

  • 夏列钢 , * ,
  • 王卫红 ,
  • 杨海平
  • 浙江工业大学计算机科学与技术学院,杭州 310023


收稿日期: 2015-12-15

  要求修回日期: 2016-03-14

  网络出版日期: 2016-05-10





Remotely Sensed Land Patch Classification by Collaborating with Multi-Resolution Data

  • XIA Liegang , * ,
  • WANG Weihong ,
  • YANG Haiping
  • College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
*Corresponding author: XIA Liegang, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-12-15

  Request revised date: 2016-03-14

  Online published: 2016-05-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




夏列钢 , 王卫红 , 杨海平 . 多分辨率协同遥感地块利用分类方法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(5) : 649 -654 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00649


The obtaining of remotely sensed imagery may affected by design of satellite, sensors, and atmospheric conditions.Normally it is difficult to balance the temporal and spatial resolution. Which leads to the hard of information extraction from a single source remote sensing data.Obviously this may impossible to meet the application demand which ask for higher and higher resolution information on spatial and temporal. Considering the different advantages of multi-source data and the accumulation of the multi-temporal data by time,we design the classification method based on the patches for multi-source data. The patches are basic geographical units which are relatively stable on boundary and properties. With these patches, other data may reflect the spectrum performance at different time or different point of view. After calculating these features we can interpret the patches with adapt methods based on the characteristics of each land class.In the land use classification experiment of Maduo in summer of 2014, many data are collecting for cooperating classification. Long term middle resolution data cover the whole vegetation growing season and cloudless high resolution data in winter are used after solving the problem of geo-matching and multi-source compositing. Because of different advantages of these data, categories like built up, water, vegetation are interpreted separately. At last we get a high total accuracy. Not only effectively overcome the traditional perspective of insufficient data source, lack of information and complete the interpretation of the county.But also ensure the spatial and temporal resolution of land information.

1 引言


2 多分辨率协同遥感地块分类

Fig. 1 Flowchart ofthe collaborative field classification formulti-resolution data

图1 多分辨率数据协同地块分类流程

其他数据的协同应用首先需将其与地块空间进行地理匹配,其中部分原始数据根据数据特点按需进行特征表达以达到地块同化的目的。有些信息需经过地块级归纳与分析才能将其融入,有些知识需根据地块结构进行转换才能有效指导地块 的识别与理解,所有这些内容一方面能从更多角 度帮助了解地块[14],另一方面也是地块后续应用的基础。

3 土地利用分类实验

青海省玛多县是黄河的发源地,水草丰盛,被称为千湖之县[16]。由于县域面积大(约2.5万km2),前期的土地利用调查数据以30 m为主,从当地生态环境保护和资源调查的需求来看,利用最新的米级高分辨率数据进行土地利用分类可大大改进基础数据质量,提高决策的科学性和各类措施的准确性。然而,由于青藏高原特殊的地理环境,玛多县的植被生长季主要为6-9月,且雨季云影对光学遥感的观测影响较大,从国产的高分1号和资源3号卫星数据覆盖情况来看,基本不可能在半年内收集到覆盖全县的有效数据,而以多分辨率协同分类方法,利用一切可用数据完成解译任务成为最可行的解决方案。

3.1 数据源

本文土地利用分类调查以2014年夏季为基准,因此收集了2014年6-9月的ZY3数据、GF1数据、Landsat 8数据,分辨率覆盖30、16、8、5.8和2 m等多个级别(表1)。为了获得完整覆盖的高分辨率数据,还收集了2013年与2014年冬天云量相对较少的ZY3数据。同时,为了辅助解译,参考最新的道路导航数据、2010年土地利用调查数据(图2),以及玛多、治多、伍道梁和沱沱河的站点观测数据。
Tab. 1 Statistics of the remote sensing data used in this study

表1 遥感数据统计表

数据类型 分辨率/m 时相 数量/景 数据量/GB
ZY3融合 2 2013、2014冬季 37 190
GF1融合 2 2014年6-9月 21 81.9
GF1-WFV 16 2014年6-9月 26 60.8
Landsat8 30 2014年6-9月 9 10.5
Fig. 2 Land use map of Maduo county in Qinghai Province

图2 青海省玛多县土地利用图


3.2 分类流程

根据地域特点及生态调查需求,本次调查沿用了2000年中国科学院发布的全国土地利用图所设计的分类体系[17],共6个一级类25个二级类,同时根据高分辨率数据特点对人工地物、水域进行了细化,在解译过程中也根据地物特点分别采用人工或机器解译。整体上,首先,利用冬季无云的高分辨率数据进行人工地物的解译,这是由人工参考导航数据中的道路、建筑完成的,当然一些农村居住点也需要机器搜索并人工判定;其次,利用丰水季高分辨率数据尽量提取水体,云影区域采用同期16 m中分辨率数据补充,从而获得完整水体覆盖区域;最后,在排除上述2大类专题数据后,在剩余区域采用中高分辨率协同分类完成其余地物解译,具体采用高分辨率数据(夏季为主,云影区以冬季数据补充)分割地块,采用中分辨率多时相数据计算地块特征,再利用这些特征进行监督分类,实现草地、未利用地等类型的自动区分。采用了C5.0决策树分类,通过特征筛选可以有效地克服部分地块在某些时相的特征缺失(云影覆盖),此过程中的前期土地利用结果作为部分参考样本大大减少了工作量。

3.3 结果及分析

Tab. 2 Maduo county land use classification

表2 玛多县土地利用分类精度表

类别 人工用地 草地 河流 湖泊 沙地 沼泽地 裸岩石砾地 生产精度/(%)
人工用地 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.0
草地 1 169 2 0 1 2 1 96.0
河流 0 3 56 1 0 1 0 91.8
湖泊 0 1 1 68 0 1 0 95.8
沙地 0 1 0 0 17 0 0 94.4
沼泽地 0 6 1 1 0 16 0 66.7
裸岩石砾地 0 0 0 0 2 0 9 81.8
用户精度/(%) 97.5 93.9 93.3 97.1 85.0 80.0 90.0
总体精度/(%) 93.5
kappa系数 0.911

4 结论与展望


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Homer C C, Huang L, Yang B W, et al.Development of a 2001 national land-cover database for the United States[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2004,70(7):829-840.Multi-Resolution Land Characterization 2001 (MRLC 2001) is a second-generation Federal consortium designed to create an updated pool of nation-wide Landsat 5 and 7 imagery and derive a second-generation National Land Cover Database (NLCD 2001). The objectives of this multi-layer, multi-source database are twofold: first, to provide consistent land cover for all 50 States, and second, to provide a data framework which allows flexibility in developing and applying each independent data component to a wide variety of other applications. Components in the database include the following: (1) normalized imagery for three time periods per path/row, (2) ancillary data, including a 30 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived into slope, aspect and slope position, (3) per pixel estimates of percent imperviousness and percent tree canopy, (4) 29 classes of land cover data derived from the imagery, ancillary data, and derivatives, (5) classification rules, confidence estimates, and metadata from the land cover classification. This database is now being developed using a Mapping Zone approach, with 66 Zones in the continental United States and 23 Zones in Alaska. Results from three initial mapping Zones show single-pixel land cover accuracies ranging from 73 to 77 percent, imperviousness accuracies ranging from 83 to 91 percent, tree canopy accuracies ranging from 78 to 93 percent, and an estimated 50 percent increase in mapping efficiency over previous methods. The database has now entered the production phase and is being created using extensive partnering in the Federal government with planned completion by 2006.


Friedl M A, Sulla-Menashe D, Tan B, et al.MODIS collection 5 global land cover: algorithm refinements and characterization of new datasets[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2010,114(1):168-182.Information related to land cover is immensely important to global change science. In the past decade, data sources and methodologies for creating global land cover maps from remote sensing have evolved rapidly. Here we describe the datasets and algorithms used to create the Collection 5 MODIS Global Land Cover Type product, which is substantially changed relative to Collection 4. In addition to using updated input data, the algorithm and ancillary datasets used to produce the product have been refined. Most importantly, the Collection 5 product is generated at 500-m spatial resolution, providing a four-fold increase in spatial resolution relative to the previous version. In addition, many components of the classification algorithm have been changed. The training site database has been revised, land surface temperature is now included as an input feature, and ancillary datasets used in post-processing of ensemble decision tree results have been updated. Further, methods used to correct classifier results for bias imposed by training data properties have been refined, techniques used to fuse ancillary data based on spatially varying prior probabilities have been revised, and a variety of methods have been developed to address limitations of the algorithm for the urban, wetland, and deciduous needleleaf classes. Finally, techniques used to stabilize classification results across years have been developed and implemented to reduce year-to-year variation in land cover labels not associated with land cover change. Results from a cross-validation analysis indicate that the overall accuracy of the product is about 75% correctly classified, but that the range in class-specific accuracies is large. Comparison of Collection 5 maps with Collection 4 results show substantial differences arising from increased spatial resolution and changes in the input data and classification algorithm.


Dardel C, Kergoat L, Hiernaux P, et al.Re-greening Sahel: 30years of remote sensing data and field observations (Mali, Niger)[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2014,140:350-364.

Hansen M C, Potapov P V, Moore R, et al.High-resolution global maps of 21st-century forest cover change[J]. Science, 2013,342(6160):850-853.Quantification of global forest change has been lacking despite the recognized importance of forest ecosystem services. In this study, Earth observation satellite data were used to map global forest loss (2.3 million square kilometers) and gain (0.8 million square kilometers) from 2000 to 2012 at a spatial resolution of 30 meters. The tropics were the only climate domain to exhibit a trend, with forest loss increasing by 2101 square kilometers per year. Brazil's well-documented reduction in deforestation was offset by increasing forest loss in Indonesia, Malaysia, Paraguay, Bolivia, Zambia, Angola, and elsewhere. Intensive forestry practiced within subtropical forests resulted in the highest rates of forest change globally. Boreal forest loss due largely to fire and forestry was second to that in the tropics in absolute and proportional terms. These results depict a globally consistent and locally relevant record of forest change.


Gong P, Wang J, Yu L, et al.Finer resolution observation and monitoring of global land cover: first mapping results with Landsat TM and ETM+ data[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013,34(7):2607-2654.

Quartulli M, Olaizola I G.A review of EO image information mining[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013,75:11-28.We analyze the state of the art of content-based retrieval in Earth observation image archives focusing on complete systems showing promise for operational implementation. The different paradigms at the basis of the main system families are introduced. The approaches taken are considered, focusing in particular on the phases after primitive feature extraction. The solutions envisaged for the issues related to feature simplification and synthesis, indexing, semantic labeling are reviewed. The methodologies for query specification and execution are evaluated. Conclusions are drawn on the state of published research in Earth observation (EO) mining. (c) 2012 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS) Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Galleguillos C, Belongie S.Context based object categorization: a critical survey[J]. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2010,114(6):712-722.Abstract. The goal of object categorization is to locate and identify instances of an object category within an image. Recognizing an object in an image is difficult when images present occlusion, poor quality, noise or background clutter, and this task becomes even more challenging when many objects are present in the same scene. Several models for object categorization use appearance and context information from objects to improve recognition accuracy. Appearance information, based on visual cues, can successfully identify object classes up to a certain extent. Context information, based on the interaction among objects in the scene or on global scene statistics, can help successfully disambiguate appearance inputs in recognition tasks. In this work we review different approaches of using contextual information in the field of object categorization and discuss scalability, optimizations and possible future approaches. 1


Fauvel M, Chanussot J, Benediktsson J A.A spatial-spectral kernel-based approach for the classification of remote-sensing images[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2012,45(1):381-392.Classification of remotely sensed images with very high spatial resolution is investigated. The proposed method deals with the joint use of the spatial and the spectral information provided by the remote-sensing images. A definition of an adaptive neighborhood system is considered. Based on morphological area filtering, the spatial information associated with each pixel is modeled as the set of connected pixels with an identical gray value (flat zone) to which the pixel belongs: The pixel's neighborhood is characterized by the vector median value of the corresponding flat zone. The spectral information is the original pixel's value, be it a scalar or a vector value. Using kernel methods, the spatial and spectral information are jointly used for the classification through a support vector machine formulation. Experiments on hyperspectral and panchromatic images are presented and show a significant increase in classification accuracies for peri-urban area: For instance, with the first data set, the overall accuracy is increased from 80% with a conventional support vectors machines classifier to 86% with the proposed approach. Comparisons with other contextual methods show that the method is competitive.


Wulder M A, White J C, Goward S N, et al.Landsat continuity: issues and opportunities for land cover monitoring[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2008,112(3):955-969.Initiated in 1972, the Landsat program has provided a continuous record of earth observation for 35years. The assemblage of Landsat spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions, over a reasonably sized image extent, results in imagery that can be processed to represent land cover over large areas with an amount of spatial detail that is absolutely unique and indispensable for monitoring, management, and scientific activities. Recent technical problems with the two existing Landsat satellites, and delays in the development and launch of a successor, increase the likelihood that a gap in Landsat continuity may occur. In this communication, we identify the key features of the Landsat program that have resulted in the extensive use of Landsat data for large area land cover mapping and monitoring. We then augment this list of key features by examining the data needs of existing large area land cover monitoring programs. Subsequently, we use this list as a basis for reviewing the current constellation of earth observation satellites to identify potential alternative data sources for large area land cover applications. Notions of a virtual constellation of satellites to meet large area land cover mapping and monitoring needs are also presented. Finally, research priorities that would facilitate the integration of these alternative data sources into existing large area land cover monitoring programs are identified. Continuity of the Landsat program and the measurements provided are critical for scientific, environmental, economic, and social purposes. It is difficult to overstate the importance of Landsat; there are no other systems in orbit, or planned for launch in the short-term, that can duplicate or approach replication, of the measurements and information conferred by Landsat. While technical and political options are being pursued, there is no satellite image data stream poised to enter the National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive should system failures occur to Landsat-5 and -7.


Marsetic A, Ostir K, Fras M K.Automatic orthorectification of high-resolution optical satellite images using vector roads[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015,53(11):6035-6047.This paper presents a completely automatic processing chain for orthorectification of optical pushbroom sensors. The procedure is robust and works without manual intervention from raw satellite image to orthoimage. It is modularly divided in four main steps: metadata extraction, automatic ground control point (GCP) extraction, geometric modeling, and orthorectification. The GCP extraction step uses georeferenced vector roads as a reference and produces a file with a list of points and their accuracy estimation. The physical geometric model is based on collinearity equations and works with sensor-corrected (level 1) optical satellite images. It models the sensor position and attitude with second-order piecewise polynomials depending on the acquisition time. The exterior orientation parameters are estimated in a least squares adjustment, employing random sample consensus and robust estimation algorithms for the removal of erroneous points and fine-tuning of the results. The images are finally orthorectified using a digital elevation model and positioned in a national coordinate system. The usability of the method is presented by testing three RapidEye images of regions with different terrain configurations. Several tests were carried out to verify the efficiency of the procedure and to make it more robust. Using the geometric model, subpixel accuracy on independent check points was achieved, and positional accuracy of orthoimages was around one pixel. The proposed procedure is general and can be easily adapted to various sensors.


Tulbure M G, Broich M.Spatiotemporal dynamic of surface water bodies using Landsat time-series data from 1999 to 2011[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2013,79:44-52.Detailed information on the spatiotemporal dynamic in surface water bodies is important for quantifying the effects of a drying climate, increased water abstraction and rapid urbanization on wetlands. The Swan Coastal Plain (SCP) with over 1500 wetlands is a global biodiversity hotspot located in the southwest of Western Australia, where more than 70% of the wetlands have been lost since European settlement. SCP is located in an area affected by recent climate change that also experiences rapid urban development and ground water abstraction. Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery from 1999 to 2011 has been used to automatically derive a spatially and temporally explicit time-series of surface water body extent on the SCP. A mapping method based on the Landsat data and a decision tree classification algorithm is described. Two generic classifiers were derived for the Landsat 5 and Landsat 7 data. Several landscape metrics were computed to summarize the intra and interannual patterns of surface water dynamic. Top of the atmosphere (TOA) reflectance of band 5 followed by TOA reflectance of bands 4 and 3 were the explanatory variables most important for mapping surface water bodies. Accuracy assessment yielded an overall classification accuracy of 96%, with 89% producer's accuracy and 93% user's accuracy of surface water bodies. The number, mean size, and total area of water bodies showed high seasonal variability with highest numbers in winter and lowest numbers in summer. The number of water bodies in winter increased until 2005 after which a decline can be noted. The lowest numbers occurred in 2010 which coincided with one of the years with the lowest rainfall in the area. Understanding the spatiotemporal dynamic of surface water bodies on the SCP constitutes the basis for understanding the effect of rainfall, water abstraction and urban development on water bodies in a spatially explicit way. (C) 2013 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Inc. (ISPRS) Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Wozniak M, Grana M, Corchado E.A survey of multiple classifier systems as hybrid systems[J]. Information Fusion,2014,16:3-17.A current focus of intense research in pattern classification is the combination of several classifier systems, which can be built following either the same or different models and/or datasets building approaches. These systems perform information fusion of classification decisions at different levels overcoming limitations of traditional approaches based on single classifiers. This paper presents an up-to-date survey on multiple classifier system (MCS) from the point of view of Hybrid Intelligent Systems. The article discusses major issues, such as diversity and decision fusion methods, providing a vision of the spectrum of applications that are currently being developed.




[ Huang Z G, Yang J.Review of High-1 satellite image monitoring rice planting area[J]. Hunan Agricultural Sciences, 2014,13:76-78. ]

Blaschke T, Hay G J, Weng Q, et al.Collective sensing: integrating geospatial technologies to understand urban systems-an overview[J]. Remote Sensing, 2011,3(8):1743-1776.Cities are complex systems composed of numerous interacting components that evolve over multiple spatio-temporal scales. Consequently, no single data source is sufficient to satisfy the information needs required to map, monitor, model, and ultimately understand and manage our interaction within such urban systems. Remote sensing technology provides a key data source for mapping such environments, but is not sufficient for fully understanding them. In this article we provide a condensed urban perspective of critical geospatial technologies and techniques: (i) Remote Sensing; (ii) Geographic Information Systems; (iii) object-based image analysis; and (iv) sensor webs, and recommend a holistic integration of these technologies within the language of open geospatial consortium (OGC) standards in-order to more fully understand urban systems. We then discuss the potential of this integration and conclude that this extends the monitoring and mapping options beyond "hard infrastructure" by addressing "humans as sensors", mobility and human-environment interactions, and future improvements to quality of life and of social infrastructures.


Demir B, Bovolo F, Bruzzone L.Updating land-cover maps by classification of image time series: A novel change-detection-driven transfer learning approach[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2013,51(1):300-312.This paper proposes a novel change-detection-driven transfer learning (TL) approach to update land-cover maps by classifying remote-sensing images acquired on the same area at different times (i.e., image time series). The proposed approach requires that a reliable training set is available only for one of the images (i.e., the source domain) in the time series whereas it is not for another image to be classified (i.e., the target domain). Unlike other literature TL methods, no additional assumptions on either the similarity between class distributions or the presence of the same set of land-cover classes in the two domains are required. The proposed method aims at defining a reliable training set for the target domain, taking advantage of the already available knowledge on the source domain. This is done by applying an unsupervised-change-detection method to target and source domains and transferring class labels of detected unchanged training samples from the source to the target domain to initialize the target-domain training set. The training set is then optimized by a properly defined novel active learning (AL) procedure. At the early iterations of AL, priority in labeling is given to samples detected as being changed, whereas in the remaining ones, the most informative samples are selected from changed and unchanged unlabeled samples. Finally, the target image is classified. Experimental results show that transferring the class labels from the source domain to the target domain provides a reliable initial training set and that the priority rule for AL results in a fast convergence to the desired accuracy with respect to Standard AL.




[ Zhang S, Shao Q Q, Liu J Y, et al. Land use and landscape pattern change in Madoi county, the source region of Yellow River[J]. Geo-Information Science, 2007, 9(4):109-115,128,Cover 2.]

刘纪远,刘明亮,庄大方,等.中国近期土地利用变化的空间格局分析[J].中国科学D辑,2002,32(12):1031-1040.在全球环境变化研究中, 土地利用和土地覆被动态越来越被认为是一个关键而迫切的研究课题. 依据覆盖中国1990年代末期5 a时间间隔的陆地卫星数据资料, 研究了土地利用变化的特征和空间分布规律. 依据土地利用动态度的概念, 在1 km格网土地利用变化数据基础上, 根据区域近期土地利用动态特点与社会、自然环境综合特征, 设计了全国土地利用动态区划图, 揭示了土地利用变化过程的空间格局. 总体上, 传统农作区(包括黄淮海平原、长江三角洲地区和四川盆地等)城镇居民建设用地的扩张侵占了大面积的耕地, 而北方农牧交错带与西北绿洲农业区由于生产条件、经济利益和气候变化等方面的原因, 耕地开垦现象最为突出. 国家退耕还林还草政策的实施效果在局部地区有所体现, 但截至2000年, 尚未对土地覆被变化产生区域性的影响, 此5 a期间森林砍伐现象依然比较严峻. 本项研究, 实现了中国现代土地利用动态区域单元的划分, 揭示了中国现代土地利用变化的时间-空间属性并为其特征分析提供了区域格局框架. 该项研究是地理科学对研究对象的"空间格局"与"时间过程"特征进行集成研究, 揭示研究对象"变化过程的格局", 以及"格局的变化过程"的一次有益的尝试.


[ Liu J Y, Liu M L, Zhuang D F, et al.Spatial pattern analysis of land-use change in recent China[J]. Science in China (Series D), 2002,32(12):1031-1040. ]

Wickham J D, Stehman S V, Gass L, et al.Accuracy assessment of NLCD 2006 land cover and impervious surface[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013,130:294-304.Release of NLCD 2006 provides the first wall-to-wall land-cover change database for the conterminous United States from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) data. Accuracy assessment of NLCD 2006 focused on four primary products: 2001 land cover, 2006 land cover, land-cover change between 2001 and 2006, and impervious surface change between 2001 and 2006. The accuracy assessment was conducted by selecting a stratified random sample of pixels with the reference classification interpreted from multi-temporal high resolution digital imagery. The NLCD Level II (16 classes) overall accuracies for the 2001 and 2006 land cover were 79% and 78%, respectively, with Level II user's accuracies exceeding 80% for water, high density urban, all upland forest classes, shrubland, and cropland for both dates. Level I (8 classes) accuracies were 85% for NLCD 2001 and 84% for NLCD 2006. The high overall and user's accuracies for the individual dates translated into high user's accuracies for the 2001-2006 change reporting themes water gain and loss, forest loss, urban gain, and the no-change reporting themes for water, urban, forest and agriculture. The main factor limiting higher accuracies for the change reporting themes appeared to be difficulty in distinguishing the context of grass. We discuss the need for more research on land-cover change accuracy assessment Published by Elsevier Inc.


