

  • 唐玉芝 , 1, 2 ,
  • 邵全琴 , 1, *
  • 1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
  • 2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049


收稿日期: 2015-09-21

  要求修回日期: 2016-02-19

  网络出版日期: 2016-07-15



Water Conservation Capacity of Forest Ecosystem and Its Spatial Variation in the Upper Reaches of Wujiang River

  • TANG Yuzhi , 1, 2 ,
  • SHAO Quanqin , 1, *
  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
*Corresponding author: SHAO Quanqin, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-09-21

  Request revised date: 2016-02-19

  Online published: 2016-07-15


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


乌江流域是西南地区重要经济中心的生态和安全屏障,其上游地区长年面临水土流失和土地石漠化等问题,严重影响到当地和长江沿岸人民的生产生活。本文基于贵州省毕节地区2010年森林二类调查小班数据,运用综合能力蓄水法对乌江上游地区森林生态系统水源涵养量进行估算,分析了水源涵养能力的空间分异特征,并使用线性回归和相关分析法对森林水源涵养能力与林地海拔、坡度和土地退化类型之间的关系进行了深入探讨。结果表明:(1)2010年,研究区森林生态系统的水源涵养总量为563.05×106 m3,单位面积水源涵养量达774.73 t/hm2,水源涵养能力分布表现为东部地区自东北向西南逐渐减弱、西部地区强弱相间的碎片化分布特征;(2)随着林地海拔的升高,森林单位面积水源涵养量表现出显著的下降趋势(P<0.01),海拔平均每上升1000 m,单位水源涵养量相应减少90.56 t/hm2左右;(3)森林水源涵养能力与坡度呈显著的负相关(P<0.01),坡度平均每增加1°,单位水源涵养量相应减少2.44 t/hm2;(4)土地退化对森林水源涵养功能的影响较大,退化土地的森林水源涵养能力较非退化土地平均下降23.50%。正确认识森林生态系统的水源涵养功能及其空间差异,对了解当地森林生态系统现状,以及制订实施更有针对性、更高效的水资源可持续利用和生态环境恢复及建设等相关政策具有重要意义。


唐玉芝 , 邵全琴 . 乌江上游地区森林生态系统水源涵养功能评估及其空间差异探究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(7) : 987 -999 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.00987


As the longest tributary on the right bank of upper Yangtze River, while also occupying the largest basin area in Guizhou Province, Wujiang River is of great importance to the economic and ecological environment in Yangtze Basin and Southwest China. However, the upper reaches of Wujiang River are suffering from long-term soil erosion and land degradation, which has threatened the local safety and development. This paper, based on the forest resource inventory data of Bijie prefecture in Guizhou Province in 2010, aims to estimate the water conservation of forest ecosystem in the upper reaches of Wujiang River and to analyze its spatial variation. The relationship between the unit water conversation of forest ecosystem, which is regarded as the Forest Water Conservation Capacity (FWCC) in this paper, and elevation, slope and land degradation types was deeply explored. The integrated storage capacity method and the linear regression was employed. The results show that: (1) In 2010, the water conservation of forest ecosystem in the study area was 563.05 million cubic meters in total, yielding a water conservation of 774.73 t/hm2 per unit area. FWCC presented a pattern of gradually decreasing from northeast to southwest in the east region, and an uneven pattern in the west region. (2) A significant (P<0.01) negative correlation was found between FWCC and elevation, that FWCC decreased by 90.56 t/hm2 with every 1 km increase in elevation. (3) FWCC significantly (P<0.01) decreased by 2.44 t/hm2 with every 1 degree increase in slope. (4) Land degradation showed a strong negative effect to FWCC, and the FWCC of degraded land dropped by 23.50% on average compared with the non-degraded land. A better understanding of the water conservation function and its spatial variation of forest ecosystem would be helpful to learn the status of local forest ecosystem, and to formulate and implement the sustainable utilization of water resources, as well as the restoration and construction of ecological environment, under the guidance of more targeted and efficient policies.

1 引言

在森林生态系统水源涵养服务研究方面,国内外侧重方向有所不同。国内学者对森林生态系统水源涵养的研究相当深入,相关文献十分丰富,不同学者根据各自的理解使用了不同的计算方法。例如,温远光和刘世荣[5]通过收集与统计大量文献资料,从林冠层、枯枝落叶层和土壤层3个森林水文作用层出发,比较分析了中国主要森林生态系统类型的降水截留规律;Guo等[7]采用综合蓄水能力法对神农架地区兴山县森林生态系统的水源涵养服务进行了评估;邓坤枚等[3]则将长江上游森林划分为暗针叶林、其它针叶林、阔叶林、经济林、竹林和灌木林6种类型,利用年降雨量和林冠截留量数据,计算了长江上游地区森林生态系统的年涵养水源量;张彪等[8]使用区域水量平衡法对北京市森林生态系统进行了估算,并比较了不同区县、不同森林类型以及位于不同海拔高度和坡位上的森林水源涵养功能差异。此外,传统的评估方法还包括土壤蓄水能力法、地下径流增长法、多因子回归法等,而近些年来3 S技术的飞速发展和复杂性科学模型的兴起,又为森林生态系统水源涵养量的精确计算创造了新的途径[9-13]。不同于国内,国外学者更关注森林生态水文过程和功能[14-17],探讨森林与径流的关系[18-20],以及森林自身结构属性和土地利用/覆被变化对水文参数(土壤含水量、蒸散发、区域产水量等)的影响[21-24]。例如,Brauman等[25]通过比较夏威夷科纳2个具有相同优势树种但不同森林结构林地的林冠层截持量和雾云截留量,发现森林结构对森林水文通量具有明显的影响;Cornish等[26]利用配对集水区法,研究发现澳大利亚Karuah集水区域的再生桉树林区蒸发散和产水量的显著下降,而这主要是受森林生长率、林冠覆盖度和土壤厚度的影响。
乌江属于长江一级干流,全长1037 km,流域面积达8.79 × 104 km2,其中约77%位于贵州省境内,是长江上游右岸最大支流、贵州省流域面积最大的河流,乌江流域森林生态的变化,关系着长江流域和西南地区的生态环境状况和社会经济发展,此外对西南地区生态安全屏障的功能和效应也影响深远。由于深处西南地区喀斯特腹地,乌江上游地形破碎、土壤薄瘠,生态环境十分脆弱,加上20世纪60年代以后大面积的毁林开荒,其森林覆盖率由1957年的12.84%下降到5.8%[27],水土流失和土地退化的现象十分严重[28]。作为西南地区水源的重要发源地之一,乌江上游地区森林生态系统水源涵养功能对当地乃至长江中下游地区意义重大。

2 研究区概况

研究区位于贵州省毕节地区的东部至中部(104°15′~106°43′E,26°21′~27°35′N),面积达到1.779 × 104 km2,约占整个乌江流域面积的20.23%,境内流经六冲河、三岔河、落脚河、耳海河、鸭池河、偏岩河6条乌江支流,其中六冲河和三岔河为乌江水系的主要源头。该区域地处滇东高原向黔中山区丘陵过渡的倾斜地带,地势自西南向东北逐渐下降,海拔范围在690~2888 m之间,平均海拔1595 m。流域属北亚热带湿润季风气候,多年(1981-2010年)平均降水量865.9 mm,年均气温l3.0 ℃,年均蒸发量698.1 mm,年均日照时数1165.1 h,年均相对湿度81%,年均无霜期在250 d左右。风向以东南风为主导,年均风速0.9 m/s数据来源于中国气象科学数据共享服务网。。该地区属典型的喀斯特地貌,出露岩石以沉积岩为主,其中又以碳酸盐岩类居多,主要土壤类型包括黄棕壤、黄壤、红壤、石灰土、紫色土和山地灌丛草甸土等。区内植被具有明显的中亚热带特征,主要植被类型包括以华山松(Pinus armandii)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)、柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)为代表的针叶林,以栎类(Quercus)、桦类(Betula)、杨树(Populus)为代表的阔叶林,以梨桃类(Malus & Pyrus)、核桃(Juglans regia)、板栗(Castanea mollissima)为代表的经济林,此外还分布有大面积的灌丛。2010年,研究区森林植被多为人工林和次生林,主要分布在中幼龄林龄组,空间上呈碎片化分布。区内石漠化土地面积占比达26.27%,主要集中在研究区中北部。
Fig.1 Location of the study area in the upper reaches of Wujiang River, Bijie prefecture

图1 毕节地区乌江上游研究区地理位置

3 研究方法

3.1 数据的来源与处理

Tab.1 General characteristics of different vegetation types in the study area

表1 研究区不同森林类型基本概况

森林类型 海拔范围/m 平均郁闭度 平均胸径/cm 活立木蓄积量/(m3/hm2 平均土层厚度/cm 主要优势树种
温性针叶林 786~2854 0.394 8.239 15.890 42.36 华山松、柳杉
暖性针叶林 714~2566 0.475 12.003 36.826 39.09 马尾松、云南松、杉木
暖性针阔混交林 782~2450 0.419 10.302 24.944 42.00 针阔混交林
落叶阔叶林 705~2472 0.399 9.443 19.197 42.27 桦类、椴类、杨树
常绿落叶阔叶混交林 722~2677 0.532 9.097 20.827 36.67 栎类
常绿阔叶林 777~2618 0.523 9.301 25.185 38.04 樟类、楠类
暖性竹林 804~2074 0.703 4.368 0.003 52.92 毛竹、杂竹
经济林 738~2442 0.311 3.597 2.838 44.44 梨桃类、核桃、板栗
灌丛 708~2886 0.489 0.003 0.004 31.70 杂灌、茶叶、火棘
Tab.2 Relevant parameters adopted in the water conservation estimations of different vegetation types in the study area and their literature references

表2 研究区不同森林类型水源涵养量估算的相关参数及其文献来源

森林类型 林冠层截留率/(%) 枯落物层单位最大持水量/(t/hm2 土壤层非毛管孔隙度/(%) 文献来源
温性针叶林 28.73 25.67 10.16 [32]、[33]、[4]
暖性针叶林 28.50 37.69 8.91 [32]、[34]、[4]
暖性针阔混交林 24.33 34.08 12.13 [34]、[33]、[34]
落叶阔叶林 20.19 32.46 9.15 [34]、[33]、[34]
常绿落叶阔叶混交林 22.57 32.66 15.32 [32]、[33]、[4]
常绿阔叶林 18.14 18.62 10.31 [34]、[34]、[34]
暖性竹林 18.83 20.69 11.77 [32]、[33]、[4]
经济林 29.32 23.8 8.65 [35]、[31]、[36]
灌丛 24.56 15.97 9.80 [35]、[33]、[37]


林地海拔数据使用了毕节地区ASTER GDEM V2数字高程数据,来源于中国科学院计算机网络信息中心地理空间数据云(www.gscloud.cn),空间分辨率为30 m。该数据经过投影变换和掩膜提取,以满足研究需要。
Fig.2 Spatial distribution of different vegetation types in the study area

图2 研究区森林类型空间分布图

3.2 评估方法

3.2.1 森林生态系统水源涵养功能估算方法
根据该区的实际情况和特殊地理位置以及现有资料数据,本文采用综合蓄水能力法对乌江流域森林生态系统的水源涵养功能进行估算。综合蓄水能力法综合考虑了林冠层截留量(Canopy Interception)、枯落物持水量(Litter Containment)和土壤层贮水量(Soil Storage)3个层次[38],其中,林冠层截留量可通过截留率与降水量计算,枯落物持水量通过凋落物存量与最大(或有效)持水能力计算,土壤层蓄水量通过土壤非毛管孔隙度和土壤厚度计算。
Q = CI + LC + SS (1)
式中: Q 为森林涵养水量/m3; CI 为林冠层截留 量/m3; LC 为枯落物持水量/m3; SS 为土壤层贮水 量/m3
(1)林冠截留降水量 ( CI ) 。林冠对降水的截留是森林植物对降水的最初分配,其截留量除与冠层自身的结构、林分郁闭度、叶形等有关外,降雨量和降雨强度及风等都是其重要的影响因子[39]。其计算公式如式(2)所示。
CI = i = 1 n R α i A i / 10 (2)
式中: R 表示单次最大降水量/mm; α i 表示第 i 类森林类型的林冠截留率/(%); A i 表示第 i 类森林类型的面积/hm2
(2)枯枝落叶层持水量 ( LC ) 。枯枝落叶层是对降水拦蓄的第二作用层,是评价森林生态系统涵养水源功能的重要因素,其大小取决于其结构、分解状况、枯枝落叶积累量以及枯落物的持水能力。其计算公式如式(3)所示。
LC = i = 1 n β i A i (3)
式中: β i 表示第 i 类森林类型的枯枝落叶层最大持水量/(t/hm2); A i 表示第 i 类森林类型的面积/hm2
(3)土壤蓄水量 ( SS ) 。林地土壤的持水性能是评价森林生态系统涵养水源能力最主要的指标之一,土壤入渗速度的快慢、土壤的孔隙状况以及土层厚度是决定森林土壤水源涵养能力的重要因素。其计算公式如式(4)所示。
SS = i = 1 n γ i h i A i (4)
式中: γ i 表示第 i 类森林类型的土壤非毛管孔隙 度/(%); h i 表示第 i 类森林类型的土层厚度/cm; A i 表示第 i 类森林类型的面积/hm2
3.2.2 统计分析方法
为了研究森林生态系统水源涵养能力与海拔和坡度这2个立地条件之间是否存在相关关系以及相关关系的密切程度,运用线性回归法分别对森林水源涵养能力与海拔、坡度进行线性拟合,建立线性方程,并进行相关关系统计和显著性检验,通过相关系数r和显著性水平 P 值进行判断,具体计算方法参见文献[40]。

4 结果与分析

4.1 森林生态系统水源涵养能力总体特征分析

2010年,毕节地区乌江上游森林生态系统的水源涵养总量为563.05×106 m3,森林面积726.77×103 hm2,单位面积水源涵养量达774.73 t/hm2。其中,林冠层截留量269.84×106 m3,枯落物层持水量18.04×106 m3,土壤层蓄水量275.17×106 m3,贡献率依次为42.92%、3.20%、48.87%,土壤层的水源涵养能力最高,林冠层次之,枯落物层最低。为剔除森林面积对水源涵养的影响,以单位面积水源涵养量作为表征森林生态系统水源涵养能力强弱的指标,对研究区水源涵养能力进行分析。
从水源涵养量上看(图3(a)),研究区表现为由西南和东北向中间逐渐递减趋势,该分布特征与流域海拔高度变化基本一致。其中,研究区西北部六冲河上游以北和南部六冲河中下游以南和三岔河中上游以北地区,水源涵养最为丰富,绝大部分水源涵养量达到20 000 m3以上的森林分布于此;其次是研究区东北部至中部的山区和东北部丘陵地区,即落脚河、耳海河和偏岩河上游地区以及鸭池河和耳海河交界处以北地区,这2处水源涵养量相对丰富,多在7500 m3以上;水源涵养量最小的区域是东部中间的丘陵地区,即六冲河中下游以北、耳海河中游南部和鸭池河上段以东的重合区域,绝大部分林地的水源涵养量低于3000 m3,该区域多为人类聚居地,森林覆盖率较低,林地面积小且呈破碎化分布,故不利于涵养水源。
Fig.3 Spatial distribution of the forest water conservation in total and the relevant values per unit area in the study area

图3 研究区森林水源涵养量和单位面积水源涵养量的空间分布

从水源涵养能力上看(图3(b)),研究区的总体分布趋势并不明显,其东部表现为由东北向西南逐渐递弱,而西部则表现为强弱相间的碎片化分布特征。水源涵养能力较强的林地分布区域和水源涵养量较高的分布区域大体保持一致,其中,研究区西北部六冲河上游以北地区的水源涵养能力较强,单位面积水源涵养量达到1050 t/hm2以上的林地多分布于此;其次是研究区东北部,大部分林地的单位水源涵养量达到750 t/hm2以上。而水源涵养能力最弱的区域不仅包括水源涵养量最低的研究区中部丘陵地区,还包括研究区西北部六冲河上游以南和三岔河上游以北的重合区域,其绝大部分林地的单位面积水源涵养量低于600 t/hm2。此外,南部部分地区的水源涵养能力也相对较弱。
从水源涵养量上看(表3图4),研究区不同森林类型的水源涵养量大小依次为:灌丛(38.98%)>温性针叶林(21.05%)>暖性针叶林(18.13%)>常绿落叶阔叶混交林(10.73%)>落叶阔叶林(8.61%)>暖性针阔混交林(1.50%)>常绿阔叶林(0.51%)>经济林(0.46%)>暖性竹林(0.03%)。其中灌丛的水源涵养量最大,达219.47 × 106 m3,其次是温性针叶林和暖性针叶林,分别达118.50 × 106 m3和102.08 × 106 m3;最小的是暖性竹林,仅0.19 × 106 m3。从图4可看出,各类森林类型的水源涵养量基本与森林面积成正比,水源涵养量随着森林面积的增大而增加;不同森林类型的土壤层蓄水量占比均在44%以上,平均达到53.79%;林冠层截留量占比29.43%~51.84%,平均值为42.93%,变化幅度较大;枯落物层持水量占比平均仅达3.27%,最高达到4.65%,远低于土壤层和林冠层。
Tab.3 Water conservation of different vegetation types in the study area

表3 研究区不同森林类型水源涵养量

代码 森林类型 林地面积/(103hm2 林冠截留量/(106m3 枯落物层持水量/(106m3 土壤蓄水量/(106m3 水源涵养总量/(106m3 单位面积水源涵养量/(t/hm2
温性针叶林 135.086 56.702 3.468 58.334 118.503 877.245
暖性针叶林 125.837 52.397 4.743 44.942 102.081 811.216
暖性针阔混交林 9.427 3.351 0.321 4.754 8.426 893.807
落叶阔叶林 67.856 20.016 2.203 26.279 48.497 714.705
常绿落叶阔叶混交林 64.007 21.106 2.090 37.225 60.421 943.975
常绿阔叶林 4.173 1.106 0.078 1.700 2.883 690.942
暖性竹林 0.202 0.056 0.004 0.129 0.189 934.861
经济林 3.103 1.329 0.074 1.172 2.575 829.922
灌丛 317.078 113.775 5.064 100.635 219.473 692.174
从单位面积水源涵养量上看(表3图4),从大到小依次为:常绿落叶阔叶混交林>暖性竹林>暖性针阔混交林>温性针叶林>经济林>暖性针叶林>落叶阔叶林>灌丛>常绿阔叶林,针叶林水源涵养能力总体高于阔叶林。不同森林类型的单位面积水源涵养量平均达到820.98 t/hm2,变化幅度为690.94~943.98 t/hm2。最大的是常绿落叶阔叶混交林和暖性竹林,均达到900 t/hm2以上;其次是暖性针阔混交林;最小的是常绿阔叶林,为690.94 t/hm2
Fig.4 Water conservation in total and the relevant values per unit area of different vegetation types and their comparison with the forest area

图4 不同森林类型水源涵养量、单位面积水源涵养量及其与林地面积的比较(注:图中森林类型代码对应表3的代码;为方便研究不同森林类型的水源涵养量、单位面积水源涵养量是否与林地面积之间存在相关关系,图中将森林类型按照其林地面积从小到大依次排序)

4.2 森林生态系统水源涵养能力空间差异探究

4.2.1 森林水源涵养能力与海拔相关关系探讨
为研究乌江流域森林生态系统水源涵养能力随海拔变化的分异特征,将海拔按100 m间隔分成22个高程带(小于800 m、800~2800 m间分20个带以及大于2800 m),分别统计各森林类型在不同高程带的面积分布比例和不同高程带林地的单位面积水源涵养量,并对其进行相关分析,结果如图5所示。就各森林类型面积分布比例随海拔变化的分异特征而言(图5(a)),随着海拔升高,森林分布面积比基本呈先升后降的趋势,这与人类居住区的森林山地垂直带性分布相一致;大部分森林植被分布在中低海拔地区,不同林型之间的分布差异明显:针叶林多分布在1200~2000 m的中高海拔地区,阔叶林多分布于1100~1600 m的中低海拔地区,竹林在900~1000 m处分布面积最大,经济林则主要集中在1400~1800 m海拔处,而灌丛在海拔1300~2000 m高程带内分布多且均匀。
Fig.5 Changes of the area proportion distribution and unit area water conservation of different vegetation types with respect to elevation

图5 不同森林类型面积分布比例和单位面积水源涵养量随海拔升高的变化情况

随着海拔的升高,单位面积水源涵养量表现出极显著的下降趋势( P < 0.01 )(图5(b)),海拔平均上升1000 m,单位面积水源涵养量相应减少90.56 t/hm2左右;水源涵养能力在海拔1000 m以下、1300~2100 m的林地表现出明显的上升趋势,而在海拔1000~1300 m、2100 m以上的林地表现出明显的下降趋势,这和森林类型面积分布比例随海拔变化的分异特征基本一致。
单位水源涵养量在海拔1000 m以下处出现上升、在1000~1300 m处出现陡降的原因主要在于海拔900~1000 m处集中分布有大面积水源涵养能力较强的暖性竹林,上升至1000 m以上后暖性竹林的分布比例迅速下降,形成波峰;虽然常绿阔叶林在海拔1200~1300 m有大面积分布,但由于其单位面积水源涵养量低于平均值,因而对林地总体水源涵养能力的响应很小。1300~2100 m海拔地区是针叶林和经济林的集中分布区,单位面积水源涵养量均较高。该高程带大部分林型分布比例虽呈缓降趋势,但由于总体分布比例高,且其中暖性针阔混交林(单位水源涵养量最高)面积比趋于上升,因此林地水源涵养能力随海拔高度的增加而缓慢上升。海拔升至2100 m后,林地分布比例开始出现明显下降,至2800 m以上仅剩极少量温性针叶林,故水源涵养能力也随之急剧下降。总体而言,森林水源涵养能力随海拔升高而出现下降,这与山地垂直带性密切相关。
4.2.2 森林水源涵养能力与坡度相关关系探讨
贵州森林资源规划调查将坡度分为平坡(0~5°)、缓坡(6~15°)、斜坡(16~25°)、陡坡(26~35°)、急坡(36~45°)和险坡(≥46°)6个组别。为研究乌江流域森林生态系统水源涵养能力随坡度变化的分异特征,同时避免坡向变量的干扰,选取光照较为充足的南坡的林地数据进行分析。取各坡度组的中间值来表示该坡度组的平均坡度,分别统计研究区整体和不同森林类型在不同坡度下的单位面积水源涵养量,并与其对应坡度进行相关分析。由表4的回归方程和相关系数可知,随着坡度的增加,研究区森林整体的单位面积水源涵养量表现出显著的下降趋势( P < 0.01 )(图6(a)),相关系数达0.910,坡度平均每增加1°,单位面积水源涵养量相应减少2.44 t/hm2。从不同森林类型来看,所有森林类型的水源涵养能力均与坡度呈负相关(表4),其中落叶阔叶林表现最为显著( P = 0.0156 )(图6(b)),相关系数达0.803;温性针叶林和暖性竹林表现出较显著的负相关,通过了0.05显著性检验水平(图6(c)、(d))。暖性竹林的水源涵养能力随坡度增加的降幅最大,达到7.15 t/hm2;而灌丛的水源涵养能力随坡度增加的降幅最小,仅为0.51 t/hm2
Tab.4 The regression equations and correlation coefficients of water conservation capacity and slope gradient

表4 水源涵养能力和坡度的回归方程及相关系数

代码 森林类型 回归方程 相关系数R2 P
温性针叶林 y = -2.5116x + 938.62 0.765 *
暖性针叶林 y = -0.8702x + 831.01 0.378
暖性针阔混交林 y = -3.8570x +1002.48 0.583
落叶阔叶林 y = -2.6220x + 787.02 0.803 *
常绿落叶阔叶混交林 y = -0.8110x + 948.23 0.106
常绿阔叶林 y = -1.2000x + 727.78 0.348
暖性竹林 y = -7.1497x + 991.73 0.744 *
经济林 y = -4.8133x + 998.49 0.582
灌丛 y = -0.5153x + 687.96 0.136
研究区整体 y = -2.4350x + 828.09 0.910 **


4.3 研究区土地退化现状及其对森林水源涵养功能影响

根据贵州省毕节地区乌江流域2010年森林二类调查小班数据,研究区的土地退化类型可划分为:非退化土地(546.60 × 103 hm2),石漠化土地(205.29 × 103 hm2),沙化土地(25.11 × 103 hm2)和荒漠化土地(1.53 × 103 hm2)。从数量上看,退化土地占研究区总面积的29.79%,其中石漠化土地达到80%以上,表明该地区的土地退化类型主要以石漠化为主,这与实际情况相符[46-47]。从空间分布上看(图7),研究区由南向北呈逐渐退化趋势,其中石漠化地区大部分分布在研究区北部山区耳海河和落脚河上游,此外六冲河和三岔河的上游、六冲河的中游部分地区和下游和鸭池河交界以北地区均有大面积分布。沙化土地集中分布在研究区西北部三岔河上游以南地区,而荒漠化土地则只在三岔河上游以北有零星分布。通过和研究区地形图(图1)的对比可发现,沙化地区和荒漠化地区集中分布在海拔2200 m以上的高山,这些区域降水稀少、温度低、植被稀少,是土地退化的高发区。
Fig.6 Changes of unit area water conservation of the total study area and of some specific vegetation types with respect to the increase of slope gradient

图6 同一坡向下(南坡)研究区整体和几种不同森林类型单位面积水源涵养量随坡度增加的变化情况

分别对位于不同退化类型土地内的各类森林水源涵养量和林地面积进行统计,二者相除计算得到单位面积水源涵养量,由强到弱依次为(图7):非退化土地(745.35 t/hm2)>石漠化土地(680.61 t/hm2)>沙化土地(608.32 t/hm2)>荒漠化土地(421.54 t/hm2)。与非退化土地相比,石漠化土地、沙化土地和荒漠化土地的单位面积水源涵养量分别下降8.69%、18.38%及43.44%,平均下降23.50%,其中荒漠化土地水源涵养能力的下降最为严重,接近50%。土地退化的原因,除了退化土地生态系统本身比较脆弱,抗干扰能力、稳定性和自我调节能力差外,还包括不合理的人类活动,如毁林开荒、陡坡开垦、过度放牧等[46],因此退化土地的植被覆盖率低,地表大面积裸露,水土流失严重,因而森林水源涵养能力较低。需要注意的是,根据《国家森林资源连续清查技术规定》,荒漠化针对的是干旱、半干旱和亚湿润干旱地区的土地退化,沙化是指由于各种因素形成的、以沙质地表为主要标志的土地退化,而石漠化指在热带、亚热带湿润和半湿润地区岩溶极其发育的自然背景下发生的土地退化乃至土壤消失的现象,由于概念不同,荒漠化适用研究区域的降水量较石漠化地区(沙化土地没有说明)小很多,这也是荒漠化土地的水源涵养能力比石漠化土地低很多的原因之一,必须加以考虑。
Fig.7 Spatial distribution of different land degradation types and the water conservation capacity thereof

图7 不同土地退化类型及其水源涵养能力的空间分布


5 讨论与结论

5.1 讨论

森林生态系统的水源涵养能力是林冠层、枯落物层和土壤层水源涵养能力的总和。研究表明,土壤层的水源涵养能力最高,林冠层次之,枯落物层最低,这与石培礼等[4]、刘璐璐等[29]研究结果一致;森林水源涵养能力基本随坡度的增加而下降,这与吴丹等[31]研究结果一致;此外,在森林水源涵养能力与海拔关系方面,张堡宸等[12]基于遥感数据,得出吉林市柳河县森林水源涵养能力随海拔增加先升后降,这似乎与本研究得出的森林水源涵养能力随海拔增加而下降的结论不一致,但值得注意的是,张堡宸等研究区域的海拔范围为303~1257 m,其森林水源涵养量在海拔750 m以下时随海拔的升高而增加,在海拔750~850 m之间时达到最高,在海拔超过此范围之后森林水源涵养量则随海拔的增加而减小,而本研究区域的海拔范围为700~2900 m,恰好是张堡宸等研究区域中森林水源涵养量开始递减的海拔范围,从而从侧面验证了本研究的结论。

5.2 结论

(1)2010年,毕节地区乌江上游森林生态系统的水源涵养总量为563.05 × 106 m3,单位面积水源涵养量达774.73 t/hm2,土壤层是森林涵养水源的主体。研究区的水源涵养量分布表现为由西南和东北向中间逐渐递减,水源涵养能力分布则表现为东部地区自东北向西南逐渐递弱,西部地区强弱相间的碎片化分布特征。灌丛的水源涵养量最高,而常绿落叶阔叶混交林的单位面积水源涵养量最高。
(2)随着林地海拔的升高,森林单位面积水源涵养量表现出极显著的下降趋势( P < 0.01 ),平均海拔上升1000 m,单位水源涵养量相应减少90.56 t/hm2左右。
(3)随着坡度的增加,研究区森林整体的单位面积水源涵养量表现出极显著的下降趋势( P < 0.01 ),坡度平均每增加1°,单位水源涵养量相应减少2.44 t/hm2,所有森林类型的水源涵养能力均与坡度呈负相关。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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蔡体久. 基于RS和GIS的林型结构与森林涵养水源关系的研究[J].水土保持学报,2001,15(4):16-19.在运用 RS和 GIS技术划分出水库流域土地利用类型的基础上 ,采用灰色关联分析法 ,结合水文数据 ,分析流域内不同林型和森林覆被率 (共 8个因子 )与年降雨量、年径流量之间的关系。分析得出了流域内涵养水源功能较强的优势林型 ,为合理调整流域内森林结构布局 ,充分发挥森林的水源涵养功能提供参考。研究表明 ,流域内涵养水源功能最强的林型为柞树纯林 ,其次是落叶松和白桦构成的混交林。


[ Cai T J.Relationship between forest types and water conservation function of forest based on RS and GIS[J]. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2001,15(4):16-19. ]

聂忆黄. 基于地表能量平衡与SCS模型的祁连山水源涵养能力研究[J].地学前缘,2010,17(3):269-275.基于区域水量平衡,利用地表能量平衡的原理计算陆地实际蒸散发 量,采用SCS模型计算地表径流量,提出了一种定量评估区域水源涵养量的实用方法.利用该方法和GIS软件平台,结合1982-2003年遥感数据和对祁 连山水源涵养重要区水源涵养能力强弱的空间分布及其变化规律进行了计算和分析.结果表明:(1)祁连山山地水源涵养重要区内水源涵养能力最强的区域为中部 和东南部地区,而西部地区涵养水源的能力相对较弱;(2)祁连山山地水源涵养重要区内中部和靠东南部的水源涵养能力减弱比较明显,特别是以门源回族自治县 为中心,形成了水源涵养能力持续减弱带.

[ Nie Y H.A study of the water conservation of Qilian Mountains based on surface energy balance and SCS model[J]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2010,17(3):269-275. ]


[ Wang X ., Li X ., Mo ., et al.Exploration of a new modeling method for forest water conservation based on cellular automata: concept and theoretical framework[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2010,30(20):5491-5500. ]

张堡宸,胡建荣,李新军,等.基于遥感数据的森林水源涵养估测研究[J].中国农学通报,2014,30(1):98-102.森林水源涵养是森林生态功能的重要指标,测定森林的水源涵养量能很直观地了解森林资源的生态价值,能够为确定森林资源保护措施与经营策略提供有力的数据支持。以吉林省柳河县为研究区,以Landsat-5 TM遥感影像为基础数据,提取相关因子,根据样地实测数据建立森林水源涵养遥感估测模型,经过精度检验,模型的预测精度达到79.24%。利用模型进行了柳河县森林水源涵养量反演,得出柳河县森林水源涵养量为4.62×106m3。形成柳河县森林水源涵养量分布图,并从空间上分析了森林水源涵养能力与空间要素的关系。

[ Zhang B ., Hu J ., Li X ., et al.Estimation and research of forest water conservation based on remote sensing[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2014,30(1):98-102. ]

余新晓,周彬,吕锡芝,等.基于InVEST模型的北京山区森林水源涵养功能评估[J].林业科学,2012,48(10):1-5.lt;p>基于北京市第六次森林资源二类调查数据,区划北京山区森林景观类型,并应用InVEST模型评估北京山区森林生态系统的水源涵养功能。结果表明: 总面积为479 209 hm<sup>2</sup>的北京山区森林可划分为18种类型,其水源涵养总量为16.2万亿m<sup>3</sup>平均水源涵养深度为75 mm; 各森林类型的水源涵养深度差异很大,落叶松人工林最大,为148 mm,其他阔叶人工林最小,为47.6 mm; 在各类森林水源涵养总量方面,天然柞树林最高,为8.25万亿m<sup>3</sup>其他阔叶人工林最小,为60.7亿m<sup>3</sup>。</p>


[ Yu X ., Zhou ., Lu X ., et al.Evaluation of water conservation function in mountain forest areas of Beijing based on InVEST model[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2012,48(10):1-5. ]

Calder I R.Dependence of rainfall interception on drop size: development of the two-layer stochastic model[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 1996,185(1):363-378.The original stochastic interception model (Calder, 1986, J. Hydrol. , 89: 65鈥71) showed, through the use of Poisson probability statistics, that the rate at which vegetation canopies are wetted is dependent on the volume of the individual raindrops; for the same depth of rain applied, a greater depth of water will be retained on the canopy when raindrop volumes are small. This paper recognizes that vegetation canopies are wetted through both the primary impact of raindrops to the top layer of the canopy and secondary impacts, from drops falling from the vegetation, to lower layers of the canopy. It shows how drop volumes of primary raindrops can be calculated from the Marshall-Palmer distribution and drop volumes of secondary drops can be calculated from the `characteristic' volume appropriate to the particular vegetation species. A two-layer stochastic model is described which calculates the rate at which canopies are wetted in relation to both primary and secondary drops. The paper also shows that, in addition to the volume-dependent stochastic wetting effect, there is also another drop-size-dependent wetting effect, related to the kinetic energy of the raindrops, which influences the maximum storage that can be achieved on the canopy. The wetting functions predicted for canopies of different density are described and the application of the model for assessing interception loss from forests, in relation to vegetation, climate and possible climatic change, is discussed.


Fujieda ., Kudoh T, de Cicco V, et al. Hydrological processes at two subtropical forest catchments: the Serra do Mar, São Paulo, Brazil[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 1997,196(1):26-46.

Johnson R C.The interception, throughfall and stemflow in a forest Highland Scotland and the comparison with other upland forests in the U.K[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 1990,118(1):281-287.

Onda ., Yukawa N.The influence of understories and litter layer on the infiltration of forested hillslopes[C]. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Forest Hydrology, 1994:107-114.

Andréassian V.Waters and forests: from historical controversy to scientific debate[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2004,291(1):1-27.This article presents an historical perspective of the controversy concerning the hydrological impact of forests, and shows how a mostly romantic and emotional confrontation finally evolved into a scientific debate. We first analyze the historical evolution of ideas, starting with the views of Pliny the Elder in the first century ad and ending with the debate on the ‘Eaux et Forêts’ in France in the 19th century. Then, we give an up-to-date overview of the paired-watershed experiments conducted throughout 20th century, and identify some research issues that should help forest hydrology science to move forward in the 21st century.


Sandström K.Can forests provide water: widespread myth or scientific reality?[J]. Ambio, 1998,27(2):132-138.The article presents two contrasting views of deforestation and groundwater recharge/dry season flow. Seven variables causing the dichotomy are identified and analyzed. These include the comparative importance of various hydrological processes, research methodological aspects, people's perception of change, and unclear definitions. A simple model indicating the most likely catchment response to deforestation is presented. Recharge through macropores is argued to be the key mechanism for conveying rainwater to groundwater in the dry tropics. Management aspects of forests and water are discussed.

Vertessy R ., Zhang ., Dawes W R.Plantations, river flows and river salinity[J]. Australian Forestry, 2003,66(1):55-61.Large-scale plantation development will exert additional pressure on a water resource system that is already under considerable stress. Tree planting will reduce river flows and recharge to groundwater and, in certain circumstances, may lead to short-term worsening of river salinity prior to any improvement. Reductions in flow will be particularly problematic during dry spells, when water resources are sorely stretched. Most of the likely hydrologic impacts of afforestation can be predicted using current catchment models, but new field data are needed to test and improve their accuracy. Reductions in river flow induced by afforestation can be minimised with careful planning, and various strategies to minimise impact are recommended. It is argued that a regulatory framework needs to be erected to control the development of new plantations in order to complement other policies to preserve water resources, such as the cap on diversions in the Murray-Darling Basin and recently introduced legislation on farm dams. Given the future need to allocate additional river flows to the environment, new allocations of water to plantations should be offset by up-front transfers of water from other uses. We argue that water use by plantations should be factored into the water economy of catchments. Keywords: forest plantations; water yield; stream flow; salinity; saline water; water allocation; water management; runoff; land use


Bonell ., Purandara B ., Venkatesh ., et al.The impact of forest use and reforestation on soil hydraulic conductivity in the Western Ghats of India: Implications for surface and sub-surface hydrology[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2010,391(1):47-62.

Jobbagy E ., Jackson R B.Groundwater use and salinization with grassland afforestation[J]. Global Change Biology, 2004,10(8):1299-1312.Abstract Vegetation changes, particularly transitions between tree- and grass-dominated states, can alter ecosystem water balances and soluble salt fluxes. Here we outline a general predictive framework for understanding salinization of afforested grasslands based on biophysical, hydrologic, and edaphic factors. We tested this framework in 20 paired grassland and adjacent afforested plots across ten sites in the Argentine Pampas. Rapid salinization of groundwater and soils in afforested plots was associated with increased evapotranspiration and groundwater consumption by trees, with maximum salinization occurring on intermediately textured soils. Afforested plots (10–10065ha in size) showed 4–19-fold increases in groundwater salinity on silty upland soils but


Nosetto M ., Jobbagy E ., Paruelo J M.Land-use change and water losses: the case of grassland afforestation across a soil textural gradient in central Argentina[J]. Global Change Biology, 2005,11(7):1101-1117.Abstract Vegetation changes, particularly those involving transitions between tree- and grass-dominated covers, often modify evaporative water losses as a result of plant-mediated shifts in moisture access and demand. Massive afforestation of native grasslands, particularly important in the Southern Hemisphere, may have strong yet poorly quantified effects on the hydrological cycle. We explored water use patterns in plantations and the native humid grasslands that they replace in Central Argentina. In order to uncover the interactive effects that land cover type, soil texture and climate variability may have on evaporative water losses and water use efficiency, we estimated daily evapotranspiration (ET) in 117 tree plantations and grasslands plots across a soil textural gradient (clay-textured Vertisols to sandy-textured Entisols) using radiometric information from seven Landsat scenes, existing timber productions records, and C measurements in tree stems. Tree plantations had cooler surface temperatures (615°C on average) and evaporated more water (+80% on average) than grasslands at all times and across all sites. Absolute ET differences between grasslands and plantations ranged from 650.6 to 265mm65dayand annual up-scaling suggested values of 65630 and 65115065mm65yrfor each vegetation type, respectively. The temporal variability of ET was significantly lower in plantations compared with grasslands (coefficient of variation 36% vs. 49%). Daily ET increased as the water balance became more positive (accumulated balance for previous 18 days) with a saturation response in grassland vs. a continuous linear increase in plantations, suggesting lower ecophysiological limits to water loss in tree canopies compared with the native vegetation. Plantation ET was more strongly affected by soil texture than grassland ET and peaked in coarse textured sites followed by medium and fine textured sites. Timber productivity as well as C concentration in stems peaked in medium textured sites, indicating lower water use efficiency on extreme textures and suggesting that water limitation was not responsible for productivity declines towards finer and coarser soils. Our study highlighted the key role that vegetation type plays on evapotranspiration and, therefore, in the hydrological cycle. Considering that tree plantations may continue their expansion over grasslands, problematic changes in water management and, perhaps, in local climate can develop from the higher evaporative water losses of tree plantations.


Sahin ., Hall M J.The effects of afforestation and deforestation on water yields[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 1996,178(1):293-309.The exploitation of land and water resources to sustain an ever-increasing population inevitably involves the utilisation for both urban and agricultural development of rural areas and the natural landscape. This process can result in profound changes to the flow regime of river basins that are so affected, the scope and magnitude of which have been investigated by means of experimental catchment studies. The extensive data base that has resulted from such activities has provided a basis for developing a series of generalised relationships which can be used by water resources planners to anticipate the changes in water yield that can result from alterations to the predominant vegetative cover of a catchment. The application of fuzzy linear regression analysis to data from 145 experiments has shown that, for a 10% reduction in cover, the yield from conifer-type forest increased by some 20鈥25 mm, whereas that for eucalyptus-type forest increased by only 6 mm. Both values were somewhat lower than those previously published, as was the 5 mm decrease in yield associated with a 10% afforestation of scrub. A 10% reduction in the cover of deciduous hardwood gave a 17鈥19 mm increase in yield, broadly in line with earlier estimates.


Brauman K ., Freyberg D ., Daily G C.Forest structure influences on rainfall partitioning and cloud interception: a comparison of native forest sites in Kona, Hawai'i[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2010,150(2):265-275.Vegetation can play a major role in the hydrologic ecosystem service tradeoffs resulting from land use change: by affecting the volume of rain that reaches the ground surface, vegetation affects supply. But because canopy interception of rainfall is affected in complex and competing ways by forest structure and ambient weather conditions, both of which vary at small and large scales, predicting the impacts of vegetation change is challenging. We explore rainfall and cloud interception in two native forests sites on leeward Hawai'i Island and find that although our study forests are superficially similar, with identical dominant species and no history of logging, throughfall in one forest is nearly double that in the other. Using micrometeorological and vegetation data collected over 20 months, we examine the dominance of different hydrologic processes at each site. Direct fog input accounted for at least 12% of total input in the North forest site, an average of about 0.1mm/day, and 27% of total input in the South forest, an average of 0.3mm/day. In the North forest, canopy interception of rainfall dominates, and annual throughfall amounts to only 64% of rainfall. A large canopy surface area and low rainfall rates cause the high rate of interception. Direct interception of clouds by the canopy dominates in the South forest, where throughfall is 113% of rainfall. Increased throughfall at this site is not attributable to increased fogginess. Instead, taller trees and a denser mid-canopy increase canopy surface area, causing increased cloud interception. The denser forest structure is likely a result of exclusion and limited grazing in this forest. This study illustrates the effects of subtle differences in vegetation structure on hydrologic fluxes and, by extension, the hydrologic effects of land use change. It also underscores the importance of replicate sites in ecohydrologic investigations.


Cornish P ., Vertessy R A.Forest age-induced changes in evapotranspiration and water yield in a eucalypt forest[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2001,242(1):43-63.Water yields in a regrowth eucalypt forest were found to increase initially and then to decline below pre-treatment levels during the 16-year period which followed the logging of a moist old-growth eucalypt forest in Eastern Australia. Both regrowth and old-growth stands were dominated by Sydney Blue Gum ( Eucalyptus saligna Smith) and Silvertop Stringybark ( Eucalyptus laevopinea R. Baker). Using a paired-catchment approach we observed significant reductions in five of six gauged catchments, and were able to associate their magnitude with forest growth rate, canopy cover and soil depth. Regular yield declines were interrupted for a period in some catchments, possibly due to foliar insect attack. Yield reductions of up to a maximum 600mm per year in logged and regenerated areas were in accord with water yield reductions observed in Mountain Ash ( Eucalyptus regnans F.J. Muell.) regeneration in Victoria. This study therefore represents the first confirmation of these Maroondah Mountain Ash results in another forest type that has also undergone eucalypt-to-eucalypt succession. Baseflow analysis indicated that baseflow and stormflow both increased after logging, with stormflow increases dominant in catchments with shallower soils. The lower runoff observed when the regenerating forest was aged 13鈥16years was principally a consequence of lower baseflow.


禄文斌. 毕节地区的水土流失及其防治对策[J].中国水土保持,1992,128(11):8-11.地处黔西北云贵高原屋脊的毕节地区,石灰岩溶地貌遍布,水土流失严重,每年约有660hm~2坡耕地由于水土流失而石化、砂化,旱、洪、泥石流灾害频繁,生态环境恶化,人民生活困难。在分析水土流失成因和总结治理经验教训的基础上,提出防治水土流失的三条基本思路和“五子登科”的治理方案。

[ Lu W B.Soil loss in Bijie prefecture and its countermeasures of prevention and control[J]. Soil and Water Conservation in China, 1992,128(11):8-11. ]

李昊,蔡运龙,陈睿山,等.基于植被遥感的西南喀斯特退耕还林工程效果评价——以贵州省毕节地区为例[J].生态学报,2011,31(12):3255-3264.中国西南喀斯特地区生态环境脆弱,人口压力和不合理的土地利用方式使得土地退化问题严峻。2000年以来,国家开始在该地区推行退耕还林等一系列生态工程。需要评估这些工程的效果,以期为进一步的生态建设工程决策提供科学依据。以贵州省毕节地区为例,利用SPOT-VGT <em>NDVI</em>遥感数据,以大规模开展退耕还林工程前的1998-2001年为基准,建立<em>NDVI</em>-气候响应模型,在此基础上结合残差法来分析2002-2008年以退耕还林工程为主的人为因素在当地生态恢复中的作用。结果表明,近年来开展的生态工程使得整个毕节地区植被条件得到了明显的改善,但在东部大方、黔西一些区域土地退化的趋势仍未扭转,需要今后进一步的政策引导和开展后续生态工程。

[ Li ., Cai Y ., Chen R ., et al.Effect assessment of the project of grain for green in the karst region in Southwestern China: a case study of Bijie Prefecture[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011,31(12):3255-3264. ]

刘璐璐,邵全琴,刘纪远,等.琼江河流域森林生态系统水源涵养能力估算[J].生态环境学报,2013,22(3):451-457.森林生态系统的水源涵养功能是其生态功能的重要组成部分.琼江流 域森林生态系统是长江上游生态屏障的重要组成部分,其森林生态系统的水源涵养功能将极大地影响当地的生产生活.文章以四川省遂宁地区琼江河流域2007年 森林资源二类调查数据为基础,运用综合蓄水能力法,比较了研究区不同森林类型、林龄、海拔、坡度下的林冠降雨截留能力,枯落物最大持水量和土壤蓄水能力, 评估了区域尺度森林生态系统的水源涵养能力.结果表明,2007年,研究区内森林生态系统涵养水源总量为1125.02×104 m3.其中,林冠层截留占总涵养水源量的18.07%,枯枝落叶层持水量占3.34%,土壤蓄水量达到78.59%,是森林涵养水源的主体.柏木因其面积 上的优势,使得其水源涵养贡献率最大,达到92.44%;阔叶混交林单位面积涵养水源量最大,达到1568.39 t·hm-2,其次是针阔混交林(1517.10 t·hm-2),经济林(1461.99 t·hm-2),针叶混交林的水源涵养能力最弱,仅1045.39 t·hm-2,主要是因为研究区内针叶混交林土壤的非毛管孔隙度较小.因绝大多数有林地的海拔都处在300~500 m处,使得其水源涵养贡献率最大,达到98.65%.同时,平坡森林生态系统的水源涵养能力最强,达到1171.92 t·hm-2,其次是缓坡,可达1150.59 t·hm-2,能力最小的是陡坡森林生态系统,仅1147.34 t·hm-2.近50 a来,研究区内森林覆盖率变化较大,按照其“十二五”规划,研究区在2015年森林覆盖率将达到45%,根据其森林面积的变化估计其森林涵养水源量可达 1511.2×104 m3.在对研究区水源涵养功能及其差异认识的基础上,进行合理经营与管理,可以最大限度地发挥森林生态系统服务功能.

[ Liu L ., Shao Q ., Liu J ., et al.Estimation of forest water conservation capacity in Qiongjiang River watershed[J]. Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2013,22(3):451-457. ]

孙清琳,李延森,郭继凯,等.云和县森林生态系统水源涵养功能评估[J].北京大学学报(自然科学版),2015,51(5): 888-896.

[ Sun Q ., Li Y ., Guo J ., et al.Assessment of water conservation function of forest ecosystem in Yunhe County, Zhejiang Province[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2015,51(5):888-896. ]

吴丹,邵全琴,刘纪远.江西泰和县森林生态系统水源涵养功能评估[J].地理科学进展,2012,31(3):330-336.森林生态系统综合水源涵养能力是林冠层、枯落物层和土壤层蓄水能力的总和。本文根据江西泰和县 2003 年森林资源二类调查,结合文献收集,从3 个作用层评估了泰和县森林生态系统的水源涵养量及其空间分布格局,比较了不同森林类型、林龄、海拔、坡度下的林冠降雨截留能力,枯落物最大持水量和土壤蓄水能力。结果表明,林冠层平均截留率为16.31%,枯落物层持水率为2.14%,土壤层蓄水率为81.55%,3 个层次总截留和蓄水量为1.41 亿m<sup>3</sup>。各种森林类型水源涵养量由大到小依次为:杉木林>马尾松林>湿地松林>阔叶林>毛竹林>灌木林> 混交林>经济林。幼林龄、中林龄、近熟林、成熟林和过熟林水源涵养贡献率分别为17.58%、65.39%、14.18%、 2.48%和0.37%,涵养水源能力随林龄的增加而增加。空间上,泰和县森林生态系统的综合水源涵养力表现出从东西两侧向中部递减的分布。不同立地条件下林分的合理经营与管理对于整个森林生态系统水源涵养功能的发挥具有重要的作用。


[ Wu ., Shao Q ., Liu J Y.Assessment of water conservation function of forest ecosystem in Taihe County, Jiangxi Province[J]. Progress in Geography, 2012,31(3):330-336. ]

苏帆. 重庆四面山森林涵养水源功能价值评价及管理研究[D].北京:北京林业大学,2010.

[ Su F.Evaluation and management on forest water conservation in Simian Mountains, Chongqing, China[D]. Beijing: Beijing Forestry University, 2010. ]


[ Dai X ., Pei J ., Luo ., et al.Study on litter water-holding characteristics of different forest vegetation types[J]. Guizhou Forestry Science and Technology, 2008,36(4):32-34. ]


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张晓珊,巫启新,刘延惠.贵州省长防林体系生态经济效益计量与评价[J].贵州林业科技,2001,29(4):36-40.用水源涵养 :固土保肥、净化大气、直接和间接投入、直接经济收益等指标对贵州省长防林体系进行了生态经济效益计量评价 ,结果表明长防林森林总效益为 5 4.36亿元

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