

  • 骆剑承 , 1 ,
  • 吴田军 , 2, * ,
  • 夏列钢 3
  • 1. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所 遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京 100101
  • 2. 长安大学理学院数学与信息科学系,西安 710064
  • 3. 浙江工业大学计算机学院,杭州 310023


收稿日期: 2016-01-04

  要求修回日期: 2016-03-11

  网络出版日期: 2016-05-10






The Theory and Calculation of Spatial-spectral Cognition of Remote Sensing

  • LUO Jiancheng , 1 ,
  • WU Tianjun , 2, * ,
  • XIA Liegang 3
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. Department of Mathematics and Information Science, College of Science, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064
  • 3. College of Computer science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310026
*Corresponding author: WU Tianjun, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-01-04

  Request revised date: 2016-03-11

  Online published: 2016-05-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




骆剑承 , 吴田军 , 夏列钢 . 遥感图谱认知理论与计算[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(5) : 578 -589 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00578


In recent years, with the rapid development of earth observation technologies, remote sensing using the satellites has gradually entered the era of big data. Facing the current demands and characteristics of remote sensing applications, it is feasible and necessary to explore the theories and methods of high-spatial-resolution remote sensing cognition with the cooperation of visual cognition. In this context, we are inspired by Geo-informatic-Tupu and intend to study the spatial-spectral cognition of remote sensing. This paper systematically presents the theory and calculation methodology for the spatial-spectral cognition of remote sensing, and expects to standardize the processes of remote sensing information extraction, as a result to further build a sophisticated, quantitative, intelligent and integrated model for the remote sensing information interpretation. The whole methodology contains two directions' cognitive calculation, namely horizontal "bottom-up hierarchical abstraction" and longitudinal "top-down knowledge transfer". These two steps are corresponded with three principal Spatial-Spectral transformation processes, which are summarized as "extracting spatial maps based on clustering pixels' spectrum", "coordinating spatial-spectral features" and "understanding attributes through the recognition of known diagram". Our study focuses on the analysis of the involved concepts, the basic idea, the key technologies and their existing difficulties, and emphasizes on the utilization of big data and gradually the application of integrated knowledge to achieve different levels of remote sensing cognition. Through these approaches, we expect to provide a new perspective for the remote sensing interpretation with the adoption of big data resources.

1 前言


2 视觉认知与遥感认知

2.1 视觉认知


2.2 遥感认知


3 遥感信息图谱

Fig. 1 Spatial-spectral explanation of remote sensing information

图1 遥感信息的图谱解释

可见,遥感影像提供了“图”与“谱”的综合信息,兼有“图形”与“谱相”的双重特性。这种图谱合一的特性是电磁波谱和空间地图的综合,共同反映了遥感地物的地理属性,揭示了不同地物在空间分异、波谱特征、时间变化、利用功能上的表现,是进行遥感认知的立足点[43]。因此,为了实现对地物“Where”、“What”、“When”、“How”等不同层次信息的认知,需从遥感认知的流程和方法上分别加以规范:在认知流程上,需参考视觉认知的计算理论和一般处理过程,以满足流程化、自动化的解译需求;在认知方法上,既需要引入模式识别、机器学习、高性能计算等其他相关学科的先进理念或技术,以满足高精度、智能化的解译需求,又要借助地学领 域的传统分析方法,以满足专业化、综合化的解译需求。

4 遥感图谱认知—三段论

Fig. 2 The flowchart of spatial-spectral transition in the spatial-spectral cognition of remote sensing

图2 遥感图谱认知中的图谱转化

4.1 由谱聚图

Fig. 3 Extracting spatial maps based on clustering pixels’ spectrum

图3 由谱聚图

该阶段是要回答地物在哪里(“Where”)的问题;核心内容是考虑如何利用遥感影像本身的像元波谱值等视觉特征划分出具有合理边界的地块,需从遥感影像辐射波谱特征的“谱信息”出发,结合多尺度表达技术提取精细的几何空间“图”信息,建立遥感像元波谱与地物目标几何结构的相互转化关系。该阶段是“数据 特征”的提升,是从遥感栅格数据上升到空间矢量分析的关键,强调构建合理的认知单元来表达地物,便于地物在光谱、空间、时间、环境等多个维度上的特征表征,从而更全面、客观地察觉地物特点,为准确的“图谱协同”分析做准备。该阶段的关键技术包括分割、分类人工矢量编辑等方法,常用的实现算法及存在的难点问题和发展趋势如表1所示。
Tab. 1 The key technologies and their existing difficulties they have in the stage of “extracting spatial maps based on clustering pixels’ spectrum”

表1 由谱聚图阶段的关键技术及其难点问题

关键技术 常用实现算法 存在问题与难点 发展趋势
分割 基于边缘、区域(阈值、图论、能量泛函)的多种分割算法 一般的分割算法对地物复杂多变的遥感影像适用性较低,且数据量巨大的高分影像使分割效率大幅下降,如何提升分割的效率 发展复杂环境下高分辨率影像的多尺度快速聚合技术(多尺度:大数据综合处理)
均值漂移、分水岭等多尺度分割算法 如何设置合适的尺度集来合理地表达地物的异尺度特征,实现成功抽取对象的目标[44],即如何提升分割的精度
聚类、分类 Kmeans、ISODATA等非监督分类算法的聚类,基于SVM、神经网络、决策树、随机森林等监督分类算法的像元级分类或对象级分类 像元级分类造成的椒盐噪声的影响;对象级分类受分割算法问题的影响,存在对象分离不合理的问题;对象合并规则的设定
人工矢量编辑 目视勾画 矢量编辑工具的智能化程度,减少人工操作量

4.2 图谱协同

Fig. 4 Coordinating spatial-spectral features

图4 图谱协同

Tab. 2 The key technologies and their existing difficulties in the stage of “coordinating spatial-spectral features”

表2 图谱协同阶段的关键技术及其难点问题

关键技术 常用实现算法 存在问题与难点 发展趋势
特征分析 光谱、空间、时间、地域等多源“图-谱”特征的提取与优选算法 地物特征的计算具有不确定性,造成后续的分类存在一定的错分率 ① 构建“影像-结构-演化”紧致结构的多特征表达模型(多特征:异构时空特征表达)
② 建立高空间、高光谱与高时间分辨率大数据协同计算(多维度:多源数据协同处理)
分类 SVM、神经网络、决策树、随机森林等监督分类算法以及自训练算法、生成模型、图论方法、多视角算法等半监督分类算法 地物外在特征不能描述其本质特征,典型特征难以确定,限制了分类的精细度(即地物可分性和分类精确性)[45]

4.3 认图知谱

Fig. 5 Understanding attributes through the recognition of known diagram

图5 认图知谱

Tab. 3 The key technologies and their existing difficulties in the stage of “understanding attributes through the recognition of known diagram”

表3 认图知谱阶段的关键技术及其难点问题

关键技术 常用实现算法 存在问题与难点 发展趋势
传统地物识别技术 分割、特征提取、分类等算法 表1表2的说明 ① 建立波谱、视觉、环境和空间知识的逐步融合模型(多知识:遥感与GIS一体化)
② 发展“谱相”及“图形”间螺旋式认知的自适应计算模型(多模型:流程化、自动化)
迁移学习 实例迁移、特征迁移、参数迁移、关系知识迁移等算法 知识的形式化以及如何在不同时间、空间、尺度的先验知识中进行去伪存真以及与任务的关联
GIS空间分析 空间关系分析、叠置分析、网络分析、缓冲分析、地统计分析等算法 GIS数据与所需提取遥感信息的关联分析,以及各种GIS空间分析方法中存在的限制问题
语义推理 特征编码或表达(视觉词袋)、主题模型(概率潜语义分析pLSA、潜在狄利克雷分析LDA)、深度特征学习等算法 底层特征与高层语义间的鸿沟[8]
Fig.6 Syllogism structure in the spatial-spectral cognition of remote sensing

图6 遥感图谱认知的三段论结构

5 遥感认知计算—两步骤

Fig. 7 Calculations in the spatial-spectral cognition of remote sensing

图7 遥感图谱认知计算

5.1 自底向上分层抽象(横向:对应“由谱聚图”与“图谱协同”)

Fig.8 Hierarchical abstraction in the spatial-spectral cognition of remote sensing

图8 遥感认知计算中的分层抽象


5.2 自顶向下知识迁移(纵向:对应“认图知谱”)

Tab. 4 The form, calculation and expression of knowledge in the spatial-spectral cognition of remote sensing

表4 遥感图谱认知过程中知识的形态、计算和表达

来源 形态 表达 层次 计算 存储 迁移 应用
遥感知识 视觉知识 影像(对象)特征:色调、几何形状、纹理等波谱和和空间形态特征等 图像处理统计 对象表达特征库(表) 特征迁移 由谱聚图
参数知识 影像参数:成像时间、角度、传感器性能等 查询查阅 参数文档 参数迁移
地域知识 波谱知识 地物波谱库、纯端元地物样本库等 采集测量 波谱库(表) 特征迁移 由图聚图、
环境知识 坡度、坡向等DEM高程相关信息;温度、湿度等土地资源信息; 采集测量
带有环境特征的栅格/矢量图斑、If… Then…规则 特征/关系知识迁移
解译知识 模型知识 物理量反演模型、专题指数计算模型、定理分析模型、分类体系等 实验分析
公式、文档 参数迁移 图谱协同
物候知识 作物生长演变地学规律(季相变化物候特征)、景观格局演变规律等 时序分析 特征变化曲线 参数迁移
空间知识 空间分布 地类的地理空间分布:土地利用/覆盖解译图的图斑、空间样本位置库 目视/机器解译 带有空间位置和地类属性的栅格/矢量图斑 关系知识迁移
空间关系 阴影等相邻、相交、包含、方向等空间关系/格局知识 GIS
语义网络、拓扑 关系知识迁移

6 总结与展望

今后遥感图谱认知的工作重点可归纳为3点: (1)目前深度学习等人工智能算法在复杂的高分辨率遥感认知领域还需进一步研究,特别是如何让遥感数据与各类辅助数据紧密结合、合理地参与认知,急需探索知识的表达与推理问题,实现人工智能技术在遥感认知领域中改良和适应;

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Hinton G E.Learning to represent visual input[J]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2010,365(1537):177-184.One of the central problems in computational neuroscience is to understand how the object-recognition pathway of the cortex learns a deep hierarchy of nonlinear feature detectors. Recent progress in machine learning shows that it is possible to learn deep hierarchies without requiring any labelled data. The feature detectors are learned one layer at a time and the goal of the learning procedure is to form a good generative model of images, not to predict the class of each image. The learning procedure only requires the pairwise correlations between the activations of neuron-like processing units in adjacent layers. The original version of the learning procedure is derived from a quadratic 鈥榚nergy鈥 function but it can be extended to allow third-order, multiplicative interactions in which neurons gate the pairwise interactions between other neurons. A technique for factoring the third-order interactions leads to a learning module that again has a simple learning rule based on pairwise correlations. This module looks remarkably like modules that have been proposed by both biologists trying to explain the responses of neurons and engineers trying to create systems that can recognize objects.


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Iounousse J, Er-Raki S, Chehouani H.Using an unsupervised approach of probabilistic neural network (PNN) for land use classification from multitemporal satellite images[J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2015,30:1-13.

Demir B, Erturk S.Clustering-based extraction of border training patterns for accurate SVM classification of hyperspectral images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2009,6(4):840-844.This letter presents an accurate support vector machine (SVM)-based hyperspectral image classification algorithm, which uses border training patterns that are close to the separating hyperplane. Border training patterns are obtained in two consecutive steps. In the first step, clustering is performed to training data of each class, and cluster centers are taken as initial training data for SVM. In the second step, the reduced-size training data composed of cluster centers are used in SVM training, and cluster centers obtained as support vectors at this step are regarded to be located close to the hyperplane border. Original training samples are contained in clusters for which the cluster centers are obtained to be close to the hyperplane border and the corresponding cluster centers are then together assigned as border training patterns. These border training patterns are then used in the training of the SVM classifier. Experimental results show that it is possible to significantly increase the classification accuracy of SVM using border training patterns obtained with the proposed approach.


Knight A, Tindall D, Wilson B.A multitemporal multiple density slice method for wetland mapping across the state of Queensland, Australia[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009,30(13):3365-3392.The Australian and Queensland Governments are developing comprehensive wetland maps at a scale of 1:100聽000 for the state of Queensland, Australia. Spectral classifications for water features were developed using Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) imagery acquired over a 16-year period. A multiple density slice/supervised classification method, the Standing Water Body (SWB) method, was developed to separate the main spectral and land cover elements of wetlands (vegetation, water and shadow cast by vegetation and topographic relief) and used rules to combine spectral classes to provide multitemporal (MT) information on wetland extent and water inundation regimes for features of at least 0.25 ha. Accuracy assessment in four trial areas compared the SWB method to the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). The assessments of classified features were scale adjusted to maximum class-area proportions to enable statistical comparison and to account for the large area of non-wetland in the four trial areas. The average overall accuracy for wetland classification was 95.9% for the SWB method and 95.3% for the NDWI. The average unadjusted KHAT statistic for the wetland classification was 0.84 and 0.90 for the SWB and NDWI, respectively. The scale-adjusted KHAT statistic was much lower for both methods, averaging 0.45 for the SWB and 0.39 for the NDWI, mainly due to large omission errors. A method for the implementation of the SWB method for systematic and repeatable mapping of wetland areas is presented. The study recommends enhancement of the SWB classification through the inclusion of the NDWI classification and ancillary data such as vegetation mapping and drainage networks.


Giada S, De Groeve T, Ehrlich D, et al.Information extraction from very high resolution satellite imagery over Lukole refugee camp, Tanzania[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2003,24(22):4251-4266.This paper addresses information extraction from IKONOS imagery over the Lukole refugee camp in Tanzania. More specific, it describes automatic image analysis procedures for a rapid and reliable identification of refugee tents as well as their spatial extent. From the identified tents, the number of refugees can be derived and a map of the camp can be generated, which can be used for improving refugee camp management. Four information extraction methods have been tested and compared: supervised classification, unsupervised classification, multi-resolution segmentation and mathematical morphology analysis. The latter two procedures based on object-oriented classifiers perform best with a spatial accuracy above 85% and a statistical accuracy above 97%. These methods could be used for refugee camp information extraction in other geographical settings and on imagery with different spatial and spectral resolutions.


Song M, Civco D, Hurd J.A competitive pixel-object approach for land cover classification[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2005,26(22):4981-4997.

Zhou Y, Qiu F.Fusion of high spatial resolution WorldView-2 imagery and LiDAR pseudo-waveform for object-based image analysis[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2015,101:221-232.High spatial resolution (HSR) imagery and high density LiDAR data provide complementary horizontal and vertical information. Therefore, many studies have focused on fusing the two for mapping geographic features. It has been demonstrated that the synergetic use of LiDAR and HSR imagery greatly improves classification accuracy. This is especially true with waveform LiDAR data since they provide more detailed vertical profiles of geographic objects than discrete-return LiDAR data. Fusion of discrete-return LiDAR and HSR imagery mostly takes place at the object level due to the superiority of object-based image analysis (OBIA) for classifying HSR imagery.


Li X, Shao G.Object-based land-cover mapping with high resolution aerial photography at a county scale in midwestern USA[J]. Remote Sensing, 2014,6(11):11372-11390.

Voltersen M, Berger C, Hese S, et al.Object-based land cover mapping and comprehensive feature calculation for an automated derivation of urban structure types at block level[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014,154:192-201.ABSTRACT Cities have evolved under manifold geographical, economical, historical, and cultural criteria, resulting in various sizes and shapes. Each city exhibits individual features and unique characteristics, despite that structural similarities appear. The separation into individual patterns, commonly named urban structure types (USTs), supports the characterization of physical, functional, and energetic factors of settlement structures, enabling associated environmental and socio-economic investigations as well as the comparison between the patterns of different cities. This study presents an automated approach for the classification of USTs based on remote sensing data in order to analyze the links between settlement structures and environmental issues, such as air pollution or urban heat islands, in a later stage of the project. Initially, an object-based classification routine is implemented to identify the land cover for the city of Berlin, utilizing spatially very high resolution aerial images and object height information. UST classes are defined based on the occurrence within the study area and are delimited by block boundaries. Afterwards, indicators for the derivation of USTs are generated based on the previously derived land cover information and the most valuable features are selected with the help of Random Forests. Finally, structural units are classified, involving common and new land cover based parameters. The focus is on the generation of an automated and transferable routine for a comprehensive UST classification covering the entire city. Comparing the results with reference data, good classification accuracies for both land cover and USTs indicate the suitability of the proposed method.


Blaschke T.Object based image analysis for remote sensing[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2010,65(1):2-16.<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Remote sensing imagery needs to be converted into tangible information which can be utilised in conjunction with other data sets, often within widely used Geographic Information Systems (GIS). As long as pixel sizes remained typically coarser than, or at the best, similar in size to the objects of interest, emphasis was placed on per-pixel analysis, or even sub-pixel analysis for this conversion, but with increasing spatial resolutions alternative paths have been followed, aimed at deriving objects that are made up of several pixels. This paper gives an overview of the development of object based methods, which aim to delineate readily usable objects from imagery while at the same time combining image processing and GIS functionalities in order to utilize spectral and contextual information in an integrative way. The most common approach used for building objects is image segmentation, which dates back to the 1970s. Around the year 2000 GIS and image processing started to grow together rapidly through object based image analysis (OBIA - or GEOBIA for geospatial object based image analysis). In contrast to typical Landsat resolutions, high resolution images support several scales within their images. Through a comprehensive literature review several thousand abstracts have been screened, and more than 820 OBIA-related articles comprising 145 journal papers, 84 book chapters and nearly 600 conference papers, are analysed in detail. It becomes evident that the first years of the OBIA/GEOBIA developments were characterised by the dominance of &lsquo;grey&rsquo; literature, but that the number of peer-reviewed journal articles has increased sharply over the last four to five years. The pixel paradigm is beginning to show cracks and the OBIA methods are making considerable progress towards a spatially explicit information extraction workflow, such as is required for spatial planning as well as for many monitoring programmes.</p>




[ Gong P, Li X, Xu B.Interpretation theory and application method development for information extraction from high resolution remotely sensed data[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2006,10(1):1-5. ]

明冬萍,骆剑承,沈占锋,等.高分辨率遥感影像信息提取与目标识别技术研究[J]. 测绘科学, 2005,30(3):18-20.由于高空间分辨率遥感影像海量数据、复杂细节和尺度依赖的特点决 定了高分辨率遥感影像处理的技术难点.在总结以往高分辨率影像(航空影像)信息提取技术的主要难点和不足,从理论上和实践上分析了基于特征基元的高分辨率 遥感影像处理与分析的意义,提出了基于特征基元的高分辨率遥感影像多尺度信息提取技术框架.最后对此框架进行总结与分析,指出了目前研究中仍存在的难点和 今后的研究重点.


[ Ming D P, Luo J C, Shen Z F, et al.Research on information extraction and target recognition from high resolution remote sensing image[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2005,30(3):18-20. ]

Liang S.Quantitative remote sensing of land surfaces[M]. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

Li X, Strahler A H.Geometric-optical bidirectional reflectance modeling of the discrete crown vegetation canopy: effect of crown shape and mutual shadowing[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1992,30(2):276-292.ABSTRACT In the case where a vegetation cover can be regarded as a collection of individual, discrete plant crowns, the geometric-optical effects of the shadows that the crowns cast on the background and on one another strongly condition the brightness of the vegetation cover as seen from a given viewpoint in the hemisphere. An asymmetric hotspot, in which the shape of the hotspot is related to the shape of the plant crowns in the scene, is created. At large zenith angles illumination shadows will preferentially shadow the lower portions of adjacent crowns. Further, these shadows will be preferentially obscured since adjacent crowns will also tend to obscure the lower portions of other crowns. This effect produces a `bowl-shaped' bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) in which the scene brightness increases at the function's edges. Formulas describing the hotspot and mutual-shadowing effects are derived, and examples that show how the shape of the BRDF is dependent on the shape of the crowns, their density, their brightness relative to the background, and the thickness of the layer throughout which the crown centers are distributed are presented


Jupp D L, Strahler A H.A hotspot model for leaf canopies[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1991,38(3):193-210.

Nilson T, Kuusk A.A reflectance model for the homogeneous plant canopy and its inversion[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1989,27(2):157-167.An analytical reflectance model for a statistically homogeneous plant canopy has been developed. The most specific characteristics of the model are: 1) considering both the single and the multiple scattering of radiation in the canopy and on the soil and 2) accounting for the specular reflection of radiation on leaves and canopy hot spot. For the inversion of the model the technique suggested by Goel and Strebel (1983) has been applied. The reflectance model fits well the results of measurements both of the seasonal course of the nadir reflectance and of the angular distribution of the directional reflectance of the winter wheat and barley canopies.



[ Tong Q X, Zhang B, Zhen L F.Hyperspectral remote sensing: principle, technology and application[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2006. ]


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李小文. 地球表面时空多变要素的定量遥感项目综述[J].地球科学进展,2006,21(8):771-780.<p>对&ldquo;973&rdquo;项目&ldquo;地球表面时空多变要素的定量遥感理论及应用&rdquo;的研究工作做了综述,介绍了项目研究的科学背景、总体科学思路、研究内容和科学目标。项目经过5年的努力,在尺度效应和尺度转换理论、基于先验知识的定量遥感反演理论、同步观测和模拟试验等方面取得了一系列研究成果;成功实现了遥感模型与农学、生态学等应用模型的链接,并在精准农业、西北草场生态建设中进行了成功应用。</p>

[ Li X W.Review of the project of quantitative remote sensing of major factors for spatial-temporal heterogeneity on the land surface[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2006,21(8):771-780. ]

陈述彭. 地学信息图谱探索研究[M].北京:科学出版社,2001.

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[ Chen S P, Yue T X, Li H G.Studies on geo-informatic Tupu and its application[J]. Geographical Research, 2000,19(4):337-343. ]


[ Qi Q W, Chi T H.Research on the theory and method of geo-informatic Tupu[J]. Geographical Research, 2001,56(z1):8-18. ]

廖克. 地学信息图谱的探讨与展望[J].地球信息科学,2002,4(2):14-20.

[ Liao K.The discussion and prospect for geo-informatic Tupu[J]. Geo-information Science, 2002,4(2):14-20. ]



[ Luo J C, Zhou C H, Shen Z F, et al.Theoretic and methodological review on sensor information Tupu computation[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2009,11(5):5664-5669. ]

李德仁,童庆禧,李荣兴,等.高分辨率对地观测的若干前沿科学问题[J].中国科学:地球科学,2012,42(6):805-813.简要回顾了国际高分辨率对地观 测领域近十年来的发展,介绍了我国高分辨率对地观测领域发展的现状与规划,系统论述了从观测数据到空间信息和地学知识自动转化的机理与过程,归纳凝练出对 地观测传感网、高精度自主定位、影像理解与信息提取和聚焦服务等方面急需解决的关键科学技术问题,为我国高分辨率对地观测系统从"量"到"质"、从面向中 国到面向全球、从提供产品到提供服务的转变提出了思路.


[ Li D R, Tong Q X, Li R X, et al.Some frontier science problems of high-resolution earth observation[J]. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2012,42(6):805-813. ]


[ Sun X, Fu K, Wang H Q.High resolution remote sensing image understanding[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2011. ]



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