作者简介:胡华龙(1989-),博士生,湖北武汉人,主要从事地理空间信息建模与可视化、地理国情监测研究。E-mail: huhualong@whu.edu.cn
收稿日期: 2017-04-12
要求修回日期: 2017-07-11
网络出版日期: 2017-10-20
An Approach of Estimating the Parking Spaces and Parking Potential in Urban Areas Based on Monitoring Data of National Geographic Conditions
Received date: 2017-04-12
Request revised date: 2017-07-11
Online published: 2017-10-20
胡华龙 , 李建松 , 蒋子龙 , 秦思娴 , 程琦 , 邵炜璇 . 基于地理国情监测数据的城市停车位与潜力估算方法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(10) : 1287 -1297 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01287
With the sustained and rapid growth of car ownership, the parking problem in urban areas has become increasingly serious. Estimating parking spaces and parking potential in such areas is of great importance for government departments to make parking planning and ease parking contradiction. However, the current survey method of parking spaces and parking potential under the framework of statistical data collection and field investigation is difficult to reflect the supply situation of parking facilities in a timely and comprehensive way. Using GIS technologies, a method of estimating parking spaces and parking potential in urban areas is proposed based on four kinds of data sources: the monitoring data of national geographical conditions, the thematic data from the department of transport and geomatics, and the aerial remote sensing image with high resolution. Firstly, ground parking lots and roads, impervious surface in residential districts, government agencies, enterprises, and public institutions are extracted by using monitoring data of national geographic conditions. Then, the estimation model of the ground parking spaces is constructed with parking lot shape indices, and combining with the survey data of accessory parking space, the total number of parking spaces is estimated. Finally, the estimation model of the curb parking potential is defined with constraint conditions of the road width. Also, the estimation method of the impervious surface parking potential based on shape indices is designed. Taking urban built-up areas in Wuhan as a case, this study estimates and evaluates the actual and potential supply capacity of parking spaces, obtains the basic parking gap, and presents suggestions for easing parking contradiction. The experiment results show that this method has a preferable estimation accuracy which is greater than 82.6% over 15 typical parking lots sampled in the studied area, and is suitable for urban parking spaces and parking potential estimation. Overall, this study can provide an effective method of applying monitoring data of national geographic conditions to estimate urban parking resources and make parking planning in a scientific way.
Fig.1 The study area图1 研究区域 |
Tab.1 Examples of attribute table of accessory parking spaces survey data表1 配建停车位调查数据属性表实例 |
对象ID | *** | 地面泊位数 | 地下泊位数 | 室内泊位数 | 其他泊位数 | 机动车泊位 | *** |
1 | *** | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | *** |
2 | *** | 296 | 373 | 0 | 0 | 669 | *** |
Fig. 2 Flowchart of estimation and analysis of the number of parking spaces and parking potential图2 停车位数量与停车潜力估算与分析流程图 |
Tab. 2 Examples of attribute table of population grid data表2 人口格网数据属性表实例 |
Id | sum_pop/个 | *** |
849 | 23.89 | *** |
Fig. 3 Three typical examples of parking lot图3 3种类典型停车场示例图 |
Fig. 4 Illustration of layout of rectangular structure of parking lots图4 矩形结构停车场平面布局示意图 |
Tab. 3 Designed parameters of parking lots of rectangular structure parking lots表3 矩形结构停车场设计参数 |
停车位长/m | 停车位宽/m | 进出通道/m | 行车通道/m | 小型汽车换算系数 | 中型汽车换算系数 | 大型汽车换算系数 |
6.0 | 3.0 | 5.0 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 2.5 |
Tab. 4 Minimum road width standards of setting roadside parking spaces表4 容许设置路边停车位的最小道路宽度条件 |
道路宽度/m | 路边停车方式 |
<5 | 禁止停车 |
5~9 | 容许单侧停车 |
>9 | 容许双侧停车 |
Fig. 5 The process of road width estimation图5 道路宽度估算过程 |
Fig. 5 Accuracy testing results for the estimation of the number of lineate parking spaces表5 划线车位数估算的精度验证结果 |
停车场位置 | 划线车位数估算值/辆 | 划线车位数实测值/辆 | 估算误差/% |
滨水香苑 | 37 | 32 | 15.6 |
森林小镇 | 89 | 80 | 11.3 |
辛鑫绣城 | 51 | 45 | 13.3 |
馨乐庭服务公寓 | 104 | 91 | 14.3 |
银河苑公寓 | 25 | 22 | 13.6 |
长城建设坐标城 | 44 | 38 | 15.8 |
武汉中央文化旅游区(住宅和商业区) | 188 | 213 | 11.7 |
武汉理工大学(南湖校区) | 110 | 118 | 6.8 |
湖北省新华书店集团 | 38 | 36 | 5.6 |
教育考试沙湖考试基地 | 101 | 86 | 17.4 |
东湖大厦 | 41 | 44 | 6.8 |
汉口饭店 | 218 | 213 | 2.3 |
格雷斯国际花园酒店 | 115 | 103 | 11.7 |
武商量贩(建港店) | 49 | 45 | 8.9 |
月湖公园 | 32 | 38 | 15.8 |
Fig. 6 Spatial distribution of lineate parking spaces图6 划线停车位空间分布 |
Fig. 7 Histogram of the number of lineate parking spaces图7 划线车位数分布直方图 |
Fig. 8 Spatial distribution of supply-demand gap of lineate parking spaces图8 停车位缺口空间分布 |
Fig. 9 Histogram of supply-demand gap of lineate parking spaces图9 停车位缺口分布直方图 |
Fig. 10 Spatial distribution of potential parking spaces图10 挖潜停车位空间分布 |
Fig. 11 Histogram of potential parking spaces图11 挖潜车位数分布直方图 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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