

  • 陈龙彪 , 1, * ,
  • 张大庆 2 ,
  • 李石坚 1 ,
  • 潘纲 1
  • 1. 浙江大学计算机学院, 杭州 310027
  • 2. 北京大学信息学院,北京 100871

作者简介:陈龙彪(1987-),男,福建漳州人,博士生,主要从事普适计算和智慧城市感知计算等方面的研究。 E-mail:

收稿日期: 2016-07-28

  要求修回日期: 2016-09-22

  网络出版日期: 2016-11-20



Port Sensing Computation Based on Maritime Big Data

  • CHEN Longbiao , 1, * ,
  • ZHANG Daqing 2 ,
  • LI Shijian 1 ,
  • PAN Gang 1
  • 1. College of Computer Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
  • 2. School of Electronics Engineering & Computer Science, Peking University, Beijing 310027, China;
*Corresponding author: CHEN Longbiao, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-07-28

  Request revised date: 2016-09-22

  Online published: 2016-11-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




陈龙彪 , 张大庆 , 李石坚 , 潘纲 . 基于海事大数据的港口感知计算[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(11) : 1485 -1493 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01485


With the wide applications of information and communication technologies in port infrastructures and operations, huge volumes of maritime sensing data have been generated. These data come from various sources and demonstrate heterogeneous structures, providing us with new opportunities to understand port performance and regional economic development. In this paper, we introduce the recent work on port sensing and computation based on maritime big data. Specifically, by making use of ship GPS trajectories, ship attributes, port geographic information and port facility parameters, we can automatically estimate a set of metrics for the measurement and comparison of port performance. First, we can use ship GPS trajectories and port geographic information to detect the events of ships arriving at different ports and terminals. Second, we can use ship attributes and port facility parameters to estimate the cargo throughput of each arrived ship. Third, we can aggregate the ship arriving events and the cargo throughput in different terminals and ports to derive a set of port performance metrics, including ship traffic, port throughput, terminal productivity and facility utilization rate. Evaluation results using real-world maritime data collected in 2011. Results showed that these methods accurately estimated the port performance metrics. We also presented a case study in port of Hong Kong to showcase the effectiveness of our framework in port performance analysis.

1 引言

传统上,统计和发布上述港口生产力指标需要对码头运营作业数据进行现场采集和汇总[4],这一过程往往需要耗费大量人力物力;同时,来自不同港口的指标可能存在时间滞后、粒度不一,甚至数据缺失等问题,影响了港口之间的生产力横向比 较[7]。因此,建立一个自动化、低成本的港口生产力估计平台,可以实现对各个港口的客观评价和综合比较,对促进港口建设和优化航运路线具有重要意义。目前,已有研究人员提出了一些方案来估计港口生产力指标。例如,Peng等[8]利用港口历史统计数据来估计未来的港口货物吞吐量;Shabayek等[9]结合港口泊位信息和船舶到港统计数据来估计泊位利用率;JOC集团的研究人员[10]则利用码头岸吊参数和航运公司航次数据来估算出码头的作业效率。然而,上述研究工作通常依赖于特定港口管理部门和特定航运公司的统计数据,研究结论仍然存在时间滞后、难以跨港口进行横向比较等问题。
近年来,随着港口基础设施建设的完善和航运行业信息化的推进,积累了各种关于港口和船舶的海事大数据[11]。例如,借助船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS)[12],船舶在港口中的GPS移动轨迹可以被港口基站实时采集和存储。这些海事数据来自港口生产的各个领域,细粒度地描述了港口运营的各个方面,为评价和比较港口的生产力水平提供了新的契机。

2 海事大数据


3 港口感知计算框架

Fig. 1 Port sensing and computing framework based on maritime big data

图1 基于海事大数据的港口感知计算框架

3.1 靠泊装卸事件检测

本阶段的目标是从船舶GPS轨迹中抽取船舶在港口中的靠泊装卸事件[7]。如图2所示,集装箱船舶进入港口后,一般需要在锚地(区域A)先进行停泊,以检疫并排队等待集装箱码头泊位;准备就绪后,船舶靠泊于特定码头(区域B),利用码头岸吊进行集装箱装卸。此外,船舶在港口中还会进行补给、维修等活动。因此,需要从船舶在港口中的复杂活动中检测出真正的靠泊装卸事件。通过将船舶GPS位置与泊位区域进行匹配,以直接检测其是否靠泊于码头。但是,由于船舶GPS定位存在误差,且船舶尺寸可能远大于一个泊位大小,故直接利用相对位置判断船舶是否靠泊于泊位内,往往会造成较大误差。因此,本文介绍一个解决这个问题的流程:(1)利用一个滑动窗口方法直接检测船舶轨迹中的各类停泊事件;(2)结合泊位位置和船舶朝向,从这些停泊事件中识别真正的靠泊装卸 事件。
Fig. 2 Ship trajectories in a port

图2 船舶在港口中的运动轨迹

Fig. 3 Sliding window-based stop event detection

图3 基于滑动窗口的停泊事件检测

首先定义停泊事件如下:对船舶轨迹p1p2→…→pn(其中p代表船舶的GPS位置点),如果轨迹片断pmpm+1→…→pm+k (1≤m<n, 1≤kn-m)满足:片断中任意相邻2个点之间的距离(dist)小于阈 值δp(式(11))。则称该轨迹片断为一个停泊事件。使用一个基于滑动窗口的方法来检测这些轨迹片断。如图3所示,对于船舶轨迹p1p2→…→p7,先以起始2个点p1, p2作为窗口,判断其距离是否小于阈值δp。由于dist(p1, p2) > δp,丢弃该窗口,并滑动到该窗口尾部。接着,创建一个新的窗口(p2, p3),然后判定dist(p2, p3) < δp,并保留该窗口;而由于dist(p3, p4) < δp,将p4加入该窗口,并重复这一过程,直到下一个点不满足上述距离约束。通过这种方法,得到了一个完整的轨迹片断窗口,即p2→…→p6。为了更方便地描述一个停泊事件,将提取的轨迹片断表示为(ship_id, position, duration),其中ship_id对应该船舶的唯一编号,position对应上述轨迹片断的中心位置,而duration则表示该停泊事件的时间长度,即轨迹片断中最后一个点与第一个点之间的时间差。
m i < m + k , dist ( p i , p i + 1 ) < δ p (1)
Fig. 4 Stop events types of a ship in a port

图4 船舶在港口中的停泊事件类型

利用以上特征和部分船舶靠泊装卸数据,训练了一个SVM模型来识别靠泊装卸事件。最后,得到每个靠泊事件所对应的船舶编号、码头编号、港口编号和靠泊时间,即b=(ship_id, terminal_id, port_id, duration)。

3.2 货物吞吐量估计

这一阶段的目标是估算每次靠泊装卸事件中的货物吞吐量。根据文献[15]、[16]可以建立一个基于码头岸吊装卸作业的集装箱吞吐量估计模 型[7]。一次靠泊装卸的集装箱吞吐量主要与以下因素有关:
(1)估算出每个靠泊事件中的岸吊数量。一方面,船舶长度越长,可能分配给该船舶的岸吊数量也越多;另一方面,岸吊作业时需要保持最小安全距离Dq。因此,对长度为Ls的船舶而言,最多允许同时作业的岸吊数量 N q _ max 可由式(2)进行估算。
N q _ max = L s D q (2)
N q = min { N q _ avail , N q _ max } (3)
①小车抓取和放置集装箱时间。该时间可以由Hq/Vs进行估计,其中Hq是岸吊的高度,而Vs则是小车缆线卷动速度。一般而言,抓取和放置一个集装箱的时间约为30 s。
Fig. 5 Illustration of container transshipment at terminal

图5 集装箱船舶在码头装卸示意图

②小车在岸吊上的运行时间。该时间与船舶和岸吊的宽度有关。如图5所示,运送一个集装箱的平均距离为2(D1+D2)(包括空载距离),其中D1=Wq是岸吊半宽,而D2=Ws是船舶半宽。如果小车运行速度是Vt,则小车在岸吊上的运行时间可估计为 (Wq+Ws)/Vt
T q = T - T p - T s (4)
π = N q V q T q = min N q avail , L s D q T - T p - T s H q V s + W q + W s V t (5)

3.3 港口生产力评价与比较

Fig. 6 Illustration of berthing event aggregation interminal and port levels

图6 码头层面和港口层面的靠泊装卸事件统计示意图


4 实验验证

4.1 实验数据

(2)船舶属性数据集:MarineTraffic API(http://www.marinetraffic.com/en/p/api-services)
(3)港口地理信息数据集:从各大港口的网站上获得了码头和泊位的地理位置数据,并利用Google Earth卫星地图标定了部分没有公开数据的码头和泊位位置;
(4)港口设施数据集:从Marine Cadastre(http://marinecadastre.gov/data/)

4.2 实验结果

首先验证靠泊装卸事件检测方法的准确性。利用香港海事处公布的抵港船只登记表(http://www.mardep.gov.hk/en/pub_services/arridepa.html) 个靠泊装卸事件,包括船舶编号、码头编号、靠泊时间等字段。根据船舶编号,从轨迹数据集中提取对应的船舶轨迹,检测其在香港的靠泊装卸事件。通过比较不同特征组合条件下的检测精确率(Precision)和召回率(Recall)(表1),发现船舶方向对提高检测准确率有显著帮助。在同时使用3 组特征的情况下,识别的精确率和召回率都达到了90%以上,能准确地检测出船舶靠泊装卸事件。
Tab.1 Precision and recall of berthing event detection under different feature combinations

表1 不同特征组合条件下靠泊事件检测的精确率和召回率

特征 精确率/(%) 召回率/(%)
距离 0.671 0.721
距离 +方向 0.831 0.928
距离 +方向 +时间 0.906 0.942
在此基础上,利用2011年度香港和新加坡港口的集装箱船舶轨迹进行靠泊事件检测,并与港口管理部门公布的到港船数数据进行比较,其结果如 表2所示。实验结果表明,本文方法可以准确地检测出2个集装箱港口的到港船数。
Tab. 2 Results of berthing event detection inHong Kong and Singapore in 2011

表2 2011年度香港和新加坡集装箱船舶到港船数检测结果

港口 检测值 公布值 误差/(%)
香港 13 211 13 347 1.02
新加坡 18 973 19 290 1.64
利用2011年香港和新加坡2个港口公布的集装箱吞吐量数据作为真实数据,对船舶吞吐量估计方法进行验证。首先用2011年前6个月的数据来帮助选择式(5)中的参数,即Dq, Hq, Wq, Vs, Vt, ∆Tp, ∆Ts。根据港口设施数据确定这些参数的范围,再从中选择最优参数,使得估计值与真实值最接近。然后,利用这些参数对2011年后6个月和2012年前6个月2个港口的集装箱吞吐量进行估计,并与港口真实数据进行比较。由图7可知,估计值与真实值相吻合,在香港和新加坡的平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)[21]分别为0.4%和1.0%.最后,计算了全球主要港口的生产力指标,并设计了一套界面对其进行展示,如图8所示。该界面左侧是港口列表,右侧是对应港口和码头层面上的4个生产力指标的展示图表。根据船舶功能和大小等属性,将到港船舶分类为集装箱供应船(Feeder Ship)和远洋船舶(Deep-Sea Ship),并分别显示其到港船数;相应地,将其对应的集装箱吞吐量分为转运货物(Transshipment Cargo)和非转运货物(Other Cargo),如图8所示。
Fig. 7 Results of container throughput estimation inboth ports from 2011/07 to 2012/06

图7 2011年7月至2012年6月期间2个港口的集装箱吞吐量估计结果

Fig. 8 The interface of the port performancemeasurement and comparison framework

图8 港口生产力指标评价与比较框架的界面

4.3 案例研究

Tab.3 Top 10 container ports (ranked bythroughput in 2011)

表3 全球前 10 集装箱港口排名(按2011年度吞吐量排序)

排名 本文排名 JOC 排名
1 Shanghai Shanghai
2 Singapore Singapore
3 Shenzhen Hong Kong
4 Busan Shenzhen
5 Hong Kong Busan
6 Ningbo-Zhoushan Ningbo-Zhoushan
7 Guangzhou Guangzhou
8 Dubai Qingdao
9 Qingdao Dubai
10 Rotterdam Rotterdam
Fig. 9 The terminal performance of Hong Kong in 2011

图9 香港各个集装箱码头2011年的生产力指标

5 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Lee D H, Wang H Q, Miao L.Quay crane scheduling with non-interference constraints in port container terminals[J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2008,44(1):124-135.The quay crane scheduling problem studied in this paper is to determine a handling sequence of holds for quay cranes assigned to a container vessel considering interference between quay cranes. This paper provides a mixed integer programming model for the considered quay crane scheduling problem that is NP-complete in nature. A genetic algorithm is proposed to obtain near optimal solutions. Computational experiments are conducted to examine the proposed model and solution algorithm. The computational results show that the proposed genetic algorithm is effective and efficient in solving the considered quay crane scheduling problem.


Wee Kwan Tan A, Hilmola O P. Future of transshipment in Singapore[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2012,112(7):1085-1100.Purpose ‐ Transshipment points in container transport are a vital part of the functioning and competitiveness of global logistics systems. However, competition between different geographical locations is ongoing and therefore competitive landscape and leading actors are continuously changing. The purpose of this paper is to understand one of world's leading transshipment points, Singapore, and its competitiveness in the future as lower-cost alternative locations try to challenge its position. Design/methodology/approach ‐ Observations are based and mostly drawn upon qualitative case study interviews among 11 key companies involved in Singapore's transshipment business. Along with this, second-hand national statistics are used to support the findings. Findings ‐ As Singapore is the largest container sea port in the world, it has several advantages at its disposal to defend its position against the others. These are mainly due to connectivity around the world, and second, the high frequency of these connections. However, even though the customs procedures are generally argued to be smooth and state of the art, in some comments from real life actors, problematic areas and further room for improvement were inferred. Longitudinal statistics from national consensus also show, for example, that the electronics industry transshipment volumes are on the decline, and the main reason could possibly be due to the relocation of manufacturing sites to China or Vietnam, changing in turn the transshipment point in Asia. For future consideration, Singapore should enhance its capabilities in localization of value-added services or manufacturing while goods are in-transit, and also invest in technologies enabling higher container fill rates for airline shipments. Research limitations/implications ‐ In most qualitative research, amount of observations is always limited and this work is not an exception with this regard. However, reliability caveat is tried to be covered with careful selection of interviewed organizations and using second-hand national statistics to verify the interviewees' inputs. Practical implications ‐ This research has value for all countries with high-cost transshipment points, in building their operations to sustain against new lower-cost entrants. Also, the functioning of global supply chains with respect to cost, lead time and technical capability are better understood through this case study, as all the examples are drawn from real life. Originality/value ‐ The paper shows how global logistics networks have changed significantly in recent decades, and it is increasingly in line with case study findings after major sea ports such as Dubai and Shanghai have grown into leading position throughout the world.


Radimilović Z, Jovanović S.Berth Occupancy at Container Terminals: Comparison of Analytical and Empirical Results[J]. PROMET - Traffic&Transportation, 2012,18(2):99-103.The different kinds of container ships with variable numberof containers arrive to porls, each container requiring single service.In this paper, an analytical approach is developed with thehelp of bulk queueing system, to analyze and to plan the berlhoccupancy depending on the number of containers in on boardand on shore and on the average waiting time/average servicetime ratios. The appropriate numerical results and graphs arepresented for direct determination of the berlh occupancies fordifferent number of containers.The arrivals of container ships at container terminal areusually a stochastic process. The number of berths required willdepend on the berth occupancy. In order to determine the numberof berths required, we have to know the distribution of shiparrivals and the distribution of ship service times includingpeak factors or seasonal variations. In this paper, the relationshipbetween berlh occupancy and container ship turnaroundtime at container terminal is based on bulk-arrivals and singleservice queueing models. We have assumed that the inter-arrivaltimes and service times follow appropriate probability distributionswith determined limitations. Howeve1; given resultscan be used with a high degree of confidence for first approximatesolutions and as the control of berth occupancy or wrivalof ship to berlh.

Armstrong J S, Collopy F.Error measures for generalizing about forecasting methods: Empirical comparisons[J]. International Journal of Forecasting, 1992,8(1):69-80.This study evaluated measures for making comparisons of errors across time series. We analyzed 90 annual and 101 quarterly economic time series. We judged error measures on reliability, construct validity, sensitivity to small changes, protection against outliers, and their relationship to decision making. The results lead us to recommend the Geometric Mean of the Relative Absolute Error (GMRAE) when the task involves calibrating a model for a set of time series. The GMRAE compares the absolute error of a given method to that from the random walk forecast. For selecting the most accurate methods, we recommend the Median RAE (MdRAE)when few series are available and the Median Absolute Percentage Error (MdAPE) otherwise. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is not reliable, and is therefore inappropriate for comparing accuracy across series.


JOC Group Inc.Berth Productivity: The Trends, outlook and market forces impacting ship turnaround times[A]. 2014.

JOC Group Inc.The JOC Top 50 World Container Ports 2011[J]. Journal of Commerce, 2012,8(30):24-30.A list of the "Journal of Commerce" (JOC) Top 50 World Container Ports in 2010 is presented which includes Shanghai, China, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Wang J J.A container load center with a developing hinterland: a case study of Hong Kong[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 1998,6(3):187-201.No abstract provided.


Chen L B, Zhang D Q, Ma X J, et al. "Container Port Performance Measurement and Comparison Leveraging Ship GPS Traces and Maritime Open Data"[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (TITS), 2016,17(5):1227-1242.Container ports are generally measured and compared using performance indicators such as container throughput and facility productivity. Being able to measure the performance of container ports quantitatively is of great importance for researchers to design models for port operation and container logistics. Instead of relying on the manually collected statistical information from different port authorities and shipping companies, we propose to leverage the pervasive ship GPS traces and maritime open data to derive port performance indicators, including ship traffic, container throughput, berth utilization, and terminal productivity. These performance indicators are found to be directly related to the number of container ships arriving at the terminals and the number of containers handled at each ship. Therefore, we propose a framework that takes the ships' container-handling events at terminals as the basis for port performance measurement. With the inferred port performance indicators, we further compare the strengths and weaknesses of different container ports at the terminal level, port level, and region level, which can potentially benefit terminal productivity improvement, liner schedule optimization, and regional economic development planning. In order to evaluate the proposed framework, we conduct extensive studies on large-scale real-world GPS traces of container ships collected from major container ports worldwide through the year, as well as various maritime open data sources concerning ships and ports. Evaluation results confirm that the proposed framework not only can accurately estimate various port performance indicators but also effectively produces port comparison results such as port performance ranking and port region comparison.


