
  • 董南 , 1, 2 ,
  • 杨小唤 , 1, 2*, * ,
  • 蔡红艳 1
  • 1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101
  • 2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
*通讯作者:杨小唤(1965-),男,安徽潜山人,博士,研究员,主要从事遥感和GIS应用、资源环境科学空间数据库等研究。 E-mail: yangxh@igsnrr.ac.cn

作者简介:董 南(1984-),男,河北唐山人,博士生,研究方向为人口地理研究、遥感和GIS应用。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2015-12-30

  要求修回日期: 2016-01-26

  网络出版日期: 2016-10-25




Research Progress and Perspective on the Spatialization of Population Data

  • DONG Nan , 1, 2 ,
  • YANG Xiaohuan , 1, 2, * ,
  • CAI Hongyan 1
  • 1. State Key Lab of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
*Corresponding author: YANG Xiaohuan, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-12-30

  Request revised date: 2016-01-26

  Online published: 2016-10-25


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有



关键词: 人口; 空间化; 格网; 模型; 尺度


董南 , 杨小唤 , 蔡红艳 . 人口数据空间化研究进展[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(10) : 1295 -1304 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01295


The research purpose of the spatialization of population data is to capture the size and the distribution location of population in the geographical space. It plays an important role in presenting the geographical meaning of demographic data. Spatializing the statistical population data has increasingly become a research hotspot in the fields of demography, geography and GIS. Population distribution dataset is a key achievement in the spatialization study. At present, there are a few widely-used population distribution datasets and influential population spatialization projects, including GPW/GRUMP, LandScan and UNEP/GRID & China km grid population datasets. Population distribution dataset has practical application values and the scientific significance for relevant researches, such as government planning and decision making at all levels, disaster assessment and resource allocation. After nearly 30 years' development, the spatialization researches are evolving into the maturity stage. They have obtained many achievements and produce a rich variety of spatialization models of population data. Based on the purpose of spatializing census data and the differences between modeling concept and model principle, this paper reviews the spatialization methodologies in three major aspects: (1) the method and characteristic of the selection of grid size (scale); (2) 3 types of common adopted modeling ideas and a comparative analysis between 6 types of basic models; and (3) the proper strategies used for improving the simulation accuracy and their application background and advantages. Finally, according to the research contents of population data spatialization at present stage, this article discusses the further study direction through four perspectives: (1) the suitability of grid size; (2) the simulation of spatial distribution of population at high spatial and temporal resolution; (3) the adoption of new type of data source; and (4) the comprehensive application of multi-thought and multi-model. It is significant to grasp the current status of spatialization research and promote the further development of spatialization methodologies.

1 引言

随着遥感、GIS等技术突飞猛进,“社会数据空间化”和“空间数据社会化”(Pixelizing the Social and Socializing the Pixel)已成为地理科学、社会科学共同关注的焦点之一[6-7]。“人口数据空间化”是其研究的典型代表[8]。人口数据空间化采用适宜的、合理的人口分布指示因素,构建数学模型,将以行政区为单元的人口统计数据展布到一定大小的地理格网上,实现表达人口信息的载体由行政单元向格网转换。
1994年全球人口制图研讨会达成共识,认为统一的全球栅格人口数据对跨学科研究具有重要意义,从而诞生了1995年GPW的第一个版本(GPWv1)。2000年5月,在美国哥伦比亚大学召开了“格网人口数据”研讨会,对人口数据空间化的机理、方法和技术支撑进行了广泛的探讨,认为在土地利用、DEM等数据的支持下,可以获得高空间分辨率的人口数据,以取代县级乃至省级的统计数据[9]。陈述彭先生早在2002年就倡导借助网格地图的现代功能构建新一代网格数据库[10]。目前,已诞生一批具有代表性的全球及国家尺度的人口空间数据库,如Gridded Population of the World(GPW)[11-12]、Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project(GRUMP)[13]、LandScan[14-15]、Global Resource Information Database (UNEP/GRID)[16]、中国1 km格网人口数据库[6,17]等。经过近30年的发展,人口数据空间化研究水平逐渐成熟,方法及模型丰富多样,并已获得许多成果。依据研究目的、建模思想、模型原理的异同,本文从格网大小的确定、常用建模思想及主要模型、提高模型精度措施等方面,对人口数据空间化研究进行梳理,把握其研究现状,进而发现问题,为进一步推动人口空间化发展提供支持。

2 格网大小(尺度)的确定

2.1 常见格网大小及特点

由于研究目的、数据源、模型方法、区域特征等多因素影响,国内外人口数据空间化研究的常见格网大小为20 m~1 km(表1)。各尺度的研究案例体现出格网大小的选取具有以下特点:(1)格网大小(尺度)趋于精细化,并向居住建筑物尺度过渡;(2)格网大小的选择与研究区域的尺度无明显关系,因为在洲、国家、省、市、县尺度上,皆存在大格网 (1 km、500 m)及小格网(100 m、50 m)的研究。
Tab. 1 Study cases on the selection of grid size at different regional scales

表1 不同区域尺度下关于格网大小选取的研究案例

研究尺度 研究时间 研究地区(数据集)及格网大小
全球 1991-2004 GPW、UNEP/5 km[12,16];LandScan/1 km[15]
洲或国家级 2002、2003、2005、2007;2004;2012、2013、2015;2014 中国、欧盟/1 km[6,17,19-22];美国/250 m[22];非洲、东南亚、塞尔维亚/100 m[24-26];
美国/90 m[27]
省级 2005、2006、2007、2015;2012、2014 山东、福建、北京、河北、长江中游4省/1 km[28-33];云贵川结合部、山东/100 m[34-36]
市级 2009、2011;2011;2006、2013、2015 山东半岛,徐州市/500 m[37];贵州猫跳河流域/300 m[38-39];临沂市,江西梅江流域,延安市/100 m[40-42]
县级 2007;2014;2009;2003;2013;2014;2010 和顺县/1 km[43];鹤峰县/500 m[44];张家界永定区/250 m[45];宾夕法尼亚5县/100 m[18];攀枝花市东区/50 m[46];Alachua County/30 m[47];义乌市/20 m、50 m等[48]
居住建筑物 2009、2011、2012、2014 单个建筑物[49-52]

2.2 适宜格网大小的选取方法


3 人口数据空间化主要方法

3.1 常用建模思想及主要模型

3.1.1 分区密度思想
分区密度思想(Dasymetric Mapping),是依据辅助信息将人口分布空间细分成能够反映人口空间变化的小区域,应用面插值技术生成精细尺度人口分布数据[18,49]。分区密度模型已经成为广泛应用的精细尺度人口空间化技术,其应用多见于国外研究中[27,56-57]
该思想代表性做法有:Binary Dasymetric Method[58]将目标区域分为居住和非居住区;The Three-Class Dasymetric Method[18]将目标区域分为high urbanization、low urbanization和nonurban 3类区域;A Multi-Layer and Multi-Class Dasymetric Algorithm[59]将目标区域分为非居住区、农村、多种公共基础设施密度区域。分区密度思想的优点是思路清晰、模型简单、便于实现,能够保证源区域与目标区域人口总量不变性,适合精细尺度人口空间化研究。
3.1.2 多元回归思想
该思想代表性研究有杨小唤等[32,39,60]、吴桂平 等[45]、Gallego等[56]、唐华秀等[61]基于土地利用的研究;柏中强等[40]、卓莉等[62]、高义等[63]基于夜间灯光数据的研究。该思想的优点是模型所需参数少,易于建模,结果较为可控,便于推广,适合中大尺度上人口空间化研究。
3.1.3 多因素融合思想
该思想最典型的应用是美国橡树岭国家实验室开发的全球人口分布数据库LandScan[14-15],其空间化策略是基于道路、坡度、土地覆被、夜间灯光和城市密度等数据构建多因素融合模型。较具代表性的包括廖顺宝等[64]、叶宇等[30]、汪蓉[65]、曾祥贵 等[42]、董春等[28]开展的研究。该思想的优点是综合考虑多因素对人口分布的指示作用,模型结果具有较强的说服力。需要说明的是,不同的研究尺度所选取的人口分布影响因素不同。例如,在省级尺度及以上时,地形地貌因素的影响较为明显,而市辖区尺度时,地形地貌因素则可以忽略,应重点考虑城市生活基础设施要素的影响。
3.1.4 主要模型分析
Tab. 2 Comparing major spatialization models of population data

表2 人口数据空间化主要模型综合比较

模型名称 建模参数 原理 优点 局限性
中心人口密度理论值、距市中心距离、城市特征半径等 基于城市地理学原理,人口密度从城市中心向外围递减,人口围绕城市中心成圆形分布 模型简单,是众多模型理论基础,适用于大中城市人口密度模拟 市中心确定较为主观,不适用于小城市及乡村地区
核密度估计模型[68-69] 区域(格网)中心人口密度、带宽等 人口密度从区域中心向外围递减,基于人口加权质心将人口密度内插到格网面 引入统计分析法,模拟人口连续分布情况;模型允许部分栅格无人口,趋于实际 未考虑人口空间分布影响因素,带宽τ值确定较主观
分区密度模型[18,59] 人口数量、土地类型、地形地貌、交通路网、不透水面等 假设面元内同一类别分区上人口分布一致,通过面插值技术实现人口空间化 模型简单,易实现,保证源区域与目标区域人口总量不变 各分区的人口分配权重确定较为困难;无法揭示同一类别分区内人口分布异同
多元回归模型[17,62,70] 各土地类型面积,并用DEM、居民点等数据进行修正 土地面积与人口强相关性;假定某分区下同一土地类型人口密度相同,遵从“无土地则无人口”原则 适合中大尺度研究,参数少,易于建模,便于推广,结果较为可控 相同土地类型下难以揭示人口分布差异
夜间灯光、NDVI、土地利用类型 夜间灯光与人口强相关性;夜间灯光蕴含人口分布信息,一定程度上反映人口分布情况 参数少,易于建模,便于推广,适合中大尺度研究 灯光像元过饱和及溢出问题使其应用受限,像元灰度值相同地区难以揭示人口分布异同
多因素融合模型[15,22,64,71] 人口数量、水域因子、交通路网、第一性生产力、DEM、城市规模及点位 基于重力模型构建格点生成法;人口分布与城市规模、交通网密度、净第一性生产力成正比,与到城市中心点的距离、高程成反比 综合考虑自然、经济因素对人口分布的影响,体现了各因素的影响程度 参数设置及模型计算较为 复杂
土地利用、DEM、交通路网、河流水系、居民点等 人口分布受自然地理要素、社会经济条件、历史条件等众多因素的综合影响 注重分析单因子及多因子对人口分布的影响程度,为其他研究提供清晰思路 融合权重确定较为主观,缺少因子间的相关性分析,选取指标多变,增加复杂性及信息冗余
智能化模型[43,52,72] 交通条件、自然环境、公共服务设施、建筑物(面积、楼层、新旧程度、区位、密度) 微观个体根据自身偏好以及环境因素,来决定居住选择行为,呈现出人口空间分布;构建“自下而上”多智能体模拟系统 适合城市地区精细尺度人口分布模拟,“自下而上”的模型能够描述城市内部人口分异特性 表征多智能体行为的环境参数的选取较为主观、设置 复杂
DEM、河流水系、交通路网、土地利用、邻近村镇 利用遗传进化计算技术的优点,构建智能算法,实现人口数据内插方法 智能化与自动化程度高,无须人工干预,模型结构灵活多样 模型精度受算法优劣、样本大小、样本类型的影响,选取合适的影响因素较为困难

3.2 提高精度措施

3.2.1 分区域建模
3.2.2 分城乡建模
3.2.3 分县分乡镇控制
3.2.4 居民地再分类建模

4 研究展望

4.1 格网尺度适宜性研究

格网大小(尺度)的确定是人口数据空间化的首要任务,国内外代表性研究的常用格网大小为20 m~1 km。基于现有基础数据条件下,用于表达人口空间分布的适宜格网大小是多大?格网尺度适宜性研究,就是要解决这一科学问题。目前,相关研究较少,主要从数据源及人口空间化结果表达适宜尺度2方面确定适宜格网大小。

4.2 高时空分辨率人口空间分布模拟


4.3 新型数据源的应用


4.4 多思想多模型的综合应用


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Center for International Earth Science Information Network. Global Rural-Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), alpha version: urban extents[R]. New York: Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia University of Chicago Magazine, 2004.

Bhaduri B, Brigh E, Coleman P, et al.LandScan USA: a high-resolution geospatial and temporal modeling approach for population distribution and dynamics[J]. GeoJournal, 2007,69:103-117.High-resolution population distribution data are critical for successfully addressing important issues ranging from socio-environmental research to public health to homeland security, since scientific analyses, operational activities, and policy decisions are significantly influenced by the number of impacted people. Dasymetric modeling has been a well-recognized approach for spatial decomposition of census data to increase the spatial resolution of population distribution. However, enhancing the temporal resolution of population distribution poses a greater challenge. In this paper, we discuss the development of LandScan USA, a multi-dimensional dasymetric modeling approach, which has allowed the creation of a very high-resolution population distribution data both over space and time. At a spatial resolution of 3聽arc seconds (鈭90聽m), the initial LandScan USA database contains both a nighttime residential as well as a baseline daytime population distribution that incorporates movement of workers and students. Challenging research issues of disparate and misaligned spatial data and modeling to develop a database at a national scale, as well as model verification and validation approaches are illustrated and discussed. Initial analyses indicate a high degree of locational accuracy for LandScan USA distribution model and data. High-resolution population data such as LandScan USA, which describes both distribution and dynamics of human population, clearly has the potential to profoundly impact multiple domain applications of national and global priority.


Dobson J E, Brlght E A, Coleman P R, et al.LandScan: a global population database for estimating populations at risk[J]. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 2000,66(7):849-857.The LandScan Global Population Project produced a world-wide 1998 population database at a 30- by 30-second resolution for estimating ambient populations at risk. Best available census counts were distributed to cells based on probability coefficients which, in turn, were based on road proximity, slope, land cover, and nighttime lights. LandScan 1998 has been completed for the entire world. Verification and validation (V&V) studies were conducted routinely for all regions and more extensively for Israel, Germany, and the southwestern United States. Geographic information systems (GIS) were essential for conflation of diverse input variables, computation of probability coefficients, allocation of population to cells, and reconciliation of cell totals with aggregate (usually province) control totals. Remote sensing was an essential source of two input variables-land cover and nightime lights-and one ancillary database-high -resolution panchromatic imagery-used in V&V of the population model and resulting LandScan database.


UNEP. Global resource information database[DB/OL]. .

杨小唤,江东,王乃斌,等.人口数据空间化的处理方法[J].地理学报,2002,57(增刊):71-75.在人口空间分布区划的基础上,利用基于LANDSAT TM信息获取的1:10万比例尺的土地利用/覆盖数据,建立与统计人口数据的多元相关关系模型,计算各种士地利用类型中的居住人口系数,在GIS支持下计算出全国1km格网人口空间分布数据,然后结合DEM数据、居民点分布数据对空间化处理结果进行修正,并在各大区内随机抽样若干县采集乡镇行政边界和统计人口数据对模型计算结果进行了验证.


[ Yang X H, Jiang D, Wang N B, et al.Method of pixelizing population data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2002,57:71-75. ]

Mennis J.Generating surface models of population using dasymetric mapping[J]. The Professional Geographer, 2003,55(1):31-42.Aggregated demographic datasets are associated with analytical and cartographic problems due to the arbitrary nature of areal unit partitioning. This article describes a methodology for generating a surface-based representation of population that mitigates these problems. This methodology uses dasymetric mapping and incorporates areal weighting and empirical sampling techniques to assess the relationship between categorical ancillary data and population distribution. As a demonstration, a 100-meter-resolution population surface is generated from U.S. Census block group data for the southeast Pennsylvania region. Remote-sensing-derived urban land-cover data serve as ancillary data in the dasymetric mapping.


Briggs D J, Gulliver J, Fecht D, et al.Dasymetric modelling of small-area population distribution using land cover and light emissions data[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2007,108(4):451-466.Despite the improvements made in census procedures over recent decades, the availability of detailed population data is limited. For many applications, including environmental and health analyses, methods are therefore needed to model population distribution at the small-area level. With the development of GIS and remote sensing techniques, the ability to develop such models has greatly improved. This paper describes a GIS-based approach using remotely sensed land cover and nighttime light emissions data to model population distribution at the land parcel level across the European Union. Light emission data from the DMSP satellites were first resampled and modelled using kriging and inverse distance weighting methods to provide a 200-m resolution light emissions map. This was then matched to CORINE land cover classes across the EU. Regression methods were used to derive models of relationships between census population counts (at NUTS 5 level) and land cover area and light emissions. Models were developed at both national and EU scale, using a range of different modelling strategies. Model performance, as indicated by the regression statistics, was seen to be good, with R 2 typically in the order of 0.8鈥0.9 and SEE ca. 4000 people. In southern countries, especially, incorporation of light emissions data was found to improve model performance considerably compared to models based only on land cover data. More detailed post hoc validation in Great Britain, using independent data on population at census tract (enumeration district and output area) and postcode level, for 1991 and 2001, showed that models gave good predictions of population at the 1km level ( R 2 聽>聽0.9), but were less reliable at resolutions below ca. 500m. Impending enhancements in the available land cover and light emissions data are expected to improve the capability of this modelling approach in the future.


Tian Y Z, Yue T X, Zhu L F, et al.Modeling population density using land cover data[J]. Ecological Modelling, 2005,189(1-2):72-88.This study investigates the correlation between land cover data and other factors that affect population distribution. The results show that land cover data contain sufficient information to infer population distribution and can be used independently to model the spatial pattern of population density in China. China's population distribution model (CPDM) was developed based on land cover data to calculate population density in China at 1 km resolution. For cells in rural areas, population probability coefficients were calculated based on weighted linear models, the weights of land cover types being derived from multivariate regression models and on a qualitative order of land types in 12 agro-ecological zones. For cells in urban areas, a power exponential decay model based on city size and the distance from urban center was employed to calculate population probability coefficients. The models were validated in sampled cells using ancillary population data. The validation shows the mean relative error of estimated population to be 3.13 and 5.26% in rural and urban areas, respectively. Compared to existing models, the accuracy of CPDM is much higher at cell, county and province scales.


Yue T X, Wang Y A, Liu J Y, et al.Surface modelling of human population distribution in China[J]. Ecological Modelling, 2005,181(4):461-478.

刘纪远,岳天祥,王英安,等.中国人口密度数字模拟[J].地理学报,2003,58(1):17-24.<p>运用基于格点生成法的人口密度空间分布模拟模型,通过运行净第一性生产力空间分布、数字高程、城市规模及其空间分布和交通基础设施空间分布等数据集,模拟了中国人口密度的空间分布规律。模拟结果表明,人口密度的最高值集中在北京、上海和郑州之间的三角区 (BSZ) 及珠江三角洲地区;同时,这个BSZ峰值三角区有发展为以上海-南京-杭州大都市密集区、武汉市、西安市、北京-天津-唐山大都市密集区和沈阳-大连大都市密集区为顶点的五角形峰值区的趋势,珠江三角洲峰值区也正在向外围地区扩展。</p>

[ Liu J Y, Yue T X, Wang Y A, et al.Digital simulation of population density in China[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003,58(1):17-24. ]

McPherson T N, Brown M J. Estimating daytime and nighttime population distributions in US cities for emergency response activities[J]. Symposium on Planning, Nowcasting, and Forecasting in the Urban Zone, 84th AMS Annual Meeting, 2004.

Gaughan A E, Stevens F R, Linard C, et al.High resolution population distribution maps for Southeast Asia in 2010 and 2015[J]. PLoS One, 2013,8(2):e55882.

Krunić N, Bajat B, Kilibarda M.Dasymetric mapping of population distribution in serbia based on soil sealing degrees layer[A]. In: Surface Models for Geosciences[M]. Switzerland: Springer, 2015:137-149.

Linard C, Gilbert M, Snow R W, et al.Population distribution, settlement patterns and accessibility across Africa in 2010[J]. PLoS One, 2012,7(2):e31743.

Dmowska A, Stepinski T F.High resolution dasymetric model of U.S demographics with application to spatial distribution of racial diversity[J]. Applied Geography, 2014,53:417-426.Population and demographic data at high spatial resolution is a valuable resource for supporting planning and management decisions as well as an important input to socio-economic academic studies. Dasymetric modeling has been a standard technique to disaggregate census-aggregated units into raster-based data of higher spatial resolution. Although utility of dasymetric mapping has been demonstrated on local and regional scales, few high resolution large-scale models exist due to their high computational cost. In particular, no publicly available high resolution dasymetric model of population distribution over the entire United States is presently available. In this paper we introduce a 3 '' (similar to 90 m) resolution dasymetric model of demographics over the entire conterminous United States. The major innovation is to disaggregate already existing 30 '' (similar to 1 km) and 7.5 '' (similar to 250 m) SEDAC (Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center) Census 2000 grids instead of the original census block-level data. National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) 2001 is used as ancillary information. This allows for rapid development of a U.S.-wide model for distribution of population and sixteen other demographic variables. The new model is demonstrated to markedly improve spatial accuracy of SEDAC model. To underscore importance of high spatial resolution demographic information other than total population count we demonstrate how maps of several population characteristics can be fused into a "product" map that illustrates complex social issues. Specifically, we introduce a "diversity" categorical map that informs (at nominal 3 '' resolution) about spatial distribution of racial diversity, dominant race, and population density simultaneously. Diversity map is compared to a similar map based on census tracts. High resolution raster map allows study of race-diversity phenomenon on smaller scale, and, outside of major metropolitan areas, revels existence of patterns that cannot be deduced from a tract-based map. The new high resolution population and diversity maps can be explored online using our GeoWeb application DataEye available at http://siLuc.edui. Both datasets can be also downloaded from the same website. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Zhang Y, Dong C, Liu J P, et al.Gridded population distribution map for the Hebei Province of China[J]. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2015,14(3):673-680.Mapping the distribution of populations has become an important issue in geographical and relative researchers. Combining population and spatial data allows for socio-graphic information to be visualized, in order to evaluate the total numbers of people at risk of environmental health hazards, who have died in natural disasters etc. Therefore, spatial distribution of population data is an effective way to integrate statistical and spatial data. This paper presents a multi-factor data fusion modeling method for population estimation, which is based on spatial relationships that determine the factors affecting population distribution. The factors that have a strong correlation with population distribution in the Hebei Province were extracted using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Their standardized weight coefficients were factored as weight coefficients of population distribution in a given spatial unit. The unit (1 km x 1 km) population database was established, allowing for the computation of the relevant population data error. The accuracy of the map was then assessed by comparing predicted population data with that collected from the local government. The results show that the population correlated with geographical factors. The population of the Hebei Province was distributed heterogeneously, increasing from the northwest to southeast. There was relatively low population density in the Taihang Mountains in the west and in the Yanshan Mountains in the northeast, with less than 100 people per square kilometer. The population density in the central Hebei Province was higher, with about 2,000 people per square kilometer, which was higher and denser than that in Handan, Shijiazhuang, Langfang, and Tangshan. These findings may be important for data mining (DM), Decision-making Support Systems (DSS), and regional sustainable development.



[ Wang K J, Cai H Y, Yang X H, et al.Spatialization method for census data based on reclassifying residential land use in urban areas-A case study in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River Watershed[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2015,30(5):987-995. ]


[ Ye Y, Liu G H, Feng X F.Presentation of spatial distribution of population and its application[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2006,8(2):59-65. ]

尹京苑,张桂芳,单新建.基于TM影像的人口密度数字模拟——以北京地区为例[J].灾害学, 2007,22(1):31-35. ]居住区影像是人口分布客观真实 的定性表现,对这种定性的数据源进行合理量化即可获得人口实际分布数据。在分析TM影像各个波段特征的基础上,选取5、4、3波段进行图像逻辑运算,比较 精确地提取出居住区影像。计算居住区面积并依据面积大小将居住区分为3类,根据人口户籍统计值计算出3类居住区相对的人口分布比例系数kj。然后生成与居 住区矢量投影相同的1km网格,利用图层叠加统计每个网格内的居住面积lj,居住区矢量与区县界矢量叠加统计每个区县内的居住面积Am,计算网格人口分配 系数ki×lj/Am,依据该系数对人口总数进行网格化模拟,以得到人口密度空间分布规律。以北京地区为试验区进行人口模拟,结果显示北京中心区最大


[ Yin J Y, Zhang G F, Shan X J. Smiulating population density based on TM images-Taking Beijing as an example[J]. Journal of Catastrophology, 2007,22(1):31-35. ]


[ Hang Y H, Yang X H, Liu Y S.A study on class-2 population regionalization and its application to population spatial distribution based on GIS-A case of Shandong Province[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2007,9(2):49-54. ]

刘业森,杨小唤.基于边界替代的人口数据空间化方法研究[J].地球信息科学学报,2005,7(4):54-58.首先将山东省各县市按级别分类,利用回归方法得到不同级别县市的城镇居住密度与农村居住密度,然后根据乡镇驻地位置,构造Voronoi图来替代乡镇边界。在此基础上利用各乡镇人口数据与居民点数据计算得到各 Voronoi图形的居住密度,并将该密度赋予每个图形的发生点(即乡镇驻地位置),而后利用反距离插值算法,并结合窗口移动平均处理,得到全省的居住密度分布图。使用居住密度分布图和居民点分布数据,计算人口分布数据。并根据每个县市的图上汇总人口和统计人口,计算得到各县市的调整系数,使用该系数对每个栅格的人口数进行调整,保证了各县市总人口不会出现误差。最终得到山东省1km&times;1km栅格的人口分布数据。最后选取某些样本县, 在样本县内对比每个乡镇图上的人口与实际统计人口,结果表明该人口分布数据有较高的精度。

[ Liu Y S, Yang X H.Spatial distribution of statistical population based on Boundary-substitution[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2005,7(4):54-58. ]



[ Cao W C, Tao H P, Tan L, et al.Simulation of mountain population distribution based on multi-source spatial data[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2012,24(2):61-67. ]

李月娇,杨小唤,王静. 基于景观生态学的人口空间数据适宜格网尺度研究-以山东省为例[J].地理与地理信息科学, 2014, 30(1):97-100.以山东省为研究区,在100m、200m、300m、400m、500m、600m、700m、800m、900m、1km 10个格网尺度人口格网数据的基础上,引入景观生态学的相关指数和方法,探索不同格网尺度表达人口空间分布的适宜性。结果表明:在用传统的基于土地利用/覆被的人口数据空间化方法进行人口空间化的过程中,并不是尺度越精细所能表达的信息越细致、完整,400m是一个人口尺度变化上的特征点,所反映的人口分布信息最细致且完整性好。由此可得,在进行山东省人口空间化的过程中,400m是一个比较适宜的尺度。


[ Li Y J, Yang X H, Wang J.Grid size suitability of population spatial distribution in Shandong Province based on landscape ecology[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2014,30(1):97-100. ]

高占慧. 区域生态环境评价中的统计数据空间化方法研究[D].济南:山东师范大学,2012.

[ Gao Z H.Study on spatial distribution of statistical data in regional ecology and environment assessment-A case study of Shandong Province[D]. Jinan: Shandong Normal University, 2012. ]

闫庆武,卞正富,王红.利用泰森多边形和格网平滑的人口密度空间化研究——以徐州市为例[J].武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2011,36(8):987-990.在运用泰森多边形作边界替代得到徐州市区人口密度的分布图后,采用GCAWI法实现了徐州市区人口数据的空间化,提出了采用大小两种格网错置的平滑方法,并运用此方法得到徐州市2000年和2005年的500 m×500 m的格网人口密度分布图。结果表明:①通过对比两个年份的人口密度分布图可以发现,徐州市区人口密度在2000年~2005年期间具有南移东扩的趋势;②利用大小两种格网错置平滑的方法实现了对人口密度空间化与平滑两个功能,平滑后的结果表明,徐州市区人口密度的空间分布具有块状集聚、轴状延伸的格局,整体来看呈现出"大"字形的态势;③通过与直接运用核函数内插得到的人口密度分布图的对比可以发现,前者对反映人口密度分布的细部差异比较敏感,而后者仅能反映出人口密度空间分布的整体格局。

[ Yan Q W, Bian Z F, Wang H.Census spatialization based on thiessen polygons and grids[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2011,36(8):987-990. ]

王磊,蔡运龙.人口密度的空间降尺度分析与模拟——以贵州猫跳河流域为例[J].地理科学进展, 2011,30(5):635-640.人口调查统计以行政区划为基本单元,数据精度不能满足较高分辨率的空间结构分析,也难以在地理综合研究中与自然地理要素数据相匹配。因此,人口密度空间化成为地理学的重要研究方向之一。本文基于贵州省猫跳河流域的乡镇人口数据,采用GIS空间分析技术与统计学方法,分析了人口密度与空间因子的关系;并采用多元回归的方法建立了人口密度数据空间化模型,在GIS平台中实现了人口密度的降尺度空间化模拟。建立的多元回归模型拟合精度达到0.577,且模拟结果与实际人口数据比较线性拟合斜率接近1,效果比较理想。研究结果表明:影响该地区人口密度的主导空间因子为建设用地指数、耕地指数与到道路的平均距离。


[ Wang L, Cai Y L.Spatial down-scaling analysis and simulation of population density in Maotiaohe Basin, Guizhou Province[J]. Progress in Geography, 2011,30(5):635-640. ]

Yang X H, Huang Y H, Dong P L, et al.An updating system for the gridded population database of china based on remote sensing, GIS and spatial database technologies[J]. Sensors (Basel), 2009,9:1128-1140.

柏中强,王卷乐,姜浩,等.基于多源信息的人口分布格网化方法研究[J].地球信息科学学报,2015,17(6):653-660.<p>格网化人口分布数据比行政单元人口密度数据更易直观表达人口的真实分布状况。本文面向人口格网化管理的区域发展需求, 以延安市为研究对象, 基于增强居民地空间分布及其内部结构信息的理念, 利用乡镇界线和乡镇级人口统计数据为输入控制单元, 以土地利用数据、居民点信息、DEM、夜晚灯光数据等多源信息为指示因子, 采用多元回归建模方法获得了延安市2010年100 m格网人口分布数据。结果表明, 本文采用的人口格网化建模方法最终模型选用变量数少, 决定系数(<em>R</em><sup>2</sup>)达到0.872。最终模型在用于验证的24个乡镇中, 有18个乡镇的估计人口数与统计值误差绝对值小于10%。分析认为, 该建模策略结果可信, 多源的人口分布指示信息在人口格网化方法上明显优于单独的土地利用数据方法。本文获得的100 m格网延安市人口数据格网化结果, 显著增强了人口空间分布的细节信息, 对于县市一级的人口数据格网化具有借鉴意义。</p>


[ Bai Z Q, Wang J L, Jiang H, et al.The gridding approach to redistribute population based on multi-source data[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2015,17(6):653-660. ]

杨小唤,刘业森,江东,等.一种改进人口数据空间化的方法:农村居住地重分类[J].地理科学进展,2006,25(3):62-69.<p>人口( 统计) 数据空间化是解决统计数据与自然要素数据融合分析的有效途径。本文在论 述已有人口空间化方法的基础上, 认为遥感影像得到的居民地数据是表达人口分布的最好指标。 为了使居民地数据更好地应用于人口空间化的研究, 论文在分析各种与人口居住密度相关指标 的基础上, 确定了用农村居民地面积所占百分比对农村居民地进行重新分级, 然后应用于人口空 间化的计算。结果检验表明, 人口空间分布数据的误差从分级前的17.4%降到分级后的12%, 尤 其是误差高于30%的乡镇个数从8 个减少到1 个, 该方法有效地提高了人口空间数据的精度。</p>


[ Yang X H, Liu Y S, Jiang D, et al.An enhanced method for spatial distributing census data: reclassifying of rural residential[J]. Progress in Geography, 2006,25(3):62-69. ]

曾祥贵,赖格英,易发钊,等.基于GIS的小流域人口数据空间化研究——以梅江流域为例[J].地理与地理信息科学,2013,29(6):40-44.以江西省梅江流域为例,基于GIS空间分析技术和多源数据融合技术对小流域的人口数据空间化方法进行了探究.为使结果更精确,根据小流域的特征选取地形、道路、河流作为主影响因子,并将主因子分成若干类子因子.选取居民点为影响人口分布的指引性因子,以体现人口的空间分布状况;选取土地利用中居民地面积作为居民点的指数,以体现居民点的人口数量.引入居民地指数密度变量作为各因子影响居民点分布的定量指标.在模拟过程中:首先,计算出子因子的居民地指数密度,将其作为子因子对居民点分布的影响权值(子因子居民点权值),再融合得出主因子对居民点分布的影响权值(主因子居民点权值);其次,将整个研究区分为城镇居民点、农村居民点与远离居民点3个区域,以其人口密度为各居民点类型对人口分布的影响权值(居民点人口权值);再次,融合各主因子居民点权值和居民点人口权值得到单因子人口权值,再融合单因子人口权值得到多因子人口权值,即人口密度系数;最后,将各乡镇人口根据人口密度系数生成100 m× 100 m分辨率的人口密度图.


[ Zeng X G, Lai G Y, Yi F Z, et al.A study on population data spatialization of small river based on GIS: Take Meijiang River Basin as the example[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2013,29(6):40-44. ]

廖一兰,王劲峰,孟斌,等.人口统计数据空间化的一种方法[J].地理学报,2007,62(10):1110-1118.<p>人口空间分布信息在环境健康风险诊断、自然灾害损失评估和现场抽样调查比较等地理学和相关学科研究中占有重要的地位。目前随着对地观测技术和地理信息科学的飞速发展, 如何精确地进行人口数据空间化成为了研究的难点和热点。针对采用传统方法解决人口空间化问题所遇到的困难和不足, 设计了遗传规划(genetic programming, GP)、遗传算法(genetic algorithms, GA) 和GIS 相结合的方法, 以GIS 确定量化影响因子权重, 以GP 建立模型结构, 以GA 优化模型参数, 成功建立研究区&mdash;山西省和顺县的人口数据格网分布表面。实验证明与传统建模方法(如逐步回归分析模型和重力模型)相比, 所提方法建模过程更为智能化与自动化, 模型结构更为灵活多样, 而且数据拟合精度更高。</p>

[ Liao Y L, Wang J F, Meng B, et al.A method of spatialization of statistical population[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007,62(10):1110-1118. ]



[ Zhang J C, Wang Y H.Simulation of village-level population distribution based on land use: a case study of Hefeng county in Hubei Province[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2014,16(3):435-441. ]

吴桂平,曾永年,邹滨.基于GIS的区域人口密度空间分布模拟——以张家界市永定区为例[J].测绘科学,2009,34(2):237-240.人口统计数据空间化是解决统计数据与自然要素数据融合分析的有效 途径.本文以张家界市永定区为研究单元,对小尺度区域的人口密度空间分布模拟进行了初步研究.文章根据2005年所统计的 人口数据,分析了永定区各乡镇平均人口密度与土地利用类型指数及地形指数(平均高程和平均坡度)之间的相关性.基于相关性分析,以GIS软件与SPSS统 计软件为工具,运用多元回归的思想建立了人口数据空间化模型,同时生成了永定区250m×250m空间分辨率的栅格人口密度图.结果表明,模型模拟的精度 较高,模拟过程具有较强的可操作性,可为县域尺度人口空间分布的应用研究提供借鉴.同时,研究结果为永定区推进城市化进程,提高人口、资源和环境的科学管 理提供了理论基础.


[ Wu G P, Zeng Y N, Zou B.A GIS-based method for simulating spatial distribution of regional population density-a case study of Yongding district, Zhangjiajie[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2009,34(2):237-240. ]

颜清梅. 基于格网的城市人口空间分布特征分析[D].成都:四川师范大学,2013.

[ Yan Q M.The analysis of population spatial distribution characteristics based of grid[D]. Chengdu: Sichuan Normal University, 2013. ]

Jia P, Qiu Y L, Gaughan A E.A fine-scale spatial population distribution on the high-resolution gridded population surface and application in Alachua county, Florida[J]. Applied Geography, 2014,50:99-107.Geospatial techniques, using Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing data, have become more commonly used with dasymetric modeling of fine-scale demographic data. In this study, we apply a dasymetric approach using the Heuristic Sampling Method for 2010 parcel data to disaggregate population counts from the 2010 U.S. Census into a quadrilateral grid composed of 30 x 30 m cells covering the Alachua County, Florida. The final output, termed the High-resolution Gridded Population Surface (HGPS), is compared to a land cover-based population product (LCPP) and the detail of each product is assessed. Results suggest that the HGPS provides increased spatial heterogeneity and more detail in the boundaries of populated areas over the use of census blocks or land cover lots. For an example of the final output, we use a case study at the Cabot-Koppers Superfund Site to demonstrate the advantages of the HGPS over the LCPP. The HGPS is expected to serve as a more accurate input in various research fields, such as public health, crime analysis, and climate change. The approach outlined provides an improved means of producing spatially-explicit population grids where fine-scale ancillary data, such as parcel data, is available. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.



[ Ye J, Yang X H, Jiang D.The grid scale effect analysis on town leveled populationstatistical data spatialization[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2010,12(1):40-46. ]

Lwin K, Murayama Y.A GIS approach to estimation of building population for micro-spatial analysis[J]. Transactions in GIS, 2009,13(4):401-414.Abstract Population data used in GIS analyses is generally assumed to be homogeneous and planar (i.e. census tracts, townships or prefectures) due to the public unavailability of building population data. However, information on building population is required for micro-spatial analysis for improved disaster management and emergency preparedness, public facility management for urban planning, consumer and retail market analysis, environment and public health programs and other demographic studies. This article discusses a GIS approach using the Areametric and Volumetric methods for estimating building population based on census tracts and building footprint datasets. The estimated results were evaluated using actual building population data by visual, statistical and spatial means, and validated for use in micro-spatial analysis. We have also implemented a standalone GIS tool (known as ‘PopShape GIS’) for generating new building footprint with population attribute information based on user-defined criteria.


Ural S, Hussain E, Shan J.Building population mapping with aerial imagery and GIS data[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2011,13(6):841-852.Geospatial distribution of population at a scale of individual buildings is needed for analysis of people's interaction with their local socio-economic and physical environments. High resolution aerial images are capable of capturing urban complexities and considered as a potential source for mapping urban features at this fine scale. This paper studies population mapping for individual buildings by using aerial imagery and other geographic data. Building footprints and heights are first determined from aerial images, digital terrain and surface models. City zoning maps allow the classification of the buildings as residential and non-residential. The use of additional ancillary geographic data further filters residential utility buildings out of the residential area and identifies houses and apartments. In the final step, census block population, which is publicly available from the U.S. Census, is disaggregated and mapped to individual residential buildings. This paper proposes a modified building population mapping model that takes into account the effects of different types of residential buildings. Detailed steps are described that lead to the identification of residential buildings from imagery and other GIS data layers. Estimated building populations are evaluated per census block with reference to the known census records. This paper presents and evaluates the results of building population mapping in areas of West Lafayette, Lafayette, and Wea Township, all in the state of Indiana, USA. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.


Yang X Y, Jiang G M, Luo X Z, et al.Preliminary mapping of high-resolution rural population distribution based on imagery from Google Earth: a case study in the Lake Tai basin, eastern China[J]. Applied Geography, 2012,32(2):221-227.There is a large rural population in China. Throughout the country, sewage from rural households is mostly discharged with minimal treatment. Knowledge of rural population distribution is essential to study the rural households' impacts on their surrounding environment. However, high-resolution spatial datasets on rural population distribution are rarely available in China. This study explores the feasibility of using the image from Google Earth to derive a high-resolution map on rural population distribution for a town in the Lake Tai basin of eastern China. Study results show that texture analysis in conjunction with other processing procedures can extract man-made building features from the image reasonably, which can then serve as the basis for the preliminary mapping of rural population distribution in the study region. This may prove to be a promising alternative for deriving spatial datasets on rural population distribution in many parts of the world. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.




[ Zhou L, Huang X R, Tao H Y, et al.High spatial resolution population distribution simulation based on building information and multi-agent[J]. Geographical Research, 2014,33(3):520-531. ]



[ Lin F N, Zhao W J, Zhang P.GIS based urban population spatial distribution model and application in Changchun[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2008,33(4):163-165. ]

杜国明,张树文,张有全.城市人口密度的尺度效应分析-以沈阳市为例[J].中国科学院研究生院学报,2007,24(2):186-192.以沈阳市为例,在对人口统计数据进行空间化处理的基础上,从统计 特征、空间自相关性和空间格局3个方面分析人口密度在10种粒度下的异同,充分证明了人口密度尺度效应的存在,并基于景观指数确定了沈阳市人口分布研究的 适宜尺度.本研究认为在使用人口密度这一指标来研究城市人口分布格局时,学者们必须面对尺度效应、选择适宜尺度,并充分考虑数据来源的尺度、分析的尺度、 结果表达的尺度以及它们之间的关系和转换.


[ Du G M, Zhang S W, Zhang Y Q.Analyzing scale effects of population density with Shenyang city as a case[J]. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2007,24(2):186-192. ]

王培震,石培基,魏伟,等.基于空间自相关特征的人口密度格网尺度效应与空间化研究——以石羊河流域为例[J].地球科学进展,2012,27(12):1363-1372.<p>以石羊河流域为例,运用GCAWI法、空间自相关指数以及考虑空间自相关性的多(单)中心指数模型等实现了乡镇单元向格网单元图层的转化、适宜格网大小的确定以及人口密度的空间模拟。结果表明:①石羊河流域人口密度的空间分布差异较大而又相对集中,具有&ldquo;3点4线3区&rdquo;的&ldquo;点&mdash;线&mdash;区&rdquo;状空间结构;②不同单元大小的格网图层提高了流域整体的空间自相关性,Moran&rsquo;s I指数表现出较大的差异性和偶然性;③石羊河流域人口密度空间分布存在明显的正空间自相关,8 000~10 000 m是表现流域人口密度空间分布特征的最优选择范围;④空间自相关性影响下的人口密度空间化多(单)中心模型大大提高传统指数模型的精度,却改变了距离衰减系数的性质和大小,多中心和单中心模型模拟系数的差异主要是由金昌人口密度中心引起的。</p>

[ Wang P Z, Shi P J, Wei W, et al.Grid scale effect and spatialization of population density based on the characteristic of spatial autocorrelation in Shiyang River Basin[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2012,27(12):1363-1372. ]

Gallego F J.A population density grid of the European Union[J]. Population and Environment, 2010,31(6):460-473.This paper describes four methods used to produce dasymetric population density grids combining population data per commune with CORINE Land Cover, a map available for all countries of the European Union. An accuracy assessment has been carried out for five countries for which a very reliable 1-km population density grid exists; the improvement, compared with the choropleth map per commune, ranges between 20% for the weakest result in Finland and 62% for the best result in the Netherlands. The best results are obtained with a method using logit regression to integrate information from the point survey LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame Survey); however, performance differences between methods are moderate. The dasymetric grid is distributed free of charge by the European Environment Agency, for non-commercial use.


Langford M.Rapid facilitation of dasymetric-based population interpolation by means of raster pixel maps[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2007,31(1):19-32.Areal interpolation between one partitioning of geographical space and another remains an important topic, particular in terms of population counts and related statistics which are often required in order to compute an incidence ratio. Despite numerous recent developments in intelligent areal interpolation methods, and studies that have demonstrated their clear advantage over simple areal weighting, there is little evidence to suggest widespread usage amongst the GIS user community. It is argued that to encourage greater uptake such methods must offer simplicity and convenience. Areal interpolation based on binary dasymetric mapping is conceptually simple, but examples to date tend to use information extracted from multi-spectral satellite imagery which limits its perceived convenience. This paper examines a simple method to extract equivalent information from a raster pixel map. It is shown to offer comparable areal interpolation performance at considerably less cost in terms of both time and complexity.


Holt J B, Lo C P, Hodler T W.Dasymetric estimation of population density and areal interpolation of census data[J]. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2004,34(2):103-121.IntroductionThe purpose of this paper is to discuss a dasymetric method for computing population densities, using a geographic information system (GIS) and remotely sensed satellite imagery, and to illustrate the use of dasymetrically derived population densities for areal interpolation of statistical data. Examples of the use of these techniques will be presented from the metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, area, using data from 1980 through 2000.Population mapping generally has two purposes--to cartographically portray the extent and density of population across an area of interest and to derive quantitative estimates of population density for use in subsequent spatial analytical modeling tasks (Langford 9003). Computing population density requires the standardization of population census data by enumeration areas. The usual manner of computing population density is to divide the total population for a given enumeration area by its total land area. This is easily accomplished in a GIS, which can also display the results in the form of choroplethic maps. Most map users are familiar with, and can easily interpret, choroplethic maps, which also make it easy to compare population densities across areas.Despite these advantages, several problems are inherent in computing and displaying population densities in this manner (Langford 2003). First, the traditional choroplethic method is subject to the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem or MAUP (Openshaw 1984), as it does not account for potential variations in density due to scale and boundary effects. A change in the areal extent of a given enumeration area will result in a change in population density, due to changes in land area and population within that area. Furthermore, the population density for a given area will vary depending on how the boundary of the enumeration area is delineated. A second limitation of choroplethic maps is that they give the impression of abrupt changes at the boundaries of administrative areas (such as counties or census tracts), while representing population as a continuous variable across the entire land area. Population, comprised of individuals, is not a continuous phenomenon; however, population density, which is the number of persons per unit area, is continuous, because a value of population density can be estimated for each discrete location. The traditional manner of population density computation yields positive values for population density at all locations. (1) The traditional manner of computing population density overestimates population density in unpopulated and sparsely populated areas, and it underestimates population density in more-densely populated areas.Dasymetric mapping, like choroplethic mapping, is an area-based cartographic technique. The major difference is that choropleth maps are based upon existing administrative boundaries that are independent of the phenomena to be mapped, whereas in dasymetric maps the boundaries of the phenomenon's distribution are revealed. In dasymetric mapping, the original administrative areas (or source zones) are divided into smaller spatial units, onto which the socio-demographic variable of interest (e.g., population) is averaged to obtain a rate, such as population density. These smaller spatial units are areas estimated to contain population, usually through the application of ancillary land-use data, often acquired through classification of remotely sensed satellite images. This technique is based on an explicit recognition of the fact that certain areas within an administrative area are populated, while others are not (Wright 1936) (2). The smaller spatial units used in dasymetric mapping have greater interval consistency (i.e., less variation) in the density of the variable being mapped. Although some internal variation will remain, it will be less than in a choroplethic map.Dasymetric mapping is also vulnerable to the MAUR and it still results in abrupt transitions at zonal boundaries. 鈥


Su M, Lin M, Hsieh H, et al.Multi-layer multi-class dasymetric mapping to estimate population distribution[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2010,408(20):4807-4816.The spatial patterns of population distribution are very important information for most regional planning and management decisions. But the socioeconomic data are usually published in areal aggregated format due to privacy concerns. Although choropleth maps are used extensively to display spatial distributions of these areal aggregated data, patterns may be distorted due to assumptions of homogeneous distributions and the modifiable areal unit problem. Most human activity, including population distribution, is spatially heterogeneous due to variations in topography and regional development. A multi-layer multi-class dasymetric (MLMCD) framework was proposed in this study to better redistribute the regionally aggregated population statistics into smaller areal units and reveal more realistic spatial population distribution pattern. The Taipei metropolitan area in Taiwan was used as a case study area to demonstrate the disaggregation ability of the proposed framework and the improvements to the traditional binary or multi-class dasymetric method. Assorted data, including remote sensing images, land use zoning, topography, transportation and accessibility to facilities were introduced in different layers to improve the redistribution of aggregated regional population data. The concept of multi-layer multi-class dasymetric modeling is both useful and flexible. Different levels of accuracy in this population redistribution process can be achieved depending on data and budget availabilities and the needs for different data usage purposes.


王静,杨小唤,石瑞香.山东省人口空间分布格局的多尺度分析[J].地理科学进展,2012,31(2):176-182.人口空间分布具有一定的尺度依赖性,从不同尺度上对人口空间分布格局进行分析,可以更确切、真实地揭示人口的空间分布规律,为制定区域发展规划、灾害评价、环境保护等提供科学依据。本文以山东省为研究区,运用空间自相关方法和统计相关分析方法,比较市级、县级、1 km三个尺度上人口分布的空间自相关性及其与环境—经济因子的统计相关性,试图探讨不同尺度下人口的空间分布模式及影响(指示)因素,从不同尺度揭示人口的空间分布格局特征。结果表明:①从不同尺度对人口的空间分布格局进行分析,可以得到从宏观到微观不同详细程度的信息。从市级尺度分析,可以得到山东省整体的人口空间分布特征;从县级尺度分析,可以得到山东省各市内部的人口空间分布特征;从1 km尺度分析,可以得到山东省各县内部的人口空间分布特征。②不同尺度上,人口的空间分布格局特征不同。市级和县级尺度上,人口分布受环境—经济因子的影响表现出与一些因子显著相关,而受空间集聚的作用较小;1 km尺度上,人口分布与环境—经济因子的相关性较小,而主要受空间集聚的作用,在县内部,人口往往集中分布于某一区域,呈现出典型的集聚分布模式。


[ Wang J, Yang X H, Shi R X.Spatial distribution of the population in Shandong Provinceat multi-scales[J]. Progress in Geography, 2012,31(2):176-182. ]

唐华秀,马劲松,战金艳,等.江苏省人口数据空间离散化研究及其精度分析[J].长江流域资源与环境,2008,17(4):506-510.<p>针对传统人口数据表达方法在表达人口空间分布上的不足,设计了人口数据离散化模型,通过分析人口数据与土地覆被信息之间的关系,将分县统计的人口数据分配到空间1 km&times;1 km栅格单元上。在江苏省的研究表明,利用该方法能获得比较高的精度。基于离散化后的人口数据,发现江苏省人口空间分布有两大特点:(1)人口分布自城市中心向城市外围由密集渐变为分散;(2)苏南的城市人口规模显著大于苏中和苏北,苏南、苏中、苏北三大区域的人口城镇化水平呈现由高到低排列。江苏省人口空间分布的上述特点与江苏省三大区域的经济发展状况及各个区域的城镇化水平相一致。离散化后生成的1 km&times;1 km栅格人口数据,能够精确表达人口分布的区域差异,可以作为制订资源开发、环境规划、区域发展战略等重要参考依据。</p>

[ Tang H X, Ma J S, Zhan J Y, et al.Interpolation of the population data from census and accuracy validation-A case study in Jiangsu Province[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2008,17(4):506-510. ]

卓莉,陈晋,史培军,等.基于夜间灯光数据的中国人口密度模拟[J].地理学报,2005, 60(2):266-276.<p>人口密度网格化比人口密度行政单元化更接近人口的实际分布,而且是实现人口数据与其他社会经济统计数据、资源数据、环境数据复合,提高人口、资源、环境综合管理能力的重要途径之一。选用专门针对亚洲地区开发的DMSP/OLS非辐射定标夜间灯光平均强度遥感数据模拟了中国的人口密度:基于灯光强度信息模拟了灯光区内部的人口密度,基于人口&mdash;距离衰减规律和电场叠加理论模拟了灯光区外部的人口密度,是应用DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据模拟人口密度研究的拓展和深入,研究结果与其他研究基本一致,但所需数据量较少,更适合于大尺度人口密度的快速估算,为决策提供参考依据。结果表明,DMSP/OLS夜间灯光强度数据具有实现人口以及其他社会经济数据空间网格化的巨大潜力。</p>

[ Zhuo L, Chen J, Shi P J, et al.Modeling population density of China in 1998 based on DMSP/OLS nighttime light image[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2005,60(2):266-276. ]

高义,王辉,王培涛,等.基于人口普查与多源夜间灯光数据的海岸带人口空间化分析[J].资源科学,2013,35(12):2517-2523.我国海岸带区域是台风、风暴潮、地震海啸和海岸侵蚀等海洋灾害的重灾区,精细空间分辨率的人口数据,能够有效服务海岸带灾害风险管理.本文基于我国第六次人口普查资料、OLS/DMSP和NPP/VIIRS DNB两种夜间灯光数据及Landsat卫星遥感影像,综合利用遥感与地理信息系统理论与技术,进行了我国海岸带人口空间化方法与应用研究.利用建筑物与裸地增强指数法(EBBI)基于Landsat卫星遥感影像提取了我国沿海区县建成区数据,作为人口分布的空间控制因素,以普查人口数与夜间灯光数据回归函数关系为依据,对人口进行空间化处理.反演得到了我国海岸带区县1km×1km和0.5km×0.5km两个空间尺度的人口格网数据.并利用福建省沿海乡镇人口数据对人口空间化结果进行了精度评价.研究结果表明NPP/VIIRS DNB夜间灯光数据适用于人口空间化研究,且其反演精度整体优于基于DMSP/OLS传统夜间灯光数据反演的人口格网模型.通过本文实践,可以发现NPP/VIIRS DNB夜间灯光数据具有实现人口和社会经济数据空间化的巨大潜力.

[ Gao Y, Wang H, Wang P T, et al.Population spatial processing for Chinese coastal zones based on census and multiple night light data[J]. Resources Science, 2013,35(12):2517-2523. ]

廖顺宝,孙九林. 基于GIS的青藏高原人口统计数据空间化[J].地理学报,2003, 58(1):25-33.<p>根据2000年第5次全国人口普查数据分析,西藏、青海2省区各市县平均人口密度与海拔高度、土地利用、主要道路有较强的相关关系,河流水系对居民点分布的影响较为明显,而居民点是人口分布的重要指示因子。以GIS软件为工具,通过较为客观的方式赋予各影响因子人口分布影响权重,运用多源数据融合技术进行了人口统计数据的空间化。结果显示,通过数据融合产生的人口密度与各市县实际人口密度的相关系数大于0.80,与试验区各乡镇的实际人口密度的相关系数大于0.75。最终生成的栅格人口密度数据既与各市县统计型人口数据保持一致,又反映了各市县内部人口分布的空间变化。</p>

[ Liao S B, Sun J L.GIS based spatialization of population census data in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003,58(1):25-33. ]

汪蓉. 喀斯特地区人口分布模式与格网化建模方法研究——以广西为例[D].北京:中国科学院大学,2011.

[ Wang R.Study on population distribution and grid-based modeling method of karst area-a case study in Guangxi[D]. Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011. ]


[ Feng J, Zhou Y X.The growth and distribution of population in Beijing metropolitan area (1982-2000)[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003,58(6):903-916. ]

吴文钰, 高向东.中国城市人口密度分布模型研究进展及展望[J].地理科学进展,2010,29(8):968-974.<p>城市人口密度分布及模拟是城市空间结构、郊区化研究中的重要内容。经济学和区域科学学者对城市人口密度分布模型研究文献很多,揭示了发达国家城市人口分布经历了从单中心到多中心的演变。本文从单中心城市和多中心城市2种研究假设,梳理了中国城市人口密度模型研究进展。从已有研究看,中国城市人口密度模型的研究主要集中在对北京、上海等个别大城市的研究上,多为个案研究。这些研究表明中国城市人口密度分布存在共性特征:?譹?訛单中心人口密度模型能够较好的描述中国的紧凑性的城市人口分布;?譺?訛负指数函数在模拟中国城市人口密度时有较好的优度;?譻?訛同国外相关研究结论一致,中国城市的人口密度模型中,人口密度梯度逐渐变小,密度曲线变得更为平缓。?譼?訛多中心模型研究表明,部分大城市的人口密度分布已经符合多中心模型分布特征,大城市次中心已经初步发育。纵观中国城市人口密度模型的研究,发现存在数据质量差、研究方法滞后、研究城市少、可比性差等问题,针对这些问题,提出应该在未来应努力利用GIS等提高数据质量,创新研究方法,对中国城市密度模型研究进行更深入的研究,加强比较研究,从而构建中国城市密度模型的相关理论,进而推动中国城市空间结构及郊区化研究。</p>


[ Wu W Y, Gao X D.Population density functions of Chinese cities: a review[J]. Progress in Geography, 2010,29(8):968-974. ]

吕安民, 李成名,林宗坚,等.人口统计数据的空间分布化研究[J].武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2002,27(3):301-305.分析了传统的人口空间分布密度衰减函数———指数型和Gauss型 ,指出了其应用的局限性 ;对于有两个中心以上的城市 ,提出了将人口统计数据空间分布化的思路和方法


[ Lu A M, Li C M, Lin Z J, et al.Spatial distribution of statistical population data[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2002,27(3):301-305. ]

闫庆武,卞正富,张萍,等.基于居民点密度的人口密度空间化[J].地理与地理信息科学,2011,27(5):95-98.提出了一种基于居民点密度的人口密度空间化方法.以江苏省人口数 据空间化为例,在采用核密度估计法得到江苏省镇(乡、街道)居民点密度后,运用基于居民点密度的人口密度空间化计算公式获得江苏省1 000 m×1 000 m的人口密度格网图,结果表明:江苏省人口分布的热点地区正是在建的三大都市圈(苏锡常都市圈、南京都市圈和徐州都市圈),其中苏锡常都市圈的人口分布呈 现各向异性,而南京和徐州都市圈的人口分布则表现为各向同性;人口密度不仅取决于居民点密度,还与平均每个居民点的人口数密切相关,居民点密度大的区域的 人口密度不一定大,居民点密度小的区域的人口密度也不一定小.

[ Yan Q W, Bian Z F, Zhang P, et al.Census spatialization based on settlements density[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2011,27(5):95-98. ]


[ Tian Y Z, Chen S P, Yue T X, et al.Simulation of Chinese population density based on land use[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2004,59(2):283-292. ]

Yue T X, Wang Y A, Chen S P, et al.Numerical simulation of population distribution in China[J]. Population and Environment, 2003,25(2):141-163.<a name="Abs1"></a>A model for simulating population distribution (MSPD) of China is developed based on the grid generation method and the Control of MapObjects of geographical information system. Elevation, net primary productivity, land use and land cover, city sizes and their spatial distribution, and spatial distribution of transport infrastructures are taken into full account in the MSPD. The result from the MSPD shows that in 2000, 90.8% of the total population of China distributed on the southeastern side of the Heihe-Tengchong line. The ratio of population on the northwestern side to total population of China has been increasing since 1935. The yearly growth rate was 0.8% from 1935 to 1990 and 6.1% from 1990 to 2000. One important advantage of the MSPD is that when scenarios of land cover, spatial distributions of transport infrastructures and cities are available, scenarios of spatial population distribution can be developed on the basis of total population forecast.


康停军,张新长,赵元,等.基于GIS和多智能体的城市人口分布模拟[J].中山大学学报·自然科学版,2012,51(3):135-142.传统的城市人口空间分布方法仅能在数量上达到较高的模拟精度,但 是不能对城市人口分布表现的居住分异特性进行描述.针对常用的城市人口空间分布模拟方法的不足,构建了基于多智能体的城市人口分布模拟模型,模型由影响要 素、智能体、决策规则等组成.居住用地划分为均匀的居住元胞,初始状态下,每个居住元胞分布相同数量的智能体(家庭为单位),智能体在各自居住压力作用下 做出是否迁居的决策,如果迁居则选择合适的居住元胞,通过智能体的不断决策、协商、迁居模拟城市人口分布的变化.实验结果表明,相对于传统的重力模型,本 文模型所模拟的结果不仅具有较高的精度,而且模拟的城市居住分异现象与现实居住格局相符合,为城市人口分布模拟提供了新的思路.

[ Kang T J, Zhang X C, Zhao Y, et al.Simulation for urban population distribution based on GIS and multi-agent[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 2012,51(3):135-142. ]


[ Kang T J, Zhang X C, Zhao Y, et al.Agent-based urban population distribution model[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012,32(7):790-797. ]

Dong P L, Ramesh S, Nepalia A.Evaluation of small-area population estimation using LiDAR, Landsat TM and parcel data[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,31(21):5571-5586.

Silván-Cárdenas J L, Wang L, Rogerson P, et al. Assessing fine-spatial-resolution remote sensing for small-area population estimation[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010,31(21):5605-5634.Not Available


封志明,李鹏.20世纪人口地理学研究进展[J].地理科学进展,2011,30(2):131-140.20世纪之前的人口地理学只是从属于传统地理学的人口地理研究。进入20世纪,人口地理研究尚未从人文地理学中独立出来,内容上延续了拉采尔的人类地理学思想;二战以后,人口地理研究逐步向人口地理学纵深发展,50年代人口地理学逐步成形。20世纪后半叶,人口地理学得 到了持续快速发展:出生率与老龄化、迁移与流动、人口与脆弱性等世界性人口问题成为热点研究主题。未来人口地理学家仍将关注人口差异、脆弱性及空间分析,加强人口统计数据空间化方法研究,从不同地理尺度与地理维度应对人口地理学的新挑战。


[ Feng Z M, Li P.Review of population geography in the past century[J]. Progress in Geography, 2011,30(2):131-140. ]

王静. 多尺度人口空间分布研究—以山东省为例[D].北京:中国科学院大学,2012.

[ Wang J.Research of population spatial distribution based on different scale-a case study of Shandong Province[D]. Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012. ]

张善余. 中国人口地理[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社,1997.

[ Zhang S Y.Population geography of China[M]. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 1997. ]



[ Han Z H, Li Z Q, Chen Z T, et al.Population, housing statistics data spatialization research in the application of rapid earthquake loss assessment-a case of Yiliang Earthquake[J]. Seismology and Geology, 2013,35(4):894-906. ]

胡焕庸. 句容县之人口分布[J].地理学报,1936(3):621-627.正新地理之趋势,颇注重人地关系之研究,人地关系之方面甚多,就中最基本而重要者,当莫过於人口之分布;一地人口之有无多寡,除极少数之例外,均视各该地自然生产力之强弱而定;一地自然生产力之强弱,固亦视人力经营之方式而有所不同,然此亦为人地之间彼此相互影响之结果;自然对於人生具有消极限制之条件,人生对於自然,亦有积极改造之功能,彼此相互作用,以构成


[ Hu H Y.The distribution population in Chuyung district[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1936,3:621-627. ]

刘焕金. 基于多源数据的太湖流域人口空间化研究[D].南京:南京农业大学,2012.

[ Liu H J.Research on the population specialization basic on mutil-source data in Lake-Tai basin[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Agricultural University, 2012. ]


[ Chen Z T, Li Z Q, Ding W X, et al.Study of spatial population distribution in earthquake disaster reduction-a case study of 2007 Ning’er Earthquake[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2012,7(3):273-284. ]


[ Du G M, Zhang S W.Spatial distribution in population statistics in relation to flood prevention and rescue-a case study in Fuyu county[J]. Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2007,16(2):265-268. ]

Lung T, Lübker T, Ngochoch J K, et al.Human population distribution modelling at regional level using very high resolution satellite imagery[J]. Applied Geography, 2013,41:36-45.Modelling the distribution of human population based on satellite-derived information has become an important field of research, providing valuable input e.g. for human impact assessments related to the management of threatened ecosystems. However, few regional-scale studies have been conducted in developing countries, where detailed land cover data is usually absent, and the potential of very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery in this context has not been explored yet. This study uses results obtained through object-based image analysis (OBIA) of QuickBird imagery for a subset of a highly populated rural area in western Kenya. Functions are established that approximate frequency distributions of QuickBird-derived locations of houses in relation to five factors. These factors are known to impact settlement patterns and data is available for the entire study area. Based on an overall probability coefficient (weight) calculated from the single functions, human population is redistributed at the smallest administrative level available (version A). In addition, the problem of artefacts remaining at administrative boundaries is addressed by combining the approach with the pycnophylactic smoothing algorithm (Tobler, 1979) (version B). The results show distinct patterns of population distribution, with particular influence of rivers/streams and slope, while version B in addition is free of boundary artefacts. Despite some limitations compared to models based on detailed land cover data (e.g. the ability of capturing abrupt changes in population density), a visual and numerical evaluation of the results shows that using houses as classified from VHR imagery for a study area subset works well for redistributing human population at the regional level. This approach might be suitable to be applied also in other regions of e.g. sub-Saharan Africa. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Krunic N, Bajat B, Kilibarda M, et al.Modelling the spatial distribution of Vojvodina’s population by using dasymetric method[J]. Spatium, 2011,24:45-50.Cartographic presentation of heterogeneity/homogeneity in the spatial distribution of population is still a major problem in modern geography, and other geo-sciences as well. The traditional method of thematic or choropleth mapping rarely gives satisfactory results. This paper analyzes the applicability of dasymetric mapping method for the modelling of spatial distribution of population. Although it is a relatively old method, it becomes widely used following the development of computer technology, GIS and satellite imagery, and its applicability is increasing in social, economic and other sciences and disciplines. After showing the basis and development of dasymetric mapping, the authors present possible application of this method in the population distribution modelling of Vojvodina.


戚伟,李颖,刘盛和,等.城市昼夜人口空间分布的估算及其特征——以北京市海淀区为例[J].地理学报,2013,68(10):1344-1356.城市人口的空间分布特征及昼夜差异是配置城市公共基础设施及公共服务设施和制订城市公共安全应急保障方案的重要依据,也是城市地理研究领域的前沿方向之一。但由于国内目前没有区分昼夜的人口统计数据,城市昼夜人口空间分布的相关研究难以开展,极为薄弱。本文以土地利用类型为媒介,构建基于不同类型城市人口时空行为特征的城市&ldquo;人口&mdash;昼夜&mdash;土地利用&rdquo;关系模型和基于差异化面积权重的城市人口空间化模型,旨在以格网为单元来估算城市昼夜人口并分析其空间分布特征。同时,以北京市海淀区为例开展实证研究,估算了海淀区的昼夜人口规模,分析了城市昼夜人口的空间分布特征及其空间耦合关系。结果表明:① 城市昼夜人口的空间结构存在显著差异,白天人口相对于夜晚人口具有更广泛的分布范围,并具有更显著的集聚特征。② 城市昼夜人口表现为多种空间耦合关系,包括&ldquo;三明治&rdquo;模式、&ldquo;镶嵌&rdquo;模式、&ldquo;辐合&rdquo;模式、&ldquo;单体&rdquo;模式等。③ 城市路网的昼夜利用与人口的昼夜分布有较高的相关性,白天人口分布对路网扩张有显著影响。城市昼夜人口的空间分布折射出中国城镇化进程中诸多因素,例如&ldquo;旧住宅区&rdquo;的分布、产业新区的建设、城乡发展差异等,以期对相关的研究提供参考。


[ Qi W, Li Y, Liu S H, et al.Estimation of urban population at daytime and nighttime andanalyses of their spatial pattern-a case study of Haidian District, Beijing[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013,68(10):1344-1356. ]

杨海,田永中,王冰.基于RS和GIS 的高分辨率白天城市人口分布模拟——以重庆市北碚城区为例[J].安徽农业科学,2011,39(2):1129-1132.城市是人口最密集的区域,及时、准确掌握城市人口的空间分布情况是解决城市中面临的各种问题的关键.以北碚区为例,使用高分辨率QuickBird遥感影像,在GIS技术的支持下,建立了适于高分辨率城市人口密度模拟的城市土地利用分类系统,使用实地调查数据和解译成果,建立了白天城市人口空间分布的模型,并对研究成果进行格网化处理,得到了高分辨率的城市人口密度模拟结果.


[ Yang H, Tian Y Z, Wang B.Simulation of urban population distribution during daytime based on the high resolution of RS and GIS[J]. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2011,39(2):1129-1132. ]



[ Li S J, Wang L M, Dong N.Simulation of urban small-area population space-time distribution based on building extraction-taking Beijing Donghuamen subdistrict as an example[J]. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2013,15(1):19-28. ]

张露,田永中,杨海.高时间分辨率城市人口日动态模拟[J].重庆工商大学学报·自然科学版, 2012,29(4):60-65. ]城市人口随着时间变化显著,不仅白天、晚上城市人口分布差异大,一天24 h的城市人口分布差异也很大;建立了以高时间分辨率的城市人口为特征的城市人口日动态分布模型,并进行结果验证;指出模型中基础数据的准确性是造成误差的主因,因此在实际应用中,应与相关政府部门合作,达到提高城市人口日动态分布模拟结果精度的目的。


[ Zhang L, Tian Y Z, Yang H. High-time resolution daily dynamic simulation for urban population[J]. Journal of Chongqing Technol Business University (Natural Science Edition), 2012,29(4):60-65. ]

毛夏,徐蓉蓉,李新硕,等.深圳市人口分布的细网格动态特征[J].地理学报,2010,65(4):443-453.<p>深圳是中国人口密度最高的城市,为应急处置自然灾害等突发事件,需要实时获取高分辨率的人口动态分布信息。本文利用&quot;基于移动基站的人口分布动态监测系统&quot;提供的时间分辨率1 h,空间分辨率1 km的人口密度信息,分析了深圳市人口细网格动态特征。深圳城市移动用户总人口是1082.59万人,平均人口密度5545人/km<sup>2</sup>最高16.5万人/km<sup>2</sup>超过5.0万人/km<sup>2</sup>高密度人口主要分布在商业中心、海关口岸、火车站和居民集中居住区。最高人口密度的数值与选择的网格尺度有关,1000 km<sup>2</sup>网格和1 km<sup>2</sup>网格之间可以相差18倍。在深圳50%的人口聚集在10%的空间范围内,60%的人口分布在海拔高度50~100 m的土地上;网格上的建筑密度、道路密度与人口密度线性相关,建筑密度增加1%,对应人口增加约1000人,道路密度增加0.01%,人口增加约2000人。城市总人口在一定时期内是相对固定,变化幅度在4%以内,逐日之间变幅在1%左右。深圳是个典型的移民城市,春节期间由于大量人口返乡或外出旅游,总人口净减少48%。本文选择9个典型网格分析人口日变化规律:海关口岸属于早高峰型,大量的出境、出行、出游人员在早晨8时前后集中;城镇集市区属于午高峰型;商业中心区属于晚高峰型,高峰前后每小时的净流入 (出) 人员可达2万人;居民区属于午低谷型,周末与周日相比各时段人口均偏多;政府行政办公和公共服务区,周末比周日人口明显减少,春节期间减幅75%;工厂区因错峰用电,夜间4时形成人口高峰;郊野公园春节期间人数不减反增;偏僻乡镇人口日变化振幅很小;农业区在上午9时形成人口低谷,与日出而作的传统习惯相对应。</p>

[ Mao X, Xu R R, Li X S, et al.Fine grid dynamic features of population distributionin Shenzhen[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010,65(4):443-453. ]

Kang C G, Liu Y, Ma X J, et al.Towards estimating urban population distributions from mobile call data[J]. Journal of Urban Technology, 2012,19(4):3-21.Today, large-volume mobile phone call datasets are widely applied to investigate the spatio-temporal characteristics of human urban activity. This paper discusses several fundamental issues in estimating population distributions based on mobile call data. By adopting an individual-based call activity dataset that consists of nearly two million mobile subscribers who made over one hundred million communications over seven consecutive days, we explore the relationships among the Erlang values, the number of calls, and the number of active mobile subscribers. Then, the LandScan population density dataset is introduced to evaluate the process of estimating the population. The empirical findings indicate that: (1) Temporal variation exists in the relation between the Erlang values and the number of calls; (2) The number of calls is linearly proportional to the number of active mobile subscribers; (3) The proportion between the mobile subscribers and the actual total population varies in different areas, thus failing to represent the underlying population. Hence, the call activity reflects "activity intensity" rather than population distribution. The Erlang is a defective indicator of population distribution, whereas the number of calls serves as a better measure. This research provides an explicit clarification with respect to using call activity data for estimating population distribution.


