

  • 王旭 ,
  • 吴吉东 , * ,
  • 王海 ,
  • 李宁
  • 1. 北京师范大学 环境演变与自然灾害教育部重点实验室,北京 100875
  • 2. 北京师范大学 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,北京 100875
  • 3. 北京师范大学 民政部教育部减灾与应急管理研究院,北京 100875
*通讯作者:吴吉东(1981-), 男, 副教授, 研究方向为自然灾害综合评价。E-mail:

作者简介:王旭(1992-), 男, 硕士生, 研究方向为自然灾害经济损失评估。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2015-12-04

  要求修回日期: 2016-03-31

  网络出版日期: 2016-07-15





Comparison of GDP Spatialization in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Based on Night Light and Population Density Data

  • WANG Xu ,
  • WU Jidong , * ,
  • WANG Hai ,
  • LI Ning
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster, MOE, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • 3. Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management, MOE & MCA, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
*Corresponding author: WU Jidong, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-12-04

  Request revised date: 2016-03-31

  Online published: 2016-07-15


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




王旭 , 吴吉东 , 王海 , 李宁 . 基于夜间灯光和人口密度数据的京津冀GDP空间化对比[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(7) : 969 -976 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00969


As an important indicator in measuring the economic development level of a region, GDP spatialization is of great significance to study the socio-economic heterogeneity. The ancillary spatial density data selection is the key technique in controlling the GDP spatialization′s accuracy. In this paper, the prefectural GDP statistics is distributed to grid cells according to the spatial distribution information of GDP such as the population density (LandScan, AsiaPop) and night light data in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. Moreover, the absolute errors and relative errors of the GDP disaggregation at county-level are both calculated in order to compare the errors among the three different ancillary data as mentioned above. These results can provide a reasonable reference to ancillary spatial density data selection in GDP disaggregation. The results show that, the spatial distributions of the three types of ancillary spatial density data for GDP have revealed their own advantages and disadvantages. Comparing with both of the night light and the LandScan data, the AsiaPop simulation generally has the smallest error, especially in the suburban districts and rural areas of Beijing where the GDP tends to be overestimated, while the GDP is often underestimated in the economically developed city centers. For the LandScan simulation, six counties have presented a relative error of more than 200%, as the LandScan data are concentrated in Beijing and Tianjin, while the suburban districts and counties have also been overestimated. The AsiaPop simulation has only three counties (which locate in Tianjin) presenting a relative error being more than 200%. Because of the spatial heterogeneity of the economic activities, the GDP disaggregation error will increase with respect to the refinement of the administrative units, therefore, using the single-generation data to reasonably reflect the spatial distribution of economic activities is difficult, we need to take advantage of the distribution data such as the night light, roads, housing distribution and cell phone signals to improve the GDP disaggregation′s accuracy in future, and to reflects the GDP distribution characteristics in a more detailed manner. High-quality exposure data not only provide the basic data for the study of spatial analysis of natural disaster risk, but also provide a reference for other multidisciplinary research fields; meanwhile, the comprehensive application of using both the multi-source remote sensing data and the statistics data is the trend for socio-economic data spatialization.

1 引言

社会经济统计数据空间化研究主要包括人口空间化和经济数据(如GDP)空间化。其中,人口空间化研究较多,多基于土地利用类型、夜间灯光、道路分布及坡度等数据,使用面插值[6-9]、回归分析等方法,将人口统计数据较好地展布到空间单元上[10-11];不同于人口数据,GDP不存在实体,空间分布情况较抽象,只能在一定分辨率内表达,最早使用面插值的方法来进行GDP的空间分配[8-9],随着遥感技术的发展,学者们逐步开始利用土地利用遥感数据结合面积权重法、反距离加权法、距离衰减加幂指数模型等分产业建模,并建立了中国1 km格网GDP数据集[3,12-13]。近些年,夜间灯光数据在社会经济问题分析中得到广泛应用,何春阳等利用夜间灯光数据讨论了研究区的城市化过程[14];王鹤饶归纳总结了现有夜间灯光数据的研究进展及应用前景,分析了灯光强度数据和社会经济发展水平之间的关系[15];为了弥补夜间灯光数据的灯光溢出现象,韩向娣等利用夜间灯光数据与各产业的对数线性关系,分产业进行建模,结果显示土地利用数据对于工业生产总值有较好的表达效果[16]。近几年,夜间灯光数据在估计GDP的空间分布、人类居住模式以及城市化进程研究中都有很好的应用[17-20],吴建生等发现人均光消费与GDP的倒U型关系[21],周玉科等研究了GDP与人口数据之间的关系,但只基于国家和省级区域尺度[22]

2 数据来源与方法

Fig.1 Flow chart of GDP spatialization

图1 GDP空间化技术流程图

2.1 数据来源

本文的人口数据为2010年AsiaPop和LandScan数据,夜间灯光数据为2012年数据(表1)。AsiaPop主要遵循史蒂芬等提供的随机森林回归树为基础的映射方法,集合出100 m×100 m栅格单元人口密度分布图,与以土地覆盖为基础的方法比较,其输出精度明显改善[23]
全球人口动态统计分析数据库(LandScan)是美国能源部橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL)运用地理信息系统和遥感等方法,基于土地利用类型、夜间灯光、道路坡度、城市密度等多种地理因子建立模型后开发的被认为是具有最佳分辨率、最为准确、最可靠的全球1 km分辨率人口分布商业数据集[24]

2.2 GDP空间化方法

Tab.1 Introduction of the data used in this study

表1 本文使用的数据信息表

数据名称 数据类型 空间分辨率 年份 基础数据依据 数据来源
AsiaPop 栅格 0.00083333°(赤道约100 m) 2010 人口调查数据、卫星遥感数据、手机网络信号等 www.worldpop.org.uk[23]
LandScan 栅格 0.0083333°(赤道约1 km) 2010 土地利用类型、夜间灯光、道路、坡度等 ORNL[24]
夜间灯光 栅格 0.0083333°(赤道约1 km) 2012 夜间灯光灰度值 NOAA
GDP/人均GDP 统计 市级、县级 2013 国家统计局[25]
行政区底图 矢量 市级、县级 2010 国家基础地理信息中心
GD P ij = GDP × N V ij SNV (1)
式中: GD P ij 为空间展布后的栅格单元值; GDP 为该栅格单元所在市级行政单元的 GDP 统计值; N V ij 为所使用的代用数据在该栅格的单元值; SNV 为该市代用数据栅格单元值之和。
为了对空间化效果进行检验,本文使用绝对误差的中位数、相对误差的均值、相对误差的方差、平均绝对偏差、均方根误差等指标分析空间展布后的 n 个县级模拟值 GD P 与实际统计的 GDP 差异。其中,相对误差 E 和均方根误差RMSE的计算公式如式(2)、(3)所示。
E = GD P - GDP GDP × 100 % (2)
RMSE = i = 1 n GDP - GD P 2 n (3)

3 GDP空间化模拟及分析

3.1 空间化代用数据与GDP的相关性分析


3.2 GDP空间化模拟结果

基于相关性分析结果,根据上述空间化方法以代用数据空间密度分布为依据,利用ArcGIS 10.2平台将上述3种代用数据的市级GDP空间展布到栅格单元上,得到基于不同代用数据的京津冀地区市级GDP空间分布栅格图(图2)。由于代用数据生成所依据的原始信息差异以及表现出来的空间分布特征,相对于LandScan的GDP空间化结果,夜间灯光和AsiaPop空间化的空间格局更加接近,特别是在河北北部一些县区GDP主要集中在市辖区及周边,GDP零值呈大片分布,相反LandScan的GDP零值仅有零星分布。
Fig.2 GDP spatialization results of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region based on different ancillary data in 2013

图2 基于不同代用数据的2013年京津冀地区GDP空间化结果

3.3 GDP空间化模拟结果误差对比分析

Tab.2 Comparison of the GDP spatialization errors based on different ancillary data

表2 基于不同代用数据的GDP空间化模拟结果误差对比

数据展布 绝对误差的中位数 E的均值[最值] E的方差 平均绝对偏差 RMSE
夜间灯光 228 510 0.42 [-0.95, 5.44] 0.80 0.59 6 165 793
LandScan 260 094 0.41 [-0.73, 5.75] 0.61 0.52 5 331 930
AsiaPop 214 947 0.27 [-0.98, 3.48] 0.40 0.46 4 623 166
Tab.3 Extreme-value statistics of the GDP spatialization errors based on different ancillary data

表3 基于不同代用数据的GDP空间化模拟误差极值统计

误差项 夜间灯光数据 LandScan数据 AsiaPop数据
县区名 E 人均GDP/万元 县区名 E 人均GDP/万元 县区名 E 人均GDP/万元
GDP被高估的前10个县区 延庆县 5.44 2.92 红桥区* 5.75 2.72 红桥区* 3.48 2.72
通州区 3.36 3.77 河东区* 3.68 2.94 河东区* 3.05 2.94
大兴区 3.29 2.86 蓟县 3.21 3.49 河北区* 2.05 3.94
平谷区 3.21 4.00 延庆县 2.86 2.92 蓟县 1.83 3.49
密云县 3.15 4.10 河北区* 2.36 3.94 大兴区 1.79 2.86
门头沟区 2.90 4.10 平谷区 2.03 4.00 昌平区 1.72 2.95
昌平区 2.57 2.95 门头沟区 1.86 4.10 曲阳县 1.66 1.00
房山区 2.53 4.77 密云县 1.84 4.10 威县 1.25 0.88
怀柔区 2.51 5.25 海兴县 1.74 1.46 魏县 1.22 1.24
静海县 2.34 6.71 曲阳县 1.48 1.00 唐县 1.19 1.06
GDP被低估的前10个县区 和平区* -0.95 18.87 滨海新区 -0.73 28.78 康保县 -0.98 1.52
西城区* -0.94 21.69 保定市辖区* -0.69 5.76 赤城县 -0.90 2.38
东城区* -0.92 17.28 沧州市辖区* -0.66 15.52 沽源县 -0.88 1.72
河西区* -0.81 6.77 西城区* -0.65 21.69 尚义县 -0.81 1.66
南开区* -0.79 5.21 宽城满族自治县 -0.61 8.56 崇礼县 -0.73 3.07
保定市辖区* -0.76 5.76 衡水市辖区* -0.57 5.40 丰宁满族自治县 -0.69 2.15
沧州市辖区* -0.75 15.52 津南区* -0.57 8.83 保定市辖区* -0.67 5.76
河北区* -0.74 3.94 武安市 -0.56 7.34 宽城满族自治县 -0.63 8.56
邢台市辖区* -0.74 5.61 沙河市 -0.52 5.00 滨海新区 -0.62 28.78
海淀区* -0.66 10.72 邢台市辖区* -0.51 5.61 张北县 -0.61 2.11
Fig.3 Relative error distribution of the GDP spatialization based on different ancillary data in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei

图3 基于不同代用数据的京津冀GDP空间展布相对误差分布图


4 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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江东,王乃斌,刘红辉.人口数据空间化的处理方法[J].地理学报,2002,57(B12):70-75.在人口空间分布区划的基础上,利用基于LANDSAT TM信息获取的1:10万比例尺的土地利用/覆盖数据,建立与统计人口数据的多元相关关系模型,计算各种士地利用类型中的居住人口系数,在GIS支持下计 算出全国1km格网人口空间分布数据,然后结合DEM数据、居民点分布数据对空间化处理结果进行修正,并在各大区内随机抽样若干县采集乡镇行政边界和统计 人口数据对模型计算结果进行了验证.


[ Yang X ., Jiang ., Wang N ., et al.Method of pixelizing population data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2002,57(B12):70-75. ]


[ Ye ., Liu G ., Feng X F.Presentation of spatial distribution of population and its application[J]. Geo-Information Science, 2006,8(2):59-65. ]



[ Zhong K ., Li J ., Zhang X D.GDP spatialization in land sustainable use assessment[J]. Journal of Geomatics, 2007,32(3):10-12. ]

黄莹,包安明,陈曦,等.新疆天山北坡干旱区GDP时空模拟[J].地理科学进展,2009,28(4):494-502.<p>针对资源环境研究领域对空间型社会经济数据的需求,本文以新疆天山北坡为试验区,在分析区域经济发展特征的基础上,根据分县控制、分产业建模的思路,建立基于土地利用的1 km栅格GDP空间化模型对统计型经济数据进行空间分布仿真模拟。对第一产业产值采用面积权重的方法进行拟合;对第二产业建立基于道路的反距离加权模型;第三产业则以城镇规模为基础,通过引入城市边缘距离概念建立多中心的距离衰减加幂指数模型。结果表明,天山北坡GDP空间分布模拟在分产业和分县水平上具有较高精度,模拟值与真实值间的相对误差均在1%以内。从研究区GDP的空间分布来看,高值区主要集中在米泉至沙湾一线,以乌鲁木齐市、石河子市以及克拉玛依市为核心向周围地区辐射;城市内部GDP密度由城市中心向外围递减,建成区GDP密度明显高于城郊及农村地区。1995、2000和2007年三期GDP模拟结果的对比较真实地反映了区域经济发展的历程,对准确把握区域经济动态具有一定的实用价值。</p>


[ Huang ., Bao A ., Chen X., et al.GIS based space-time simulation of GDP in arid regions: taking the northern slope of Tianshan mountains as an example[J]. Progress in Geography, 2009,28(4):494-502. ]

何春阳,李景刚,陈晋,等.基于夜间灯光数据的环渤海地区城市化过程[J].地理学报,2005,60(3):409-417.<p>利用1992年、1996年和1998年的三期DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据, 提取了区域尺度的环渤海地区20世纪90年代的城市群空间信息, 建立了城市群地区面状、线状和点状城市化空间模式, 分析了环渤海城市群地区20世纪90年代的城市化过程。基本结论如下:① 20世纪90年代环渤海城市群地区城市斑块数量增长较快, 城市化过程明显, 但小斑块所占比重较大, 城市斑块破碎度增加。同时, 区域内城市重心基本维持在经度117.93<sup>o</sup>和纬度38.49<sup>o</sup>附近, 整体上表现出向西北方向移动的趋势。② 20世纪90年代环渤海城市群地区城市化过程基本上可以从空间上概括为在中心城市和大城市周围的面状城市化过程、沿交通干线周围的线状城市化过程和广大区域内以新兴小城市或小城镇出现为特征的点状城市化过程三种基本过程。其中, 面状城市化过程一直居于优势地位, 但面状城市化过程的基本有效范围主要局限在面状城市斑块周围3~4 km范围。线状城市化过程和点状城市过程所占的比例相对较小, 但表现出明显的增强趋势, 在区域内的影响范围正逐渐扩大。</p>

[ He C ., Li J ., Chen ., et al.The urbanization model and process in Bohai Sea surrounding area in the 1990s by using DMSP/OLS data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005,60(3):409-417. ]

王鹤饶,郑新奇,袁涛.DMSP/OLS数据应用研究综述[J].地理科学进展,2012,31(1):11-19.DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据 主要包括稳定灯光数据、辐射标定夜间灯光强度数据、非辐射标定夜间灯光强度数据3种产品。该数据产品具有获取容易、能够探测低强度灯光、不受光线阴影影 响、方便为城市化强度及其时空分异分析提供条件等优点。目前,关于DMSP/OLS数据的研究成果已有很多,主要集中于城市发展研究、人类活动及效应研 究、生态环境影响研究等方面,但对成果的系统归纳总结性研究却几乎没有。基于此,本文分析比较了现有DMSP/OLS数据研究实例,针对已有成果研究目 的、技术方法以及方法优缺点等进行归纳总结,探索DMSP/OLS夜间灯光平均强度数据的应用前景。最后,总结了该数据的未来研究趋势:①对数据本身处理 方法深入研究;②数据应用领域应进一步扩展;③DMSP/OLS数据与其他数据模型的集成研究应进一步深化;④将现有研究成果结合,进一步研究地理现象机 制问题。


[ Wang H ., Zheng X ., Yuan T.Overview of researches based on DMSP/OLS nighttime light data[J]. Progress in Geography, 2012,31(1):11-19. ]


[ Han X ., Zhou ., Wang S ., et al.GDP spatialization in China based on DMSP/OLS data and land use data[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2012,27(3):396-405. ]

Shi ., Yu ., Huang ., et al.Evaluating the ability of NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data to estimate the gross domestic product and the electric power consumption of China at multiple scales: a comparison with DMSP-OLS data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2014,6(2):1705-1724.

Cauwels ., Pestalozzi ., Sornette D.Dynamics and spatial distribution of global nighttime lights[J]. EPJ Data Science, 2014,3(1):1-26.Using open source data, we observe the fascinating dynamics of nighttime light. Following a global economic regime shift, the planetary center of light can be seen moving eastwards at a pace of about 60 km per year. Introducing spatial light Gini coefficients, we find a universal pattern of human settlements across different countries and see a global centralization of light. Observing 160 different countries we document the expansion of developing countries, the growth of new agglomerations, the regression in countries suffering from demographic decline and the success of light pollution abatement programs in western countries.


Ma ., He ., Wu ., et al.Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns of urban impervious surfaces in China: an improved assessment using nighttime light data[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2014,130:36-49.Quantifying the spatiotemporal patterns of impervious surfaces (ISs) is crucial for assessing the environmental impacts of urbanization. Nighttime light (NTL) data provide a new way of mapping urban IS on broad scales. However, the accuracy of this approach is currently low and thus further improvements are much needed. Here we have estimated the urban IS dynamics of China from 1992 to 2009 using the Vegetation Adjusted NTL Urban Index (VANUI), which combines NTL and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. With VANUI, we were able to quantify the spatiotemporal patterns of IS in China with a much higher accuracy than previous methods. Key to this improvement was VANUI's ability to alleviate the problem of saturation inherently associated with NTL data. Our study shows that the total urban IS area of China increased substantially from 10,614.23km 2 in 1992 to 31,147.63km 2 in 2009, at an annual increase rate of 6.54%. China's urban IS expansion exhibited pronounced regional differences, with six large “hotspot” areas where urban IS expanded most substantially. These hotspot regions accounted for 0.87% of China's total land area, but 37.66% of the total area of urban IS expansion during 1992–2009. Measures of urban IS are not only important for characterizing urbanization patterns and processes, but also essential for assessing ecological and environmental impacts of urbanization. Our results provide a valuable dataset and new insights for better understanding the speed and scope of China's recent urbanization, as well as for designing and developing sustainable cities in China and beyond.


Fan ., Ma ., Zhou ., et al.Comparative estimation of urban development in China's cities using socioeconomic and DMSP/OLS night light data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2014,6(8):7840-7856.China has been undergoing a remarkably rapid urbanization process in the last several decades. Urbanization is a complicated phenomenon involving imbalanced transformation processes, such as population migrations, economic advancements and human activity dynamics. It is important to evaluate the imbalances between transformation processes to support policy making in the realms of environmental management and urban planning. The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program鈥檚 Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) nighttime lights time series imagery provides a consistent and timely measure to estimate socioeconomic dynamics and changes in human activity. In this study, we jointly compared the annual ranks of three variables: the population, the gross domestic product (GDP) and the sum of weighted DMSP/OLS nighttime lights to estimate spatial and temporal imbalances in the urbanization processes of 226 cities in China between 1994 and 2011. We used ternary plots and a Euclidean distance-based method to quantitatively estimate the spatial and temporal imbalances between cities and to classify diverse urban development patterns in China. Our results suggest that, from 1994 to 2011, the imbalances of urbanization processes observed in the eastern, western and middle cities decreased, respectively, by 35.26%, 29.04% and 25.84%; however, imbalances in the northeast increased by 33.29%. The average decrement in imbalances across all urbanization processes in the 226 cities was 17.58%. Cities in the eastern region displayed relatively strong attractions to population, more rapid economic development processes and lower imbalances between socioeconomic and anthropogenic dynamics than cities in other regions. Several types of urban development patterns can be identified by comparing the morphological characteristics of temporal ternary plots of the 226 cities in China. More than one third (35.40%) of the 226 cities presented balanced states during the period studied; however, the remainder showed alternative urban development patterns.


Wu ., Wang ., Li ., et al.Exploring factors affecting the relationship between light consumption and GDP based on DMSP/OLS nighttime satellite imagery[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013,134:111-119.We consider night light as a type of consumer goods and propose a model for factors affecting the relationship between night lights and GDP. It is then decomposed into agricultural and non-agricultural productions. Further, the model is modified to determine how the factors affect residents' propensity to consume lights. Models are tested with time-fixed regression on a set of 15-year panel data of 169 countries globally and regionally. We find that light consumption propensity is affected by GDP per capita, latitude, spatial distribution of human activities and gross saving rate, and that light consumption per capita has an inverted-U relationship with GDP per capita. (c) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Zhou ., Ma ., Zhou ., et al.Nighttime light derived assessment of regional inequality of socioeconomic development in China[J]. Remote Sensing, 2015,7(2):1242-1262.Satellite-derived nighttime light (NTL) data have been extensively used as an efficient proxy measure for monitoring urbanization dynamics and socioeconomic activity. This is because remotely sensed NTL signals can be quantitatively connected to demographic and socioeconomic variables at regional and global scales. The recently composited cloud-free NTL imagery derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi-NPP) satellite provides spatially detailed observations of human settlements. We quantitatively estimated socioeconomic development inequalities across 30 provinces and municipalities in mainland China using VIIRS NTL data associated with both regional gross domestic product (GDP) and population census data. We quantitatively investigated relations between NTL, GDP, and population using a linear regression model. Our results suggest that NTL radiances have significant positive correlations with GDP and population at different levels. Several inequality coefficients, commonly used in economics, were derived from VIIRS NTL data and statistical data at multiple spatial scales. Compared with the statistical data, NTL-derived inequality coefficients enabled us to elicit more detailed information on differences in regional development at multiple levels. Our study of provinces and municipalities revealed that county-level inequality was more significant than city-level inequality. The results of population-weighted NTL inequality indicate an obvious regional disparity with NTL distribution being more unequal in China鈥檚 undeveloped western regions compared with more developed eastern regions. Our findings suggest that given the timely and spatially explicit advantages of VIIRS, NTL data are capable of providing comprehensive information regarding inequality at multiple levels, which is not possible through the use of traditional statistical sources.


Stevens F ., Gaughan A ., Linard ., et al.Disaggregating census data for population mapping using Random forests with remotely-sensed and ancillary data[J]. PloS one, 2015,10(2):e0107042.High resolution, contemporary data on human population distributions are vital for measuring impacts of population growth, monitoring human-environment interactions and for planning and policy development. Many methods are used to disaggregate census data and predict population densities for finer scale, gridded population data sets. We present a new semi-automated dasymetric modeling approach that incorporates detailed census and ancillary data in a flexible, 鈥淩andom Forest鈥 estimation technique. We outline the combination of widely available, remotely-sensed and geospatial data that contribute to the modeled dasymetric weights and then use the Random Forest model to generate a gridded prediction of population density at ~100 m spatial resolution. This prediction layer is then used as the weighting surface to perform dasymetric redistribution of the census counts at a country level. As a case study we compare the new algorithm and its products for three countries (Vietnam, Cambodia, and Kenya) with other common gridded population data production methodologies. We discuss the advantages of the new method and increases over the accuracy and flexibility of those previous approaches. Finally, we outline how this algorithm will be extended to provide freely-available gridded population data sets for Africa, Asia and Latin America.


Bhaduri ., Bright ., Coleman ., et al.LandScan USA: a high resolution geospatial and temporal modeling approach for population distribution and dynamics[J]. GeoJournal, 2007, 69:103-117.High-resolution population distribution data are critical for successfully addressing important issues ranging from socio-environmental research to public health to homeland security, since scientific analyses, operational activities, and policy decisions are significantly influenced by the number of impacted people. Dasymetric modeling has been a well-recognized approach for spatial decomposition of census data to increase the spatial resolution of population distribution. However, enhancing the temporal resolution of population distribution poses a greater challenge. In this paper, we discuss the development of LandScan USA, a multi-dimensional dasymetric modeling approach, which has allowed the creation of a very high-resolution population distribution data both over space and time. At a spatial resolution of 3聽arc seconds (鈭90聽m), the initial LandScan USA database contains both a nighttime residential as well as a baseline daytime population distribution that incorporates movement of workers and students. Challenging research issues of disparate and misaligned spatial data and modeling to develop a database at a national scale, as well as model verification and validation approaches are illustrated and discussed. Initial analyses indicate a high degree of locational accuracy for LandScan USA distribution model and data. High-resolution population data such as LandScan USA, which describes both distribution and dynamics of human population, clearly has the potential to profoundly impact multiple domain applications of national and global priority.



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[ Ye ., Yang X ., Jiang D.The grid scale effect analysis on town leveled population statistical data spatialization[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2010,12(1):40-47. ]

陈晴,侯西勇.集成土地利用数据和夜间灯光数据优化人口空间化模型[J].地球信息科学学报,2015,17(11):1370-1377.人口统计数据空间化是解决统计 数据与自然要素数据融合分析的有效途径。随着RS和GIS技术的发展,人口统计数据空间化方法推陈出新,其中,土地利用数据、夜间灯光数据是人口空间化研 究中普遍利用的数据源,但各有优、缺点:土地利用数据中的城镇用地、农村居民点能准确表示人口分布的空间范围,却不能反映其内部的人口密度差异特征;夜间 灯光数据的强度信息能体现人口分布的疏密程度,但其像元溢出问题显著夸大人口分布范围,像元过饱和现象也影响着人口数据空间化结果的精度。本研究以中国大 陆沿海区域为例,尝试集成土地利用数据和夜间灯光数据优化人口空间化方法,设计了基于精度阈值和动态样本的渐进回归与分区建模的方法,获得了中国沿海 2000、2005、2010年1 km分辨率人口空间化数据。结果表明,优化模型显著提高了研究区整体的精度,尤其适用于人口空间结构内部差异较为显著的区域。


[ Chen ., Hou X Y.An improved population spatialization model by combining land use data and DMSP/OLS data[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2015,17(11):1370-1377. ]

韩向娣,周艺,王世新,等.夜间灯光遥感数据的GDP空间化处理方法[J].地球信息科学学报,2012,14(1):128-136.随着夜间灯光遥感数据的应用日渐成熟和资源环境研究领域,对空间型社会经济数据的需求增加,利用相关分析和回归分析的方法,首次定量探讨夜间灯光数据与统计型的社会经济数据的空间关系。为提高模型精度,按照我国省级行政边界分区建模,分析全国县级的地区生产总值、第一产业、第二产业、第三产业分别与夜间灯光指数的空间相关关系,最终建立全国的1km GDP密度图。结果表明,全国范围的夜间灯光数据与第一产业的相关性不明显,相关系数0.554,模型拟合效果差,R<sup>2</sup>为0.306;夜间灯光数据与地区生产总值、第二产业、第三产业均有明显的对数线性关系,尤其是与第二产业和第三产业之和,相关系数为0.824,R<sup>2</sup>为0.679。利用分区模型估算,生成的GDP密度图能较完整地反映全国社会经济分布详况,以及宏观分布特征。


[ Han X ., Zhou ., Wang S ., et al.GDP spatialization in China based on nighttime imagery[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2012,14(1):128-136. ]

卓莉,史培军,陈晋. 20世纪90年代中国城市时空变化特征——基于灯光指数CNLI方法的探讨[J].地理学报,2003,58(6):893-902.<p>用DMSP/OLS夜间平均灯光强度图像在区域上的扩展特征和聚集特征构建了一反映区域城市化综合水平的灯光指数CNLI (compounded night light index) , 并分别在省级和县级尺度上对CNLI与基于统计数据的城市化水平指数做了相关分析,结果表明CNLI与基于统计数据的城市化水平复合指数显著相关,最后用CNLI分析了中国省际城市化水平的时空特征。CNLI为客观、实时监测城市化水平的空间格局及其发展变化提供了新的指标和方法。</p>

[ Zhuo ., Shi P ., Chen J.Application of compound night light index derived from DMSP/OLS data to urbanization analysis in China in the 1990s[J]. Journal of Geography, 2003,58(6):893-902. ]



[ Zhuo ., Chen ., Shi P ., et al.Modeling population density of China in 1998 based on DMSP/OLS nighttime light image[J] Journal of Geography, 2005,60(2):266-276. ]



[ Lv A ., Li C ., Lin Z J.et al.Spatial continuous surface model of population density[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2003,32(4):344-348. ]



[ Liao S ., Li Z H.Study on spatialization of population census data based on relationship between population distribution and land use[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2003,18(6):659-665. ]

柏中强,王卷乐,杨飞.人口数据空间化研究综述[J].地理科学进展,2013,32(11):1692-1702.人口数据空间化研究旨在发掘和展现人口统计数据中隐含的空间信息,并以地理格网或其他区域划分的形式再现客观世界的人口分布,具有重要的科学意义。人口空间分布数据有助于从不同地理尺度和地理维度对人口统计数据形成有益补充,其应用广泛,相关研究方兴未艾。主要从以下3 个方面对人口数据空间化研究进行综述:① 主要空间化方法的原理及其适用性;② 空间化中用到的建模参考因素,并结合具体应用案例分析其作用机理;③ 典型人口空间化数据集。在此基础上,分析了现阶段人口数据空间化所运用的输入数据的质量和详细程度、尺度效应及时空分辨率、长时间序列数据集和精度检验等方面存在的问题;并探讨了人口数据空间化未来的研究方向。


[ Bai Z ., Wang J ., Yang F.Research progress in spatialization of population data[J]. Progress in Geographic, 2013,32(11):1692-1702. ]


[ Dong G ., Guo T ., Ma J.Spatial dependence, heterogeneity and economic convergence of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan region[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2010,30(5):679-685. ]

卓莉,张晓帆,郑璟,等.基于EVI指数的DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据去饱和方法[J].地理学报,2015,70(8):1339-1350.<p>DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据被广泛应用于表征人类活动强度及其生态环境影响的诸多研究中,但因OLS传感器设计的局限,在用电强度较高的城市中心,灯光信号存在明显的饱和,这一不足可能影响到一些基于夜间灯光数据研究成果的可靠性。针对这一问题,NOAA-NGDC研发了辐射定标算法,但因缺乏星上定标系统,算法较为复杂,且受较多条件限制等原因,目前只有部分时期的辐射定标数据产品(RCNTL)。近期有学者提出一种基于植被指数NDVI构建的城市灯光指数VANUI,为灯光数据去饱和研究提供了一个操作简单且结果良好的方法,但该方法在一些城市效果不佳。基于此,本文综合利用夜间灯光与EVI指数信息,通过对VANUI指数构建方法进行改进,建立了一个新的缓解夜间灯光强度饱和的EANTLI指数。为了评价指数的效果,将EANTLI与VANUI从三个方面进行比较:① 区分、识别饱和区内地物的能力;② 与RCNTL的拟合程度;③ 对用电量估算的效果。结果表明:EANTLI在三个方面均表现出优势,在潜在饱和区内对特征地物具有更高的可区分性,与RCNTL的线性相关程度更高,与用电量的相关性相比于NTL、VANUI亦明显提高。因此可以认为EANTLI在指数的设计上较为合理,不仅易于计算,而且能达到较好的缓解灯光强度饱和、凸现城市内部差异的目的,在用于反演城市发展指标时能获得更为准确的结果,因此具有较高的应用价值。</p>


[ Zhuo ., Zhang X ., Zheng ., et al.An EVI-based method to reduce saturation of DMSP/OLS nighttime light data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015,70(8):1339-1350. ]

