

  • 李乐 , 1, 2 ,
  • 宋维静 3 ,
  • 陈腊娇 , 1, * ,
  • 王力哲 1 ,
  • 高丹 4
  • 1. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京 100094
  • 2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
  • 3. 中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院,武汉 430074
  • 4. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101

作者简介:李 乐(1991-),女,山东泰安人,硕士生,主要从事多元时空序列数据的处理研究。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2016-12-16

  要求修回日期: 2017-02-22

  网络出版日期: 2017-05-20



Research on Scaling up of Remotely Sensed Data with Gaussian Pyramid Method

  • LI Le , 1, 2 ,
  • SONG Weijing 3 ,
  • CHEN Lajiao , 1, * ,
  • WANG Lizhe 1 ,
  • GAO Dan 4
  • 1. Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, CAS, Beijing 100094, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. School of Computer Science, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), Wuhan 430074, China
  • 4. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
*Corresponding author: CHEN Lajiao, E-mail:

Received date: 2016-12-16

  Request revised date: 2017-02-22

  Online published: 2017-05-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


尺度转换是遥感信息科学领域的研究热点,其传统研究方法大多局限于统计模型,对数据的空间结构信息考虑较少,很难满足遥感数据的多尺度表达要求。基于此,针对遥感数据的尺度不一致问题,本文提出了一种利用高斯金字塔的图像模糊特性进行遥感数据尺度上推的方法,在对金字塔每一层的数据高斯模糊的基础上,通过多次连续的降采样,得到一系列不同尺度的数据,从而满足实际应用的空间分辨率要求。为了验证本文所提方法的有效性,本文选择Landsat7 ETM影像和ASTER GDEM为研究数据进行尺度上推,并与传统的最邻近、双线性以及立方卷积等方法进行了实验对比,采用均值、方差、均方根误差、平均绝对误差等评价指标,以及相同分辨率的ASTER GDEM和SRTM DEM的等高线套合结果来衡量高斯金字塔方法的性能。实验结果表明,本文使用的高斯金字塔尺度上推方法能够有效地实现连续遥感数据的尺度转换,在保持遥感数据局部细节特征的基础上,较好地保持了原始遥感数据的信息量以及空间结构特征。


李乐 , 宋维静 , 陈腊娇 , 王力哲 , 高丹 . 遥感数据的高斯金字塔尺度上推方法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(5) : 682 -691 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00682


Scale transformation has been a research hotspot in the field of remote sensing information science, and its processing methods are now limited to the traditional statistical methods. They consider less spatial structural information of data and can't satisfy the requirements of multi-scale expression. In view of scale inconsistency problems of remotely sensed data, this paper proposed a scaling up method based on image blurring characteristic of Gaussian pyramid. Firstly, this method made Gaussian blur using different filtering parameters for remotely sensed data, and it created several Gaussian blurring data in each layer of the pyramid model. Then Gaussian blurring data were processed by down-sampling constantly, and we obtained a series of different resolution of remotely sensed data. Accordingly, the multi-scale remotely sensed data could meet the spatial resolution requirements of practical application. In order to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method, this paper chose Landsat 7 ETM images and ASTER GDEM data to achieve scaling up. Also, we put forward quantitative evaluation indices including mean, variance, mean absolute error, root mean square error and conducted experiments to compare with the general methods of scaling up, such as nearest neighbor method, bilinear method and cubic convolution method. Besides, the performance of Gaussian pyramid method was measured through the results of contour sets between ASTER GDEM and SRTM DEM with the same resolution. Experimental results showed that Gaussian pyramid method in this paper can effectively realize the scaling up for continuous remotely sensed data, and the results are superior to other traditional methods. Gaussian pyramid method can also keep local characteristics of the details and maintain amount of information, spatial structural features of remotely sensed data. In summary, the using of Gaussian pyramid method in the field of remote sensing is a new attempt, and can provide necessary data preparation for multi-scale visual expression.

1 引言

本文提出使用该方法初步实现Landsat7 ETM影像和数字高程模型(ASTER GDEM)数据的尺度上推研究,即利用高斯模板与原始高分辨率的遥感数据进行卷积运算,通过多次连续的降采样,得到一系列的低分辨率数据,实现特定尺度遥感数据的可视化表达,从而满足实际应用的空间分辨率要求。为了验证本文方法尺度上推的合理有效性,本文利用均值、方差、平均绝对误差、均方根误差等评价指标来衡量高斯金字塔方法尺度上推的性能。此外,选择已知分辨率的SRTM DEM作为验证数据,与尺度上推后的ASTER GDEM数据进行了等高线套合结果的分析比较,进一步证明高斯金字塔方法具有保留空间结构信息的优势。

2 数据源

2.1 Landsat 7 ETM影像数据

Landsat 7是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)发射的,其携带的传感器为增强型主题成像仪(ETM+)。Landsat 7 ETM影像数据包括8个波段,本文选用ETM影像的第8个波段(空间分辨率为15 m)为实验数据,ETM影像的第4个波段(空间分辨率为30 m)为验证数据。选用第4个波段的原因是其光谱范围最接近,避免光谱差异影响尺度上推的效果。本文ETM影像数据来源于中国科学院计算机网络信息中心地理空间数据云平台(http://www.gscloud.cn)。

2.2 数字高程数据(DEM)

ASTER GDEM数据是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和日本经济产业省(METI)共同推出的全球数字高程模型,是根据NASA的新一代对地观测卫星Terra搭载的ASTER传感器获取的观测数据制作完成的,其全球分辨率约为30 m。SRTM DEM数据是由美国国家航空航天局(NASA)和国防部国家测绘局(NIMA)联合搭载SRTM系统获取的雷达影像数据,经过一系列的数据处理后制成的数字地形高程模型,90 m分辨率的数据为公开数据。本文选用的ASTER GDEM和SRTM DEM数据来源于中国科学院计算机网络信息中心地理空间数据云平台(http://www.gscloud.cn)。

3 基于高斯金字塔的尺度上推方法

Fig. 1 The process of scaling up

图1 尺度上推的过程示意图

Fig. 2 The process of scaling up using Gaussian pyramid method

图2 高斯金字塔尺度上推的流程图


3.1 高斯模糊

高斯核可生成多尺度空间,因此,高斯金字塔是由不同的高斯核平滑卷积进行尺度空间的表达,并且在所有尺度上具有相同的分辨率[17]。在高斯模糊中,用正态分布(即高斯函数)计算高斯模板,使用该模板与原始遥感数据做卷积运算,以达到模糊的目的,从而构建尺度空间。尺度空间 L ( x , y , σ ) 定义为原始遥感数据 I ( x , y ) 与一个可变尺度的二维高斯函数 G ( x , y , σ ) 的卷积运算[18]。二维空间的尺度可变的高斯函数为:
G x , y , σ = 1 2 π σ 2 e - x 2 + y 2 2 σ 2 (1)
L x , y , σ = G x , y , σ I ( x , y ) (2)
式中: x , y 为空间坐标;􀱋为卷积运算符;σ为尺度因子。高斯模板是中心对称的矩阵,每个像元值是周围相邻像元的高斯平均,所以高斯卷积时原始像元值有最大的高斯分布,即有最大的权重,距离中心越远的像元其权重越小。理论上遥感影像中每一点的分布都不为零,也就是说每个像元的计算都需要包括所有的数据值。但实际应用中,高斯函数的离散近似计算可以忽略3σ距离之外的像元。所以,本文的算法程序中只计算( 6 σ + 1 )×( 6 σ + 1 )来保证相关像素的影响。
根据参数σ值可以计算出高斯模板矩阵的大小 6 σ + 1 × 6 σ + 1 ,再利用式(1)计算高斯模板的值。为了保证高斯模板中的元素在[0,1]之间,需要对模板进行归一化。图3列出了本文使用的3×3高斯模板矩阵的值,此外5×5、7×7的高斯模板也比较常用,分别对应不同的尺度因子σ。
Fig. 3 Gaussian template of 3×3

图3 高斯模板(3×3)

3.2 降采样

原始遥感影像经过高斯模糊和不断降采样后得到一系列不同尺度的数据,这些数据尺度由大到小,从上到下组成金字塔模型,如图4所示。降采样是通过减少采样点数实现的,对一幅遥感影像来说,若每行每列每隔k个像元抽取一个样点,并丢弃其它的像元值,组成一幅新的影像,使得金字塔每一层数据的行和列分别是上一层高分辨率数据行和列的 1 / k ,也就是由上一层高分辨率数据 1 / k 2 的像元组成,这里的k称为降采样系数。
Fig. 4 Gaussian pyramid model of scaling up

图4 尺度上推的金字塔模型

本文选择15 m分辨率的Landsat 7 ETM影像和30 m分辨率的ASTER GDEM作为实验数据,利用上述的高斯金字塔方法进行尺度上推研究。ETM影像的分辨率分别上推至30、45、60 m,ASTER GDEM的分辨率分别上推至60、90、120 m,降采样系数均分别设为2、3、4。

4 尺度上推的效果评价

一般情况下,尺度转换都会导致数据有一定程度的信息损失,不同的尺度转换方法产生的信息损失也不同,因此需要客观评价尺度转换后的效果。目前,尺度转换效果的评价指标还没有形成一个规范的体系,评价思路大多借助于已获得的空间高分辨率影像或者地面实测数据,将尺度转换后的数据与其进行评价指标的比较[19]。本文主要采用均值、方差、平均绝对误差(Mean Absolutely Error, MAE)、均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)等指标来评价遥感数据尺度上推后的效果。
MAE = i = 1 m j = 1 n X ij - X ̅ mxn (3)
RMSE = i = 1 m i = 1 n ( X ij - Y ij ) 2 mxn (4)
式中:m,n为行列数;X X ̅ 分别为尺度转换后的数据及均值;Y为对应的已知高分辨率数据或地面实测数据。
此外,为了进一步验证本文方法对DEM数据尺度上推的有效性,采用等高线套合检查的方式进行定性描述,通过ASTER GDEM尺度上推至90 m的结果与已知90 m分辨率的SRTM DEM进行等高线套合分析,如果等高线趋势基本保持一致,则认为DEM尺度上推后的结构特征得以保留,反之地形结构特征丢失,导致DEM地形表达失真。

5 实验结果与分析

图5(a)是本文ASTER GDEM数据的实验样区,其空间分辨率为30 m,图5(b)是相同地理范围的空间分辨率为90 m的SRTM DEM数据,图5(c)是Landsat7 ETM影像第8个波段的实验样区,其空间分辨率是15 m,图5(d)是对应地理范围的空间分辨率为30 m的Landsat7 ETM第4个波段的影像数据。
Fig. 5 Study areas

图5 实验样区

选择应用广泛的最邻近法、双线性法、立方卷积法3种重采样方法分别实现相应分辨率的尺度上推,从而与本文高斯金字塔方法进行效果比较。受本文篇幅限制,图6仅分别显示了ASTER GDEM经4种方法尺度上推至90 m的结果,图7仅分别显示了ETM影像(band8)尺度上推至30 m的结果。最后利用均值、方差、平均绝对误差、均方根误差等指标对各个算法的不同尺度上推结果进行评价。
Fig. 6 Results of all the methods scaling up ASTER GDEM data to 90 m

图6 ASTER GDEM数据尺度上推至90 m时各个方法的结果

Fig. 7 Results of all the methods scaling up ETM images (band 8) to 30 m

图7 ETM影像(band 8)尺度上推至30 m时各个方法的结果

图5(b)和图5(d)对应区域的低分辨率影像比较发现,本文高斯金字塔方法尺度上推的数据与其最接近,而且主观视觉效果比其他方法显著,显示更清晰,更加注重细节表现。图8(a)是ASTER GDEM数据利用最邻近法、双线性法、立方卷积法以及本文的高斯金字塔方法尺度上推至90 m的数据与SRTM DEM数据计算得到的RMSE比较。可以看出,尺度上推时高斯金字塔方法的RMSE最小,也就是说降低分辨率的同时,高程数据精度的损失最小,说明其信息变化幅度较小。图8(b)是ETM影像(band8)利用4种方法尺度上推至30 m的数据与ETM影像(band 4)计算得到的RMSE比较,同样可以得出,ETM影像经高斯金字塔方法尺度上推后的效果最佳,从而进一步证明高斯金字塔对遥感数据尺度上推的有效性。
Fig. 8 RMSE comparison of scaling up

图8 尺度上推的RMSE比较

注:图8(a) ASTER GDEM尺度上推至90 m;图8(b)ETM(band8)影像尺度上推至30 m

图9是ASTER GDEM实验样区利用4种方法实现尺度上推后的均值、方差、平均绝对误差的统计结果。从图中可以看出,每一种方法尺度上推后的均值都不同程度的偏离原始DEM均值,而高斯金字塔方法的均值变化幅度较小。另外,除了最邻近法外,其他方法的方差和平均绝对误差都随着分辨率的降低呈现出不同程度的变化,但变化幅度不大,而高斯金字塔方法和立方卷积法的结果比较接近。这说明高斯金字塔方法的平滑效应使得原始ASTER GDEM数据的结构信息有所损失,但始终小于其他3种方法,进一步说明高斯金字塔方法能够较好的保持DEM结构信息。
Fig. 9 Comparison of indices of different scaling up methods for ASTER GDEM

图9 不同尺度上推方法的ASTER GDEM的指标比较

Fig. 10 Comparison of indices of different scaling up methods for ETM image (band 8)

图10 不同尺度上推方法的ETM影像(band 8)的指标比较

图11是ASTER GDEM实验样区经不同方法尺度上推至90 m的等高线与SRTM DEM数据等高线的套合结果比较(红线为SRTM DEM数据的等高线,蓝线为ASTER GDEM数据尺度上推至90 m的等高线)。为了进一步增加等高线套合结果的可读性,从实验样区中选择了2个典型区域(图中的灰色区域)进行了放大显示。从实验结果直观来看,各种方法尺度上推后的等高线信息量损失较少,但均呈现出不同程度等高线的位置平移,也就是说尺度上推不可避免的造成了一定程度的地形失真。对比各个算法的套合结果,ASTER GDEM数据经高斯金字塔方法尺度上推后在等高线位置、形态和信息量上较其他3种方法更有效。
Fig. 11 All the methods about results of DEM contour set

图11 各个方法DEM等高线的套合结果


6 结论与讨论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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王璐,胡月明,赵英时,等.克里格法的土壤水分遥感尺度转换[J].地球信息科学学报,2012,14(4):465-473.尺度效应往往会制约着定量遥感反演的精度,对地学信息进行空间尺度转换是生产实践的必然要求,而常用的尺度转换模型多利用光谱数据进行差值计算,不适合升尺度和降尺度转换。由于土壤含水量数据具有区域变化量的随机性和结构性特点,本文以15m分辨率的ASTER图像像元为基本单元,采用点克里格法完成ASTER 15m至7.5m分辨率的土壤含水量数据降尺度转换,从分维数的相似程度上来看,转换结果是合理的;并利用块状克里格法对地面实测样点数据进行点到7.5m分辨率的面数据升尺度转换,将升尺度和降尺度转换结果与实测样点均值相比较,结果表明:7.5m分辨率的实测样点土壤水均值误差在1.5782-5.019之间,块状克里格法获取的升尺度土壤含水量数据与点克里格法获取的降尺度土壤含水量数据之间误差则为1.2825-5.0481,可见克里格法考虑了点与周边的关系,所获得的土壤含水量值要优于未考虑空间异质性的土壤含水量平均值。


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Tao X, Yan B Y, Wang K, et al.Scale transformation of Leaf Area Index product retrieved from multiresolution remotely sensed data: analysis and case studies[J]. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009,30(20):5383-5395.Climate and land-atmosphere models rely on accurate land-surface parameters, such as Leaf Area Index (LAI). It is crucial that the estimation of LAI represents actual ground truth. Yet it is known that the LAI values retrieved from remote sensing images suffer from scaling effects. The values retrieved from coarse resolution images are generally smaller. Scale transformations aim to derive accurate leaf area index values at a specific scale from values at other scales. In this paper, we study the scaling effect and the scale transformation algorithm of LAI in regions with different vegetation distribution characteristics, and analyse the factors that can affect the scale transformation algorithm, so that the LAI values derived from a low resolution dataset match the average LAI values of higher resolution images. Using our hybrid reflectance model and the scale transformation algorithm for continuous vegetation, we have successfully calculated the LAI values at different scales, from reflectance images of 2.5 m and 10 m spatial resolution SPOT-5 data as well as 250 m and 500 m spatial resolution MODIS data. The scaling algorithm was validated in two geographic regions and the results agreed well with the actual values. This scale transformation algorithm will allow researchers to extend the size of their study regions and eliminate the impact of remote sensing image resolution.


Le Coz M, Delclaux F, Genthon P, et al.Assessment of digital elevation model (DEM) aggregation methods for hydrological modeling: Lake Chad basin, Africa[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2009,35(8):1661-1670.Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are used to compute the hydro-geomorphological variables required by distributed hydrological models. However, the resolution of the most precise DEMs is too fine to run these models over regional watersheds. DEMs therefore need to be aggregated to coarser resolutions, affecting both the representation of the land surface and the hydrological simulations. In the ...


杨勤科,David Jupp,郭伟玲,等.基于滤波方法的DEM尺度变换方法研究[J].水土保持通报,2008,28(6):58-62.

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[Liu X J, Wang Y F, Jin B.A upscaling method of digital elevation method with point spread function[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2009,34(12):1458-1462. ]

Dendoncker N, Schmit C, Rounsevell M.Exploring spatial data uncertainties in land-use change scenarios[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2008,22(9):1013-1030.

廖一兰. 社会经济数据尺度转换研究[D].南京:南京师范大学,2006.

[Liao Y L.The study for scaling with socioeconomic data[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University, 2006. ]



[Wu F, Zhu G R.Multi-scale representation and automatic generalization of relief based on wavelet analysis[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2001,26(2):170-176. ]

Lindeberg T.Scale-space theory: A basic tool for analysing structures at different scales[J]. Journal of Applied Statistics, 1994,21(2):225-270.An inherent property of objects in the world is that they only exist as meaningful entities over certain ranges of scale. If one aims at describing the structure of unknown real-world signals, then a multi-scale representation of data is of crucial importance.


Burt P, Adelson E.The Laplacian pyramid as a compact image code[J]. IEEE Transactions on communications, 1983,31(4):532-540.Abstract We describe a teehnique for image encoding in which local operators of many scaJes but identical shape serve as the basis functions. The representation differs from established techniques in that the code elements are localized in spatial frequency as well as In space. Pixel-to-pixel correlations are first removed by subtracting a low-pass filtered copy of the image from the image itself. The result is a net data compression since the difference, or error, image has low variance and entropy, and the low-pass IiItered image may represented at reduced sample density. Further data compression is achieved by quantizing the difference image. These steps are then repeated to compress the low-pass image. Iteration of the process at appropriately expanded scales generates a pyramid data structure. The encoding process is etJuivalent to sampling the image ""'ith Laplacian operators of many scales. Thus, the code tends to enhance salient image Ceatures. A Curther advantage of the present cude is thut it is weU suited for many imClge analysis tasks as well as for image compression. Fast algorithms are described for coding and decoding.


Galiano G, Velasco J.On a nonlocal spectrogram for denoising one-dimensional signals[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014,244:859-869.In previous works, we investigated the use of local filters based on partial differential equations (PDE) to denoise one-dimensional signals through the image processing of time-frequency representations, such as the spectrogram. In this image denoising algorithms, the particularity of the image was hardly taken into account. We turn, in this paper, to study the performance of non-local filters, like Neighborhood or Yaroslavsky filters, in the same problem. We show that, for certain iterative schemes involving the Neighborhood filter, the computational time is drastically reduced with respect to Yaroslavsky or nonlinear PDE based filters, while the outputs of the filtering processes are similar. This is heuristically justified by the connection between the (fast) Neighborhood filter applied to a spectrogram and the corresponding Nonlocal Means filter (accurate) applied to the Wigner-Ville distribution of the signal. This correspondence holds only for time-frequency representations of one-dimensional signals, not to usual images, and in this sense the particularity of the image is exploited. We compare though a series of experiments on synthetic and biomedical signals the performance of local and non-local filters.


