

  • 吴炜 , 1, * ,
  • 程熙 2 ,
  • 顾国民 1
  • 1. 浙江工业大学计算机学院,杭州 310023
  • 2. 成都理工大学地球物理学院,成都 610059

作者简介:吴 炜(1985-),男,安徽太湖人,博士,讲师,研究方向为遥感信息处理与分析。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2015-12-15

  要求修回日期: 2016-04-12

  网络出版日期: 2016-05-10




Compound Cluster Center Based Multiple Linear Regression Color Normalization Method for Remote Sensing Image

  • WU Wei , 1, * ,
  • CHENG Xi 2 ,
  • GU Guomin 1
  • 1. College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
  • 2. School of Geophysics, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China
*Corresponding author: WU Wei, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-12-15

  Request revised date: 2016-04-12

  Online published: 2016-05-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




吴炜 , 程熙 , 顾国民 . 复合类别支持的多元线性回归遥感影像色彩归一化方法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(5) : 615 -621 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00615


Due to the impacts of phonological change, sensor distortion, variation of atmospheric conditions and a lot of other factors, the images acquired at different time points for the same area are affected by color differences, Color normalization tries to eliminate /reduce color differences between different images and obtain seamless mosaic result. However, the traditional band-by-band normalization methods ignore the correlation between different bands and corrected each band independently, which may lead to new color distortion. To solve this problem, this paper presents a compound cluster center based multiple linear regression color normalization method for remote sensing image. Firstly, the source image and the reference images are primarily normalized based on the mean and variation values for every band and a new feature vector is constructed. Then, the compound clusters, which are extracted by unsupervised compound classification, are used to model the variation relationship between the two images. Afterwards,the outliers in every cluster may induce suddencolor change between the images of different time, so the outliers is identified and excluded. Last, the mapping relationship between the source image and the reference image is established with respect to the centers of clusters andall bands of source image are corrected simultaneously. The proposed method has been applied to two datasets with different land cover and spatial resolution, and results show that the proposed method can obtain color consistency result. Compared with the result of traditional method, our method over performsin preserve color and overall precision.

1 引言

回归法是从影像上提取伪不变特征(Pseudo- invariant Features,PIFs),以此建立2期影像灰度值之间的回归模型,进而对输入影像进行相对辐射校正处理,以消除辐射差异。在PIFs选取方面,主要有主成分分析[3]、多元变化检测[4]及其改进的迭代加权多元变化检测[5]、慢特征分析[6]等方法。时相不变类别[7]及分类后回归[8]等以类别为基础的PIFs提取方法相对于像元级PIFs具有更好的鲁棒性。在回归模型方面,线性模型简单有效,在此基础上逐步发展了正交回归、TS回归[9]等改进方法。为了描述多期影像上灰度值的高阶变化,支持向量回归[10]和遗传算法[11]等非线性模型也被用于建立灰度映射关系。一般来说,回归法通过提取伪不变特征建立的灰度映射关系,能够消除第(1)类因素造成的色彩差异,处理结果具有明确物理意义,且效果易于控制,但植被、水体等地物在结果影像上仍然存在色彩差异,不能满足无缝合成的需求。

2 研究方法

影像 X Y 是同一地区不同时间获取的2景影像,包含 b 个波段,可以表示为式(1)。
X = { X 1 , X 2 , , X b } Y = { Y 1 , Y 2 , , Y b } (1)
由于影像间存在着色彩差异,需要通过色彩归一化来消除。假设以影像 Y 作为参考,对影像 X 进行处理。直方图规定化是使得规定化后的影像 f ( X ) 的直方图 H ( f ( X ) ) 与影像 Y 直方图 H ( Y ) 相似程度 Sim 最高,对于第 i 个波段,传统的逐波段规定化模型 Q i 可表示为式(2)。这种方法的不足是各波段具有不同的残差,从而改变不同波段灰度值的相对关系,导致新的色彩畸变。
Q i = argmaxSim ( H ( f ( X i ) ) , H ( Y i ) ) (2)
图1(a)、(b)给出了同一地区2景影像的标准假彩色合成图,其近红外波段( B N )和红波段( B R )构成的二维直方图如图1(c)、(d)所示,颜色由红到蓝表示对应灰度值的频数逐渐降低。由此可看出:(1)影像 Y 相对于影像 X 的植被茂盛,红色更加鲜艳,即 B N B R 的相差较大,在二维直方图上远离直线 y = x 分布;(2)影像 X 整体偏暗,对比度较低,在二维直方图上大量像元分布在靠近原点的区域,且灰度值分布集中;(3)2景影像二维直方图的形状具有一定的相似性。因而,将影像 X 的多维直方图整体扭曲到参考影像 Y 的直方图,实现多波段同时处理,获得更好的色彩保持特性,该问题 Q 可以表示为式(3)。
Fig. 1 The principles of multiple dimension histogram specification

图1 多维直方图规定化原理


2.1 复合聚类

色彩校正需要建立2期影像之间的色彩变化关系,而复合分类(Compound Classification)是将2期影像的地表变化类型作为分类对象,根据地表辐射特征(表现为灰度值)的变化情况将其划分为不同的类别,称为复合类别。实现方法上,Demir等提出一种基于贝叶斯框架的后验期望最大化的复合分类方法[2],该方法能够获得地物类别转移矩阵,但需要同时考虑2期影像并选取大量的样本,限制了方法的实用性。
由于本文目标不是获取地表类别的转移信息,因而可以采用非监督方法将像元按照辐射特征变化聚为不同的类别,即复合聚类。某一像元pj在2期影像上灰度值可表示为一个 b × 2 的向量,如式(4)所示。
pj = x 1 j y 1 j x 2 j y 2 j x b j y b j (4)
式中: x i j y i j ( i = 1,2 , , b ) 分别为输入影像和参考影像在第 i 波段的灰度值;向量pj表示了2景影像上地物辐射特征的变化关系。由于不同影像的对比度差别较大,直接聚类容易导致聚类结果受对比度大的影像影响,从而失去复合聚类的意义。因此,先分别计算2景影像各个波段的均值和标准差,逐波段对各个像元进行高斯归一化,得到归一化的向量 N (pj),再对 N (pj)聚类。
k 均值聚类是通过迭代过程把数据集划分为不同的类别,使生成的每个聚类内部紧凑,而类间差异尽可能大,是一种简单而常用的聚类方法,因而本文采用 k 均值聚类以提取复合类别。聚类数目是 k 均值聚类需要确定的一个关键参数,对于1景 b 个波段的影像,多元线性回归可以表示为式(5)。
x = a 0 + i = 1 b a i x i (5)
式中: x 表示结果影像的灰度值; x i i=1,2,…,b)表示输入影像原始灰度值; a i i =0,1)为待求的参数,一共有 b + 1 个,为了进行线性方程解算,需要 b + 1 个方程。波段数目 b 一般较多,建议聚类数目设为2b
Fig. 2 The result of compound classification

图2 复合聚类结果

2.2 色彩归一化映射方程建立

根据以上分析,待剔除的点包括:(1)分布分散的点。该类点比较容易剔除,对于每个类别,只考虑该类别像元在多维直方图上构成的最大联通区域;(2)远离聚类中心的点,如图1(c)椭圆形区域内的点。根据各个像元与聚类中心的距离进行迭代去除,具体方法为:(1)计算某一类别C在各个波段的聚类中心 μ 1 和标准差 σ 1 ,其中下标1表示迭代次数;(2)剔除距离聚类中心 μ 1 3倍标准差 σ 1 以外的点,然后重新计算类别中心 μ 2 和标准差 σ 2 ;(3)计算前后2次聚类中心的差值 Δμ (式(6)),如果条件 Δμ > T μ ,则重复步骤(2)、(3),否则迭代结束,并将该类别聚类中心作为一个控制点。考虑影像的灰度值一般是整型,当灰度值变化小于1时,不能表示非整型的灰度差异,因而设置 T μ = 1 ;(4)依次将聚类得到的各个类别进行处理,得到一组控制点。图2(a)、(b)的中心点确定结果如图3所示。
Δμ = | μ 2 - μ 1 | (6)
Fig. 3 The figure indicating the mapping method of color normalization

图3 色彩归一化方程建立方法示意图

在此基础上,将影像 X Y 上各个类别的中心点作为控制点,根据最小二乘法,建立影像 X 灰度值到影像 Y 灰度值的线性映射方程,得到校正矩阵,可表示为式(7)。
( x 1 , x 2 , , x b ) = k 10 k 11 k 1 b k 20 k 21 k 2 b k b 0 k b 1 k bb ( 1 , x 1 , , x b ) T (7)
式中: k ij ( i , j = 1,2 , , b ) 表示校正系数; x b ) 表示色彩校正后的灰度值。该方法考虑了多个波段同时处理,从而避免多个波段色彩残差不一致导致的色彩差异。

3 试验结果与分析

3.1 数据与试验方法

3.1.1 试验1
试验1选取一组Landsat TM5影像,裁剪其中600像元×600像元的子区域进行试验。研究区位于浙江省临安市,土地覆被类型包括林地、湖泊以及居民点等。2期影像获取时间分别为2000年7月15日(第197天)和12月22日(第357天),其灰度差异与色彩特征包括:(1)水体、居民区、植被在近红外波段的灰度值依次升高,且交织在一起。尤其是12月22日影像整体偏暗,地物灰度级压缩,使得3种地物的灰度值交织现象更加严重;(2)随着时间变化,植被叶绿素降低,湖泊中水草和泥沙含量改变,造成影像上相应地物色彩改变。
Fig. 4 The result of experiment 1

图4 试验1处理结果

3.1.2 试验2
试验2为新疆伊犁地区的SPOT 5多光谱影像,获取时间分别为2004年9月11日和2008年8月1日。影像空间分辨率10 m,影像上细节信息丰富,标准假彩色合成如图5(a)、(b)所示。2期影像的获取时相相近,植被色彩差异相对较小;但由于影像获取时间相隔较长,城市扩张、农田中种植的作物改变、河流改道,造成较大的色彩差异,且变化幅度和方向各不相同,给色彩归一化带来困难。
Fig. 5 The original image and result of experiment 2

图5 试验2原始影像及其处理结果


3.2 试验结果及评价

对于校正后的影像,采用辐射分辨率 SR (式(8))、均方根误差 R (式(9))和线性相关性 C (式(10))3个指标进行定量评价。
SR = V ( f ( X ) ) (8)
R = 1 n j = 1 n f ( x j ) - y j 2 (9)
C = j = 1 n ( f ( x j ) - μ f ( x ) ) ( y j - μ y ) j = 1 n ( f ( x j ) - μ f ( x ) ) 2 ) j = 1 n ( y j - μ y ) 2 ) (10)
式中: f ( X ) Y 表示色彩归一化的结果影像和参考影像; V 表示频数不为0的灰度级数目; f ( x j ) y j 分别表示 f ( X ) Y 的某一像元 j 的灰度值; μ f ( x ) μ y 分别表示 f ( X ) Y 灰度均值; n 表示影像区域的像元数目; SR 表示有效的辐射分辨率; R 表示结果影像与参考影像间的整体相似程度;线性相似性 C 表示结果影像与参考影像的线性相关性,即色彩的相似程度。
表1为本文及其对比方法在近红外( B N )、红( B R )、绿( B G )3个通道的上述指标值。由表1可看出:(1)本文方法 R 值较小,说明本文结果影像与参考影像整体偏差更小;(2)本文方法 C 值较大,说明本文方法相对于对比方法具有更好的线性相关性,色彩一致性更高;(3)本文方法的 SR 大于对比方法,说明本文方法具有更多的有效灰度值,更好地保持了辐射分辨率。综上,试验中本文方法在整体精度、色彩保持方面相对于对比方法具有一定的优势。
Tab. 1 The comparison of experiment results

表1 试验结果比较

试验1 本文方法 129 110 82 7.9 6.9 9.5 0.95 0.91 0.89
对比方法 109 85 63 10.5 9.6 11.6 0.75 0.77 0.84
试验2 本文方法 160 141 127 11.3 13.1 12.5 0.82 0.85 0.84
对比方法 128 115 105 14.6 13.5 0.80 0.79

4 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Chen X, Vierling L, Deering D.A simple and effective radiometric correction method to improve landscape change detection across sensors and across time[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2005,98(1):63-79.Satellite data offer unrivaled utility in monitoring and quantifying large scale land cover change over time. Radiometric consistency among collocated multi-temporal imagery is difficult to maintain, however, due to variations in sensor characteristics, atmospheric conditions, solar angle, and sensor view angle that can obscure surface change detection. To detect accurate landscape change using multi-temporal images, we developed a variation of the pseudoinvariant feature (PIF) normalization scheme: the temporally invariant cluster (TIC) method. Image data were acquired on June 9, 1990 (Landsat 4), June 20, 2000 (Landsat 7), and August 26, 2001 (Landsat 7) to analyze boreal forests near the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), and reduced simple ratio (RSR). The temporally invariant cluster (TIC) centers were identified via a point density map of collocated pixel VIs from the base image and the target image, and a normalization regression line was created to intersect all TIC centers. Target image VI values were then recalculated using the regression function so that these two images could be compared using the resulting common radiometric scale. We found that EVI was very indicative of vegetation structure because of its sensitivity to shadowing effects and could thus be used to separate conifer forests from deciduous forests and grass/crop lands. Conversely, because NDVI reduced the radiometric influence of shadow, it did not allow for distinctions among these vegetation types. After normalization, correlations of NDVI and EVI with forest leaf area index (LAI) field measurements combined for 2000 and 2001 were significantly improved; the r 2 values in these regressions rose from 0.49 to 0.69 and from 0.46 to 0.61, respectively. An EVI 鈥渃ancellation effect鈥 where EVI was positively related to understory greenness but negatively related to forest canopy coverage was evident across a post fire chronosequence with normalized data. These findings indicate that the TIC method provides a simple, effective and repeatable method to create radiometrically comparable data sets for remote detection of landscape change. Compared to some previous relative radiometric normalization methods, this new method does not require high level programming and statistical skills, yet remains sensitive to landscape changes occurring over seasonal and inter-annual time scales. In addition, the TIC method maintains sensitivity to subtle changes in vegetation phenology and enables normalization even when invariant features are rare. While this normalization method allowed detection of a range of land use, land cover, and phenological/biophysical changes in the Siberian boreal forest region studied here, it is necessary to further examine images representing a wide variety of ecoregions to thoroughly evaluate the TIC method against other normalization schemes.


Koukal T, Suppan F, Schneider W.The impact of relative radiometric calibration on the accuracy of KNN-predictions of forest attributes[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2007,110(4):431-437.The k-nearest-neighbour (kNN) algorithm is widely applied for the estimation of forest attributes using remote sensing data. It requires a large amount of reference data to achieve satisfactory results. Usually, the number of available reference plots for the kNN-prediction is limited by the size of the area covered by a terrestrial reference inventory and remotely sensed imagery collected from one overflight. The applicability of kNN could be enhanced if adjacent images of different acquisition dates could be used in the same estimation procedure. Relative radiometric calibration is a prerequisite for this. This study focuses on two empirical calibration methods. They are tested on adjacent LANDSAT TM scenes in Austria. The first, quite conventional one is based on radiometric control points in the overlap area of two images and on the determination of transformation parameters by linear regression. The other, recently developed method exploits the kNN-cross-validation procedure. Performance and applicability of both methods as well as the impact of phenology are discussed.


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Nikolova M, Wen Y W, Chan R.Exact histogram specification for digital images using a variational approach[J]. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2012,46(3):309-325.We consider the problem of exact histogram specification for digital (quantized) images. The goal is to transform the input digital image into an output (also digital) image that follows a prescribed histogram. Classical histogram modification methods are designed for real-valued images where all pixels have different values, so exact histogram specification is straightforward. Digital images typically have numerous pixels which share the same value. If one imposes the prescribed histogram to a digital image, usually there are numerous ways of assigning the prescribed values to the quantized values of the image. Therefore, exact histogram specification for digital images is an ill-posed problem. In order to guarantee that any prescribed histogram will be satisfied exactly, all pixels of the input digital image must be rearranged in a strictly ordered way. Further, the obtained strict ordering must faithfully account for the specific features of the input digital image. Such a task can be realized if we are able to extract additional representative information (called auxiliary attributes ) from the input digital image. This is a real challenge in exact histogram specification for digital images. We propose a new method that efficiently provides a strict and faithful ordering for all pixel values. It is based on a well designed variational approach. Noticing that the input digital image contains quantization noise, we minimize a specialized objective function whose solution is a real-valued image with slightly reduced quantization noise, which remains very close to the input digital image. We show that all the pixels of this real-valued image can be ordered in a strict way with a very high probability. Then transforming the latter image into another digital image satisfying a specified histogram is an easy task. Numerical results show that our method outperforms by far the existing competing methods.


Mignotte M.An energy-based model for the image edge-histogram specification problem[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2012,21(1):379-386.Not Available


Inamdar S, Bovolo F, Bruzzone L, et al.Multidimensional probability density function matching for preprocessing of multitemporal remote sensing images[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2008,46(4):1243-1252.This paper addresses the problem of matching the statistical properties of the distributions of two (or more) multi-spectral remote sensing images acquired on the same geographical area at different times. An N-D probability density function (pdf) matching technique for the preprocessing of multitemporal images is introduced in the remote sensing domain by defining and analyzing three important application scenarios: 1) supervised classification; 2) partially supervised classification; and 3) change detection. Unlike other methods adopted in remote sensing applications, the procedure considered performs the matching process by properly taking into account the correlation among spectral channels, thus retaining the data correlation structure after the pdf matching. Experimental results obtained on real multitemporal remote sensing data sets confirm the validity of the presented technique in all the considered scenarios.


Mas J F.Monitoring land-cover changes: a comparison of change detection techniques[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1999,20(1):139-152.Six change detection procedures were tested using Landsat MultiSpectral Scanner (MSS) images for detecting areas of changes in the region of the Terminos Lagoon, a coastal zone of the State of Campeche, Mexico. The change detection techniques considered were image differencing, vegetative index differencing, selective principal components analysis (SPCA), direct multi-date unsupervised classification, post-classification change differencing and a combination of image enhancement and post-classification comparison. The accuracy of the results obtained by each technique was evaluated by comparison with aerial photographs through Kappa coefficient calculation. Post-classification comparison was found to be the most accurate procedure and presented the advantage of indicating the nature of the changes. Poor performances obtained by image enhancement procedures were attributed to the spectral variation due to differences in soil moisture and in vegetation phenology between both scenes. Methods based on classif...


Helmer E H, Ruefenacht B.Cloud-free satellite image mosaics with regression trees and histogram matching[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2005,71(9):1079-1089.This study's objective is to test whether a new strategy foe developing cloud free imagery over a project area can yield image mosaics that permit simple change detection. The strategy proposed first uses regression tree models to predict band values of cloudy pixels in a reference scene from other scene dates. It secondly matches adjacent scenes with histogram matching based only on image overlap areas. Results of the study indicate that the regression tree prediction offers an effective tool for overcoming persistent cloud cover in Landsat imagery. In addition, histogram matching based on image overlap areas permits seamless mosaicing of scenes that have undergone cloud removal with regression tree prediction. The results also show that mosaics resulting from this new strategy can support change detection in persistently cloudy regions.


