

  • 张佳晖 , 1, 2 ,
  • 孟庆岩 , 1, * ,
  • 孙云晓 1 ,
  • 孙震辉 1 ,
  • 张琳琳 1
  • 1. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所 对地观测应用系统工程研究室, 北京 100101
  • 2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049


收稿日期: 2017-03-06

  要求修回日期: 2017-04-05

  网络出版日期: 2017-06-20





Study on Urban Green View Index

  • ZHANG Jiahui , 1, 2 ,
  • MENG Qingyan , 1, * ,
  • SUN Yunxiao 1 ,
  • SUN Zhenhui 1 ,
  • ZHANG Linlin 1
  • 1. Applied Earth Observation System Division, Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
*Corresponding author: MENG Qingyan, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-03-06

  Request revised date: 2017-04-05

  Online published: 2017-06-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




张佳晖 , 孟庆岩 , 孙云晓 , 孙震辉 , 张琳琳 . 城市行道树绿视量指数研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(6) : 838 -845 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00838


By identifying the research gap in the quantitative study of the visual quality of street landscape, a new Green View Index is proposed to assess the human-viewed street. The newly developed method describes the green-appearance area of street greenery that can be captured and its spatial distribution via simulating the real scene of the surrounding trees in the human eye field. Results indicate that the proposed Green View Index can reflect the impact of the size of tree canopy, layout of buildings, and distances between trees and viewers on the visual perception of street greenery in complex road scenes. The advantages of this method are as follows: by making full use of multi-source information, the green view of any location can be calculated with high precision based on automatic interpretation, which greatly reduces manual effort and errors and facilitates multi-regional comparative evaluation. The effectiveness of multi-source remotely sensed data in evaluating the visual effect has been proved, and the new Green View Index can be a relatively objective measurement in guiding urban landscape planning and management.

1 引言

城市街道既是绿化设施与建筑空间交融的开敞地带,也是居民与植被景观发生视觉接触的公共场所[1]。街道绿色空间作为生态系统中的核心组成部分,在景观功能、生态功能、意向功能等方面起不可或缺的积极作用,其景观视觉价值的重要性也逐渐为人们所关注[2-3]。研究表明,不同的绿化面积和质量会带给人们不同的生理和心理感受[4]。作为构成街道绿色景观的主体可视化要素,行道树对提 升街道景致的吸引力与行人的步行体验有重要贡献[5]。良好的街景体验空间不仅体现了城市居民对居住环境的审美需求,还能带来感官上的愉悦,有利于维护身心健康[6-7]

2 研究区与数据源

塞克什白堡市位于布达佩斯西南,费耶尔州首府。截止至2016年,该市人口已达100 570。本文选取该市的中心主城区作为研究区。研究区位于47°11′23″~47°11′57″N,18°24′23″~18°25′11″E,总面积1 km2。该区域地面绿化规模在一定程度上已接近饱和,绿化面积达27.83%,建筑面积占比28.39%。根据实地调研报告,行道树种类主要以梧桐(47.8%)、欧洲七叶树(19.4%)、花楸属(15.8%)为主,且树冠形态多为近似椭球体。
研究所用数据由德国TopoSys公司提供,其中航空影像由携带4个通道的推扫式相机获得,包括红、绿、蓝、近红外波段。与航拍传感器同时空工作的还有激光雷达扫描器,以保证二者数据在采集时的高时空匹配度。LiDAR原始点云数据每平方米4个激光点,经重采样后空间分辨率1 m,高程分辨率0.25 m。通过分离高程值较大的首次脉冲和高程值较小的末次脉冲数据,获得数字表面模型(DSM)与数字地形模型(DTM)。航空影像以处理后的DSM和DTM数据为基准,经过影像裁剪、几何校正、空间采样等预处理操作得到图像分辨率为1 m的研究区影像,确保图幅大小与地物位置同LiDAR栅格数据空间对应。

3 绿视量指数计算

绿视量的计算流程共分为4个步骤:① 基于机载LiDAR数据和航空影像提取树冠结构参数,还原行道树绿量主体真实形态;② 基于高分辨率遥感底图绘制路网,并随机布设若干采样点作为观察者的视线位置;③ 提取建筑物三维信息作为视域分析的视线障碍物,并应用视域分析法确定目视可及的行道树位置;④ 基于对行人的目视姿态估计及其与行道树的位置关系,计算绿视量。

3.1 树冠三维结构信息提取

Fig. 1 Treetop extraction and canopy delineation results

图1 树顶与树冠轮廓边界提取结果

| I ( p ) - I ( C i ) | σ W p , n , m ( 0 i 4 n ) (1)
式中: I ( p ) 为树顶点 p 的亮度值; I ( C i ) 表示截断点 C i 的亮度; σ ( W p , n , m ) 表示位于以树顶点 p 为中心、半径长 m n 条辐射线段上全部像素的亮度值标准差。通过逆时针依次连接各截断点,最终形成封闭多边形,实现单体树冠轮廓识别(图1(d))。

3.2 路网与采样点布置

矢量路网地图基于高分辨率航空影像的人工数字化绘制生成,研究区内道路全长18 624 m。考虑到行人位于十字路口、道路转弯处相较于直道位置更容易发生视野变化,故将道路划分为折道与直道2种类型,并分别采取不同采样点布置策略。对于交叉路口和转折角度大于30°的位置,均布置采样点;对于直线型道路,以平均50 m的间隔随机生成采样点,即道路沿线相邻采样点的最短距离为50 m,确保因道路两侧地物分布变化而产生的视野变化可被捕捉。随机采样点的生成借助ArcGIS软件实现。研究区共布设360个采样点,这些采样点将作为观察点开展绿视量计算,其值代表行人位于街道不同位置时行道树的绿量可视程度。

3.3 建筑物提取与视域分析

Fig. 2 Building extraction and 3D modelling results

图2 建筑物信息提取结果与三维建模示意图

为了分析行道树对于观察点的可见性,本文应用视域分析法[18],通过比较行道树与建筑物在观察点视线连线处的高度关系,从而建立已知观察点与树冠多点间的可视性关系。构建视域分析模型的输入参数包括:采样点分布图、树冠高度模型和建筑物高度模型。对每一个观察点构造其与邻域树顶点的视线,根据输入的树冠高度模型和建筑物高度模型,比较行道树与建筑物在观察点视线连线处的高度关系,判断视线的连通情况,建立已知观察点与树冠多点间的可视性关系,最终标记出各观察点对应的未被遮挡的行道树。本文中的视域分析借助ArcGIS 中的可见性分析工具实现。

3.4 行道树绿视量计算

S = kπa a 2 b 2 a 2 co s 2 θ + b 2 si n 2 θ (2)
θ = arctan ( h t - b - h i ) d (3)
k = 1 90 ° arctan a h t - b - h i 2 + d 2 (4)
Fig. 3 Spatial and geometric relationship between the viewer and the tree canopy

图3 观察者与行道树的空间几何关系示意图

式中:S为单棵行道树在行人视角下冠层的侧视面积;abht分别为冠径、冠高半长和树顶高度,由树冠的三维结构决定; θ 为视线和水平线之间的夹角,即仰角;hi为视线的高程,设为视线均高1.7 m; d为观察者和行道树间的水平距离,基于航空影像提取获得;k为缩放系数,由于视角的大小决定了物体在视网膜上成像的大小,根据水平视角的冠径长度与视点到观察点距离的长度关系,对计算面积做缩放处理,取值范围是0-1,表示距离远近对绿视量造成的影响。

4 结果与分析

4.1 绿视量结果评价与空间分析

Fig. 4 A scatter plot of the calculated Green View Index vs the reference values

图4 绿视量指数精度验证结果散点图

图5展示了研究区绿视量计算结果的频数分布直方图和绿视量小于5 m2(黄色)和大于70 m2(绿色)的对应采样点位置。统计结果显示,研究区内44.72%的采样点绿视量小于15 m2,这些点集中分布在西南部区域。仅存在少数绿视量大于70 m2的样本点位于西北部地区,这意味着这些地区的行人相比于西南地区更可能享受到行道树所带来的绿色视觉体验。图6显示了研究区道路沿线360个样本点的绿视量分布图。红色实心圆点显示了样本点所在位置,圆点的大小表示绿视量的绝对数量关系。
Fig. 5 Histogram of the calculation results with highlighted sample sites referring to their location

图5 绿视量计算结果频数分布直方图与对应采样点位置分布图

Fig. 6 Results of Green View Index calculation

图6 行道树绿视量计算结果

4.2 街道绿视量影响因子分析

Tab. 1 Statistical analysis between Green View Index and canopy coverage variables

表1 绿视量计算结果与行道树分布状况相关性统计

空间范围 绿视量—TTN 绿视量—TCA 绿视量—ATH 绿视量—APA
可视区域 0.567 0.672 0.658 0.764
50 m缓冲区 0.391 0.443 0.401 0.589
100 m缓冲区 0.142 0.287 0.213 0.326

5 结论

研究结果表明,在复杂城市街道景观中,除了行道树的分布面积和数量,建筑物分布、观察点与行道树的相对位置等因素也会直接影响行人对街道绿化状况的视觉感受。本方法综合考虑了行人仰视视角、建筑物对视线的遮挡,以及距离远近对观察点处绿量可视性的影响,相较于传统绿视率度量方法的优势在于:① 除路网地图和采样点布置仍需人工给定,其余全部计算过程均以自动化处理方式实现,所有输入参量可通过高分辨率航空影像和机载LiDAR数据获取,研究方法不仅能够自动提取城市行道树、建筑物,而且还能充分利用多源数据信息,实现绿视量的高精度计算,取代了传统手动提取拍摄照片绿色区域的繁琐步骤;② 基于计算机的自动解译方法不受人力和数据条件的约束,允许用户以更小的空间抽样尺度计算场景内任意位置的绿视量;③ 绿视量计算方法对可见行道树的识别完整率高,更能凸显不同树冠形态和目视距离对绿量可视性的影响,计算结果内部差异性大,可分性好;④ 有效规避了传统绿视率计算过程中“照片拍摄覆盖不全”和“街景数据重复覆盖”等问题,减少了数据源的引入误差,提升了计算结果的准确性与一致性,可用作多区域间的对比评价。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Camacho-Cervantes M, Schondube J E, Castillo A, et al.How do people perceive urban trees? Assessing likes and dislikes in relation to the trees of a city[J]. Urban ecosystems, 2014,17(3):761-773.Cities are systems that include natural and human-created components. When a city grows without proper planning, it tends to have low environmental quality. If improving environmental quality is intended, people opinion should be taken into account for a better acceptance of urban management decisions. In this study, we assessed people perception of trees by conducting a survey with a controlled sample of citizens from the city of Morelia (west-central Mexico). Citizens liked both native and exotic tree species and rejected mainly exotic ones. Preference for trees were related to tree attributes; such as size. Trees that dropped leaves or tended to fall were not liked. The most-mentioned tree-related benefits were oxygen supply and shade; the most mentioned tree-related damages were accidents and infrastructure damage. The majority of respondents preferred trees near houses to increase tree density. Also, most respondents preferred trees in green areas as well as close to their houses, as they consider that trees provide oxygen. The majority of the respondents thought more trees were needed in the city. In general, our results show that although people perceive that trees in urban areas can cause damages, they often show more interest for the benefits related to trees and consider there should be more trees in cities. We strongly suggest the development of studies that broaden our knowledge of citizen preferences in relation to urban vegetation, and that further policy making takes their perception into account when considering creating new urban green areas, regardless of their type or size.


Todorova A, Asakawa S, Aikoh T.Preferences for and attitudes towards street flowers and trees in Sapporo, Japan[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2004,69(4):403-416.The benefits of street vegetation, in particular the importance of trees, for urban dwellers have been given wide attention. There is, however, a lack of research on flowers as an element of street vegetation. This paper explores preferences for various street-planting models, particularly those with different compositions of flowers, with or without trees. Eighty-one residents of Sapporo evaluated 59 photomontage simulations and answered a questionnaire concerning their attitudes to street flowers. Results revealed trees to be the factor with the greatest influence on preference. Among possible elements for the space beneath trees from a choice including soil, grass, hedge and flowers, flowers were the most favoured. In particular, low and ordered compositions of brightly coloured flowers were the most preferred. Tall flowers were not found to be either attractive or appropriate for streetscapes in this case study. A factor analysis of the variables related to attitudes towards street flowers revealed the following five factors: “psychological benefits and aesthetic value”, “natural–environmental”, “practical concerns”, “effort to maintain” and “non-aesthetic”. The highest rated items were all related to the aesthetic and psychological benefits of street flowers. Flowers were the most preferred element beneath street trees and were seen as not only contributing to the aesthetic quality of a street but as also having a positive influence on psychological well-being.


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Brown P L, Doley D, Kennan R J.Estimating tree crown dimensions using digital analysis of vertical photographs. Agric[J]. Forest Meteorol, 2000,100:199-212.The aim of this study was to develop a relatively rapid, simple and repeatable method to characterize the crown architecture of Queensland maple ( Flindersia brayleyana F. Muell . ) by vertical hemispherical photography. Calibration scales were developed to provide horizontal planes of measurement at heights from 15 to 40m above the camera. Hemispherical images of tree crowns were merged with the specific calibration scale appropriate for the mid-height of the crown in order to adjust for image distortion during measurement. Merged images were analyzed by three procedures to yield measurements of crown diameter and projected area. The most precise measurement of projected crown dimensions was assumed to be provided by a complete analysis of a digital image of the crown, after removal of the trunk image. Crown diameters estimated by tape measurements on the ground were relatively imprecise ( R 2 =0.54). Crowns classified as symmetrical were described much more precisely ( R 2 =0.72) than those classified as asymmetrical ( R 2 =0.37). The precision of estimates of crown dimensions by tape did not alter significantly over the range of crown sizes sampled (2 10m diameter in trees 15 40m tall). This novel image analysis method can yield relatively precise and accurate measurements on the relatively shallow crowns of tall trees, often found in rainforests, regardless of the degree of asymmetry in crown shapes. However, the method is slower to apply than conventional tape techniques and additional equipment is required. The principal advantage of the photographic technique is the opportunity for precise measurements of changes in crown size and foliage projected area over time.


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[ Li X J.Study on city greenness spatial index based on multi-source remote sensing data[D]. Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013. ]

Popescu S C, Wynne R H, Scrivani J A.Fusion of small-footprint lidar and multispectral data to estimate plot-level volume and biomass in deciduous and pine forests in Virginia, USA[J]. Forest Science, 2004,50(4):551-565.The principal study objective was to explore the feasibility of using small-footprint lidar data and multispectral imagery to estimate forest volume and biomass on small (0.017-ha) plots. In addition, the spatial dependency of residuals between ground-measured and lidar-estimated variables was investigated. The lidar data set was acquired over deciduous and pine stands in the southeastern United States. Individual trees were identified on the lidar-derived canopy height model by local maximum focal filtering with both square and circular windows of variable size. The size of the dynamically varying window was based on the height of the canopy and the taxonomic group as derived from coregistered multispectral optical data. Lidar-measured parameters at an individual tree level (height, crown diameter) were used with regression models and cross validation to estimate plot-level field inventory data, including volume, biomass, basal area, and diameter at breast height (dbh). Maximum values for estimating biomass were 0.32 for deciduous trees (RMSE 44 Mg/ha) and 0.82 for pines (RMSE 29 Mg/ha). When estimating volume, maximum values for deciduous trees were 0.39 (RMSE 52.84 m/ha) and 0.83 for pines (RMSE 47.9 m/ha). Calculation of Moran's coefficient for each regression model revealed a lack of significant autocorellation of the residuals at 0.05 level. Both model fit and prediction for volume and biomass models for deciduous and pine plots indicated that the circular window shape is more appropriate to locate individual trees with lidar. Using the fused data set, lidar and optical imagery, as opposed to using lidar data alone, always improved biomass and volume estimates for pines and in some cases for deciduous plots as well. FOR. SCI. 50(4):551-565.


Liu J, Shen J, Zhao R, et al.Extraction of individual tree crowns from airborne LiDAR data in human settlements[J]. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2013,58(3):524-535.Extraction of individual tree crowns is meaningful for many applications. In this paper, a new method is proposed to extract individual trees from airborne LiDAR point clouds in human settlements. In the process of extraction, an improved slope-based filter is employed to separate the non-ground measurements from the ground measurements, the surface growing algorithm is utilized to segment the point clouds into segments, multiple echo information is used to distinguish the tree points from other types of non-ground measurements, and the spoke wheel algorithm is employed to get the accurate edges of each tree at last. Two datasets are employed to test the above method. Experiments show that our approach is capable of extracting more than 85% trees from the point clouds with accuracy higher than 95%, which suggests the promising applications.


Kim Y H, Rana S, Wise S.Exploring multiple viewshed analysis using terrain features and optimisation techniques[J]. Computers & Geosciences, 2004,30(9):1019-1032.The calculation of viewsheds is a routine operation in geographic information systems and is used in a wide range of applications. Many of these involve the siting of features, such as radio masts, which are part of a network and yet the selection of sites is normally done separately for each feature. The selection of a series of locations which collectively maximise the visual coverage of an area is a combinatorial problem and as such cannot be directly solved except for trivial cases. In this paper, two strategies for tackling this problem are explored. The first is to restrict the search to key topographic points in the landscape such as peaks, pits and passes. The second is to use heuristics which have been applied to other maximal coverage spatial problems such as location llocation. The results show that the use of these two strategies results in a reduction of the computing time necessary by two orders of magnitude, but at the cost of a loss of 10% in the area viewed. Three different heuristics were used, of which Simulated Annealing produced the best results. However the improvement over a much simpler fast-descent swap heuristic was very slight, but at the cost of greatly increased running times.


