

  • 赵建 , 1, 2,# ,
  • 任周鹏 2,# ,
  • 王劲峰 , 2, * ,
  • 徐成东 2 ,
  • 张前进 1
  • 1. 天津城建大学地质与测绘学院,天津 300384
  • 2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京 100101


收稿日期: 2016-11-22

  要求修回日期: 2017-02-26

  网络出版日期: 2017-07-10



Spatial Difference in the Velocity of Temperature Change in Northeast China and North China from 1961 to 2013

  • ZHAO Jian , 1, 2,# ,
  • REN Zhoupeng 2,# ,
  • WANG Jinfeng , 2, * ,
  • XU Chengdong 2 ,
  • ZHANG Qianjin 1
  • 1. School of Geology and Geomatics, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
*Corresponding author: WANG Jinfeng, E-mail:
# Equal contribution

Received date: 2016-11-22

  Request revised date: 2017-02-26

  Online published: 2017-07-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


全球气候的不断变化使得生物生境受到极大影响。气温作为最基本的气候要素,其变化迁移会胁迫生物对此做出响应,造成生物群落的迁徙。气温变化速度将气温看作物质的运动,能够直观地表示气温时空变化特征,对研究生物分布地理界限变化具有重要的指导意义。本文利用1961-2013年的全国每月平均温度数据集,分析了过去50多年中国东北与华北地区之间气温变化速度的区域差异。结果表明:东北与华北两地区整体气温变化速度均值为5.60 km/year,速度范围主要集中于0~9 km/year之间,约占总数的90%。东北地区气温变化速度均值大于华北地区。其中,东北速度均值为5.85 km/year,华北为5.41 km/year。从区域内部来看,东北地区气温变化速度整体较高,三省中黑龙江与吉林速度较高,辽宁省速度变化相对较小。华北气温变化速度高值区域主要分布在内蒙古高原与河北、天津的小部分地区,其他地区的气温变化速度则相对较小。


赵建 , 任周鹏 , 王劲峰 , 徐成东 , 张前进 . 1961-2013年东北与华北气温变化速度空间差异[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(7) : 909 -914 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.00909


During the last decade, the global temperature has a clear rise. The rising temperature may affect ecosystems, public health and socioeconomic systems. It is important to understand how the temperature change. Velocity of temperature change proposed by Loarie in 2009 is a suitable index to quantify the change in temperature. Based on national monthly mean temperature dataset, spatial difference about velocity of temperature change is analyzed in Northeast China and North China in the past 53 years. Here, we use slope of linear regression for each pixel to calculate linear trends of temperature firstly. Then, spatial gradients is calculated using the average maximum technique from a 3×3 grid cell neighborhood. Finally, we calculate velocity of temperature change as the ratio of the linear trends of temperature to the spatial gradients. The results show that: (1) there is an obvious increasing trend in temperature across all of the study area. The characteristic is that the higher the latitude, the more obvious the increasing trend. (2) Spatial gradients is greatly affected by terrain, which is higher in Da Hinggan Mountains and Taihang Mountain, but relatively lower in Northeast China Plain and Inner Mongolia Plateau. (3) The velocity of temperature change mainly varies between 0 km/year and 9 km/year, and the mean is 5.60 km/year. For spatial difference, the velocity of temperature change in Northeast China (5.85 km/year) is higher than that in North China (5.41 km/year); the velocity of temperature change in Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province is higher than that in Liaoning Province over Northeast China; velocity in Inner Mongolia Plateau and a small part of Hebei and Tianjin is higher than that in other part of North China.

1 引言

随着世界经济不断发展,大气中CO2等温室气体的排放量不断增加,全球升温趋势不断加剧。IPCC第五次评估报告指出:1951年以来地表平均气温以每10年0.12 ℃的速度上升,在过去的1983-2012的30年间,每10年的地表温度的增暖幅度高于1850年以来的任何时期[1]。已有研究表明,区域气候变化已经影响了世界上很多地方各种自然和生物系统[2-5],例如,某些气候类型开始重新分布[6],影响生物生存环境与生物数量[7-9],制约人类活动[10-11]等。气温作为最基本的气候要素,其变化迁移胁迫生物群落不断向适宜生存的地区迁徙,从而影响生物生境的地理分布界限[12]。因此对气温变化程度进行系统分析是气候变化领域重要研究课题。中国学者也对此进行了诸多研究[13-15],张晶晶等[16]、李双双等[17]、郑然等[18]从全球气候变化的背景分析了中国气温的区域差异,有些学者[19-22]尤其对青藏高原地区进行了深入研究。但相关分析[23-24]多以气温倾向率为指标表示时间层面气温升降程度。2009年,Loarie等[25]提出了气温变化速度指标,将气温时间与空间两方面的变化充分结合起来。

2 数据来源及预处理


3 研究方法

3.1 气温变化趋势系数

气温变化趋势系数的计算通过构造每一格网的一元线性方程,采用最小二乘法获取年均气温与时间的线性回归系数a0,从而得到气温变化趋势系数 δ T t (℃/年):
Y = a 0 t + a 1 (1)
δ T t = a 0 (2)
式中:Y为年均气温;t为时间; a 1 为截距。

3.2 空间梯度

空间梯度 δ T s 的计算采用平均最大法[31],其计算的是水平方向上气温变化与地面距离之间的变化关系,即水平方向上每移动一公里气温的变化量(℃/km),计算原理如下:
x _ cell _ size = cos π 180 Y × y _ cell _ size (6)
y _ cell _ size = 111.325 km (7)
式中:Y为格网所在纬度值; y _ cell _ size 为南北方向格网边长代表实际地面距离大小。

3.3 气温变化速度

V T = δ T t / δ T s (8)
式中:VT是气温变化速度(km/年); δ T t 为气温变化趋势系数, δ T s 为空间梯度。

4 结果分析

4.1 气温变化趋势系数

1961-2013年间东北、华北地区气温变化趋势系数均为正值,p为显著性水平,其中研究区仅有一个格网未通过0.05的显著性水平检验,其余地区气温上升趋势显著(图1)。两地区气温变化趋势系数均值为0.032 ℃/年,升温幅度大体呈现出纬度越高,变化越快的特点。其中,东北地区气温变化趋势系数主要集中于0.020~0.045 ℃/年,均值为0.0322 ℃/年。黑龙江省较吉林、辽宁两省的升温幅度大,其气温变化趋势系数的均值为0.035 ℃/年。吉林省次之,其气温变化趋势系数的均值为0.028 ℃/年,辽宁省最小,均值仅为0.024 ℃/年。华北地区气温变化趋势系数范围是0.015~0.045 ℃/年,均值为0.0320 ℃/年。内蒙古自治区的升温趋势明显高于其他省份,其气温变化趋势系数的均值为0.034 ℃/年。其他几省的气温变化趋势系数的范围则主要集中于0.010~0.030 ℃/年,均值为0.024 ℃/年。
Fig. 1 Linear trends of temperature for annual mean temperature in Northeast China and North China from 1961 to 2013

图1 1961-2013年东北与华北年平均气温变化趋势系数图

总体上,在过去的53年两地区气温变化趋势系数的均值虽相差无几,但东北地区仍略高出0.0002 ℃/年,主要由于华北地区气温变化趋势系数低值的分布范围较东北略大。东北三省中黑龙江,吉林两省气温变化趋势系数均较高,而华北地区气温变化趋势系数的高值区域主要集中在内蒙古自治区,其他几省市的气温变化趋势系数则相对较低。

4.2 空间梯度

气温空间梯度的分布明显受到中国地形的影响,呈现出不同地形交界处空间梯度值较大的特点。主要由于地形起伏较大地区,较短的水平距离内,气温变化较为剧烈。东北地区气温空间梯度的均值为0.007 ℃/km,华北地区为0.010 ℃/km,华北略高于东北。从图2可以看出,大兴安岭与太行山气温空间梯度值较高,其范围主要集中于0.015~0.035 ℃/km,气温空间梯度均值为0.024 ℃/km。东北地区气温空间梯度高值区域主要分布在长白山地区,其空间梯度的均值为0.009 ℃/km。东北平原气温空间梯度较低,其分布范围主要集中在0.001~0.006 ℃/km,空间梯度均值为0.004 ℃/km。相较于东北地区,华北的黄土高原地区气温空间梯度值 较高,主要分布在0.005~0.020 ℃/km,均值为0.013 ℃/km。内蒙古高原气温空间梯度的均值为0.007 ℃/km,较黄土高原地区空间梯度均值低。东北、华北地区除大兴安岭与太行山气温空间梯度较高外,其他地区气温空间梯度主要分布在0.001~0.018 ℃/km,均值为0.007 ℃/km,整体相差不大。
Fig. 2 Spatial gradients for annual mean temperature in Northeast China and North China from 1961 to 2013

图2 1961-2013年东北与华北年平均气温空间梯度图

4.3 气温变化速度

过去53年间,中国东北与华北两地区气温变化速度主要集中于0~9 km/年之间,约占总数的90%。其中,0~6 km/年的速度所占比例大于60%,而高于20 km/年的速度所占比例仅为3%,两地区气温变化速度的平均值为5.60 km/年。东北气温变化速度主要集中在0~9 km/年,占东北总数的84%,其中0~6 km/年气温变化速度就已超过50%,整个东北地区速度均值为5.85 km/年。东北平原气温变化速度较高,均值为7.71 km/年,其他地区速度均值仅为5.25 km/年。对于东北地区不同省份,黑龙江与吉林两省的气温变化速度相差不大,其速度范围主要集中在2~12 km/年,速度均值分别为6.27、6.35 km/年。辽宁省的气温变化速度最小,均值仅为3.27 km/年。华北气温变化速度主要集中在 0~9 km/年,但0~2 km/年的速度比例为23%,明显大于东北地区的8%。0~6 km/year的速度比例与东北地区相差不多,两者分别为68%与62%。华北地区气温变化速度的均值为5.41 km/年。内蒙古高原速度变化相对较快,均值为6.93 km/年,其他地区气温变化速度的均值仅为3.46 km/年,明显小于内蒙古高原。整体来看,东北地区气温变化速度均值高出华北地区约0.40 km/年。从图3中可以看出,东北地区气温变化速度整体均较高,华北除内蒙古高原以及河北、天津的小部分地区速度较高之外,其他地区则较低。
Fig. 3 Velocity of temperature change for annual mean temperature in Northeast China and North China from 1961 to 2013

图3 1961-2013年东北与华北年平均气温变化速度图

Fig. 4 The percentage of velocity for annual mean temperature in Northeast China and North China from 1961 to 2013

图4 1961-2013年东北、华北地区年平均气温变化速度比例图

5 结论与讨论

本文从气温出发,得到了中国东北、华北地区过去50多年的气温变化速度,分析了两地区气温变化速度空间分布的特点,主要结论为:气温变化趋势系数方面,东北地区与华北地区的气温变化趋势系数均值相差无几,为0.032 ℃/年,但东北略高于华北,与前人[6,13,16,32]的研究结果较为一致,且升温趋势呈现出纬度越高变化越快的特点;空间梯度方面,梯度分布明显受到中国地形的影响,呈现不同地形交界处梯度值大的特点,大兴安岭、太行山气温空间梯度值较大,东北平原和内蒙古高原空间梯度值较小;气温变化速度方面,东北、华北两地区气温变化速度主要集中在0~9 km/年,但东北地区速度大多分布在2~9 km/年,华北地区则主要分布在 0~6 km/年。东北地区 0~2 km/年的速度比例为8%,明显低于华北地区的23%,但东北与华北 0~6 km/年的速度比例则相差不多。东北气温变化速度均值为5.85 km/年,略高于华北速度均值 5.41 km/年。从区域内部来看,东北地区黑龙江与吉林两省的气温变化速度较高,辽宁省则较低。华北地区内蒙古高原气温变化速度较高,其他地区则相对较低。但本文采用的气象数据由于其插值算法本身的局限,例如平滑效应等问题,使得数据本身空间上的不确定性大于时间上的不确定性,从而气温空间梯度计算误差大于气温变化趋势系数的误差,进而影响气温变化速度的计算精度[33-34]

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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贺伟,布仁仓,熊在平,等.1961-2005年东北地区气温和降水变化趋势[J].生态学报,2013,33(2): 519-531.利用东北地区96个气象站1961-2005年的日平均气温和日降水量资料,采用线性倾向率法,累积距平 法,Mann-Kendall法和Morlet小波分析等方法,对东北地区近45年来的气候变化和突变现象进行了研究.结果表明:近45年来,东北地区年 平均气温变化在2.45-5.72℃之间,年均温呈现显著上升趋势,气候倾向率为0.38 ℃/10 a(P<0.01),1988-1989年间发生了由低温到高温的突变;东北地区四季平均气温均呈现增高的趋势,其中冬季气温增幅最大,气候倾向率达到 0.53℃/10 a,夏季气温增幅最小,0.24 ℃/10 a.东北地区年均温和季节均温年代际变化亦呈现明显的增暖趋势,年均温,春季均温和冬季均温均在1981-1990年开始变暖,夏季均温和秋季均温在 1991-2000年开始变暖.东北地区气温增暖幅度随纬度的升高而增大,大兴安岭北部和小兴安岭地区是增温最明显的地区,增暖幅度较小的地区为辽河平 原,辽东半岛和长白山南部地区.东北地区年降水量变化在430.40-678.72 mm之间,降水量变化趋势不明显,整体呈现减少趋势,气候倾向率为-5.71 mm/10 a(P>0.05),1981-1990年为降水最多的年代,1982-1983年间发生了降水量由少到多的突变.四季降水量变化呈现不同的趋势,其中春 季和冬季降水量呈现增多的趋势,夏季和秋季降水量呈现减少的趋势.降水量减少较明显的地区为辽东半岛和长白山南段,降水量增多较明显的地区为大兴安岭北部 和松嫩平原.Morlet小波分析结果表明,东北地区年平均气温存在11a的强显著周期,此外还有24 a和6a尺度的变化周期;东北地区年降水量存在16a的强显著周期和6 a的小尺度变化周期.通过以上分析,近45 a东北地区总体气候呈现明显暖干化趋势.


[ He W, Bu R C, Xiong Z P, et al.Characteristics of temperature and precipitation in Northeastern China from 1961 to 2005[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013,33(2):519-531. ]



[ Yao J Q, Liu Z H, Yang Q, et al.Temperature variability and its possible causes in the typical basins of the arid central asia in recent 130 years[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014,69(3):291-302. ]

陈隆勋,周秀骥,李维亮,等.中国近80年来气候变化特征及其形成机制[J].气象学报,2004,62(5):634-646.自20世纪20年代以来,中国地区40和90年代出现了2个暖期及50~60年代相对冷期.最近的90年代的最暖年(1998年)或5 a滑动平均气温几乎已达或略高于40年代的最暖年(1946年)或5 a滑动平均气温.变暖最明显是北方地区(黑龙江和新疆北部),而35°N以南和100°E以东地区自50年代以来存在一个以四川盆地为中心的变冷带,虽然90年代有变暖趋势,但基本达到40年代暖期气温.中国降水则以20年代为最少(1929年最少),50年代为多水年代,以后缓慢减少,70年代以后变化不大,但多雨带在80年代及以后由华北南移到长江中下游.1951~1990年,大部分地区气温和降水呈负相关,在东北和长江-黄河间存在2个负相关中心,表明北方是变暖变旱,江淮间是变冷变湿.这些气候变化特征和全球气候变化相比较,除北方外,变暖期明显的滞后于全球变暖,并且出现变冷带等明显差异.文中还综述了用诊断和数值模拟方法对影响中国变化的气候自然变化和人类活动影响(热岛效应和气溶胶影响)的研究结果.我们认为,以上提出的3种人类活动对中国气候变化有明显影响,特别是工农业发展造成的气溶胶增加是四川盆地气温变冷的主要原因.


[ Chen L X, Zhou X J, Li W L, et al.Characteristics of the climate change and its formation mechanism in China in last 80 years[J]. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 2004,62(5):634-646. ]


[ Zhang J J, Chen S, Zhao X Y.Spatial divergency of temperature change during 1951-2000 in china and its correlation with global climate change[J]. Journal of arid land resources and environment, 2006,20(4):1-6. ]


[ Li S S, Yan J P, Wan J.The characteristics of temperature change in Qinling Mountains[J]. Scientia geographica sinica, 2012,32(7):853-858. ]

郑然,李栋梁,蒋元春.全球变暖背景下青藏高原气温变化的新特征[J].高原气象,2015,34(6):1531-1539.lt;p>利用1971-2011年青藏高原81个站点经均一化处理的气温资料,采用面积权重方法对青藏高原近41年气温变化的特征进行了研究。结果表明,青藏高原在1997年存在更为明显的增暖突变,落后于华北(1989年)、东北(1987年)8 ~ 10年,比西南、华南(1996年)和华东、西北(1994年)落后1 ~ 3年。高原内部的突变发生过程与高原地形有明显的关系,表现为海拔越高,突变发生越晚。此外,突变前后的增暖形式也存在一定的差别,即突变前增暖幅度随海拔的升高而减小,突变后则表现为海拔越高气温倾向率越大,且通过了99%的显著性检验。突变前后高原增暖幅度最大均在冬季,突变后秋、冬季增暖幅度有所减小,夏季有所增大。相比全球近15年增暖趋缓现象,高原在突变后表现为更大幅度的增暖,高原气温与全球气温的同期波动形态相似,两者具有较好相关性。</p>


[ Zheng R, Li D L, Jiang Y C.New characteristics of temperature change over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau on the background of global warming[J]. Plateau Meteorology, 2015,34(6):1531-1539. ]

易湘生,尹衍雨,李国胜,等.青海三江源地区近50年来的气温变化[J].地理学报,2011,66(11):1451-1465.Based on the monthly average temperature data of 12 meteorological stations in the Three-River Headwaters Region of Qinghai Province from 1961 to 2010, the regional differences and abrupt changes of temperature variation were analyzed by the methods of moving average, linear trend analysis, spline interpolation, and Mann-Kendall test. Some important results were obtained in four aspects as follows. (1) The annual and seasonal average temperature in the Three-River Headwaters Region of Qinghai Province and its source regions was featured by several cold and warm fluctuations, but the average temperature had a significant rising trend at statistical significance level, especially since 2001. Spring, summer, autumn and annual average temperatures tended to be warm significantly since the 1990s and the winter average temperature exhibited a significant increasing trend since 2001. (2) The annual average temperature change tendency rate of the Three-River Headwaters Region of Qinghai Province was 0.36 oC 10a, while the annual average temperature change tendency rates of the Yellow River source region, the Lancangjiang River source region and the Yangtze River source region were 0.37 oC 10a, 0.37 oC 10a and 0.34 oC 10a, respectively. The significant temperature increasing regions were observed in the south of Yushu County and the north of Nangqian County, and the temperature rising trends of winter and autumn were higher than those of spring and summer. (3) The annual, summer, autumn and winter average temperatures in the Three-River Headwaters Region, Lancangjiang River source region and Yangtze River source region as well as the summer and autumn average temperatures in the Yellow River source region had abrupt changes. The annual and summer average temperature abrupt changes were mainly observed in the late 1990s, while the autumn and winter average temperature abrupt changes mainly occurred in the early 1990s and early 21st century respectively. (4) In the background of global climate warming, altitude and underlying surface in different parts of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were the reasons for high temperature increasing rate in the Three-River Headwaters Region of Qinghai Province.


[ Yi X S, Yin Y Y, Li G S, et al.Temperature variation in recent 50 years in the three-river headwaters region of Qinghai province[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011,66(11):1451-1465. ]

周宁芳,秦宁生,屠其璞,等.近50年青藏高原地面气温变化的区域特征分析[J].高原气候,2005,24(3):344-349.青藏高原地面气温与其上空500 hPa温度有着密切的关系, 基于这种关系, 重建得到青藏高原1950-2000年连续、可靠的台站地面月平均气温序列.利用重建后的地面月平均气温资料, 对青藏高原年及各季节平均气温的变化进行区域划分, 分析了近50年青藏高原全年及各季节气温变化的区域特征.结果表明, 青藏高原的年、春、夏、秋季与冬季平均气温变化区域分别可以划分为4个区、 2个区、 4个区、 5个区和4个区.青藏高原近50年气温总体上升, 但同时存在明显的区域性和季节性差异, 大部分区域的平均气温变化和高原总体升温相似, 春季和冬季升温明显, 特别是春季和冬季的Ⅰ区.夏、秋季升温趋势不明显, 夏季Ⅰ区与秋季 Ⅲ区还表现出较小的降温趋势, 降温幅度分别为 -0.26℃和-0.11℃.


[ Zhou N F, Qin N S, Tu Q P, et al.Analyese on regional characteristics of temperature changeover Qinghai Xizang Plateau in recent 50 years[J]. Plateau Meteorology, 2005,24(3):344-349. ]

李林,陈晓光,王振宇,等.青藏高原区域气候变化及其差异性研究[J].气候变化研究进展,2010,6(3):181-186.利用1961-2007年青藏高原66个气象台站气温和降水量资料,通过典型气候分区,系统研究了近47年来青藏高原气温、降水量等气候因子时空演变规律,揭示了青藏高原不同区域气候变化的差异性。研究表明:近47年来,青藏高原的气候呈现出显著增暖趋势,年平均气温以0.37℃/10a的速率上升,气候变暖在夜间要较日间明显。冬季较其他季节明显,2月气温由冷向暖的转变最为显著,8月最不显著,且在某些区域有变冷迹象;高原边缘地区气候变暖要明显于高原腹地,青海北部区特别是柴达木盆地是青藏高原气候变化的敏感区。降水量总体表现出增多态势,气候倾向率达9.1 mm/10a,但区域性差异较为明显,藏东南川西区是青藏高原降水量增多最显著的地区;12月至次年5月即冬春季整个青藏高原降水量随着气候变暖而增多,7月和9月黄河上游区1987年后干旱化趋势明显。


[ Li L, Chen X G, Wang Z Y, et al.Climate change and its regional differences over the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Advances in Climate Change Research, 2010,6(3):181-186. ]



[ Song C, Pei T, Zhou C H.Research progresses of surface temperature characteristic change over Tibetan plateau since 1960[J]. Progresses in Geography, 2012,31(11):1503-1509. ]

任国玉,徐铭志,初子莹,等.近54年中国地面气温变化[J].气候与环境研究,2005,10(4):717-727.采用国家基准气候站和基本气象站地面月平均气温资料,在严格质量控制和非均一性订正的基础上,分析了1951年以来中国大陆地区近地表年和季节平均气温演化的时间与空间特征.结果表明,我国近54年来年平均地表气温变暖幅度约为1.3℃,增温速率接近0.25℃/10 a,比全球或半球同期平均增温速率高得多.全国大范围增暖主要发生在近20余年.气温变化的季节差异和空间特征与前人分析结论基本一致,冬季增温速率高达0.39℃/10 a,春季为0.28℃/10 a,秋季0.20℃/10 a,夏季增温速率最小,但也达到0.15℃/10 a.我国20世纪80年代初期开始的明显增暖主要表现在冷季,但进入90年代以来夏季增暖也日趋明显.从区域上看,中国大陆地区最明显的增温发生在北方和青藏高原地区,而西南的四川盆地和云贵高原北部仍维持弱的降温趋势.值得提出的是,作者给出的结果尚未考虑城镇化对地面气温观测记录的影响.


[ Ren G Y, Xu M Z, Chu Z Y, et al.Changes of surface air temperature in China during 1951-2004[J]. Climate and Environmental Research, 2005,10(4):717-727. ]



[ Fan Z M, Yue T X, Chen C F, et al.Spatial change trend of temperature and precipitation in China[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2011,13(4):526-533. ]

Loarie S R, Duffy P B, Hamilton H, et al.The velocity of climate change[J]. Nature, 2009,462(7276):1052-1055.

Serra-Diaz J M, Franklin J, Ninyerola M, et al. Bioclimatic velocity: the pace of species exposure to climate change[J]. Diversity and Distributions, 2014,20(2):169-180.AimTo investigate the velocity of species-specific exposure to climate change for mid- and late 21st century and develop metrics that quantify exposure to climate change over space and time.LocationCalifornia Floristic Province, south-western USA.MethodsOccurrences from presence/absence inventories of eight Californian endemic tree species (Pinus balfouriana [Grev.&Balf.], Pinus coulteri [D.Don], Pinus muricata [D.Don.], Pinus sabiniana [D.Don], Quercus douglasii [Hook.&Arn.], Quercus engelmannii [Greene], Quercus lobata [Nee] and Quercus wislizeni [A.DC.]) were used to develop eight species distribution models (SDMs) for each species with the BIOMOD platform, and this ensemble was used to construct current suitability maps and future projections based on two global circulation models in two time periods [mid-century: 2041 2070 and late century (LC): 2071 2100]. From the resulting current and future suitability maps, we calculated a bioclimatic velocity as the ratio of temporal gradient to spatial gradient. We developed and compared eight metrics of temporal exposure to climate change for mid- and LC for each species.ResultsThe velocity of species exposure to climate change varies across species and time periods, even for similarly distributed species. We find weak support among the species analysed for higher velocities in exposure to climate change towards the end of the 21st century, coinciding with harsher conditions. The variation in the pace of exposure was greater among species than for climate projections considered.Main conclusionsThe pace of climate change exposure varies depending on period of analysis, species and the spatial extent of conservation decisions (potential ranges versus current distributions). Translating physical climatic space into a biotic climatic space helps informing conservation decisions in a given time frame. However, the influence of spatial and temporal resolution on modelled species distributions needs further consideration in order to better characterize the dynamics of exposure and species-specific velocities.


Burrows M T, Schoeman D S, Buckley L B, et al.The pace of shifting climate in marine and terrestrial ecosystems[J]. Science, 2011,334(6056):652-655.Climate change challenges organisms to adapt or move to track changes in environments in space and time. We used two measures of thermal shifts from analyses of global temperatures over the past 50 years to describe the pace of climate change that species should track: the velocity of climate change (geographic shifts of isotherms over time) and the shift in seasonal timing of temperatures. Both measures are higher in the ocean than on land at some latitudes, despite slower ocean warming. These indices give a complex mosaic of predicted range shifts and phenology changes that deviate from simple poleward migration and earlier springs or later falls. They also emphasize potential conservation concerns, because areas of high marine biodiversity often have greater velocities of climate change and seasonal shifts.


Zhu K, Woodall C W, Clark J S.Failure to migrate: lack of tree range expansion in response to climate change[J]. Global Change Biology, 2012,18(3):1042-1052.Abstract Tree species are expected to track warming climate by shifting their ranges to higher latitudes or elevations, but current evidence of latitudinal range shifts for suites of species is largely indirect. In response to global warming, offspring of trees are predicted to have ranges extend beyond adults at leading edges and the opposite relationship at trailing edges. Large-scale forest inventory data provide an opportunity to compare present latitudes of seedlings and adult trees at their range limits. Using the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis data, we directly compared seedling and tree 5th and 95th percentile latitudes for 92 species in 30 longitudinal bands for 43334 plots across the eastern United States. We further compared these latitudes with 20th century temperature and precipitation change and functional traits, including seed size and seed spread rate. Results suggest that 58.7% of the tree species examined show the pattern expected for a population undergoing range contraction, rather than expansion, at both northern and southern boundaries. Fewer species show a pattern consistent with a northward shift (20.7%) and fewer still with a southward shift (16.3%). Only 4.3% are consistent with expansion at both range limits. When compared with the 20th century climate changes that have occurred at the range boundaries themselves, there is no consistent evidence that population spread is greatest in areas where climate has changed most; nor are patterns related to seed size or dispersal characteristics. The fact that the majority of seedling extreme latitudes are less than those for adult trees may emphasize the lack of evidence for climate-mediated migration, and should increase concerns for the risks posed by climate change.


Zhu K, Woodall C W, Ghosh S, et al.Dual impacts of climate change: forest migration and turnover through life history[J]. Global change biology, 2014,20(1):251-264.Tree species are predicted to track future climate by shifting their geographic distributions, but climate-mediated migrations are not apparent in a recent continental-scale analysis. To better understand the mechanisms of a possible migration lag, we analyzed relative recruitment patterns by comparing juvenile and adult tree abundances in climate space. One would expect relative recruitment to be higher in cold and dry climates as a result of tree migration with juveniles located further poleward than adults. Alternatively, relative recruitment could be higher in warm and wet climates as a result of higher tree population turnover with increased temperature and precipitation. Using the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis data at regional scales, we jointly modeled juvenile and adult abundance distributions for 65 tree species in climate space of the eastern United States. We directly compared the optimal climate conditions for juveniles and adults, identified the climates where each species has high relative recruitment, and synthesized relative recruitment patterns across species. Results suggest that for 77% and 83% of the tree species, juveniles have higher optimal temperature and optimal precipitation, respectively, than adults. Across species, the relative recruitment pattern is dominated by relatively more abundant juveniles than adults in warm and wet climates. These different abundance-climate responses through life history are consistent with faster population turnover and inconsistent with the geographic trend of large-scale tree migration. Taken together, this juvenile-adult analysis suggests that tree species might respond to climate change by having faster turnover as dynamics accelerate with longer growing seasons and higher temperatures, before there is evidence of poleward migration at biogeographic scales.


VanDerWal J, Murphy H T, Kutt A S, et al. Focus on poleward shifts in species' distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change[J]. Nature Climate Change, 2013,3(3):239-243.Species are largely predicted to shift poleward as global temperatures increase, with this fingerprint of climate change being already observed across a range of taxonomic groups and, mostly temperate, geographic locations(1-5). However, the assumption of uni-directional distribution shifts does not account for complex interactions among temperature, precipitation and species-specific tolerances(6), all of which shape the direction and magnitude of changes in a species' climatic niche. We analysed 60 years of past climate change on the Australian continent, assessing the velocity of changes in temperature and precipitation, as well as changes in climatic niche space for 464 Australian birds. We show large magnitude and rapid rates of change in Australian climate over the past 60 years resulting in high-velocity and multi-directional, including equatorial, shifts in suitable climatic space for birds (ranging from 0.1 to 7.6 km yr(-1), mean 1.27 km yr(-1)). Overall, if measured only in terms of poleward distribution shifts, the fingerprint of climate change is underestimated by an average of 26% in temperate regions of the continent and by an average of 95% in tropical regions. We suggest that the velocity of movement required by Australian species to track their climatic niche may be much faster than previously thought and that the interaction between temperature and precipitation changes will result in multi-directional distribution shifts globally.


Burrough, PA. McDonell, R A. Principles of Geographical Information System[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.


[ Zhou X J, Wang F L, Wu Y Y, et al.Analysis of temperature change characteristics of Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China and whole country in recent 60 years[J]. Journal of Natural Disasters, 2013,22(2):124-129. ]

杨雨亭,尚松浩,李超.土壤水分空间插值的克里金平滑效应修正方法[J].水科学进展,2010(2):208-213.Ordinary Kriging of geostatistics is an effective tool in studying the spatial variability of soil moisture and describing its spatial distribution.Like other interpolation methods based on the criterion of least-squares,ordinary Kriging estimates present a serious inherent drawback well known as the smoothing effect with decreased variation of estimates.In this study,the post-processing approach of Yamamoto is used to correct the smoothing effect of ordinary Kriging estimates in observed soil moisture interpolation.The result shows that the Yamamoto's approach can effectively correct the smoothing effect,and the real soil moisture spatial distributions can thus be preserved without losing local accuracy.

[ Yang Y T, Shang S H, Li C.Correcting the smoothing effect of ordinary kriging estimates in soilmoisture interpolation[J]. Advances in Water Science, 2010,2:208-213. ]


[ Zhu H Y, Jia S F.Uncertainty in the spatial interpolation of rainfall data[J]. Progress in Geography, 2004,2:34-42. ]

