

  • 关舒婧 , 1, 2 ,
  • 韩鹏鹏 2 ,
  • 王月如 1, 2 ,
  • 韩宇 2 ,
  • 易琳 2 ,
  • 周廷刚 , 1, * ,
  • 陈劲松 2
  • 1. 西南大学地理科学学院 三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室,重庆 400715
  • 2. 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,深圳 518055


收稿日期: 2017-06-19

  要求修回日期: 2017-08-03

  网络出版日期: 2017-11-10




Study on the Classification of Typical Plantations in South China

  • GUAN Shujing , 1, 2 ,
  • HAN Pengpeng 2 ,
  • WANG Yueru 1, 2 ,
  • HAN Yu 2 ,
  • YI Lin 2 ,
  • ZHOU Tinggang , 1, * ,
  • CHEN Jinsong 2
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Eco-environments in Three Gorges Reservoir Region (Ministry of Education), School of Geographical Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
  • 2. Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China;
*Corresponding author: ZHOU Tinggang, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-06-19

  Request revised date: 2017-08-03

  Online published: 2017-11-10


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


华南地区种植园地广泛分布,类型混杂多样,导致园地分布信息难以正确获取,为农业管理造成了较大困难。本研究基于Landsat8 OLI数据,通过数据融合、特征优化,应用随机森林算法构建面向对象的种植园地分类规则集,对华南地区典型经济作物香蕉、柑橘、葡萄、蒲葵、海枣、番木瓜和火龙果等进行类别识别,同时对比贝叶斯分类法、K最邻近分类法、支持向量机法、决策树分类法的分类效果。结果表明:数据融合会在一定程度上影响分类结果精度;植株形态、光谱特征接近,种植期交错是影响华南地区典型园地分类精度的重要原因;以中分辨率影像为数据源,面向对象的随机森林算法应用于种植园地分类研究总体精度可达88.05%,Kappa系数0.87,可以有效区分华南地区典型种植园地类别;相比于其他算法,随机森林算法在分类精度、可靠性和稳定性上具有一定优势,可为园地作物生长监测和种植管理提供科学依据。


关舒婧 , 韩鹏鹏 , 王月如 , 韩宇 , 易琳 , 周廷刚 , 陈劲松 . 华南地区典型种植园地遥感分类研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(11) : 1538 -1546 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01538


Plantation refers to the land of perennial woody and herbaceous plants that are planted to collect fruit and leaves, including the land used for nursery. Plantations in southern China is widely distributed, and the types are mixed and diversified. As a result, it is difficult to obtain the information of the garden distribution, which has caused great difficulties for agricultural management. In order to improve the classification accuracy of the remote sensing images of the plant species, using Landsat8 OLI data, we took the random forest algorithm to construct object-oriented plantation classification rule set based on data fusion and feature optimization. This was used to classify the banana, citrus, grape, livistona chinensis, phoenix dactylifera, carica papaya, hylocereus undatus and so on, which are typically planted in southern China. At the same time, we compared the classification effects of Bayesian classification, K nearest neighbor classification, support vector machine method, decision tree classification method and random forest classification, and it verified the applicability of the object-oriented random forest approach for the classification of the garden types in medium-resolution images. Then, based on the clustering matrix of the classification results of random forest classification and the feature distance matrix between two categories, we analyzed the reasons that affect the classification accuracy of the garden by combining the image conditions and field survey results. Finally, we compared the characteristic difference of typically easy-to-mix land before and after data fusion, and evaluated the effect of data fusion on the classification of garden. The results show that: after the data fusion, the difference of the characteristics of water body and aquatic vegetation is reduced, and the spectral difference of livistona chinensis and phoenix dactylifera is reduced in some bands. Although, the data fusion can improve the image spatial resolution, to a certain extent, it weaken the spectral differences of objects. Thus, it would affect the classification effect based on spectral information. The plant morphology and spectral characteristics of the plantation land are close to each other, the planting period of the plantation land is intertwined and there are important factors that affect the classification accuracy of typical garden in southern China. Based on the medium resolution images, the object-oriented random forest algorithm for plantation classification can reach 88.05% and Kappa coefficient of 0.87, which can effectively distinguish the typical plantation land types in South China. The classification results of object-oriented stochastic forest algorithm show that the area of various plantations in the study area: banana covers an area of 700.2 hectares, citrus covers an area of 981 hectares, livistona chinensis covers an area of 81 hectares, phoenix dactylifera covers an area of 68.04 hectares, carica papaya covers an area of 93.24 hectares, hylocereus undatus covers an area of 167.4 hectares, and grape covers an area of 16.2 hectares. For the classification accuracy of the coverage types, the random forest classification was higher than that of the other four algorithms except grape and hylocereus undatus. The random forest algorithm has certain advantages in classification accuracy, reliability and stability, and can provide scientific basis for crop growth monitoring and planting management.

1 引言

面向对象的遥感影像分类技术能克服基于像素的分类中出现的“椒盐”现象[11],提高地物分类结果的精度和价值[12-13]。随机森林(Random forest)算法是一种新型高效的组合分类法,其优越的性能在遥感图像分类中的应用十分广泛[14-15],但很少用于园地分类研究。
本文以Landsat8 OLI为主要数据,通过数据融合、特征优化,应用随机森林算法构建面向对象的种植园地分类规则集,对华南地区种植的香蕉、柑橘、葡萄、蒲葵、海枣、番木瓜和火龙果等典型类型进行识别,并将贝叶斯分类(Bayes)、K最邻近分类法(KNN)、支持向量机法(SVM)、决策树分类法(Decision Tree)等方法与随机森林分类法进行比较,研究基于面向对象的随机森林分类方法在中分辨率影像的园地类型区分的适用性,分析影响园地分类精度的原因,以提高园地种植物遥感影像分类精度。

2 研究区概况和数据获取

2.1 研究区概况

新会市位于112°46′55″E~113°15′43″E和22°5′15″N~22°35′01″N之间,地处珠江三角洲西南部的银洲湖畔、潭江下游,东与中山、南与斗门相邻,北与江门、鹤山,西与开平、西南与台山接壤,濒临南海,毗邻港澳,陆地面积约1355 km²。
研究区位于新会最南部(图1),填海造陆形成的规则陆地,总面积22.55 km²。属南亚热带季风气候,热量充足,年均气温为21.8 ℃,雨量充沛,年均降雨量1791.4 mm。该区土地覆被类型除坑塘、藕塘和建设用地外,植被覆盖主要是规模化集中种植的香蕉、柑橘、蒲葵、海枣、番木瓜等园地,适于华南地区典型种植园地分类的研究。
Fig. 1 Location of the study area

图1 研究区位置示意图

2.2 数据获取和预处理

本文的数据源为2016年9月18日landsat-8 OLI数据(轨道号:122/45),由于landsat-8影像数据是已经过系统的辐射校正和几何校正,本研究中数据预处理主要是利用ENVI 5.1对影像进行大气校正、裁剪、融合和主成分分析等工作。

3 面向对象的信息提取

3.1 影像分割

利用面向对象方法对影像进行分割,参与分割的波段有多光谱的7个波段和全色波段,因全色波段分辨率较高,地物轮廓更加清晰,故将全色波段权重设为2,其他波段设为1。应用ESP(Estimationof Scale Parameters)工具辅助选择最佳分割尺度,通过自动计算局部方差LV(Local Variance)作为某一分割尺度下屏幕内所有影像对象的平均标准差,并将局部方差及其变化率ROC(Rate of Change)曲线图作为选择最优分割尺度的依据。ROC模型为:
ROC = Scal e L - Scal e L - 1 Scal e L - 1 × 100 % (1)
式中: Scal e L 代表LV所在的尺度,而 Scal e L - 1 代表低于LV一个梯度的尺度。
当局部方差到达峰值、一阶导数曲线发生转折时,意味着所有影像对象的异质性最大。计算研究数据的多光谱和全色波段ESP(图2),其中ROC的峰值为19、29、32、53、、68、75,结合对所有的ROC峰值分割结果的分析,选择最优分割尺度为53。根据分割参数,通过反复大量试验,确定形状因子0.2、紧密度0.8。对15 m分辨率的多光谱和全色波段做同样处理,确定分割尺度为33、形状因子0.5、紧致度0.6。
Fig. 2 ESP calculation results

图2 ESP计算结果

3.2 特征提取和优化

3.2.1 特征提取
本研究除选取对象均值( C k ̅ )、亮度( C ̅ )、比率( Rati o k )、标准差( StdDe v k )4种光谱特征外,根据研究区土地覆被的特点,再选择归一化植被指数(NDVI)、比值植被指数(RVI)、差值植被指数(DVI)、归一化水体指数(NDWI)以及缨帽变换后的亮度(Brightness)、绿度(Greenness)、湿度(Wetness)分量[18]作为分类的输入特征突出植被、裸土、建设用地的差异。
基于研究区园地相互邻接的特点,选择缨帽变换后的前3个分量计算对于邻域的平均差分(Mean Diff. to Neighbors)[19],以突出不同植被的光谱差异。直接相邻对象的平均差分模型为:
C l = 1 l i = 1 n l s i ( c L ¯ - c L i ¯ ) (2)
式中:为待处理影像对象的边界长度; l s i 为与第i个直接相邻对象共同的边界长度;为待处理影像对象的图层平均值; c L i ¯ 为与第i个相邻对象的图层平均值;为相邻对象的数量。
3.2.2 特征的优化
Fig. 3 Feature optimization results (raw data)

图3 特征优化结果(原始数据)

以原始多光谱波段、全色波段进行特征提取和优化(图3),随着特征维数的变化可分性也随之变化,其中极值点对应的维数23为最优特征数,即优化选择23个最优特征(表1)。对数据融合后的15 m分辨率多光谱波段和全色波段进行同样的特征提取和优化。
Tab. 1 Optimized selected features (raw data)

表1 优化后所选特征(原始数据)

指标 特征
均值 相关性、信息熵、协同性、二阶距、第二、第三主成分、近红外波段、短波红外1、短波红外2
标准差 二阶距、协同性、相异性、相关性、信息熵
比率 短波红外1、短波红外2
对于邻域的平均差分 绿度分量、湿度分量
形状特征 长宽比
自定义 绿度分量、湿度分量、RVI、DVI

3.3 随机森林分类

y * = argmax y Y I f x t = y (3)
基于随机森林方法对遥感图像信息处理的优良特性[22],将其应用于园地分类流程见图4。同时对比Bayes、KNN、SVM、Decision Tree的分类效果。
Fig. 4 Flow chart of classification

图4 分类流程图

4 实验分析

为了进一步研究随机森林分类法在中分辨率影像的华南地区典型园地遥感分类的有效性与可靠性,本研究通过数据融合、最优尺度分割和特征优化,形成两组对比实验即实验A(以原始多光谱波段和全色波段为基础进行分类)和实验B(以数据融合后的多光谱波段和全色波段为基础进行分类),每组除应用随机森林分类法外,同时实验Bayes、KNN、SVM、Decision Tree分类方法,进行分类精度评价,分类规则集以实验A为例具体见图5
Tab. 2 The total accuracy and kappa coefficients of the different classification methods

表2 各组实验不同分类方法的总精度及kappa系数

方法 实验A 实验B
总精度/% kappa系数 总精度/% kappa系数
Bayes 53.22 0.45 58.73 0.47
KNN 79.73 0.77 77.59 0.74
SVM 80.30 0.77 79.89 0.77
决策树 78.98 0.76 73.75 0.70
随机森林 88.05 0.87 86.02 0.84
实验A各个类别的生产者精度、用户精度(图6)以及各分类结果(图7)表明,随机森林分类结果除葡萄、火龙果外,其他类型的分类精度均高于其余4种分类方法,其分类效果的可靠性和稳定性在华南地区种植园地类型分类中具有一定优势。随机森林分类结果表明:研究区各种植类型面积分别为:香蕉700.2 hm2,柑橘981 hm2,蒲葵81 hm2,海枣68.04 hm2,番木瓜93.24 hm2,火龙果167.4 hm2,葡萄16.2 hm2
Fig. 5 Classification rule set of experiment A

图5 实验A分类规则集

Fig. 6 Producer accuracy and user accuracy of five classification methods of experiment A

图6 实验A 5种分类法生产者精度及用户精度比较

Fig. 7 Spatial distribution of random forest, decision tree, SVM, KNN, Bayes

图7 随机森林、决策树、SVM、KNN、Bayes分类空间分布图

5 讨论

5.1 地类易混分组合及原因分析

本研究特征优化采取的方法为比较类别之间特征的最大平均最小距离,以30 m多光谱数据的特征提取优化为例,基于优化结果,在选定的特征空间内,计算选定类样本两两之间特征距离的平均值,构成各类别分离矩阵(表3),对比各个类别不同地物的分类距离结合随机森林分类的误差矩阵(表4),分析地类易混分组合及其原因(表5)。
Tab. 3 Category classification matrix

表3 类别分类矩阵

水库/坑塘 番木瓜 葡萄 香蕉 其他 火龙果 裸土 柑橘 蒲葵 海枣 水生植被 建设用地
水库/坑塘 0.0 9.2 9.8 8.6 7.7 10.1 7.6 6.6 7.4 8.5 3.1 20.3
番木瓜 9.2 0.0 4.2 2.2 3.3 2.2 6.0 2.1 2.3 2.6 3.9 12.7
葡萄 9.8 4.2 0.0 9.8 6.8 3.9 3.1 2.6 6.2 7.7 5.4 6.2
香蕉 8.6 2.2 9.8 0.0 2.4 4.0 10.2 2.7 3.4 3.9 4.4 20.7
其他 7.7 3.3 6.8 2.4 0.0 3.2 7.9 2.5 4.9 4.8 3.8 15.6
火龙果 10.1 2.2 3.9 4.0 3.2 0.0 8.8 3.4 4.3 5.9 4.0 14.8
裸土 7.6 6.0 3.1 10.2 7.9 8.8 0.0 2.4 7.0 5.2 5.8 5.4
柑橘 6.6 2.1 2.6 2.7 2.5 3.4 2.4 0.0 3.6 2.3 2.8 8.0
蒲葵 7.4 2.3 6.2 3.4 4.9 4.3 7.0 3.6 0.0 2.3 3.6 17.9
海枣 8.5 2.6 7.7 3.9 4.8 5.9 5.2 2.3 2.3 0.0 3.6 15.4
水生植被 3.1 3.9 5.4 4.4 3.8 4.0 5.8 2.8 3.6 3.6 0.0 15.5
建设用地 20.3 12.7 6.2 20.7 15.6 14.8 5.4 8.0 17.9 15.4 15.5 0.0
Tab. 4 Error matrix of random forest classification results

表4 随机森林分类结果的误差矩阵

用户类别 参考类别
番木瓜 葡萄 香蕉 水库/坑塘 其他 火龙果 裸土 柑橘 蒲葵 海枣 水生植物 建设用地 合计
番木瓜 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
葡萄 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 7
香蕉 0 0 85 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 91
水库/坑塘 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 104
其他 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 50
火龙果 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
裸土 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 76
柑橘 1 2 0 0 2 0 5 64 1 0 2 1 78
蒲葵 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 0 0 7
海枣 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 12
水生植物 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 58
建设用地 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 18 24
合计 15 7 85 102 57 6 88 67 7 14 61 19
Tab. 5 The easy mix of land and analysis of its causes

表5 地类易混分组合及其原因分析

地类易混分组合 原因分析
水库/坑塘与水生植被 在影像获取的时间,研究区的水生植被藕塘已处于枯萎阶段,水体露出,故存在混分性
建设用地和裸土 研究区内裸土为休耕期土地,与待建的建设用地在光谱、纹理上确实极为接近
番木瓜与柑橘 番木瓜和柑橘在种植初期,植株小,植被覆盖度低,土壤信息突出,在成熟期光谱特征也较为接近,故易混分
葡萄与柑橘 葡萄属藤本植物,在该时像下植被盖度、绿度均不高,故易与种植初期的柑橘混分
蒲葵与海枣 除蒲葵呈灰绿色与海枣存在差异外,蒲葵与海枣植株形态接近,生长阶段接近,易混分性强
火龙果与番木瓜 火龙果种植间隙大,在30 m分辨率的影像上除植被信息外还有土壤信息混在其中,降低了光谱特点,故易与番木瓜存在混分

5.2 数据融合对比

通过实验A、B 的对比,说明数据融合提高多光谱空间分辨率并不意味着分类结果精度的提高,下面从水体和植被两个典型类别进一步分析数据融合的影响。图8(a)是水生植物和水库/坑塘在 进行数据融合前后NDVI、NDWI、绿度特征、湿度特征的特征值差的绝对值。显然,数据融合后,基于影像光谱特征计算的特征差异变小。图8(b)为蒲葵与海枣在数据融合前后各个波段的光谱值差的绝对值。数据融合前后,蒲葵与海枣的光谱差异在海岸波段、蓝波段、绿波段变化不明显,但在红、近红、短波红外1、短波红外2波段,数据融合后其光谱差异明显减弱。表明数据融合会在一定程度上减弱地物的光谱差异,从而影响基于光谱信息的分类效果。
Fig. 8 Comparison of the characteristics difference before and after Data Fusion

图8 数据融合前后地物特征差异对比

6 结论

本研究基于Landsat8 -OLI数据,从华南地区典型园地类别区分的角度,通过数据融合、特征优化,应用随机森林算法构建面向对象的种植园地分类规则集,对华南地区典型种植的香蕉、柑橘、葡萄、蒲葵、海枣、番木瓜和火龙果等进行类别识别,并对比Bayes、KNN、SVM、Decision Tree分类法,通过分析分类结果:数据融合会在一定程度上减弱地物的光谱差异,从而影响基于光谱信息的分类效果;植株形态、光谱特征接近、种植期交错是影响华南地区典型园地分类精度的重要原因;相比于其他算法,面向对象的随机森林算法在华南地区种植园地类型分类的总体精度、可靠性和稳定性上具有一定优势,可为今后大面积提取园地类别信息提供可靠方法和有力依据。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

史舟,梁宗正,杨媛媛,等.农业遥感研究现状与展望[J].农业机械学报,2015,46(2):247-260.Remote sensing technology can cost-effectively access a wide range of real-time land surface spatial information, and provides an effective way for resource surveys, environmental monitoring and disaster prediction. With the help of remote sensing technology, geo-information can be acquired quickly, accurately, efficiently and comprehensively. Undoubtedly, remote sensing will play an increasingly important role in the fields of geosciences, agricultural sciences, and so on. In particular civil resources satellite was launched in the 1970s, which was applied in agriculture and benefited first. Moreover, significant developments were registered in some key fields along with the advancement of high resolution remote sensing. The combination of their high temporal frequency with extended geographical coverage makes them particularly useful for time series crop growth monitoring, crop types subdivision, and acquisition of field precision agriculture. The fact is of note that the new challenges followed as a result of the dispersion and spatial-temporal variability in agricultural production. An overview of the history and theoretical background of agricultural remote sensing technology was introduced. And then four aspects of yield estimation, agricultural resources survey, agricultural disaster monitoring and precision agriculture management were presented. Remotely sensed data from existing platforms and the ground observation network technology which can provide an important data source for supporting agriculture were expected. On the other hand, new generation remote sensing platform of low altitude unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) should be promoted. Although progress has been made, current methods and techniques still bear potential to further explore multi-sensors, spectral data, surface characteristic parameters and existing crop model. The combination of multi-sensor data and assimilation will enhance the perspectives of using remotely sensed data for agriculture.


[ Shi Z, Liang Z Z, Yang Y Y, et al.Status and prospect of agricultural remote sensing[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 2015,46(2):247-260. ]

张安定,彭笃明,李德一,等.基于TM 影像的果园空间信息提取技术研究[J].测绘科学,2007,32(5):121-123.山东半岛是我国重要的果园基地,素有水果之乡的美誉。快速、准确地获取其面积及分布状况,是 果园业健康发展和科学管理的客观需求。以山东省半岛北部沿海城市龙口市为例,以2005.6.13的TM影像为主要信息源,在深入分析各主要地物光谱特征 的基础上,通过DEM数据建立地理控制区,把研究区分为海滨平原区和丘陵区。在海滨平原区,主要通过NDVI方法,建立果园提取模型;在地物构成相对复杂 的丘陵区,建立基于光谱知识和地学知识相结合的果园提取模型,均取得了很好的效果。研究表明,龙口市2005年的果园地面积为316001.2Ha,集中 分布于龙口东部的石良、兰高等乡镇。


[ Zhang A D, Peng D M, Li D Y, et al.Study on technique of extracting orchard information from Landsat TM image[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2007,32(5):121-123. ]



[ Yuan H L, Ma R H, Li J Y.A new method for extracting remote sensing information of orchard in plain terrain[J]. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2015,32(3):342-348. ]

Wang X, Wang Q, Ling F, et al.Principal component analysis and its application on banana fields mapping using ENVISAT ASAR data in Zhangzhou, Fujian province[J]. Geo-spatial Information Science, 2009,12(2):142-145.Banana is one of the main economic agrotypes in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province. The multitemporal ENVISAT ASAR data with different polarization are used to classify the banana fields in this paper. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied for six pairs of ASAR dual-polarization data. For its large leaves, banana has high backscatter. So the value of banana fields is high and shows very bright in the 1st component, which makes it much easier for banana fields extraction. Dual-polarization data provide more information, and the VV and VH backscatter of banana show different characters with other land covers. Based on the analysis of the radar signature of banana fields and other land covers and the 1st component, banana fields are classified using object-oriented classifier. Compared to the field survey data and ASTER data, the accuracy of banana fields in the study area is 83.5%. It shows that the principal component analysis provides the useful information in SAR images analysis and makes the extraction of banana fields easier.


封志明,刘晓娜,姜鲁光,等.中老缅交界地区橡胶种植的时空格局及其地形因素分析[J].地理学报,2013,68(10):1432-1446.橡胶林地是东南亚地区主要的土地利用类型,动态监测橡胶种植并分析其时空变化规律,对于区域土地资源开发、生态环境保护以及维护边境安全稳定具有重要意义.本文基于遥感技术实地研究了中老缅交界地区1980-2010年的橡胶林地分布格局及其时空变化规律,定量分析了橡胶林地的分布特征及其地形因素的影响与限制.结果表明:(1) 2010年中老缅交界地区橡胶林地面积为60.14万hm2,占土地面积的8.17%,足研究区最大的土地利用类型.就林地结构来看,橡胶成林(≥10年)与橡胶幼林(<10年)之比大体是5∶7,近10年来橡胶林地扩展迅速.(2) 1980-2010年中老缅交界地区橡胶林地已由最初的7.05万hm2增加到60.14万hm2,扩展近9倍,橡胶林地扩张显著.橡胶林地已呈现由集中至分散、由边境向国外,“以景洪为中心、北上南进、西拓东扩”的空间分布格局与地域扩展特征.(3)中老缅交界地区橡胶种植受地形因素制约,橡胶林地4/5以上集中在600~1000m适宜区间,很少超过1200m;近2/3集中分布在8°~25°的坡地,极少或很少分布在超过35°的急陡坡;主要分布在南坡和东坡,北坡和西坡相对较少,橡胶种植强度也呈现相同规律.(4)橡胶林地国别对比分析表明,中国境内橡胶林地在向高海拔、陡坡地扩展,老缅境内具有较大地形适宜空间,有利于橡胶种植的跨境发展.(5)中老缅交界地区的橡胶种植必将由中国向老挝和缅甸跨境发展,老挝和缅甸境内,特别是近中国边境地区的橡胶林地持续扩张已是不可避免.


[ Feng Z M, Liu X N, Jiang L G, et al, Rubber plantation and its relationship with topographical factors in the border region of China, Laos and Myanmar[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013,68(10):1432-1446. ]

杨红卫,童小华.高分辨率影像的橡胶林分布信息提取[J].武汉大学学报·信息科学版,2014,39(4):411-416,421.为了准确快速地获取高分辨率影像中橡胶林的分布信息,设计了一种基于纹理特征和多光谱特征的 信息提取方法。方法选取合适的植被指数,将多光谱和植被指数的影像进行地统计半方差分析,获得最佳纹理提取窗口并实现各种纹理信息的提取,将纹理信息和光 谱信息一起作为参考特征构建地物的分类规则并用C5决策树分类算法实现。选取某高分辨率遥感影像区域对该方法进行验证,橡胶树林提取的生产者精度为 81.00%,提取用户精度为82.65%,总精度为83.50%,Kappa系数为0.78。与其他方法分类结果对比表明,本文方法是一种有效的橡胶林 提取方法。


[ Yang H W, Dong X H.Distribution information extraction of rubber woods using remote sensing images with high resolution[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 2014,39(4):411-416,421. ]

王玉,付梅臣,王力,等.基于多源高分卫星影像的果棉套种信息提取[J].国土资源遥感, 2017,29(2):152-159. 棉花与果树间作在新疆多地区普遍存在,了解套种情况有利于查明果棉产量以及与常规棉田产量结构差异。为此,提出了一种综合使用多源高分遥感数据的果棉间作信息提取方法。首先,在优化分割尺度基础上分析Quick Bird卫星数据的光谱、形状和纹理特征并建立规则集;其次,使用面向对象的分类方法逐步剔除非农田信息形成地块专题图,基于专题图选择最佳纹理特征提取果树分布并以地块为单位统计套种比例;最后,依据棉花物候特征对高分一号数据多时相分类得到棉花种植信息,结合套种比例结果,统计果棉套种面积及程度。精度检验结果表明:该文提出的方法与传统抽样调查法相比能够为大量地块信息的采集节省人工成本和时间,果棉信息提取精度为89.16%,可以在统计调查工作中用于新疆果棉套种的自动化提取。


[ Wang Y, Fu M C, Wang L, et al. Tree-cotton intercropping land extraction based on multi-source high resolution satellite imagery[J]. Remote Sensing for Land & Resources, 2017,29(2):152-159. ]

刘峰,刘素红,向阳.园地植被覆盖度的无人机遥感监测研究[J].农业机械学报,2014,45(11):250-257.A remote sensing system based on the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) was designed and established. The garden plot in Beijing was selected as a research object and the major growing period of Chinese chestnut was monitored. Based on this system, the experiment monitoring for the major growing period of Chinese chestnut was achieved and a large number of high resolution images was obtained. The preprocessing including selecting, band separation and calibration and so on was made and finally three main band (red, green, near infrared) reflectance data of Chinese chestnut in the major growing period was generated. According to the analysis of difference for spectral signature between vegetation and soil in the band range of 400~1200nm, the ratio of total number of vegetation pixels was counted for the imaging range, that was fractional vegetation cover (FVC). The fractional vegetation cover of unmanned aerial vehicles images could be computed rapidly. The annual variation of fractional vegetation coverfor Chinese chestnut was monitored using multi temporal unmanned aerial vehicles remote sensing images. The simulation scenes were formed by computer simulation method and the characteristic of statisticsscalefor Chinese chestnut fraction vegetation cover was analysed. The availability and effectiveness of the fractional vegetation cover computed from remote sensing images of unmanned aerial vehicles were validated.


[ Liu F, Liu S H, Xiang Y.Study on monitoring fractional vegetation cover of garden plots by unmanned aerial vehicles[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 2014,45(11):250-257. ]



[ Zhang L C, Wang W.Land cover classification of Hebei Plain based on harmonics analysis and linear mixture model[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2015,31(3):98-103,127. ]

李名勇,晏路明,王丽丽,等. 基于高程约束的区域LUCC及其生态效应研究——以福州市为例[J].地理科学,2013,33(1):75-82.以福州市5 区7 县(不包括平潭县)为研究区,以1994~2006 年间3 期遥感影像解译分类获得的土地利用/覆被数据为基础,并构建个性化的生态系统服务价值与生态效应测算模型,对研究区高程约束下的土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)及其生态效应进行分析.研究结果表明:① 耕地、建设用地和未利用地的变化集中于第1 级,园地的变化集中于第4、5 级,水域和草地的变化集中于第3、2 级,林地的变化集中于第1、3、4 级.② 各高程等级的生态系统服务价值量均增加.各高程等级LUCC的生态效应指数与模数大致随高程等级增加而减小.

[ Li M Y, Yan L M, Wang L L, et al, Regional LUCC and its ecological effect based on elevation constraint: A case study of Fuzhou City[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2013,33(1):75-82. ]

曹宝,秦其明,马海建,等.面向对象方法在SPOT5遥感图像分类中的应用——以北京市海淀区为例[J]. 地理与地理信息科学,2006,22(2):46-49,54.SPOT5图像的空间分辨率高,局部异质性较大,采用基于像元的传统方法分类精度低,难以满足实际应用的需要.以北京市海淀区SPOT5图像为例,应用面向对象方法对其进行分类试验,并将该方法与传统基于像元方法的分类结果进行对比分析.结果表明:利用面向对象方法对SPOT5遥感图像进行分类,不仅使分类结果具有丰富的语义信息,有效抑制"椒盐现象"的发生,还可以显著提高分类精度.


[ Cao B, Qin Q M, Ma H J, et al, Application of object-oriented approach to SPOT5 image classification: A case study in Haidian District, Beijing City[J]. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2006,22(2):46-49,54. ]


[ Han P P, Huang J L, Li R D, et al, Remote sensing monitoring and dynamic analysis of ponds based on object-oriented rules[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 2015,46(1):272-277. ]



[ Fang C Y, Wu H, Tao C H, et al.The wetland information extraction research of Nanji wetland in Poyang lake based on high resolution remote sensing image[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2016,18(6):847-856. ]

Tian S, Zhang X, Tian J, et al.Random Forest Classification of Wetland Landcovers from Multi-Sensor Data in the Arid Region of Xinjiang, China[J]. Remote Sensing, 2016,8(11):954.The wetland classification from remotely sensed data is usually difficult due to the extensive seasonal vegetation dynamics and hydrological fluctuation. This study presents a random forest classification approach for the retrieval of the wetland landcover in the arid regions by fusing the Pl茅iade-1B data with multi-date Landsat-8 data. The segmentation of the Pl茅iade-1B multispectral image data was performed based on an object-oriented approach, and the geometric and spectral features were extracted for the segmented image objects. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) series data were also calculated from the multi-date Landsat-8 data, reflecting vegetation phenological changes in its growth cycle. The feature set extracted from the two sensors data was optimized and employed to create the random forest model for the classification of the wetland landcovers in the Ertix River in northern Xinjiang, China. Comparison with other classification methods such as support vector machine and artificial neural network classifiers indicates that the random forest classifier can achieve accurate classification with an overall accuracy of 93% and the Kappa coefficient of 0.92. The classification accuracy of the farming lands and water bodies that have distinct boundaries with the surrounding land covers was improved 5%鈥10% by making use of the property of geometric shapes. To remove the difficulty in the classification that was caused by the similar spectral features of the vegetation covers, the phenological difference and the textural information of co-occurrence gray matrix were incorporated into the classification, and the main wetland vegetation covers in the study area were derived from the two sensors data. The inclusion of phenological information in the classification enables the classification errors being reduced down, and the overall accuracy was improved approximately 10%. The results show that the proposed random forest classification by fusing multi-sensor data can retrieve better wetland landcover information than the other classifiers, which is significant for the monitoring and management of the wetland ecological resources in arid areas.



[ Ma Y, Jiang Q G, Meng Z G, et al, Classification of land use in farming area based on random forest algorithm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 2016,47(1):297-303. ]

张翠芬,帅爽,郝利娜,等. GF-1影像和OLI影像协同土地利用模糊分类方法研究[J].地球信息科学学报,2017,19(1):2-9.针对高分辨率遥感数据进行土地利用类型分类时出现的“同谱异物”现象,以及中分辨率遥感数据划分土地利用类型时受空间分辨率限制产生的“混合象元”问题,本文以高分一号数据(GF-1)和Landsat-8数据(OLI)为例,提出了一种协同利用高分辨率遥感数据和中分辨率遥感数据进行土地利用类型模糊分类的方法。首先,利用主成分变换的方法分别对GF-1纹理信息和OLI光谱信息进行压缩和增强,并将增强后的纹理信息和光谱信息进行特征协同;然后,根据各地物类型的光谱、纹理特征,对特征协同数据进行60、80、100共3个尺度的分割;最后,根据地物类型间的光谱特征和纹理特征的差异,构建各地物类型的模糊逻辑隶属度函数,实现对影像土地利用类型的模糊分类。实验结果表明,主成分变换的方法有效地将研究区GF-1和OLI数据的光谱、纹理信息压缩、增强,为面向对象分类中分类特征的选取提供了一种思路;同时,本文方法成功划分了研究区土地利用类型,并获得了较高分类精度,总体分类精度达到93.52%,对其它高空间分辨率与高光谱分辨率遥感数据协同分类研究具有一定借鉴意义。


[ Zhang C F, Shuai S, Hao L N, et al.The research on the method of combining images of GF-1 and OLI for fuzzy classification of land use[J]. Journal of Geo-information Science, 2017,19(1):2-9. ]

朱长明, 李均力, 张新, 等. 面向对象的高分辨率遥感影像湿地信息分层提取[J]. 测绘通报,2014(10):23-28.因湿地的类型多样和光谱特征的不确定性,其在高分辨率遥感影像上可人工目视解译,却难以自动化判读。本文在面向对象技术支持下,提出多特征融合的高分辨率遥感影像湿地信息分层提取。该方法首先通过面向对象分割技术转像元为基元,实现光谱相似像元的聚类;然后分析湿地景观格局依存关系和不同类型湿地提取的难易程度,确定提取的先后顺序;再挖掘不同类型湿地的地物光谱、空间形态、空间分布和空间关系等多种属性特征;最后通过分层分类、由易到难构建规则集,逐层融入空间知识,实现高分辨率遥感影像湿地信息自动监测。试验通过高空间分辨率卫星数据对玛纳斯国家湿地公园区进行遥感监测,结果表明,该方法能够快速实现区域范围内湿地信息的自动识别和快速提取,总体分类精度达到了87.5%,Kappa系数超过0.83,基本满足应用的需求,可为应用提供技术参考。


[ Zhu C M, Li J L, Zhang X, et al.Wetlands information automatic extraction from high resolution remote sensing imagery based on object-oriented technology[J]. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping, 2014,10:23-28. ]

李博伦,违超普,颜晓元. Landsat8 陆地成像仪影像的缨帽变换推导[J].测绘科学,2016,41(4):102-107.针对Landsat 8陆地成像仪影像,该文提出了一种缨帽变换系数的推算方法.利用准同步的Landsat ETM+影像缨帽变换结果为目标值,采用普鲁克算法对不同地理分布下的陆地成像仪影像样本点的主成分轴分别进行旋转,得到相应的初始变换系数;通过广义普鲁克分析对所得初始变换系数进行平均化,并以格拉姆-施密特算法保持其正交性,最终得到基于陆地成像仪大气表观反射率数据的缨帽变换系数.验证结果表明,与现有陆地成像仪变换系数相比,该文提出的缨帽变换精度相对较高,误差较小,变换后的不同地物覆盖类型具有更好的可分性.


[ Li B L, Wei C P, Yan X Y.Study of derivation of tasseled cap transformation for Landsat 8 OLI images[J]. Science of surveying and mapping, 2016,41(4):102-107. ]


[ Guan Y X, Cheng X Y.High resolution satellite image processing guide[D]. Beijing: Science Press, 2008:164-186. ]

张秀英,冯学智,江洪.面向对象分类的特征空间优化[J].遥感学报,2009,13(4):664-669.为提高图像处理效率, 探讨了面向对象分类的特征空间优化方法。以区域增长算法获得的对象为处理单元, 根据植被在IKONOS影像上的表征, 初步选择了6个形状、2个位置、17个光谱和6个纹理特征, 共计31个作为初始特征空间。首先根据每组中特征所代表的信息量和特征之间的相关性, 去掉与其他特征相关性强而方差较小的特征, 将特征空间维降到23;以识别城区植被为目标, 根据220个植被样本计算2―23维特征空间的类间J-M距离, 以最小J-M和平均J-M距离为依据选择最优特征空间, 将特征空间维降到14;最后利用类间离差矩阵代替协方差矩阵的K-L变换对特征空间进行压缩, 分组压缩后将维数降低到7, 而对整个特征空间压缩将维数降低到4。为验证特征空间优化对识别结果的影响, 采用CART分类方法对城市植被进行了识别。构建的决策树表明, 利用分组K-L变换后的特征空间比利用整体K-L变换获得的训练精度高12%;与K-L压缩前的特征空间获得的决策树相比, 结构复杂程度相当(前者包含14个结点, 后者包含12个结点), 训练精度仅低1%。分类结果也表明, 利用分组K-L变换的特征空间和不进行K-L变换的特征空间分类, 总精度和Kappa系数分别降低了1.5%和2.3%, 但是特征空间却压缩了50%, 提高了面向对象分类方法的处理效率。


[ Zhang X Y, Feng X Z and Jiang H. Feature set optimization in object-oriented methodology[J]. Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009,13(4):664-669. ]

Breiman L.Random forests[J]. Machine Learning, 2001,45(1):5-32.


雷震. 随机森林及其在遥感影像处理中应用研究[D].上海:上海交通大学,2012.

[ Lei Z.Random forest and its application in remote sensing image processing[D]. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2012. ]

