
  • 杨喜平 , 1 ,
  • 方志祥 , 1*, * ,
  • 赵志远 1 ,
  • 萧世伦 1 ,
  • 尹凌 2
  • 1. 武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,武汉 430079
  • 2. 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,深圳 518055
*通讯作者:方志祥(1977-),男,教授,主要从事导航与位置服务、时空分析研究。E-mail: zxfang@whu.edu.cn


收稿日期: 2015-06-24

  要求修回日期: 2015-10-07

  网络出版日期: 2016-04-19



中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室开放基金项目(2013)



Exploring Urban Human Spatio-temporal Convergence-Dispersion Patterns: A Case Study of Shenzhen City

  • YANG Xiping , 1 ,
  • FANG Zhixiang , 1, * ,
  • ZHAO Zhiyuan 1 ,
  • SHAW Shih-Lung 1 ,
  • YIN Ling 2
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping, Remote and Sensing, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
  • 2. Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China
*Corresponding author: FANG Zhixiang, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-06-24

  Request revised date: 2015-10-07

  Online published: 2016-04-19


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




杨喜平 , 方志祥 , 赵志远 , 萧世伦 , 尹凌 . 城市人群聚集消散时空模式探索分析——以深圳市为例[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(4) : 486 -492 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00486


People′s movement in a city is driven by purpose. Moreover, the distribution of urban spatial structure can cause the phenomenon of human convergence or dispersion, and this phenomenon is always changing over time. Therefore, understand the spatio-temporal patterns of human convergence and dispersion could provide us a good knowledge of human travel demand in the urban context, so that the better decisions can be carried out to meet the demands of citizens. With the rapid development and widespread use of location-aware devices, it becomes relatively easy to collect the large-scale human sensor datasets and to bring new opportunities and challenges to the study of urban human mobility. Especially in recent years, mobile phone data has become a rich resource for research and it is widely used to study the human mobility patterns from various aspects, with regard to its advantage in tracking the long-term and large-volume of urban citizens with low cost. In this paper, taking Shenzhen City as an example, we firstly extracted the origin-destination flow matrix from the mobile phone location data and employed Local Moran′s I to identify people’s convergence or dispersion areas. And then a time series matrix was constructed according to the temporal signatures of these areas. SOM algorithm was selected to cluster the matrix into nine typical human convergence-dispersion patterns. Based on the land use data, we have calculated the percentage of different land use types for each pattern to explain the human convergence-dispersion phenomenon, thus we could understand the relationship between human mobility patterns and urban spatial function. This study helps us to acquire a good knowledge of the daily human convergence and dispersion patterns within different urban functional areas. The findings derived from this study could give us the insights about where and when the convergence and dispersion of people would occur in Shenzhen. This knowledge is helpful for the city planners to improve the urban local planning and makes it more suitable for human mobility applications, such as making targeted adjustments to optimize the urban transportation facilities to improve their service efficiency.

1 引言


2 数据与预处理

实验数据为深圳市某工作日的手机位置数据,用户数约1600万,每一条记录包括用户ID、记录时间以及所在基站的经纬度,其中,用户ID经过隐私处理,采样时间间隔约为1 h。手机数据通过手机基站进行定位,共提取出5952个基站,每个基站赋予唯一编号TowerID。由于基站在城市中分布不均匀,在郊区分布较稀疏,在市中心基站分布较密集,一些基站间的距离甚至小于10 m,基站间信号跳动会产生定位误差,为了尽量减少这种误差带来的影响,用500 m×500 m的网格对深圳市进行划分,排除不包含基站的网格(这些网格主要位于山地、水系等人群活动稀少的区域),共得到2801个网格,如图1所示,对每个网格赋予唯一编号GridID。
Fig. 1 Grid area containing cell phone towers in Shenzhen

图1 深圳市包含手机基站的网格区域

对每个用户而言,一天的轨迹为 T = ( ( x 1 , y 1 , t 1 ) , ( x 2 , y 2 , t 2 ) , , ( x i , y i , t i ) ) ,其中 t i 为记录时间, ( x i , y i ) 为基站的坐标。对于2条相邻时间的记录 ( x i , y i , t i ) ( x i + 1 , y i + 1 , t i + 1 ) ,如果 x i x i + 1 y i y i + 1 ,即2个相邻记录的基站坐标不一样,则认为该用户发生了移动,产生一个OD对记录为 ( UserID , FromID , ToID , T ) 。其中, FromID 为起点的基站编号, ToID 为终点的基站编号, T 为时段,由于手机定位数据的采用间隔约为1 h,一天共有24个记录,每相邻2 h可以提取出移动的OD矩阵,将每相邻2 h看作一个时段,则一天共有23个时段。综合所有手机用户在时段 T 的OD对,得到该时段城市中任意2个基站间人群移动的OD矩阵记为 ( FromID , ToID , Count , T ) , Count 表示人数。排除掉起点和终点位于同一个网格的OD,则可将基于基站的人群移动OD矩阵综合成以网格为单元的OD矩阵,记为 ( FromGrid , ToGrid , Gcount , T ) ,其中 FromGrid 为起点网格编号, ToGrid 为终点网格编号, Gcount 为流动的人群总量。而对于单个网格GridID而言,可以求出其在时段 T 的人群进去流 Inflow 和出去流 Outflow ,则定义该时段的净流量为Netflow=Inflow-Outflow,表示在该时段这个网格的人群变化量,本文主要关注网格净流量。

3 城市人群集聚消散时空模式应用分析

3.1 模式分析方法

3.1.1 局部自相关分析
局部自相关反映要素与其相邻要素之间的相关程度,不仅可识别出变化比较显著的要素,还可识别出在空间位置上的高值集聚和低值集聚区 域[14,16-17]。本研究采用Anselin Local Moran′I来进行局部自相关分析,其计算公式为式(1)。
I i = x i - x ̅ S 2 j = 1 , j i N w ij ( x j - x ̅ ) (1)
式中: I i 为局部自相关指标;xi为空间单元要素的属性值,在本文中采用每个网格的Netflow作为要素分析属性; x ̅ xi的平均值;wij为空间权重矩阵[18]
3.1.2 自组织图聚类(SOM)

3.2 城市人群聚集消散时空模式应用结果与分析

(1) 人群聚集消散区域分析
采用网格的 Netflow 属性作为输入值,运用ArcGIS 10.1空间统计模块中Anselin Local Moran′s I方法对每个时段人群流进行局部空间自相关分析,不仅可识别每个时段城市中人群净流量 Netflow 变化显著的网格,而且可以得到这些显著的网格在城市中不同空间上的集聚分布情况。同时,该方法可将这些人群变化显著的网格分为4类:HH、HL、LH和LL。其中,HH和HL表示中心网格人群净流量 Netflow 较大,即进去流大于出去流,则该中心网格中人群正在聚集(增加);相反LL和LH表示中心网格人群的出去流大于进去流,认为该中心网格中人群正在消散(减少)。图2为早上通勤时间(07:00-09:00)和下午下班后(17:00-19:00)2个时段城市中人群聚集和消散在城市中的空间分布。
Fig. 2 Distribution of convergence and dispersion

图2 聚集与消散区域分布

(2) 聚散变化时间序列聚类
首先排除一天中所有时段都不显著的网格,得到1216个网格,每个网格一天中有23个时段。为了采用SOM法聚类,如果网格在某个时段人群正在聚集则赋值1,人群正在消散则赋值-1,如果网格人群 Netflow 不显著则赋值0,如图3所示,这样组成了一个1216×23的时间序列矩阵。采用SOM法对该矩阵进行训练,使用Davis-Bouldin指数进行聚类数判断,发现当聚类数为9时该指数最小,因此9类为最适合的聚类数。图4为这9种(C1,…,C9)聚散模式在城市中的空间分布。
Fig. 3 Time series matrix

图3 时间序列矩阵

Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of nine convergence-dispersion patterns

图4 9种聚散模式的空间分布

为了清晰地分辨出每种聚散模式人群随时间的变化特点,对每种模式的时间序列进行可视化,借用时间地理学概念[23-25],使用ArcScence在三维空间中显示,如图5所示。其中,Z轴表示时间,二维平面空间坐标(x, y)用相应的网格的中心坐标表示,蓝色表示人群聚集,红色表示人群消散,棕色表示人群变化不显著。
Fig. 5 The time variations of convergence and dispersion for each pattern

图5 每种模式人群的聚散时间变化

图5可清晰地看出每种模式的人群聚散时间变化特点:C1在早上6:00-10:00之间出现人群持续消散,而在下午16:00后会出现人群聚集且一直持续到凌晨;C2在一天中大部分时段都出现了人群聚集的现象;C3在早上7:00左右出现了人群聚集现象,但只持续了一个时段左右,在下午下班后并没有出现人群消散的现象,而在晚上20:00后会出现人群消散的现象,一直持续到凌晨;C4在早上 7:00-9:00出现了人群消散现象,在下午下班后17:00-19:00之间出现人群聚集的现象,C9与C4具有相反的人群聚散活动;C5在早上7:00左右出现人群聚集的现象,而C7在早上7:00出现了人群消散现象,在中午12:00左右,C5和C7同样出现相反的人群聚散活动,C5是先散后聚,C7是先聚后散;C6在凌晨1:00-3:00出现人群消散,在白天6:00-13:00会出现人群聚集现象,而从下午16:00开始会出现人群消散并且一直持续到凌晨;C8并没有出现明显的人群在某一时段聚集和消散现象,但这不是说明C8没有任何人群活动,只是人群聚散的时间段不集中而已。理解城市不同区域人群的这些聚散模式可帮助管理者进行交通管理、规划等。例如,公交公司可以根据这些聚散的时空模式,调整公交的运营时间或者优化公交站点分布以更好服务人群;出租车公司可根据不同区域人群聚散时间,实时地调度出租车帮司机尽快找到客源。
Fig. 6 The land use condition of each convergence-dispersion pattern

图6 聚散模式的平均土地利用分布

图6可看出,C1、C4和C7平均每个网格中居住用地比例最大,分别为50.44%,45.42%和39.66%,可见这3种聚散模式主要发生在城市中的居住区,在早上通勤时间大量人群离开居住地去上班,因此产生了人群消散现象,在下午下班后会出现人群聚集。这3种模式人群聚散持续时间存在差异,在土地利用上C7的工业用地(18.65%)比C1(10.39%)和C4(8.56%)多,C7主要分布在深圳市的工业园区,居住在这些区域的人群大多都在附近的工厂内上班,所以,C7类人群在早上消散持续的时间最短,约1 h左右,并且在中午12:00左右会出现先聚后散的现象,这是由于人群吃午饭活动引起的。C1与C4在空间分布上临近且土地利用状况相似,可能由于人群的工作性质不同或通勤距离差异导致C1(3 h及以上)在聚集和消散的持续时间上比C4(2 h左右)长。
Fig. 7 Spatial distribution of C2, C6 and C9

图7 C2、C6和C9的空间分布

C5和C9类土地利用都是以工业用地为主,分别为35.99%和33.28%,与C7类似,C5主要分布在深圳市的工业园区,这些工业园区工人主要在工厂附近,早上会出现人群的聚集且持续时间较短(1 h左右),并且在中午12:00左右会出现先散后聚的现象。C9的交通用地、公共用地和商业用地比C5多,主要覆盖了城市中IT高新科技企业(位于IT科技园内的腾讯、富士康、华为等),如图7所示,由于这2类区域的工作性质和通勤距离的不同,C9人群出现聚集或消散的时间持续时间(2 h左右)比C5长。C6类的交通用地(33.83%)比例最大,同时与其他类相比,其商业用地和公共用地是所有模式中占的比例也最多,分别为18.92%和17.03%,C6类区域主要分布在深圳市中最繁华的区域,如图7所示。该区域包括市民中心、车公庙、香蜜湖、华强北和老街商业区等,因此在白天大多数时间会吸引大量的人群,出现人群聚集现象,而在下午16:00后开始出现人群消散现象,一直持续到凌晨。

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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申悦,柴彦威,王冬根.ICT对居民时空行为影响研究进展[J].地理科学进展,2011,30(6):643-651.以计算机为核心的ICT凭借网 络飞速发展,渗透到社会生活的各个领域,对居民日常生活产生了巨大影响,引发了地理、交通、规划学者的关注。本文对国内外ICT对居民时空行为的影响研究 进行综述。从地理学的视角出发,分别从时空制约、破碎化、多任务以及ICT活动的可视化与数据管理几个角度,论述了国外ICT对居民时空利用的影响研究。 从交通视角出发,分别从ICT与出行及实体活动、远程办公与通勤行为、网上购物与实体购物及购物出行、网上娱乐与休闲娱乐及休闲出行4组关系方面,对国外 研究进行综述。对目前国内ICT研究的现状进行了论述,认为中国的ICT研究尚处于起步阶段,地理学者的研究多集中于宏观尺度,基于微观个体行为视角的 ICT研究极为不足。指出数据搜集是基于微观个体行为的ICT影响研究的关键,国内学者应对空间与行为视角的ICT研究给予足够的关注。


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刘瑜,康朝贵,王法辉.大数据驱动的人类移动模式和模型研究[J].武汉大学学报信息科学版,2014,39(6):660-665.大数据时代的到来使得基于个体 粒度的海量时空轨迹获取人类移动模式成为可能。来自不同领域的学者基于手机通话数据、公交卡刷卡记录、社交网站签到数据、出租车轨迹、银行刷卡记录等进行 了人类移动模式的研究,这些研究丰富了地理信息系统的时空分析方法,为从个体角度审视人与地理环境之间的交互关系提供了一个新视角,并可以应用于交通、公 共卫生等领域。总结了基于大数据的人类移动模式研究流程,归纳了人类移动模式的基本度量方法,探讨了解释所观测移动模式的模型构建方法,指出了地理环境对 于移动模型建立的影响。


[ Liu Y, Kang C G, Wang F H.Towards big data-driven human mobility patterns and models[J]. Geomatics and Informationg Science of Wuhan University, 2014,39(6):660-665. ]



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Gonzalez M C, Hidalgo C A, Barabasi A L.Understanding individual human mobility patterns[J]. Nature, 2008,453(7196):779-782.Abstract: Despite their importance for urban planning, traffic forecasting, and the spread of biological and mobile viruses, our understanding of the basic laws governing human motion remains limited thanks to the lack of tools to monitor the time resolved location of individuals. Here we study the trajectory of 100,000 anonymized mobile phone users whose position is tracked for a six month period. We find that in contrast with the random trajectories predicted by the prevailing Levy flight and random walk models, human trajectories show a high degree of temporal and spatial regularity, each individual being characterized by a time independent characteristic length scale and a significant probability to return to a few highly frequented locations. After correcting for differences in travel distances and the inherent anisotropy of each trajectory, the individual travel patterns collapse into a single spatial probability distribution, indicating that despite the diversity of their travel history, humans follow simple reproducible patterns. This inherent similarity in travel patterns could impact all phenomena driven by human mobility, from epidemic prevention to emergency response, urban planning and agent based modeling.


Song C, Qu Z, Blumm N, et al.Limits of predictability in human mobility[J]. Science, 2010,327(5968):1018-1021.Abstract A range of applications, from predicting the spread of human and electronic viruses to city planning and resource management in mobile communications, depend on our ability to foresee the whereabouts and mobility of individuals, raising a fundamental question: To what degree is human behavior predictable? Here we explore the limits of predictability in human dynamics by studying the mobility patterns of anonymized mobile phone users. By measuring the entropy of each individual's trajectory, we find a 93% potential predictability in user mobility across the whole user base. Despite the significant differences in the travel patterns, we find a remarkable lack of variability in predictability, which is largely independent of the distance users cover on a regular basis.


Gao S, Liu Y, Wang Y, et al.Discovering spatial interaction communities from mobile phone data[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2013,17(3):463-481.Abstract In the age of Big Data, the widespread use of location-awareness technologies has made it possible to collect spatio-temporal interaction data for analyzing flow patterns in both physical space and cyberspace. This research attempts to explore and interpret patterns embedded in the network of phone-call interaction and the network of phone-users鈥 movements, by considering the geographical context of mobile phone cells. We adopt an agglomerative clustering algorithm based on a Newman-Girvan modularity metric and propose an alternative modularity function incorporating a gravity model to discover the clustering structures of spatial-interaction communities using a mobile phone dataset from one week in a city in China. The results verify the distance decay effect and spatial continuity that control the process of partitioning phone-call interaction, which indicates that people tend to communicate within a spatial-proximity community. Furthermore, we discover that a high correlation exists between phone-users鈥 movements in physical space and phone-call interaction in cyberspace. Our approach presents a combined qualitative-quantitative framework to identify clusters and interaction patterns, and explains how geographical context influences communities of callers and receivers. The findings of this empirical study are valuable for urban structure studies as well as for the detection of communities in spatial networks.


Chi G, Thill J C, Tong D, et al.Uncovering regional characteristics from mobile phone data: A network science approach[J]. Papers in Regional Science, 2014,doi:10.1111/pirs.12149.ABSTRACT We introduce network science methods to uncover inherent characteristics of functional regions. An aggregate spatial interaction network is constructed based on a large mobile phone data set including 431 million mobile calls made by 10 million anonymous customers over one month and the geographic locations of the mobile base towers involved in each call. We use Thiessen polygons (termed &lsquo;cells&rsquo;) as the unit of analysis to approximate the service area of each mobile base tower. Major findings encompass the following three aspects. First, cells with high betweenness centrality are linearly distributed in space, which closely aligns with major transportation corridors. We find that this pattern can be explained by analysing the characteristics of calling activities on transportation networks. Second, we detect a two-level hierarchy of communities that correspond well to county and prefecture-level administrative unit boundaries. Lastly, almost every community identified at the two hierarchical levels contains a cell with high betweenness. These cells are located near the political and economic centres and play the role of hubs in the regional socio-economic system. This research demonstrates that networks built from mobile phone data provide new understandings of spatial interactions and regional structures.


Toole J L, Ulm M, González M C, et al.Inferring land use from mobile phone activity[C]. Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD international workshop on urban computing, 2012:1-8.

Pei T, Sobolevsky S, Ratti C, et al.A new insight into land use classification based on aggregated mobile phone data[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2014,28(9):1988-2007.Land-use classification is essential for urban planning. Urban land-use types can be differentiated either by their physical characteristics (such as reflectivity and texture) or social functions. Remote sensing techniques have been recognized as a vital method for urban land-use classification because of their ability to capture the physical characteristics of land use. Although significant progress has been achieved in remote sensing methods designed for urban land-use classification, most techniques focus on physical characteristics, whereas knowledge of social functions is not adequately used. Owing to the wide usage of mobile phones, the activities of residents, which can be retrieved from the mobile phone data, can be determined in order to indicate the social function of land use. This could bring about the opportunity to derive land-use information from mobile phone data. To verify the application of this new data source to urban land-use classification, we first construct a vector of aggregated mobile phone data to characterize land-use types. This vector is composed of two aspects: the normalized hourly call volume and the total call volume. A semi-supervised fuzzy c-means clustering approach is then applied to infer the land-use types. The method is validated using mobile phone data collected in Singapore. Land use is determined with a detection rate of 58.03%. An analysis of the land-use classification results shows that the detection rate decreases as the heterogeneity of land use increases, and increases as the density of cell phone towers increases.




[ Xu N, Yin L, Hu J X.Identifying home-work locations from short-term, large-scale, and regularly sampled mobile phone tracking data[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2014,39(6):750-756. ]

周新刚,乐阳,叶嘉安,等.动态数据空间分析的不确定性问题——以城市中心识别为例[J].武汉大学学报.信息科学版,2014,39(6):701-706.动态数据在空间分析中存在不确定性问题.以手机定位数据为例来识别城市中心,探索可塑性面积单元问题和不确定的地理情境问题,发现群体活动强度的空间自相 关程度受到采样区域划分方式和分析单元大小的影响,地理情境的时空动态变化也会带来不确定的地理情境问题.讨论了减轻不确定性的可能方法.


[ Zhou X G, Yue Y, Yeh A G O, et al. Uncertainty in spatial analysis of dynamic data—identifying city center[J]. Geomatics and Informationg Science of Wuhan University, 2014,39(6):701-706. ]

萧世伦,方志祥.从时空GIS视野来定量分析人类行为的思考[J].武汉大学学报.信息科学版,2014,39(6):667-670.从面向城市科学发展所必须的人类行为研究需求出发,从时空GIS 的视野来看人类行为研究的基础问题与研究方法,剖析时空GIS对定量分析人类行为研究中的理想与现实间的鸿沟,以及所存在的理论与方法挑战,总结了时空 GIS支撑人类行为研究的能力与不足,为大数据时代的人类行为研究前沿探索拓展思路.


[ Shaw S L, Fang Z X.Rethinking human behavior research from the perspective of space-time GIS[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2014,39(6):667-670. ]



[ Wang F, Gao X L, Yan B Q.Research on urban spatial structure in Beijing based on housing prices[J]. Progress in Geography, 2014,33(10):1322-1331. ]

董丞妍,谭亚玲,罗明良,等.中国“癌症村”的聚集格局[J].地理研究,2014,33(11):2115-2124.癌症村"反映了在一定时间和 空间上癌症聚集发生、引起社会群体格外关心的公共卫生问题,具体表现为从某一年开始并持续多年的远高于正常水平的癌症发生率和死亡率。研究基于地理空间统 计分析的局部自相关、点距离关联维及核密度等方法,从不同空间尺度分析了"癌症村"的分布状况。结果表明:"癌症村"聚集分布但区域差异显著,总体上自东 向西梯度递减,局部自相关分析表明川陕晋冀津构成西部与东部之间低—高集聚分布的分界线;距离关联无标度区间为120~180 km,核密度分析显示"癌症村"集中于河流下游地区,及中部、沿海部分地区,多中心、集中分布格局明显。研究突出了"癌症村"地理多尺度分布特征的探索, 可为相关环境污染整治工作提供参照。


[ Dong C Y, Tan Y L, Luo M L, et al.Spatial aggregation pattern of “cancer village” in China[J]. Geographical Research, 2014,33(11):2115-2124. ]

Anselin L.Local indicators of spatial association—LISA[J]. Geographical analysis, 1995,27(2):93-115.The capabilities for visualization, rapid data retrieval, and manipulation in geographic information systems (GIS) have created the need for new techniques of exploratory data analysis that focus on the “spatial” aspects of the data. The identification of local patterns of spatial association is an important concern in this respect. In this paper, I outline a new general class of local indicators of spatial association (LISA) and show how they allow for the decomposition of global indicators, such as Moran's I, into the contribution of each observation. The LISA statistics serve two purposes. On one hand, they may be interpreted as indicators of local pockets of nonstationarity, or hot spots, similar to the G i and G* i statistics of Getis and Ord (1992). On the other hand, they may be used to assess the influence of individual locations on the magnitude of the global statistic and to identify “outliers,” as in Anselin's Moran scatterplot (1993a). An initial evaluation of the properties of a LISA statistic is carried out for the local Moran, which is applied in a study of the spatial pattern of conflict for African countries and in a number of Monte Carlo simulations.


Kohonen T.The self-organizing map[J]. Proceedings of the IEEE, 1990,78(9):1464-1480.

Andrienko G, Andrienko N, Bak P, et al.A framework for using self-organising maps to analyse spatio-temporal patterns, exemplified by analysis of mobile phone usage[J]. Journal of Location Based Services, 2010,4(3-4):200-221.We suggest a visual analytics framework for the exploration and analysis of spatially and temporally referenced values of numeric attributes. The framework supports two complementary perspectives on spatio-temporal data: as a temporal sequence of spatial distributions of attribute values (called spatial situations) and as a set of spatially referenced time series of attribute values representing local temporal variations. To handle a large amount of data, we use the self-organising map (SOM) method, which groups objects and arranges them according to similarity of relevant data features. We apply the SOM approach to spatial situations and to local temporal variations and obtain two types of SOM outcomes, called space-in-time SOM and time-in-space SOM, respectively. The examination and interpretation of both types of SOM outcomes are supported by appropriate visualisation and interaction techniques. This article describes the use of the framework by an example scenario of data analysis. We also discuss how the framework can be extended from supporting explorative analysis to building predictive models of the spatio-temporal variation of attribute values. We apply our approach to phone call data showing its usefulness in real-world analytic scenarios.


Agarwal P,Skupin A.Self-organizing maps: Applications in geographic information science[M]. England: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

伊璇,周丰,王心宇,等.基于SOM的流域分类和无资料区径流模拟[J].地理科学进展,2014,33(8):1109-1116.无资料区的径流模拟问题是国内外水文研究的难点之一。基于相似流域的参数移植法是常用的解决方法之一,但如何判断相似流域是制约此类方法发展的难点。本文以滇池流域为例,采用自组织映射神经网络(SOM)和层次聚类分析(HCA)联合模式,选取16 个流域物理特征为指标进行子流域分类,以确定相似流域。运用无分层的K-means 分类的SOM法将整个滇池流域划分为7 类具有水文属性的子流域组,分类情景与HCA基本一致,两者实现相互验证。采用HBV水文模型模拟子流域径流过程,并选择部分子流域进行组内参数移植交叉检验。结果显示,HBV模型可较好的模拟滇池流域径流过程;此外,子流域交叉检验结果优良,表明同组内参数可以相互移植。本文不仅为解决滇池流域无资料问题提供了可靠手段,而且由于SOM实现了高维流域特征可视化展示,有助于管理者全面、深入的把握滇池流域水文属性的空间分布特征,为进行水资源管理提供指导。


[ Yi X, Zhou F, Wang X Y, et al.Classification and runoff simulation of data-scarce basins based on self-organizing maps[J]. Progress in Geography, 2014,33(8):1109-1116. ]

Hägerstrand T.What about people in regional science?[J]. Papers of the Regional Science Association, 1970,24(1):1-12.Key Words】:



[ Chai Y W, Wang E Z.Basic concepts and notation of time-geography[J]. Economic Geography, 1997,17(3):55-61. ]

Kwan M P.Interactive geovisualization of activity-travel patterns using three-dimensional geographical information systems: A methodological exploration with a large data set[J]. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2000,8(1):185-203.A major difficulty in the analysis of disaggregate activity-travel behavior in the past arises from the many interacting dimensions involved (e.g. location, timing, duration and sequencing of trips and activities). Often, the researcher is forced to decompose activity-travel patterns into their component dimensions and focus only on one or two dimensions at a time, or to treat them as a multidimensional whole using multivariate methods to derive generalized activity-travel patterns. This paper describes several GIS-based three-dimensional (3D) geovisualization methods for dealing with the spatial and temporal dimensions of human activity-travel patterns at the same time while avoiding the interpretative complexity of multivariate pattern generalization or recognition methods. These methods are operationalized using interactive 3D GIS techniques and a travel diary data set collected in the Portland (Oregon) metropolitan region. The study demonstrates several advantages in using these methods. First, significance of the temporal dimension and its interaction with the spatial dimension in structuring the daily space-time trajectories of individuals can be clearly revealed. Second, they are effective tools for the exploratory analysis of activity diary data that can lead to more focused analysis in later stages of a study. They can also help the formulation of more realistic computational or behavioral travel models.


