作者简介:束邱恺(1991-),男,浙江台州人,硕士生,主要从事土地利用评价、土地信息技术等研究。E-mail: 2013109010@njau.edu.cn
收稿日期: 2016-02-05
要求修回日期: 2016-03-25
网络出版日期: 2016-06-10
国土资源部重点地区土地综合承载力调查评价项目(DCPJ 14-8.1)
Calculating Ecological Value of Land Use in the Coastal Areas of Jiangsu Province
Received date: 2016-02-05
Request revised date: 2016-03-25
Online published: 2016-06-10
江苏沿海地区生态价值的测算评价对于区域土地合理利用、优化配置具有重要的指导意义。根据江苏沿海地区土地利用和生态服务特征构建了江苏沿海地区耕地、城镇工矿用地、林地和沿海滩涂4个主要地类的生态价值体系以及综合当量因子法、价值量评价法、市场价值法、专家评估法、生产成本法和偿付意愿法等的生态价值测算方法模型,基于土地利用数据、播种面积、产出值、单产价格、降雨量以及废水、废气及烟(粉)尘排放量等数据测算了2011年江苏沿海地区现状土地利用生态价值。结果表明,江苏沿海地区耕地的生态价值均值为6178.95元/hm2、城镇工矿用地的生态价值为-5163.26元/hm2、林地的生态价值为16 438.42元/hm2、沿海滩涂的生态价值为8125.53元/hm2;连云港市、南通市、盐城市的耕地、林地、沿海滩涂都产生了正向的生态价值,共计104.55、4.56、23.28亿元,而这3个城市的建设用地造成了一定的生态价值损失,共计-28.53亿元。
束邱恺 , 高永年 , 刘友兆 , 王燕 , 鲍桂叶 . 江苏沿海地区土地利用生态价值测算评估[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(6) : 787 -796 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00787
Calculating the ecological value of Jiangsu coastal region provides a significant guidance for making decisions regarding the scientific utilization of regional land and the optimized allocation of resources. According to the characteristics of land exploitation and the ecological services of Jiangsu coastal region, an ecological value-assessing indicator system was constructed by analyzing four primary types of land use, including farmland, urban industrial and mining land, woodland and coastal beach. Also, the assessment models used for calculating the ecological value of Jiangsu coastal region were constructed by incorporating the integrated equivalent factor method, the value evaluation method, the market valuation method, the expert evaluation method, the production cost method and the contingent valuation method. Based on a series of data, including the land exploitation data, the sown area, the output value, the unit price, the annual precipitation, and the discharge of waste water, waste gas and dust emission, the ecological value of land exploration in Jiangsu coastal region during 2011 was calculated. The results showed that: the unit ecological values of farmland in each city were similar, averagely being around 6000 yuan/hm2. The ecological value yielded by the urban and industrial land in Nantong is reaching up to -7720.68 yuan/hm2; meanwhile, the ecological value yielded by the urban and industrial land in Lianyungang was relatively smaller. The modified ecological value of woodland was considerably high, which is much greater than the ecological values of farmland and coastal beach. According to the area and mean ecological value of the four primary types of land use in the Jiangsu coastal region, it could be calculated that the total ecological value of Jiangsu coastal areas in 2011 was 10.386 billion yuan. From the multi-disciplinary perspectives, in 2011, the ecological values of farmland, urban industrial and mining land, woodland and coastal beach in Jiangsu coastal area were 6178.95 yuan/hm2, -5163.26 yuan/hm2, 16 438.42 yuan/hm2, and 8125.53 yuan/hm2 respectively, which were calculated based on the average value of three cities. From the perspective of different cities, in 2011, the ecological values of farmland, urban industrial and mining land, woodland, and coastal beach of Lianyungang city were 2.406, -0.376, 0.243 and 0.183 billion yuan respectively. The ecological values of farmland, urban industrial and mining land, woodland, and coastal beach of Yancheng city were 5.414, -1.107, 0.206 and 1.118 billion yuan respectively. The ecological values of farmland, urban industrial and mining land, woodland, and coastal beach of Nantong city were 2.635, -1.37, 0.007 and 1.027 billion yuan respectively. And the adding-up total ecological values of farmland, urban industrial and mining land, woodland, and coastal beach in Jiangsu province were 10.455, -2.853, 0.456 and 2.328 billion yuan respectively. Among them, it could be found that the total ecological value of woodland was relatively smaller, considering that it has a relative smaller area.
Key words: ecological value; land usage; coastal area; Jiangsu coastal areas
Fig.1 The administrative map of Jiangsu coastal area and the land use map图1 江苏沿海地区行政区划与土地利用分布图 |
Tab.1 Ecological value system in the coastal areas of Jiangsu Province表1 江苏沿海地区生态价值体系表 |
地类 | 生态价值因子 | 生态效果 |
耕地 | 水源调节 | 正向 |
水土保持 | 正向 | |
气候调节 | 正向 | |
气体调节 | 正向 | |
生物多样性维持 | 正向 | |
土壤净化 | 正向 | |
非点源总氮输出负荷 | 负向 | |
非点源总磷输出负荷 | 负向 | |
城镇工矿用地 | 废水污染 | 负向 |
废气及烟(粉)尘污染 | 负向 | |
林地 | 涵养水源量 | 正向 |
节约土地资源 | 正向 | |
减轻泥沙淤积 | 正向 | |
增加氮磷钾元素积累 | 正向 | |
减少氮磷钾元素流失 | 正向 | |
固碳 | 正向 | |
制氧 | 正向 | |
吸收污染物 | 正向 | |
阻滞粉尘 | 正向 | |
沿海滩涂 | 土壤形成 | 正向 |
岸堤保护 | 正向 | |
有机质产生 | 正向 | |
去除营养盐 | 正向 | |
去除重金属 | 正向 | |
固碳 | 正向 | |
制氧 | 正向 |
3.2.1 耕地生态价值测算 |
Fig.2 The model of ecological service value图2 生态服务价值模型 |
Tab.2 Farmland's eco-magnitude in the coastal areas of Jiangsu Province表2 江苏沿海地区耕地生态价值量 |
耕地生态价值体系 | 当量值 | 效益值/(元/hm2) | |||||
连云港市 | 贡献率/(%) | 盐城市 | 贡献率/(%) | 南通市 | 贡献率/(%) | ||
涵养水源 | 0.60 | 1334.8 | 10.66 | 1358.7 | 10.66 | 1320.7 | 10.66 |
水土保持 | 1.46 | 3248.1 | 25.94 | 3306.2 | 25.93 | 3213.6 | 25.95 |
改善小气候 | 0.89 | 1980.0 | 15.81 | 2015.4 | 15.80 | 1959.0 | 15.82 |
改善大气质量 | 0.50 | 1112.4 | 8.88 | 1132.3 | 8.88 | 1100.6 | 8.89 |
生物多样性 | 0.71 | 1579.5 | 12.61 | 1607.8 | 12.61 | 1562.8 | 12.62 |
土壤净化 | 1.64 | 3648.5 | 29.14 | 3713.8 | 29.12 | 3609.8 | 29.15 |
非点源氮输出负荷 | - | -367.3 | -2.93 | -367.3 | -2.88 | -367.3 | -2.97 |
非点源磷输出负荷 | - | -15.0 | -0.12 | -15.0 | -0.12 | -15.0 | -0.12 |
小计 | 12 521.0 | 100.00 | 12 751.7 | 100.00 | 12 384.1 | 100.00 |
Tab.3 Urban and industrial lands' eco-magnitudes in the coastal areas of Jiangsu Province表3 江苏沿海地区城镇工矿用地生态价值量 |
城镇工矿用地生态价值体系 | 生态价值/(元/hm2) | |||||
连云港市 | 贡献率/(%) | 盐城市 | 贡献率/(%) | 南通市 | 贡献率/(%) | |
废水污染 | -2460.5 | 81.40 | -4834.1 | 91.78 | -6501.8 | 82.85 |
废气污染 | -516.0 | 17.07 | -368.7 | 7.00 | -1127.5 | 14.37 |
烟(粉)尘 | -46.1 | 1.53 | -64.4 | 1.22 | -218.8 | 2.79 |
小计 | -3022.6 | 100.00 | -5267.2 | 100.00 | -7848.1 | 100.00 |
Tab.4 Woodland's eco-magnitude in the coastal areas of Jiangsu Province表4 江苏沿海地区林地生态价值量 |
林地生态价值体系 | 价值量/(元/hm2) | |||||
连云港市 | 贡献率/(%) | 盐城市 | 贡献率/(%) | 南通市 | 贡献率/(%) | |
涵养水源量 | 5346.4 | 32.28 | 4472.4 | 27.11 | 4612.3 | 28.29 |
节约土地资源 | 81.5 | 0.49 | 83.2 | 0.50 | 24.6 | 0.15 |
减轻泥沙淤积 | 51.3 | 0.31 | 48.6 | 0.29 | 46.4 | 0.28 |
增加氮磷钾元素积累 | 634.0 | 3.83 | 600.0 | 3.64 | 579.2 | 3.55 |
减少氮磷钾元素流失 | 1757.5 | 10.61 | 2265.8 | 13.73 | 2002.4 | 12.28 |
固定二氧化碳 | 648.2 | 3.91 | 699.3 | 4.24 | 685.7 | 4.21 |
制氧 | 3641.5 | 21.99 | 3928.6 | 23.81 | 3952.1 | 24.24 |
吸收污染物 | 103.2 | 0.62 | 103.2 | 0.63 | 103.2 | 0.63 |
阻滞粉尘 | 4297.8 | 25.95 | 4297.8 | 26.05 | 4297.8 | 26.36 |
总计 | 16 561.4 | 100.00 | 16 498.9 | 100.00 | 16 303.7 | 100.00 |
Tab.5 Ecological value of the coastal beach in Jiangsu Province表5 江苏沿海滩涂生态价值量 |
沿海滩涂生态价值体系 | 服务价值/(元/hm2) | 贡献率/(%) |
土壤形成 | 2333.7 | 28.06 |
岸堤保护 | 1772.3 | 21.31 |
有机质生产 | 2288.8 | 27.52 |
净化水质 | 1500.3 | 18.04 |
改善大气气候 | 422.5 | 5.08 |
合计 | 8316.7 | 100.00 |
Tab.6 Ecological values of different land use types in the coastal areas of Jiangsu Province表6 江苏沿海地区不同土地利用类型生态价值量 |
地区 | 土地利用类型 | /(元/hm2) | /(元/hm2) | H | /(元/hm2) | 总量/亿元 |
连云港市 | 耕地 | 12 521.0 | 8943.6 | 1.40 | 6132.73 | 24.06 |
盐城市 | 12 751.7 | 8943.6 | 1.43 | 6478.97 | 54.14 | |
南通市 | 12 384.1 | 8943.6 | 1.38 | 5925.17 | 26.35 | |
连云港市 | 城镇工矿 | -3022.6 | -1000.0 | 3.02 | -2691.76 | -3.76 |
盐城市 | -5267.2 | -1000.0 | 5.27 | -5077.35 | -11.07 | |
南通市 | -7848.1 | -1000.0 | 7.85 | -7720.68 | -13.70 | |
连云港市 | 林地 | 16 561.4 | 517.1 | 32.03 | 16 545.26 | 2.43 |
盐城市 | 16 498.9 | 517.1 | 31.91 | 16 482.70 | 2.06 | |
南通市 | 16 303.7 | 517.1 | 31.53 | 16 287.30 | 0.07 | |
沿海地区 | 沿海滩涂 | 8316.7 | 1260.8 | 6.60 | 8125.53 | 23.28 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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