

  • 黄黎红 , *
  • 莆田学院机电工程学院,莆田 351100


收稿日期: 2017-08-07

  要求修回日期: 2017-11-09

  网络出版日期: 2018-03-02




The Algorithm of Segmenting the Prior Neighborhood of Dark Channel in the Single Image Dehazing

  • HUANG Lihong , *
  • College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Putian University, Putian 351100, China
*Corresponding author: HUANG Lihong, E-mail:

Received date: 2017-08-07

  Request revised date: 2017-11-09

  Online published: 2018-03-02

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.11172138

National Natural Science Foundation of Fujian, No.2012J05008


《地球信息科学学报》编辑部 所有




黄黎红 . 分割暗通道先验邻域的单幅图像去雾算法[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2018 , 20(2) : 228 -234 . DOI: 10.12082/dqxxkx.2018.170366


A refinement program of high computational complexity is needed to dehaze an image by using dark channel prior. It will avoid haloes at boundaries which is related to the transmission rate. In analyzing halo phenomenon at boundaries, it is founded that highly computational complexity of refinement procedures usually dehaze excessively, and the traditional methods based on dark channel prior for a single image dehazing may cause the color distortion in bright regions. Therefore, a simple and fast neighborhood segmentation method based on the hue is proposed during estimation of original transmittance. Firstly, the source RGB images are converted to HIS color space, In H (Hue) channel, differences in neighborhood of point and center point of the tone of absolute value determine whether those pixels in the neighborhood belong to the same region. Only those pixels belonging to the same areas are used to calculate Dark Channel. Then, transmission value corrects the color of bright region. When the image is restored, hue component remains unchanged in HIS color space. Only the intensity component is defogged using the modified dark channel values. Then, the nonlinear enhancement is performed. Finally, the saturation component is compensated by the color. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the visual clarity of scenes and get better color fidelity without subsequent image repairing.

1 引言

雾霾等环境常常会使户外图像的质量严重退化,使图像清晰度很低,给图像的后续处理、视频监控和目标识别等造成很大的困扰,甚至失效。以往通常采用不同天气条件下同一场景的多幅图像[1]或3D几何模型[2]来获取场景的深度信息以实现图像去雾。近几年,单幅图像去雾取得了很大的进展,主要通过一些统计先验知识或假设来估计场景透射率。Tan[3]通过无雾天气条件下的图像的对比度总是比有雾条件下高的特点,提出最大化有雾图像的局部对比度,以达到去雾的目的,但是这种算法容易引起图像过饱和,且在深度不连续的地方易出现光晕效应;Kim等[4]提出通过最优化图像对比度来快速复原图像,但是这种算法的估计不过精细;Fattal[5]假设大气透射率和场景反射率不相关,通过独立成分分析(Independent Component Analysis,ICA)来复原场景的透射率和辐射率,取得了较好的去雾效果,然而这种算法对浓雾情况下失效;Tarel等[6]利用中值滤波器来实时估计大气光幂,但是其在景深突变区域的复原效果不甚令人满意;He等[7]利用晴朗天气下户外图像至少有一个颜色通道的像素值很低的统计思想,提出暗通道先验(Dark Channel Prior,DCP)去雾算法,得到较好的去雾效果。但是暗通道算法存在3个主要的弊端:① 在景物边缘处容易因为透射率的不恰当估计而出现光晕现象;② 在强度比较大的区域(如天空、马路或白色物体等)由于暗通道法不成立,会造成图像的过增强而引起色彩失真;③ 图像需要用软抠图法进行后期修补,增加了计算复杂度,从而限制了其应用范围,导致后面又出现许多改进算法,如分别用双边滤波器[8]、中值滤波器[9]、边缘保护滤波器[10]、引导滤波器[11]等进行后期修复,提高了速度。Gibsin等[12]提出中值暗通道(Median Dark Channel Prior,MDCP)算法,该算法把DCP算法中对邻域求最小值操作改为求中值操作,使光晕现象减弱,但并不能完全消除。Gibson等[13]提出用椭圆内最暗像素的平均值来实现图像去雾;Yu [14]提出块对点的插补算法来估计透射率;Xin等[15]用数学形态学的开运算处理暗原色图像,保护了图像的边缘;Irfan等[16]针对明亮区域透射率求解有可能溢出允许值,而修改了暗通道算法。本文提出一种结合色调的改进后暗通道算法,利用色调来重新定义暗通道的邻域,克服暗通道法由于景物深度不连续造成的透射率误估计而出现的光晕,同时修正了明亮区域由于过增强而造成的色彩失真,且去雾后图像无需后续修补,降低了计算复杂度,实验结果表明去雾后的图像清晰、色彩自然不失真。

2 暗通道先验原理

I ( x ) = J ( x ) t ( x ) + A 1 - t ( x ) ) (1)
式中: x 代表像元点的空间位置; I ( x ) 表示含雾图像; J ( x ) 表示去雾后的图像; t ( x ) 表示像元点 x 处的透射率; A 为大气光,通常假设为全局常量。
He等[7]的暗通道法得出在晴朗天气下的户外图像总有至少一个通道的值趋于0,即 min x Ω ( x ) min c { r , g , b } ) J c ( x ) 0 。由式(1)可得:
t ( x ) = 1 - w min y Ω ( x ) min c r , g , b I c ( y ) A c (2)
式(2)添加一个常数 w (0< w ≤ 1,通常取0.95)是为了增强视觉效果,让空间保留一定的雾,看起来更有一定的透视感。

3 暗通道算法的改进

3.1 邻域范围的改进

暗通道法中(式(2))成立的前提是在以 x 为中心的某一邻域 Ω ( x ) (通常取15×15的块区域)内透射率恒定,但是透射率是场景深度的函数。如果邻域内包含不同景物,那么不同景物的深度可能不同。换言之,在景物边界处,由于深度不连续,势必导致透射率恒定不成立,这是产生光晕的主要原因。因此,克服光晕的重点在于如何保证邻域内只包含同一个物体,不能把深度不同的景物包含在内。虽然采用减小块尺寸(如取3×3块)可以减小光晕,但它会引起其他的问题:① 在更小的块区域里,暗通道法可能不再成立;② 引起过增强。
为了克服暗通道法在块区域内因为景物深度不一致引起的失真,文献[18]提出基于图像分割的方法,分割后的每个局部区域是由相同的物体构成,因此可以看成处于相同的深度。但是完全靠图像分割来去雾也会引起其他的问题:① 在分割后的每个局部区域里,具有相同的透射率并不总是正确的。例如,马路等平坦区域通常被分割到同一块区域里,但是它们的深度变化很大,不应该具有相同的透射率;② 在分割后较大的局部块区域内存在欠增强现象,而相反,在较小的局部块区域内存在过增强现象。
基于以上分析,把暗通道法中的平均分割和基于图像分割2种方法结合起来,取长补短,做到既可以用暗通道法的平均分割,又可以有图像分割后景深相同的特点,以克服以上述缺点。Bui等[19]采取判断邻域内点的像素值与中心点像素值的相对误差是否小于一给定的阈值来重新分割邻域,但是用此方法来确定重新分割后的邻域内是否包含同一物体并不准确。本文认为首先雾不会改变景物的色调,其次同一物体的色调一般相同,因此用色调来判断邻域内的点是否属于同一物体,更符合理论实际。具体为:把输入图像转换到HSI色彩空间,在暗通道邻域 Ω ( x ) (15×15的块区域)内,把与邻域中心点 x 处色调相近的区域归为新的邻域 Ω S ( x ) (其中 Ω S ( x ) Ω ( x ) ),即:
if H ( y ) - H ( x ) H ( x ) < ε ,则 y Ω S ( x ) (3)
式中: H ( x ) 代表邻域 Ω ( x ) 中心点 x 处的色调分量; y 为邻域 Ω ( x ) 内的点。 H 的取值范围是0-1,本实验中 ε 取0.08。故式(2)修改为:
t ( x ) = 1 - w min y Ω S ( x ) min c r , g , b I c ( y ) A c , Ω S ( x ) Ω ( x ) (4)

3.2 明亮区域透射率溢出现象的修正

J ( x ) = I ( x ) - A t ( x ) + A (5)
根据式(5)可做出 J I 的函数关系曲线图(设t=0.8, A=225)。
图1可看出,当 I 取值超出某一范围的值时, J 可能溢出(0,255)的范围。特别是在明亮区域,当 J > 255 时,通常的做法是令其值为255,这就造成了失真。为此,对式(1)两边分别求2次最大值操作,得:
max x Ω ( x ) ( max c r , g , b I c ( x ) ) = max x Ω ( x ) max c r , g , b J c ( x ) t ( x ) + A c ( 1 - t ( x ) ) (6)
I c > A c 时,由于 max x Ω ( x ) ( max c r , g , b J c ( x ) ) 255 ,由 式(6)得:
t ( x ) max x Ω ( x ) max c r , g , b I c ( x ) - A c 255 - A c (7)
t ( x ) = max 1 - w min y Ω S ( x ) min c r , g , b I c ( y ) A c , min y Ω S ( x ) min c r , g , b I c ( y ) - A c 255 - A c , τ 0 (9)
为了不使分母为0,需限制一个下限 τ 0 (通常取0.1)。暗通道法与本文算法在明亮区域( τ 0 在0.1附近,设 A 取225)透射率值的比较(图2)可知,经过本算法修改后的透射率值在明亮区域得到抑制。
Fig. 1 Relationship between J and I (t=0.8, A=225)

图1 JI的关系(t取0.8, A取225)

Fig. 2 The transmission comparison between He’s algorithm and the proposed algorithm

图2 本文算法和He算法的透射率比较

3.3 估计全局大气光

在图像去雾中,全局大气光 A 的求解正确与否非常重要,它能影响整幅图像的亮度和色彩。若估计的 A 值过大,会引起去雾后的图像太暗;相反,过小会引起去雾后的图像太亮。而有些 A 值的估计是错误的,如Tan[3]用亮度最大值作为大气光值,它的处理前提是太阳光的影响可以忽略,且图像中没有比大气光更亮的白色物体。为了克服这些问题,He等[7]选取暗原色值的第0.1%个最大值的像素点,映射到原图像中,取这些像素点的最大值作为全局大气光 A ,但是图像中白色物体占整幅图像的比例不定,所以这种方法仍然不够准确。Kim等[20]把图像的灰度级进行四叉树分割,把分割后最亮区域的平均灰度作为大气光,但这种方法仍然易把马路、河流等白色区域误判断为天空区域;Wang等[21]认为天空区域一定位于图像的上方而改进了四叉树分割算法,取得了较好的效果,但是此算法较复杂。本文采取简单的方法,认为:① 首先天空区域必定位于图像的上方;② 天空区域强度较大,接近白色;③天空区域的亮度梯度比较平坦。而在HSI色彩空间中,强度(Intensity)分量 V (取值范围为0-1)接近1时,即为白色区域。故只需把 V 分量进行大尺度平均分割(如采用45×45块),选取位于图像上方前1/4内、块区域 V 分量梯度最小、平均值最大(或较大)的强度平均值作为大气光值。

3.4 饱和度复原

暗通道算法分别在R、G、B通道对像元点进行处理,由于图像色彩的相关性,R、G、B没有同比增强,会造成图像色彩失真。由于雾对图像的色调没有影响,但会减小图像的饱和度,增强图像的亮度,因此把图像转换到HSI色彩空间后,假设其色调分量、饱和度分量、强度分量分别为 H S V ,则保持色调分量不变,运用式(8)、(5)对强度分量进行去雾处理,最后对饱和度分量进行复原补偿,这样既减少了计算量,又保持了图像的色彩,复原公式为[22,23]
V out ( x ) = V ( x ) - A max ( t ( x ) , t 0 ) + A (10)
式中: V out V S out S 分别为去雾前后的强度分量和饱和度分量。

4 图像复原后增强

V out ' ( x , y ) = [ V out ( x , y ) - F ( x , y ) * V out ( x , y ) ] γ (12)
F ( x , y ) = K e - ( x 2 + y 2 ) / σ 2 (13)
其中, K 由归一化函数决定:
F ( x , y ) dxdy = 1 (14)
式中: σ 为高斯函数的尺度参数; γ 为非线性调节系数。为了增强图像暗区域的细节,应适当减小 σ γ 的值(本实验 σ 取2-5, γ 取0.7-0.8)。本算法流程如图3所示。
Fig. 3 The flow chart of the algorithm

图3 本算法流程图

5 实验结果及性能分析

Fig. 4 Comparison between He’s algorithm and the proposed algorithm

图4 He算法和本文算法去雾结果比较

Fig. 5 Image dehazing results obtained by the proposed method

图5 本算法去雾效果

根据图像色调的还原程度取决于原图像与复原后图像的直方图形状是否大体一致,可用2幅图像的直方图相似度 d (式(15))来度量图像色彩的保真程度[24]
式中: h h 分别为去雾前后图像的灰度值; h ̅ h ̅ 分别为 h h 的均值;k取值为0-255。 d 越大,说明色调的保真能力越强。
为此,本文对图6中4种算法处理结果进行评价(熵、平均梯度、色调还原度 d 以及运行时间),如表1所示(图像大小为576像元×768像元)。本文程序是在第六代Intel Core i5 CPU,4G内存、显卡520,Windows7操作系统的PC机上运行。
Fig. 6 The comparison of the algorithm in this study with other methods

图6 4种算法和处理效果比较

Tab. 1 Objective quality assessments of all comparison algorithms

表1 目标比较算法的客观质量评估

源图像 方法
Fattal He Tan 本文方法
18.1632 25.0137 21.9613 10.4437 28.0772
平均梯度 2.1267 2.3036 2.3714 2.4727 2.5156
色调还原度 0.7325 0.7162 0.5172 0.8063
运行时间/s 5.9413 58.2260 581.1476 2.8762

6 结论


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Gibson K B, Vo D T, Nguyen T Q.An investigation of dehazing effects on image and video coding[J]. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2012,21(2):662-673.This paper makes an investigation of the dehazing effects on image and video coding for surveillance systems. The goal is to achieve good dehazed images and videos at the receiver while sustaining low bitrates (using compression) in the transmission pipeline. At first, this paper proposes a novel method for single-image dehazing, which is used for the investigation. It operates at a faster speed than current methods and can avoid halo effects by using the median operation. We then consider the dehazing effects in compression by investigating the coding artifacts and motion estimation in cases of applying any dehazing method before or after compression. We conclude that better dehazing performance with fewer artifacts and better coding efficiency is achieved when the dehazing is applied before compression. Simulations for Joint Photographers Expert Group images in addition to subjective and objective tests with H.264 compressed sequences validate our conclusion.


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Yu T, Riaz I, Piao J, et al.Real-time single image dehazing using block-pixel interpolation and adaptive dark channel prior[J]. IET Image Processing, 2015,9(9):725-734.The authors propose a novel and efficient method for single image dehazing. To accelerate the transmission estimation process, a block-to-pixel interpolation method is used for fine dark channel computation, in which the block-level dark channel is first computed, and then the fine pixel-level dark channel is obtained by a weighted voting of the block-level dark channel to preserve edges and smooth out texture noise. This technique can be used for a direct transmission map generation without a computationally expensive refinement step. Since the dark channel prior (DCP) is not valid in bright (sky) regions, they propose an adaptive DCP modelled by a Gaussian curve that produces a more natural recovered image of the sky and other bright regions. In addition, a scaling method for transmission map computation is proposed to further accelerate the dehazing method. Through experiments, they show that the proposed adaptive block-to-pixel technique is about 30 times faster and produces improved recovered images than the well-known state-of-the-art DCP approach.


Liu X, Zhang H, Tang Y Y, et al.Scene-adaptive single image dehazing via opening dark channel model[J]. IET image process, 2016,10(11):877-884.Many traditional dark channel prior based haze removal schemes often suffer from the colour distortion and generate halo artefacts in the remote scenes. To tackle these issues, the authors present an efficient scene-adaptive single image dehazing approach via opening dark channel model (ODCM). First, the authors detect the image depth information and separate it into close view and distant view. Then, an ODCM is proposed to optimise the whole atmospheric veil, in which the values of close view are regularised by a minimum channel image while the distant parts are estimated by an appropriate lower constant. Accordingly, the transmission map can be further optimised by guide filter and smoothed by domain transform filter. Finally, the haze degraded image can be well restored by the atmosphere scattering model. The extensive experiments have shown that the proposed image dehazing approach has significantly increased the perceptual visibility of the scene and achieved a better colour fidelity visually.


Irfan R, Xue F, Hyunchul Shin.Single image dehazing with bright object handling[J]. IET computer Viaion, 2016,10(8):817-827.This study addresses the shortcomings of the dark channel prior (DCP). The authors propose a new and efficient method for transmission estimation with bright-object handling capability. Based on the intensity value of a bright surface, they categorise DCP failures into two types: (i) obvious failure: occurs on surfaces that are brighter than ambient light. They show that, for these surfaces, altering the transmission value proportional to the brightness is better than the thresholding strategy; (ii) non-obvious failure: occurs on surfaces that are brighter than the neighbourhood average haziness value. Based on the observation that the transmission of a surface is loosely connected to its neighbours, the local average haziness value is used to recompute the transmission of such surfaces. This twofold strategy produces a better estimate of block and pixel-level haze thickness than DCP. To reduce haloes, a reliability map of block-level haze is generated. Then, via reliability-guided fusion of block- and pixel-level haze values, a high-quality refined transmission is obtained. Experimental results show that the authors' method competes well with state-of-the-art methods in typical benchmark images while outperforming these methods in more challenging scenarios. The authors' proposed reliability-guided fusion technique is about 60 times faster than other well-known DCP-based approaches.


McCartney E J.Optics of atmosphere:Scattering by molecules and particles[M]. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1976:23-32.

黄黎红. 单幅图像的去雾新算法[J].光子学报,2011,40(9):1419-1422.提出了一种基于单幅图像的去雾新算法.首先把图像归一化后从RGB彩色空间转换到HSI彩色空间,对色调分量运用四叉树分割法进行分割图像;分割后图像的每一局部小方块可以认为具有相同的场景深度,从而可以对每一局部小方块估计出空气光.然后再对亮度分量运用雾天图像光学模型,从雾的物理特性上去除雾对图像的影响.最后再对图像的饱和度分量进行校正,得到复原后的图像.该算法的主要优点是速度快,且不仅可以应用于彩色图像,也可以适用于灰度图像.通过该算法与其它几种算法的实验结果进行分析和比较,表明该算法能有效恢复出清晰图像.

[ Huang L H.A novel algorithm for single image dehazing[J]. Acta Photonica Sinica, 2011,40(9):1419-1422. ]

Bui T M, Tran H N, Kim W, et al.Segmenting dark prior in single image dehazing[J]. Electronics Letters, 2014,50(7):516-518.In image dehazing, the existing transmission estimators bring out the halo artefact at boundaries unless they adopt a refinement procedure with a high computational complexity. How the existing transmission estimation methods suffer from the halo artefact at the boundaries are analysed and it is found that the elaborate, high computational refinement procedure to remove the halo effect are excessive for dehazing. On the basis of the above-mentioned analysis and finding, a simple segmentation logic was embedded in an existing transmission estimator, which is sufficiently accurate for dehazing. The experiment verifies that the proposed method significantly reduces the halo artefact without requiring any refinement procedure.


Kim J H, Jang W D, Sim J Y, et al.Optimized contrast enhancement for real-time image and video dehazing[J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2013,24(3):410-425.A fast and optimized dehazing algorithm for hazy images and videos is proposed in this work. Based on the observation that a hazy image exhibits low contrast in general, we restore the hazy image by enhancing its contrast. However, the overcompensation of the degraded contrast may truncate pixel values and cause information loss. Therefore, we formulate a cost function that consists of the contrast term and the information loss term. By minimizing the cost function, the proposed algorithm enhances the contrast and preserves the information optimally. Moreover, we extend the static image dehazing algorithm to real-time video dehazing. We reduce flickering artifacts in a dehazed video sequence by making transmission values temporally coherent. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm effectively removes haze and is sufficiently fast for real-time dehazing applications.


Wang W C, Yuan X H, Wu X J, et al.Fast image dehazing method based on linear transformation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2017,19(6):1142-1155.Images captured in hazy or foggy weather conditions are seriously degraded by the scattering of atmospheric particles, which directly influences the performance of outdoor computer vision systems. In this paper, a fast algorithm for single image dehazing is proposed based on linear transformation by assuming that a linear relationship exists in the minimum channel between the hazy image and the haze-free image. First, the principle of linear transformation is analyzed. Accordingly, the method of estimating a medium transmission map is detailed and the weakening strategies are introduced to solve the problem of the brightest areas of distortion. To accurately estimate the atmospheric light, an additional channel method is proposed based on quad-tree subdivision. In this method, average grays and gradients in the region are employed as assessment criteria. Finally, the haze-free image is obtained using the atmospheric scattering model. Numerous experimental results show that this algorithm can clearly and naturally recover the image, especially at the edges of sudden changes in the depth of field. It can, thus, achieve a good effect for single image dehazing. Furthermore, the algorithmic time complexity is a linear function of the image size. This has obvious advantages in running time by guaranteeing a balance between the running speed and the processing effect.


黄黎红. 色彩空间中的单幅图像自适应去雾算法[J]. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2015,27(8):1506-1511. 为解决传统基于暗原色先验的去雾算法在景物边界处出现的白边现象,以及在天空、白云等明亮区域出现的颜色失真的问题,提出一种基于色彩空间的快速去雾算法.首先把暗原色先验值求解中对邻域求最小值操作改为求中值操作;然后根据RGB色彩空间中像素颜色深度变化正好与场景深度变化相对应的关系,引入像素最大值与最小值之差的加权来调整暗原色先验值;再根据阈值来区分是否是明亮区域,修改明亮区域透射率估计的不足;最后在HIS色彩空间复原强度分量和饱和度值,并用直方图拉伸增强强度分量.文中算法无需图像后期修补,能自适应地修改暗原色先验值,实验结果表明了该算法的可行性和有效性.


[ Huang L H.Adaptive defogging algorithm of single image in the color space[J].Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics, 2015,27(8):1506-1511. ]

黄素霞. 单幅图像中值暗通道先验去雾的改进算法[J].光电子·激光,2015,26(8):1611-1617.为解决传统基于暗通道先验(DCP)的单幅去雾算法在景物边界处出现的白边现象及高计算复杂度,在中值DCP(MDCP)法的基础上提出一种改进算法。首先通过判断RGB三颜色通道的最小值与中值暗原色的差值绝对值的大小判断DCP法或MDCP法是否成立:当DCP法成立时,取较大窗口的暗原色值作为最终的暗原色值;当DCP法不成立而MDCP法成立时,取两种窗口中中值暗原色值较小的值作为最终的暗原色值;当DCP法和MDCP法都不成立时,取较小窗口的中值暗原色值作为最终的暗原色值。然后在HSI色彩空间保留色调分量不变,仅对强度分量运用修改的暗原色值进行去雾。最后,对饱和度分量进行颜色补偿。本文算法无需图像后期修补。实验结果表明了本文改进算法的可行性和有效性。

[ Huang S X.Improved algorithm for the haze removing of the single image using median dark channel prior[J]. Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser, 2015,26(8):1611-1617. ]



[ Li D P, Yu J, Xiao C B.No-reference quality assessment method for defogged images[J]. Journal of Image and Graphics, 2011,16(9):1753-1757. ]

