

  • 陈洁 ,
  • 萧世伦 ,
  • 陆锋
  • 1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101
  • 2. 美国田纳西大学地理系,诺克斯维尔市 37996-0925

作者简介:陈 洁(1982-),女,湖北武汉人,博士,助研,研究方向为地理时空大数据分析。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2016-08-08

  要求修回日期: 2016-09-30

  网络出版日期: 2016-12-20



A Space-time GIS Approach for Human Behavior Studies

  • CHEN Jie ,
  • SHAW Shih-Lung ,
  • LU Feng
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. Department of Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-0925, USA
*Corresponding author: CHEN Jie, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-08-08

  Request revised date: 2016-09-30

  Online published: 2016-12-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




陈洁 , 萧世伦 , 陆锋 . 面向人类行为研究的时空GIS[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(12) : 1583 -1587 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01583


The study of spatial and temporal characteristics of human behavior has been widely noted among different disciplines such as geography, physics, planning and epidemiology. By integrating spatial and temporal dimensions, the space-time GIS provides a fundamental approach for the analysis and exploration of human behavior characteristics. However, the existing space-time GIS is not strong in some aspects, including representation of human behavior process in space and time as well as interactive analysis of human behavior in space-time contexts. This paper proposes a space-time GIS approach for human behavior studies, by bringing some core concepts of time geography such as "diorama" and "project", into space-time GIS, and discusses the potential and challenges from three aspects, including dynamic representation, correlation and variation perception of geographic entity in space and time.

1 引言

纷繁复杂的人类行为构筑了五彩斑斓的人类社会,深入理解人类行为有助于诠释复杂的人类社会经济现象。当前,人类行为研究已成为地理学、物理学、规划学、流行病学等众多学科共同关注的主题[1-4]。时空地理信息系统(Space-Time Geographic Information System,以下简称“时空GIS”)作为地球信息科学的重要研究方向之一,面向地理时空数据的建模与分析需求,注重时间与空间的一体化表达[5-6],为人类行为特征分析与规律探索提供基础方法支撑。然而,随着城市化和社会化进程的不断加快,特别是大数据时代下获取海量、连续、高精度的人类行为时空数据成为现实,在这样的背景下,人类行为研究越来越重视人类环境的实时感知、强调人类与环境之间的动态互动,时空GIS需要引入新的理念重新思考人类时空行为的丰富内涵。

2 时空GIS的人本导向

GIS面向人类智慧圈,旨在通过信息流调控人流、物流和能流,以服务于人类社会的可持续发 展[7]。半个世纪以来,GIS在空间表达与分析方面的理论研究和实际应用得到了飞速的发展[8]。然而,时间是事物的基本属性[9],一切事物在流动的过程当中,无不打上了时间的烙印。GIS客观上要求地理信息不仅能表征人流、物流和能流的运动状态,即对于它们的空间区位特征包括位置、形状和属性特征的描述,而且能表征人流、物流和能流的运动方式,即对于它们的区位特征在时间上所呈现的运动过程和变化规律的解释[10]。因此,整合时间与空间的时空GIS是GIS研究创新发展的必然趋势。
针对时空GIS研究,近年来国内外学者围绕时空数据模型开展了大量的研究和实践。在国外,基于早期积累,Langran于1992年撰写的《Time in Geographic Information Systems》[11]被学界誉为时空GIS研究的第一部专著[12],书中全面地比较了多种时空数据模型。随后,Peuquet的著作《Representation of Space and Time》从人类对时空哲学的理解及计算机对时空信息的处理两个层面系统地评述了地理信息时空一体化表达[13]。进入大数据时代,Goodchild近期在“Prospects for a Space-Time GIS”一文中将时空GIS提升至“一门整合的科学”的高度,同时还预示了大数据时代下由于研究问题多样性及时空数据不一致性可能导致通用时空GIS难以快速成形[5]。在国内,时空GIS研究也经历了从早期对时态GIS概念的全面引介[14-15],到对时空GIS研究进展的系统论述[16],再到应位置服务技术快速发展及天空地各类传感器广泛应用时代需要而创新提出的实时GIS时空数据模型[17],以及最近集研究团队之力总结归纳而成的时空数据分析方法体系[18]等多个跨越式发展阶段。时空GIS相关研究成果还有很多,这些成果无不体现出学界对于该研究的极大重视和为之所付出的长期努力。
人本化趋势下,人类行为研究日益关注人与社会的实际问题,视野上逐渐从宏观走向微观,方法上也越来越强调人类行为的时空连续性以及人与环境互动的系统性。面向人类行为研究,时空GIS为表达与分析人类行为和自然、社会环境在时间和空间上的复杂关系提供独特的研究视角,然而现有的时空GIS方法在支持人类行为研究方面存在若干缺陷。一方面,现有时空GIS缺乏对人类行为时空场境(space-time context)的动态特征及变化过程的表达能力。人类行为的产生和发展离不开其身处的时空场境,对时空场境中的地理实体的动态表达是客观认识人类行为的重要基础。现有时空GIS多将时间作为地理实体的一个普通属性,这种“时间”+“空间”的简单组合方式,仍然偏重于空间数据的表达与分析,对时间及时空数据的处理能力相对薄弱,难以支持复杂地理实体的动态特征表达及时空过程分析。另一方面,现有时空GIS中,作为行为主体的“人”,缺乏对时空场境变化的动态感知能力。人类行为时空场境中的人、地、物等各种地理实体彼此相关,它们之间时空关系的构建及其与行为主体“人”的联系是有效引导人类行为的重要保障。现有时空GIS多是从计算机表达角度出发而非面向地学问题,缺少对地理实体时空语义的理解,难以支持行为主体“人”与时空场境的联系与互动。因此,现有时空GIS亟需得到新的发展,以提升人类行为时空过程表达以及人类行为与时空场境交互分析等能力。

3 时间地理学的深度融合

时间地理学是20世纪60年代后期由瑞典地理学家、区域规划学家托斯特·哈格斯特朗(Torsten Hägerstrand)提出并由以他为核心的隆德大学研究团队发展起来的,旨在表现和解释时空过程中人类行为与人居环境之间相互关系的一种方法论[19-20]。时间地理学理论框架中有3个核心概念[21]:① 路径(path),强调事物发展的连续性,认为世间所有事物(matter)包括人类在内,都处于不断变化之中;② 企划(project),强调人类行为的目的性,认为人类富有记忆、想象、情感及意图,会根据事物的发展变化,有序地组织各项活动,合理地安排各项事情,使其心中的目标得以顺利实现;③ 情境(diorama),强调事物的存在性(thereness)和相关性,认为世间万物不论是有形的如一个人、一只猫、一栋楼,还是无形的如一项制度、一个思想、一种情感,首先它们都是客观存在的,然后它们又是彼此交织、相互作用的。因此,情境这一概念,既容纳了活动主体的“人”、人类行为时空场境中的所有人、地、物,还包括了人类社会的精神产物。本文主要针对有形的人、地、物等地理实体展开讨论。
时间地理学理论还包含其他一些概念。在这些概念的背后,蕴含着非常本质的世界观与生态发展观[22-23]。它认为,世间万物都需要存在的空间(room)[24],而一定空间其容纳能力是有限的(limit)[25]。然而,受到社会经济驱动、技术革新的影响,人造事物在不断充斥着现有的空间,势必会影响人类与自然界的生存状态(living condition),并不断改变人居环境(transformation of habitats)。由此,人类必须很好地了解事物存在的状态(material conditions)以及人类活动的结果(consequence of human actions),才能对人类赖以生存的空间进行合理的、可持续的发展规划,以避免那些人类时常会发生的有意的行为所产生的无意的、不良的后果(unintended outcomes of intentional actions)。以上概念奠定了时间地理学的理论根基,而以上世界观和生态发展观铸就了时间地理学的思想灵魂。时间地理学正是一部真正有人参与、面向时空过程、以人与自然和谐发展为宗旨的地理学典籍,并在过去半个世纪里、在世界范围内对现代地理学的发展产生了极大地影响。
得益于时间地理学符号化表达方式的直观性,加上近年GIS数据处理能力的大幅提升,时间地理学与时空GIS已实现初步融合。面对复杂的人地关系,时间地理学采用了一种相对简洁的符号系统表达方式(notation system)[26-27],以平面表达地理空间、纵轴表达时间,构建时空路径(space-time path)表示人类行为的连续变化,构建时空棱柱(space-time prism)表示人类行为的时空范围。目前,该符号系统已融入时空GIS,并用于人类个体行为特征的时空表达及人类群体行为规律的探索分析。例如,Miller等在GIS中实现了时空棱柱的可视化[28]并基于时空棱柱开展了时空GIS的不确定性研究[29]、Kwan等在GIS中实现了时空路径的可视化[30]并基于个人GPS轨迹开展了人类行为模式表达[31]、Shaw等研究了物理-虚拟混合空间中人类活动与互动的时空GIS框架[32-34]、Chen等基于时空GIS开发了人类出行行为的轨迹聚类方法[35]、Fang等则基于时空GIS提出了时变时空棱柱模型并开展了群体行程规划及优化[36]
大数据及普适计算时代为时空GIS与时间地理学理论的深度融合发展带来了新的机遇。时空GIS需更注重人类行为与时空场境的结合。① “情境”的融入。时间地理学中的“情境”所展现出来的是一幅充满生机和韵律的人群移动生活图景。情境里的人、地、物彼此相关。其中,人和人是相互联系的,白天人们相聚办公室共同讨论工作问题,晚上人们回家享受天伦之乐;人和物是相互联系的,工人在工厂工作需要借助必须的工具和机器,学生在学校念书离不开书本和电脑;人和地是相互联系的,家、办公室、学校是人们日常生活的主要场所,人们因为各自需要前往不同地点开展活动,在地理空间上形成一次次的聚集和扩散;地和地之间是相互联系的,人群在不同地点的聚散有先有后,人群相聚的地点充满了生机,散去的地点恢复了平静,人群聚散的先后赋予了地与地之间动与静的更替。时空GIS如何表达情境中的各种人、地、物及其相互关系、如何跟踪它们的变化是关键。② “企划”的融入。人们基于某个目的而作出某种企划,然后有序地组织和安排各项活动和事务,并随事态发展不断地进行调整,最终使该企划得以实现。时空GIS如何理解活动主体“人”的目的,动态感知与“企划”有关的各种“情境”变化并加以指导“人”的行为是关键。

4 发展面向人类行为研究的时空GIS


5 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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Kwan M P.Interactive geovisualization of activity-travel patterns using three-dimensional geographical information systems: a methodological exploration with a large data set[J]. Transportation Research C, 2000,8:185-203.A major difficulty in the analysis of disaggregate activity-travel behavior in the past arises from the many interacting dimensions involved (e.g. location, timing, duration and sequencing of trips and activities). Often, the researcher is forced to decompose activity-travel patterns into their component dimensions and focus only on one or two dimensions at a time, or to treat them as a multidimensional whole using multivariate methods to derive generalized activity-travel patterns. This paper describes several GIS-based three-dimensional (3D) geovisualization methods for dealing with the spatial and temporal dimensions of human activity-travel patterns at the same time while avoiding the interpretative complexity of multivariate pattern generalization or recognition methods. These methods are operationalized using interactive 3D GIS techniques and a travel diary data set collected in the Portland (Oregon) metropolitan region. The study demonstrates several advantages in using these methods. First, significance of the temporal dimension and its interaction with the spatial dimension in structuring the daily space-time trajectories of individuals can be clearly revealed. Second, they are effective tools for the exploratory analysis of activity diary data that can lead to more focused analysis in later stages of a study. They can also help the formulation of more realistic computational or behavioral travel models.


Kwan M P, Lee J., Geovisualization of human activity patterns using 3D GIS: a time-geographic approach. In: Goodchild M F, Janelle D G. (Eds.), Spatially Integrated Social Science: Examples in Best Practice[M].Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003:48-66.

Yu H, Shaw S L.Exploring potential human activities in physical and virtual spaces: a spatio-temporal GIS approachOxford. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2008,22:409-430.Today, the opportunity for potential human activity has gone beyond physical space to virtual space. Based on a proposed conceptual framework that models the relationships between physical and virtual spaces, this paper presents an attempt to adjust the space–time prism concept of H01gerstrand's time geography to identify potential activity opportunities in virtual space, focusing on the virtual space access channels available in physical space. A three‐dimensional (3D) spatio‐temporal Geographic Information System (GIS) design has been developed in this research to accommodate the adjusted space–time prism concept to support the representation, visualization, and analysis of potential human activities and interactions in physical and virtual spaces using the prism representation. Following the design, a prototype system has been successfully implemented in a 3D GIS environment. Such a system can provide powerful analytical tools for studies related to potential human activities and applications such as lo...


Shaw S L, Yu H.A GIS-based time-geographic approach of studying individual activities and interactions in a hybrid physical-virtual space[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2009,17:141-149.Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are changing human activity and travel patterns that could have significant implications to our everyday lives and the human organization of space. Time geography, which examines human activities under various constraints in a space–time context, provides a useful framework to analyze the complex spatio-temporal relationships among activities and interactions taking place in both physical and virtual spaces. However, virtual activities and interactions conducted via ICT have characteristics that cannot be properly represented and analyzed under the classical time-geographic framework. This paper extends classical time-geographic concepts to accommodate the needs of representing and analyzing all activities and interactions in a hybrid physical–virtual space. In addition, this paper presents a space–time geographic information system (GIS) design that is capable of organizing complex activity and interaction data as spatio-temporal processes in an integrated space–time environment. This space–time GIS design offers a useful analytical environment for researchers to study increasingly dynamic human activity and travel patterns in today’s society and their implications toward changing travel demand patterns from both spatial and temporal perspectives.


Yin L, Shaw S L.Exploring space-time paths in physical and social closeness spaces: a space-time GIS approachOxford[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2015, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2014.978869.Exploring the evolution of people’s social interactions along with their changing physical locations can help to achieve a better understanding of the processes that generate the relationships between physical distance and social interactions, which can benefit broad fields of study related to social networks. However, few studies have examined the evolving relationships between physical movements and social closeness evolution. This is partially related to the shortage of longitudinal data in both physical locations and social interactions and the lack of an exploratory analysis environment capable of effectively investigating such a process over space and time. With the increasing availability of sociospatiotemporal data in recent years, it is now feasible to examine the relationships between physical separation and social interactions at the individual level in a space–time context. This research was intended to offer a spatiotemporal exploratory analysis approach to address this challenge. The first step was to propose the concept of a social closeness space–time path, which is an extension of the space–time path concept in time geography, to represent evolving human relationships in a social closeness space. A space–time geographical information system (GIS) prototype was then designed to support the representation and analysis of space–time paths in both physical and social closeness spaces. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed concept and design in gaining insight into the impact of physical migration on online social closeness was demonstrated through an empirical study. The contributions of this study include an extension of the time–geographic framework from physical space to social closeness space, the development of a multirepresentation approach in a GIS to integrate an individual’s space–time paths in both physical and social closeness spaces, and an exploratory analysis of the evolving relationships between physical separation and social closeness over time.


Chen J, Shaw S L, Yu H, et al. Exploratory data analysis of activity diary data: a space-time GIS approach[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011,9(3):394-404.Study of human activities in space and time has been an important research topic in transportation research. Limitations of conventional statistical methods for analysis of individual-level human activities have encouraged spatiotemporal analysis of human activity patterns in a space–time context. Based on H01gerstrand’s time geography, this study presents a space–time GIS approach that is capable of representing and analyzing spatiotemporal activity data at the individual level. Specifically, we have developed an ArcGIS extension, named Activity Pattern Analyst (APA), to facilitate exploratory analysis of activity diary data. This extension covers a set of functions such as space–time path generation, space–time path segmentation, space–time path filter, and activity distribution/density pattern exploration. It also provides a space–time path based multi-level clustering method to investigate individual-level spatiotemporal patterns. Using an activity diary dataset collected in Beijing, China, this paper presents how this Activity Pattern Analyst extension can facilitate exploratory analysis of individual activity diary data to uncover spatiotemporal patterns of individual activities.


Fang Z, Tu W, Li Q, et al. A multi-objective approach to scheduling joint participation with variable space and time preferences and opportunities[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 2011,19(4):623-634.Activity scheduling supports activity-based analysis in travel demand management and promotes a potentially popular traveler assistance service. A multi-objective approach is proposed to schedule joint participation of multiple individuals, in which the candidate space-time opportunities for joint participation are identified by a concept of time-varying network-based prisms, and optimal opportunities for joint participation are determined by the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) with four objectives (i) minimizing cost for congestion charges, (ii) maximizing participation desirability of time-of-day, (iii) minimizing total travel distance and (iv) time in the trips of multiple individuals. A scenario of joint participation among four people is designed and implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. The results suggest that this approach has the ability to schedule activities within real situations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Sinton D. The inherent structure of information as a constraint to analysis: mapping thematic data as a case study[M]. In: Dutton G. (Ed.), Harvard Papers on Geographic Information Systems, 6, Addison-Wesley, Mass, 1978.

Goodchild M F, Gong P. Perspectives on space and time in US and Chinese science[M]. In: Kwan M P, Richardson D, Wang Donggen et al. (Eds.), Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience, Research Frontiers in the US and China, Springer, 2015:7-20.

