

  • 陆军辉 ,
  • 梅志雄 , * ,
  • 赵书芳 ,
  • 肖艳云
  • 华南师范大学地理科学学院,广州 510631
*通讯作者:梅志雄(1976-),男,湖北黄梅人,博士,教授,主要从事空间分析与建模、土地利用模拟与优化等研究。E-mail: zhixiongmei76@126.com


收稿日期: 2017-03-15

  要求修回日期: 2017-06-01

  网络出版日期: 2017-08-20



Land Use Optimization Allocation Based on Chaos Ant Colony Algorithm

  • LU Junhui ,
  • MEI Zhixiong , * ,
  • ZHAO Shufang ,
  • XIAO Yanyun
  • School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
*Corresponding author: MEI Zhixiong, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-03-15

  Request revised date: 2017-06-01

  Online published: 2017-08-20


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


土地利用优化配置是促进土地可持续发展的重要举措,然而现有研究缺乏有效求解土地利用优化配置模型的新型混合式智能优化算法。本文结合蚁群算法和混沌模型,形成混沌蚁群优化(Chaos Ant Colony Optimization,CACO)算法,并以广州市增城区为研究区,对土地利用现状进行优化配置;然后在数量结构、目标函数值、空间布局等方面将优化结果与土地现状及标准蚁群算法优化结果进行对比分析。结果表明:① CACO算法能在满足多种约束条件下,有效解决多目标土地利用优化配置问题;② 与标准蚁群算法相比,CACO算法能增加土地利用的经济效益7.18亿元、生态效益0.33亿元、社会效益1.13%,同时降低地类转换成本1.15%;③ CACO算法能使土地利用现状空间分布多样性和均匀性的下降控制在1.30%以内,同时缩减地块数量8.86%,并使平均斑块大小增加9.77%,从而提升土地集约利用水平,更合理地配置各现状地类的空间分布,为研究区土地利用的科学规划与决策提供支持。


陆军辉 , 梅志雄 , 赵书芳 , 肖艳云 . 土地利用配置的混沌蚁群优化算法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(8) : 1026 -1035 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01026


The optimal allocation of land use is an important and effective measures of promoting the sustainable development of the land. However, existing research was lack of efficient methods in the optimization allocation for the quantitative structure and spatial layout of land use by using original mixed algorithm. Therefore, this paper combined the ant colony optimization algorithm (ACO) with the chaos model, and proposed a hybrid and self-adapt chaos ant colony optimization algorithm (CACO). After that, in order to verify the feasibility and efficiency of the CACO, the Zengcheng district of Guangzhou was selected as the study case. The CACO was utilized to solve the model of land use optimization allocation based on the evaluation of actual land sustainable use. Finally, this study made some comparative analysis of the results of the CACO and the actual land use and the results of the ACO respectively in three main aspects: the quantitative structure of land use, the spatial layout of land use and the multiple objective functions. The results showed that: firstly, the CACO can effectively solve the complex problems of multi-objective land use optimization allocation under multiple constraint conditions; secondly, compared with the ACO, the coordination between economic benefit and ecological effectiveness in the CACO was weakened slightly. The CACO rose all others objective functions’ values. For example, economic benefits increased by 7.18 billion yuan, ecological effectiveness increased by 0.33 billion yuan, social benefits increased by 1.13%, while the land conversion costs shrank by 1.15%. Thirdly, compared with the ACO, the CACO decreased the diversity and evenness index of actual land use spatial distribution within 1.30%, made the number of total land patches reduced about 8.86%, and the average patches size increased 9.77%. The level of the land intensive use was improved. Therefore, the CACO could reasonably optimize actual various land use types to appropriate spatial layout, and supply useful technical support for scientific land use planning and decisions making.

1 引言

一些学者尝试将线性规划模型、系统动力学模型等精确算法与地理信息系统(GIS)技术耦合来进行土地利用优化配置[8-10],但此类方法由于空间优化问题的规模大、非线性等特性,造成处理难度大、时间长。而启发式算法则能有效弥补这一不足,例如,Bettinger使用混合整数规划法解决700个单元的森林规划问题时,仅40个就花费了几天时间[11];而Baskent在使用模拟退火算法求解987个像元的多目标森林景观规划时,产生每个优化方案仅用1 h[12]。此外,王新生[11]、黎夏等[13-14]、高小永等[15-16]、刘朝松[17]分别用模拟退火算法、遗传算法、蚁群算法、粒子群算法和GIS结合来求解土地利用优化配置模型;针对以往土地利用配置模型在协调求解多目标方面的不足,刘殿锋等[18]、刘耀林等[5]分别构建了基于微粒群、人工免疫算法的多目标土地利用优化配置模型,取得了较好的效果。启发式算法虽然可以在合理时间内极大地提升空间搜索能力,但单独一种方法往往由于自身局限性而影响优化结果,因此需要融合多种智能寻优方法协同求解。也有学者对此做了探索研究,如徐昔保[19]将神经网络和遗传算法分别与元胞自动机集成,构建了城市土地利用演化和优化模型,并以兰州市主城区为例进行了研究;张鸿辉等[21]针对现有优化模型提升土地可持续利用的能力薄弱等现状,将多智能体引入微粒群算法[20]和遗传进化算法中,实现了土地利用的多目标协同优化;袁满等[22]将多智能体与遗传算法结合,构建了多智能体遗传算法。然而,现有混合方法却存在模型较复杂、参数高灵敏性、效率不高、难保全局最优解等缺陷[21-22],且目前在发掘高效的土地利用优化方法中存在挑战,因此亟待以全新混合式算法有效解决多目标土地利用优化配置问题的研究[11]
蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)是一种通过信息素正反馈机制来搜寻最优解的仿生智能算法,已成功应用于求解旅行商等经典问题[23-25]。但ACO算法存在一些缺陷[16],如不适宜信息素增量易使算法进化停滞,产生局部最优解等[26],故存在与其他方法结合的广阔空间。混沌运动是自然界中一种看似混沌实则精巧的非线性现象,其“随机性”、“遍历性”、“规律性”等特点可用于优化搜索[26-27]。因此,本文首先通过对ACO算法的信息素增量和信息素挥发因子添加混沌扰动[26],以避免ACO算法过早收敛于局部最优,从而形成混沌蚁群优化算法;然后将其应用于求解增城区土地利用优化配置模型中,以期丰富混合优化算法在土地利用优化配置中的应用。

2 研究区概况与数据源

2.1 研究区

增城区(23°05′~23°37′ N,113°32′~114°00′ E)位于广州东部边缘,总面积1616.47 km2,西邻广州市城区,南接东莞市,东部与北部均为山区,地势北高南低,属南亚热带海洋性季风气候区,年平均气温22.2 ℃。2014年该区土地利用主要为图1所示9种类型。21世纪以来,增城区社会经济发展迅猛,其2005、2010、2014年GDP分别为269.68亿元、586.45亿元、886.90亿元,年均增幅达14.14%,成为广深经济带的重要节点。但随着经济的快速发展,该区资源环境压力与日俱增,如用地布局混杂、用地结构失调、欠缺空间布局上的引导等。因此,优化利用该区土地资源具有较强的理论和现实意义。
Fig. 1 Study area and its actual land use types in 2014

图1 研究区及其2014年土地利用现状

2.2 数据源及处理

为优化增城区2014年土地利用数量结构和空间布局,本文主要采用增城区内Landsat8 OLI影像、DEM和社会经济统计数据。Landsat8和DEM均来源于地理空间数据云平台(http://www.gscloud.cn/),经重采样为50 m×50 m分辨率;通过ENVI软件对Landsat8影像进行预处理、最大似然监督分类并结合目视解译,最终将其分类如图1所示。相关统计数据主要为2005-2014年增城区耕地面积及其增加值,来源于2006-2015年《广州市统计年鉴》,用于计算各地类经济和生态效益系数。
土地利用现状在优化配置前应进行适宜性定量评价,以充分考虑现有土地利用空间分布的自身合理性,也为各像元配置地类提供了科学依据[10,15]。因此,为评价增城区2014年土地利用适宜性,参考文献[15]并结合实际数据可获取性,本文选取了5种评价因子:水源密度、道路密度、居民点密度、坡度、归一化植被指数NDVI。其中,坡度因子由DEM提取,其余使用ArcGIS 10.2从图1中提取和计算获得。各因子经无量纲标准化处理后,采用层次分析法确定其权重,参照文献[14]的土地适宜性评价分等定级方法获得宜耕、宜园、宜林和宜建4种评价结果(图2)。
Fig. 2 Land use suitability assessment results in Zengcheng

图2 增城区土地利用适宜性评价结果

3 研究方法


3.1 土地利用优化配置模型构建

3.1.1 目标函数构建
f economy = max i = 1 n c i x i n = 1,2 , , 9 (1)
f ecology = max i = 1 n d i x i ( n = 1,2 , , 9 ) (2)
式中: f ecology 为研究区土地利用总生态效益;di为地类i的生态效益系数;xin种地类中地类i的总面积。
地类的聚集性表征土地利用空间破碎程度,高聚集度或紧凑度有利于节约社会管理成本[15],故有学者采用邻域同一性指数量化域内土地集约利用程度,从而衡量土地资源空间配置的社会效益[22]。但本文采用空间自相关因子(因其在评估相同地类空间分布的聚集性时,较邻域同一性指数考虑了不同区位、距离等因素)评价像元 i 的地类在d距离范围内的空间聚集性水平 f ( i , society ,计算公式如下[29]
f ( i , society = w ij y j w ij (3)
w ij = 1 D ij D ij 小于阈值 d 0 其他 (4)
本文设计了表达研究区土地利用经济效益目标与生态效益目标间协调性 f coordination 的公式[15]
f coordination = max 2 + 1 2 × F 1 × F 2 × F 1 + F 2 (5)
F i = f i t x - f i x f i max - f i min ( i = 1,2 ) (6)
式中:Fi为优化后经济效益目标F1和生态效益目标F2的变化状况;fi(x)和 f i t x 分别为优化前后的经济或生态效益值; f i max f i min 分别为经济或生态效益的最大和最小值。
Tab. 1 Economic benefit coefficients of farmland from 2005 to 2014

表1 2005-2014年增城区耕地经济效益系数

年份 年末耕地面积/hm2 增加值/亿元 经济效益系数/(万元/hm2
2005 37 112 172 407 4.646
2006 27 188 193 504 7.117
2007 27 082 203 177 7.502
2008 27 014 223 454 8.272
2009 27 120 240 506 8.868
2010 27 114 270 515 9.977
2011 27 060 278 903 10.307
2012 27 042 309 373 11.440
2013 27 020 345 337 12.781
2014 26 570 372 281 14.011
2020 - - 24.160
Tab. 2 Economic and ecological benefit coefficients of different land use types in 2020

表2 2020年增城区各地类经济效益系数和生态效益系数

变量 耕地 园地 林地 草地 水域 城镇 农村 交通 其他
权重 1.00 1.54 1.50 1.54 0.55 7.02 0.67 0.67 0
经济效益系数/(万元/hm2 17.33 26.69 26.00 26.69 9.53 121.67 11.61 105.37 0.10
生态效益系数/(万元/ hm2 6.83 7.06 8.01 7.19 9.44 0 0 0 7.19
3.1.2 约束条件设置

3.2 混沌蚁群算法

基于ACO算法的土地利用优化配置策略为:采用二维矩阵(m,n)表征影像空间(对应于一只蚂蚁或一种土地配置方案,各矩阵单元值构成蚂蚁路径),并设置影像背景与边缘区、水域、交通运输用地为限制变化区,不参与运算;然后,结合土地适宜性评价、多目标函数、pareto等技术和ACO算法基本思想,采用Matlab编程实现。CACO改进策略(图3)为:在前者基础上,利用混沌的随机性,在信息素增量中引入混沌扰动,避免算法过早收敛于局部最优,使优化目标值继续上升;利用混沌对初始值的极度敏感性,对信息素挥发因子添加混沌扰 动[30],以期推迟算法的停滞时间。混沌扰动的幅度均随算法迭代逐步自适应调整。
Fig. 3 Model framework of CACO algorithm

图3 CACO算法模型框架图

3.2.1 启发信息函数
启发信息素采用土地利用现状中像元 ( i , j ) 内配置土地类型k的适宜程度 F i , j , k 计算:
F i , j , k = ( f i , j , k , economy + f i , j , k , ecology ) × f i , j , k , society × f i , j , k , coordination × f i , j , l , k , cost (7)
式中, f i , j , k , economy f i , j , k , ecology f i , j , k , society f i , j , k , coordination 分别是 ( i , j ) 配置地类k所产生的经济效益值、生态效益值、社会效益值、经济生态效益协调度; f i , j , l , k , cost ( i , j ) 中现状地类l转换为地类k的成本 f i , j , l , k , cost = h ( l , k ) × suits ( fitness l ) × suite ( fitness k ) h ( l , k ) 为由地类lk的地类转换系数, fitness 为地类的适宜性评价等级,suitssuite为转换前后地类的适宜性评价等级所对应的适宜度函数。
3.2.2 概率函数
概率函数 p ij k 为像元 ( i , j ) 中配置地类 k 的可能性大小。为简化运算,采用乘积代替ACO算法的幂指数计算方式[15],公式如下:
p ij k = ( α × τ i , j + β × F i , j , k ) / k = 1 K α × τ i , j + β × F i , j , k (8)
式中:K为地类总数; α 为启发式因子; β 为期望启发式因子(设 β = 1 - α [15]; F i , j , k 启发信息素; τ i , j 为当前信息素浓度(首代为初始信息素)。
3.2.3 产生蚁群
蚁群生成策略为,若像元 ( i , j ) 对应坡度大于25°,则强制优化为林地,否则:若 ( i , j ) 的初始概率 p ij k 最大所对应的地类与土地现状中 ( i , j ) 的地类 k 相同,则 ( i , j ) 配置为 k ,否则依转盘赌随机配置。每代依此产生 popsize 只蚂蚁个体,若为首代,则完成初始化,否则生成下一代蚁群。
3.2.4 评价蚂蚁适宜性
根据第 p 只蚂蚁的各像元 ( i , j ) 中配置自身地类 k 的适宜性 F i , j , k ,计算蚂蚁 p 总适宜性 F p ,公式如下:
F p = j = 1 m i = 1 n F i , j , k p = 1,2 , , popsize (9)
若为首代,则当代个体依 pareto 排序获非支配解(逐个选取当代个体,若其它个体的各目标函数值不小于该个体且有一个目标函数值大于该个体,则标记该个体为被支配解,直至当代个体都被判断[15],未被标记的个体即为当代非支配解),并存为当代精英个体;否则将上一代精英和当代个体混合,计算获混合蚁群的 pareto 非支配解,存为当代精英;依据 F p 选择当代最优个体 F cb ,若 F cb 与上一代最优个体相同,则认为算法陷入局部最优状态[30],记 iflocalbest = 1 ,否则 iflocalbest = 0
3.2.5 更新信息素浓度 τ t [31]
τ t = 1 - ρ t τ t - 1 + c = 1 C ( r 1 × q + r 2 × z i , j , t ) if localbest = 1 1 - ρ t τ t - 1 + c = 1 C r 1 × q iflocalbest = 0 (10)
式中: τ t - 1 为上一代信息素浓度; C 为当代精英个数; q r 2 为常数;混沌变量 z i , j , t = 4 z i , j , t - 1 1 - z i , j , t - 1 ) ; r 1 = g × F c / F landuse ; g 为当前迭代次数; F c 为第 c 个非支配解(精英)的总适宜性; F landuse 为土地利用现状的总适宜性;依据混沌理论设计自适应信息素挥发因子 ρ t [26,31]
ρ t = 4 ρ t - 1 1 - ρ t - 1 4 ρ t - 1 1 - ρ t - 1 ) ρ min iflocalbest = 1 ρ t - 1 iflocalbest = 0 ρ min 其他 (11)

4 结果与分析

由于以智能优化算法求解土地利用优化配置是一种高参数化的研究,其配置方案的质量和生成速度对算法参数的设置具有高敏感性[11],而混合算法输入参数增多,运算控制更复杂,因此本文参考前人相关研究[32],根据增城区实际,经反复试验,最终设定ACO与CACO各参数为:种群大小popsize=20,最大迭代次数maxg=100,启发因子 α = 0.5 ,初始信息素挥发因子 ρ 0 = 0.9 ,初始信息素 τ 0 = 0.01 ,常数 q = 0.001

4.1 土地利用数量结构优化结果与分析

Tab. 3 Optimization results for land use quantitative structures

表3 增城区土地利用数量结构优化结果

统计类型 耕地 园地 林地 草地 水域 城镇 农村 交通 其他
优化下限 像元数/个 112 219 83 809 245 735 0 32 989 59 225 0 24 600 0
优化上限 像元数/个 646 671 646 671 646 671 26 190 32 989 96 756 14 664 24 600 15 938
地类现状 像元数/个 112 219 83 829 229 329 26 211 32 989 59 225 62 331 24 600 15 938
占比/% 17.35 12.96 35.46 4.05 5.10 9.16 9.64 3.80 2.48
斑块密度 0.106 0.236 0.027 0.548 0.244 0.069 0.580 0.606 0.788
形状指数 5.59 3.20 20.76 2.12 4.34 8.96 1.81 3.03 1.71
ACO 像元数/个 112 505 74 405 260 600 21 006 32 989 94 993 14 879 24 600 10 694
占比/% 17.40 11.51 40.30 3.25 5.10 14.69 2.30 3.80 1.65
斑块密度 0.105 0.237 0.026 0.534 0.244 0.068 0.597 0.606 0.788
形状指数 5.81 3.21 21.16 2.11 4.34 9.09 1.78 3.03 1.71
CACO 像元数/个 113 808 73 175 263 057 20 057 32 989 97 510 10789 24 600 10 686
占比/% 17.60 11.32 40.68 3.10 5.10 15.08 1.67 3.80 1.65
斑块密度 0.096 0.210 0.023 0.500 0.244 0.062 0.565 0.606 0.788
形状指数 5.54 3.18 20.75 2.06 4.34 8.90 1.72 3.03 1.70
表3可知,ACO和CACO算法的各地类数量均满足数量约束界线。与2014年土地利用现状相比,2种算法的耕地、林地和城镇用地面积增加,且CACO算法增加量比ACO下增加量更多,草地和其他用地面积均减少,且CACO算法减少量比ACO算法减少量更多。由于城镇用地对区域经济发展具有重要促进作用,而耕林地则对生态环境的改善具有深远影响,因此可知:① 2种优化结果均可在保障区域未来城镇化建设的同时,促进生态环境保护,并为城镇发展预留了适度的其他用地,形成了城市弹性生长空间结构,因而优化了土地利用现状数量结构,为增城区未来科学、可持续发展提供了较优的土地利用数量结构保证;② 对比发现,CACO的数量结构优化效果明显优于ACO。

4.2 目标函数优化结果与分析

从ACO和CACO算法的目标函数优化结果(表4)和进化曲线(图4)可知:与现状相比,2种算法的4个目标函数值均获得提升,即均优化了土地利用现状;与ACO相比,CACO虽然协调性增长不大,但能多增加土地利用的经济效益7.18亿元、生态效益0.33亿元、社会效益1.13%;CACO的地类转换成本为560 834.0,比ACO的567 350.7下降1.15%。因此,与ACO相比,CACO能以更低的地类转换成本获得更高的各目标函数值,一定程度上保证了增城区土地利用数量结构处于整体优化水平。
Tab. 4 The comparison of ACO and CACO on object functions optimization results

表4 ACO和CACO的目标函数优化结果比较

统计类型 经济效益/亿元 生态效益/亿元 社会效益 经济生态协调性
现状 542.048 95.242 466 812.60 1 293 318
ACO 647.748 98.011 493 145.00 1 293 915
ACO增幅/% 19.500 2.908 5.641 0.046
CACO 654.925 98.337 498406.40 1 293 971
CACO增幅/% 20.824 3.249 6.768 0.050
CACO-ACO 7.1766 0.325 5261.400 56

4.3 土地利用空间布局优化结果与分析

图5为ACO和CACO算法2020年土地利用空间布局优化结果,通过与2014年土地利用规划进行对比分析,可知本文配置方案的合理性及增城区土地利用未来的发展态势:① 目前中国正处于工业化和城镇化的转型期,增城区城镇用地的增加不仅符合国家和地区发展的客观需求,而且为其在广州“东进”战略中把握发展机遇创造了基础性条件。此外,优化后的城镇用地空间上主要布局在广汕公路以南的“都市生活圈”和“先进制造业产业圈”,且向城镇边缘区和农村居民点拓展,凸显了各城镇区的城市规模经济与集聚效应,符合“城镇建设用地集中布局”的土地利用发展战略;② 耕地较多分布在南部水域和北部城镇附近,可能与南部地势平坦、水源充足,北部传统农业等因素有关,如此布局利于充分吸收区位优势,利用城镇中心的辐射效应和北部自然风光发展都市型和观光型农业;③ 林地的增加集中分布在北部山区,且以联安湖、白水寨等山水风景区为主,利于发展配套的生态文化旅游、度假休闲等服务业,强化了北部“生态产业圈”的主体功能区作用。
因此,基于CACO算法的土地利用空间布局优化结果能与《增城区城市总体发展战略规划》所 提出的“构筑南中北三大经济圈”的科学规划相吻合,且能与约束条件中参考的广州和增城总体规划等战略性文件相契合,故具备一定的合理性和可借鉴性。
Tab. 5 Comparison of landscape index for spatial optimization results between ACO and CACO

表5 ACO和CACO优化空间结果的景观指数对比

统计类型 斑块数量 平均斑块大小 香农多样性指数 辛普森均匀度指数 香农均匀度指数 运算时间/h
现状 23 713 6.82 1.75 0.86 0.79 -
ACO 23 567 6.86 1.74 0.86 0.79 9.66
CACO 21 478 7.53 1.72 0.86 0.78 8.89
CACO比ACO增减幅度/% -8.86 9.77 -1.15 0.00 -1.27 -7.97
Fig. 4 Comparison of evolution curves between ACO and CACO

图4 ACO和CACO进化曲线比较

Fig. 5 Comparison of land use spatial optimization patterns between ACO and CACO in 2020

图5 ACO和CACO的2020年增城区土地利用空间优化布局结果对比

由于研究区像元数量较多,2种算法的空间优化效果较难通过目视直接区分,因此使用Patch Analyst 5计算二者景观格局指数以评价优化效果的优劣(表5[2]。与2014年土地利用现状相比,CACO和ACO优化后地类总斑块数量均减少,且CACO比ACO减少8.86%;平均斑块大小均增大,且CACO比ACO增加9.77%。从表3中优化前后斑块密度和形状指数的升降情况可知,CACO优化结果中各地类具有更大的斑块密度下降幅度和形状指数减小幅度,说明土地利用分布更趋于集约化。因此,CACO算法不仅可促进土地利用由粗放型向集约型转变,降低管理成本,而且比ACO算法效果更佳,运行时间更短。

5 结论与讨论

(2)CACO算法能明显提升土地利用现状的经济、生态和社会效益目标,降低地类转换成本,提 高经济与生态的协调性,且与ACO算法相比效果更优。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.



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王新生,姜友华.模拟退火算法用于产生城市土地空间布局方案[J].地理研究,2004,23(6):727-735.本文发展了一种模拟退火算法辅助产生城市土地空间布局方案。首先建立了城市土地空间配置问题的数学模型 ,目标函数是最小化土地开发费用、最大化不同功能地块间的空间协调性。由于问题存在的诸多空间约束条件使得可行的土地利用布局方案的搜寻过程变得十分缓慢 ,采用了将一些空间约束条件结合到目标函数中的方法 ,如结合了距离约束、方向约束、相同土地利用单元的邻近约束和地块形状的紧凑约束等约束条件。应用于湖南省长沙市暮云工业区用地规划的结果表明 ,模拟退火算法是一种辅助城市土地利用规划的有用的、有潜力的优化方法

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Baskent E Z, Jordan G A.Forest landscape management modeling using simulated annealing[J]. Forest Ecology & Management, 2002,165(1):29-45.This paper presents a new landscape management model using a simulated annealing approach. The model is capable of achieving target landscape structure, in the form of composition and configuration objectives, in a near optimal fashion by spatially and temporally scheduling treatment interventions. Management objectives and constraints are identified in an objective function. Penalty cost functions for each objective establish common non-monetary units, and a mechanism for making trade-offs among different objectives. Management strategies, as well as alternative solutions as combinations of treatment scheduling of each stand, are formulated around treatment regimes, including varying intensities of planting, pre-commercial thinning, commercial thinning, two-stage harvesting and clear-cutting. The model then examines alternative solutions using a heuristic process, and evaluates their effects on the objective over an entire planning horizon. The model was tested on a 20,000 ha (987 stands) hypothetical forest landscape with four replicates, differing in initial age class composition and spatial configuration. Management objectives included: (i) maximizing harvest volume, (ii) minimizing deviations in harvest flow, (iii) maintaining harvest block size between 40 and 100 ha, (iv) maintaining a one period adjacency delay, and (v) achieving an inverse-J distribution of harvest opening patches. Objective accomplishment, when compared to an aspatial optimal solution, varied from 72% for even flow harvest, to 99.9% for adjacency delay. These results generally reflect the objective priorities established for the test. Results also suggested that the achievement of an inverse-J distribution of harvest opening patches depended not only upon the spatial harvest pattern, but initial forest conditions as well. In the case of the test forests, however, the effects of different initial age class structure and spatial configuration lasted a relatively short time. We conclude that simulated annealing allows a great deal of flexibility in designing landscape management in a near optimal fashion.



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董张玉. 基于GIS/RS与多目标蚁群算法的三江平原沼泽湿地空间格局优化[D].合肥:中国科学院大学,2014. [ Dong Z Y. Wetland spatial optimization based on multi-objective ant colony algorithm and GIS/RS in the Sanjiang Plain[J]. Hefei: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2014. ]

刘朝松. 基于多目标粒子群算法的土地利用优化配置[D].长沙:中南大学,2014.

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刘殿锋,刘耀林,刘艳芳,等.多目标微粒群算法用于土地利用空间优化配置[J].武汉大学学报·信息科学版, 2013,38(6):751-755.针对已有空间配置方法在协调土地利用多目标方面的不足,探讨构建基于多目标微粒群算法的土地利用空间优化配置模型.建立了土地利用空间配置方案与单个微粒的映射关系,以经济、社会、生态和综合效益为优化目标,以土地利用优化结构、土地利用现状、地类转换规则为约束条件进行最优配置方案的自组织、智能化搜索,并选取湖北省嘉鱼县作为试验区验证了其有效性.

[ Liu D F, Liu Y L, Liu Y F, et al.A rural land use spatial allocation model based on multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2013,38(6):751-755. ]

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张鸿辉,曾永年,谭荣,等.多智能体区域土地利用优化配置模型及其应用[J].地理学报, 2011,66(7):972-984. 土地利用优化配置对促进区域可持续土地利用具有重要意义,然而现有的土地利用优化配置模型引导可持续土地利用的能力有待提高。本文从整体考量区域土地利用优化配置数量、空间、时间三维特征的角度,定义了区域土地利用优化配置多智能体系统及其决策行为规则,构建了基于多智能体系统的区域土地利用优化配置RLUOA(Regional Land Use Optimization Allocation)模型,并以中部地区典型城市——长沙市为例开展了实证应用研究。研究结果表明:该模型能够将规划时间段内多目标约束的区域土地利用规模的数量结构合理配置到不同的空间单元,实现土地利用数量结构、空间布局、效益的协同优化,构建整体上经济可行、社会可接受、生态环境友好的土地利用格局,并明显提高区域整体土地利用经济、生态和社会效益,从而能够为促进区域土地资源可持续利用和制定土地利用总体规划提供参考借鉴。


[ Zhang H H, Zeng Y N, Tan R, et al. A model for regional land use optimization allocation based on muti-agent system and its application[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2011,66(7):972-984. ]


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袁满,刘耀林.基于多智能体遗传算法的土地利用优化配置[J].农业工程学报 2014,30(1):191-199.

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Dorigo M, Maniezzo V, Colorni A.Positive Feedback as a Search Strategy[J]. 1999.ABSTRACT : A combination of distributed computation, positive feedback and constructive greedy heuristic is proposed as a new approach to stochastic optimization and problem solving. Positive feedback accounts for rapid discovery of very good solutions, distributed computation avoids premature convergence, and greedy heuristic helps the procedure to find acceptable solutions in the early stages of the search process. An application of the proposed methodology to the classical travelling salesman problem shows that the system can rapidly provide very good, if not optimal, solutions. We report on many simulation results and discuss the working of the algorithm. Some hints about how this approach can be applied to a variety of optimization problems are also given. Keywords: Ant Systems, Ant Colonies, Adaptive Systems, Artificial Life, Combinatorial Optimization, Parallel Algorithms. ---ooOoo--- To obtain a copy of this report please fill in your name and address and return this page to: Laboratori...

Li X, Lao C, Liu X, et al.Coupling urban cellular automata with ant colony optimization for zoning protected natural areas under a changing landscape[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2011,25(4):575-593.Optimal zoning of protected natural areas is important for conserving ecosystems. It is an NP-hard problem which is difficult to solve by using common geographic information system (GIS) functions. Another problem is that existing optimization methods ignore potential land-use dynamics in formulating optimal patterns. This article has developed a new method for solving complicated zoning problems by using ant colony optimization (ACO) techniques. Significant modifications have been made, so that traditional ACO can be extended to the solution of area optimization problems. Two strategies, the single-year coupling strategy and the merging-year coupling strategy, have been proposed to couple urban cellular automata with ACO for zoning protected natural areas under a changing landscape. This proposed method has been tested in the metropolitan region of Guangzhou, China, by using Geographical Simulation and Optimization System (GeoSOS) software. The experiments indicate that the modified ACO can effectively solve this optimization problem without getting stuck in local optima. This method has better performances compared to other traditional methods, such as simulated annealing (SA), iterative relaxation (IR), and density slicing (DS). The use of the best coupling strategy can improve the accumulative utility value of the zoning by 4.3%. Moreover, it is also found that the adoption of the best protection pattern could significantly promote the compactness of future urban forms in the study area.


Li X, He J, Liu X.Ant intelligence for solving optimal path-covering problems with multi-objectives[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2009,23(7):839-857.Conventional methods have difficulties in forming optimal paths when raster data are used and multi‐objectives are involved. This paper presents a new method of using ant colony optimization (ACO) for solving optimal path‐covering problems on unstructured raster surfaces. The novelty of this proposed ACO includes the incorporation of a couple of distinct features which are not present in classical ACO. A new component, the direction function, is used to represent the ‘visibility’ in the path exploration. This function is to guide an ant walking toward the final destination more efficiently. Moreover, a utility function is proposed to reflect the multi‐objectives in planning applications. Experiments have shown that classical ACO cannot be used to solve this type of path optimization problems. The proposed ACO model can generate near optimal solutions by using hypothetical data in which the optimal solutions are known. This model can also find the near optimal solutions for the real data set with a good convergence rate. It can yield much higher utility values compared with other common conventional models.


高尚. 蚁群算法理论、应用及其与其它算法的混合[D].南京:南京理工大学,2005.

[ Gao S.Theory and applications of ant colony algorithm and hybridizing other algorithms[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science & Technology, 2005. ]

高尚. 解旅行商问题的混沌蚁群算法[J].系统工程理论与实践,2005,25(9):100-104.利用混沌运动的遍历性、随机性和规律性等特点,提出了一种求解旅行商问题的混沌蚁群(CACO)算法.该算法的思想是采用混沌初始化进行改善个体质量和利用混沌扰动避免搜索过程陷入局部极值.与模拟退火算法、标准遗传算法进行比较,仿真结果表明该方法是一种简单有效的算法.


[ Gao S.Solving traveling salesman problem by chaos ant colony optimization algorithm[J]. Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice, 2005, 25(9):100-104. ]

Gong J, Liu Y, Chen W.Optimal land use allocation of urban fringe in Guangzhou[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(1):179-191.In response to the strong drive for social and economic development, local governments have implemented urban master plans, providing measures and timeframes to address the continuous demand for land and to alleviate urban problems. In this paper, a multi-objective model was constructed to discuss the problem, including economic benefits and ecological effectiveness, in terms of land use optimization. A genetic algorithm was then adopted to solve the model, and a performance evaluation and sensitivity analysis were conducted using Pareto optimality. Results showed that a set of tradeoffs could be acquired by the allocation of land use. In addition, the Pareto solutions proved the model to be efficient; for example, a limit of 13,500 ha of urban area conformed to plan recommendations. The reduction in crop land, orchard land, grassland, and unused land provided further efficiencies. These results implied that further potential regional land resources remain and that the urban master plan is able to support sustainable local development in the years to come, as well as verified that it is feasible to use land use allocation multi-objective modeling and genetic algorithms.


Nh. A, Ma. B S M. An autologistic model for the spatial distribution of wildlife[J]. Journal of Applied Ecology, 1996, 33(33):339-347.1. A new method for estimating the geographical distribution of plant and animal species from incomplete field survey data is developed. 2. Wildlife surveys are often conducted by dividing a study region into a regular grid and collecting data on abundance or on presence/absence from some or all of the squares in the grid. Generalized linear models (GLMs) can be used to model the spatial distribution of a species within such a grid by relating the response variable (abundance or presence/absence) to spatially referenced covariates. 3. Such models ignore or at best indirectly model dependence on unmeasured covariates, and the intrinsic spatial autocorrelation arising for example in gregarious populations. 4. We describe a procedure for use with presence/absence data in which spatial autocorrelation is modelled explicitly. We achieve this by extending a logistic model to include an extra covariate which is derived from the responses at neighbouring squares. The extended model is known as an autologistic model. 5. To allow fitting of the autologistic model when only a random sample of squares is surveyed, we use the Gibbs sampler to predict presence/absence at unsurveyed squares. 6. We compare the autologistic model with the ordinary logistic model using red deer census data. Both models are fitted to a subsample of 20% of the data and results are compared with the 'true' abundance and spatial distribution indicated by the full census. We conclude that the autologistic model is superior for estimating the spatial distribution of the deer, whereas the ordinary logistic model yields more precise estimates of the overall number of squares occupied by deer at the time of the survey.


易伟,王佳文,潘红兵,等.基于蚁群混沌遗传算法的片上网络映射[J]. 电子学报, 2011,39(8):1832-1836.蚁群算法可以在兼顾功耗和负载平衡的情况下进行任务映射,但是由于传统蚁群算法对初始化参数的设置比较敏感,所以使用遗传算法来调整蚁群算法参数,在蚁群算法陷入局部最优时引入混沌模型来修改蚁群参数.修改后的算法在能耗方面相较于传统算法改善了11%,在负载平衡方面改善了1%,两者联合优化改善了4%.

[ Yi W, Wang J W, Pan H B, et al.Ant colony chaos genetic algorithm for mapping task graphs to a network on chip[J]. Acta Electronica Sinica, 2011,39(8):1832-1836. ]

Dorigo M, Maniezzo V, Colorni A.Ant system: Optimization by a colony of cooperating agents[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man & Cybernetics Part B Cybernetics A Publication of the IEEE Systems Man & Cybernetics Society, 1996,26(1):29-41.Abstract An analogy with the way ant colonies function has suggested the definition of a new computational paradigm, which we call ant system (AS). We propose it as a viable new approach to stochastic combinatorial optimization. The main characteristics of this model are positive feedback, distributed computation, and the use of a constructive greedy heuristic. Positive feedback accounts for rapid discovery of good solutions, distributed computation avoids premature convergence, and the greedy heuristic helps find acceptable solutions in the early stages of the search process. We apply the proposed methodology to the classical traveling salesman problem (TSP), and report simulation results. We also discuss parameter selection and the early setups of the model, and compare it with tabu search and simulated annealing using TSP. To demonstrate the robustness of the approach, we show how the ant system (AS) can be applied to other optimization problems like the asymmetric traveling salesman, the quadratic assignment and the job-shop scheduling. Finally we discuss the salient characteristics-global data structure revision, distributed communication and probabilistic transitions of the AS.


叶志伟,郑肇葆.蚁群算法中参数α、β、ρ设置的研究——以TSP问题为例[J]. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2004, 29(7):597-601.以TSP问题为例,对蚁群算法中参数α、β、ρ的作用作了理论上的研究,同时对最优的参数配置问题作了分析.在保证获得解的前提下,为了提高计算速度,对基本蚁群算法中的选择路线策略进行了调整.通过实例计算表明,这种调整是切实可行的,有较好的实用价值.


[ Ye Z W, Zheng Z B.Configuration of Parameters α,β,ρ in ant algorithm[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2004,29(7):597-601. ]

