收稿日期: 2017-03-28
要求修回日期: 2017-05-20
网络出版日期: 2017-08-20
Review on the Simulation of Non-Point Source Pollution in the Hilly Region of Southern China
Received date: 2017-03-28
Request revised date: 2017-05-20
Online published: 2017-08-20
高会然 , 沈琳 , 刘军志 , 朱阿兴 , 秦承志 , 朱良君 . 中国南方丘陵区非点源污染过程模拟研究进展[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(8) : 1080 -1088 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01080
With the increase of economic development, water quality degradation caused by non-point source pollution has become a serious problem in the hilly region of southern China. It is hard to set up controllable experimental environment at the watershed scale due to the complexity of non-point source pollution processes. Model simulation has become an effective way to facilitate watershed management and planning. Related studies on the simulation of non-point source pollution have been conducted in this region. However, few works have been done to summarize the outcomes of shortcomings of these studies and to point out the future research directions. Firstly, this paper analyzed the physical mechanism of non-point source pollution and regional characteristics such as special land features, human activities in this region and pointed out that the simulation methods of non-point source pollution in this region should meet the following demands: (1) coupling multiple watershed processes such as hydrology, soil erosion, plant growth and the migrating and transforming of non-point source pollutants; (2) spatially fully distributed in order to express the spatial heterogeneity of non-point source pollutant loading, and describe the migration and transformation routes of pollutants explicitly in this region; (3) taking the special land features and human activities into consideration which have important effects on the process of non-point source pollution. Then, based on the above demands, this paper summarized the current studies on the aspects of migration routes modeling and the representation of special land features and human activities in this region, and analyzed the problems of existing methods for non-point source pollution modeling that applied in the hilly region of southern China. On the aspect of spatial discretization, current methods cannot accurately describe the spatial heterogeneity of non-point source pollution processes, and the modeling of pollutant transport routes is limited to semi-distributed approaches which can’t describe the exchange relationship of material and energy among adjacent spatial units at the hillslope scale. On the aspect of describing the regional characteristics, some watershed processes that are special in this region are absent in the current models. At last, future research directions were discussed on the following aspects: (1) Strengthen the description of the special landscape features, and explore the method of spatial discretization that suitable for hilly region of southern China; (2) Improve the construction of the fully-distributed migration routes of non-point source pollutants; (3) Conduct comprehensive representation of special land features and human activities in the fully-distributed non-point source pollution model. This paper aims to provide references to the simulation of non-point source pollution in the hilly region of southern China, which can then serve as an effective tool for scientific watershed management.
Fig. 1 The effect of paddy field and reservoir on migration path of water图1 水田和水塘对水流迁移路径的影响 |
Tab. 1 Non-point source pollution models that are most commonly used in China表1 国内使用较多的非点源污染模型及其特点 |
模型名称 | 模型优点 | 模型限制 | 模型类型 |
HSPF | 连续模拟氮、磷和农药等污染物的迁移转化; 考虑复杂的污染物平衡关系;模拟输出多种形式的污染负荷 | 实用性有较大限制;模拟空间分辨率较低;不适于流域过程长期模拟 | 半分布式 |
AnnAGNPS | 模拟次降雨下的流域尺度地表径流污染负荷和氮、磷流失; 连续模拟地下水养分平衡 | 忽略河道沉积泥沙吸附态污染物,总磷模拟存在较大的不稳定性 | 半分布式 |
SWAT | 可在资料空乏区建模;模拟大面积复杂流域的径流、泥沙负荷和污染物质迁移;QUAL2E养分迁移模型 | 日模拟存在系统误差;输出形式为总负荷量;某些描述(如河床)过于简化,有待改进 | 半分布式 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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