作者简介:翟晓燕(1989-),女,工程师,研究方向为水文学及水资源。E-mail: zhaixy@iwhr.com
收稿日期: 2017-07-14
要求修回日期: 2017-08-24
网络出版日期: 2017-12-25
Flash Flood Warning-oriented Hydrometric Network Optimal Design
Received date: 2017-07-14
Request revised date: 2017-08-24
Online published: 2017-12-25
山洪灾害是中国高频发、高死亡率的自然灾害之一。水雨情站网的合理布设及优化,有利于捕获区域暴雨、洪水情势变化的时空异质性,可显著提高中小流域山洪预警的精度,增强山洪灾害防御能力。本文以山洪灾害高发的福建省顺昌县为例,提出了面向山洪预警的水雨情站网布设方法。县内现状雨量和水位站网监测密度分别为37 km2/站和76 km2/站,主要分布在平原主干河流地区,山洪灾害重点防治区内站网布设不足,小流域暴雨山洪监测和预警能力较弱。针对上述问题,综合分析流域降雨时空特征、历史山洪灾害与山洪灾害预警预报需求,对研究区水雨情站网进行了合理性分析和布设研究,建议增设雨量站3座、水位站3座,其中一座水位站同时监测降雨过程,调整后县内雨量站和水位站的监测密度达到34 km2/站和68 km2/站。本文研究对山洪灾害高发区的水雨情站网布设具有参考和指导意义。
翟晓燕 , 刘荣华 , 杨益长 , 毕青云 , 刘启 . 面向山洪预警的水雨情监测站网布设方法研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2017 , 19(12) : 1634 -1642 . DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1047.2017.01634
Flash flood disaster ranks top among the natural hazards in China due to its frequent occurrence and high mortality. It has posed a severe threat to national public safety and water security. The optimal design of hydrometric network helps to capture the spatial and temporal variability of regional storm events and flash flood regimes, which can significantly improve the accuracy of flash flood warning and strengthen the flood defense capacity in small and medium catchments. However, the quantitative research on the optimal design of hydrometric network is relatively rare with consideration of flash flood disaster prevention and control. In this study, a flash flood warning-oriented method for the optimal design of hydrometric network is proposed, and Shunchang County in Fujian Province which is frequently subject to flash flood disasters is selected as a case study. Specifically, the optimal design method for rainfall station includes the Cone method and the correlation analysis method, and should further consider the characteristics of historical storm events and flash flood disasters, and local social and economic situations. The optimal design of water stage station should comprehensively consider the occurrence frequency and impact extent of historical flash flood disasters, flash flood warning requirements, and local social and economic situations. The current densities are 37 km2 per station and 76 km2 per station for rainfall stations and water stage stations, respectively, while most of the stations are distributed along the main streams in the plain, and the monitoring stations are insufficient especially in the key prevention districts for flash flood disasters. Thus, the current monitoring capacity and early warning capacity are rather weak in Shunchang County, which significantly weakens the warning and forecasting capacities of local flash flood disasters. For addressing those above-mentioned problems, the current designs of rainfall station and water stage station are quantitatively analyzed and optimized according to the spatial and temporal characteristics of storm events, the historical flash flood disasters and the forecasting requirements of flash floods. The results show that three new rainfall stations and three new water stage stations are suggested to be established in Shunchang County, in which one water stage station monitors rainfall process meanwhile. The three new rainfall stations are evenly distributed along the densely populated mountainous tributaries with rare rainfall monitoring stations and relatively weak flood defense capacity. Their establishments can improve the forecasting accuracy of local flash floods. The three new water stage stations are evenly distributed along the densely populated mountainous tributaries with relatively weak flood defense capacity, and their establishments can guarantee the forecasting requirements of flash flood disasters, and the safety of downstream villages and water infrastructures. After the optimal design of the hydrometric network in Shunchang County, the density of rainfall station and water stage station arrive at 34 km2 per station (31 rainfall stations) and 68 km2 per station (29 water stage stations), respectively. This study is expected to provide scientific references and technical guidance for the robust and quantitative design of hydrometric network in regions frequently hit by flash floods.
Fig. 1 Map of the study area图1 研究区概况图 |
Tab. 1 Hydrometric network of four main catchments in Shunchang County表1 顺昌县主要流域水雨情站点情况 |
序号 | 流域 | 面积/km2 | 下渗率/(mm/h) | 已建测站数 | 应设测站数 | ||
雨量站 | 水位站 | 密度/(km2/站) | |||||
1 | 富屯溪(干流) | 614.74 | 2.4 | 7 | 17 | 25.6 | 22-23 |
2 | 仁寿溪 | 501.70 | 2.4 | 10 | 2 | 41.8 | 10-11 |
3 | 路兹溪 | 413.00 | 2.2 | 7 | 4 | 37.5 | 11 |
4 | 高阳河 | 267.00 | 2.3 | 3 | 1 | 66.7 | 4 |
合计 | 1796.44 | - | 27 | 24 | 35.2 | - |
Fig. 2 Spatial distribution of rainfall stations and corresponding Thiessen polygons in Shunchang County图2 顺昌县雨量站及对应的泰森多边形分布图 |
Tab. 2 Correlation analysis of rainfall properties among adjacent rainfall stations表2 邻近雨量站降雨特性相关分析结果 |
序号 | 雨量站 | A/km2 | 邻近雨量站 | 降雨特性分析 | |
R | R0.6/% | ||||
1 | 武坊 | 117.48 | 慈悲 | 0.57 | 50 |
谟武 | 0.65 | 62 | |||
大干 | 0.73 | 75 | |||
2 | 慈悲 | 95.02 | 武坊 | 0.57 | 50 |
3 | 余塘 | 87.84 | 仁寿 | 0.36 | 30 |
江墩 | 0.75 | 80 | |||
连墩 | 0.59 | 44 | |||
4 | 南湖 | 84.00 | 高阳 | 0.82 | 100 |
紫竹 | 0.76 | 83 | |||
5 | 光地 | 83.70 | 院尾 | 0.76 | 82 |
6 | 苦竹际 | 82.65 | 洋墩 | 0.79 | 93 |
注:“A”为雨量站对应的泰森多边形面积;“R”为各雨量站与邻近雨量站所有场次降雨量相关系数的均值;“R0.6”为各雨量站与邻近雨量站各场次降雨量相关系数不小于0.60的场次数的比例 |
Fig. 3 Regions of new stations based on rainfall/water stage warnings and flood control capacity of villages in Shunchang County图3 顺昌县基于雨量、水位预警的拟设站区域及防护对象防洪能力分布图 |
Tab. 3 Recommendations of new hydrometric stations in Shunchang County表3 顺昌县水雨情站网布设建议 |
序号 | 增设测站 | 增设原因 | 位置 | |
雨量站 | 1 | Ad1 | 区域雨量站密度稀疏、已建雨量站与邻近雨量站的降雨相关性较弱,影响山洪灾害预警预报精度 | 仁寿镇苏屯村附近 |
2 | Ad2 | 位于山洪灾害重点防治区内、防洪能力较弱、沿河村落分布密集、危险区人口多 | 埔上镇沙口村上游 | |
3 | Ad3 | 郑坊乡江南处村上游 | ||
4 | Ad4 | 无雨量站、沿河村落分布密集 | 高阳乡大坋村附近 | |
水位站 | 1 | Az1 | 位于山洪灾害重点防治区内、防洪能力较弱、沿河村落分布密集、危险区人口多,且坊上水库为小I型水库,增设水位站可用于下游水位预警,提高下游山洪灾害防洪预警能力 | 埔上镇沙口村上游 |
2 | Az2 | 建西镇麻溪村上游 | ||
3 | Az3 | 双溪街道新屯村上游 |
注:雨量站Ad2与水位站Az1距离较近,可合并为一个监测站,同时监测降雨和水位过程 |
Fig. 4 Spatial distribution of new stations in Shunchang County图4 顺昌县增设测站分布图 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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