

  • 葛亚宁 , 1 ,
  • 徐新良 2 ,
  • 李静 , 3, * ,
  • 蔡红艳 2 ,
  • 张学霞 1
  • 1. 北京林业大学,北京 100083
  • 2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101
  • 3. 环境保护部卫星环境应用中心,北京 100094
*通讯作者:李 静(1978-),女,山东东营人,博士,高级工程师,主要从事生态环境遥感监测评估方面的研究。E-mail:


收稿日期: 2015-12-28

  要求修回日期: 2016-04-08

  网络出版日期: 2016-12-20




Study on the Influence of Urban Building Density on the Heat Island Effect in Beijing

  • GE Yaning , 1 ,
  • XU Xinliang 2 ,
  • LI Jing , 3, * ,
  • CAI Hongyan 2 ,
  • ZHANG Xuexia 1
  • 1. Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
  • 2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, State KeyLaboratory of Resources and Environmental Information Systems, Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. Satellite Environment Center, Ministry of Environment Protection, Beijing 100094, China
*Corresponding author: LI Jing, E-mail:

Received date: 2015-12-28

  Request revised date: 2016-04-08

  Online published: 2016-12-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


“热岛效应”是现代城市气候的主要特征之一,本文基于高分辨率遥感影像,通过人工目视解译获取了北京市五环内的不同建筑密度区,进而结合遥感反演获得的地表温度数据,分析了城市建筑密度分布与城市热岛效应及其变化之间的关系。结果表明,北京市五环内的建筑以中密度区为主,高密度区次之,各建筑密度区在不同环线之间的分布也有较大差异。高密度区主要分布在二环以内,中密度和低密度建筑区主要分布在二、三环之间,高层建筑区总体分布较少,主要分布在二、三环和三、四环之间。城市建筑区的地表温度与建筑密度呈现显著正相关关系,城市建筑密度越大,其地表平均温度就越高,北京市高密度区的平均温度达到30.5 ℃,而高层建筑对热岛强度具有一定的缓解作用,北京高层建筑区的平均温度为28.32 ℃,比高密度区低2.18 ℃。从热岛强度变化来看,总体上高密度区、中密度区和低密度区的热岛强度均为增强的趋势,其中高密度区热岛强度增加的幅度最大,热岛强度增加了0.56 ℃,只有高层建筑区的热岛强度表现为减弱趋势,热岛强度降低了0.07 ℃。


葛亚宁 , 徐新良 , 李静 , 蔡红艳 , 张学霞 . 北京城市建筑密度分布对热岛效应的影响研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016 , 18(12) : 1698 -1706 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2016.01698


"Heat island effect" is one of the main features of modern urban climate. In this paper, we have obtained the information for regions with different building densities in Beijing by using the artificial visual interpretation based on the high resolution remote sensing images, and then analyzed the relationship between the urban building density distribution and the urban heat island effect and its change pattern based on the land surface temperature data obtained by remote sensing inversion. The results show that the medium density building regions are the primary type within the fifth ring road in Beijing, and the area proportion of which is 23.5%. The distribution of the high density building regions is slightly less than the medium density building regions, and the area proportion of which is 12.01%. There are evident differences among the distributions of regions with different building densities within different ring roads. The high density building regions are mainly distributed within the second ring road, while the medium density building regions are commonly distributed in the whole area. The medium density building regions and the low density building regions are mainly distributed within the second-third ring road area. The overall area of the high-rise building regions is very small, and the high-rise building regions are mainly distributed within the second-third ring road area as well as the third-fourth ring road area. The relationship between the land surface temperature and the building density for the urban building regions is significantly positive, in which the higher density of the urban buildings, the higher average land surface temperature it will reach. The average temperature of the high density building regions in Beijing reached 30.5 ℃. The contribution of the high-rise building regions to the heat island intensity is small, and the average temperature of the high-rise building area is 28.32 ℃, which is 2.18 ℃ lower than the high density building regions. The distribution pattern of the average temperature for regions with different building densities among different ring roads is approximately the same. The differences of the average temperature among regions with different building densities within the second ring road are the smallest, while the average temperature of the high density building regions is obviously higher than other building density regions within the second-third ring road area and the third-fourth ring road area, and the average temperature of the high-rise building regions within the fourth-fifth ringroad area is the lowest, which is 28.09 ℃. Taking the change of heat island intensity between 2010 and 2015 into consideration, only the heat island intensity in the high-rise building regions has a weakening tendency, in which the intensity of the heat island has reduced by 0.07 ℃. While the heat island intensity in the high, medium and low density building regions have an enhancing tendency, the heat island intensity in the high density regionshas the largest growth, which had an increase of 0.56 ℃. Heat island effect is one of the most representative ecological environment problems in the process of urbanization, and the intensity of urban construction has an important impact on the urban heat island effect. Base on many researches, an appropriate reduction of the urban building density can effectively ease the occurrence of urban heat island effect.

1 引言

随着城市的发展,人口、交通以及城市活动等各方面的压力增大,城市土地资源日益紧张。城市的发展由粗放型开发向集约型开发演变,高度密集的城市建筑虽然可以节约城市土地资源,提高城市的运作效率,但同时也会带来不容忽视的环境问题,例如城市高楼林立导致通风状况下降、采光受影响、热岛效应显著,城市空气质量不佳等[1]。城市建筑密度在一定程度上直观反映了城市内建筑密集程度和空地率的多少[2],可以综合衡量一个城市的居住环境、交通和绿化状况等,与城市的生态环境息息相关[3]。在城市的某一区域内,建筑密度高说明这个区域土地资源开发利用的强度大,土地集约利用程度高。建筑密度作为城市区域规划的定额指标之一,能够较为准确地反映该城市建筑物在空间结构上的变化或扩张状况,指示土地开发利用的合理性,在城市规划中的作用十分重要[4]。在快速城市化进程中,城市建筑逐渐取代了原有的自然植被、湿地等地表覆盖类型,导致区域平均地表温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)逐渐升高,城市热岛区域的空间分布更为连续和集中[5]。研究表明,地表温度与城市建筑密度分布呈明显正相关,建筑密度越大的区域,热岛效应越强[5-7]。因此,合理地控制和改善城市建筑布局,有利于减轻热岛效应。

2 数据与方法

2.1 数据来源及处理

本文所用的数据包括:城市建筑密度区空间分布数据和城市地表温度遥感反演数据2类。建筑密度又成为建筑系数,是在一定的用地范围内,所有建筑物的基底总面积与用地面积之比,是反映土地利用强度的一项重要指标,可以直观地反映某一区域的空地率和建筑密集程度。研究中将北京市五环内的建筑密度划分为高密度建筑区、中密度建筑区、低密度建筑区、高层建筑区和非建筑区5种类型(图1)。本文中低层建筑一般指8层(24 m)以下的建筑,高层建筑区主要指高于8层以上建筑,各建筑密度区的划分标准见表1
Fig. 1 Classification results of regions with different building densities in Beijing

图1 北京市建筑密度区分类结果

Tab. 1 Classification standards of regionswith different building densities

表1 不同建筑密度区划分标准

密度区 划分标准
高密度区 房屋建筑密集,间距很小,绿化面积极少
中密度区 房屋建筑较密集,与高密度区相比,楼间距稍大,绿化面积较多
低密度区 房屋建筑比较稀疏,房屋建筑之间自然植被分布较多
高层建筑区 楼间距较大,在高分辨率遥感影像上能看到明显的立体房屋和楼房阴影
Fig. 2 The features of regions with different building densities on the Quick bird remote sensing images in Beijing

图2 北京市不同建筑密度区快鸟高分辨率遥感影像特征

城市地表温度遥感反演数据是基于2010年8月8日Landsat5TM和2015年8月22日Landsat8TIRS遥感影像,所选用的2景影像数据成像质量较好,研究区内晴朗无云,大气可见度高。LST遥感反演分别使用了Landsat5TM的第6波段和Landsat8的第11波段,二者均为热红外波段,其空间分辨率分别为120 m和100 m。

2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 地表温度遥感反演
Ts = T 1 + λ × T ρ lnε (1)
式中: Ts 为地表温度/K T 为辐射亮温/K;λ为热红外波段的中心波长; ε 为地表比辐射率[10]。其中,λ=11.5 μm,ρ=0.01438 m∙K。
亮度温度通过遥感影像的热红外波段求算:将像元灰度值(DN)转化为相应的辐射亮度,然后根据辐射亮度推算对应的亮度温度[11-12],对于Landsat5 TM影像,其亮度温度的计算公式如式(2)、(3)所示。
L λ = gain × DN + offset (2)
T = k 1 ln k 2 k 1 + 1 (3)
式中: L λ 为传感器接收到的辐射强度(W· m - 2 · s r - 1 · μ m - 1 );gain为传感器的增益(0.055 w·m-2·sr-1·μm-1);offset为偏移量(1.24 w·m-2·sr-1·μm-1),可从头文件中得到;DN为TM影像6波段灰度值;T为辐射亮温(K);k1、k2为发射前预设的常量。
对于Landsat 8遥感影像,亮度温度的计算公式如式(4)、(6)所示。
L λ = Ml × Qdn + Al (4)
T = k 2 ln k 1 L λ + 1 (5)
式中: L λ 为传感器所接收到的辐射强度(W· m - 2 · s r - 1 · μ m - 1 ); Ml Al 分别为增益和偏移量,参数值可直接从影像元数据文件中直接获取; Qdn 是像元灰度值DN; T 为TM的像元亮度温度(K);k1和k2为发射前预设的常量,可以在Landsat 8头文件里找到。
地表比辐射率ε主要取决于地物的结构和传感器的波段区间。地球表面不同地物的地表结构也不同,地物类型大致分为:水面、城市用地和自然植被3类。水面结构单一,在热波段范围内的比辐射率很高;城市用地主要由道路和建筑房屋组成,如果建筑物密度较高,会导致该区域水面和自然植被减少,从而使比辐射率降低;自然植被主要是指天然的陆地表面、林地和农田等。Van等通过实地测量自然地表的热红外(8~14 μm)比辐射率和归一化植被指数(NDVI)后,提出经验公式(式(6))。
ε = 1.0094 + 0.047 ln NDVI (6)
Van的经验公式是在自然表面上总结出来的,要求NDVI的值介于0.157-0.727之间[13];对于水面而言,根据Masuda的相关研究将其比辐射率定为0.9925[14];对于 NDVI<0.157的其它城市用地,比辐射率定为0.923[15];对于NDVI>0.727的全植被覆盖区域,比辐射率定为0.99[12]
为了检验通过遥感反演方法获取的地表温度数据的可靠性,需要对反演的地表温度数据进行验证。北京市地表温度空间分布如图3所示。本文选择北京市20个气象站的温度观测数据与反演的地表温度数据进行比较分析。以2010年为例,图4显示了地表温度数据与气象站点的温度观测数据之间呈较明显的线性关系,相关系数为0.75,回归方程y =0.8038x+3.4868,这表明遥感反演获取的地表温度与气象站点观测的温度数据具有良好的相关性。
Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of land surface temperature in Beijing

图3 北京市地表温度空间分布图

Fig. 4 The relationship between the measured temperature from meteorological stations and the LST

图4 气象站点的实测温度与地表温度之间的关系

2.2.2 热岛强度计算
UHI = Ti - Ta (7)
由于所选取的2期遥感影像的成像时间不同,经反演所得的地表温度数据不能直接进行比较,需消除由于大气过程导致的地表温度之间的系统偏差。由于水体的温度比较均一,如果没有周边建筑物或人为活动的影响,水体的温度可代表周围环境背景温度。本文选择城市郊区远离建筑物的水体,通过统计对应的2期水体温度,进而计算2期数据之间的函数关系,然后通过栅格计算消除2期遥感反演地表温度数据之间由于天气过程导致的系统偏差。通过提取和对比2010年和2015年2期遥感反演地表温度数据中的水体温度,得到2期地表温度数据之间的函数关系(图5),关系式为y=0.8842x+ 2.6176(R2=0.8418),根据关系式对2015年的地表温度数据进行栅格计算即可得到订正后的2015年地表温度数据。
Fig. 5 Comparison of water LST of Beijingbetween 2010 and 2015

图5 北京市2010年和2015年水体地表温度对比

3 结果分析

3.1 北京市五环内建筑密度空间格局

Fig. 6 The area ratio of regions with different building densities for different ring roads in Beijing

图6 北京市各环不同建筑密度区面积比例


3.2 建筑密度与城市地表温度的关系

将城市建筑密度区图层与反演的2010年城市地表温度图层叠加并进行空间统计分析,发现北京市城市高密度区的平均温度为30.5 ℃,中密度区的平均温度为29.35 ℃,低密度区的平均温度为28.91 ℃,高层建筑区的平均温度最低,为28.32 ℃,而非建筑的平均温度仅有26.05 ℃(表2)。可见,城市建筑密度越大,其温度越高。城市内的低密度建筑区由于拥有较多的绿化或空闲地,便于空气流通,因此低密度区的温度也较低,而高层建筑区除了建筑之间绿化较好以外,高层楼房所产生的地面阴影也对温度降低有一定作用。
Tab. 2 The average temperature of different density regions in Beijing in 2010 (unit: ℃)

表2 北京市各环线之间不同密度区2010年平均温度(℃)

密度分区 二环内 二、三环 三、四环 四、五环 整体
高密度区 29.84 31.37 31.29 30.45 30.50
中密度区 29.69 29.29 29.48 29.23 29.35
低密度区 29.09 28.91 28.71 29.04 28.91
高层建筑区 28.69 28.40 28.58 28.09 28.32
非建筑区 25.81 25.93 26.24 26.21 26.05
对北京市五环内各个环线之间的不同密度区平均温度进行统计,可以发现各个环线内不同密度区平均温度分布规律大体一致,即高密度区平均温度最高,高层建筑区的平均温度最低(图7)。由于北京2环内的建筑主要为高密度建筑和中密度建筑(图2),低密度建筑和高层建筑的分布较少,地表温度主要受高密度区和中密度区影响,因此二环内各个密度区的平均温度相差较少。二、三环内高密度区平均温度达到31.37 ℃,三、四环之间高密度区平均温度为31.29 ℃,二、三环和三、四环之间高密度区的面积比例较少但平均温度明显高于其他密度区,而中密度区、低密度区和高层建筑区的平均温度差距较小。四、五环之间高密度区平均温度为30.45 ℃,而高层建筑区的温度明显较低,仅有28.09 ℃。此外,各环线的非建筑区平均温度明显低于建筑区的平均温度。
Fig. 7 The average temperature of different densityregions in Beijing in 2010 (℃)

图7 北京市各环线内2010年不同密度区平均温度(℃)

3.3 建筑密度与城市热岛变化的关系

从2010年和2015年北京各密度区热岛强度变化看(表3),只有高层建筑区的热岛效应有所减弱,温度降低了0.07 ℃,其他各密度区的热岛效应均为增强的趋势,其中高密度区热岛效应增强幅度最大,温度增加了0.56 ℃。
Tab. 3 Distribution of heat island intensity of different density regions between different ring roads in 2010 and 2015

表3 2010年和2015年北京市不同环线间各密度区热岛强度分布(℃)

密度分区 二环内 二、三环 三、四环 四、五环 总体
2010年 2015年 2010年 2015年 2010年 2015年 2010年 2015年 2010年 2015年
高密度区 3.79 4.80 5.32 4.48 5.24 5.26 4.40 5.04 4.45 5.00
中密度区 3.64 4.03 3.24 3.55 3.43 3.70 3.18 3.64 3.30 3.66
低密度区 3.04 3.28 2.86 3.01 2.66 2.85 2.99 3.39 2.86 3.15
高层建筑区 2.64 2.69 2.35 2.41 2.53 2.60 2.04 1.79 2.27 2.19
北京市五环内热岛强度的变化存在一定的规律,热岛强度减小的区域主要分布在非建筑区内,热岛强度增加的区域主要分布在密度较高的建筑区。从2010-2015年北京市不同密度区热岛强度的变化看(图8),高密度区热岛强度变化在各环线间的差别最大,二环内、三、四环内和四、五环内热岛强度为增强的趋势,其中二环内高密度区热岛强度明显增强,温度升高了1 ℃,而二、三环内热岛强度则呈现减弱的趋势,温度减少了0.84 ℃,结合图2可看出高密度区在二、三环之间分布很少,而且集中分布在在二、三环之间的西南角方向,这一区域有较大面积的非建筑区,非建筑区内的自然植被较多,对温度的影响较大,导致附近高密度区热岛效应有所减少。中密度区各环线热岛强度均为增强趋势,其中四、五环内热岛强度的增强趋势最明显,温度增加了0.45 ℃。低密度区的热岛强度变化较小,并且都为增强的趋势,其中四、五环之间热岛强度增加幅度最大,温度增加了0.4 ℃。高层建筑区热岛强度变化在各环线间的差别最小,其中只有四、五环内热岛强度为减弱趋势,温度降低了0.25 ℃,而二环内、二、三环和三、四环内温度则分别升高了0.05、0.06和0.06 ℃(图8),这与高层建筑区的分布也有较大关系,高层建筑区在二环内、二、三环和三、四环内的分布相对分散,且易受其他密度较高建筑区的影响,而四、五环之间高层建筑区分布面积较少且相对集中,而周围非建筑区的分布较多,因而四、五环之间高层建筑区的热岛效应有所减少。
Fig. 8 Variation of heat island intensity from 2010-2015 between different ring roads in Beijing

图8 北京市各环线间2010-2015年热岛强度变化(℃)

4 结论与讨论

(2)北京市不同城市建筑区的地表温度与建筑密度成正相关关系,城市建筑的密度越大,其地表平均温度就越高。高密度区的平均温度为30.5 ℃,高层建筑区的平均温度为28.32 ℃,相差2.18 ℃。不同环线之间的各个密度区的平均温度分布大致相同,即建筑密度越大,温度越高。其中二环内各密度区的温度差异最小,二、三环和三、四环之间的高密度区温度明显高于其他区,而四、五环之间的高层建筑区平均温度为最低,仅为28.09 ℃。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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宋迎春,曹亚美.关于规划管理中建筑密度有关问题的思考[J]. 江苏城市规划,2008(3):36-37.经营性用地建筑密度是开发强度的一项重要技术参数,科学地计算建筑密度,能够保护公共利益和防止腐败现象滋生蔓延。本文以有永久性顶盖的加油站、车棚、货棚、站台以及地下室、半地下室等一些建筑物的建筑密度核算为例,探索科学合理的计算方法,以维护公共利益并兼顾建设单位的利益。

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刘琳,张正勇,唐泽君.基于GIS 石河子市建筑密度空间分布规律的分析[J].石河子大学学报:自然科学版,2012,30(1):92-95.在ArcGIS支持下,定量计算石河子市建筑密度,空间插值后与城市道路和绿地进行叠加分析,结果表明:石河子市建筑密度整体较低,呈现明显的中心分布特征,并向外随距离增加逐渐递减;低密度区面积较大;高建筑密度中心区道路密集而绿地较少;发展迅速的东部开发区将成为新的高建筑密度中心区,使石河子市建筑密度呈现由"单中心"向"多中心"模式发展的趋势,体现了石河子市发展重心的东移趋势。


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李丽华,郑新奇,象伟宁.基于GIS的北京市建筑密度空间分布规律研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2008,18(1):122-127.城市发展状况在很大程度上反映 在建筑物的空间分布上,研究建筑分布特点可以为城市规划、土地利用规划等提供指导。在突破以往建筑密度建成区的空间范围局限性的基础上,在GIS软件支持 下,以2.0km×2.0km的样方为统计单元,利用样方中的建筑物基底面积/样方面积来统一计算整个北京市的建筑密度,通过分析建筑密度分布图来研究北 京市建筑密度总体空间分布特征。通过绘制以天安门旗杆为中心的8个不同方向的剖面、卫星城之间的10个剖面以及将建筑密度与主要环线道路进行叠加进一步来 详细分析建筑密度的空间变化特征。结果显示,北京市建筑密度等级类型空间分布图直观反映出了北京市建设已经从"单中心"模式发展转移为"多中心"发展模 式,其主要发展区域主要集中平原地区,而西部、北部山区的建筑密度普遍较低。


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Artis D A, Carnahan W H.Survey of emissivity variability in thermography of urban areas[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1982,12(4):313-329.This study investigates the effects of roof emissivity variation of aerial thermogram images. Thermograms have been used to detect heat loss from residential roofs. Emissivity variation among rooftops, however, can lead to a misrepresentation of the temperatures mapped in a thermogram image. The objectives of this study were (a) to demonstrate the feasibility of a technique to use remotely sensed data to calculate surface emissivities and (b) to apply that technique, to determine the extent of emissivity variation in urban surfaces. In the first part of the experimental approach a passive technique is developed to calculate emissivity from two-band thermal infrared radiance data. Inherent limitations and sources of error associated with the technique are discussed. In the second part of the experimental approach the technique was used to measure the emissivity of 1411 roofs within the city limits of Terre Haute, Indiana. Results of this survey indicated that over 98% of the roofs surveyed were confined to a very narrow range of emissivities. It is concluded that the observed variation in rooftop emissivities has a minimal effect on the temperatures depicted in thermograms.


Chander G, Markham B.Revised Landsat-5 TM radiometric calibration procedures and postcalibration dynamic ranges[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2003,41(11):2674-2677.Effective May 5, 2003, Landsat-5 (L5) Thematic Mapper (TM) data processed and distributed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation System (EROS) Data Center (EDC) will be radiometrically calibrated using a new procedure and revised calibration parameters. This change will improve absolute calibration accuracy, consistency over time, and consistency with Landsat-7 (L7) Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) data. Users will need to use new parameters to convert the calibrated data products to radiance. The new procedure for the reflective bands (1-5,7) is based on a lifetime radiometric calibration curve for the instrument derived from the instrument's internal calibrator, cross-calibration with the ETM+, and vicarious measurements. The thermal band will continue to be calibrated using the internal calibrator. Further updates to improve the relative detector-to-detector calibration and thermal band calibration are being investigated, as is the calibration of the Landsat-4 (L4) TM.


Sobrino J A, Jiménez-Muñoz J C, Paolini L. Land surface temperature retrieval from Landsat TM 5[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2004,90(4):434-440.In this paper, three methods to retrieve the land surface temperature (LST) from thermal infrared data supplied by band 6 of the Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor onboard the Landsat 5 satellite are compared. The first of them lies on the estimation of the land surface temperature from the radiative transfer equation using in situ radiosounding data. The others two are the mono-window algorithm developed by Qin et al. [International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (2001) 3719] and the single-channel algorithm developed by Jim&eacute;nez-Mu&ntilde;oz and Sobrino [Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (2003)]. The land surface emissivity (LSE) values needed in order to apply these methods have been estimated from a methodology that uses the visible and near infrared bands. Finally, we present a comparison between the LST measured in situ and the retrieved by the algorithms over an agricultural region of Spain (La Plana de Requena-Utiel). The results show a root mean square deviation (rmsd) of 0.009 for emissivity and lower than 1 K for land surface temperature when the Jim&eacute;nez-Mu&ntilde;oz algorithm is used.


Van de Griend A A, Owe M. On the relationship between thermal emissivity and the normalized difference vegetation index for natural surfaces[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1993,14(6):1119-1131.Despite the universal mantra that &ldquo;the customer is king,&rdquo; the role of the customer has so far seemed to have been confined to a passive recipient of products. Recently, however, this traditional perception has been challenged. On the one hand, users are increasingly appreciated as reflexive actors who are actively involved in the evaluation, modif ication, and configuration of products. On the other hand, beyond the established repertoire to access external knowledge through interorganizational networks, firms increasingly attempt to harness user knowledge. These two concurrent shifts do not result in a smooth convergence. Rather, they open up a highly contested terrain in which habitual distinctions between the producer and user are blurred. In this article, we map the evolving terrain of user-producer interaction in innovation processes. Specifically, we contrast more traditional approaches to incorporate customer knowledge with an emerging class of innovative user-producer relationships, provisionally dubbed &ldquo;co-development.&rdquo; We then propose a typology of different modes of codevelopment that is organized along two dimensions: the degree of user involvement and the prevailing locus of knowledge production. This typology seeks to capture the heterogeneity of co-development approaches and to provide a conceptual template for further empirical research on user involvement in innovation.


Masuda K, Takashima T, Takayama Y.Emissivity of pure and sea waters for the model sea surface in the infrared window regions[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 1988,24(2):313-329.Emissivity of pure and sea waters for the model sea surface is tabulated as a function of the zenith angle of observed radiation (ω) and the surface wind speed in the infrared window regions, 3.5–4.1 μm and 8–13 μm. The sea surface is simulated by many facets whose slopes are changed according to the isotropic Gaussian distribution with respect to surface wind. Emissivity is also computed for the plane surface condition. Computational results show that 1) emissivity decreases slowly with the increase of ω, 2) little effect of the surface wind is noted on emissivity for ω 81 30°, whereas this effect greatly appears for ω 82 70°, and 3) relative difference of emissivities between pure water and sea water is less than 0.1% within 0 = 50° for wind speed less than 15 m/s. Finally, the corresponding apparent temperatures are also examined.


宫阿都,江樟焰,李京,等.基于 Landsat TM 图像的北京城市地表温度遥感反演研究[J].遥感信息,2005(3):18-22.利用北京地区Landsat TM热红外波段数据,采用单通道算法反演得到北京地区地面温度分布图.从反演结果可以看出,北京城区地面温度比郊区地表温度高,郊区地表温度较低,密云水库、官厅水库等水体的温度最低,总体上北京城市热岛效应显著.地表比辐射率是通过Van经验公式反演得到,通过对比分析,表明该方法对自然地表的比辐射率反演效果较好.

[ Gong A D, Jiang Z Y, Li J, et al. The analysis and remove of the spectrum noise of typical objects in arid area[J]. Remote Sensing Information, 2005,3:18-22. ]

冯悦怡,胡潭高,张力小.城市公园景观空间结构对其热环境效应的影响[J].生态学报,2014,34(12):3179-3187.热岛效应是快速城市化进程中最具代表性的生态环境问题之一.以绿地和水体为主体的城市公园所形成的“城市 冷岛”是缓解城市热岛效应和改善城市热环境的有效途径.研究选取北京市城区24个公园为研究对象,利用landsat-5 TM遥感影像反演城市地表温度,探讨城市公园内部景观构成、斑块形态和空间布局这3个方面的空间结构特征与其内部温度(Ta)、对周边环境降温的影响范围 (Lmax)及降温幅度(△Tmax)的关系.研究表明:从景观构成来看,Ta、Lmax、△Tmax与水体面积均呈现显著相关性,是影响公园内外热环境 的关键因子;Ta及△Tmax与公园内绿地面积无显著相关性,而主要受三维绿量和硬质地表比例的影响;与此相反,Lmax与绿量相关性并不显著,但与林地 面积呈显著正相关.因此,综合考虑公园内外整体降温效应,应在保证绿地面积达到一定规模的同时,尽量丰富绿地内部空间结构,增大三维绿量;从斑块形态来 看,绿地斑块形状越复杂,公园内部温度越低,影响范围越远,而公园外围边界形状与内部温度呈较显著正相关,但对周边热环境的影响并不明显;从空间布局来 看,硬质地表分布与Ta、Lmax、△Tmax均显著相关,其布局越分散,内部温度越低,对周边的影响范围及降温幅度越大;此外,公园林地布局越分散,内 部温度越低,影响范围越大,但对△Tmax影响不明显.在城市公园规划设计中,从缓解城市热岛效应出发,应将公园景观内部的空间结构特征作为重要的考虑因 素之一.


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