

  • 潘思东 , *
  • 中国地质大学(武汉) 资源学院, 武汉 430074

作者简介:潘思东(1965- ),女,博士生,高级工程师,主要从事空间数据分析、矿产普查、经济调查研究及实验教学工作。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2016-08-04

  要求修回日期: 2016-11-08

  网络出版日期: 2017-05-20




Spatial Coupling between Housing Development and Economic Growth Based on Night Light Remote Sensing and Residential POI

  • PAN Sidong , *
  • College of Resource, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China
*Corresponding author: PAN Sidong, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-08-04

  Request revised date: 2016-11-08

  Online published: 2017-05-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




潘思东 . 基于夜光遥感和小区POI的住宅发展与经济增长的空间耦合研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(5) : 646 -652 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00646


Against the one-way or two-way causality between urban housing development and economic growth, different conclusions are obtained by the relevant scholars via macro statistical analysis methods. In this paper, I explained the relationship between the two mentioned above at the fine scale, through construction of their temporal and spatial data sets and I analyzed their coupling relation and spatial difference at micro level of the city. Taking Zhengzhou City as an example, I proposed an estimation method of grid GDP (Gross Domestic Product) based on luminous index data to generate the spatial-temporal GDP data sets. Also, the spatial correlation analysis is carried out between the spatial-temporal GDP data sets and the spatial-temporal residential quarter data sets which are estimated by the Point of Interest (POI) of residential quarters. Different from previous macro studies, coupled analysis shows that the relationship between the development of housing industry and economic growth has spatial differences in the inner city. There are mutual influence areas in some places and uncorrelated areas in some other places. The grids of significant coupling coordinative relationship account for about 20%, and mainly are located in the municipal district and county central district while the grids that is not significant and not related account for over 70%, and are located in the counties mostly. In this paper, the spatial distribution of urban residence was made by the density estimation of the residential POI with construction area attribute, which is not available in the traditional social economic statistical data. I found that this kind of spatial distribution data of real estate can be used to study the spatial and temporal changes of urban housing, and make up for the deficiency of macro analysis.

1 引言

GDP是反映社会经济发展的重要指标之一,中国的GDP数据以行政区作为基本统计单元,其空间上的精确性、统一性及稳定性较差[5]。与之相比,GDP空间化以一定粒度的网格来替换不规则行政单元,可以更好地反映GDP的空间分布状况,便于与生态环境、土地利用等空间数据进行分析[6]。自夜光遥感系统美国国防气象卫星计划(Defense Meteorological Satellite Program's Operational Line Scan System,DMSP-OLS)发布数据以来,夜光遥感影像就被用来估算区域GDP[7-8]。针对国内城市GDP空间化研究,一些学者基于夜光遥感分别提出各自的模型,如韩向娣等的双对数相关关系[6]、李峰等提出的自然指数函数关系[9]、杨妮等的线性模型[10]和柴子为等得到的村镇级线性模型[11]等。总之,利用夜光指数进行GDP空间化研究是当前GDP精细化研究的一个热点[12-16],学者们提出的模型也不尽相同。
目前,有关住宅业发展的研究多利用社会经济统计数据,这与GDP统计数据的劣势相同。随着互联网大数据的兴起,相关学者通过城市兴趣点(Point of Interest, POI)对城市发展进行了研究,如利用超市POI[17]、会展场馆POI[18]和手机POI[19]进行了城市相关问题的探究。目前,国内利用住宅小区POI研究住宅产业发展的相关研究较少。
面对上述研究现状与问题,本文拟从如下几个方面进行住宅业与经济发展的耦合关系研究:① 选用中国科学院权威发布的2期公里网格GDP数据集,对郑州市夜光指数与GDP之间的函数关系类型进行探究并加以验证;② 根据探究模型估算研究区GDP空间化数据集,利用住宅小区POI的时空分布数据集估算城市住宅发展的分布状况;③ 对二者之间的空间耦合关系进行定量分析,并加以讨论。

2 研究区概况及数据源

郑州市(112°43′ ~ 114°14′E, 34°15′ ~ 34°57′N)位于河南省中北部,共包括12个区县(市),国土面积为7563.21 km2。作为河南省省会和中原经济区城市群的核心城市,郑州市的快速城市化进程备受关注,在2000-2013年间,其经济体量翻了三番;其住宅小区总量也在逐年攀高,共增加了33.62%(1509个)。
本文研究所使用的数据包括全球变化科学研究数据系统提供的公里网格GDP数据、DMSP-OLS夜光遥感数据、MODIS NDVI植被指数数据、郑州市统计年鉴和住宅小区POI数据等(表1)。其中,住宅小区POI数据来源于国内大型房地产信息网,进行了合并和重复点删除等处理;为满足POI的位置精度,利用第三方机构纠偏系统对其进行了纠偏处理,纠偏后的位置精度为米级,满足本研究的精度要求。
Tab. 1 Study data and their description

表1 研究数据及其描述

数据类型 描述 目的
公里网格GDP数据 2005年和2010年共2期 探究GDP与夜光指数之间的函数关系
植被指数数据 2000 - 2013年共14期 对夜光遥感数据进行去饱和修正
夜光遥感数据 2000 - 2013年共14期 确定函数类型,估算GDP空间化数据集
统计年鉴数据 2000 - 2013年共14期 验证函数类型,估算GDP空间化数据集
住宅区POI数据 2000 - 2013年共14期 计算住宅区域时空分布数据集,并与GDP数据集进行耦合分析

3 研究方法

3.1 皮尔逊相关关系测度

R A , B = i = 1 n a i - a ̅ b i - b ̅ i = 1 n a i - a ̅ 2 i = 1 n b i - b ̅ 2 (1)
式中:RA, B)即为变量AB的相关系数,其值可取[-1, 1],其绝对值越大,表明AB之间的联系越紧密;aibi分别为变量AB的位置i上的值; a ̅ b ̅ 分别为AB的均值;n为样本总数。相关分析的结果需要在显著性水平0.01和0.05下进行统计学检验。

3.2 GDP空间化估算

其中,数据预处理部分可分为以下4步:① 相对定标:采用Zhang等[20]提出的方法对夜光遥感数据进行去饱和/溢出处理;② 绝对定标:求取光饱和区域边缘像元对应的相对定标值的均值,并标定为饱和值63,通过线性比例关系求解其他相对定标值所对应的夜光指数值,该绝对定标方法与卓莉等[21]和潘竟虎等[22]提出的绝对定标思路具有一致性;③ 空间转换:分别对定标后的夜光遥感和公里网格GDP数据进行坐标转换和重采样,使像元位置重叠;④ 函数类型数据转换:分别对夜光遥感和公里网格GDP数据进行多种待定函数类型的数据转换。

3.3 住宅空间分布的密度估计

λ s = i = 1 n 1 π r 2 V i φ d is r (2)
式中:λ(s)为位置S处的核密度估计值;r为带宽(Window Width),km;n为带宽内的POI数量,i = 1, 2, 3, …, n;wi为带宽内第i个小区点的建筑总面积权重;dis为点iS处的空间距离,km;φ为核函数,表示点i的核函数值。本文采用经典的高斯核函数:
φ d is r = 1 2 π exp - d is 2 2 r 2 ,  0< d is r 0 ,          d is r (3)
式中:各个变量含义参照式(2)。为与公里网格GDP数据对应,采样粒度设定为1 km,根据前人研究,将搜索带宽设定为5 km。

3.4 空间耦合关联测度


3.5 主要分析过程


4 结果与分析

4.1 最优函数类型的确定

选用与中国科学院发布的2期公里网格GDP数据对应时相的夜光遥感数据(图1),按照上述研究方法对夜光遥感指数数据分别进行了多种待定函数变换:① 幂函数变换以夜光数据为底数,并分别选用0.1-4.0等(40种)作为指数;② 指数函数变换分别选用0.1-4.0等(40种)作为底数,以夜光数据作为指数;③ 对数函数变换分别选用0.1-4.0等(40种)作为底数,以夜光数据作为真数;④ 双对数函数变换则分别对夜光数据和公里网格GDP数据进行对数变换;⑤ 线性函数变换可看作幂函数的幂次为1的情况。
Fig. 1 Grid GDP and luminous remote sensing data in 2010

图1 2010年公里网格GDP和夜光指数数据

在对公里网格GDP和夜光遥感数据预处理后,对其相关系数进行了解算,其结果如图2所示。结果表明:① 总体而言,幂函数变换下的相关系数大于其他各类变换类型,其中3次幂的结果最优;② 部分2005年数据指数函数变换下的相关系数大于其他各类,但其对应的2010年结果较差,这说明指数函数变换的稳定性较差;③ 其他3种函数类型变换的结果明显劣于幂函数和指数函数。
Fig. 2 Determination of the functional relation type between grid GDP and luminous remote sensing data based on correlation analysis

图2 基于相关分析的公里网格GDP和夜光遥感数据的函数关系类型确定

Fig. 3 The regression analysis between GDP and the sum of luminous value based on the optimal function transformation

图3 最优函数变换的夜光值总和与GDP总量的回归分析

回归分析结果显示,确定的最优函数类型对于揭示夜光数据与GDP之间的联系具有良好的表征性:ΣDN3(DN的立方和,DN为夜光遥感影像(去饱和/溢出定标后)的像元值)与GDP总量在α = 0.05下呈现显著的线性回归关系,通过了F检验,拟合优度较高;利用该回归方程,可根据夜光遥感数据推测区域GDP总量。

4.2 时序GDP空间化和住宅空间密度的估算

Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of the average annual increment of residence and GDP in 2000-2013

图4 2000-2013年住宅及GDP年均增量空间化分布

从年均增长量上看,研究区住宅与GDP具有一定的空间耦合关系:① 就5个核心城区(图4中标红区域)来讲,其空间耦合的协调程度最为明显,该区域也是研究区内住宅和经济增长的核心区域;② 而对于其他几个区县(市),住宅和经济的显著增长点也均在其中心区域,并且表现出良好的空间耦合度。

4.3 空间耦合关系结果与分析

Fig. 5 Spatial correlation analysis of housing construction and economic development

图5 住宅建设与经济发展的空间相关分析

研究发现,研究区2000-2013年住宅建设发展与经济增长之间的联系具有空间差异性:① 空间耦合极显著相关区域(P ≤ 0.01)主要集中在市辖6区(包括核心五区和上街区)和荥阳、巩义、新密、新郑和中牟5个县(市)的部分区域,约占研究区总面积的22.51%,相关系数总体均值达0.86,各区县均值大小为中原区(0.94) > 管城区(0.90) > 惠济区(0.90) > 上街区(0.89) > 金水区(0.88) > 二七区(0.87) > 中牟县(0.84) > 新郑市(0.82) > 新密市(0.81) > 荥阳市(0.81) > 巩义市(0.74),登封市无极显著区域;② 空间耦合显著区域(0.01 ≤ P ≤ 0.05)大多位于极显著区域的边缘,占研究区的2.93%,相关系数总体均值为0.61,主要依次分布于中牟、荥阳、新郑、巩义等县域;③ 空间耦合不显著相关区域(P ≥ 0.05),占总面积的12.44%,相关系数总体均值为0.09,绝大部分(94.79%)位于非市辖区;④ 空间耦合无相关区域(无效度量区),这部分占郑州市过半区域(62.11%),绝大部分(99.29%)位于非市辖区。
基于上述空间耦合相关的定量分析,本文认为:① 随着城市快速发展,研究区内住宅建设和经济发展均表现出空间不均衡性,总体而言,城市市辖区的发展程度远大于市属县域,这导致了研究区内的住宅产业发展与经济增长之间的耦合协调性也呈现出显著的空间差异;② 在城市中心区域,绝大部分像元的空间耦合关系表现为极显著类型,显示出中心城区住宅发展与经济增长的正向共变特征,这与前人“经济引导住宅发展假说”的宏观经济论断具有内在一致性[1-4],但并不支持当前一些研究者[4]对“住宅建设促进经济发展假设”的质疑;③ 在城市非中心区域的县域,大部分网格的空间耦合关系表现为不显著,甚至无相关,在这些经济欠发达地区,住宅业与经济发展并不存在单向或双向的因果作用,该论断在以往的宏观经济分析中鲜有提及。

5 结论与讨论

(1) 郑州市的住宅建设发展和经济增长均具有空间差异性,但具体情况不同:住宅建设发展的空间差异性大于经济增长的差异性,住宅建设增长区域主要集中于城市核心五区;而经济增长则广泛分布于各个区县中,只是就增长量而言,市辖区略大于市属县域。
(2) 研究区内像元尺度上,住宅建设发展和经济增长的耦合关系具有空间差异性:① 耦合协调关系极显著的区域约占两成,且主要位于市属区和县域的中心区等城市发展的核心区域;② 耦合不显著和不相关的区域超过七成,大部分位于市属县域中,这些欠发展区域产业以农业为主,商品住宅建设较少,故与与经济发展的因果关系较弱。
(3) 与宏观经济分析论断不同,基于空间化数据的耦合关系研究显示,住宅产业发展与经济增长之间的单向或双向因果关系在城市内部具有空间差异性:既存在住宅产业与经济发展相互影响的区域,也存在无相关的区域。
利用夜光遥感数据估算城市GDP空间化数据集具有一定的可行性,在研究区内呈现显著的三次幂函数关系;通过与真实GDP总量数据进行回归分析及显著性检验,验证了该函数类型关系,同时,郑州市GDP总量可通过:GDP = 1.9565×Σ(DN3) - 0.8514进行估算。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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[Chai Z W, Wang S L, Qiao J G.Township GDP estimation of the Pearl River Delta based on the NPP-VIIRS night-time satellite data[J]. Tropical Geography, 2015,35(3):379-385. ]

Zhou Y K, Ma T, Zhou C H, et al.Nighttime light derived assessment of regional inequality of socioeconomic development in China[J]. Remote Sensing, 2015,7(2):1242-1262.Satellite-derived nighttime light (NTL) data have been extensively used as an efficient proxy measure for monitoring urbanization dynamics and socioeconomic activity. This is because remotely sensed NTL signals can be quantitatively connected to demographic and socioeconomic variables at regional and global scales. The recently composited cloud-free NTL imagery derived from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) aboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (Suomi-NPP) satellite provides spatially detailed observations of human settlements. We quantitatively estimated socioeconomic development inequalities across 30 provinces and municipalities in mainland China using VIIRS NTL data associated with both regional gross domestic product (GDP) and population census data. We quantitatively investigated relations between NTL, GDP, and population using a linear regression model. Our results suggest that NTL radiances have significant positive correlations with GDP and population at different levels. Several inequality coefficients, commonly used in economics, were derived from VIIRS NTL data and statistical data at multiple spatial scales. Compared with the statistical data, NTL-derived inequality coefficients enabled us to elicit more detailed information on differences in regional development at multiple levels. Our study of provinces and municipalities revealed that county-level inequality was more significant than city-level inequality. The results of population-weighted NTL inequality indicate an obvious regional disparity with NTL distribution being more unequal in China's undeveloped western regions compared with more developed eastern regions. Our findings suggest that given the timely and spatially explicit advantages of VIIRS, NTL data are capable of providing comprehensive information regarding inequality at multiple levels, which is not possible through the use of traditional statistical sources.


Fan J F, Ma T, Zhou C H, et al.Comparative estimation of urban development in China's cities using socioeconomic and DMSP/OLS night light data[J]. Remote Sensing, 2014,6(8):7840-7856.China has been undergoing a remarkably rapid urbanization process in the last several decades. Urbanization is a complicated phenomenon involving imbalanced transformation processes, such as population migrations, economic advancements and human activity dynamics. It is important to evaluate the imbalances between transformation processes to support policy making in the realms of environmental management and urban planning. The Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) nighttime lights time series imagery provides a consistent and timely measure to estimate socioeconomic dynamics and changes in human activity. In this study, we jointly compared the annual ranks of three variables: the population, the gross domestic product (GDP) and the sum of weighted DMSP/OLS nighttime lights to estimate spatial and temporal imbalances in the urbanization processes of 226 cities in China between 1994 and 2011. We used ternary plots and a Euclidean distance-based method to quantitatively estimate the spatial and temporal imbalances between cities and to classify diverse urban development patterns in China. Our results suggest that, from 1994 to 2011, the imbalances of urbanization processes observed in the eastern, western and middle cities decreased, respectively, by 35.26%, 29.04% and 25.84%; however, imbalances in the northeast increased by 33.29%. The average decrement in imbalances across all urbanization processes in the 226 cities was 17.58%. Cities in the eastern region displayed relatively strong attractions to population, more rapid economic development processes and lower imbalances between socioeconomic and anthropogenic dynamics than cities in other regions. Several types of urban development patterns can be identified by comparing the morphological characteristics of temporal ternary plots of the 226 cities in China. More than one third (35.40%) of the 226 cities presented balanced states during the period studied; however, the remainder showed alternative urban development patterns.


李峰,卫爱霞,米晓楠,等.基于NPP-VIIRS 夜间灯光数据的河北省 GDP 空间化方法[J].信阳师范学院学报:自然科学版,2016,36(1):152-156.为了研究省域尺度上像素级GDP空间化的方法,基于NPP-VIIRS夜间灯光数据,首先去除孤立极亮像元和背景噪声,将夜间灯光总强度、线性加权灯光指数和综合灯光指数分别与河北省11地市内的各区县GDP进行相关性分析,得知夜间灯光总强度与地市内各区县GDP相关性最显著,根据每个地市中最高相关系数对应的回归模型计算每个像素对应的GDP,经过线性纠正后,生成河北省GDP密度图.结果表明,全省172个区县的平均GDP相对误差为0.10%.该方法精度较高,生成的GDP密度图可以反映河北省经济发展的现状.


[Li F, Wei A X, Mi X N, et al.An approach of GDP spatialization in Hebei Province using NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data[J]. Journal of Xinyang Teachers College (Natural Science Edition), 2016,36(1):152-156. ]

Wu J S, He S, Peng J.Inter-calibration of DMSP-OLS night-time light data by the invariant region method[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2013,34(20):7356-7368.DMSP-OLS (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program Operational Linescan System) night-time light data can accurately reflect the scope and intensity of human activities. However, the raw data cannot be used directly for temporal analyses due to the lack of inflight calibration. There are three problems that should be addressed in intercalibration. First, because of differences between sensors, the data are not identical even when obtained in the same year. Second, different acquisition times may lead to random or systematic fluctuations in the data obtained by satellites in different orbits. Third, a pixel saturation phenomenon also exists in the urban centres of the image. Therefore, an invariant region method was used in this article, and the relative radiometric calibration and saturation correction achieved the desired results. In the meantime, intercalibration models for each satellite year of DMSP-OLS night-time light data were produced. Finally, intercalibration accuracy was evaluated, and the intercalibration results were tested with the corresponding gross domestic product (GDP) data.


Li X, Chen X L, Zhao Y S, et al.Automatic inter-calibration of night-time light imagery using robust regression[J]. Remote Sensing Letters, 2013,4(1):45-54.This letter quantitatively compares two processing strategies for geocoding polarimetric processing results that are available using the interface between the PolSARPro and MapReady software packages. The statistical results show that there is no significant difference between the two approaches. However, closer examination of the products reveals that the segmentation derived from a geocoded coherency matrix is more effective in delineating regional patterns. Alternatively, geocoding the polarimetric segmentation leads to a result that is more sensitive to local variations at a pixel scale. Therefore, the user's application should drive the choice of which processing strategy to follow.



[Li Q, Wang S J, Mei L.The spatial characteristics and mechanism of supermarkets in central district of Changchun, China[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013,33(5):553-561. ]

任国岩. 长三角会展场馆空间集聚特征及影响因素.经济地理,2014,34(9):86-92.以长三角25个城市为研究对象,选取2001—2013年会展场馆数据,采用核密度估计和空间自相关研究方法,研究会展场馆分布和空间集聚特征。结果表明:1长三角地区场馆分布密度的变化是从区域中心城市逐步向区域副中心城市、区域副中心城市向非区域副中心城市以及区域副中心城市所属的县级城市扩散。2未来一段时期,将呈现区域中心城市会展场馆"大型化+阶梯式"、副省级城市以及区域副中心城市会展场馆"一大+多小"、地市级城市会展场馆"均衡分布+查缺补漏"、县级城市会展场馆"综合体+常年展配套设施"等特征。3城市地位、展贸经济、产业政策、交通设施、地理位置、重大活动是影响会展场馆空间布局的主要驱动因素。

[Ren G Y.The agglomeration characteristics and influencing factors of exhibition venues in Yangtze River Delta[J]. Economic Geography, 2014,34(9):86-92. ]



[Zhou X G, Yue Y, Ye J A, et al.Uncertainty in spatial analysis of dynamic data—Identifying city center[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2014,39(6):701-705. ]

Zhang Q L, Schaaf C, Seto K C.The Vegetation Adjusted NTL Urban Index: A new approach to reduce saturation and increase variation in nighttime luminosity[J]. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2013,129(2):32-41.The science and policy communities increasingly require information about inter-urban variability in form, infrastructure, and energy use for cities globally and in a timely manner. Nighttime light (NTL) data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) are able to provide information on nighttime luminosity, a correlate of the built environment and energy consumption. Although NTL data are used to map aggregate measures of urban areas such as total area extent, their ability to characterize inter-urban variation is limited due to saturation of the data values, especially in urban cores. Here we propose a new spectral index, the Vegetation Adjusted NTL Urban Index (VANUI), which combines MODIS NDVI with NTL, to achieve three key goals. First, the index reduces the effects of NTL saturation. Second, the index increases variation of the NTL signal, especially within urban areas. Third, the index corresponds to biophysical and urban characteristics. Additionally, the index is intuitive, simple to implement, and enables rapid characterization of inter-urban variability in nighttime luminosity. Assessments of VANUI show that it significantly reduces NTL saturation and increases variation of data values in core urban areas. As such, VANUI can be useful for studies of urban structure, energy use, and carbon emissions.


卓莉,张晓帆,郑璟,等.基于EVI指数的DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据去饱和方法[J].地理学报,2015,70(8):1339-1350.lt;p>DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据被广泛应用于表征人类活动强度及其生态环境影响的诸多研究中,但因OLS传感器设计的局限,在用电强度较高的城市中心,灯光信号存在明显的饱和,这一不足可能影响到一些基于夜间灯光数据研究成果的可靠性。针对这一问题,NOAA-NGDC研发了辐射定标算法,但因缺乏星上定标系统,算法较为复杂,且受较多条件限制等原因,目前只有部分时期的辐射定标数据产品(RCNTL)。近期有学者提出一种基于植被指数NDVI构建的城市灯光指数VANUI,为灯光数据去饱和研究提供了一个操作简单且结果良好的方法,但该方法在一些城市效果不佳。基于此,本文综合利用夜间灯光与EVI指数信息,通过对VANUI指数构建方法进行改进,建立了一个新的缓解夜间灯光强度饱和的EANTLI指数。为了评价指数的效果,将EANTLI与VANUI从三个方面进行比较:① 区分、识别饱和区内地物的能力;② 与RCNTL的拟合程度;③ 对用电量估算的效果。结果表明:EANTLI在三个方面均表现出优势,在潜在饱和区内对特征地物具有更高的可区分性,与RCNTL的线性相关程度更高,与用电量的相关性相比于NTL、VANUI亦明显提高。因此可以认为EANTLI在指数的设计上较为合理,不仅易于计算,而且能达到较好的缓解灯光强度饱和、凸现城市内部差异的目的,在用于反演城市发展指标时能获得更为准确的结果,因此具有较高的应用价值。</p>


[Zhuo L, Zhang X F, Zheng J, et al.An EVI-based method to reduce saturation of DMSP/OLS nighttime light data[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015,70(8):1339-1350. ]

潘竟虎,李俊峰.基于夜间灯光影像的中国电力消耗量估算及时空动态[J].地理研究,2016,35(4):627-638.lt;p>提出夜间灯光降饱和指数模型,以中国大陆为研究对象,基于DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据、MODIS NDVI产品、基础地理信息数据及社会经济统计数据,构建电力消耗估算模型,定量估算了2000-2012年电力消耗量,并采用空间统计分析方法,从不同时间、空间角度对省级、地级和县级单元的电力消耗量变化趋势和空间集聚程度进行分析。结果表明:夜间灯光降饱和指数模型能较好地降低夜间灯光的数据饱和和溢出,其中MDNVI模型的效果最好。从县级尺度电力消耗变化趋势的显著性来看,无明显变化区域主要出现在青藏高原,迅猛增长型多数分布在京津冀、长三角、珠三角和中东部省会城市。</p>


[Pan J H, Li J F.Estimate and spatio-temporal dynamics of electricity consumption in China based on DMSP/OLS images[J]. Geographical Research, 2016,35(4):627-638. ]

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Chen F, Yu H, Yao J, et al.Robust sparse kernel density estimation by inducing randomness. Formal Pattern Analysis & Applications[J]. 2013,18(2):367-375.

Chu H J, Liau C J, Lin C H, et al.Integration of fuzzy cluster analysis and kernel density estimation for tracking typhoon trajectories in the Taiwan region[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2012,39(10):9451-9457.Increasing our understanding of typhoon movements remains a priority in the western North Pacific. In this study, the trajectories of typhoons that affected Taiwan between 1986 and 2010 are used for clustering, where each trajectory consists of 6-hourly latitude-longitude positions over two days. We compare the performance of four statistical clustering methods, namely, k-means clustering, fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering, hierarchical clustering, and normalized cut techniques. The results show that the FCM technique provides sufficient cluster efficiency with a relatively high degree of goodness of fit. FCM identifies six clusters according to the minimum coefficients of variation (CV). The hotspots of the typhoon centers in each cluster are determined by kernel density estimation (KDE). Moreover, the typhoon track belongs to six clusters with different membership degrees in FCM. The typhoon track density map is estimated by combining the KDE hotspot maps associated with the FCM weights. The information could be used in planning for disaster management. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


