocks.


Mao B, Ban Y, Harrie L.A multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of generalised 3D city models[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2011,66(2):198-208.<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="sp000175">In this paper, a novel multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of 3D city models, called CityTree, is proposed. To create a CityTree, the ground plans of the buildings are generated and simplified. Then, the buildings are divided into clusters by the road network and one CityTree is created for each cluster. The leaf nodes of the CityTree represent the original 3D objects of each building, and the intermediate nodes represent groups of close buildings. By utilising CityTree, it is possible to have dynamic zoom functionality in real time. The CityTree methodology is implemented in a framework where the original city model is stored in CityGML and the CityTree is stored as X3D scenes. A case study confirms the applicability of the CityTree for dynamic visualisation of 3D city models.</p>


Allouche M K, Moulin B.Amalgamation in cartographic generalization using Kohonen's feature nets[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2005,19(8-9):899-914.Empirical observations of the way cartographers deal with generalization problems lead to the hypothesis that they first detect patterns of anomalies in the cartographic data set and then eliminate anomalies by transforming the data. Automatically identifying patterns of anomalies on the map is a difficult task when using GIS functions or traditional algorithmic approaches. Techniques based on the use of neural networks have been widely used in artificial intelligence in order to solve pattern‐recognition problems. In this paper, we explore how Kohonen‐type neural networks can be used to deal with map generalization applications in which the main problem is to identify high‐density regions that include cartographic elements of the same type. We also propose an algorithm to replace cartographic elements located in a region by its surrounding polygon. The use of this type of neural network permitted us to generate different levels of grouping according to the chosen zoom‐scale on the map. These levels correspond to a multiple representation of the generalized cartographic elements. As an illustration, we apply our approach to the automatic replacement of a group of houses represented as a set of very close points in the original data set, by a polygon representing the corresponding urban area in the generalized map.


杨晓敏,严斌宇,吴炜,等.基于图像色彩和纹理的SOM聚类和检索方法[J].四川大学学报(自然科学版),2010,47(3):525-529.作者根据图像的全局色彩和区域纹理信息,使用自组织映射神经网络的方法对图像内容进行聚类和 检索.全局色彩在HSI空间使用区域累加的方法,避免了维数过大的问题.用区域纹理描述的方法解决了使用单一色彩带来的不准确性;自组织映射网络所特有的 特征选择和无监督学习等特性,实现了对视觉相似图像的聚类.


[ Yang X M, Yan B Y, Wu W, et al.Clustering and retrieval using self-organized mapping networks based on image color and texture[J]. Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition), 2010,47(3):525-529. ]

Mao B, Harrie L, Ban Y.Detection and typification of linear structures for dynamic visualization of 3D city models[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2012,36(3):233-244.Cluttering is a fundamental problem in 3D city model visualization. In this paper, a novel method for removing cluttering by typification of linear building groups is proposed. This method works in static as well as dynamic visualization of 3D city models. The method starts by converting building models in higher Levels of Details (LoDs) into LoD1 with ground plan and height. Then the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) is generated according to the distance between the building ground plans. Based on the MST, linear building groups are detected for typification. The typification level of a building group is determined by its distance to the viewpoint as well as its viewing angle. Next, the selected buildings are removed and the remaining ones are adjusted in each group separately. To preserve the building features and their spatial distribution, Attributed Relational Graph (ARG) and Nested Earth Mover鈥檚 Distance (NEMD) are used to evaluate the difference between the original building objects and the generalized ones. The experimental results indicate that our method can reduce the number of buildings while preserving the visual similarity of the urban areas.


Li Z, Yan H, Ai T, et al.Automated building generalization based on urban morphology and Gestalt theory[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2004,18(5):513-534.Building generalization is a difficult operation due to the complexity of the spatial distribution of buildings and for reasons of spatial recognition. In this study, building generalization is decomposed into two steps, i.e. building grouping and generalization execution. The neighbourhood model in urban morphology provides global constraints for guiding the global partitioning of building sets on the whole map by means of roads and rivers, by which enclaves, blocks, superblocks or neighbourhoods are formed; whereas the local constraints from Gestalt principles provide criteria for the further grouping of enclaves, blocks, superblocks and/or neighbourhoods. In the grouping process, graph theory, Delaunay triangulation and the Voronoi diagram are employed as supporting techniques. After grouping, some useful information, such as the sum of the building's area, the mean separation and the standard deviation of the separation of buildings, is attached to each group. By means of the attached information, an appropriate operation is selected to generalize the corresponding groups. Indeed, the methodology described brings together a number of well-developed theories/techniques, including graph theory, Delaunay triangulation, the Voronoi diagram, urban morphology and Gestalt theory, in such a way that multiscale products can be derived.


Al-Bakri M, Fairbairn D.Assessing similarity matching for possible integration of feature classifications of geospatial data from official and informal sources[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2012,26(8):1437-1456.ABSTRACT One difficulty in integrating geospatial data sets from different sources is variation in feature classification and semantic content of the data. One step towards achieving beneficial semantic interoperability is to assess the semantic similarity among objects that are categorised within data sets. This article focuses on measuring semantic and structural similarities between categories of formal data, such as Ordnance Survey (OS) cartographic data, and volunteered geographic information (VGI), such as that sourced from OpenStreetMap (OSM), with the intention of assessing possible integration. The model involves &lsquo;tokenisation&rsquo; to search for common roots of words, and the feature classifications have been modelled as an XML schema labelled rooted tree for hierarchical analysis. The semantic similarity was measured using the WordNet::Similarity package, while the structural similarities between sub-trees of the source and target schemas have also been considered. Along with dictionary and structural matching, the data type of the category itself is a comparison variable. The overall similarity is based on a weighted combination of these three measures. The results reveal that the use of a generic similarity matching system leads to poor agreement between the semantics of OS and OSM data sets. It is concluded that a more rigorous peer-to-peer assessment of VGI data, increasing numbers and transparency of contributors, the initiation of more programs of quality testing and the development of more directed ontologies can improve spatial data integration.


