

  • 于明明 ,
  • 曾永年 , *
  • 1.中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院, 长沙 410083
  • 2.中南大学空间信息技术与可持续发展研究中心, 长沙 410083


收稿日期: 2017-04-30

  要求修回日期: 2017-08-25

  网络出版日期: 2018-01-20



Cellular Automata Model of Urban Spatial Expansion Considering the Differences of Land Types Transition and its Application Research

  • YU Mingming ,
  • ZENG Yongnian , *
  • 1. School of Geoscience and Info-physics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
  • 2. Center for Geomatics and Sustainable Development Research, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
*Corresponding author: ZENG Yongnian, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-04-30

  Request revised date: 2017-08-25

  Online published: 2018-01-20

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41171326, 40771198.


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有


元胞自动机模型已经成为城市空间扩展模拟研究的重要方法之一,并得到广泛应用。然而,现有的城市扩展元胞自动机模型仍存在不足。由于元胞状态设置较为简单,从而使模型转换规则中对不同用地类型向城市用地转换的差异与强度考虑不够。基于此本文在元胞自动机模型的框架下,设计了多元结构的元胞状态及转换规则,提出了顾及地类转换差异与强度的城市扩展元胞自动机模型。在计算非城市用地向城市用地转换的转换概率时,该模型考虑了3个方面的概率:① 地形地貌、经济发展等城市发展的驱动因素对城市用地扩展的影响概率,该概率采用logistics方法进行计算;② 邻域元胞的用地类型对中心元胞转换概率的影响,该概率采用扩展摩尔型方法进行计算;③ 不同类型的非城市用地(本研究中包括耕地、林地和裸地3种类型)向城市用地转换的强度,该概率由模拟基期土地利用数据与目标年份土地利用数据的叠加,得出不同类型的非城市用地在此时间段内向城市用地转换的规模,进而确定不同类型的非城市用地向城市用地转换的强度。最后,将以上3种概率的乘积作为元胞转换的概率。通过转换概率与转换阈值的对比判断中心元胞是否在下一个阶段转换为城市用地。经过迭代计算,不断增加城市用地元胞的数量。当模拟城市用地的结果与目标年份的城市用地规模差值在一定的范围内时停止模拟,得出最终结果。模型构建完成后,本文以长株潭城市群核心区为例进行了模拟实验。以2001年该地区的土地利用数据为基期数据,模拟2010年该地区的城市用地规模和空间分布。研究结果表明,根据本文提出的模型模拟的城市扩展结果与真实数据相比具有较高的一致性。模拟结果正确率达到68.66%,比基于传统logistics回归的元胞自动机模型的模拟精度提高了4.25%,Kappa系数为0.675。该模型较好地模拟了长株潭城市群核心区城市扩展,在城市空间扩展模拟中具有较好的适应性与有效性。


于明明 , 曾永年 . 顾及地类转换差异的城市空间扩展元胞自动机模型及应用研究[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(1) : 48 -56 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170132


The cellular automata model has become one of the important methods of urban spatial expansion simulation. However, the existing cellular automata model of urban expansion still has some shortcomings. The cell state setting is relatively simple. Differences and strength of land types conversion are not enough in the conversion rules. In this paper, the cellular state and conversion rules of multivariate structures are designed under the framework of cellular automata model, and the urban extended cellular automata model considering the difference and intensity of land conversion is proposed. In the calculation of the conversion probability of non-urban land to urban land, this model takes into account the probability of three aspects: (1) For the impact probability of topography, economic development and other factors of urban development on urban land expansion, we used the logistics approach to calculate this probability. (2) The impacts of land types of neighborhood cells on the convergence rates of central cells. We use the extended molar method to calculate this part of probability. (3) The conversion intensity of different types of non-urban land (i.e. cultivated land, woodland and bare land) into urban land. The calculation of this part is to get the conversion scale of different types of non-urban land into urban land during the period of the base year and the target year by simulation of the superposition of the land use data in this period. Then, we further determine the conversion intensity of the different types of non-urban land into urban land. Finally, the product of the above three probabilities is used as the probability of cell transformation. We used the conversion probability and the conversion threshold to determine whether the central unit would be converted into urban land in the next stage. The number of urban land cells would be increased after the iteration calculation. When the difference between the results of simulated urban land and the size of urban land of the target year was in a certain range, we stopped the simulation and get the final results. The results show that the proposed model can capture urban expansion in the study area with sgood adaptability. The accuracy of the simulation results is 68.66%, which is 4.25% higher than that of the cellular automata model based on the traditional logistics regression. The Kappa coefficient is 0.675.

1 引言

自1978年以来,中国城镇化水平不断提高。 21世纪城镇化进入快速发展的阶段[1],2015年中国城市化率已达到56.1%(国家统计局2016)。随着城市化的快速推进,城市建设用地蔓延式的扩张,导致城市周边耕地、林地不断减少[2,3]。城市建设用地的蔓延扩张既不符合中国土地资源的现状,也不利于城市的发展和耕地保护[4],并对区域生态环境及碳循环产生深远的影响[5]。因此,科学的规划与管理城市及周边的土地资源及利用具有十分重要的意义[6,7,8]
城市化过程的模拟是科学规划与管理城市系统及其变化的重要手段[9]。元胞自动机(CA)作为一种离散动力学模型,其 “自下而上”的研究思路充分体现了复杂系统局部个体行为产生全局、有秩序模式的理念[10,11],适用于复杂地理过程的模拟和预 测[12,13]。此外,CA模型又能很好地将时间和空间的动态变化有机结合起来[14,15],因此CA模型在城市扩展及土地利用变化研究中得到应用[16,17]。目前城市扩展CA模型的研究较多的关注在转换规则的智能获取方面,并取得了许多成果[21,22,23,24]。尽管转换规则的确定是CA模型构建的关键,但是现有城市扩展CA模型采用二元结构的元胞状态,元胞状态仅设置为城市与非城市用地二类。实际上,非城市用地包括的类型较多,不同类型的非城市用地向城市用地转换存在着一定的差异。目前城市扩张CA模型由于采用二元结构的元胞状态,在构建转换规则时,无法顾及不同类型的非城市用地向城市用地转移的差异性及其强度,从而影响了CA模型城市扩展模拟的精度与有效性。为此,本文从CA模型元胞状态的多元性出发,顾及非城市用地向城市用地转移的差异性及其强度,构建城市空间扩展元胞自动机模型,并以长株潭城市群核心区为例进行模拟实验与模型验证,以期提高城市空间扩展CA模型模拟的精度与实用性,为快速发展的城市化过程研究提供可靠的模型与方法。

2 顾及地类转换差异的城市空间扩展元胞自动机模型

2.1 元胞及状态

元胞状态与转换规则是元胞自动机模型主要组成部分,将30 m×30 m分辨率的土地利用栅格数据定义为元胞空间,每个栅格为一个元胞。传统的城市扩张CA模型中,元胞状态包括城市用地、非城市用地2种,在不同土地利用转换的差异性的基础上,本元胞自动机模型设置了5种元胞状态:

2.2 转换规则


2.3 元胞转换概率

P value = P weight × P neighbor × P logistic (1)
Fig. 1 Model of conversion intensity from different land-use types to urban land

图1 不同土地利用类型向城市用地转换强度模型

P weight = W i = Count ( L i U | L U ) Count ( L U ) ( i = 1,2 , 3 ) (2)
式中:Wi表示不同用地类型向城市用地转换的强度;当i分别等于1, 2, 3时,LiU表示分别由耕地、林地和未利用地转换为城市用地;LU表示2期土地利用类型期间增长的城市用地。
N moore = { v i = ( v ix , v iy ) | | v ix - v ox | 2 , | v iy - v oy | 2 , ( v ix , v iy ) Z 2 } (3)
式中:vixviy表示邻居元胞的行列坐标值;vox,voy表示中心元胞的行列坐标值;Z 2表示二维整数集。扩展摩尔型的邻域搜索规则,使每个元胞都有24个 邻域元胞。中心元胞受邻域元胞影响被城市化的概率为:
P neighbor = 1 - 20 9 ( DevelopedRate - λ ) 2 (4)
DevelopedRate = 5 × 5 con ( S i , j = 1 ) 5 × 5 - 1 (5)
式(4)中:λ表示开发率,即城市用地的元胞数在所有24个邻域元胞中所占比例。当开发率为0.75时,邻域元胞对中心元胞的作用最显著,因此本文λ取值为0.75。式(5)中:con函数的作用是统计邻域内城市用地的元胞数;Si,j表示中心元胞邻域内元胞的用地类型数据,Si,j=1, 2, 3, 4, 5。
影响城市扩张的因素中,除了邻域元胞的用地类型以外还包括中心元胞自身的驱动因子。驱动因子对中心元胞向城市用地转换的概率贡献值 Plogistic,通过逻辑回归方法(logistic)(式(6))确定。
P logistic = 1 1 + exp [ - ( β 0 + β 1 X 1 + β 2 X 2 + ) ] (6)
式中:βii=1, 2, 3,…)是不同驱动因子的权重;β0表示常系数;Xii=1, 2, 3,…)表示不同驱动因子的具体值。在求解驱动因子的权重时,采用SPSS软件确定城市用地转换相关的驱动因子的权重。

2.4 转换阈值的确定

P rand = 1 + ( - lnγ ) α (7)

2.5 城市用地扩展结构的确定


3 应用实例

3.1 研究区及数据源

Fig. 2 Location of the study area

图2 实验区位置图

本研究选取了2001年和2010年2个时相的Landsat TM遥感影像进行分类,得到了建设用地、耕地、林地、水域和裸地5种用地类型的土地利用数据。2期土地利用数据的分类精度均在80%以上,能够满足本研究的精度要求[26]。研究区的海拔和坡度数据来源于中国科学院计算机网络信息中心国际科学数据镜像网站(http://www.cnic.cas.cn/zcfw/sjfw/gjkxsjjx/xxfw_sdb05/200909/t20090916_2486164.html)。2001年的交通道路等矢量数据来源于湖南省城市电子地图。社会经济统计数据来源于研究区相关统计年鉴。具体数据及其来源详见表1
Tab. 1 Experimental data and its sources

表1 实验数据及其来源

数据类型 数据名称 数据来源
栅格数据 土地利用数据(2001、2010年),坡度、海拔数据 土地利用数据由相应时间段的Landsat TM数据解译获得,遥感影像来源于中国地理空间数据云,中国科学院计算机网络信息中心国际科学数据镜像网站
矢量数据 交通道路信息(高速、铁路、国道、省道、城市主干道、城市次干道) 国家基础地理信息中心
生活服务信息(宾馆酒店、车站码头、各级政府、汽车服务、商业网点、学校、医院、银行、邮政、电信)、工作便利信息(企事业单位、政府机关)、休闲娱乐信息(水上洲、水域、休闲娱乐场所、旅游景点、运动场馆、植被层) 湖南省城市电子地图
社会经济数据 人口密度、城市化率、人均 GDP、全社会固定资产 湖南省统计年鉴、长沙市统计年鉴、湘潭市统计年鉴和株洲市统计年鉴以及《长株潭城市群生态绿心地区总体规划(2010-2030)》、《长株潭城市群区域规划(2008-2020 年)》

注:本文的栅格数据分辨率均为30 m×30 m

3.2 模型主要参数确定

Fig. 3 Land use data

图3 土地利用数据

Fig. 4 Conversion intensity from different land-use types to urban land

图4 不同用地类型向城市用地转换强度

(2) 为确定城市扩张的驱动因子对中心元胞向城市用地转换的概率(Plogistic),分析选定影响城市扩张的15个驱动因素,采用Logistic回归求得城市用地转换相关的驱动因子的权重(表2)。
Tab. 2 The driving factors and weights of urban land

表2 建设用地驱动因子及权重

驱动因子 权重 驱动因子 权重
生活服务(β1 -2.641 房价(β9 4.627
坡度(β2 1.734 城市化率(β10 0.527
海拔(β3 5.434 到国道距离(β11 1.674
工作便利(β4 5.442 到高速距离(β12 0.842
到桥梁距离(β5 1.243 到城市干道距离(β13 -2.517
人口密度(β6 5.205 到城市环线距离(β5 0.654
人均GDP(β7 0.654 到省道距离(β6 1.981
固定资产(β8 0.340 常数(β0 -7.172

3.3 模拟结果及分析

以2001年的土地利用数据为基期数据,利用本文构建的城市扩展元胞自动机模型模拟2010年的城市用地空间格局。模拟过程中设定城市用地规模以2010年实际城市用地规模为基准,上下各浮动100 hm2作为模拟的上下限。经过71次迭代,模拟获得2010年城市用地空间格局,并利用2001年土地利用数据与2010年模拟数据,获得2001-2010年城市用地扩展空间格局。
2010年实际的城市用地规模为71 797.05 hm2图5(a)),2010年模拟的城市用地规模为71 777.34 hm2图5(b));2001-2010年实际的城市用地扩展规模为35 973.18 hm2图6(a)),2001-2010年模拟的城市用地扩展规模为35 804.16 hm2图6(b)),城市用地的空间扩展方向模拟结果与实际城市扩展的布局也具有较高的空间一致性。
Fig. 5 Spatial distribution of actual urban land and modeling urban use in 2010

图5 2010年实际城市用地与模拟城市用地空间分布

3.4 模型可靠性分析

为了验证模拟结果的可靠性,利用2001-2010年的实际城市用扩展与模拟结果(图6),叠加运算 获得二者的差异(图7),计算城市用地扩展模拟 的正确率达到68.66%,即有49 295.85 hm2的城市用地得到了正确模拟。本研究除了利用点对点模拟精度对模型的可靠性进行分析外,还引入了混淆矩阵对模型的可靠性进行了全面评价(表3)。通过混淆矩阵可以看出2010年的模拟中精度为96.08%;Kappa系数为0.675。城市用地扩展的模拟结果与实际空间格局具有较高的一致性。
Fig. 6 The spatial distribution of actual new urban land use and modeling urban land use from 2001 to 2010

图6 2001-2010年城市用地实际空间扩展及模拟结果

Fig. 7 Overlay results of simulation and status Quo of urban land in 2010

图7 2010年城市用地扩展模拟结果与实际分布的差异

Tab. 3 Confusing matrix of the simulation results of 2010

表3 2010年模拟结果混淆矩阵

不转变 转变 正确比/%
实际 不转变 5821601 123389 97.92
转变 125267 274435 68.66
总精度/% 96.08
Kappa系数 0.675
Fig. 8 The traditional simulation results of logistic-based cellular automata model

图8 传统基于logistic的元胞自动机模型模拟结果

4 结论与讨论

(2)实验模拟结果表明,模拟结果与真实数据相比具有较高的一致性,城市扩展模拟结果的 Kappa系数达到了0.675,较不考虑地类转换强度的城市扩展CA模型模拟精度提高了4.25%,取得了较为理想的模拟结果。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Rienow A, Goetzke R.Supporting SLEUTH-Enhancing a cellular automaton with support vector machines for urban growth modeling[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2015,49(1):66-81.In recent years, urbanization has been one of the most striking change processes in the socioecological system of Central Europe. Cellular automata (CA) are a popular and robust approach for the spatially explicit simulation of land-use and land-cover changes. The CA SLEUTH simulates urban growth using four simple but effective growth rules. Although the performance of SLEUTH is very high, the modeling process still is strongly influenced by stochastic decisions resulting in a variable pattern. Besides, it gives no information about the human and ecological forces driving the local suitability of urban growth. Hence, the objective of this research is to combine the simulation skills of CA with the machine learning approach called support vector machines (SVM). SVM has the basic idea to project input vectors on a higher-dimensional feature space, in which an optimal hyperplane can be constructed for separating the data into two or more classes. By using a forward feature selection, important features can be identified and separated from unimportant ones. The anchor point of coupling both methods is the exclusion layer of SLEUTH. It will be replaced by a SVM-based probability map of urban growth. As a kind of litmus test, we compare the approach with the combination of CA and binomial logistic regression (BLR), a frequently used technique in urban growth studies. The integrated models are applied to an area in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia involving a highly urbanized region along the Rhine valley (Cologne, D sseldorf) and a rural, hilly region (Bergisches Land) with a dispersed settlement pattern. Various geophysical and socio-economic driving forces are included, and comparatively evaluated. The validation shows that the quantity and the allocation performance of SLEUTH are augmented clearly when coupling SLEUTH with a BLR- or SVM-based probability map. The combination enables the dynamical simulation of different growth types on the one hand as well as the analyses of various geophysical and socio-economic driving forces on the other hand. The SVM approach needs less variables than the BLR model and SVM-based probabilities exhibit a higher certainty compared to those derived by BLR.




[ Liu X P, Li X.Retrieving CA nonlinear transition rule from high- dimensional feature space[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006,61(6):663-672. ]

De Almeida C M, Batty M, Monteiro A M V, et al. Stochastic cellular automata modeling of urban land use dynamics: Empirical development and estimation[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2003,27(5):481-509.An increasing number of models for predicting land use change in rapidly urbanizing regions are being proposed and built using ideas from cellular automata (CA). Calibrating such models to real situations is highly problematic and to date, serious attention has not been focused on the estimation problem. In this paper, we propose a structure for simulating urban change based on estimating land use transitions using elementary probabilistic methods which draw their inspiration from Bayes’ theory and the related ‘weights of evidence’ approach. These land use change probabilities drive a CA model based on eight cell Moore neighborhoods implemented through empirical land use allocation algorithms. The model framework has been applied to a medium-sized town, Bauru, in the west of S00o Paulo State, Brazil. We show how various socio-economic and infrastructural factors can be combined using the weights of evidence approach which enables us to predict the probability of changes between land use types in different cells of the system. Different predictions for the town during the period 1979–1988 were generated, and statistical validation was then conducted using a multiple resolution fitting procedure. These modeling experiments support the essential logic of adopting Bayesian empirical methods which synthesize various information about spatial infrastructure as the driver of urban land use change. This indicates the relevance of the approach for generating forecasts of growth for Brazilian cities in particular and for world-wide cities in general.


Arsanjani J J, Helbich M, Kainz W, et al.Integration of logistic regression, Markov chain and cellular automata models to simulate urban expansion[J]. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2013,21(4):265-275.This research analyses the suburban expansion in the metropolitan area of Tehran, Iran. A hybrid model consisting of logistic regression model, Markov chain (MC), and cellular automata (CA) was designed to improve the performance of the standard logistic regression model. Environmental and socio-economic variables dealing with urban sprawl were operationalised to create a probability surface of spatiotemporal states of built-up land use for the years 2006, 2016, and 2026. For validation, the model was evaluated by means of relative operating characteristic values for different sets of variables. The approach was calibrated for 2006 by cross comparing of actual and simulated land use maps. The achieved outcomes represent a match of 89% between simulated and actual maps of 2006, which was satisfactory to approve the calibration process. Thereafter, the calibrated hybrid approach was implemented for forthcoming years. Finally, future land use maps for 2016 and 2026 were predicted by means of this hybrid approach. The simulated maps illustrate a new wave of suburban development in the vicinity of Tehran at the western border of the metropolis during the next decades.


Deep S, Saklani A.Urban sprawl modeling using cellular automata[J]. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 2014,17(2):179-187.The population settlements in the fast-growing urban world need to be monitored in order to design a sustainable urban habitat. The remote sensing and GIS are considered as an effective monitoring and decision-support tool in urban planning. This study compiles the results of a study undertaken to measure the urban sprawl in Dehradun city, India through cellular automata CA-Markov model. CA-Markov model can effectively be used to study the urban dynamics in rapidly growing cities. Being an effective tool for encoding spatial structures, the information generated by it could be used to predict urban scenarios for sustainable growth. To achieve the goal, the temporal images of LISS IV were used to analyse the spatial pattern of land cover change in the area and the future growth was modeled by applying CA-Markov model. The results clearly suggest that major changes between the periods of 2004 and 2009 occurred in built up classes (about 27%) followed by agriculture (17.7%) and fallow land (10.2%). The projection as predicted using CA-Markov model suggested a value of kappa coefficient = 0.91 which indicates the validity of the model to predict future projections. Modeling suggested a clear trend of various land use classes transformation in the area of urban built up expansions. It is concluded that RS and GIS can be an effective decision support tool for policy makers to design sustainable urban habitats.


Barreira-González P, Gómez-Delgado M, Aguilera-Benavente F.From raster to vector cellular automata models: A new approach to simulate urban growth with the help of graph theory[J]. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2015,54(11):119-131.The majority of celullar automata (CA) based models developed to simulate land use changes or urban growth employed a raster representation of the space which reduces reality into regular pieces. This approach is perfectly valid when simulating on large study areas. However, the use of vector representation of space becomes more useful in small extensions since they represent land use covers in a more realistic way. In this regard, a new vector CA-based prototype is presented making use of cadastral parcels and cellular space is combined with graph theory to get a better operability. Neighbourhood factors are defined more flexibly since every parcel is different from the rest. Accessibility, suitability and zoning were computed and added to the prototype's transition rules. A little municipality within the Community of Madrid, one of the most dynamic spaces in terms of urban growth over the last decades, was selected to test the prototype.


黎夏,伍少坤.面向对象的地理元胞自动机[J].中山大学学报(自然科学版),2006,45(3):90-94.提出了一种面向对象的地理元胞自动机(GeoCA)。在与G IS结合的基础上,利用面向对象技术分析来设计GeoCA模拟系统,由VB+AO建立一个具有良好扩展性、用户可定制和友好界面的实验平台。通过采用MCE(多准则判断)来获取GeoCA模型的转换规则。以珠江三角洲的东莞作为研究区域,在GeoCA模拟的结果上,讨论了该地区的土地利用的变化趋势及所面临的问题。


[ Li X, Wu S K.An object-oriented geographical cellular automata[J]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 2006,45(3):90-94. ]



[ Li M J, Qian L X, Wu Z F et al. The SLEUTH model simulation of high density urban sprawl in Haizhu District of Guangzhou City[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2010,65(10):1163-1172. ]


[ Zhang H H, Yin C L, Zeng Y N, et al.Study on urban growth simulation based on SLEUTH Model: Take Changsha City as an example[J]. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 2008,23(6):618-623,601. ]

刘小平,黎夏. Fisher判别及自动获取元胞自动机的转换规则[J].测绘学报,2007,36(1):112-118.

[ Liu X P, Li X.Fisher discriminant and automatically getting transition rule of CA[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2007,36(1):112-118. ]

刘小平,黎夏,叶嘉安,等.利用蚁群智能挖掘地理元胞自动机的转换规则[J].中国科学(D辑:地球科学),2007,37(6):824-834.提出了基于蚁群智能算法(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)的地理元胞自动机(ACO-CA).元胞自动机(CA)具有模拟和预测复杂的地理现象演变过程的能力.CA的核心是如何定义转换规则,但目前的方法所获取的转换规则大都是隐含的,是通过数学公式来表达.当研究区域较复杂时,确定CA的模型结构和参数有一定困难,需要使用智能式的方法获取有效的转换规则.提出了一种基于蚁群智能来自动获取地理元胞自动机转换规则的新方法.该方法所提取的转换规则毋需通过数学公式来表达,能更方便和准确地描述自然界中的复杂关系,并且这些规则比数学公式更容易让人理解.将ACO-CA应用于广州市的城市模拟实验中,取得了较好的结果.并与See5.0决策树模型进行了对比研究,对比实验结果表明:蚁群智能算法在提取CA转换规则时比See5.0模型更具有优势.


[ Liu X P, Li X, Ye J A, et al.Using ant colony intelligent mining geographical cellular automata's conversion rules[J]. Scientia Sinica(Terrae), 2007,37(6):824-834. ]

赵莉,杨俊,李闯,等.地理元胞自动机模型研究进展[J].地理科学,2016,36(8):1190-1196.<p>元胞自动机(Cellular Automata,简称CA)是一种基于微观个体的相互作用空间离散动态模型,其强大的计算功能、固有的平行计算能力、高度动态及空间概念等特征,使它在模拟空间复杂系统的时空动态演变研究具有较强的优势。文章回顾了元胞自动机的发展历程,阐述了CA在地理学中的主要应用领域和研究进展,在此基础上,以现实世界地理实体及现代城市扩张特征为视角,分析目前CA研究所面临的问题,并对其未来的研究趋势进行了初步探讨,认为以下3个方面将是未来CA研究的热点:<i>①</i> 利用不规则元胞及可控邻域的CA模型,对不同规则或不同邻域地理实体的模拟研究;<i>②</i> 采用三维元胞自动机对现代城市扩张进行立体化模拟,以克服二维CA模型的缺陷;<i>③</i> 将矢量元胞自动机模型应用于地理实体的模拟研究,进一步提高模拟精度。</p>


[ Zhao L, Yang J, Li C, et al.Progress on geographic cellular automata model[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2016,36(8):1190-1196. ]

黎夏,叶嘉安.基于神经网络的元胞自动机及模拟复杂土地利用系统[J].地理研究,2005,24(1):19-27.本文提出了基于神经网络的元胞自动机(Cellular Automata),并将其用来模拟复杂的土地利用系统及其演变.国际上已经有许多利用元胞自动机进行城市模拟的研究,但这些模型往往局限于模拟从非城市用地到城市用地的转变.模拟多种土地利用的动态系统比一般模拟城市演化要复杂得多,需要使用许多空间变量和参数,而确定模型的参数值和模型结构有很大困难.本文通过神经网络、元胞自动机和GIS相结合来进行土地利用的动态模拟,并利用多时相的遥感分类图像来训练神经网络,能十分方便地确定模型参数和模型结构,消除常规模拟方法所带来的弊端.


[ Li X, Ye J A.Cellular automata for simulating complex land use systems using neural networks[J]. Geographical Research, 2005,24(1):19-27. ]

吴孔江,曾永年,靳文凭,等.改进利用蚁群规则挖掘算法进行遥感影像分类[J].测绘学报,2013,42(1):59-66.基于ant-miner算法,提出改进蚁群规则挖掘算法。首先,从信息素浓度增加项、信息素 挥发系数两方面,改进信息素浓度更新策略;其次,在算法求解中,引入变异算子,有效加快进化过程,缩短计算时间,获得较好的分类规则。以长沙市城区 2006年TM影像为试验数据,在分类试验中对算法进行了验证。结果表明,相对于ant-miner和决策树方法而言,改进蚁群规则挖掘算法能挖掘出规则 数目更少、形式更简单的分类规则,同时缩短计算时间,从而能够提高分类精度和效率。

[ Wu K J, Zeng Y N, Jin W P, et al.Remote sensing image classification based on improved Ant-miner[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2013,42(1):59-66. ]

马正龙. 长株潭城市群土地利用/覆盖变化遥感动态监测[D].长沙:中南大学,2011.

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