

  • 邱强 , 1, * ,
  • 秦承志 2 ,
  • 朱效民 3 ,
  • 赵晓芳 1 ,
  • 方金云 1
  • 1. 中国科学院计算技术研究所 计算机应用研究中心, 北京 100190
  • 2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,北京100101
  • 3. 山东省计算中心,济南 250015

作者简介:邱 强(1987-),男,工程师,研究方向为地理信息系统并行计算及空间分析。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2017-05-12

  要求修回日期: 2017-08-11

  网络出版日期: 2017-10-09



Overview and Prospect on Spatial Analysis of Parallel Vectors in Pan-spatial Concept

  • QIU Qiang , 1, * ,
  • QIN Chengzhi 2 ,
  • ZHU Xiaomin 3 ,
  • ZHAO Xiaofang 1 ,
  • FANG Jinyun 1
  • 1. Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • 3. Computer Science Center of Shandong Province, Jinan 250015, China
*Corresponding author: QIU Qiang, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-05-12

  Request revised date: 2017-08-11

  Online published: 2017-10-09


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




邱强 , 秦承志 , 朱效民 , 赵晓芳 , 方金云 . 全空间下并行矢量空间分析研究综述与展望[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(9) : 1217 -1227 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01217


The new generation of parallel spatial analysis in pan-spatial information system is challenged by analysis of spatial big data and real-time spatial service. As one of the most important part of GIS, vector spatial analysis has some performance bottlenecks such as load unbalance, less ability of parallel expansion and low I/O efficiency. First, we review the history of the developing process of vector spatial analysis from application requirement and technical progress. Then, we expound the research findings of spatial analysis of parallel vector, summarize the algorithm features and technical bottlenecks, compare the different parallel programming model and present the parallel spatial algorithm of R&D processing. Finally, we predict the spatial data model in the future and the computing method based on spatio-temporal objects of multi-granularity in pan-spatial information system. Also, we present the new techniques which use memory computing to realize the storage-computing integration in vector spatial analysis.

1 引言

全空间信息系统是一种对动态、复杂现实世界中各类时空实体信息进行综合管理,构建现实与数据关联的信息系统[1-2]。在全空间信息系统中,空间分析(Spatial Analysis)提供了强大的数据分析功能,由已知空间数据通过位置计算、属性继承和统计分析等方式,产生信息量更加丰富的空间数据。随着应用需求的提高和空间数据获取方式的进步,空间分析作为传统地理信息系统(Geographic Information System, GIS)和全空间信息系统的核心功能,面临对大规模空间数据的处理能力的全新挑战。
大数据时代中,80%的数据与空间位置有关[3]。急剧增长的地理空间数据已经成为大数据流的重要组成部分[4]。与一般数据相比,空间数据具有空间性、时间性、多维性、大数据量、空间关系复杂等特点[5]。近年来,随着对地观测领域中遥感图像的采集精度不断提高,测绘手段的日益丰富,地理数据的数据规模不断扩大。例如美国的对地观测系统(Earth Observing System,EOS)和其他对地观测平台每天将超过115 TB的速度产生海量影像数 据[6]。此外,随着移动互联技术的蓬勃发展,移动互联网用户的签到数据以及GPS定位等包含地理信息要素的数据规模大幅增长,数据类型日益丰富,并表现出数据价值实时性的特征。以百度为例,截止到2016年12月,百度地图每天有超过60万个APP及网站提供各种基于位置、导航、轨迹等LBS相关服务,每天位置服务次数突破720亿[7]

2 矢量空间分析并行化研究背景


2.1 应用需求推动

随后伴随着空间分析功能的完善和发展,空间分析在许多复杂应用场景中得到了广泛应用,例如住房选址问题中,空间分析能够利用兴趣点,道路交通信息,商业地产分布信息等不同类型不同属性的信息进行综合分析,为购房者提供住房选址参考;又如物流配送问题中,空间分析可根据货源地址,配送车辆以及道路交通等信息,规划合理的配送路线。在这些应用场景中都会涉及多个空间分析中的算法,根据基础算法功能的不同,可以构建解决某一类问题的算法流程,例如以缓冲区的输出结果作为下一步叠加分析的输入条件,从而快速解决流程复杂的空间分析问题。此外,空间分析不再局限于地理信息科学,在很多其他科学领域都得到了发展和应用。例如生态学中的物种空间分布,流行病学中的传染病传播情况,经济学中地域经济影响要素分析等。随着移动互联网的兴起,移动终端用户随时随地可以分享自己的位置信息并得到基于位置信息的各类服务,也就是LBS(Location Based Service)。GIS的系统架构经历了由大型机GIS到桌面GIS,网络GIS和分布式GIS的过程(图1),空间分析方法更加丰富,应用场景也更加广泛。空间分析的用户特征也正在逐步从地学专家向各个科学领域专家,再到社会大众的方向逐步 发展。
Fig. 1 Development history of GIS

图1 GIS发展历程

2.2 计算技术推动


3 并行矢量空间分析研究现状

并行计算技术是实现高性能GIS的重要技术手段。在GIS的并行化研究现状中,本文总结了3个主要的研究方向(表1)。① 空间数据的并行处理,针对空间数据模型和空间索引机制进行并行化研究,提高空间数据的查询和访问性能。② 并行空间分析,根据具体空间分析算法特征,采取合适的并行化方法优化算法效率。该研究方向又细分为3种研究思路。细粒度的算法并行化研究是针对空间分析的算法过程进行并行化改造,优化数据结构,提高可并发性;粗粒度的并行话研究是基于任务级并行,对参与分析的空间数据进行合理划分,通过任务调度实现并行计算的总体目标;并行框架研究是采用统一的并行算法编程模型,在不改变原有算法结构的基础上通过并行计算框架,快速完成算法并行化改造,提升算法研发效率。③ 并行空间数据库研究,在数据库中提升空间数据的并发读写性能。
Tab. 1 Research status of parallel GIS

表1 并行GIS研究现状

研究方向 代表性研究 研究成果
空间数据并行处理 Richard Healey和Steve Dowers基于文件系统对空间数据条带化处理[21] 基于MIMD体系结构的原型系统和函数库
易法令等提出的空间数据格式转换算法[24] GRID、TIN格式转换算法和任务调度
Hoel和Samet并行空间索引[25] 基于四叉树、R树和R+树的并行索引
HadoopGIS[26]和GeoSpark[27] 利用Hadoop及Spark等计算架构完成空间数据的并行检索
细粒度算法并行化 Lanthier[28]等最短路径算法,张丽丽[29]平面扫描算法 并行空间分析基础算法
粗粒度任务并行 McKenney[30]等并行扫描线算法 为任务级并行空间分析提供了理论基础
Agarwa[31]等提出了overlay算法并行策略;范俊甫[32-33]用MPI并行方法研究多边形合并及缓冲区算法 基于Linux集群的并行overlay算法
空间分析并行框架 Dowers[34]和Mineter[35]矢量拓扑并行处理框架 用开放式GIS服务架构兼容的软件组件,进行并行拓扑构建
Qin[36]等提出的栅格空间分析并行框架 实现不同算法不同并行策略下的并行编程框架
并行空间数据库 Zhao[37]利用面向对象模型实现空间数据描述;

3.1 并行矢量空间算法特征和关键问题


3.2 并行算法不同编程模型对比

Tab. 2 Comparison of parallel programming models for vector spatial analysis

表2 矢量空间分析并行编程模型对比

并行编程模型 OpenMP MPI MapReduce/Spark CUDA
并行粒度 细粒度 粗粒度 粗粒度 细粒度
性能优势 实现简单,并行效率高 适用于集群环境,并行算法扩展性强 编程实现简单,容错性好 强大的并行浮点计算能力
缺点 只适用SMP等并行环境,扩展性差 容错性差 中间结果存储造成I/O次数增多 空间数据传输效率低,算法普适性低
适用GIS场景 空间分析算法的局部优化 高性能并行空间分析算法研发 数据密集型空间操作 计算密集型空间操作

3.3 空间数据存取技术研究

Tab. 3 Characteristic comparison between memory database and vector spatial analysis

表3 内存数据库与矢量空间分析特征对比

内存数据库 矢量空间分析算法I/O
读写性能 数据常驻内存,读写速度快的key-value数据结构 数据密集特征,I/O时间成为制约算法效率的性能瓶颈
存储容量 存储容量存在上限,超过内存限制会大量使用swap,降低性能 以矢量数据为存储模型,表达空间对象信息丰富,但数据规模较小
持久化 安全稳定的持久化策略 对空间数据存储和系统容错有较高要求
Master-Slave复制 适合集群应用环境 在集群环境中,通过并行计算技术提高算法效率
朱进等[50]提出了一种基于Redis的矢量数据组织形式,以NoSQL数据库在空间查询效率的优势方面与传统SQL数据库做出对比,实现了空间数据查询在NoSQL数据库中的应用。张景云[51]提出了一种利用Redis管理轻量级矢量空间数据的方法,该方法在内存数据库中以hash形式管理空间要素,并以set数据类型管理矢量图层,实现了矢量空间数据在内存数据库中的分层管理。Liu等[52]提出了一种在分布式内存环境中的空间哈希(Geohash)[53]索引,用于管理空间数据,进而提高空间分析等操作中空间数据的访问效率,该方法与PostgreSQL数据库对比有明显效率提升。Zhao等[54]针对数据密集型的空间分析运算,提出了一种基于分布式环境的空间数据管理框架:Robinia DSSSD(Distributed Storage and Service for Spatial Data),该方法以干旱监测算法为测试对象,能够在低负载情况下有效加快数据访问速度,对数据密集型计算提供了支持。Zhang等[55]提出了一种HBase中的空间数据存储模型,与MongDB、MySQL对比,不同类型空间数据的查询速度取得明显提升。姚晓等[56]提出了一种全内存的矢量空间数据存取技术。该技术针对叠加分析等算法在计算过程中数据访问效率低的性能瓶颈,采用内存数据库管理参与分析任务的热点矢量空间数据,以内存拷贝的形式取代传统方法中从外存设备向内存读写数据的操作,大大提升了矢量空间数据的访问效率,特别是在并行算法中,对子进程多次访问数据源性能提升具有重要意义。

3.4 并行矢量空间算法流程

Fig. 2 Research and development process of spatial analysis of parallel vector

图2 矢量空间分析并行算法研发流程


4 全空间下空间分析技术发展趋势

4.1 多粒度时空对象发展


4.2 并行矢量空间分析算法发展

(2)提升空间数据存取性能。以并行文件系统、内存计算等技术提高并行空间分析算法中大规模空间数据的存取性能。如前文所述,矢量空间分析存在数据密集特征,提高空间数据的访问效率能够有效提升并行空间分析算法的整体性能。多粒度时空对象应具备对NoSQL等非结构化数据形式的支持,提升内外存数据转换效率。目前,HDFS(Hadoop Distributed File System)等分布式文件系统,以及HANA、Spark等内存计算技术都可以在空间分析领域进行借鉴和发展。

5 总结


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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吴立新,杨宜舟,秦承志,等.面向新型硬件构架的新一代 GIS 基础并行算法研究[J].地理与地理信息科学,2013,29(4):1-8.随着减灾应急、流域模拟、智能交通、宏观规划、区域发展等大型地 学问题的不断涌现,地理信息系统(GIS)处理的数据量和计算规模不断扩大,而主流GIS仍以串行计算为基础框架,不能充分利用和发挥当前新型硬件构架 (单机多核、多机多核、集群等)计算机资源的能力,难以满足实际应用的规模与高效需求.该文在分析了基础地理算法研究现状的基础上,按计算数据的关联性将 基础地理算法的计算特征分为本地计算、邻域计算、区域计算和全局计算,按计算过程的资源消耗分为数据密集型、计算密集型和I/O密集型,提出了相应的并行 计算策略,包括串行算法的并行改造、并行算法的性能提升和并行算法的创新设计等.进而研发了面向新型硬件构架的新一代GIS的基础地理并行计算算法库和中 间件,并已集成到国产高性能GIS平台——HiGIS中,将会促进我国GIS研究、技术、系统和应用的跨越式发展.


[Wu L X, Yang Y Z, Qin C Z, et al.On basic geographic parallel algorithms of new generation of GIS for new hardware architectures[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2013,29(4):1-8. ]

易法令,严圣华. GIS 空间数据格式并行转换的调度算法[J].计算机工程,2005,30(23):47-49.

[Yi F L, Yan S H.Scheduling algorithm of spatial data format parallel switch of GIS[J]. Computer Engineering, 2005,30(23):47-49. ]

Hoel E G, Samet H.Data-parallel polygonization[J]. Parallel Computing, 2003,29(10):1381-1401.

Aji A, Wang F, Vo H, et al.Hadoop GIS: A high performance spatial data warehousing system over mapreduce[J]. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2013,6(11):1009-1020.Abstract Support of high performance queries on large volumes of spatial data becomes increasingly important in many application domains, including geospatial problems in numerous fields, location based services, and emerging scientific applications that are increasingly data- and compute-intensive. The emergence of massive scale spatial data is due to the proliferation of cost effective and ubiquitous positioning technologies, development of high resolution imaging technologies, and contribution from a large number of community users. There are two major challenges for managing and querying massive spatial data to support spatial queries: the explosion of spatial data, and the high computational complexity of spatial queries. In this paper, we present Hadoop-GIS - a scalable and high performance spatial data warehousing system for running large scale spatial queries on Hadoop. Hadoop-GIS supports multiple types of spatial queries on MapReduce through spatial partitioning, customizable spatial query engine RESQUE, implicit parallel spatial query execution on MapReduce, and effective methods for amending query results through handling boundary objects. Hadoop-GIS utilizes global partition indexing and customizable on demand local spatial indexing to achieve efficient query processing. Hadoop-GIS is integrated into Hive to support declarative spatial queries with an integrated architecture. Our experiments have demonstrated the high efficiency of Hadoop-GIS on query response and high scalability to run on commodity clusters. Our comparative experiments have showed that performance of Hadoop-GIS is on par with parallel SDBMS and outperforms SDBMS for compute-intensive queries. Hadoop-GIS is available as a set of library for processing spatial queries, and as an integrated software package in Hive.


Yu J, Wu J, Sarwat M.GeoSpark: A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale spatial data[C]. Proceedings of the Sigspatial international conference, F, 2015.

Lanthier M, Nussbaum D, Sack J R.Parallel implementation of geometric shortest path algorithms[J]. Parallel Computing, 2003,29(10):1445-1479.In application areas such as geographical information systems, the Euclidean metric is often less meaningfully applied to determine a shortest path than metrics which capture, through weights, the varying nature of the terrain (e.g., water, rock, forest). Considering weighted metrics, however, increases the run-time of algorithms considerably suggesting the use of a parallel approach. In this paper, we provide a parallel implementation of shortest path algorithms for the Euclidean and weighted metrics on triangular irregular networks (i.e., a triangulated point set in which each point has an associated height value). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first parallel implementation of shortest path problems in these metrics. We provide a detailed discussion of the algorithmic issues and the factors related to data, machine, implementation which determine the performance of parallel shortest path algorithms. We describe our parallel algorithm for weighted shortest paths, its implementation and performance for single- and multiple-source instances. Our experiments were performed on standard architectures with different communication/computation characteristics, including PCs interconnected by a cross-bar switch using fast ethernet, a state-of-the-art Beowulf cluster with gigabit interconnect and a shared-memory architecture, SunFire.


张丽丽. 支持空间分析的并行算法的研究与实现[D].南京:南京航空航天大学,2008.

[Zhang L L.Research and realization of parallel algorithm supporting spatial analysis[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2008. ]

Mckenney M, Mcguire T. A parallel plane sweep algorithm for multi-core systems[C].Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 17th ACM Sigspatial International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, F, 2009.ACM.

Agarwal D, Puri S, He X, et al. A system for GIS polygonal overlay computation on linux cluster-an experience and performance report [C]. Proceedings of the Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum (IPDPSW), 2012 IEEE 26th International, F, 2012.IEEE.

范俊甫,马廷,周成虎,等.几何部件缓冲区域合并的 Buffer 算法及其并行优化方法[J].测绘学报,2014,43(9):969-975.lt;p>摘 要:本文在介绍一种基于几何部件缓冲区域合并的矢量数据缓冲区生成算法的基础上,采用数据并行思想和MPI编程模型对缓冲区算法的并行化实现和优化方法开展研究。实验结果显示,与ArcGIS Buffer工具相比,(1)当缓冲区结果多边形不合并时,虽然串行缓冲区算法的时间开销较高,但可轻易通过并行方式实现加速。(2)当缓冲区结果合并时,本文算法要明显优于ArcGIS Buffer工具,并且经过优化的并行缓冲区算法表现出了更高的计算效率和更大规模的数据处理能力。因此,基于几何部件缓冲区域合并的Buffer算法具备一定的实用价值,本文提出的按结点数量的任务分解方法和进程间结果&ldquo;树状&rdquo;归并策略是对缓冲区算法进行并行优化的有效途径,对GIS中其他矢量分析算法的并行化及相关优化工作也具有一定的借鉴意义。</p>


[Fan J F, Ma T, Zhou C H.et al.Buffer algorithm and parallel optimization method for the merging of geometric component buffer region[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2014,43(9):969-975. ]



[Fan J F, Ma T, Zhou C H, et al.Implementation of cluster MPI-Based parallel polygon union algorithm at the feature layer level[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014,16(4):517-523. ]

Dowers S, Gittings B M, Mineter M J.Towards a framework for high-performance geocomputation: Handling vector-topology within a distributed service environment[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2000,24(5):471-486.This paper lays out a framework, based on the emerging Open GIS standards, which will allow the integration of parallel computing technology such that it becomes a viable component of a new generation of geographical information system (GIS) software. The significant costs of parallel re-implementation have thus far acted as a major disincentive to software vendors taking advantage of parallel technology to solve performance problems. These problems will be thrown into sharp focus by the demands of web-based geographical information services. Designs for a series of software libraries, which are subject to a prototype implementation involving the use of a sophisticated data format (Neutral Transfer Format Level 4), are examined with a view to re-implementation making use of the Open GIS Abstract Specification Model. A range of services are envisaged, which can provide functions at various levels from data retrieval, spatial analysis and map generation to specialist environmental models, which are made available over the Internet. Parallelism is seen as an important route for accelerating individual transactions. These services can equally be based on large specialised parallel servers or a co-operating set of under-used workstations. The implementation strategy involves insulating standard serial algorithms from parallelism through support libraries. These libraries handle, for example, the decomposition of the data, thus effectively encapsulating the parallelism within one component of the software and allowing the creation of high-performance software components which are compatible with the Open GIS service architecture.


Mineter M J.A software framework to create vector-topology in parallel GIS operations[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2003,17(3):203-222.Parallel processing comprises the concurrent use of multiple processors to speed execution of one operation. Although techniques suited to most of the common geographical data models have been prototyped, the prominent exception has been vector-topology. This paper explores whether operations that create a vector-topological dataset can benefit from parallelisation. It describes techniques for using multiple processors concurrently to create vector-topology for multiple sub-areas, and for stitching these sub-areas together to form the resultant dataset. To achieve performance gains over sequential processing, the overhead of the stitching must be less than the gains from the parallel processing of sub-areas. These methods are tested in the context of the conversion of raster data to polygonal vector-topology. Speed-up in comparison to single-processor performance is achieved on both a 4-processor shared-memory Sun server and using up to 15 processors of a Cray T3E. The approach taken hides the parallelism and the management of the vector-topology in a software framework that simplifies the task of parallel application development.


Qin C Z, Zhan L J, ZHU A-X, et al.A strategy for raster-based geocomputation under different parallel computing platforms[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2014,28(11):2127-2144.The demand for parallel geocomputation based on raster data is constantly increasing with the increase of the volume of raster data for applications and the complexity of geocomputation processing. The difficulty of parallel programming and the poor portability of parallel programs between different parallel computing platforms greatly limit the development and application of parallel raster-based geocomputation algorithms. A strategy that hides the parallel details from the developer of raster-based geocomputation algorithms provides a promising way towards solving this problem. However, existing parallel raster-based libraries cannot solve the problem of the poor portability of parallel programs. This paper presents such a strategy to overcome the poor portability, along with a set of parallel raster-based geocomputation operators (PaRGO) designed and implemented under this strategy. The developed operators are compatible with three popular types of parallel computing platforms: graphics processing unit supported by compute unified device architecture, Beowulf cluster supported by message passing interface (MPI), and symmetrical multiprocessing cluster supported by MPI and open multiprocessing, which make the details of the parallel programming and the parallel hardware architecture transparent to users. By using PaRGO in a style similar to sequential program coding, geocomputation developers can quickly develop parallel raster-based geocomputation algorithms compatible with three popular parallel computing platforms. Practical applications in implementing two algorithms for digital terrain analysis show the effectiveness of PaRGO.


Zhao C, Zhao Y, Meng L, et al.The key technological issues of parallel spatial database management system for parallel GIS[J]. Computer Knowledge & Technology, 2005,47(4):1265-1270.Abstract The technologies of organization and management of the massive volume spatial data are playing an important role in GIS. Especially, with the increasing of the volume of spatial data and the extending of the application of GIS, one of the requirements for the spatial database management systems (SDBMS) of the future is the ability to handle the huge volume spatial data. These applications involve spatial data mining and knowledge discovery, multi-dimensional and dynamic GIS, spatial-temporal GIS etc. Therefore, the paper presents a new software framework of spatial data management in GIS based on the parallel spatial database management system (PSDBMS) to solve the difficulties in storing and retrieval of the huge volume spatial data. The application of the parallel database management system in GIS will come forth lots of new issues. As we all know, the parallel GIS will provide a framework of high- performance computing for processing of the spatial data. In order to improving the integrated performance of parallel GIS, it is properly necessary to utilize the parallel database management system in the parallel GIS. The paper discusses the key technologic issues of the parallel spatial database management system, such as the software architecture of parallel GIS based on the PSDBMS, the technologies of the spatial data partitioning, and the related technologies of the optimal query in the PSDBMS etc. Due to the increasing requirements of GIS applications for high performance processing and storage of spatial data, we can foresee that the parallel GIS based on the PSDBMS should have the powerful ability to deal with the various complex applications in the future, and provide an effective software platform for processing, storage and retrieval of the spatial data.

陈达伦,陈荣国,谢炯.基于MPP架构的并行空间数据库原型系统的设计与实现[J].地球信息科学学报,2016,18(2):151-159.lt;p>快速高效地查询信息是衡量当前空间数据库性能的重要指标之一。传统的单节点关系型空间数据管理方式难以满足大数据量空间数据查询的需求,特别是高性能的复杂空间多表连接任务需求。鉴此,本文设计并实现了基于Massive Parallel Processing(MPP)架构的并行空间数据库中间件原型系统。系统充分利用无共享(shared-nothing)架构的优势,特别是针对空间数据的特性,设计了并行空间数据划分与导入、并行空间多表连接、空间数据查询优化等算法与模型。首先介绍了近年来并行数据库系统的发展现状,接着阐述了基于MPP架构的并行空间数据库中间件系统的查询计划算法及其系统架构,最后作者对一些大规模数据量做查询实验及其查询结果分析。实验表明,在处理挖掘大规模数据量时,该系统有近似线性的加速比,相比于传统单节点数据库,它能充分提高海量空间数据的复杂查询的性能,解决了空间数据库并行化处理海量数据的问题。</p>


[Chen D L, Chen R G, Xie J.Research of the parallel spatial database proto system based on MPP architecture[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016,18(2):151-159. ]

邱强. 并行矢量空间分析关键技术研究[D].北京:中国科学院大学,2015.

[Qiu Q.Research on key techniques of spatial analysis of parallel vector[D]. Beijing: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015. ]

Qiu Q, Yuan M, He F, et al. A parallel algorithm for line segment intersection[C]. Proceedings of the Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics), 2013 21st International Conference on, F, 2013. IEEE.

Qiu Q, Zhu X, Yao X, et al.A parallel strategy for plane sweep algorithm in multi-core system[C]. Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, F, 2013.


[Qiu Q, Fang L, Yao X, et al.A spatial clustering based method for partitioning of vector spatial data for parallel computation[J]. Chinese High Technology Letters. 2015,4:327-333. ]

Zhao Y, Qiu Q, Fang J, et al. Fast parallel interpolation algorithm using CUDA[C]. Proceedings of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2013 IEEE International, F, 2013. IEEE.

李峙,陈朝晖.空间叠加分析中的分而治之算法研究与应用[J].计算机工程与应用,2009,45(34):230-232.土地利用现状数据由CAD格式转换为GIS格式后需重新为图斑对象设置土地分类编码属性,为了提高海量空间数据情况下自动赋值的效率,研究了将分而治之算法应用于海量数据空间叠加分析以提高效率的方法。研究表明,对于所有需通过空间叠加分析来确定不同图层空间对象间的空间关系的问题,均可以采用分而治之方法来降低时间复杂度。在最小化分割的情况下,基于四叉树空间索引,分而治之算法可以使此类应用的时间复杂度降低为<EM>O</EM>(<EM>n</EM> lb <EM>n</EM>)。实际应用验证了该方法在海量空间数据处理中的效率和实用价值。


[Li Z, Chen Z H.Study and applications of divide and conquer algorithm in spatial overlay analysis[J]. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2009,45(34):230-232. ]


[Zhu X M, Pan J S, Sun Z Q, et al.Parallel implementation and optimization of two basic geo-spatial-analysis algorithms based on openMP[J]. Computer Science, 2013,2:8-11. ]

Eldawy A, Mokbel M F.A demonstration of spatialhadoop: An efficient mapreduce framework for spatial data[J]. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2013,6(12):1230-1233.This demo presents SpatialHadoop as the first full-fledged MapReduce framework with native support for spatial data. SpatialHadoop is a comprehensive extension to Hadoop that pushes spatial data inside the core functionality of Hadoop. SpatialHadoop runs existing Hadoop programs as is, yet, it achieves order(s) of magnitude better performance than Hadoop when dealing with spatial data. SpatialHadoop employs a simple spatial high level language, a two-level spatial index structure, basic spatial components built inside the MapReduce layer, and three basic spatial operations: range queries, k -NN queries, and spatial join. Other spatial operations can be similarly deployed in SpatialHadoop. We demonstrate a real system prototype of SpatialHadoop running on an Amazon EC2 cluster against two sets of real spatial data obtained from Tiger Files and OpenStreetMap with sizes 60GB and 300GB, respectively. <!-- #ads iframe { /* float: none;*/ width: 300px; border:0px !important; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 12px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; } #ads div { display: inline; width: 300px; } #ads .bsap_adhere { display:none; } BuySellAds Ad Code (function(){ var bsa = document.createElement('script'); bsa.type = 'text/javascript'; bsa.async = true; bsa.src = '//s3.buysellads.com/ac/bsa.js'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]||document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(bsa); })(); End BuySellAds Ad Code Advertisements BuySellAds Zone Code End BuySellAds Zone Code BuySellAds Zone Code End BuySellAds Zone Code BuySellAds Zone Code End BuySellAds Zone Code


Eldawy A, Mokbel M F.SpatialHadoop: A MapReduce framework for spatial data[C]. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, F, 2015.

Puri S, Agarwal D, He X, et al. MapReduce algorithms for GIS polygonal overlay processing[C]. Proceedings of the Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum (IPDPSW), 2013 IEEE 27th International, F, 2013. IEEE.

Magalh ES, Svgam V A, Franklin W R, et al.Fast exact parallel map overlay using a two-level uniform grid[C]. Proceedings of the 4th International ACM Sigspatial Workshop on Analytics for Big Geospatial Data, 2015.

朱进,胡斌,邵华,等.基于内存数据库Redis 的轻量级矢量地理数据组织[J].地球信息科学学报,2014,16(1):165-172.矢量地理数据的高效组织管理是空间数据应用的关键问题之一。矢量地理数据服务作为一种重要的公众空间信息服务,已经得到广泛应用。公众对矢量地理数据服务性能提出了越来越高的要求,包括实时响应、高并发、高吞吐量等。当前的矢量地理数据服务后台数据存储组织,通常基于磁盘和关系数据库,其在面对公众日益增长的需求时已经显得力不从心。本文提出了一种以内存数据库Redis的轻量级矢量地理组织方法,能在高并发情况下有效提高矢量地理数据服务性能。论文首先分析了Redis的存储机制,设计了矢量地理数据库的分层组织模型,利用Redis丰富的数据结构对矢量地理数据及其相关元数据进行存储管理,然后,以网格索引为例,设计了Redis的空间索引,最后,设计Redis的矢量数据引擎原型系统,并进行了实验验证。结果表明,Redis的矢量地理数据库显著提高了响应速度,且并发性能更好,可广泛应用于大型空间数据库前端高速缓存和高性能空间索引库。


[Zhu J, Hu B, Shao H, et al.Research of lightweight vector geographic data management based on main memory database redis[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2014,16(1):165-172. ]

张景云.基于Redis 的矢量数据组织研究[D].南京:南京师范大学,2013.

[Zhang J Y.Research on vector data organization based on Redis[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University, 2013. ]

Liu J, Li H, Gao Y, et al. A geohash-based index for spatial data management in distributed memory[C]. Proceedings of the Geoinformatics (GeoInformatics), 2014 22nd International Conference on, F, 2014. IEEE.


Zhao D, Gu Y, Huang Z.A new data-intensive parallel processing framework for spatial data[M]. Computer Engineering and Networking, Springer, 2014:375-83.

Zhang N, Zheng G, Chen H, et al.HBaseSpatial: A Scalable Spatial Data Storage Based on HBase[C]. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE 13th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), F, 2014.

Yao X, Qiu Q, Zhang M, et al.Research on vector spatial data access based on Main memory database[C]. Proceedings of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2015 IEEE International, F, 2015.

